Yuleng Zeng
What is the argument by Giuliani? Is it valid (i.e. true premises guarantee true conclusion)?
Hate speech or free speech?
Mueller interview. WSJ video about the interview leaving both parties frustrated.
What is my take? Stephen Colbert and Christ Wallace, start from 3:30.
The interview by Lesko.
Another point.
Denying the antecedent.
Decide whether the inference is legitimate.
“[A]ll revolutionaries in the domain of thought, from Galileo and Columbus to Wagner and Manet, have been for a time persecuted and derided. Ergo, since the Post-Impressionists have provoked a vast amount of scornful mirth, they are necessarily great men.” [Art critic Royal Corissoz speaking ironically, “The PostImpressionist Illusion,” Century magazine, April 1913]
“The chief foundations of all states, new as well as old or composite, are good laws and good arms; and as there cannot be good laws where the state is not well armed, it follows that where they are well armed they have good laws.” [Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince]
Next, a somewhat more difficult example in which the intermediate conclusions are not stated:
Since values are nothing more than our own evaluations of the facts, they are not objective. Knowledge of the facts is based on empirical evidence, and anything based on such evidence is objective. But evaluating facts is different from knowing them.
As unpleasant as the current shortage is, it means we are consuming less. And so in the long run our standard of living will rise. For in order to improve our standard of living, we must save, and in order to save, we must forgo current consumption.
First, fill out the following table.
Standard_form | Converse | Obverse | Contrapositive |
All S are P | |||
No S is P | |||
Some S are P | |||
Some S are not P |
Standard_form | Converse | Obverse | Contrapositive |
All S are P | All P are S | No S is non-P | All non-P are non-S |
No S is P | No P is S | All S are non-P | No non-P is non-S |
Some S are P | Some P are S | Some S are not non-P | Some non-P are non-S |
Some S are not P | Some P are not S | Some S are non-P | Some non-P are not non-S |
Cross out cells that are not logical equivalent
Standard_form | Converse | Obverse | Contrapositive |
All S are P | All P are S | No S is non-P | All non-P are non-S |
No S is P | No P is S | All S are non-P | No non-P is non-S |
Some S are P | Some P are S | Some S are not non-P | Some non-P are non-S |
Some S are not P | Some P are not S | Some S are non-P | Some non-P are not non-S |
All S are P
No S is P
Some S are P
Some S are not P
Note that we only need to identify cases where one is true and the other is false. Two cells in the above table could be challenging for students, labelled as A and B in the following table.
Standard_form | Converse | Obverse | Contrapositive |
All S are P | |||
No S is P | |||
Some S are P | B | ||
Some S are not P | A |
For cell A, note that when the venn diagram is this:
All S are P
The standard form is true, while the converse is false.
For cell B, when the venn diagram is this:
No S is P
The standard form is false, while the contrapositive is true.
Decide whether the inference is legitimate.
“[A]ll revolutionaries in the domain of thought, from Galileo and Columbus to Wagner and Manet, have been for a time persecuted and derided. Ergo, since the Post-Impressionists have provoked a vast amount of scornful mirth, they are necessarily great men.” [Art critic Royal Corissoz speaking ironically, “The PostImpressionist Illusion,” Century magazine, April 1913]
“The chief foundations of all states, new as well as old or composite, are good laws and good arms; and as there cannot be good laws where the state is not well armed, it follows that where they are well armed they have good laws.” [Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince]
Syllogism: deductive argument with two premises and a conclusion.
Categorical syllogism, both of the premises and the conclusion are categorical propositions.
major term: predicate of the conclusion.
major premise: the premise in which the major term appears.
minor term: subject of the conclusion.
minor premise: the premise in which the minor term appears.
middle term: the term that appears in both premises and links together the major and minor terms.
No horned animal is a carnivore.
All moose are horned animals.
No moose is a carnivore.
No privately held company is listed on stock exchanges.
Some privately held companies are large corporations.
Some large corporations are not listed in stock exchanges.
All athletes are people in good physical condition.
All fitness instructors are people in good physical condition.
All fitness instructors are athletes.
No member of the Green Party was elected to Congress.
Some candidates who favor strong environmental regulation are not members of the Green Party.
Some candidates who favor strong environmental regulation were elected to Congress.
No horned animal is a carnivore. No M is P
All moose are horned animals. All S are M
No moose is a carnivore. No S is P
No privately held company is listed on stock exchanges. No M is P
Some privately held companies are large corporations. Some M are S
Some large corporations are not listed in stock exchanges. Some S are not P
All athletes are people in good physical condition. All P are M
All fitness instructors are people in good physical condition. All S are M
All fitness instructors are athletes. All S are P
No member of the Green Party was elected to Congress. No M is P
Some candidates who favor strong environmental regulation are not members of the Green Party. Some S are not M
Some candidates who favor strong environmental regulation were elected to Congress. Some S are P
Determine whether the following argument is valid or not.
