
Location: Subbasin

Location of wells within the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin:

Location: Wells

Location of Wells #2, 3, 3Old, 4, 4R, 5, 6, 7, and 8:

Data to Date

Matrix showing data for Wells #2, 3, 3Old, 4, 4R, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Data is collected on a 15 minute interval:



Graph for well 2 showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.

## [1] "2022-06-02 10:10:48 UTC" "2022-06-02 10:25:48 UTC"
## [3] "2022-06-02 10:40:48 UTC" "2022-06-02 10:55:48 UTC"
## [5] "2022-06-02 11:10:48 UTC" "2022-06-02 11:25:48 UTC"
time_index<-seq(from=as.POSIXct("2018-03-05 10:11:17"),
                to = as.POSIXct("2022-06-02 11:25:48"),
                by = "hour")

df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = datetime, y =-DTW)) +
  geom_line(aes(color="Daily")) +
  geom_ma(ma_fun = SMA, n = 1460,
          aes(color="1460 4Y Avg"),
          size = 1.2) +
  scale_y_continuous(position = "left")+
      xlim = c("2018-03-05 10:11:17", "2022-06-02 11:25:48"), 
      ylim = c(-300, -100)) + 
    labs(title = "Well #2")+
                     values = c("Daily"=wes_palette("Cavalcanti1",n=1),
                                "1460 4Y Avg"="blue"))


Graph for well 3 showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.

Well-3 Old

Graph for well 3 Old showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.


Graph for well 4 showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.


Graph for well 4R showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.


Graph for well 5 showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.


Graph for well 6 showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.


Graph for well 7 showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.


Graph for well 8 showing data (yellow), data is collected at 15 minute intervals. Note: Change number in bottom left corner to see different averages. Ex: changing the 1 to a 7 shows seven day rolling average, changing to 365 shows one year rolling average.