Below is a list of books written with bookdown, including those published to (books without substantial content are excluded) and a few hosted on external servers. The books are ordered roughly by date. An asterisk * after a date indicates the date is unknown, which often means a date field is missing in the YAML metadata of the source document index.Rmd. The list of books is automatically generated. For more information (including how to add or remove your books on this page), please see the About page.

Ekonometria finansowa

by Błażej Kochański


Zaczątek skryptu przedmiotu Ekonometria finansowa […] Tutaj powstaje skrypt do przedmiotu Ekonometria … Read more →


STA 444/5 - Introductory Data Science using R

by Dr. Robert Buscaglia


STA 444/5 - Introductory Data Science using R […] This book is intended for use during the STA 444/445 courses at Northern Arizona University. The book is broken into two sections based on the related course material. The STA 444 section covers basic introductory content for getting started with statistical programming in R. This course is intended for students of all backgrounds and pairs importantly with courses such as STA 570 (Statistical Methods I) and STA 471 (Regression Analysis). The first section covers details to allow students to work on basic statistical programming while … Read more →


Spatial Epidemiology Workshop

by Emily Peterson


Emily Peterson Welcome to Spatial Epidemiology Workshop! Spatial epidemiology is a rapidly growing field that focuses on the geographic distribution of health outcomes, disease patterns, and the environmental or social factors that influence them. Understanding the spatial aspects of public health can provide insights into how and why diseases spread, identify communities at higher risk, and inform targeted interventions. The ability to visualize, analyze, and model spatial data has become a crucial skill for researchers, public health practitioners, and … Read more →


eDNAjoint: an R package for interpreting paired or semi-paired environmental DNA and traditional survey data in a Bayesian framework

by abigailkeller


eDNAjoint: an R package for interpreting paired or semi-paired environmental DNA and traditional survey data in a Bayesian framework […] This vignette provides examples and use cases of functions in the eDNAjoint package, as well as more details about the model that can be fit with eDNAjoint. The primary purpose of the joint model is to use observations from both environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys and traditional surveys (i.e., seine sampling, trap sampling, etc.) to understand the relative sensitivities of the two survey types. The model uses both streams to data to jointly estimate … Read more →


数据科学中的 R 语言

by 王敏杰


This book is an overview of how practitioners can acquire, wrangle, visualize, and model data with the R and Stan. […] 你好,这里是四川师范大学研究生公选课《数据科学中的R语言》的课程内容。R语言是统计编程的第一语言,近几年Tidyverse的推出大大降低了R语言的学习难度。Tidyverse是一系列R包的集合,包含了dplyr、ggplot2、tidyr、stringr等,从数据导入预处理,再到高级转化、可视化、建模和展示。因为其代码清晰可读的编程风格,得到越来越多人的喜爱。考虑到大家来自不同的学院,有着不同的学科背景,因此讲授的内容不会太深奥(要有信心 … Read more →


Fantastic Genes and Where to Find Them

by Maria Gallegos, Cal State University East Bay


Fantastic Genes and Where to Find Them […] First, I would like to acknowledge the Genome Education Partnership (GEP) for inspiration. They created a resource for learning about Eukaryotic gene structure using the UCSC Genome Browser (Laakso et al. 2017). Their focus is on the Drosophila genome. My focus is on humans. This manual has been written for a undergraduate course entitled Principle of Genetic analysis (BIOL 310) at Cal State University, East Bay but can be used by anyone wanting to learn more about gene structure and function. My hope is that skills learned within these pages and … Read more →


Handout for Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling

by Mehdi Rajeb (This CDM handout is originally developed by Dr. Wenchao Ma, and later adopted by Mehdi Rajeb)


This CDM handout is originally developed by Dr. Wenchao Ma, and later revised and adopted by Mehdi Rajeb […] This handout is developed for Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling class (BER … Read more →


Advances in Necessary Condition Analysis

by Jan Dul


Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) is an emerging research method that is based on necessity logic. If a condition is not present, the outcome will not exist. Other factors cannot compensate for its absence. This is different from common causal reasoning where factors produce the outcome and can be compensated. The book intends to support users, readers and reviewers of NCA to better understand the method. Read more →


Statystyka 2. Skrypt

by Błażej Kochański


Statystyka 2. Skrypt […] Ten skrypt został przygotowany na zajęcia Statystyka matematyczna prowadzone przez Błażeja Kochańskiego na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Został o stworzony za pomocą pakietu bookdown będącego częścią środowiska statystycznego … Read more →


Data Analysis and Visualization for Communication Science

by morleyjamesweston


Data Analysis and Visualization for Communication Science […] This class will be the intersection of data analysis, visual design, and communication science. We’ll examine some good and bad data visualizations, and make plenty of our own. No prior knowledge of R will be required to take this course, but students should be prepared to learn a new programming language and to work with data. Short answer: Sure! Just don’t trust them. With a university email address, you can sign up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, which will let you use the GitHub Copilot AI tool for free. UZH also … Read more →


Clinical Biostatistics

by Leonhard Held, Charlotte Micheloud


Based on the lecture notes from STA404: Clinical Biostatistics. […] “Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.” William Osler (1849-1919). Biostatistics is a fundamental discipline at the core of modern health data science (Lee et al. 2019). It is the science of managing medical uncertainty and biostatistical methods play a key role in the scientific assessment of the main areas of medical practice: Leonhard Held … Read more →


BIOS 526 Modern Regression Analysis

by Emily Peterson


Emily Peterson Welcome to Modern Regression! Course Number: 526 Section Number: 1 Credit Hours: 3 Semester: Fall 2024 Class Hours and Location: Monday & Wednesday 1:30-2:50pm atCNR 1051 Instructor Name: Emily Peterson (Emily) Teaching Assistants: Yutong Liu Office hours: Mon 3pm-5pm at GCR 369 or Zoom ( request remote session via email. Course Description: This course introduces students to modern regression techniques commonly used in analyzing public health data. Specific topics include: (1) methods for … Read more →


Producing and Using Data in Cognitive Science

by Daniel Nettle


Producing and Using Data in Cognitive Science […] Welcome to the course ‘Producing and using data in Cognitive Science’. This course covers what would traditionally be included in a statistics course, plus some of a research methods course, plus some of a data science course. The basic idea is the following: to answer scientific questions in cognitive science, we have to: produce the right data, the data that have the best chance of answering our question; handle those data right, organizing them, manipulating them in ways that are transparent, storing them permanently and making them … Read more →


Técnicas de Análisis de Datos Económicos con R

Técnicas de Análisis de Datos Económicos con R

Libro de análisis de datos económicos. […] … Read more →


GEOG3915 GeoComputation and Spatial Analysis practicals

by Lex Comber


This contains materials to support the University of Leeds GEOG3195 module, delivered by Lex Comber […] This is an on-line book written to support the practicals for the GEOG3915 GeoComputation and Spatial Analysis module, delivered by Lex Comber of the School of Geography, from the University of Leeds. It draws from An Introduction to Spatial Analysis and Mapping by Brunsdon and Comber (2018) (link here) which provides a foundation for spatial data handling, GIS-related operations and spatial analysis in R. Each chapter is self contained and with instructions for loading and data and … Read more →


STAT 225 – Introduction to Statistics – Fall 2024

by Robert Sholl


This document contains the notes for KSU STAT 225 […] Bookdown is a documentation platform written in Pandoc Markdown syntax through R. You don’t need to have R or RStudio downloaded in order to access this or any bookdown document, however you do need to be connected to the internet. The document will be updated weekly with the most recent class topics, and the previous topics will remain for your personal reference. Since this is a publicly available link you could share this with others in the course. If you feel it’s necessary to do that, I encourage it. The link to this bookdown will … Read more →


Introduction to Environmental Data Science

by Jerry Davis, SFSU Institute for Geographic Information Science


Background, methods and exercises for using R for environmental data science. The focus is on applying the R language and various libraries for data abstraction, transformation, data analysis, spatial data/mapping, statistical modeling, and time series, applied to environmental research. Applies exploratory data analysis methods and tidyverse approaches in R, and includes contributed chapters presenting research applications, with associated data and code packages. Read more →


P&H skeg

by Rich Bown

P&H skeg

Rich Bown This guide describes how to disassemble / assemble, adjust, remove and replace every component of the P&H rope skeg system. I’ve owned a P&H boat for many years, and most of the folk I paddle with regularly also paddle P&H kayaks. I tend to end up fixing their skegs when something goes wrong. I also do a fair bit of work keeping the heavily used P&H boats at my canoe club in working order. This guide started as a set of notes for me to remember how to sort out various recurring problems. It’s by no means complete and it’s been created without any input from P&H / Pyranha Mouldings … Read more →


Applied Biostats 2024: UMN Applied Biostats 2024

by ybrandvain


Tour and table of contents A bit about this course and the history of this book. Learning in this era. Goals of this book. How to use this book. An example mini chapter introducing Explanatory and response variables and Types of categorical and continuous variables. An introduction to the goals of statistics and challenges faced while pursuing these goals. Goals of biostatistics. Sampling from populations. Models and Hypothesis Testing. Inferring cause Getting you up and running in R, with the ultimate goal of being able to load and look at data. Coding for biostats. Why use R?. Observations … Read more →



by MG


MG This is a Quarto book. To learn more about Quarto books visit … Read more →


Aljabar Linear

by Bakti Siregar, M.Sc.,CDS


Aljabar Linear merupakan cabang matematika yang memegang peranan penting dalam berbagai aspek teknik pertambangan. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi dan ilmu data, Aljabar Linear menjadi semakin relevan, terutama dalam pengelolaan sumber daya mineral, eksplorasi tambang, dan optimasi proses produksi. Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang teori dasar Aljabar Linear serta penerapannya dalam konteks modern, di mana analisis data dan optimasi keputusan sangat penting dalam operasi tambang dan pengambilan keputusan strategis. Dalam teknik pertambangan, Aljabar Linear … Read more →


CASA0005 Geographic Information Systems and Science

by Andy MacLachlan, Adam Dennett and Claire Dooley


The CASA0005 Geographic Information Systems and Science practical book […] Hello and a warm welcome to the CASA0005 Geographic Information Systems and Science online practical handbook. The buzzword ‘Big data’ and associated roles of data scientists have become common additions to academia, industry and government organisations seeking to optimise workflows and base decisions on factual evidence (Donoho 2017; Li et al. 2016).In response, the demand for data scientists has significantly grown, with two major recruitment websites LinkedIn and Glassdoor reporting a respective 56% and 44% year … Read more →



by 黄湘云


黄湘云 Book in early development. Planned release in 202X. 本书分三大部分,分别是机器学习、贝叶斯建模和空间分析。三个部分分别依据任务类型、模型种类和数据类型展开,不同的写作出发点将呈现不一样的写作风格。应用机器学习首先需要确定任务类型,根据不同的任务选用不同的算法。贝叶斯建模从简单到复杂分频率和贝叶斯方法介绍主流的统计模型。应用空间分析方法需要根据空间数据类型(生成机理)而定,不同的生成机理将对应不同的建模和分析方法。机器学习根据任务类型分聚类、分类、回归和排序四个章节。贝叶斯建模根据模型种类分概率推理框架、线性模型、广义线性模型、分层正态模型、混合效应模型、广义可加模型、高斯过程回归、时间序 … Read more →


R paso a paso

by Guillermo Correa-Londoño

R paso a paso

PREFACIO | R paso a paso […] Este texto sobre R ha sido elaborado con dos propósitos. En primera instancia, aportar los elementos necesarios —desde cero— para que el lector pueda iniciarse en este universo, sin que requiera ningún conocimiento previo ni de programación ni de estadística. En segunda instancia, mantener el carácter secuencial de la presentación, lo que implica que los diferentes conceptos se construyen a partir de los elaborados previamente. Para contribuir a la satisfacción del primer objetivo, se evita establecer paralelos con otras aplicaciones estadísticas o lenguajes de … Read more →


Health Metrics and the Spread of Infectious Diseases

by Federica Gazzelloni


Federica Gazzelloni Last updated: 2024-10-07 13:45:57 CEST ❗️The book is continuously being refined and expanded. This book will teach you about health metrics such as Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), Years of Life Lost (YLLs), Years Lived with Disabilities (YLDs), and others. It explains how to calculate these metrics and discusses their components in detail. You will explore the machine learning framework and learn how to apply the influence of infectious disease dynamics on trends in these metrics . The book equips you with all the necessary tools for data collection, analysis, … Read more →


CMC5105 - 수학교육통계분석: 회귀모형과 경시적 자료분석

by 최영근


최영근 CMC5105 - 수학교육통계분석: 회귀모형과 경시적 자료분석 (Statistical Analysis for Mathematics Educaiton: Regression Models and Longitudinal Data Analysis) 2024-2학기 성균관대 교과교육학과(수학) 대학원 월 6:00p–8:40p / 호암관 4층 … Read more →


Geocomputation with R

by Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow

Geocomputation with R

Welcome | Geocomputation with R is for people who want to analyze, visualize and model geographic data with open source software. It is based on R, a statistical programming language that has powerful data processing, visualization, and geospatial capabilities. The book equips you with the knowledge and skills to tackle a wide range of issues manifested in geographic data, including those with scientific, societal, and environmental implications. This book will interest people from many backgrounds, especially Geographic Information Systems (GIS) users interested in applying their domain-specific knowledge in a powerful open source language for data science, and R users interested in extending their skills to handle spatial data. Read more →


Pengantar Statistik untuk Sains Data

by dsciencelabs

Pengantar Statistik untuk Sains Data

Ebook Description […] Selamat datang di “Pengantar Statisika (Statistika Dasar) untuk pembalajaran Sains Data”! Buku ini dirancang sebagai panduan komprehensif bagi siapa saja yang ingin memahami konsep dasar statistik yang esensial dalam dunia sains data. Statistik membentuk dasar dari banyak analisis data yang kita lakukan setiap hari, dan pemahaman yang kuat tentang dasar-dasar ini sangat penting bagi siapa saja yang ingin sukses di bidang ini. Di era big data saat ini, kemampuan untuk menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan data adalah keterampilan yang sangat bernilai. Sains data adalah … Read more →


Análisis Exploratorio de Datos y Visualización

by Luis Alvarez


En este libro se estudia el análisis exploratorio de datos y su visualización en el contexto de un grado universitario en Ciencias de Datos […] Este libro cubre los contenidos de un curso introductorio sobre análisis exploratorio de datos y visualización en un grado universitario en Ciencias de Datos. El análisis exploratorio de datos es un campo muy amplio, y no es posible impartir, en un solo curso, todos sus aspectos en profundidad. Este curso, de carácter introductorio, tiene como objetivo brindar una base sólida en las herramientas más importantes en este campo, pero cualquiera de los … Read more →


Cooking After Retirement. 2nd. Edition

by Bruce Cochrane


Cooking After Retirement. 2nd. Edition […] My adventures in the kitchen date back to my childhood, and I am actually thankful that neither my mother nor my father (Vince and Jean Cochrane) liked to cook, so they eagerly encouraged my childhood desire to explore. As an adult, my family - both my first wife, the late Barbara Leyden, and my second, Alice Kahn, provided encouragement and constructive criticism where necessary. Finally, my two sons, Steven and John Cochrane, are continuing the cooking tradition - Steven as a vegetarian and John as a budding pitmaster. This book is lovingly … Read more →


Advanced Statistical Modelling

by Dr. S. Jackson


These are the course notes for the Machine Learning module of Durham University’s Masters of Data Science course. […] Welcome to the material for the first term of the module Advanced Statistical Modelling MATH3411 at Durham University. These pages will update as the course progresses, consisting of relevant lecture notes, practical demonstrations (in R), exercise sheets and practical sessions. I would recommend that you use the html version of these notes (they have been designed for use in this way), however, there is also a pdf version of these notes, which will also be updated as the … Read more →


ATE Survey Report 2021

by ernestau7


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] The Scientific and Advanced-Technology Act (1992) called for establishing “a national advanced technician training program utilizing the resources of the nation’s two-year associate-degree- granting colleges” (Scientific and Advanced-Technology Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102-476, 106 Stat. 2297, 1992). In response, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. The ATE ... Read more →


Volatility modelling and market risk analysis – course notes

by Błażej Kochański


Volatility modelling and market risk analysis […] This course notes are being prepared for the students at Gdańsk University of Technology. Dear students. For the purposes of our class I am testing bookdown ( We will see how it … Read more →


Methods for Assessing Status and Trends in Pacific Salmon Conservation Units and their Freshwater Habitats

by Pacific Salmon Foundation


This report is a living document. It will be updated as we add new Regions to the Pacific Salmon Explorer, as updated data become available, as our data sources, methods, and approaches evolve, and as we receive feedback on this report. We will update the version number with each new version of the report. Version 11 was the last version published as a static PDF (available here). To access older versions of the report, please contact Thank you to everyone who has supported and been a part of this collaborative effort to gather, synthesize, and improve access to data … Read more →



by Guillermo Correa-Londoño


MEITools […] Este recurso incluye una lista de funciones personalizadas para R (Ver Funciones definidas por el usuario), organizadas por grupos temáticos. Para descargar una función, basta con hacer clic en su nombre. La descarga viene en un archivo comprimido en formato RAR, cuyo nombre coincide con el de la función. Este contenedor RAR siempre incluye al menos dos archivos: Un script de R que contiene la función personalizada. Este archivo tiene el mismo nombre de la función y su extensión es R (por ejemplo “calibration.R”). Un manual en html de la función, que tiene el mismo nombre de la … Read more →


STAT 136: Introduction to Regression Analysis

by Siegfred Roi L. Codia


This is a book developed by Siegfred Codia for Stat 136 class in UP Diliman. […] Linear regression model; model selection; regression diagnostics; use of dummy variables; remedial measures. Prereq: Stat 131, Stat 135. 3h. 3 u. The course shall equip the learners with the foundation necessary to perform linear regression analysis. In this course, we specifically aim to: discuss linear regression modeling as a methodology built upon the theories of statistical inference and matrix algebra apply regression theory to real-life data, solve research questions, and distinguish between proper … Read more →


Distribution Theory

by Peter K. Dunn


An introduction to mathematical statistics, and the theory of distributions. […] This book is an introduction to the theory of statistical probability and distributions. This book can be read without relying on any specific statistical software, though sometimes R code (R Core Team 2024) is included to demonstrate ideas, and to discuss simulation. The callouts used in this book have meanings; for example: These chunks introduce the objectives for the chapters of the book. These chunks highlight common mistakes or warnings, about a particular concept or about using a formula. These chunks … Read more →


bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

by Yihui Xie

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

A guide to authoring books with R Markdown, including how to generate figures and tables, and insert cross-references, citations, HTML widgets, and Shiny apps in R Markdown. The book can be exported to HTML, PDF, and e-books (e.g. EPUB). The book style is customizable. You can easily write and preview the book in RStudio IDE or other editors, and host the book wherever you want (e.g. Read more →



by Marco Garofalo


Marco Garofalo … Read more →


The Jay and the Bee

by José Becerra


A JB book. In this short story the origin of JB’s logo is presented. [...] A (very) short story: In a town where life thrived in harmony, a blue jay and a bee form an unlikely connection. Initially drawn together by curiosity and admiration for each other’s unique abilities, they exchange stories and wisdom. Their tale, a symbol of unity in diversity, echoes through generations in their shared home. Original idea: JB Creative writing assistant: ... Read more →


Introduction to R and Basic Data Analysis

by federicagazzelloni


Actuarial Faculty Development Program 2024 - ACTEX Learning […] This course is designed to introduce actuarial students to the R programming language This course is designed to equip you with the technical skills to use R in actuarial science. You’ll gain the necessary knowledge to succeed in the rapidly evolving world of risk analysis, insurance, and finance. Throughout the program, you’ll discover the power of R, one of the most widely-used programming languages in statistics and actuarial science, for performing essential tasks like pricing, reserving, and risk management. Whether you’re … Read more →


Sanat Kumara

by José Becerra


Who is Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World? […] This a book about the spiritual identity of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the … Read more →


Introduction to R

by Jena University Hospital, Institute of Medical Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences, Julia Palm (


Accompanying IMSID course […] This instruction manual belongs to the course Introduction to R which is taught at the Institute of Medical Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences at Jena University Hospital. Each chapter belongs to one of the five course dates. It is written in a way that should allow you to reproduce the entire course by yourself on your personal computer. There are a lot of code examples in this instruction manual. You can generally recognize a piece of R code in this document by the grey highlighting. If the code returns a result, the result is displayed directly below the … Read more →


Behavior Analysis with Machine Learning Using R

by Enrique Garcia Ceja

Behavior Analysis with Machine Learning Using R

Behavior Analysis with Machine Learning Using R teaches you how to train machine learning models in the R programming language to make sense of behavioral data collected with sensors and stored in electronic records. This book introduces machine learning concepts and algorithms applied to a diverse set of behavior analysis problems by focusing on practical aspects. Some of the topics include how to: Build supervised models to predict indoor locations based on Wi-Fi signals, recognize physical activities from smartphone sensors, use unsupervised learning to discover criminal behavioral patterns, build deep learning models to analyze electromyography signals, CNNs to detect smiles in images and much more. Read more →


Statistical Inference via Data Science

by Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim

Statistical Inference via Data Science

An open-source and fully-reproducible electronic textbook for teaching statistical inference using tidyverse data science tools. […] This is the website for Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse! Visit the GitHub repository for this site and find the book on Amazon. You can also purchase it at CRC Press using discount code ADC24. We are happy to announce the launching of the Second Edition of ModernDive at! Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse (Second Edition) will be published as a … Read more →


