
Yuleng Zeng




Evaluating Evidence


Here is an ABC checklist from openpolytechnic, with some additions from Lumen.


In-class activity

Polls on US

How well does the follow statements describe the U.S.? (Well vs. Not well) from Pew


What should democracy be?

“Democracy is under siege. Approval ratings for democratic institutions in most countries around the world are at near-record lows. The very ideal of democracy as rule by the people is suffering a crisis of confidence: If the “will of the people” can be manufactured by marketing strategies, fake news, and confirmation bias, then how real is democracy? If the expanse between decision-making elites and a mobilized public grows, then how functional is democracy? If political alienation and apathy increase, then how representative is democracy?" from Daedalus

Deliberative democracy

Citizen Assembly

Reclaiming democracy through citizen assemblies | George Zarkadakis

The Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit

Citizens, Assemble! Deliberative Democracy in 3 Minutes.

More resources

Democracy When the People Are Thinking|James Fishkin. Three problems of public opinions. around 7th min. Proposed deliberative polling at 10:20 min

Our democracy no longer represents the people. Here’s how we fix it | Larry Lessig first 5 min

How the Net destroyed democracy | Lawrence Lessig

- The willing of people and final stage of democracy 13:45 min


The evaluating evidence part is taken from Writing 250 – Writing & Rhetoric Advanced Composition from Lumen.