“[A]ll revolutionaries in the domain of thought, from Galileo and Columbus to Wagner and Manet, have been for a time persecuted and derided. Ergo, since the Post-Impressionists have provoked a vast amount of scornful mirth, they are necessarily great men.” [Art critic Royal Corissoz speaking ironically, “The PostImpressionist Illusion,” Century magazine, April 1913]
“The chief foundations of all states, new as well as old or composite, are good laws and good arms; and as there cannot be good laws where the state is not well armed, it follows that where they are well armed they have good laws.” [Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince]
Some international conflicts arise from just motives, but no aggressive war arises in that way. Hence some aggressive wars are not international conflicts.
This section is taken from the Art of Reasoning by David Kelly.
The meeting is in room 305 or the meeting is in room 306. p or q
The meeting is not in room 305. not-p
The meeting is in room 306. q
Quantity | Proposition | Negation |
Universal | All whales are mammals. | Some whales are not mammals. |
No whales are fish. | Some whales are fish. | |
Particular | Some mushrooms are hallucinogens. | No mushrooms are hallucinogens. |
Some cats are not pets. | All cats are pets. | |
Singular | Tom is a rich man. | Tom is not a rich man. |
Affirming a disjunct is not a valid form of inference.
The child is not a girl or the child is not a boy. p or q
The child is a girl. not-p
The child is not a boy. q
First, some definition.
The “if” component is called the antecedent and the “then” component is the consequent.
Mueller interview. WSJ video about the interview leaving both parties frustrated.
What is my take? Stephen Colbert and Christ Wallace, start from 3:30.
The interview by Lesko.
Another point.
Denying the antecedent.
(antecedent) only if (consequent)
A is necessary for B = If B then A
Valid | Invalid |
Affirming the antecedent | Affirming the consequent |
Denying the consequent | Denying the antecedent |
Translate into standard forms, identify any implicit premise or conclusion, identify what type of hypothetical syllogism it is, and determine whether the syllogism is valid.
Evaluate the claims made in the following chain letter. What conclusions can you draw from the information contained in the letter? What additional information would you need to have?
This paper has been sent to you for good luck. The original copy is in New England. It has been around the world 9 times. The luck has now been sent to you. You will receive good luck within 4 days of receiving this letter.
Send copies to people you think need good luck. Don’t send money, as fate has no price. Do not keep this letter. It must leave your hands within 96 hours. An Air Force officer received $70,000. Joe Elliot received $42,000, and lost it because he broke the chain. While in the Philippines, Gene Welch lost his wife 6 days after receiving this letter. He failed to circulate the letter. However, before her death she had won $50,000 in a lottery. The money was transferred to him 4 days after he decided to mail out the letter.
Please send 20 copies of this letter and see what happens in 4 days. The chain comes from Venezuela and was written by Saul Anthony dé Croix, a missionary from South America. Since the copy must make a tour of the world, you must make 20 copies and send them out to your friends and associates. After a few days you will get a surprise. This is true even if you are not superstitious.
Do note the following: Constantine Dias received the chain in 1953. He asked his secretary to make 20 copies and send them out. A few days later he won a lottery of 2 million dollars. Andy Daddit, an office employee received the letter and forgot it had to leave his hands within 96 hours. He lost his job. Later, after finding the letter again, he mailed out 20 copies. A few days later he got a better job. Dalen Fairchild received this letter and not believing threw it away. Nine days later he died.
Generalization is a form of inductive inference in which we conclude that something is universally true of a class on the basis of evidence regarding a sample. To avoid the fallacy of hasty generalization, we should follow three basic rules in generalizing: (1) Use a sample that is sufficiently numerous and various; (2) look for disconfirming evidence; and (3) consider whether the conclusion is plausible in light of other knowledge we possess.
Logical asymmetry between positive and negative instances
Black swan
Experiments on mental abilities (innate differences or nongenetic factors)
In the Clinton section of Manhattan, pigeons were roosting on many apartment buildings. Residents in three buildings put plastic replicas of great horned owls on the rooftops. Result: no pigeons on those buildings. “ ‘The owls work,’ said Sarah Weinberg. . . . ‘A month ago we could not stand outside the door because of all this gook falling from the sky.’ ” [New York Times, Oct. 29, 1986]
“While we typically associate economic growth with technological development, organizational innovation has played an equal if not more important role since the beginning of the industrial revolution … The development of transoceanic commerce in the fifteenth century depended on the invention of the carrack, which could sail beyond coastal waters. But it also depended on the creation of the joint-stock company, by which individuals could pool their resources and share risks entailed in funding great voyages. The extension of the railroads across the continental United States in the mid-nineteenth century required large, hierarchically organized companies with geographically dispersed managers.” [Francis Fukuyama, Trust]
The following methods can provide evidence for a causal relationship between a factor a and an effect E:
Agreement Show that a is the only factor common to two or more cases in which E occurs. (Negative use: Show that E does not occur in one or more cases when a is present.)
Difference Show that E occurs when a is present and not when it is absent, all other factors being held constant. (Negative use: Show that E occurs when a is absent.)
Joint method Show that a is the only factor common to two or more cases in which E occurs and that E does not occur in one or more of those cases if a is removed while holding the other factors constant.
Concomitant variations Show that quantitative variations in a are systematically related to quantitative variations in E. (Negative use: Show that variations in a do not correlate with any change in E.)
Residues Show that in a given case where E occurs, the factors other than a explain only a part of E.
This section is taken from the Art of Reasoning by David Kelly.
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