Data Analysis with R

by Joseph Fox


Data Analysis with R […] R is an open-source programming language that is popular among statisticians and data scientists. We’ll be using the software RStudio to write and run R code. There are two ways to access RStudio for free. You can choose either of the following options. Download R and RStudio to your own computer. Visit and click the buttons to start the two required installations. Access Posit Cloud (formerly RStudio Cloud) online. Visit and click “Get Started,” then choose the free plan on the next page. You’ll be … Read more →


The openair book

by David C Carslaw, Jack Davison


David C Carslaw Jack Davison This document has been a long time coming. The openair project started with funding from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) over 10 years ago. The main aim was to fill a perceived gap in that there was a lack of a dedicated set of easily accessible, open source tools for analysing air quality data. At that time R was becoming increasingly popular but far, far less than it is today. The book is split into broad sections that cover common aspects of air quality data analysis. Data Import Mostly focused on the easy access of UK air quality data across … Read more →


Concentrated Liquidity Provision

by Coin Data School (


How to earn triple-digit APRs over a long run. […] For education purpose. Not financial advice. This book describes high-yield liquidity provision (LP) strategies for concentrated liquidity pools in all market conditions. You will learn Broadly speaking, there are two designs of concentrated liquidity: continuous curves vs. discrete bins. The former group includes Uniswap V3, Orca, Ambient, and Ramses. The latter group includes Trader Joe V2, Meteora, and Maverick. This book focuses on Uniswap V3 (UniV3) because it’s the first concentrated liquidity decentralized exchange (DEX) and the … Read more →


bayesQVAR User Manual

by Zhu Fengyi


This is a note on how to use my package bayesQVAR and the technical details on QVAR estimation, forecasting and quantile impulse response … Read more →



by 805


环境黑板报的文章存档 研究速递(研究动态、政策速递等) 科普讲堂(基础研究类、知识类科普等) 工程实践(实用技术、应用技术介绍等) 科苑风采(个人感悟、工作随笔、风采展示) … Read more →


A Guide to the Zeiss LSM 980 with Airyscan 2

by Tumor Cartography Core Staff


LSM 980 Guide. […] This is a comprehensive instructional guide for using the Zeiss LSM 980 with Airyscan 2 managed by the Tumor Cartography Core of the Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research at MGH. This guide is meant to serve two purpose. First, it should help any user perform imaging on this microscope without needing to have a technician present. Second, it should serve as a repository for explanations of high-level imaging concepts that relate to this microscope. Learning about and understanding these concepts will aid in users getting as much out of this scope as possible. This guide is a … Read more →


ABC en R


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] ... Read more →


Montserrat: A Spiritual Journey

by José Becerra


This book draws from the rich tapestry of Montserrat’s history and the mystical allure of the Holy Grail, we embark on a quest that echoes the timeless human pursuit of truth and transcendence. […] This book is about the Art of Pilgrimage, not merely as a physical journey to revered sites but as an inner voyage toward self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Drawing from the rich tapestry of Montserrat’s history and the mystical allure of the Holy Grail and the Divine Feminine, we embark on a quest that echoes the timeless human pursuit of truth and transcendence. In a world often … Read more →


Science Research Methods: Tutorials

by Peter K. Dunn


TUTORIALS for quantitative research in science, engineering and health (including research design, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals in common situations) […] This book has been prepared for use with the book Scientific Research and Methodology, to be used in the course Science Research Methods at the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC). This course is an introduction to quantitative research methods in the scientific, engineering and health disciplines. It introduces the whole research process, from asking a research question to analysis and reporting of the data. The focus, … Read more →



by 李喻骏


帮助零基础使用者掌握R语言的核心知识点,有效提高基于R语言的编程能力,形成扎实的R代码能力并运用于解决领域特定的问题中去。 […] 本书是同名课程的自编教材,还在持续更新当中,计划出版,欢迎使用。 本书是面向没有 R 语言编程基础的相关人员开设的,其目标是帮助学习者掌握运用 R 语言解决实际问题的能力。 R 语言作为以统计分析功能见长的一门编程语言,常常会让使用者感到比较吃力。这种吃力的原因,大体上可以分为三种:统计功底不佳, R 编程功底不佳,两者均不佳。三种情况都容易导致在实际运用过程中出现代码看不懂的情况,表现为不知道代码什么意思,不知道为什么代码会出现这样的结果,不知道这样的结果如何解读,等等。 本书希望能够从 R … Read more →


Shamballa: Outline of a Book

by José Becerra @ 2023-09-16


Shamballa: Outline of a Book […] This was the outline of a published book: A program review of the Plan for Humanity in preparation for the externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy and the imminent return of the World Teacher, a Plan being implemented by the Group of World Servers in seven major fields of … Read more →


Introduction to Statistics

by Dr. Lauren Perry


Introduction to Statistics. […] There are a lot of ways to approach an introductory statistics class. Historically, the topics found in this text have been taught in a way that emphasizes hand calculations and the use of tables full of numbers. My philosophy is a little different. This class is designed for students who will need to read statistical results and may need to produce basic statistics using a computer. If you go on to be a scientist and need more statistical know how, this course will give you enough background knowledge to take the inevitable next course in statistics. There … Read more →


CS5702 Modern Data Book

by Martin Shepperd

CS5702 Modern Data Book

This is a draft course-book for the MSc Data Science Analytics module CS5702 Modern data […] This book cover image was generated using R and the famous cars dataset1. Courtesy of Giora Simchoni’s fun R package {kandinsky} which generates random images from datasets in the style of the painter … Read more →


R for Applied Economics: A Beginner’s Guide

by Matthew Brown (website)


R for Applied Economics: A Beginner’s Guide […] Welcome to the R guide! This is an evolving document, and I appreciate your feedback about how I can make it most helpful. Please email me ( if you have comments or suggestions. I have written this guide for two audiences. The narrow audience is students in Prof. Hunt Allcott’s Empirical Environmental Economics (E3) course at Stanford.1 This website is a companion text for that course. E3 involves several data-based problem sets as well as a final project. We want students to be able to take E3 without any prior … Read more →


Aljabar Linear

by Bakti Siregar, M.Sc.,CDS

Aljabar Linear

Deskripsi Singkat Tentang Buku […] Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena berkat kasih dan karunia-Nya, buku ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik. Buku ini berjudul “Aljabar Linear dalam Teknik Pertambangan” ditujukan untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang penerapan Aljabar Linear dalam bidang teknik pertambangan, yang merupakan disiplin ilmu yang semakin penting di era modern ini. Aljabar Linear merupakan cabang matematika yang berfokus pada vektor, matriks, dan sistem persamaan linear. Konsep-konsep ini tidak hanya bersifat teoritis, tetapi juga memiliki aplikasi yang luas … Read more →


Chico Xavier

by Jose Becerra


Sinopsis del libro EN LOS DOMINIOS DE LA MEDIUMNIDAD por Francisco Cándido Xavier, con anotaciones sobre la capacitación de los psíquicos por Alice A. Bailey. […] Fuente original: EN LOS DOMINIOS DE LA MEDIUMNIDAD por Francisco Cándido Xavier. Se han añadido anotaciones sobre la capacitación de los psíquicos por Alice A. Bailey. SINOPSIS El libro “En los Dominios de la Mediumnidad” de Chico Xavier, dictado por el espíritu André Luiz, comienza con una introducción de Emmanuel sobre la relación entre ciencia y espiritualidad, estableciendo el contexto para el estudio de la mediumnidad. Los … Read more →


MGMTFT 402 - Data and Decisions

by Auyon Siddiq


MGMTFT402 - Data and Decisions. […] These notes recap key concepts from Data and Decisions with accompanying examples in R. You may find it helpful to refer to these examples as you complete the labs and cases. All of the datasets used in these notes are available … Read more →


Machine Learning: Teoría y Práctica

by victor_morales


Machine Learning: Teoría y Práctica […] Este documento está en construcción. Tiene por objetivo recoger material necesario para impartir un curso aplicado de técnicas de Machine Learning. Esta primera versión realiza una revisión detallada de aprendizaje supervizado, no supervizado e incluye una introducción al procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP). En la medida de lo posible el documento trabaja con datos de Ecuador. Además, el software utilizado para su desarrollo es R. Material del autor en R: Series de Tiempo Econometría Espacial Métodos de evaluación de impacto Material del autor en … Read more →


Índice de Condición Integral

by Guillermo Correa-Londoño

Índice de Condición Integral

PREFACIO | Índice de Condición Integral […] Las valoraciones integrales a partir de múltiples variables involucran aspectos cuya conceptualización y manejo pueden ser complejos. ¿Cómo deben valorarse las categorías de las variables?, ¿cómo ponderar las variables para generar constructos intermedios que den lugar a un índice integral?, ¿cómo manejar escenarios en los que se consideren constructos de diferentes jerarquías?, ¿cómo escalar los índices obtenidos? Este libro aborda estas y otras cuestiones, tanto desde lo conceptual como desde lo operacional, presentando una metodología en la que … Read more →


Introdução ao R

by content


Introdução ao R […] Bem-vindos à disciplina “R aplicado à Análise de Dados em Ciências Sociais” A disciplina possui como objetivo apresentar os elementos básicos dos softwares R e RStudio. Durante as aulas, vocês serão introduzidos à linguagem R, aprenderão a manipular variáveis e bancos de dados (criar, recodificar, transformar e fundir), assim como elaborar a apresentação dos resultados através de tabelas, gráficos e … Read more →


A Prophetic Vision

by José Becerra


An intriguing exploration of the Hierarchy’s transformative journey.| […] Note: A Prophetic Vision is an introductory commentary summarizing a section of The Externalization of the Hierarchy. Written by a Master of the Hierarchy between 1946 and 1949, this section envisions the externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ. For definitions of terms like initation, Masters of Wisdom, Hierarchy, Shamballa, Manu and the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumara), readers may consult my book The Centennial Conclave: SHAMBALLA 2025. An introduction to esotericism … Read more →


Econometría Espacial

by victor_morales


Econometría Espacial […] Este documento está en construcción. Tiene por objetivo recoger material necesario para impartir un curso aplicado en econometría espacial. Otros contenidos elaborados por el autor en R: Machine Learning: Teoría y Práctica Series de Tiempo Métodos de evaluación de impacto Otros contenidos elaborados por el autor en … Read more →


R语言在心理学研究中的应用: 从原始数据到可重复的论文手稿(V2)

by 胡传鹏(等)


课程bookdown […] 本电子书通过bookdown进行创建,相关代码见这里。由于文字稿来自于对课堂录音的整理,完全由本人与志愿者以志愿方式进行整理,因此,可能存在如下问题: 望读者朋友多多包涵。欢迎有兴趣有能力的朋友多多批评指正。 指出问题的方式:在本电子书的GitHub仓库的issues中开新的issue。 参与贡献方式:见下面《如何帮助完善本书》这一小节。 分享知识,向众多开源的电子书作者致敬,为中文网络世界中的R语言相关教材略尽绵薄之力。 可以参考这个英文的教程,我们暂时还没有进行中文翻译,您也可以将这部分补充,这也是极大的贡献! 可能需要的前期知识:(1) 如何使用github;(2) 如何使用bookdown。 大致可以分成如下几步: 第一,创建github账号,然后fork这个项目。 第二,将fork后的 … Read more →


Guidelines for Communicating Epidemiology and Public Health

by Genomic Epidemiology Program, Kansas Department of Health and Environment


This manual shares evidenced-based guidelines for communicating epidemiology to the public. […] You can download the PDF version of the document here: Download PDF This guidebook is intended to be a living document and will be updated as our guidance evolves. Major changes (e.g., adding or removing sections, reformatting, etc.) will be explicitly noted in the Version Log. Minor changes (e.g., grammatical revisions) will occur as needed. Guidelines for Communicating Epidemiology and Public Health © 2024 by KDHE Genomic Epidemiology Program is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of … Read more →


Scientific Research and Methodology

by Peter K. Dunn

Scientific Research and Methodology

An introduction to quantitative research in science, engineering and health (including research design, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals in common situations) […] This book introduces quantitative research in the scientific and health disciplines, with an emphasis on introductory statistics. Unlike many introductory statistics textbooks, this textbook gives context to the statistics by first covering the basics of the research design process; it connects the research question with the means to answer that question. I believe this is crucial to understanding the need and purpose of using … Read more →


Exploring Complex Survey Data Analysis Using R

by Stephanie A. Zimmer, Rebecca J. Powell, and Isabella C. Velásquez

Exploring Complex Survey Data Analysis Using R

This is the online version of the book published by CRC Press in November 2024. You can purchase a copy of this book directly from Routledge or your preferred bookstore. Cover artwork designed and created by Allison Horst. To Will, Tom, and Drew, thanks for all the help with additional chores and plenty of Git consulting! To cite this book, we recommend the following citation: Zimmer, S. A., Powell, R. J., & Velásquez, I. C. (2024). Exploring Complex Survey Data Analysis Using R: A Tidy Introduction with {srvyr} and {survey}. Chapman & Hall: CRC … Read more →


R Markdown Cookbook

by Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Emily Riederer

R Markdown Cookbook

This book showcases short, practical examples of lesser-known tips and tricks to helps users get the most out of these tools. After reading this book, you will understand how R Markdown documents are transformed from plain text and how you may customize nearly every step of this processing. For example, you will learn how to dynamically create content from R code, reference code in other documents or chunks, control the formatting with customer templates, fine-tune how your code is processed, and incorporate multiple languages into your analysis. Read more →


Applied Omics Science for Drug Discovery and Development

by ggiaever

Applied Omics Science for Drug Discovery and Development

Applied Omics Science for Drug Discovery and Development […] The lab module includes four sections: This course will cover several of the statistical concepts and data analytic skills needed to succeed in data-driven life science research as it relates to genomics and the omic sciences. For the bulk of the course we cover topics related to genomics and high-dimensional data. Here we cover experimental techniques used in genomics including RNA-seq and variant analysis. We start with an introduction to R, including data structures, data wrangling and plotting methods. We then we walk you … Read more →


Introduction to Pure Mathematics

by Florian Bouyer and John Mackay


Introduction to Pure Mathematics … Read more →


STM1001: Maths and Notation Summary

by Amanda Shaker and Rupert Kuveke


STM1001: Maths and Notation Summary […] Welcome to the STM1001 Maths and Notation Summary document. This document is intended to serve as a helpful resource for you during your STM1001 studies. This book contains two chapters. The first chapter covers the foundational maths background that is required for STM1001. While this mathematical content is assumed knowledge for STM1001, you may find this chapter to be a useful refresher of particular maths topics that you will have encountered at school. For convenience, the chapter is divided into sections based on different maths concepts. So, … Read more →



by Jose Becerra


A simple introduction to metaphyscis […] This short book is a simple introduction to the subject of metaphysics — a branch of philosophy — and how it relates to … Read more →


Linear Algebra 2024 Notes

by Rachael Carey


Linear Algebra 2024 Notes […] Welcome to Linear Algebra 2024. These are lecture notes for the first half of the first year Linear Algebra course in Bristol. Changes are made from year to year, so please do let me know if you find any typos (email These notes have been written by Rachael Carey based on notes originally written by Roman Schubert and further developed by Misha Rudnev and John Mackay. These notes are provided exclusively for educational purposes by the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol. This material is copyright of the University. For … Read more →


Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis – A Case-Based Approach

by Conrad Ziller, University of Duisburg-Essen


A book created with bookdown. […] Suggested citation: Ziller, Conrad (2024). Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis – A Case-Based Approach. Available online at To download the R-Scripts and data used in this book, go HERE. A PDF-version of the book can be downloaded HERE. This short book is a complete introduction to statistics and data analysis using R and RStudio. It contains hands-on exercises with real data—mostly from social sciences. In addition, this book presents four key ingredients of statistical data analysis (univariate … Read more →


Econometrics for Business Analytics

by Jose Fernandez


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. […] These notes have been compiled from the notes I use in my Introduction to Econometrics, Econometrics II, and Data Anaytics class. In many cases, these notes mirror the powerpoint slides avaiable on blackboard. At times, I will add additional details in the text and provide more examples. This text should not be seen as a replacement for the required textbook. The required textbook provides many more examples and descriptions … Read more →


Regression Models (Level M)

by Colette Mair and Craig Wilkie


Regression Models (Level M) […] Welcome to Regression Models Level M. This course will be taught by In this document, you can find the full set of lecture notes. We will describe to you how we expect you to use these lecture notes. For the next 10 weeks, we will have 20 lectures. You will notice that the sections here are labelled Lecture 1 through to Lecture … Read more →


Bioestadaística Avanzada para posgrados CUCS

by Edsaúl Emilio Pérez Guerrero


Edsaúl Emilio Pérez Guerrero … Read more →


A Guide on Data Analysis

by Mike Nguyen

A Guide on Data Analysis

This is a guide on how to conduct data analysis in the field of data science, statistics, or machine learning. […] 1. APA (7th edition): Nguyen, M. (2020). A Guide on Data Analysis. Bookdown. 2. MLA (8th edition): Nguyen, Mike. A Guide on Data Analysis. Bookdown, 2020. 3. Chicago (17th edition): Nguyen, Mike. 2020. A Guide on Data Analysis. Bookdown. 4. Harvard: Nguyen, M. (2020) A Guide on Data Analysis. Bookdown. Available at: … Read more →


IsoriX: Isoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using R

by The IsoriX core Team


This book is the official documentation for the R package IsoriX. […] This bookdown (a particular form of R documentation) provides information on how to use the R package IsoriX. It is not yet a full accounting for what IsoriX can do, but it contains already plenty of material that should help you getting started with IsoriX. Please consider this document as dynamic, in the sense that we will keep revising and improving it for as long as we keep developing IsoriX. … Read more →


Data Science for Psychologists

by Hansjörg Neth

Data Science for Psychologists

This book provides an introduction to data science that is tailored to the needs of students in psychology, but is also suitable for students of the humanities and other biological or social sciences. This audience typically has some knowledge of statistics, but rarely an idea how data is prepared for statistical testing. By using various data types and working with many examples, we teach strategies and tools for reshaping, summarizing, and visualizing data. By keeping our eyes open for the perils of misleading representations, the book fosters fundamental skills of data literacy and cultivates reproducible research practices that enable and precede any practical use of statistics. Read more →


HTTP testing in R

by Scott Chamberlain, Maëlle Salmon


Best practice and tips for testing packages interfacing web resources. […] Are you working on an R package accessing resources on the web, be it a cat facts API, a scientific data source or your system for Customer relationship management? As with all other packages, appropriate unit testing can make your code more robust. The unit testing of a package interacting with web resources, however, brings special challenges: dependence of tests on a good internet connection, testing in the absence of authentication secrets, etc. Having tests fail due to resources being down or slow, during development … Read more →



by Robert B. Gramacy


Surrogates: a new graduate level textbook on topics lying at the interface between machine learning, spatial statistics, computer simulation, meta-modeling (i.e., emulation), and design of experiments. Gaussian process emphasis facilitates flexible nonparametric and nonlinear modeling, with applications to uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, calibration of computer models to field data, sequential design and (blackbox) optimization under uncertainty. Presentation targets numerically competent scientists in the engineering, physical, and biological sciences. Treatment includes historical perspective and canonical examples, but primarily concentrates on modern statistical methods, computation and implementation in R at modern scale. Rmarkdown facilitates a fully reproducible tour complete with motivation from, application to, and illustration with, compelling real-data examples. Read more →


Designing Chick-fil-A Drive-through

by Yuting Yuan


Designing Chick-fil-A Drive-through […] We consider the design of the drive-through lanes of a fast food restaurant, Chick-fil-A, a well-known restaurant chain specializing in chicken sandwiches and related products. We focus on the drive-through congestion for the following reasons. Some stores, for example, Chick-fil-A in Santa Barbara, had to rebuild the whole facility after receiving numerous complaints from residents and businesses. However, redesigning the drive-through is a nontrivial operational decision that must be carefully made. This study is based on the renovation of a local … Read more →


Inequality in Austria

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner WATCH OUT: This is work in progress This is my personal learning material and is therefore neither a scientific peer reviewed article nor an authoritative textbook. With this book I want to apply my statistical knowledge using the R language to investigate social inequality for Austria, my country of birth and where I am living. I am writing this book as a text for others to read because that forces me to become explicit and explain all my learning outcomes more carefully. Please keep in mind that this text is not written by an expert but by a learner. I am using the … Read more →


Machine Learning for Biostatistics

by Armando Teixeira-Pinto


Machine Learning for Biostatistics […] In this module we will talk about model selection and regularisation methods (also called penalisation methods), namely, ridge and lasso. We will start with classical algorithms for model selection, such as the best subset selection and stepwise (backward and forward) selection. Then we introduce the idea of bias-variance trade-off and the motivation for ridge regression. Finally, we will talk about Lasso regression and some of its extensions. By the end of this module you should be able to: The dataset fat is available in the library(faraway). You have to … Read more →


Research Project Student Handbook

by Edward Stanhope


This guide is one of the many resources that students and supervisors can refer to during the planning, implementation and write up of the Level 6 Independent Investigational Project in the Staffordshire University School of Health, Education, Policing and Sciences, Sport and Science Department. […] This guide is one of the many resources that students and supervisors can refer to during the planning, implementation and write up of the Level 6 Independent Investigational project in the Staffordshire University School of Health, Education, Policing and Sciences, Sport and Science Department. … Read more →


