Main analysis
Now we will move on to the main analysis and estimate our model.
Interaction (categorical * dummy)
interact_life_marital_gender <- lm(life_satisfaction ~ marital * gender, data = soep)
## Call:
## lm(formula = life_satisfaction ~ marital * gender, data = soep)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) maritalsingle
## 7.31190 -0.09228
## maritalwidowed maritaldivorced
## -0.34467 -0.46368
## maritalseparated genderfemale
## -0.47829 0.07093
## maritalsingle:genderfemale maritalwidowed:genderfemale
## -0.05053 -0.14084
## maritaldivorced:genderfemale maritalseparated:genderfemale
## -0.13837 -0.13604
Distribution of life satisfaction level among males and females of different marriage statuses
cat_plot(interact_life_marital_gender, pred = gender, modx = marital, legend.main = "Marriage Status") +
labs(x = "Gender", y = "Life Satisfaction")
Here we may see visualization of the model results. It totally correlates with the previous findings of married and single people being happier than the rest of the observed group. Moreover, the depicted graph gives additional information regarding gender: married and single women are generally slightly happier than male. On the contrary, widowed, divorced and separated men have generally higher life satisfaction compared to women. One of the possible reason for this may be a child presence, which often stays with woman after the divorce.
Interaction (categorical * continuous)
interact_life_marital_age <- lm(life_satisfaction ~ marital * age, data = soep)
## Call:
## lm(formula = life_satisfaction ~ marital * age, data = soep)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) maritalsingle maritalwidowed
## 7.840417 0.021497 -0.683758
## maritaldivorced maritalseparated age
## -1.082701 -1.093432 -0.009217
## maritalsingle:age maritalwidowed:age maritaldivorced:age
## -0.011025 0.005869 0.010127
## maritalseparated:age
## 0.010171
Change of life satisfaction level of people with marriage statuses with age
interact_plot(interact_life_marital_age, pred = age, modx = marital, legend.main = "Marriage Status") +
labs(x = "Age", y = "Life Satisfaction")
The depicted line graph highlights again very interesting correlation between life satisfaction and age of Germans grouped by marital status. The tremendous decrease by around 25% in life satisfaction can be seen among single individuals, similar, but not that speed pattern is among married ones (~ 11%). Notably, the changes in life satisfaction in other groups are very negligible and overall remain at the same level. From our perspective, this shows that single people are indeed less happy over the ages, they feel necessity to be with somebody else, compared to married.
Models comparison
huxreg("interact_life_marital_gender" = interact_life_marital_gender,
"interact_life_marital_age" = interact_life_marital_age,
coefs = c("married" = "(Intercept)", "single" = "maritalsingle", "widowed" = "maritalwidowed",
"divorced" = "maritaldivorced", "separated" = "maritalseparated",
"female" = "genderfemale", "single female" = "maritalsingle:genderfemale",
"widowed female" = "maritalwidowed:genderfemale",
"divorced female" = "maritaldivorced:genderfemale",
"separated female" = "maritalseparated:genderfemale", "age" = "age",
"age single" = "maritalsingle:age", "age widowed" = "maritalwidowed:age",
"age divorced" = "maritaldivorced:age", "age separated" = "maritalseparated:age"),
statistics = c("N. obs." = "nobs", "R squared" = "r.squared", "F statistic" = "statistic"),
align = "center")
interact_life_marital_gender | interact_life_marital_age | |
married | 7.312 *** | 7.840 *** |
(0.009) | (0.023) | |
single | -0.092 *** | 0.021 |
(0.016) | (0.034) | |
widowed | -0.345 *** | -0.684 *** |
(0.041) | (0.121) | |
divorced | -0.464 *** | -1.083 *** |
(0.028) | (0.079) | |
separated | -0.478 *** | -1.093 *** |
(0.049) | (0.119) | |
female | 0.071 *** | |
(0.012) | ||
single female | -0.051 * | |
(0.023) | ||
widowed female | -0.141 ** | |
(0.047) | ||
divorced female | -0.138 *** | |
(0.035) | ||
separated female | -0.136 * | |
(0.063) | ||
age | -0.009 *** | |
(0.000) | ||
age single | -0.011 *** | |
(0.001) | ||
age widowed | 0.006 *** | |
(0.002) | ||
age divorced | 0.010 *** | |
(0.001) | ||
age separated | 0.010 *** | |
(0.002) | ||
N. obs. | 128752 | 128752 |
R squared | 0.012 | 0.021 |
F statistic | 177.538 | 311.477 |
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05. |
From the first column (first regression model) of the table above we can say that if the person is married and is male the expected level of life satisfaction is 7.312. If the person is female the life satisfaction increases by 0.071. Also, if the person is a single male than the anticipated level of life satisfaction decreases by 0.092, while for a single female it decreases by 0.143. If the person is a widowed male it decreases by 0.345, while for a widowed female it falls by 0.486, if the person is a divorced man the expected level of life satisfaction drops by 0.464 and for a divorced woman it decreases by 0.602. Finally if the person is a separated man than the life satisfaction reduces by 0.478 and for a separated female it decreases by 0.614. So, from the first regression model we may see that overall females that are married or single are more satisfied with their lives than males, therefore, they are happier. However, divorced, widowed or separated males have a higher level of life satisfaction than that of females. That totally coincides with the previous results of the analysis.
From the second column (second regression model) of the table we can conclude that if the person is married the life satisfaction makes up 7.84, however, in contrast to the first regression model, this figure rises for single people by 0.021. If the person is widowed the level of life satisfaction reduces by 0.684, if the person is divorced it drops by 1.083 and if the person is separated it falls by 1.093. Moreover, we can see that if the person is getting older the life satisfaction level decreases. For instance life satisfaction for a 25 year old will be 7.84 - 0.009 * 25 = 7.615, while for an 80 years old person it will equal 7.84 - 0.009 * 80 = 7.12. The same assumption is valid for single and widowed people (by 0.003); however the life satisfaction of singles decreases more dramatically by 0.02 (-0.009 - 0.011). Unlike single and married people, life satisfaction level of divorced and separated people tends to rise over time of their life, but very insignificantly by 0.001. The second model tells us that the life satisfaction of married, single snd widowed people tend to decrease over their lifetime, while for divorced and separated people it gradually increases.
FE and FD estimators of how the marital category affects life satisfaction
FE <- plm(life_satisfaction ~ marital, data = soep, model = "within")
FD <- plm(life_satisfaction ~ marital, data = soep, model = "fd")
stargazer(FE, FD,
type = "text",
column.labels = c("FE", "FD"),
dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
omit = "Constant",
covariate.labels = c("single", "widowed", "divorced", "separated"),
omit.stat = "F",
model.numbers = FALSE)
## =========================================
## Dependent variable:
## ----------------------------
## FE FD
## -----------------------------------------
## single -0.169*** -0.100**
## (0.031) (0.050)
## widowed -0.389*** -0.749***
## (0.045) (0.075)
## divorced -0.001 -0.105*
## (0.038) (0.060)
## separated -0.311*** -0.243***
## (0.039) (0.051)
## -----------------------------------------
## Observations 128,752 104,414
## R2 0.002 0.001
## Adjusted R2 -0.231 0.001
## =========================================
## Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
From this table we may see that the immediate impact of getting single or separated is higher than the overall level difference of being single or separated. Thus, if person is getting separated or single than on average the level of life satisfaction is generally higher than if this person is already single or separated. The opposite can be said about widowed and divorced people. If person is getting widowed or divorced than the level of life satisfaction drops significantly higher than if this person is already widowed or divorced.