www.IVIM.ca/dg/ai (https://bookdown.org/gorodnichy/ai1)



  • What is AI and NN ?
  • Background
    • Video Recognition Systems (VRS)
    • Fully-connected pseudo-inverse neural networks (PINN)
  • How NN (AI) was done in the past
    • Success based on intelligent preprocessing
    • Demo: Face Recognition in Video (FRiV)
  • How AI (NN) is done now
    • Old FRiV ideas implemented via new Keras functionality
    • Good and bad use of NN: Sequencial data example
  • Vision for AI and AI scientist
    • Intelligent multilingual text analysis example

Defining AI

What's Common ?

USSR Germany USA
Cybernetics Center in Kiev Institut für Neuroinformatik in Bochum Brain Team in Google

Defining AI

What's Common ?

USSR Germany USA
Cybernetics Center in Kiev Institut für Neuroinformatik in Bochum Brain Team in Google
It's all about the same !
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Neural networks (NN)
  • Highly complex, very diverse, densly-connected, recurrent, multi-layered neural networks,
  • Plus, leveraging many other Machine Learning and Stats techniques

My former colleagues: Ivakhnenko: library(GMDH), Kussul, Reznik

What I really want to know

1980 1999 2018 2037

I want to be able to predict future

1980 1999 2018 2037
Observation Hypothesis Validation Application

I want to be able to predict future

1980 1999 2018 2037
Scientific calculators made for everyone Larger population of programmers Deep Learning is everyone's "scientific calculator" AI everywhere
No code sharing Most AI coding done in in-house - C++ language of choice AI codes reusable, modular, scalable, shareable - R / RStudio IDE of choice Full automation - AI helping built AI

"But something in our minds will always stay"

Our Objective:

To built highly intelligent systems

  • capable of recognizing, predicting, advising, optimizing,
    • bridging the gap between people and technology,
    • bridging the gap between people and people
  • through the use neural networks,
    • leverged by many other AI / Stats tools
    • programmed in AI-developer-driven IDE such as RStudio
      • interfaced with Python, C++ (if needed)
Many religions, one God.
Many notations, one AI.
"One Vision"

This is beyond Nouse (Intelligent Vision Interface)

This is about all Recognition systems

Presentation to Director of National Intelligence / Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (DNI / IARPA), Washington DC, November 2006

How did we do it then?

  • Dmitry O. Gorodnichy, Associative neural networks as means for low-resolution video-based recognition, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'05), NRC 48217.

  • "Best Presentation" award at IJCNN 1999

  • D.O. Gorodnichy, A.M. Reznik, (1997) "Increasing Attraction of Pseudo-Inverse Autoassociative Networks" , Neural Processing Letters, volume 5, issue 2, pp. 123-127,

    • Compare to: Hochreiter, S.; Schmidhuber, J. (1997). "Long Short-Term Memory". Neural Computation. 9 (8): 1735–1780.
  • Ph.D. Dissertation: "Investigation and Design of High Performance Fully-Connected Neural Networks", Glushkov Cybernetics Center, Ukraine, Kiev, 1997.

Presentation at Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence conference (AI 2005), Victorial, May 2015

From Past to Present to Future

Different terminology - same idea

  • Neural networks, Neurocomputation, Connectionist models -> Deep Learning
  • Image Processing / Computer Visions feature/edge detections –> Convolution networks
  • Attractor-based Networks Neural –> Recurrent Neural Networks,
  • Desaturation –> Regularization technique against over-fitting
  • Flood-fill processing –> "Òne-hot" coding in Tensorflow
  • All custom-made codes in MS C++ –> in R/RStudio with library(keras)

Now with much more efficient programming workflow and support !

How do we do it now ?

  • Revival of complex, fully-connected, reccurrent NN:
    • Propelled by Google, RStudio
    • Canada is doing well:
    • Many packages in R
  • They are XXI century's "Scientific calculator" for everyone

  • Trap: tendency to use them as "black box"
    • not enough preprocessing (thinking prior to running)
    • skipping understanding of the nature of the problem

Intro Tensorflow with Keras in RStudio

  • "Simply the Best!"
    • library(keras): it installs library(tensorflow)
  • Leverages R/RStudio power and beauty:
    • pipeline %>% worksflow
      • most suitable for Tensor data flows,
    • RStudio IDE and web-servers, which are designed by AI scientists themselves
  • Plenty of excellent free tutorials:

Example 1: FRiV redone with Keras

  • MNIST digit recognition is used the "Hello world" example:
# Define model
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_conv_2d(filters = 32, kernel_size = c(3,3), activation = 'relu',
                input_shape = input_shape) %>%
  layer_conv_2d(filters = 64, kernel_size = c(3,3), activation = 'relu') %>%
  layer_max_pooling_2d(pool_size = c(2, 2)) %>% 
  layer_dropout(rate = 0.25) %>%
  layer_flatten() %>%
  layer_dense(units = 128, activation = 'relu') %>%
  layer_dropout(rate = 0.5) %>%
  layer_dense(units = 10, activation = 'softmax')
# Compile model  
model %>% compile(
  loss = loss_categorical_crossentropy,
  optimizer = optimizer_adadelta(),
  metrics = c('accuracy')
# Train model
model %>% fit(
  x_train, y_train, validation_split = 0.2,
  batch_size = batch_size, epochs = epochs 
  • Extending to processing sequences of images:

Example 2: Predicting future (sequential data)

Data from Open Government -> Historical Border Wait Times:

library(magrittr); library(stringr);  
dt <- fread("http://cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/data/bwt-taf-2016-07-01--2016-09-30-en.csv")

Cleaning and selecting data:

dt <- dt[str_detect(Location, "BC")] # subset: BWT in British Columbia
dt[, Updated := as.POSIXct(Updated, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M ")  ]
dt$BWT <- str_replace(dt$`Travellers Flow`, "No delay", "0") %>%  
  str_replace("Closed", "0") %>%   str_replace("Not applicable", "0") %>% 
  str_replace("Missed entry", "NA") %>% as.numeric()

dt <- dt[, .(Updated, BWT, Location)]

Example 2: Visualized

ggplot(dt[Updated<dmy("01/09/2016")], aes(Updated,BWT,col=Location)) + 
  geom_step() + facet_grid(Location ~ .)

Knowing Past data, can we use "Deep Learning" to predict Future data ?

Your answer ?
model2 <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_gru(units = 32, dropout = 0.2, recurrent_dropout = 0.2,
            input_shape = list(NULL, dim(dt)[[-1]])) %>%
  layer_dense(units = 1)

model2 %>% compile(
  optimizer = optimizer_rmsprop(),  loss = "mae"

model2 %>% fit_generator(
  train_gen,  steps_per_epoch = 500,  epochs = 40,
  validation_data = val_gen,  validation_steps = val_steps


Looking into the Future

What's common ?

It will be possible

… to automatially deduct that

Two booksin different languages (e.g., "Book of Joy" by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, written in 2015, and "Deux Vies" by Concordia Antarova, written in Russian in 1955) are about the same…

… through intelligent NN-based text analysis (eg. RNN, LSTM, PINN).


This presentation available online: www.IVIM.ca/dg/ai

The RMarkdown/ R source of this document: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gorodnichy/LA-Rmd-Shiny/master/D/pres_AI-NRC-2018.Rmd


Contact: dg@ivim.ca (dmitry@gorodnichy.ca)