Разработка telegram ботов на языке R

by Алексей Селезнёв

Разработка telegram ботов на языке R

Этот веб учебник поможет вам освоить процесс разработки telegram ботов используя язык программирования R. […] Аудитория Telegram растёт с геометрической прогрессией. Популярность мессенджера объясняется его удобством, наличием каналов и чатов, а также возможностью создавать ботов. Боты могут использоваться для самых разных задач: от автоматизации общения с клиентами до управления личными делами и автоматизации рутинных задач. С их помощью можно выполнять практически любые операции: отправлять и запрашивать данные, запускать задачи на сервере, собирать информацию в базу данных, отправлять … Read more →


Introduction to Regression Methods for Public Health Using R

by Ramzi W. Nahhas

Introduction to Regression Methods for Public Health Using R

An introduction to regression methods using R with examples from public health datasets and accessible to students without a background in mathematical statistics. […] This text will soon be in press, published by CRC Press. … Read more →


Data Science 2

by Mark Trede


Mark Trede In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften spielen Zufall und Unsicherheit eine wichtige Rolle. Zum einen, weil die ökonomische Theorie deskriptive und normative Aussagen darüber macht, wie ökonomische Akteure sich unter Unsicherheit verhalten und wie sie sich rational verhalten sollten. Zum anderen, weil ökonomische Modelle mit Hilfe von statistischen Verfahren an die Realität angepasst werden sollen oder ökonomische Theorien anhand von emprischen Beobachtungen überprüft werden sollen. In dem Modul Data Science 2 lernen Sie, wie man mit Zufall und Unsicherheit umgeht. Das Modul lässt sich … Read more →


The Mystery of Electricity

by José Becerra @ 2024 Leo Full Moon


Tapping the planetary energy field to harness, save and distribute clean, patents-free energy for the benefit of humanity. […] This book is about tapping the planetary energy field, as prophesied by the Ageless Wisdom teachings and envisioned by Nicholas Tesla, to harness, store and freely distribute clean, patents-free electricity for the benefit of humanity. The analogy between the Sun in the solar system and the nucleus in an atom is an interesting one, but it has its limitations: Energy Source: In the solar system, the Sun is indeed the primary source of energy, providing light and heat … Read more →


R语言在心理学研究中的应用: 从原始数据到可重复的论文手稿(V2)

by 胡传鹏


课程bookdown […] 第一讲:为什么要学习R 1.1 R在心理科学及社会科学中的运用 1.2 R语言使用的示例展示 1.3 课程安排 1.4 如何学好这门课 第二讲:如何开始使用R 2.1 要解决的数据分析问题简介[介绍我们的数据和拟解决的问题,对比R和传统flow] 2.1 如何安装? 2.2 如何方便使用?Rstudio的安装与界面介绍 第三章:如何使用本课件/电子书资源 3.1 Git与Github 3.2 项目、文件与代码的规范化 第四章:如何导入数据 4.1 路径与工作目录 4.2 读取数据 4.3 了解R里的数据 (R语言中的对象) 第五章:如何清理数据一 R语言编程基础 5.1 R对象的操控 5.2 逻辑运算 5.3 函数 第六章:如何清理数据二 数据的预处理 6.1 Tidyverse简介 6.2 … Read more →


Our Story

by cbl&qht


This is our loving story. […] 2024.01.02是我们在一起的第一天,2024.05.02是我学会publish的第一天。从今天开始我要记录我们的幸福生活啦! … Read more →


Spiritual Teachings in the History of Humanity

by José Becerra


Teachers of Humanity Throughout the Ages […] Progressive Revelation Since Atlantis It would be impractical to enumerate the relatively few truths that guided humanity’s development in ancient Atlantis; nonetheless, it should be noted that these truths form the foundational bedrock of all subsequent teachings. This compilation, adaptation and extension of the material found in Alice A. Bailey book “The Reappearance of the Christ” does not represent a comprehensive analysis or complete statement on the progressive revelation of ideas imparted by great and illumined minds to humanity. These … Read more →



by Josip Arnerić ©


Econometrics […] I truly hope you will benefit from the course with respect to the variety of econometrics applications it covers. The course purpose is to introduce a formal framework for analyzing real-life problems with actual data, enabling students to improve their understanding of when econometric methods and models should be used and how to apply them in practice. The entire course is supported by numerous worked-out examples using RStudio (open-source software for data … Read more →



by ggiaever


r4ds-ggplot2 […] This website us the ggplot visulization sections of Hadley Wickham’s book 2nd edition of “R for Data Science”. … Read more →


Everyday-R: Practical R for Data Science

by by Brian Jungmin Park


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Note: this book is a work in progress. All source code for this project are available on my GitHub, which is linked in 1.4. This book serves as a collection of R Markdown files helps users in learning the practical syntax and usage of R for data science. Mainly, code snippets and workflow aimed at tackling everyday tasks in data science will be covered, which includes data cleaning, data wrangling, iterations, machine ... Read more →


Personal Coaching

by peter_raidl

Personal Coaching

Version 0.0.4 Bearbeitet am 2024-08-21 Dieses digitale Skript wurde für die Lehrveranstaltung Personal Coaching an der Universität Wien erstellt. Die Inhalte werden laufend vom Autor überarbeitet. Zusätzliches Arbeitsmaterial und Übungen zu jedem Kapitel finden Studierende auf Moodle und sind damit aktuell nicht öffentlich zugänglich. Alle Inhalte bauen auf aktueller Forschung und Lehrmeinung auf. Die Auswahl der Literatur und die dargestellte Coaching Philosophie ist jedoch auch Produkt der Erfahrungen und Meinungen des Autors als Personal Coach und Physiotherapeut. Die Lehrveranstaltung … Read more →


Manual de Usuario Encuesta FONDECYT Nº 1231651

by I. Matías Díaz


Manual de Usuario Encuesta FONDECYT Nº 1231651 […] El siguiente documento busca ser una guía para el uso de la base de datos levantada por el FONDECYT Nº 1231651. Este manual entrega información general del presente estudio los cuales ayudarán a la comprensión de los distintos temas relativos a la encuesta, e incluye: ● El diseño metodológico de la encuesta ● El cuestionario completo con los resultados agregados ● El diccionario de variables utilizadas en la … Read more →


lefko3: a gentle introduction

by Richard P. Shefferson


This book covers the ins and outs of developing and analyzing matrix projection models and integral projection models in R using the CRAN-based package lefko3. It covers all aspects of building and analyzing these models, from life history model development all the way to the development of replicated, stochastic, density dependent projection simulations. [...] All content copyright 2022 Richard P. Shefferson This book is dedicated to the people of Ukraine, who are teaching the world every day that all people have the inherent human right to self-determination. Richard P. Shefferson ... Read more →


Data Science

by Tiffany Timbers, Trevor Campbell, and Melissa Lee


This is a textbook for teaching a first introduction to data science. […] Data Science This is the website for Data Science: A First Introduction. You can read the web version of the book on this site. Click a section in the table of contents on the left side of the page to navigate to it. If you are on a mobile device, you may need to open the table of contents first by clicking the menu button on the top left of the page. You can purchase a PDF or print copy of the book on the CRC Press website or on Amazon. For the python version of the textbook, visit This … Read more →


The Role of Forest in Mountain Risk Engineering

by Christian Scheidl


This is a students textbook on the role of forest in mountain risk engineering […] Managed in a sustainable way, forest have the potential to fulfill many important functions like soil protection, protection against natural hazards, renewable source of raw materials and energy, job creation, climate protection, conservation of ecosystems and preservation of the alpine landscape (Dellagiacoma et al. 2016). Thus, forests and specifically protective forests influence cultural identity of many mountainous countries to a considerable extent. In German-speaking countries the particular … Read more →


Reproducible Medical Research with R

by Peter D.R. Higgins, MD, PhD, MSc


This book is for anyone in the medical field interested in learning R to analyze available health data. […] Welcome to Reproducible Medical Research with R (RMRWR). I hope that this book is helpful to you. This is a book for anyone in the medical field interested in analyzing the data available to them to better understand health, disease, or the delivery of care. This could include nurses, dieticians, psychologists, and PhDs in related fields, as well as medical students, residents, fellows, or doctors in practice. I expect that most learners will be using this book in their spare time at … Read more →


Product Data Science Interview: The Bar to Get Hired

by Free sample of 34 curated questions and answers that will help you succeed in FAANG-style interviews for product data science


Product Data Science Interview: The Bar to Get Hired […] Product data scientists (PDS) primarily work on metrics, experiments, and strategy. Their impact is measured by how effectively they can influence company direction through data. Successful product data scientists need a solid foundation in statistics and A/B testing, strong intuition and product sense, and excellent communication skills. A typical interview loop (onsite) for a product data science role will cover the following topics: This free sample of the complete book provides an introduction to the types of questions you might … Read more →



by Asser Koskinen


Python is a programming language well-suited for data analytics and machine learning. We use Anaconda to install Python and JupyterLab to do the coding. The following guide will get you … Read more →


Data Science in Action

by Kristopher Pruitt


Data Science in Action […] This textbook is currently in DRAFT form and will be updated frequently. The objective of this textbook is to provide an approachable introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities of modern data scientists. Data-driven problem solving need not be restricted to the realm of advanced mathematics or expert computer programming. Data science can and should be practiced by all. In this text, we unveil the methods and tools applied by data scientists to solve real-world problems in a variety of domains. However, the content is accessible for anyone with the … Read more →


Portfolio Optimization

by Daniel P. Palomar

Portfolio Optimization

A comprehensive guide to a wide range of portfolio designs, bridging the gap between mathematical formulations and practical algorithms. A must-read for anyone interested in financial data modeling and portfolio design. It is suitable as a textbook for portfolio optimization and financial data modeling courses. […] … Read more →


Environmental Data Science Addenda

by Jerry Davis, SFSU Institute for Geographic Information Science


Addenda to Introduction to Environmental Data Science, including case studies, extending methods into more experimental areas, and guides for building packages and RMarkdown documents (essentials based on experience and methods from various sources). […] The purpose of this bookdown book is to provide Addenda to Introduction to Environmental Data Science, at to include case studies, extended and experimental methods, and guides for building packages and RMarkdown documents. It’ll serve as a sandbox for exploring methods, some of which will make it into … Read more →


Introduction to Data Science

by Hansjörg Neth

Introduction to Data Science

This book provides a gentle introduction to data science for students of any discipline with little or no background in data analysis or computer programming. Based on notions of representation, measurement, and modeling, we examine key data types (e.g., logicals, numbers, text) and learn to clean, summarize, transform, and visualize (rectangular) data. By reflecting on the relations between representations, tasks, and tools, the course promotes data literacy and cultivates reproducible research practices that precede and enable practical uses of programming or statistics. This book is still being written and revised. It currently serves as a scaffold for a curriculum that will be filled with content as we go along. Read more →


Text Mining with R

by Julia Silge and David Robinson

Text Mining with R

A guide to text analysis within the tidy data framework, using the tidytext package and other tidy tools […] This is the website for Text Mining with R! Visit the GitHub repository for this site, find the book at O’Reilly, or buy it on Amazon. This work by Julia Silge and David Robinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. … Read more →



by Հեղինակներ՝ Արմեն Համբարյան, Վարդան Անատոմյան։


ԱՆԱԼՈԳԱՅԻՆ ԻՆՏԵԳՐԱԼ ՍԽԵՄԱՆԵՐԻ ՆԱԽԱԳԾՈՒՄ։ […] Մենք ինքներս այս ոլորտում սկսնակ ենք և սովորելու ընթացքում միտք առաջացավ ստեղծել այս գրվածքը որտեղ շատ համառոտ ներկայացված են անալոգային սխեմաների նախագծման հիմունքները։ Աշխատանքը գտնվում է մշակման փուլում։ Կոդերը և աշխատանքում կատարված «Spice» հետազոտության արձյունքները «csv» ձևաչափով տեղադրված են Github հղումում, որոնցից ընթերցողը կարող է օգտվել տարբեր նպատակներով։ Հիմնական գրականությունը որից օգտվել ենք Behzad Razavi֊ի Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits է։ Ինչպես նաև հատուկ շնորհակալություն ենք հայտնում Synopsys Armenia ուսումնական … Read more →


Data Analysis in Medicine and Health using R

by Kamarul Imran, Wan Nor Arifin, Tengku Muhammad Hanis Tengku Mokhtar


Data Analysis in Medicine and Health using R […] We wrote this book to help new R programming users with limited programming and statistical background. We understand the struggles they are going through to move from point-and-click statistical software such as SPSS or MS Excel to more code-centric software such as R and Python. From our experiences, frustration sets in early in learning this code-centric software. It often demotivates new users to the extent that they ditch them and return to using point-and-click statistical software. This book will minimize these struggles and gently … Read more →


Doing Meta-Analysis in R

by Mathias Harrer, Pim Cuijpers, Toshi A. Furukawa, David D. Ebert

Doing Meta-Analysis in R

This is a guide on how to conduct Meta-Analyses in R. […] Welcome to the online version of “Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide”. This book serves as an accessible introduction into how meta-analyses can be conducted in R. Essential steps for meta-analysis are covered, including pooling of outcome measures, forest plots, heterogeneity diagnostics, subgroup analyses, meta-regression, methods to control for publication bias, risk of bias assessments and plotting tools. Advanced, but highly relevant topics such as network meta-analysis, multi-/three-level meta-analyses, Bayesian … Read more →


Analisis Teks dengan R

by Salvatore Simarmata


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Buku ini membahas tentang penggunaan R untuk analisis teks dalam berbagai konteks dan tujuan. Sebuah adegium klasik menyatakan “Kita tidak mungkin tidak berkomunikasi” yang menyatakan bahwa eksistensi manusia itu sendiri merupakan suatu bentuk komunikasi kepada sesamanya yang lain. Artinya kita sadar atau tidak selalu berpotensi menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain dalam bentuk pesan verbal atau non-verbal. Di era ... Read more →


Mastering Statistics with R

by SHAN-CHI WU (吳善棨)


Introduce the probability, statistics, and related subject. […] This is the website for the book “Mastering Statistics with R” published by SHAN-CHI WU. The entire book is written in R Markdown, using RStudio as my text editor and the bookdown package to turn a collection of markdown documents into a coherent whole. This work is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. I have written this book from very simple to extremely challenging. I think the easiest part would be understood by an elementary student. The most difficult part may require … Read more →


Fundamental statistical concepts and techniques in the biological and environmental sciences: With jamovi

by A. Bradley Duthie

Fundamental statistical concepts and techniques in the biological and environmental sciences: With jamovi

This is an introductory statistics textbook for students in the biological and environmental sciences with examples using jamovi statistical software. […] This online book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). A print version published by CRC Press can be purchased from Routledge or Amazon. A free audiobook is forthcoming. Nearly all research in the biological and environmental sciences relies on data analysis of some kind. Statistical literacy is therefore important, not just for doing research, but also for … Read more →


The Derivatives Academy

by maxime_debellefroid

The Derivatives Academy

This book aims at sharing knowledge about Derivatives. It has been written within a pedagogical approach alongside the development of exotic options pricers. The goal is to allow the reader/user to hone his theoretical and practical skills to be able to secure junior position in the Derivatives field. […] This material aims at serving the Derivatives community by sharing knowledge and thoughts about different topics in this field. More specifically, it aims at providing students and graduates with semi-practical knowledge through the use of our derivatives pricers developed entirely for … Read more →


Wenxi Fei - About Me

by wenxifei


My name is 费文晞 (FEI Wenxi), and is pronounced as (surname first): “FAY When-She” in English, just call me “When-She” [fei51 wən35 ɕi55] in Mandarin [wav] [fi231 vən223 ɕi44] in Suzhou Wu [wav] Contact: richabufei[at]gmail[dot]com or see contact Born in Suzhou, I am currently a PhD student at the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). My supervisor is Dr. Yu-Yin Hsu. My research mainly focuses on perception and production of speech prosody, and I use interdisciplinary approaches, including acoustic analysis, psychological, and neuroimaging … Read more →


Detecting flowering events of pollen-producing plants with high spatial resolution imagery

by Yiluan Song


Detecting flowering events of pollen-producing plants with high spatial resolution imagery […] Show session … Read more →


Mengfei NeuroBook

by Mengfei Cai

Mengfei NeuroBook

Neuroimaging is fun -:) […] Welcome to Mengfei’s NeuroBook. I am Mengfei Cai and obtained my PhD degree from Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) on 19th April, 2022, supervised by Prof. FrankErik de Leeuw, Prof. Marco Duering, and Dr. Anil Man Tuladhar. My Doctorate dissertation was entitled “Temporal dynamics of cerebral small vessel disease: A motor perspective”, with the aim to investigate how cerebral small vessel disease is involved into the motor functioning based on the well-known RUN DMC prospective cohort study. Temporal dynamics of cerebral small vessel disease: A motor … Read more →


Z’s Time

by longrui


This book is an overview of how practitioners can acquire, wrangle, visualize, and model data with the R and Stan. […] 沧海桑田,追忆华年。 平凡普通,历经半生,使用过纸质作业本、百度空间、百度贴吧、QQ空间、校内网、微博、简书、豆瓣网、朋友圈来记录当时的事件和心情,点点滴滴,飘零四散,这些一去不复返的时光,是自己独一无二的珍贵记忆,现使用bookdown收集整理,在虚拟时空中留下烙印,以便个人追忆,不在未来迷失自己。 … Read more →


Interpretable Machine Learning

by Christoph Molnar


Machine learning algorithms usually operate as black boxes and it is unclear how they derived a certain decision. This book is a guide for practitioners to make machine learning decisions interpretable. […] Machine learning has great potential for improving products, processes and research. But computers usually do not explain their predictions which is a barrier to the adoption of machine learning. This book is about making machine learning models and their decisions interpretable. Take the Survey After exploring the concepts of interpretability, you will learn about simple, interpretable … Read more →


Introductory predictive analytics and machine learning in education and healthcare

by Anshul Kumar


This textbook accompanies the course HE-930 in the PhD in HPEd program at MGH Institute of Health Professions. This book introduces students to basic predictive analytics and machine learning, with examples and applications related to education and healthcare. […] This textbook accompanies the course HE-930—Statistics/Predictive Analytics for Health Professions Education—in the PhD in HPEd program at MGH Institute of Health Professions. HE-930 is a data analytics course that introduces students to basic predictive analytics (PA) and machine learning (ML), with examples and applications … Read more →


Time Series



Personal note for Time Series … Read more →


Auxiliary Material- Mathematics for Computer and Information Sciences

by KTU- CSE & Allied BoS


Teachers manual for teaching Mathematics for CSE students to meet the objectives of 2024 curriculum […] Welcome to a transformative journey through the mathematical foundations essential for modern computer and information science. This auxiliary material is tailored for B.Tech. Computer Science students as part of the 2024 curriculum introduced by APJAKTU, which is at the forefront of revolutionizing engineering education in Kerala to meet international standards. APJAKTU’s initiatives are designed to align its programs with global benchmarks, ensuring our graduates are well-equipped for … Read more →



by Berry Boessenkool,


rdwd is an R package to handle data from the German Weather Service (DWD). This website has 3 main sections: Important links: The remainder of this intro chapter is a copy of the github README file. rdwd is an R package to select, download and read climate data from the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD). The DWD provides thousands of datasets with weather observations online at Since May 2019, rdwd also supports reading the Radolan (binary) raster data at grids_germany. rdwd is available on CRAN: It has been presented at FOSDEM 2017 and UseR!2017 in Brussels and … Read more →


Relatório Velocidades

by Arthur Hideio Noguti


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Esse documento possui a finalidade de transmitir meus pensamentos sobre o que foi feito em R no relatório de velocidades e também serve como uma forma de treinamento para minhas habilidades em markdown Esse documento está dividido em 5 partes, sendo elas: Algumas bases de dados serão importadas pelo GitHub do ONSV, entretando a base de dados que representa a quantidade de radares com suas características e da extensão ... Read more →


Cognitive Foundations

by Edited by Celeste Pilegard

Cognitive Foundations

Cognitive Foundations is a free, open, collaboratively-authored textbook. It is an introduction to cognitive psychology written at the foundational level. This collaborative OER book project represents the work of dozens of authors and collaborators. The first edition brought multiple open texts together, edited into a single book with a consistent voice and formatting. For the second edition, a team of content experts reviewed and updated the materials. Read more →


Regression and Analysis of Variance

by Trevor Hefley


Course notes for Regression and Analysis of Variance (STAT 705) at Kansas State University for Summer 2024 […] This document contains the course notes for Regression and Analysis of Variance at Kansas State University (STAT 705). During the semester we will cover the basics such as regression and ANOVA modeling, parameter estimation, model checking, inference, and prediction. We may also cover modern topics such as regularization, random effects, generalized linear models, machine learning approaches, and Bayesian regression and … Read more →


Responsible applied statistics in R for behavioral and health data

by Anshul Kumar


This textbook accompanies the course HE-902 in the PhD in HPEd program at MGHIHP ( HE-902 is a statistics course that equips students to analyze healthcare or behavioral data in R. […] Welcome to HE-902 at MGH Institute of Health Professions! Please watch the following welcome video: This video can be viewed externally at Please additionally read the following items: This textbook accompanies the course HE-902—Advanced Statistical Modeling for Health Professions Education—in the PhD in HPEd program at MGH Institute of Health … Read more →



by kakoste


Zagrebačka 30, Pula Petračićeva 4, 10000 Zagreb … Read more →


R Development Guide

by R Contribution Working Group

R Development Guide

This guide is a comprehensive resource for contributing to base R for both new and experienced contributors. … Read more →


Using MetaHD: A multivariate meta-analysis model for metabolomics data

by Jayamini C. Liyanage, Luke Prendergast, Robert Staudte and Alysha De Livera


MetaHD is an R package that performs multivariate meta-analysis for high-dimensional metabolomics data for integrating and collectively analysing individual-level metabolomics data generated from multiple studies as well as for combining summary estimates. This approach accounts for correlation between metabolites, considers variability within and between studies, handles missing values and uses shrinkage estimation to allow for high dimensionality. Read more →


Bayesian Modeling for Agricultural Data

by Trevor Hefley, Josefina Lacasa, Francisco Palmero


Workshop notes on Bayesian Modeling for Agricultural Data […] This document contains the notes for the workshop on Bayesian Modeling for Agricultural Data offered at Kansas State University for the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture held on July 21, … Read more →


Introdução ao R

by eugeniadoria


Bem-vindos ao Curso de Introdução ao R do MQ da FAFICH-UFMG! O curso possui como objetivo apresentar os elementos básicos dos softwares R e RStudio. Durante as aulas, vocês serão introduzidos à linguagem R, aprenderão a realizar operações básicas, criar objetos, importar e exportar dados, manipular dados e criar visualizações impactantes. O curso será ministrado em 5 aulas de 3 horas cada, onde apresentaremos conceitos fundamentais, exemplos práticos e exercícios de fixação para garantir o aprendizado efetivo. Nosso foco será no aprendizado dos princípios básicos do R, com ênfase na … Read more →


Ordinary Differential Equation Modelling with ‘ecode’

by Haoran Wu, Chen Peng


ecode, a novel package for modelling ecological populations and communities using ordinary differential equation systems, designed with a user-friendly framework. By following a three-cycle procedure, users can easily construct ecological models and explore their behaviors through a wide range of graphical, analytical, and numerical techniques. The package incorporates advanced techniques such as grid search methods and simulated annealing algorithms, enabling users to iteratively refine their models and achieve accurate predictions. Notably, ecode minimises external dependencies, ensuring … Read more →



by Joey Yu Hsu


math on bookdown started on 2024/01/28 Joey Yu Hsu, MD “If you are doing research, you may not get a bunch of money but $$.” by Joey Yu Hsu, … Read more →


Ciência de Dados Aplicada à Controladoria

by Prof. Marcelo Chaves de Jesus


Os capítulos a seguir apresentam os resultados das pesquisas realizadas pelos alunos e pelas alunas da disciplina durante o primeiro semestre de 2024. […] Durante o semestre letivo, após a apresentação dos conteúdos relacionados com a Ciência de Dados, a turma foi desafiada a realizar a análise de uma questão de pesquisa à escolha e elaborar um relatório em R Markdown. Cada grupo procedeu a definição da questão de pesquisa, a escolha e seleção dos dados necessários e, com a ajuda do professor, a elaboração dos scripts de análise. À vista dos resultados elaboraram um relatório, contando com … Read more →


Statistical Tools for Causal Inference

by Sylvain Chabé-Ferret


This is an open source collaborative book. […] Tools of causal inference are the basic statistical building block behind most scientific results. It is thus extremely useful to have an open source collectively aggreed upon resource presenting and assessing them, as well as listing the current unresolved issues. The content of this book covers the basic theoretical knowledge and technical skills required for implementing staistical methods of causal inference. This means: This book is geared for teaching causal inference to graduate students that want to apply statistical tools of causal … Read more →


คู่มือการใช้งาน EXCEL เบื้องต้นสำหรับนักศึกษาเศรษฐศาสตร์

by อ.ดร. สมศักดิ์ จันทร์เอม

คู่มือการใช้งาน EXCEL เบื้องต้นสำหรับนักศึกษาเศรษฐศาสตร์

อ.ดร. สมศักดิ์ จันทร์เอม เอกสารนี้ ถูกจัดทำเพื่อใช้สำหรับการจัด workshop ให้กับนักศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรี คณะเศรษฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ จำนวนสองกลุ่ม ในวันที่ 10 และ 17 กรกฎาคม 2567 เพื่อได้มีความเข้าใจในการใช้งาน EXCEL เบื้องต้น ภายใต้เงื่อนไขดังต่อไปนี้ คู่มือ EXCEL เล่มนี้ใช้ office365 โดยตรวจสอบการอัพเดพล่าสุดคือ กรกฎาคม 2567 คู่มือนี้สามารถใช้งานบน EXCEL ที่ติดตั้งในระบบปฏิบัติการณ์ WINDOWS 11 โดยจะนำเสนอการใช้งานที่จำเป็นสำหรับการเรียนในมหาวิทยาลัย การฝึกงาน และพื้นฐานสำหรับการต่อยอดในอนาคตด้วยตนเอง โดยจะเสนอในรูปแบบของปัญหาการใช้งาน EXCEL หรือปัญหาต่างๆ ที่พบเจอได้บ่อยในการทำงาน ถ้านักศึกษาหรือผู้ผ่านมาพบเอกสารนี้คำแนะนำ มีข้อติชม หรือคำแนะนำเพื่อปรับปรุงนี้ครั้งต่อๆไปจะเป็นประโยชน์ต่อนักศึกษาในรุ่นต่อๆ … Read more →


Applied Data Visualization

by Paul C. Bauer


Paul C. Bauer … Read more →


Machine Learning for Biostatistics

by Armando Teixeira-Pinto & Jaroslaw Harezlak


Machine Learning for Biostatistics […] Supervised learning, in machine learning, refers to methods that are applied when we want to estimate the function (f(X)) that relates a group of predictors (X) to a measured outcome (Y). Unsupervised learning refers to methods that learn from the data but there is no observed outcome. In this module, we will cover several unsupervised learning methods, namely principal components analysis, k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering. By the end of this module you should be able to: The dataset fat is available in the library(faraway). You have to … Read more →


Regression Modelling for Biostatistics 1

by Schlub T, Heritier S, Teixeira-Pinto A


Schlub T, Heritier S, Teixeira-Pinto A The following chapters include notes, videos, R and Stata code, required readings, and exercises for the BCA unit RM1 (Regression Modelling for Biostatistics 1). These pages were generated with Quarto On the left menu you have the topics that correspond roughly to the weekly modules. On the right side you should see the subtopics in the current topic. Make sure that you have access to Regression Methods in Biostatistics book by Vittinghoff et al. You should be able to obtain a digital copy of the book from the library of your … Read more →


Machine Learning for Biostatistics

by Jaroslaw Harezlak & Armando Teixeira-Pinto


Machine Learning for Biostatistics […] This module will cover methods to explore non-linear effects of numerical predictors on the outcome. By the end of this module you should be able to: The dataset triceps is available in the MultiKink package. You may install.packages(“MultiKink”), load the library (library(MultiKink)) and then run data(“triceps”). The data are derived from an anthropometric study of 892 females under 50 years in three Gambian villages in West Africa. There are 892 observations on the following 3 variables: The data SA_heart.csv is retrospective sample of males in a … Read more →


ECON 21020 Lecture Notes

by Melissa Tartari


These are the lectures note for UChicago’s course ECON 21020 ‘Econometrics.’ […] This document contains the course notes for ECON 21020 ‘Econometrics’ at the University of Chicago, taught by Melissa Tartari. This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to … Read more →


TDX 運輸資料介接指南

by Chia-Jung (Robert) Yeh 葉家榮 PhD: Insitute of Transport and Logistics Studies, USYD M.S.: Department of Transportation and Logistics Management, NYCU


運輸資料涵蓋範圍廣泛,如公共運輸資料、交通流量資料、社會經濟資料等,皆儲存於不同的資料庫中,故本套件旨在整合各界資源,透過簡單的函式介接資料,以期提升運輸領域研究的資料蒐集效率。 本網站內容另請參照<地理資訊系統與空間運算:R軟體應用>(五南)一書「CHAPTER 05 運輸資料介接與應用」。 運輸資料流通服務平臺運輸資料流通服務平臺(Transport Data eXchange, TDX)係透過 Open API 建立運輸領域開放資料服務,並將大部分運輸資料整合為一,以利使用者自單一介面尋找各類型運輸資料,其中包括公共運輸、路況資訊、停車資訊、觀光資訊、GIS 圖資、道路編碼、地理編碼、事故資料等服務。其中公共運輸資料所涵蓋運具泛及軌道運輸(臺鐵、高鐵、 … Read more →


R 语言数据分析实战

by 黄湘云

R 语言数据分析实战

黄湘云 Book in early development. Planned release in 2024. 本书初稿是在 RStudio IDE 内使用 Quarto 编辑的,Quarto 是继R Markdown之后,一个新的开源的科学和技术发布系统,它基于 Pandoc支持输出多种格式的书稿,比如 HTML 网页、EPUB 电子书、DOCX 文档和 PDF 便携式文档等。Quarto 吸收了过去 10 年 R Markdown 取得的经验和教训,在书籍写作、创建博客、制作简历和幻灯片等系列场景中支持更加统一的使用语法,一份源文档输出多种格式,使文档内容在不同场景中的迁移成本更低。了解更多 Quarto 特性,请访问。 书中的代码字体采用美观的 Source Code Pro 字体, 为方便跨操作系统编译书籍电子版,正文的中文字体采用 … Read more →



by tigerstatdoc


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Previously the genie allowed for repeated diagnoses… now the genie wants to think about chornic ... Read more →


Introducción a R para el razonamiento cuantitativo con datos

by Rodolfo Carvajal, Marcos Goycoolea (editores)


Introducción a R para el razonamiento cuantitativo con datos […] Este texto es el apunte de R usado en los cursos de Razonamiento Cuantitativo con Datos (RCD), de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Este curso tiene como objetivo desarrollar en sus alumnos la capacidad de extraer información a partir de datos; resumir esta información, comunicarla de manera efectiva, y usarla para predecir y tomar decisiones. Esto pasa por desarrollar una forma de pensar, así como por aprender a usar las tecnologías de visualización, análisis y manipulación de datos masivos más importantes en aplicaciones … Read more →


Analysing Data using Linear Models

by Stéphanie M. van den Berg


This is the data analysis textbook used for study programmes at the faculty of BMS at the University of Twente. […] This book is for bachelor students in social, behavioural and management sciences that want to learn how to analyse their data, with the specific aim to answer research questions. The book has a practical take on data analysis: how to do it, how to interpret the results, and how to report the results. All techniques are presented within the framework of linear models: this includes simple and multiple regression models, linear mixed models and generalised linear models. This … Read more →


All of Us Resources - In Progress

by yesols


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a collection of resources to assist you in using All of Us data in your research project. This is a work in progress. Feel free to email me with suggestions or ... Read more →


An Introduction to Interaction Effects in SEMs using modsem

by Kjell S Slupphaug


Kjell S Slupphaug This is a book written using quarto. It is meant as an introduction to estimating latent interactions using the modsem package. See the repo at GitHub, and the documentation. The modsem package allows you to use a wide variety of methods for estimating latent interactions. The modsem package is mainly a package for using different product indicator based approached, but it also allows you to use the latent moderated structural equations approach (LMS) and Quasi Maximum Likelihood (QML) approach. To install modsem: Note: The code examples shown here will always be run using … Read more →


An Introduction to R for Research

by Ramzi W. Nahhas


This text was written to provide Wright State University MPH students an introduction to the R programming language for use in research. […] This online book was written to provide Wright State University MPH students an introduction to the R programming language for use in research. The datasets used in this text are not being made publicly available. If you are using this material as part of a Wright State University course or tutorial, datasets will be provided to you by the instructor or in your learning management system. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact … Read more →



by Prof. Dr. Armin Eichinger


Inhalte zur Themen der Entscheidungsergonomie und des Behavioural Design HTML output Format: bookdown::gitbook (_output.yml) [...] Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie Inhalte zum Thema Entscheidungsergonomie (ein englischer Begriff mit ähnlichem inhaltlichen Gehalt ist etwa Behavioral Design). Die ursprüngliche Zielgruppe des Dokuments sind Studierende im gleichnamigen Kompetenzfeld der Angewandten Wirtschaftspsychologie der TH Deggendorf. Ich plane aber, inhaltliche Teilbereiche auch in anderen Veranstaltungen einzusetzen; beispielsweise als Wahlfach in IT-Studiengängen. Eigentlich ... Read more →


An R Companion to Applied Regression

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner I have finished until chapter 3. Currently I am working on section 4.2 “Multiple linear regression”. WATCH OUT: This is my personal learning material and is therefore neither an accurate replication nor an authoritative textbook. I am writing this book as a text for others to read because that forces me to become explicit and explain all my learning outcomes more carefully. Please keep in mind that this text is not written by an expert but by a learner. Text passages with content I am already familiar I have skipped. Section of the original text where I needed more in-depth … Read more →



by 黄湘云


黄湘云 本书是《现代统计图形》(赵鹏, 谢益辉, 和 黄湘云 2021) 的后续第二版,尚处于草创阶段。 书中的代码字体采用美观的 Source Code Pro 字体, 为方便跨操作系统编译书籍电子版,正文的中文字体采用开源的 fandol 字体。 而本书图形中使用的 Noto 系列中英文字体来自 Google Fonts 字体库,分别是 Noto Sans 无衬线英文字体和 Noto Serif SC 宋体中文字体。 图 1 中的左、右子图分别展示 Base R 和 ggplot2 (Wickham 2016) 图形中中英文字体的效果。在图形中调用中文字体分两步走,先使用 sysfonts 包获取并注册 Noto 相关字体,然后在绘图的时候指定字体,并在代码块选项中启用 fig.showtext = TRUE,这样就能在 R Markdown … Read more →


Draft of Jamovi Manual Thai version

by สมศักดิ์ จันทร์เอม

Draft of Jamovi Manual Thai version

สมศักดิ์ จันทร์เอม โปรแกรม Jamovi เป็นโปรแกรมวิเคราะห์ทางสถิตสำหรับข้อมูลที่ไม่ใช่อนุกรมเวลา ใช้งานง่าย และไม่เสียค่าใช้จ่าย และเหมาะสมอย่างยิ่งที่จะนำมาใช้ทดแทนโปรแกรมสถิติราคาแพง และเกินความจำเป็นสำหรับการเรียนการสอนสถิติระดับมัธยมจนถึงปริญญาตรี รวมถึงการวิจัยในระดับบัณฑิตศึกษา ในทัศนะของข้าพเจ้าไม่มีโปรแกรมสถิติฟรีใดที่จะใช้ง่ายไปกว่าโปรแกรม Jamovi อีกแล้ว การจัดทำหนังสือเล่มนี้ ผู้เขียนทำขึ้นเพื่อไว้ใช้สำหรับการอบรมการใช้โปรแกรมเสรีสำหรับการทำวิจัย (The open source for research) ที่ในอนาคตจะประกอบไปด้วยโปรแกรม Jamovi Gretl Orange Data Mining และการใช้งานโปรแกรมอาร์ (R) ระดับกลางและสูง โดยศูนย์ความเป็นเลิศเศรษฐมิติ (Center of Excellence in Econometrics-CEE) คณะเศรษฐศาสตร์ หรือวิทยาลัยนานาชาตินวัตกรรมดิจิทัล … Read more →


Prediction and Feature Assessment

by Nicolas Städler

 Prediction and Feature Assessment

Script for Analysis of High-Dimensional Data […] Prediction and Feature Assessment This script was written for the course on Analysis of High-Dimensional Data held at the University of Bern and the ETH Zurich. Much of the content is based on the book from Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman (2001). The course has a focus on applications using R (R Core Team 2023). All data sets used throughout the script can be downloaded from github. What are high-dimensional data and what is high-dimensional statistics? The Statistics Department of the University of California, Berkeley summarizes it as … Read more →


Succes reproducteur des femelles ours noir au Québec

by Sarah


Maitrise […] Hypothèse 1 Hypothèse 2 Hypothèse 3 … Read more →


Data Science 1

by Mark Trede


Mark Trede Wirtschaftswissenschaften sind empirische Wissenschaften. Es geht immer um die reale Welt. Damit wir etwas über die reale Welt lernen können, brauchen wir Daten. Im Modul Data Science 1 lernen Sie, wie man mit Daten arbeitet. Die Kenntnisse aus diesem Modul werden für Sie sowohl im Laufe Ihres Studiums als auch darüber hinaus wertvoll sein. Das gilt nicht nur für Tätigkeiten in der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der Praxis. Natürlich ist Data Science ohne den Einsatz von Computern nicht möglich. Sie werden in diesem Modul lernen, wie man mit Hilfe von Computersoftware die Daten … Read more →



by tigerstatdoc


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Previously the genie allowed for repeated diagnoses… now the genie wants to think about chornic ... Read more →


Text Mining for Social Sciences (Summer 2024)

by Felix Lennert


Felix Lennert Dear student, if you read this script, you are either participating in one of my courses on digital methods for the social sciences, or at least interested in this topic. If you have any questions or remarks regarding this script, hit me up at This script will introduce you to two techniques I regard as elementary for any aspiring (computational) social scientist: the collection of digital trace data via either scraping the web or acquiring data from application programming interfaces (APIs) and the analysis of text in an automated fashion (text mining). … Read more →


Fundamentos de Ecologia Numérica

by Prof. Elvio S. F. Medeiros, Laboratório de Ecologia, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campus V, João Pessoa, PB


…. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Este é um site experimental da disciplina de graduação de Ecologia Numérica do Curso de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. O site experimental da disciplina de Ecologia Numérica da UEPB é uma plataforma criada com o objetivo de apresentar exemplos didáticos aos alunos, explorando diferentes conceitos e técnicas utilizadas na análise de dados em Ecologia. É importante destacar que os exemplos apresentados no site podem conter imprecisões ou códigos demasiado extensos (aparentemente desnecessários para um … Read more →



by Jaroslava Kankova


This is an online resource developed to support students attending the UE STADA class at the University of Vienna, Austria. You can use the chapter overview on the left to skip through the content. In this session, we will answer the following questions: R is a programming language used mostly for statistical computing and data visualization. Why are we using R and not other software such as SPSS? In this class we will be working in RStudio. The following picture illustrates the difference between R and RStudio: R as the Engine: RStudio as the dashboard: Just as a car needs both an engine and a … Read more →


gibbonR: An R package for the automated detection and classification of female gibbon calls from long-term acoustic recordings

by Dena J. Clink


gibbonR: An R package for the automated detection and classification of female gibbon calls from long-term acoustic recordings […] You can install the development version from GitHub … Read more →


Documentary of Statistics Using R

by Novia Permatasari


This is personal documentation of R usage in Statistics. […] Welcome to my personal documentation on the usage of R in Statistics. I’ve compiled this bookdown with the hope that it will be useful to anyone in need, whether in theory or practice. Some parts are currently blank but will be filled in as time … Read more →



by Lingxiao HE


This is a textbook for a quick start on data analysis in R. […] R下载链接:点击任意站点,进入后,选择下载与操作系统匹配的R软件。 RStudio下载链接 练习题链接 打开RStudio,我们通常会看到如上图所示的界面。 界面1为脚本界面,我们将在这里写代码。如果这个界面没有出现,可以点击左上角2按键,选择R Script(快捷键为Ctrl+Shift+n)创建。在脚本界面中,如果我们想要运行特定一行的代码,可以把光标放在该行代码的任意位置,然后按右侧的Run3按键(快捷键为Ctrl+Enter)。如果要运行多行代码,则需要先用鼠标选中所有要运行的代码,然后再按Run按键。 界面4为控制台界面,代码运行的结果或者提示信息将会在这里显示。如果想运行单行指 … Read more →


LIBE gm2

by Marco Garofalo


Marco Garofalo This is a Quarto book. To learn more about Quarto books visit … Read more →



by Prof. Elvio S. F. Medeiros, Laboratório de Ecologia, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campus V, João Pessoa, PB


A análise de dados para o TCC de Scarlet. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] A análise de dados para o TCC de … Read more →


Artificial Intelligence and the Ageless Wisdom

by José Becerra


This is a review of a talk given by Lee Brown at the 2024 Conference of the University of the Seven Rays […] As we explore the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Esoteric Wisdom, the author invites us to join him in a thought-provoking dialogue that bridges these two seemingly disparate realms. His goal is to present a nuanced exploration of AI and machine learning, grounded in our studies, understanding, and wisdom. While today’s artificial intelligence (AI) boasts many use cases and intriguing possibilities, his experience with it leaves him with some specific impressions. … Read more →



by Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias-Universidad Nacional de Jujuy


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Autores: Ing. Agrónomo Amadeo Jorge Quiquinto 1, Ing. Agrónoma Marta Celia Leaño 2, Ing. Agrónomo Juan Manuel Solís 3, Ing. Agrónoma Ivone Carolina Humacata 4, Ing. Agrónoma Sofía Carolina Carrasco 5 y Estudiante de Biología María Victoria López 6↩︎↩︎↩︎↩︎↩︎ mariavictorialopez@fca. ... Read more →


Modelling Space and Time with GAMS: spatially and temporally varying coefficient models

by Lex Comber


This is a workshop introducing GGP-GAMs as a method for undertaking spatially and temporally varying coefficient models […] GAM (General Additive Models) are emerging as the goto approach for all kinds of data science activities. GAMS perform as well or better than most machine learning models and they are relatively fast. They are powerful and quick but critically they offer a middle ground between overly simple but interpretable standard statistical approaches, and efficient but opaque machine leaning algorithms, where it is difficult to understand how one variable relates to an outcome. … Read more →


Introduction to Computer Programming

by คณาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาการจัดการเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ

Introduction to Computer Programming

คณาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาการจัดการเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ เอกสารประกอบการสอนนี้เรียบเรียงขึ้นเพื่อใช้ประกอบการเรียนในรายวิชา 946-141 การเขียนโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์เบื้องต้น (Introduction to Computer Programming) ประกอบไปด้วยเนื้อหา ได้แก่ หลักการเกี่ยวกับการเขียนโปรแกรม การแก้ไขปัญหาด้วยขั้นตอนวิธี รหัสเทียม ผังงาน องค์ประกอบของภาษาโปรแกรม ชนิดของข้อมูลแบบต่าง ๆ โครงสร้างข้อมูลแบบอาร์เรย์ โครงสร้างโปรแกรมแบบตามลำดับ เลือกทำ และการวนซ้ำ การเรียกซับรูทีน การส่งผ่านค่าพารามิเตอร์ โดยใช้การเขียนโปรแกรมด้วยภาษาจาวาและการเขียนโปรแกรมแบบมีโครงสร้าง ในรายวิชานี้จึงเน้นรูปแบบการเขียนโปรแกรมเชิงกระบวนการ (procedural programming) เป็นสำคัญ โดยไม่ได้มุ่งเน้นการเขียนโปรแกรมเชิงวัตถุ (object-oriented programming: OOP) … Read more →


9° Jornadas Integradas

by Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias-Universidad Nacional de Jujuy


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna VI

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna VI

A book created with bookdown. […] This is a continuation of my ongoing quest to translate all the Roman inscriptions from Esna temple. The previous volumes are now complete, and can be found here:Esna II, Esna III, Esna IV. I will continue to make changes and updates to those, including some desperately needed proof-reading. Esna VI covers the interior walls of the pronaos, except for the interior of the facade, already published in Esna II. Most of the inscriptions are offering scenes, with a few decorative cartouches, longer bandeau texts, and varia. Some of these scenes are the latest to … Read more →


AUSTRALIAN CANCER ATLAS 2.0 – Technical report

by the Australian Cancer Atlas team


This eBook provides further details about the methodology used to develop the Australian Cancer Atlas 2.0 […] The Australian Cancer Atlas 2.0 – Technical Report is designed to provide further details about the methodology used to develop the Australian Cancer Atlas 2.0. This technical report includes information about how the data were obtained for the Atlas, including data sources and ethical and data custodian approvals, how the different statistical measures were defined and the Bayesian statistical models used to calculate them, along with details about the methods used to visualise the … Read more →



by 赵鹏, 谢益辉, 黄湘云


现代统计图形书稿 […] 互联网技术革命对统计学之影响是向人类社会量化解析自然生态和社会生态的深度进军,广义统计是一个深入发展统计思想期待的重心,其中,最为突出的具有龙头发展地位的是广义统计系统数据信息的可视化,它是当今人类社会发展在互联网平台化所有领域中实现认知、社会学习、分析研究、系统应用扁平化的科学手段。面对可视化的“现代统计图形”,可以适应任何人所拥有知识起点之认知学习,激发社会化学习研究之创新,对所有学科知识交叉应用可以升起不落的“发展力太阳”。对此,《现代统计图形》做出了杰出的贡献。 我认识老谢有 19 年了,等这本书的出版就等了 14 年。我在工作、学习中从这本书里获得了很多灵感,我自己写的书里也 … Read more →


The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna III

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna III

A book created with bookdown. […] This is a continuation of my ongoing quest to translate all the Roman inscriptions from Esna temple. Elsewhere you may find Esna II, Esna IV, and Esna VI. The goal is to make all of this information easily and freely accessible. A blog would be easy to read and update, but it would be difficult to search and cross reference. A database is certainly slower to navigate, particularly for translations of texts. Esna III is devoted to the columns within the pronaos, all covered with extensive columns of hieroglyphic texts. These largely detail the many festivals … Read more →


Healing: Making Sound From Within

by Jose Becerra


A study guide for the Alice A. Bailey book “Esoteric Healing,” fourth volume of the Treatise on the Seven Rays, the first three volumes being Esoteric Psychology I, Esoteric Psychology II, and Esoteric Astrology. The fifth and final volume is The Rays and the Initiations (14 advanced rules for group initiation, expanding on the 14 rules initially given in the book Initiation, Human and Solar). […] “The intertwining of the natural (the explainable) and supernatural, defined as the unexplainable, in the interpretation of suffering and disease has been at the heart of the healing professions … Read more →


Spiritual Telepathy: the Science of Impression

by Jose Becerra


The New Science of Telepathic Communication […] “It is essential that servers everywhere — the intelligent men and women of good will — get a grasp, fresh and clear, of the work to be done and that they become”relaying channels and not delaying points of selfish interest” in the divine flow.” -Master D.K. This study guide explores the parallels between modern radio transmission and telepathy, as understood by the current scientific paradigm (the exoteric approach), and as revealed in the Alice A. Bailey book “Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle” (the esoteric approach). Exoteric: Telepathy is … Read more →


The Bailey Seven Ray Types

by Jose Becerra


This book explores the construct validity of the seven psychological types posited by Alice A. Bailey, using the well-established Myers-Briggs typology adapted by David Keirsey as referent stanard. […] The construct validity of the seven psychological types posited by Alice A. Bailey serves as an intriguing subject for exploration, especially when contrasted with the well-established Myers-Briggs typology adapted by David Keirsey. The Four Keirsey Temperaments—Artisan, Rational, Idealist, and Guardian—demonstrate a striking congruence with the Four Derivative Rays of Attributes—Fourth Ray … Read more →


The Science of the Emotions

by José Becerra


An exploration of the THE SCIENCE OF THE EMOTIONS by BHAGAVAN DAS, emotional intelligence and AI. […] Bhagavan Das’s “The Science of the Emotions” is a comprehensive examination of the nature and dynamics of human emotions, with a particular focus on the polarities of love and hate. The work explores how these fundamental emotions interplay with the concepts of the Self and the Not-Self, influencing human behavior and relationships. Das dives deep into various manifestations of love and hate, such as affection, reverence, benevolence, dislike, fear, and pride, analyzing their origins and … Read more →


The Psychocentric Revelation

by José Becerra


This a book about a soul-centric or “psychocentric” approach to the dawning Neo-Copernican Revolution accompanying the release of atomic energy inaugurating the post-modern world. […] This is summary of an eBook originally written in 1985. It is presented in 3 parts, proposing a psychological key to the dawning Neo-Copernican Revolution accompanying the release of atomic energy inaugurating the post-modern world. The book explores the existence of a transpersonal center of consciousness — the transpersonal soul or Ego — and discusses the need for a psychocentric revelation. A simple, … Read more →


Four Dimensional Consciousness

by José Becerra


An exploration of experiencing the fourth dimension of space-time. […] This book is an exploration of experiencing the fourth dimension of space-time. Is the fourth dimension real? How does visualizing 4-D geometries, such as the Tesseract, differ from actually experiencing the fourth dimension? Is the assumption that the brain is the source of consciousness correct? A similar assumption was believed to be true to support the geocentric model because, factually, we observe the Sun orbiting around the Earth. Near-death experiences consistently report a sense of “compressed” time … Read more →


Contrasting Two Family Models

by José Becerra


Comparing married dual income with married single income families […] In a Q&A format with AI, this narrative addresses the often undervalued work done within homes when we measure economic activity, such as the … Read more →


Machine Learning

by Dr. S. Jackson


These are the course notes for the Machine Learning module of Durham University’s Masters of Data Science course. […] Welcome to the material for the first half of the Machine Learning module MATH42815 of the Masters of Data Science course at Durham University. These pages will update as the course progresses, and consist of relevant lecture notes, practical demonstrations (in R) and practical workshop sessions. I would recommend that you use the html version of these notes (they have been designed for use in this way), however, there is also a pdf version of these notes. If you would like … Read more →


R Bootcamp

by Yun Dai


This is the ebook version of the four-week online R Bootcamp. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Hello! This is the ebook version of the four-week online R Bootcamp for NYU Shanghai - NYU Stern MS programs in business. The website offers more recent updates than the video tutorials, and is designed to help readers find the information more quickly with its embedded links and navigation through the table of contents. The Bootcamp is designed for newcomers to R or programming in general. Our learning objectives for this program ... Read more →


A More Principled Adventure in Topic Models

by Sarah Urbut


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Please Enjoy my book on modified topic models! We call this AladDyn: A dynamic genetically informed and principled way of calculating conditionally updated transitions that inform alternative diseases. Copyright © 2023 Sarah Urbut All rights … Read more →


Calculation System

by Lily Clements


This is a small example of using the bookdown package to write a book on the calculation system in R-Instat. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Let’s … Read more →


Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization

by Luis Alvarez


This book studies exploratory data analysis and data visualization in the context of a university degree in Data Sciences. […] This document is an English translation of the book Análisis Exploratorio de Datos y Visualización, it covers the contents of an introductory course on exploratory data analysis and visualization in a university degree in Data Sciences. Exploratory data analysis is a very broad field, and it is not possible to teach all its aspects in depth in a single course. This course, of an introductory nature, aims to provide a solid foundation in the most important tools in … Read more →


Notes on Statistics with R (SwR)

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner What maybe is still missing from my learning perspective: A summary and collection of lesson learned including when to use which test and R package. Another plan is to revise the system of my callout boxes, because I have changed the systematic slightly in the middle of this project (approximately starting with chapter 7). But I do not know if I have time to meet this good resolutions, because I am planning to go the next step in my learning path. At the moment I am thinking what would be the next book I want to study intensive like this one. WATCH OUT: This is my personal … Read more →


Statistics and Probability for Engineering

by Mohammad Saifuddin


This book introduces the concept of statistics and probability engineering students […] This study manual is specially written for the honors students of engineering discipline like CSE, EEE and … Read more →


Spatio-Temporal Statistics - Final Portfolio

by Robert Sholl


This is a the final portfolio for STAT 764 for Robert Sholl […] The following bookdown document contains the required pieces of the portfolio assignment in Spatio-Temporal Statistics at Kansas State University. The structure of this document will be as follows: Assignment 1 Data Prep Longitude models Latitude models Predictions Assignment 2 Data Prep Models Model Checks Assignment 3 Data Prep Data Exploration Variable Prep Grass Model Fitting Grass Model Checking Grass Graphics Crop Model Fitting Crop Model Checking Crop Graphics Closing Discussion Journal Entries Final … Read more →


William’s Portfolio

by William Guardado


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. … Read more →


Handbook for Building and Teaching Online Courses

by Martin Schedlbauer Khoury College of Computer Sciences Northeastern University Boston (USA)


Notes and tutorials on building online courses. […] This handbook is still in draft form and many chapters are unfinished or in a “notes state”. Chapters, sections, and practices are filled in as need arises. This book summarizes my experiences building and teaching online courses at Northeastern University’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences. I wrote this handbook for faculty new to teaching online and new to building courses for online delivery. The writing of this handbook was accelerated when the COVID-19 pandemic forced all classes to go into an online or remote instruction mode. It … Read more →


Skript Antriebsregelungstechnik

by Martin Pischtschan


Skript Antriebsregelungstechnik […] Dieses Dokument dient als Grundlage für das Modul “Antriebsregelungstechnik”, welches von der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz angeboten wird. Es behandelt die Grundlagen der Elektrischen Antriebstechnik und der Regelung Elektrischer Antriebe. Das Dokument kann hier kostenlos gelesen werden. Ein PDF-Dokument kann via Email ( angefragt werden. Da das Erstellen dieses Dokumentes sehr viel Aufwand und Kosten in Form des Lebenselixirs Kaffee nach sich zog, wäre ich über eine kleine Kaffeespende sehr dankbar! Dies funktioniert am … Read more →


Gender-in-trade indicators

by Petra Kynclova


This is a methodological documentation on compilation of UNCTAD Gender-in-Trade indicators. […] This is a methodological guide for compilation of UNCTAD Gender-in-Trade indicators. Following R packages should be installed and … Read more →


The Infinite Hermetic Mind: Bridging the Above and the Below

by José Becerra


The Infinite Hermetic Mind: Bridging the Above and the Below […] This book unfolds as a Socratic dialogue with artificial intelligence, engaging in a profound exploration of intuitive intelligence and the intricate landscape of consciousness. Our discourse navigates through the mind’s three axes—will, heart, and intelligence—as we traverse the Bridge of Light (Antahkarana), illuminating our path. Together, we reexamine Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and reflect on the Hermetic Principle of Analogy, contemplating the mirrors between the macrocosm and microcosm. Through the lens of practice of … Read more →


Neural Nets from Scratch

by Daniel Polites, Ruibo Hou, Sihao Cheng, Yang-Hsuan Huang


iRisk Labs SP-2024 Project […] This is a write-up of iRisk’s Spring 2024 project: Neural Nets from Scratch The organization … Read more →


Proposed Psychometrics OER: Authoring Platform Features

by Catrina Notari, John Kulas


This document is intended to highlight features of the Quarto authoring platform, specifically focused on how this platform is uniquely appropriate for Psychometric instruction. Psychometrics is the scientific study of Psychological measurement - it has been described by some practitioners as “applied statistics” and fundamentally requires knowledgeable application of statistical concepts. This brief overview does not cover all pedagogical features, so we encourage reviewers to “point and click” around this document to discover unique elements. For example, external links and alternative … Read more →


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data

by thiestand


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data […] This book is an introduction to coding for baseball analytics. It would be most helpful if you have a basic understanding of R. Here are some resources: The first three chapters are about acquiring data. Lahman: the Lahman package contains several data frames about players, teams, pitching, hitting, fielding, and more. The version of the Lahman package used throughout this guide has data from 1871 to 2021. FanGraphs: this chapter is about data collected from the FanGraphs website or through an R package. During the midst of this … Read more →


Notas para Matemáticas II, UCM Somosaguas

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


Este material ha sido creado para la asignatura de Matemáticas II, UCM, Económicas. […] Este libro está escrito en Markdown. Si encuentras alguna errata o tienes algún comentario, escríbeme a … Read more →


2024 Introduction to Cognitive Modeling

by Chih-Chung Ting


Welcome to the “code session”. In this website, we will use R to explore the concepts of cognitive modeling introduced in the first hour using R. [...] This week, you will learn basic R functions, including calculations (e.g., +, -, x, /), loops, and logical operations, commonly used in transforming equations into programming language. In addition to these functions, you need to understand the meaning of each notation in the equation and where to find the values for each notation. Usually, this information is explicitly described in the paper. Let’s set aside cognitive models for now ... Read more →


Introducción a los Indicadores Limnológicos y su Análisis Estadístico en R


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Curso de grado con evaluación para la Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas, 27, 28 y 29 de Septiembre de 2023. Docentes: Marcela De Paul y Juan Manuel Solís. Colaboradores: Agustina Zamar y Marcos Juárez. Ayudantes de segunda: Sofía Carolina Carrasco y María Victoria ... Read more →


Conducting Rigorous Research Seminar Workbook

by Edward Stanhope


This is the seminar handbook for conducting research which outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop student’s knowledge and understanding of scientific randomised controlled trials, including the techniques used to minimise bias by randomising participants, blinding participants, assessors and/or statisticians, selecting an appropriate control arm and other key methodological features. Students will learn how to devise a protocol in accordance with good reporting guidelines and how to use advanced analytical techniques to generate results and aid in the … Read more →


Advanced Statistics I & II


The official textbook of PSY 207 and 208. […] This is the offical textbook of Psychology 207 and 208: Advanced Statistics I and II. Please don’t try to sell this book because there are about a million copyright violations in it and I’m trying to stay safely ensconced in the warm embrace of fair use. … Read more →


Financial Data Science

by Prof. Dr. Ryan Riordan & Teaching Assistants


This bookdown contains the teaching materials for the projectcourse Financial Data Science at the LMU Munich. […] Here you will find the course pages for the projectcourse Financial Data Science. The projectcourse is offered regularly in the winter and summer term and aims at providing in-depth knowledge about the programming language Python and its most important libraries for data analysis. Each summerterm, the course is taught in cooperation with the Institute for Finance & Banking and consists of two parts. Each winterterm, the course extends the introduction of programming language … Read more →


Épidémiologie et statistiques (B1.5 MSC)

by Murielle Bochud et Isabella Locatelli


Ce livre rassemble les cours d’épidémiologie et de statistique donnés dans le cadre du baccalauréat universitaire de médecine, B1.5 médecine et santé communautaires. [...] Ce livre rassemble les cours d’épidémiologie et de statistique donnés dans le cadre du baccalauréat universitaire de médecine de l’Université de Lausanne, partie B1.5 Médecine et santé communautaires. Les informations contenues dans ce livre sont les seules susceptibles d’apparaître à l’examen. On pourra trouver des compléments dans le livre Morabia A, Gutzwiller F et Paccaud F. Médecine Sociale et Préventive, Huber, ... Read more →


R course

by Berry Boessenkool,


to programming with R! I hope learning to code will change your life like it did mine :). Since 2012, I teach R courses with great joy, see This website is here to help you start your coding journey. My main slidedeck (in a single PDF) is avalaible through two openHPI courses. These have autograded exercises and are fairly suitable to learn R on your own. Feel free to book me as a trainer in addition. German, ca 20-50 hours English, ca 30-70 hours There is also material for a course taking a few hours. My old slides are still directly available. A few notes on this website: The … Read more →


Notes for Predictive Modeling

by Eduardo García-Portugués

Notes for Predictive Modeling

Notes for Predictive Modeling. MSc in Big Data Analytics. Carlos III University of Madrid. [...] Welcome to the notes for Predictive Modeling. The course is part of the MSc in Big Data Analytics from Carlos III University of Madrid. The course is designed to have, roughly, one session per main topic in the syllabus. The schedule is tight due to time constraints, which will inevitably make the treatment of certain methods somehow superficial. Nevertheless, the course will hopefully give you a respectable panoramic view of different available statistical methods for predictive modeling. ... Read more →


iPhylo Tutorial

by Chen Peng and Yueer Li


This is a tutorial for the iPhylo website. […] We present the iPhylo suite (, a comprehensive, automated, and interactive platform for biological and chemical taxonomic analysis. Please cite iPhlyo if it helps your research: Yueer Li#, Chen Peng#, Fei Chi, Zinuo Huang, Mengyi Yuan, Chao Jiang* (2023). The iPhylo suite: an interactive platform for building and annotating biological and chemical taxonomic … Read more →


Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R

by Editor: Helene Wagner (University of Toronto)


This is a web-interface to the teaching materials for the lab course ‘Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R’ associated with the distributed graduate course ‘DGS Landscape Genetics’. The output format is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a web-interface to the teaching materials for the lab course ‘Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R’ associated with the distributed graduate course ‘DGS Landscape Genetics’. The Landscape Genetics Distributed Graduate Seminar (DGS) is an international collaboration that provides a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary graduate training. The course draws … Read more →


Berta en la web - Berta Pardina

by albertobernat


Con una pasión creativa y vibrante doy vida a mis historias con una imaginación apasionada. Encuentro inspiración en la energía de los animales para crear mundos peculiares y … Read more →


Applied regression analysis

by Dr. Linda van der Merwe, Fabio M. Correa


Applied regression analysis […] 24-04-2024 The text is under development and updates are constant This text book uses notes written by Dr. Linda van der Merwe, who was responsible for the course in previous years and is currently being … Read more →



by Alex Edwards and Emily Peterson


Alex Edwards and Emily Peterson Authors: Alex Edwards & Emily Peterson Spring 2024 This Advanced GIS (DATA 532) class is a project-based exploration of advanced topics in GIS and geospatial technology, with a focus on spatial modeling, advanced spatial analysis and geoprocessing, spatial data manipulation, and geocomputation. For information on course expectations, assignments, grading, and schedule, please review the course syllabus listed on Canvas. We will use this e-book for lectures, and in-class activities. All course content will be housed in this book for your reference. Advanced GIS … Read more →


Guide on Academic Writing

by Prof. Dr. Ryan Riordan & Teaching Assistants


This bookdown contains the teaching materials for the projectcourse Financial Data Science at the LMU Munich. The files have been set up by Lisa Kaminski. [...] Here you will find supporting material on how to write academically. This guide is a generalized framework for seminar reports, bachelor and master theses. Disclaimer: The following guidelines should not be seen as static set of immutable rules, but rather as a profound and generic guideline. This guide is subject to constant revision and extension! If you come across missing subjects, redundancies or inconsistencies, we are ... Read more →


Fundamentos para la Minería de Datos y Big Data I,II

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Material docente para la asignatura de Fundamentos de Minería de Datos y Big Data. ... Read more →


Data Visualization with R Programming

by สมศักดิ์ จันทร์เอม

Data Visualization with R Programming

สมศักดิ์ จันทร์เอม ภาพนิทัศน์มีความสำคัญอย่างมากในการทำความเข้าใจข้อมูล และเพื่อประสิทธิภาพในการตัดสินใจ เครื่องมือที่ช่วยในการใช้สร้างภาพนิทัศน์ของข้อมูลในปัจจุบัน มีหลายตัว ในหนังสือเล่มจะใช้ภาษาอาร์ในการเขียนโปรแกรมเพื่อสร้างภาพนิทัศน์ และใช้โปรแกรม RStudio เพื่อช่วยการใช้เขียนโปรแกรมภาษาอาร์ให้มีความสะดวกสบายมากยิ่งขึ้นด้วยเครื่องมือช่วยที่หลากหลาย ในหนังสือเล่มไม่ได้สนใจในประเด็นตัวแบบสถิติ (statistics model) เศรษฐมิติ (econometrics) หรือการเรียนรู้ของเครื่องจักร (machine learning) ด้วยภาษาอาร์ แต่ถ้าผู้อ่านได้ศึกษาและทำความเข้าใจในหนังสือเล่มนี้แล้ว ผู้อ่านจะได้เรียนรู้พื้นฐานการเขียนโปรแกรมภาษาอาร์ที่จำเป็นอย่างมีหลักการ เช่นชนิดของโครงสร้างข้อมูลที่สำคัญคือวัตถุแบบเวคเตอร์ (vector) และกรอบข้อมูล (data frame) … Read more →


CCC Sea Kayak Course 2024 Handout

by Rich Bown, Beth Wensley


A set of notes for the Cambridge Canoe Club Sea Kayak Award Course, 2024 […] Welcome to the CCC beginner’s sea kayak course! The course aims to take beginner sea kayakers to the point where they can: Join intermediate level club trips (see our trip designations here). Plan and undertake their own trips on the sea, with peers, in simple conditions We’ll (loosely) we working with the syllabus of the British Canoeing Sea Kayak Award and we’re hoping that all participants reach a level where we can sign them off for this award. These notes are based around the Sea Kayak Award syllabus and are … Read more →


Workshop: Applied Machine Learning - Workshop: Applied Machine Learning (with R)

by Dr. Paul C. Bauer


Dr. Paul C. Bauer This document serves as slides and script for the workshop Applied Machine Learning taught by Paul C. Bauer (Gesis, Mannheim, Online, 20-23th of February 2024). Original material is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Where I draw on other authors material other licenses may apply. Please note the information in the syllabus as well as the citations and links in the script. For potential future versions of this material see the github repository. If you have feedback or discover errors/dead links please let us … Read more →


BMS5021 - Introductory Bioinformatics Manual

by Dr Lochlan Fennell


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Welcome to the beginning of the bioinformatics component of BMS5021 - Introductory Bioinformatics. Over the past four weeks, you have taken a crash course in the fundamentals of molecular biology. These concepts underpin the analyses we do in bioinformatics. Bioinformatics combines the strengths of computer science, statistics, and biology in order to analyse and interpret large-scale biological data, ultimately ... Read more →



by Miao YU


This is a workflow for metabolomics studies. […] This is an online handout for mass spectrometry based metabolomics data analysis. It would cover a full reproducible metabolomics workflow for data analysis and important topics related to metabolomics. Here is a list of topics: This is a book written in Bookdown. You could contribute it by a pull request in Github. A workshop based on this book could be found here. Meanwhile, a docker image xcmsrocker is available for metabolomics reproducible research. R and Rstudio are the software needed in this … Read more →


Statistik I

by Benno Hildebrandt, Steffen Köhler, RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft Lehrstuhl für Statistik/Ökonometrie


Die digitale Lernplattform zur Statistik I ist Teil des Blended-Learning Konzepts im Modul Statistik I und dient zusätzlich zur Präsenzvorlesung der Wissensvermittlung im Modul. 90-minütige wöchentliche Übungen in Kleingruppen, welche in Präsenz durchgeführt werden, bilden einen zweiten wesentlichen Baustein in der Lehre. Darüber hinaus steht ein breites Angebot an digitalen Übungsaufgaben über Moodle bereit sowie ein umfassender Katalog an Altklausuren. Zu allen Bestandteilen besteht die Möglichkeit, Rückfragen über Moodle oder in den Veranstaltungen zu stellen. Jeder Vorlesungswoche wird … Read more →



by 广予


This is book about insurance history, technology and philosophy […] 这是一本关于保险历史、金融和科技的书。它将通过开源协作的方式不断更新。它将秉承尽早出版,经常出版(Publish Early and Publish Often)的理念,立志于解决两个问题: 这本书受到了查理芒格思维栅格的影响,希望用跨学科方式去给出最基础的模型并在现实世界中反复交叉运用。 目前探讨的主题包括但不限于:心理学(时间偏见、心理会计)、精算概率、认识论(东西方差异)、编程实践(增量开发与星云假说隐喻) 中国哲学(道家、管子轻重学)、人体医学与复杂的层级。 有任何批评指正或想参与贡献,欢迎发邮件至xs286@cornell.edu联系。 … Read more →


R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition

by Winston Chang

R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition

This cookbook contains more than 150 recipes to help scientists, engineers, programmers, and data analysts generate high-quality graphs quickly—without having to comb through all the details of R’s graphing systems. Each recipe tackles a specific problem with a solution you can apply to your own project and includes a discussion of how and why the recipe works. […] Welcome to the R Graphics Cookbook, a practical guide that provides more than 150 recipes to help you generate high-quality graphs quickly, without having to comb through all the details of R’s graphing systems. Each recipe … Read more →


STAT 521B: Topics in Multivariate Analysis

by Alexander Sharp


Course notes. […] This Bookdown notebook comprises the notes for the course “Theory of Functional Data Analysis with Applications” taught during the Winter 2024 semester, term 2, at UBC. They follow closely the textbook (Hsing and Eubank … Read more →


Data Analytics Coding Fundamentals

by Martin Monkman

Data Analytics Coding Fundamentals

The course book for BIDA302 […] Latest update: 2024-04-03 This book is based on the lessons for BIDA302, “Data Analytics Coding Fundamentals”, offered at the University of Victoria’s Continuing Studies Department. From UVic Continuing Studies website This course will explore the fundamentals of coding and scripting for Data Analytics. You will develop the ability to script and code for basic tasks in Data Analytics in common data analytic tools such as R, Python, and Excel. This will allow you to import and export data appropriately and perform fundamental data manipulations and to automate … Read more →


6348 Ayette 19 Sistemi

by Gökmen Altay


Bu kitap, Kuran’ın metninde bulunan ve Kuran’ın bozulmadan ve değişmeden kaldığını gösteren 19 tabanlı kodlama sistemini göstermektedir. 2019 yılında keşfettiğim ve 2023 sonuna kadar yeni keşfettiğim kodlarla geliştirdiğim, Kuran’ın tüm 6348 ve numaralı 6236 ayetleri üzerindeki 19 sistemini sunar. […] Not: Bu kitap, orijinali İngilizce yazılmış olan “Reproducible Miracle” adlı kitabımın Türkçe çevirisidir. Kitabımın linki: Çeviri 2023 sonlarında, Yapay Genel Zeka, teknolojileri kullanılarak otomatik yapıldığından üslubu da biraz yapay olabileceği gibi, … Read more →


Reproducible Miracle

by Gökmen Altay


This book demonstrates 19 based coding system available in the Full Text of Quran text, which suggests Quran is intact and unchanged. […] This book presents 19 based system with reproducible coding evidences that I discovered, tested and witnessed in a book fully written 1387 years ago (632) than the publication date (2019) of this book. Most of the codings could only be practically realized by the invention of computers. You will not only witness some of the miraculous examples of the 19 based codings but also have the ability to easily test them yourself by running the R programming codes … Read more →


MetaNet: Network Analysis for Omics Data

by Chen Peng

MetaNet: Network Analysis for Omics Data

Chen Peng MetaNet is a comprehensive network analysis package, especially in various biological omics. Some functions of MetaNet are dependent with pcutils, so you also need to install pcutils. The stable version can be installed from CRAN: The latest development version can be found in For data manipulation, we recommend to use dplyr. MetaNet is a comprehensive network analysis R package for omics data: Support for integrated analysis for multi-omics data. Calculate correlation network quickly, accelerate lots of analysis by parallel computing. Handle … Read more →


Introducción a la Automatización Industrial

by Alberto Brunete, Pablo San Segundo y Rebeca Herrero

Introducción a la Automatización Industrial

Un libro de introducción a la automática para alumnos de ingeniería. […] ISBN: 978-84-09-22291-9 Introducción a la automatización industrial by Alberto Brunete, Pablo San Segundo and Rebeca Herrero is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional … Read more →


Análises de Dados com R

by Ricardo Lehtonen R. de Souza


Nesse livro trazemos uma introdução à analise de dados com R, começando do básico, com a instalação do R, passando pelos objetos do R, gráficos, estatística e mais algumas aplicações. […] Na pesquisa científica, a análise de dados é uma parte fundamental e o R é uma linguagem que possibilita a fazer as mais diversas análises, não é apenas uma ferramenta estatística. O R é um software livre e uma grande comunidade trabalha aperfeiçoando a ferramenta e todo dia temos novidades, tornando o aprendizado muito dinâmico. Há alguns anos, achei importante estimular o uso do R pelos discentes do … Read more →


Métrologie - Exploitation des résultats d’essais

by Teodor TIPLICA


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, [...] Ce livre s’adresse tout d’abord aux étudiants du cycle ingénieur de Polytech Angers à l’Université d’Angers et se veut un support pédagogique pour le cours de Métrologie. Toutefois, l’ouvrage peut intéresser également ceux qui souhaitent approfondir deux concepts relatifs à l’exploitation des résultats d’essais en métrologie: L’évaluation de l’exactitude d’une méthode de mesure normalisée par le bais des comparaisons ... Read more →


STAT415 Handouts

by Kevin Ross


Kevin Ross Handouts containing examples, exercises, and notes covering selected topics from Cal Poly STAT … Read more →


Inferential Reasoning in Data Analysis

by Ben Prytherch


Ben Prytherch People who analyze data are usually interested in something other than the data they analyze. A financial analyst might use patterns and anomalies in market data to create an investment strategy for the upcoming year. A physician might reference data from a randomized controlled trial when deciding what drug to prescribe to a patient. A basketball coach might plan player rotations after looking at data collected from their next opponent’s recent matches. Members of a local board of education might look at data from state standardized tests to decide whether to approve a proposed … Read more →


Notes for Nonparametric Statistics

by Eduardo García-Portugués

Notes for Nonparametric Statistics

Notes for Nonparametric Statistics. MSc in Statistics for Data Science. Carlos III University of Madrid. [...] Welcome to the notes for Nonparametric Statistics. The course is part of the MSc in Statistics for Data Science from Carlos III University of Madrid. The course is designed to have, roughly, one session per each main topic in the syllabus. The schedule is tight due to time constraints, which will inevitably make the treatment of certain methods somehow superficial. Nevertheless, the course will hopefully give you a respectable panoramic view of different available topics on ... Read more →


A First Course on Statistical Inference

by Isabel Molina Peralta and Eduardo García-Portugués


Notes for Statistical Inference. MSc in Statistics for Data Science. Carlos III University of Madrid. [...] Welcome to the notes for Statistical Inference. The course is part of the MSc in Statistics for Data Science from Carlos III University of Madrid. The course is designed to have, roughly, one session per each main topic in the syllabus. The schedule is tight due to time constraints, which will inevitably make the exposition of certain methods somehow superficial. Nevertheless, the course and exercises will hopefully give you a respectable panoramic view of the fundamentals of ... Read more →


STM1001 Topic 4: Sampling Distributions

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 4 […] In this topic we will learn more about the purpose of sampling, along with how we can use samples to infer things about the population from which a sample was taken. For now, the main characteristic of a population we will focus on will be the population mean. However, many of the concepts we will learn about here are applicable to other characteristics as well. We will begin with an overview of the purpose of sampling followed by a discussion of the sample mean. Next, the remarkable Central Limit Theorem will be introduced and discussed. Using this foundation, we will … Read more →


R Untuk Mahasiswa Sains Veteriner

by Budina Eka Prasetia


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Buku ini dibuat bersamaan ketika melakukan pembelajaran Praktikum Mata Kuliah Epidemiologi Analitis 2 Magister Sains Veteriner Universitas gadjah mada. semoga buku/panduan ini dapat membantu dalam menganalisa data epidemiologi. Contoh kode/script R berdasarkan panduan praktikum, dan dari sumber lainnya yang mendukung. Data diambil dari data yang relevan dengan penyakit hewan bersumber dari dinas atau ... Read more →


Estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica da Reserva Biólogica Guaribas

by Prof. Elvio S. F. Medeiros, Laboratório de Ecologia, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campus V, João Pessoa, PB


A análise de dados para o artigo de zooplânton da ReBio Guaribas. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] No tocante aos tipos de atributos e seu tratamento pré-análises, uma matriz de dados pode ser dos tipos apresentados na tabela abaixo (Tabela 0.1). Matrizes disponíveis para análises, com suas descrições e tipos de dados recomendados (Tabela 0.2). No interesse de sistematizar o código R das várias matrizes que são comumente usadas em uma AMD, a tabela a seguir (@ref(tab:0tbl-m_2)) resume seus tipos e … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 5: Hypothesis Testing

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 5 […] Having learnt in the previous topic about the distribution of the sample mean, (\overline{X}), we are now ready to learn how we can use that distribution to help us draw inferences about the population mean (\mu). For example, suppose it was believed that in general, the average cholesterol level was (\mu = 5.0) mmol/L. Further suppose the cholesterol levels of 72 patients were measured, and we wanted to ascertain: Is the average cholesterol level of patients from this population different from 5.0 mmol/L? To answer this question, we can use perhaps the most famous … Read more →


Applied Stochastic Processes

by Kevin Ross


Kevin Ross Selected examples and assignments from Cal Poly STAT … Read more →


Supplementary Materials for Probabilistic Modeling Framework for Genomic Networks Incorporating Sample Heterogeneity

by Liying Chen^{1,4}, Satwik Acharyya^{1,4}, Chunyu Luo^{2}, Yang Ni^3 and Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani^{1,5}


This containes all the supplementary materials for the paper named GraphR: a probabilistic modeling framework for genomic networks incorporating sample heterogeneity. […] Network modeling are widely used in biomedical research, aiming to estimate and visualize complicated dependency structures in various fields and at different level. Graphically, networks compromise a set of variables (nodes) and relationships among nodes which are referred as edges. Under the assumption that: (1) edges represent partial correlation between nodes; (2) nodes follow Gaussian distribution, leading to a … Read more →


Advanced Statistical Modelling III (second term)

by Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University


These are the course notes for the module Advanced Statistical Modelling III of Durham University’s degree for Mathematics and Statistics. … Read more →



by Chia-Jung (Robert) Yeh 葉家榮 PhD: Insitute of Transport and Logistics Studies, USYD M.S.: Department of Transportation and Logistics Management, NYCU


本書簡介R語言資料分析的基礎,含括基礎語法、dplyr套件與ggplot2套件的使用,深入淺出資料分析的步驟,最後透過交通運輸案例將所介紹的套件與函式應用於實務資料。 […] 本書簡介運輸資料分析之方法,並透過實務應用瞭解運輸資料的特性、分析原理,以及 R 語言各套件與函式的功能。共分為六大章節。前三章節為 R 語言的資料探勘基礎,系統性地介紹資料分析的常用套件與函式,分節說明:R 語言基礎語法、資料清洗與處理、資料視覺化。後三章節以運輸資料為主軸,應用前三章節所介紹的函式分析資料,分節包含:基本資料統計、地理分析、進階應用。全書先系統性地介紹資料分析必學基礎,後藉由零散的個案分析,提供較全面的實際資料操作,期能擴充 … Read more →


Statistiques descriprives

by Wilson Toussile


Ce livre présente les principes fondamentaux de la statistique descriptive, en mettant l’accent sur les aspects univariés, bivariés et la description des séries chronologiques [...] Ce livre est conçu pour vous guider à travers les principes fondamentaux de la statistique descriptive, en mettant l’accent sur les aspects univariés, bivariés et les séries chronologiques. Ce livre s’adresse aux étudiants, aux professionnels et à toute personne intéressée par l’analyse des données et la compréhension des concepts de base de la statistique descriptive. Aucune connaissance préalable en ... Read more →


Quantitative Research in Mass Communications

by AP Leith


This is a working document that will eventually become the official textbook for all of Dr. Alex P. Leith’s MC 451 course at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. […] Welcome to “Quantitative Research in Mass Communications: R and RStudio,” a comprehensive guide designed to navigate the intricate pathways of quantitative research in the ever-evolving field of mass communications. This textbook is a culmination of my journey in academia and a reflection of my commitment to advancing the understanding of mass communication research methods, particularly through the lens of quantitative … Read more →


QCA with R

by Adrian Dușa


The main manual for the QCA package in R […] The initial idea to write this book emerged in August 2016, with the intention to update the description of package QCA in R. A lot of things have changed since the appearance of the previous user guide four years before, when the package reached version 1.0-0. Most of the commands are backwards compatible, meaning that all examples from the previous guide still work with the current version of the package. There are some minor but important differences, for instance the function calibrate() has its default changed from type = “crisp” to type = … Read more →


Introductory Statistics for Economics

by Brian Krauth

Introductory Statistics for Economics

A textbook for an introductory (first-year or second-year undergraduate) course in statistics for economics majors. […] As its name suggests, Introductory Statistics for Economics is a textbook intended for use in an introductory (first or second year) statistics course for economics majors. It was written for use as a textbook for ECON 233, the introductory statistics course for economics majors at Simon Fraser University. The content is similar to most other introductory statistics courses for business and economics students, but with a few important differences. When I was assigned to … Read more →


Introduction to Google Earth Engine

by Brendan Casey


Introduction to Google Earth Engine […] Random forest classification time series charts Landsat derived forest disturbance … Read more →


The Data Preparation Journey

by Martin Monkman


Before you can analyze your data, you need to ensure that it is clean and tidy. […] Welcome to The Data Preparation Journey: Finding Your Way With R, a book published with CRC Press as part of The Data Science Series. This is a work-in-progress; the most recent update is 2024-02-25. It is routinely noted that the Pareto principle applies to data science—80% of one’s time is spent on data collection and preparation, and the remaining 20% on the “fun stuff” like modelling, data visualization, and communication. There is no shortage of material—textbooks, journal articles, blog posts, online … Read more →


Curso de Estatística com R Project

by Emerson Joucoski


Este é um curso de R e estatística para o grupo de pesquisa LabMóvel, versão 2024-1. […] Nesse curso veremos como usar o R para fazer estatísticas. O curso está dividido em capítulos que abordam inicialmente os comandos básicos do R (R Project). Em seguida serão aborados alguns pacotes do R para fazer … Read more →


pctax: Analyzing Omics Data with R

by Chen Peng

pctax: Analyzing Omics Data with R

Chen Peng Omics technologies have found extensive applications in biology, encompassing disciplines such as microbiome studies, transcriptomics, metabolomics, and beyond. These technologies generate diverse datasets based on distinct methodologies. Following specific upstream processing, omics data is often transformed into feature abundance tables, representing entities like genes, metabolites, or taxa. These feature abundance tables, coupled with experimental design metadata and various annotation data, serve as the foundation for downstream bioinformatics analysis and visualization, … Read more →


Aventuras… na escola?

by Rita João

Aventuras… na escola?

Aventuras… na escola? […] Hoje Kora acordou com a mãe a gritar, pois tinham de sair para a escola. Pelo menos hoje, Kora vai ter um dia normal, com aulas e conversas com os amigos, em vez de ser uma espiã secreta ou a guarda-costas de um qualquer príncipe. Hoje, deveria ser tudo normal. No entanto, o que Kora já devia ter percebido, é que as suas muitas vidas nunca são normais e tranquilas. E a vida na escola não vai ser diferente. Em parte porque a sua mãe já está aflita com as horas… … Read more →


A Bayesian Introduction to Fish Population Analysis

by Joseph E. Hightower


This book is intended to be a bridge between traditional fisheries analytical methods and Bayesian statistics. It is a hands-on introduction to models for estimating abundance, survival, growth, recruitment, and population trends. […] This book is based in large part on material I developed while teaching (1991-2014) at NC State University. My hope is that the book will be a bridge between traditional fisheries analytical methods and Bayesian approaches that offer many advantages in ecological modeling. The book might be useful as an upper-level undergraduate or early graduate text, or for … Read more →


Stat 344TM Notes: Spring 2024

by Laurie Tupper


Notes and course info for Stat 344TM […] These notes are divided into three sections: This document isn’t designed to be read through in order – hence all the hyperlinks. Use the sidebar to navigate to what you need (you can also bookmark specific locations in your browser), and feel free to ask (or start a discussion thread!) if you can’t find something. Happy … Read more →


Intel Powered Foundation Course in Machine Learning

by intel-unnati


A Course Companion Website. […] Step into a realm of innovation with the Intel Unnati Certificate Programme, an avant-garde initiative meticulously crafted to delve into the intricacies of advanced machine learning. This course is not just an educational endeavor; it’s a gateway to a world where theoretical understanding seamlessly converges with hands-on practical application, providing you with a distinctive edge in an ever-evolving tech landscape. In a rapidly changing technological landscape, the Intel Unnati Certificate Programme is your ticket to mastering the latest advancements in … Read more →


Puertas de entrada: lecturas para introducirse a la Filosofía y la Literatura

by Alberto Bernat


Alberto Bernat En el transcurso de la vida, nos encontramos con momentos que se revelan como verdaderos regalos, ocasiones que nos permiten explorar nuevos horizontes y expandir nuestras mentes. Este libro surge de uno de esos momentos especiales, un regalo que me he concedido para conmemorar mi cuadragésimo tercer aniversario. El curso “Puertas de entrada: lecturas para introducirse a la Filosofía y la Literatura”, (Academia 2024) , dirigido por Pablo Nacach y programado para iniciar el 30 de enero de 2024, se convierte en la musa inspiradora de estas páginas. “Comencé a leer ‘El mundo como … Read more →


Stat 343 Notes: Spring 2024

by Laurie Tupper


Notes and course info for Stat 343 […] These notes are divided into three sections: This document isn’t designed to be read through in order – hence all the hyperlinks. Use the sidebar to navigate to what you need (you can also bookmark specific locations in your browser), and feel free to ask (or start a discussion thread!) if you can’t find something. Happy … Read more →


Introduction to Econometrics with R

by Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber, and Martin Schmelzer

Introduction to Econometrics with R

Beginners with little background in statistics and econometrics often have a hard time understanding the benefits of having programming skills for learning and applying Econometrics. ‘Introduction to Econometrics with R’ is an interactive companion to the well-received textbook ‘Introduction to Econometrics’ by James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson (2015). It gives a gentle introduction to the essentials of R programming and guides students in implementing the empirical applications presented throughout the textbook using the newly aquired skills. This is supported by interactive programming exercises generated with DataCamp Light and integration of interactive visualizations of central concepts which are based on the flexible JavaScript library D3.js. Read more →


Boas Práticas de Programação com R

by Isaac Neves Geraldo


O objetivo deste livro é compartilhar ideias, conselhos e sugestões envolvendo boas práticas e condutas de como trabalhar com a ambientação da linguagem R. [...] Gostaria de iniciar este livro com algumas ressalvas. A primeira delas é que não é necessário saber programar em R para entender a mensagem que quero passar. Tentei ser o mais simples possível ao escrever, deixando abrangente para demais ferramentas, linguagens de programação, ou até mesmo hábitos do dia a dia. Um conhecimento muito básico sobre a ferramenta já vai ser o suficiente para você compreender todos os capítulos. A ... Read more →


Meta-analysis Shiny Application Guideline

by Sangyoung Jung


Sangyoung Jung This application can help data analysis for the meta analysis and data visualization including forest plots and geographical frequency maps. It offers four key benefits: Data Cleaning and Check: The application not only cleanses datasets, preparing elements such as author names for meta-analysis, but also assists in identifying missing values and outliers during data checks. Meta-analysis Model Fitting: It is capable of conducting meta-analysis and moderator analysis with detailed statistics and diagnostic plots. Data Visualization: The application supports data visualization, … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example

by John Doe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


Macroeconomía III 2024-2

by Jamel Kevin Sandoval


Este bookdown son las notas de clase del curso Macroeconomía III de la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM. […] Jamel Kevin Sandoval: Es maestro en economía por el posgrado de la UNAM, cuenta con diversos cursos de capacitación impartidos por el FMI, el Banco de Francia y el CEMLA, así como una estancia en la CEPAL, Santiago de Chile durante 2016. Ha ganado el premio nacional de Finanzas Públicas y la medalla Alfonso Caso. Profesionalmente ha trabajado como consultor del BID, como Jefe de Departamento en la Secretaría de Finanzas y como economista en Banco de México dentro de la Gerencia de … Read more →


GEOG5917 Big Data & Consumer Analytics - RStudio Practicals

by Lex Comber


This contains materials to support the University of Leeds GEOG5917 module, delivered by Lex Comber […] This is an on-line book written to support the practicals for the GEOG5917 Big Data and Consumer Analytics module, delivered by Lex Comber of the School of Geography, from the University of Leeds. A real book was written based on the materials developed for this module: Geographical Data Science and Spatial Data Analysis: An Introduction in R (Comber and Brunsdon 2021 - link here) and the module also draws from An Introduction to Spatial Analysis and Mapping in R (Brunsdon and Comber 2018 … Read more →


Data Science 2

by Mark Trede


Mark Trede In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften spielen Zufall und Unsicherheit eine wichtige Rolle. Zum einen, weil die ökonomische Theorie deskriptive und normative Aussagen darüber macht, wie ökonomische Akteur*innen sich unter Unsicherheit verhalten und wie sie sich rational verhalten sollten. Zum anderen, weil ökonomische Modelle mit Hilfe von statistischen Verfahren an die Realität angepasst werden sollen oder ökonomische Theorien anhand von emprischen Beobachtungen überprüft werden sollen. In dem Modul Data Science 2 lernen Sie, wie man mit Zufall und Unsicherheit umgeht. Das Modul lässt … Read more →


EGM Shiny Application Guideline

by Sangyoung Jung

EGM Shiny Application Guideline

Sangyoung Jung Welcome to the “Guideline for EGM Shiny Application.” This guide is meticulously crafted to support you in three critical areas: Data Verification - Dive deep into your data to identify missing values, spot outliers (such as unrealistic publication years), and rectify mismatches in intervention and outcome codes within DEP and EGM frameworks. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Visualization - Transform your dataset into insightful visual narratives, from detailed country maps to dynamic charts that illuminate the nexus between interventions and outcomes. Chapter 4 Advanced … Read more →


Inquiry and Analysis in Biology

by Jeff Wesner, Ph.D., University of South Dakota, Department of Biology, Joseph Raiche, Ph.D., University of South Dakota, Department of English


Erich Von Wolf, as the legend goes, was a German Chemist and researcher in the latter half of the 19th century who in 1870 “published” his findings on the iron content of several items including milk, beef, asparagus, and what has garnered far too much attention, spinach. The legend goes that when recording the iron content of spinach, he inadvertently moved the decimal point one space to the right. This caused a ten-fold increase in the reported iron content of the leafy green. The error was left unchallenged until 1936. Seven years earlier the New York’s Evening Journal’s long running comic … Read more →


Place-Based Belonging

by aguha


Document produced in R using bookdown. Please contact Brian Clark with questions or suggestions for improvement – preferred via Teams, otherwise Please use the following when referencing this document: Clark, B. A. M. (2023). Place-Based Belonging 1.0. Office of Assessment and Research, Division of Student Life, University of … Read more →


Psychometrics in Exercises using R and RStudio

by Anna Brown

Psychometrics in Exercises using R and RStudio

This textbook provides a comprehensive set of exercises for practicing all major Psychometric techniques using R and RStudio. Each exercise includes a worked example illustrating data analysis steps and teaching how to interpret results and make analysis decisions, and self-test questions that readers can attempt to check own understanding. […] This textbook provides a comprehensive set of exercises for practicing all major Psychometric techniques using R and RStudio. The exercises are based on real data from research studies and operational assessments, and provide step-by-step guides that … Read more →


[EPSY5221] Introduction to R

by Nana Kim


[EPSY5221] Introduction to R […] Learning R will expand your ability to analyze and visualize data. It may seem difficult to understand R at first; but you will find it simple and fun as you learn it. Hope this brief introduction can help beginners get started with R. … Read more →


Statistics 240 Course Notes

by Bret Larget


This book contains case studies and course notes for STAT 240, Introduction to Data Modeling, at the University of Wisconsin, including instruction for many tidyverse packages […] Statistics 240 is a first course in data science and statistical modeling at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. The course aims to enable you, the student in the course, to gain insight into real-world problems from messy data using methods of data science. These notes chart an initial path for you to gain the knowledge and skills needed to become a data scientist. The structure of the course is to present a series … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 第6回

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 第6回 […] 教科書は引き続き 椎名・姫野・保科 (2019) と 林賢一 (2020) を利用していきます. … Read more →


2023年度データサイエンス 期末レポート

by 酒井 優行


2023年度データサイエンス 期末レポート […] 2023年度データサイエンス講義の期末レポートの課題内容を本ページに記載します. レポートの提出や取り組むにあたっての注意事項も併せて記載します. 課題の提出はTeamsの期末レポート用の課題上で行ってください. 計算問題で用紙を利用する場合はノートではなくレポート用紙を利用してください. 計算問題・プログラミング課題それぞれ1つのファイルにまとめて提出してください. ※提出するファイルは2つになるはずです. また,ファイル名は「学籍番号_氏名_講義名_期末レポート_レポート内容」としてください. 例:11111_酒井優行_データサイエンス_期末レポート_計算課題 など … Read more →


Human Factors

by Prof. Dr. Armin Eichinger


Inhalte zu verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Themas Human Factors HTML output Format: bookdown::gitbook (_output.yml) [...] Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie Inhalte zum Thema Human Factors. Das Kapitel Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit kann im entsprechenden Abschnitt einer Vorlesung zur Allgemeinen Psychologie 1 eingesetzt ... Read more →


myCMIE 2.0

by Qi Xu, Jeanne Kowalski


Newsletter | myCMIE 2.0 […] myCMIE, a web application that simplifies Molecular Profiling Reports (MPRs) for cancer treatment decisions. It integrates genomic data, drug options, and clinical trials into a user-friendly platform for efficient treatment insights. myCMIE connects patient data with public datasets, for context-informed treatment and conjecture with therapeutic implication through interactive visualizations and collaborative tools for healthcare stakeholders. The app is deployed on Amazon Web Service (AWS) and is available at: … Read more →


Business Analytics: Metoder og anvendelser

by Udarbejdet af Mads Stenbo Nielsen

Business Analytics: Metoder og anvendelser

Dansksprogede noter, der opsummerer væsentlige dele af pensum i HD Business Intelligence. […] Nærværende notesæt er udarbejdet som et dansksproget supplement til fagets lærebog: Agresti, Franklin og Klingenberg: “Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data,” Pearson, 5. udgave … Read more →



by Austin Lee


高效文献计量工具介绍与部署教程 […] 通过现成的爬取+可视化分析+GPT文档解析工具,协助你快速了解一个陌生的研究领域 :] 这是武大费组的一次组会专题材料,希望能对路过的大家有所裨益XD 由于没有留言模块,任何问题欢迎上Urbanplayground公众号后台交流~ 本工具通过模拟用户操作,自动且重复地从Web of Science (WOS)导出文献信息来用于文献计量。用户可以自由设置要导出的文档数量,选择不同的导出文件格式并重命名导出的文件。该工具的原始创建者是CSDN博主:Parzival_, 目前还没有找到他的Github账户。我的主要工作是优化原始代码并使用更新版本的工具和更常用的Google Chrome浏览器来实现操作。请在转载时包含此声明和所有来源链接。 main.py是主文件,必须下载。merge.py用来将导出的不同excel表内容融合到一张表内,按需下载。drive … Read more →


Toolbox Computational Social Science

by Felix Lennert


Felix Lennert Dear student, if you read this script, you are either participating in one of my courses on digital methods for the social sciences, or at least interested in this topic. If you have any questions or remarks regarding this script, hit me up at This script will introduce you to two techniques I regard as elementary for any aspiring (computational) social scientist: the collection of digital trace data via either scraping the web or acquiring data from application programming interfaces (APIs) and the analysis of text in an automated fashion (text mining). … Read more →


Skript zum MAS Modul Servotechnik

by Martin Pischtschan


Skript Servotechnik […] Dieses Dokument dient als Grundlage für das MAS-Modul “Antriebstechnik,” welches von der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz angeboten wird. Es behandelt die Grundlagen der aktuellen Servotechnik. Das Dokument kann hier kostenlos gelesen werden. Ein PDF-Dokument kann via Email ( angefragt werden. Da das Erstellen dieses Dokumentes sehr viel Aufwand und Kosten in Form des Lebenselixirs Kaffee nach sich zog, wäre ich über eine kleine Kaffeespende sehr dankbar! Dies funktioniert am einfachsten mit einem Klick auf den folgenden Button, welcher Sie … Read more →


Introduction to Inferential Statistics

by Dr. Marc Trussler


Class notes for PSCI-1801 […] Current as of 2024-01-05 Lecture: MW 12-1:30pm (MCNB 309) Dr. Marc Trussler Fox-Fels Hall 32 (3814 Walnut Street) Office Hours: M 9-11am TA: Dylan Radley Fox-Fels Hall 35 (3814 Walnut Street) Office Hours: Tuesday 11-12 Tuesday 3-4 Thursday 12-1 The first step of many data science sequences is to learn a great deal about how to work with individual data sets: cleaning, tidying, merging, describing and visualizing data. These are crucial skills in data analytics, but describing a data set is not our ultimate goal. The … Read more →


Innovation Handbook

by Lucas Nelson


This is an informal collection of resources dedicated to summarizing, discussing, and advancing innovation in Audit Analytics. [...] It would be an understatement to say there is plenty of buzz surrounding the Audit Analytics practice: adopting Databricks has introduced compute resources that were previously unattainable; the recent class of new hires display a highly technical skill set and equally passionate “innovation-set”; our Data Science neighbors’ work using large language models opens up a whole new realm of revolutionizing audit procedures. With this buzz comes a lot of great ... Read more →


Insights and Analyses: A Course Companion

by Tyler R. Pritchard


Tyler R. Pritchard Report errors, recommendations, or concerns to Latest Updates: Jan 2024 Dec 2023 From the university calendar: PSYC 3950 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology III will cover advanced research methods, including survey methods, and supporting statistical concepts and techniques. Designs will include single factor designs and multi-factor designs with both random and fixed factors. Supporting statistical concepts will include analysis of variance (ANOVA) from a linear model perspective, statistical power, and multiple regression, … Read more →


Bayes meets the Lifetime

by Sarah Urbut


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a book written in Markdown. Please contact Sarah Urbut for questions. I’m really excited about these latent dirichlet allocation models, specifically for their flexibility in modeling time dependent changes in comorbidity profiles. However, I think much remains to be discovered. In the following pages, I hope you’ll enjoy: First, we discuss the general framework for topic models, and introduce typical notations ... Read more →


Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium

by Martin Monkman

Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium

A modest and very incomplete listing of resources for tackling data science problems in R. […] Draft This book grew out of my evergrowing collection of reference materials that was saved as an expanding array of markdown files in a github repo. By assembling it as a book, I hope that it will be more accessible and useful to other R users. The author would like to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the books, articles, blog posts, and R packages cited within. License This work by Martin Monkman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada … Read more →


Introdução à Estatística

by Joaquim Gomes


Um website dedicado ao ensino de estatística. […] Pode ser mudado depois: bookdown::render_book(“index.Rmd”) This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github:{r eval=FALSE} install.packages(“bookdown”) # or the development version # devtools::install_github(“rstudio/bookdown”) Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are … Read more →


R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

by Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemund

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

The first official book authored by the core R Markdown developers that provides a comprehensive and accurate reference to the R Markdown ecosystem. With R Markdown, you can easily create reproducible data analysis reports, presentations, dashboards, interactive applications, books, dissertations, websites, and journal articles, while enjoying the simplicity of Markdown and the great power of R and other languages. Read more →


Personal Notes: Statistical Rethinking (2nd ed)

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner This is work in progress: At the moment I am working on the practice section of chapter 4, e.g., I have finished (\approx 20%) of the book content. This book collects personal notes during reading of Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath. I am using the second edition published 2020 by CRC Press an imprint of Routledge of the Taylor & Francis Group. Additionally I am using Statistical Rethinking 2023, the most recent set of free YouTube video lectures. You can find links to other material on McElreath’s website about the book. Of special interest for me are the … Read more →


Exploration de données avec R

by ael


Pour obtenir la dernière version de ce livre, visitez le site: Ce document est une introduction à l’utilisation du logiciel libre de traitement de données et d’analyse statistique R. Il vise à introduire uniquement les notions de base nécessaire à connaitre pour quelqu’un qui découvre ce langage de programmation pour la première fois. Ce document est inspiré de plusieurs sources, parmi lesquels nous citons les références suivantes En anglais : En français : … Read more →


Series de Tiempo

by victor_morales


Este documento está en construcción. Tiene por objetivo recoger material necesario para impartir un curso aplicado en modelización de Series de Tiempo. Puede dividirse en tres grandes componentes: i) Análisis exploratorio y descomposición, 2) modelización de series univariantes (incluye, ARIMA, ARCH y GARCH) y i) modelización de series multivariantes, expecíficamente de Modelos Vectoriales Autorregresivos (VAR). En la medida de lo posible el documento trabaja con series de tiempo del Ecuador. Además, el software utilizado para el análisis, estimación y predicción es R. Otros contenidos … Read more →


ECOM20001 Tutorial Questions and Suggested Solutions

by Richard Hayes


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a collate all the tutorial questions and answers in semester 2, 2023 in a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown that covers the questions and suggested solutions to tutorials posted in semester 2, 2023. Each bookdown chapter contains the questions and suggested solutions for each tutorial. One of the reasons for putting this book together was to assist in your exam revision. Most of the solutions are hidden so you should ... Read more →


Interactive Teaching Techniques

by Teaching & Learning Centre


Collection of interactive teaching techniques. […] Welcome to the ebook on interactive teaching techniques. This document is based on the Interactive Techniques PDF of Kevin Yee. Based on the creative commons licence the Teaching & Learning Centre of the University of Amsterdam is maintaining and expanding this ebook version. The full credits can be found at the end of this ebook. These techniques presented in this ebook have multiple benefits: the instructor can easily and quickly assess if students have really mastered the material (and plan to dedicate more time to it, if necessary), and … Read more →


Łagodne wprowadzenie do statystyki

by rudolf_von_ems


(c) Tomasz Przechlewski / CC-BY license […] Wyraz statystyka ma wiele znaczeń: statystyki zgonów albo statystyki alkoholizmu czyli dane dotyczące zgonów lub alkoholizmu. Statystyka to też dziedzina wiedzy, upraszczając zbiór metod, które służą do tworzenia statystyk w pierwszym znaczeniu tego słowa. Wreszcie statystyka to pojedyncza metoda ze zbioru metod opracowanych w dziedzinie, np. średnia to statystyka. Trochę to niefortunne, ale świat nie jest doskonały jak wiemy… Statystyka (obiegowo): dział matematyki, a w związku z tym wiedza absolutnie pewna i obiektywna. Nieprawda choćby z tego … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 第5回

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 第5回 […] 教科書は引き続き 椎名・姫野・保科 (2019) と 林賢一 (2020) を利用していきます. … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 課題

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 課題 […] 講義概要に記載の通り,成績評価にあたり各回の課題の点数が成績に考慮されます. 課題の提出については以下に従ってください. 必ず が明確にわかるように記載してください.いずれかに不備があった場合は減点対象とします. 提出期限は翌講義日の開始までとします. Teams上で提出とします.プログラミング課題については,RStudioのnotebookファイル,計算問題については画像形式(JPGやPDFなど)で添付してください. … Read more →


Evaluating What Works

by Dorothy V M Bishop and Paul A Thompson

Evaluating What Works

Introduction to methods for evaluating effectiveness of non-medical interventions […] Those who work in allied health professions and education aim to make people’s lives better. Often, however, it is hard to know how effective we have been: would change have occurred if we hadn’t intervened? Is it possible we are doing more harm than good? To answer these questions and develop a body of knowledge about what works, we need to evaluate interventions. As we shall see, demonstrating that an intervention has an impact is much harder than it appears at first sight. There are all kinds of issues … Read more →


Understanding Digital Information Flow via Computational Methods

by Valerie Hase, LMU Munich


B.A. Seminar at LMU Munich, Fall 2023/2024 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “Understanding Digital Information Flow via Computational Methods”. It is part of the undergraduate course “Communication Studies” (LMU, Department of Media and Communication) and takes place Friday 10 am to 2pm in the CIP pool, Akademiestr. 7. You will find all necessary information on the seminar’s structure, important dates and assessments/evaluations via Moodle. Please carefully consider the syllabus when deciding whether to participate in this seminar. This tutorial will introduce you to two … Read more →


Survey data in Economics and Finance

by Guillaume Osier


This is the full book written in preparation for my course on “Survey data in the field of Economics and Finance” given at the University of Luxembourg in 2023-2024 (Master 2 ‘Economy and Finance’). […] Counting populations through exhaustive censuses has been a practice that has been established for millennia, dating back to the era of ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, Egyptians and Romans. These populations conducted censuses for supporting a range of economic decisions, including taxation, scaling the labor force, food distribution and industrial investment. Censuses are … Read more →



by Morley J Weston


TK […] This is the class workbook for Multilingual Computational Methods for Text-based Media. Chapters will be added as the class … Read more →


Trabajo Final

by Grupo-Pilco-Cusi


Grupo-Pilco-Cusi Curso: Programacion en Lenguaje Estadistico Carrera: Estadistica Integrantes del grupo: Jordan Pilco Valvas Diego Cusi … Read more →


Trabajo Final

by Wilder Espinoza & Julio Arapa


Wilder Espinoza & Julio Arapa Trabajo final del curso Programación en Lenguaje Estadístico 2023-II Espinoza Luna, Wilder Gilmer 22140060 Arapa Lazo, Julio César … Read more →



by Melany Montero


Melany Montero Una variable es un nombre que hace referencia a un valor, específicamente es el nombre de una ubicación de memoria reservada que contiene algún valor. Por ejemplo: x <- 10. Aquí, ‘x’ es el nombre de la variable, la flacha (<-) es un operador de asignación y 10 es el valor o literal. Entonces, al usar un operador de asignación (=) en R, podemos reservar memoria para el valor sin declararlo explícitamente. Para nombres de variables de varias palabras, se usan guiones bajos entre palabras (nombre_variable), pero algunos usan “camelCase” (a veces llamado “studlyCaps”) como … Read more →


Trabajo Final Programación en Lenguaje Estadístico

by Hidalgo Dante y Huaman Celeste


Hidalgo Dante y Huaman Celeste Guevara Ponce, Victor Huaman Mejia, Franseska Celeste 22140234 Hidalgo Huachaca, Dante Sebastian … Read more →


Unlocking the power of data visualization with R - Unlocking the Power of Data Visualization with R

by fede_gazzelloni

Unlocking the power of data visualization with R - Unlocking the Power of Data Visualization with R

A full list of Data Visualizations with code made with the R programming language. Welcome to Unlocking the Power of Data Visualization with R, where I proudly showcase my contributions to the #R4DS community through the #TidyTuesday, #30DayChartChallenge, and #30DayMapChallenge competitions, for 2021, 2022, and 2023. This platform is your gateway to data exploration, featuring a diverse collection of data visualizations created using the R programming language. Take a deep dive into the digital gallery, click on the image to discover insights, find inspiration, and learn from detailed … Read more →


Neukölln-Komplex - Rechercheübersicht


Neukölln-Komplex - Rechercheübersicht […] Diese Webseite sammelt Informationen rund um den Neukölln-Komplex (NKK). Als NKK wird eine rechte Gewaltserie in Berlin-Neukölln bezeichnet. Dazu zählen seit 2009 mindestens 200 Straftaten, darunter dutzende Brandstiftungen und mindestens zwei Morde auf offener Straße. Trotz einem bekannten Täterkreis hat es bis heute keine umfassende gerichtliche Aufarbeitung des Komplex gegeben. Viele Betroffene sehen Fehler bei den Sicherheitsbehörden. Manche argumentieren, dass ein rechtes Netzwerk mit Verbindungen in Polizei und Justiz die Auflärung sogar aktiv … Read more →


Exploratory Factor Analysis in R


This online course describe how to extract and use open source data for factor analysis in R. […] Course Overview Hi All, Welcome to the Online Course on “Exploratory Factor Analysis in R”. This is an online course designed to deepen your understanding of how to conduct factor analysis in R. The target audience are graduate students, researchers, and anyone interested in learning how to use open-source data for factor analysis. Factor analysis is a data reduction method used to explore and validate the structure of observed variables in multivariate data. Please read the course syllabus … Read more →


Trabajo final - PLE

by Porlles Castillo Sharif Snyder


Porlles Castillo Sharif Snyder … Read more →


Stat 340 Notes: Fall 2023

by Laurie Tupper


Notes and course info for Stat 340 […] These notes are divided into three sections: This document isn’t designed to be read through in order – hence all the hyperlinks. Use the sidebar to navigate to what you need (you can also bookmark specific locations in your browser), and feel free to ask (or start a discussion thread!) if you can’t find something. Happy … Read more →


Stat 140 Notes: Fall 2023

by Laurie Tupper


Notes and docs for Stat 140 […] These notes are divided into different sections: This document isn’t designed to be read through in order – hence all the hyperlinks. Use the sidebar to navigate to what you need (you can also bookmark specific locations in your browser), and feel free to ask (or start a discussion thread!) if you can’t find something. Happy … Read more →



by 汪文祥 邢金璋 等著


CPU设计实战:LoongArch版 […] CPU,中文全称为中央处理单元,简称处理器,是现代电子计算机的核心器件。如果你想了解一台计算机是如何构建并工作起来的,那么深入了解CPU的设计非常有用。不过,这个美好的愿望是否会遭遇骨感的现实呢?毕竟一谈及CPU,大家马上会想到的是英特尔(Intel)、超微半导体(AMD)、苹果(Apple)、安谋(ARM)、高通(Qualcomm)这些国际知名公司生产的产品,进而认为CPU设计是一件遥不可及的事情,普通学习者要想掌握它简直就是天方夜谭。 那么CPU设计到底难不难呢?实话实说,要做出具有世界一流水平的产品确实不容易。别看CPU个头不大,它却是一个复杂度极高的系统。设计CPU挑战的 … Read more →


Speaking: The free book (chapter)

by Vitória Piai


Speaking, the free book chapter, was conceived by V. Piai […] This book chapter emerged from my frustration with finding appropriate introductory materials on the (neuro)psychology of language production. Existing resources are not accessible, in my opinion. Peer-reviewed articles are not introductory enough, which makes them hard to use for teaching at the Bachelor’s level or for initiating students on the topic more generally. Books, including handbooks, besides being very expensive, are too big; instead of getting an introduction to the topic, you get an entire book on the topic, so you … Read more →


Computational Social Science Notes

by Saurabh Khanna


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This book is a repository of my notes in computational social science from reading Salganik’s Bit By Bit, as well as open access curricula released by the SICSS ... Read more →


ST429 - Statistical Methods for Risk Management

by Xiaolin Zhu


This involves a series of coding sessions for ST429. […] Coding sessions for ST429 are included … Read more →


Informe Final

by Chuqui & Perez


Chuqui & Perez Integrantes del grupo Chuqui Diaz Gianpier Perez Perez … Read more →


Reviewing Scientific Literature Seminar Workbook

by Edward Stanhope


This is the seminar handbook for reviewing scientific literature that outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of reviewing academic literature, including the searching for and identification of relevant articles from academic databases, navigating and extracting relevant information from journal articles, and formulating an academic discussion which syntheses the information gained from this process. These skills will prepare you for written assessments across your degree program and for life beyond university. The learning … Read more →


Xu’s Introduction to Option Trading

by Guangyu


Use a week time to master the basic concept of option trading […] This book aims to solve one problem on how to use one week to master the core concept of option trading. It lays emphasis on graphs and figures to help you understand the core concept. Hope you can implement simple strategy in real world and gain the ability to read more advanced classic books such as: If you have any critics or feedback, please send email to … Read more →


Курс 'Разработка пакетов на языке R'

by Алексей Селезнёв

Курс 'Разработка пакетов на языке R'

Бесплатный видео курс по разработке собственных пакетов на языке R. […] Мое знакомство с языком R началось в 2016 году, когда я решил использовать его для сбора данных через API из различных рекламных платформ. Для некоторых из них уже существовали готовые решения в виде пакетов, но для менее известных площадок пришлось создавать собственные инструменты. Тогда я столкнулся с ограниченностью существующих ресурсов и решил самостоятельно разобраться в создании R-пакетов. На тот момент подробных руководств было мало, и я приходил к пониманию процесса методом проб и ошибок. Используя базовые … Read more →


Modele rynku kapitałowego

by Błażej Kochański


Skrypt przedmiotu Modele rynku kapitałowego 2022 […] Zaczątek skryptu dla przedmiotu Modele rynku kapitałowego. Skrypt będzie w najbliższym czasie podlegał ciągłym zmianom… Model - uproszczenie rzeczywistości, często w formie matematycznej. Rynek kapitałowy ( - kupno i sprzedaż akcji i obligacji, głównie poprzez giełdy. (\mathcal{R}_t) – stopa zwrotu brutto w okresie rozpoczynającym się w momencie (t-1), a kończącym w momencie (t) (w skrócie: w okresie (t)) (R_t) – prosta jednookresowa stopa zwrotu netto w okresie (t) (R_i) – … Read more →


Systematic Reviewing Scientific Literature Seminar Workbook

by Edward Stanhope


This is the seminar handbook for systematic reviewing scientific literature that outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop student’s knowledge and understanding of the systematic reviewing of academic literature. This includes developing an appropriate search string, screening process, study eligibility criteria, data extraction form/table, quality appraisal tool and other methodological features associated with the systematic reviewing process. This process minimises potential reviewer biases and increases the methodological rigor. Using these skills … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 第4回

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 第4回 […] … Read more →


Aprendiendo R studio.

by Andersson Vargas Magallanes


Andersson Vargas Magallanes ¡Zona en … Read more →


Trabajo de Progra. lenguaje estad.

by Sharif Porlles


Sharif Porlles Trabajo de … Read more →



by Hadley Wickham


Hadley Wickham This website us the ggplot visulization sections of Hadley Wickham’s book 2nd edition of “R for Data Science”. … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 9: Hypothesis Testing for One and Two Sample Proportions

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 9 […] In this topic, rather than testing for differences in means as we did via (t)-tests and ANOVA, we will be considering hypothesis tests for proportions. The types of questions that can be addressed with these types of tests include: is the proportion of left-handed people different from 10%? Or, has a particular intervention led to a significant difference in the proportion of premature births? Or, is the proportion of extroverts different from 50%? As usual, we do not need to calculate the true population proportions to answer these questions. Rather, we can use sample … Read more →


Become a disease detective: Solve an outbreak

by R-Ladies Melbourne


This is a step-by-step guide for the presentation by R-Ladies Melbourne for “It takes a spark” on 17-Nov-23, [...] Caitlin, Dionne, and Lauren are from R Ladies Melbourne, and we are here because we want to teach you how to program in R! R-Ladies is a world-wide organisation whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community. See the R-Ladies global website or R-Ladies Melbourne for more information! Coding is writing instructions that a machine or computer can understand to perform a task. R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical ... Read more →


Crédibilité: théorie et applications avec R

by Jean-Philippe Boucher

Crédibilité: théorie et applications avec R

Notes de cours du ACT5400-Crédibilité, du baccalauréat en actuariat, UQAM. […] Ce site contient les notes de cours pour le ACT5400 - Crédibilité, un cours obligatoire du baccalauréat en actuariat de l’UQAM. L’objectif de ces notes est de présenter la théorie de la crédibilité tout en utilisant le logiciel R pour mieux comprendre la théorie et pour des applications pratiques. Ces notes de cours ont été écrites en RMarkdown, plus particulièrement en RBookdown. Les notes de cours de la théorie de la crédibilité, développées depuis 2007, étaient précédemment écrites en TeX. La conversion des … Read more →


STA 265 Notes (Methods of Statistics and Data Science)

by Christopher Mecklin


This are notes for STA 265 at Murray State University for students in Dr. Christopher Mecklin’s class. […] This chapter includes both material from the textbook and material that I have added to aid you in using R and R Studio for statistical and data science tasks. To both illustrate the 4-Step Process of statistical modeling and to review the two-sample (t)-test, I will illustrate testing to see if there was a statistically significant differnce between two different sections of a class on their final exam, where one section took a final on Monday morning and the other one on Friday … Read more →


Introduction to R: Exercises

by Jena University Hospital, Institute of Medical Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences, Julia Palm (


Accompanying IMSID course […] These assignments accompany the course Introduction to R and should be done at home before each course date. We will link to the respective book section in each of the exercises, so you’ll be able to find instructions on how to solve this kind of exercise quickly. We will discuss solutions in the seminar session, complete code solutions will be published after the … Read more →


R Programming for Psychometrics

by Susu Zhang


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This ebook serves as a companion to the PSYC490 lab sessions. Chapters will be added and updated throughout the semester. Contributors: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International … Read more →


제조 전문가의 AI 솔루션 설계 : 5일 완성

by 이창선


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 디지털 기술의 투자 비중은 클라우드에 집중되어 있으며, AI 투자는 매우 저조한 상태이다. 클라우드는 47.3%이지만, AI는 1.7%이다. 제조 분야에서 인공지능 디지털 활용율은 1.6%이며, 금융 11.1%, 통신 17.1%에 비해서 매우 낮은 편이다.(’21, NIS) 제조 AI 솔루션의 확산을 위해서는 본질을 이해할 필요가 있다. 제조AI ... Read more →


Recopilación de Ejercicios de Farmacocinética

by Edsaúl Emilio Pérez Guerrero


Este pequeño compendio recopila ejercicios de farmacocinética para la materia de Biofarmacia y Farmacocinética. Algunos ejercicios no son de mi autoría, sin embargo, se le da crédito a cada uno de los … Read more →


Introducción al Análisis de Datos

by Grupo 7


Grupo 7 Atencio Alejo, Alexander Gutierrez Huaman, Jesus Hernesto Huerta Tiburcio, Kennedy Brayan Perez Perez, Carla Estefani Xiomara Villa Yataco, Krisstell Si sientes una fascinación por el mundo del análisis de datos y tienes un deseo genuino de adentrarte en los universos de la exploración y preparación de datos del lenguaje R y Rstudio, has llegado al lugar indicado. En este espacio, te sumergirás en un mar de conocimiento que te proporcionará las bases necesarias para comprender y dominar estas poderosas etapas del proceso de análisis de datos. … Read more →


Geostatystyka w R

by Jakub Nowosad


Introduction to geostatistics with R (in Polish). Skrypt ma na celu wprowadzenie do analiz przestrzennych (GIS) używająć języka programowania R, a następnie zastosowanie uzyskanej wiedzy do wykonania estymacji (interpolacji) oraz symulacji geostatystycznych. […] Masz przed sobą skrypt zawierający materiały do ćwiczeń z geostatystyki. Składa się ona z kilkunastu rozdziałów pokazujących jak: wygląda geostatystyczna analiza danych (rozdział 1), dodawać i wizualizować dane przestrzenne w R (rozdział 2), wykonywać wstępną eksplorację danych nieprzestrzennych (rozdział 3), wstępnie analizować dane … Read more →


Mit Emma durch den Daten-Dschungel

by Daniel Schumann & Oliver Böhm-Kasper


Begleitdokument zur Selbstlerneinheit “Mit Emma durch Daten-Dschungel” […] Dieses Tutorial soll Dich bei der Bearbeitung des Selbstlernkurses “Mit Emma durch den Daten-Dschungel” unterstützen. Du hast mit Emma bislang verschiedene Schritte auf ihrem Weg zur empirischen Abschlussarbeit erlebt. Nun kannst Du gemeinsam mit Emma das Auswertungsprogramm “R / RStudio” kennenlernen. (R ist das eigentliche Auswertungsprogramm; RStudio ist eine nutzerfreundliche Entwicklungsumgebung zur einfacheren Bedienung des Programms R.) Dieses Dokument soll Dir helfen, die einzelnen Schritte der … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 8: Correlation and Simple Linear Regression

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 8 […] In this topic, we will be considering two related types of analyses: Correlation and Simple Linear Regression. These techniques can be used to describe the relationship between two numeric variables. For example, you may recall in Topic 2 that we considered the relationship between income per person (GDP per capita, PPP$ inflation-adjusted) and the Happiness Index ( 2021). We will again consider the relationship between these two variables, but this time we will focus our analysis on countries whose GDP per capita is between $10,000 and $50,000, as depicted … Read more →


Statistiek en Excel

by docenten: Alyanne, Bas, Michael, Renate, Rolinka en Zoltán


Dit is de reader voor de module Statistiek en Excel […] De cursus Inleiding Exacte Vaardigheden (voltijd) en Biomedische Basisvaardigheden (deeltijd) maken deel uit het studieprogramma van de VL1, tijdvak 1, periode A. Het is respectievelijk een onderdeel van de voltijds en de deeltijds propedeuse van de opleiding Life Sciences. De kennis en vaardigheden die worden opgedaan sluiten aan bij de thema’s ‘Health & Disease’, ‘Food & Health’ en ‘Sustainibility’. De cursus bestaat uit 2 modules: Deze online reader is voor Statistiek en Excel. Meer informatie over de overkoepelende cursus … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 第3回

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 第3回 […] … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 第2回

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 第2回 […] … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 第1回

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 第1回 […] 今日の講義では以下の内容を扱います. 各セクションについて説明したのち,例を示して演習を行うという一連の流れを1セット(5分~15分) として講義を進めていきます. 手を動かす時間も多くありますので頑張っていきましょう. … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 7: One-way ANOVA

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 7 […] In the previous topic, we learnt how to test for differences in means between two independent groups via the independent samples (t)-test. This was a situation where the independent variable was a categorical variable with only two categories. What happens when we want to test for differences in means between two or more independent groups? In this case, we can use one-way Analysis of Variance, commonly referred to as one-way ANOVA. What type of variables are required for a one-way ANOVA? A one-way ANOVA will always involve two variables: For example, let’s consider a … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 6: t-tests for two-sample hypothesis testing

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 6 […] Having learnt in the previous topic about Hypothesis Testing via the one-sample (t)-test, this week we will extend our knowledge to two more types of (t)-tests: the two-sample (t)-test for independent samples, and the two-sample (t)-test for dependent (paired) samples. Throughout this topic, we will refer to these tests as the independent samples (t)-test and the paired (t)-test respectively. In this topic, we will learn what each of these tests are via examples, as well as the following important steps: Finally, in addition to learning how to determine … Read more →


Economics 395: Forecasting

by Jaya Jha


Economics 395: Forecasting […] This resource is a compilation of Dr. Jaya Jha’s notes and code for Economics 395: Economic Forecasting. This course uses Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting as the primary textbook.1 The code sections for this class use the same data and visualizations from Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, but not the methods.2 The methods used are from Forecasting: Principles and Practice by Rob J. Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos.3 Montgomery, Jennings, and Kulahci, Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting.↩︎ Montgomery, … Read more →


Personal Notes: A Student’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner This Quarto book collects my personal notes, trials and exercises of the A Student’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics by Ben … Read more →


SWBio Bioinformatics course task book

by David Studholme


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] This is the task book for the SWBio Bioinformatics course. This book summarises the tasks that you should work through during the workshops. The first three workshops are planned to be in-person with the instructor(s) present. During those in-person workshops there will be time to complete at least some of the tasks. Later in the week there are remote self-study sessions where you work at your own pace and the ... Read more →


An Introduction to R Analytics

by GT CY


This is a blueprint of an introduction to R. […] Welcome to the world of data analysis! “Introduction to R in Data Analytics” is your friendly guide to understanding how to use the R programming language for playing with data. If you’re new to this, don’t worry - we’ve got you covered. This book takes you step by step, teaching you how to make sense of data using R. We’ll show you how to organize information, create cool charts and graphs, and even predict trends from data. You’ll learn all about the powerful tools that R offers for understanding numbers and patterns in data. But we won’t … Read more →


Introducción a la ciencia de datos con R.

by Gastón Becerra y Juan Pablo López Alurralde


Curso intro de R […] Estos recursos corresponden a un seminario de sociología y epistemología del big data. El presente material corresponde a la unidad práctica de dicho seminario, que busca introducirnos en análisis de datos por medio del lenguaje R. Si bien este objetivo es explícitamente de nivel introductorio, creemos que puede ser un primer paso hacia un fin necesario: acercarnos al fenómeno de los datos, con una mirada “desde adentro”. Escenarios sociales y técnicos como el big data, así como los avances en inteligencia artificial y la proliferación de algoritmos en diversas esferas … Read more →


2023年度:データサイエンス 講義概要

by 酒井 優行


2023年度:データサイエンス 講義概要 […] 本ページは2023年度のデータサイエンス講義の概要を説明するものです. 本講義では教科書の内容をベースにした講義資料を基に進めていきます。基本的に教科書の方が網羅的な内容となっているので 講義の中でわからない部分については適宜対応する教科書を内容を確認・自習するようにしてください。 また、R/RStudioを利用したプログラミングについても触れます。 ChatGPTなどを使ってプログラミングを支援してもらうことは一向に構いません。 これらのGenerativeAIは昨今話題になり、急速に社会に浸透しつつあります。 おそらく皆さんが大学を卒業し社会に出ていく頃には、さらに研究・開発が進み … Read more →


Precalculus: 01 Function

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner This Quarto book collects my personal notes, trials and exercises for the first chapter “Function” of Abramson, J. (2021). Precalculus 2e (2nd ed.). OpenStax College. Because of the huge amount of the material in the book I am planning a separate Quarto book for each of the 12 chapters of Precalcuclus. (So the plan: I am not sure if I will ever finish this monster project 😜) I will go through the text and note the most important content for me to learn. This results in a subjective collections of text pieces: Conditional on my previous knowledge (at that time) I will include … Read more →


제조 전문가의 AI 솔루션 설계 : 5일 완성

by 이창선


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 디지털 기술의 투자 비중은 클라우드에 집중되어 있으며, AI 투자는 매우 저조한 상태이다. 클라우드는 47.3%이지만, AI는 1.7%이다. 제조 분야에서 인공지능 디지털 활용율은 1.6%이며, 금융 11.1%, 통신 17.1%에 비해서 매우 낮은 편이다.(’21, NIS) 제조 AI 솔루션의 확산을 위해서는 본질을 이해할 필요가 있다. 제조AI ... Read more →


You Can Learn R

by Sam Manski


This is a resource to help teach people how to learn R. … Read more →


Estatistica Experimental na Agricultura com R

by Jennifer Lopes


Este é um livro criado para o curso. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] ... Read more →


Marketing Research

by Mike Nguyen

Marketing Research

Placeholder for interesting knowledge in marketing […] No prerequisites required to read this … Read more →


Fundamentos de Programación en R y Python

by Grupo 7


Grupo 7 Atencio Alejo, Alexander Gutierrez Huaman, Jesus Hernesto Huerta Tiburcio, Kennedy Brayan Perez Perez, Carla Estefani Xiomara Villa Yataco, Krisstell Si sientes una fascinación por el mundo de la programación y tienes un deseo genuino de adentrarte en los universos de R y Python, has llegado al lugar indicado. En este espacio, te sumergirás en un mar de conocimiento que te proporcionará las bases necesarias para comprender y dominar estas poderosas herramientas de programación. … Read more →


Examen Parcial

by Grupo 04


Grupo 04 Este Examen Pacial esta hecho en Quarto book, además esta hecho de forma grupal y los integrantes son los siguientes: Hidalgo Huachaca Dante Sebastian (22140235) Huaman Mejia Franseska Celeste (22140234) Arapa Lazo Julio César (22140218) Atachao Vela, Jorge Alonso (21140085) En este trabajo de investigación se tratará de abordar todo lo relacionado con R con el propósito de ayudar e incentivar el estudio de este importante programa en la rama de la Estadística. Se abordara los fundamentos del programa (qué es R, qué es IDE - Rstudio y la programación orientada a objetos). Como … Read more →


Analysing CRISPR Screens with edgeR

by Göknur Giner


This is a book version to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] Welcome to the “Analyzing CRISPR Screens with edgeR”. Our aim is to empower researchers like you with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of CRISPR data analysis. This platform serves as the central hub for a comprehensive guide on leveraging one of the most commonly used differential expression analysis Bioconductor package edgeR, for the analysis of CRISPR screens. Whether you’re delving into CRISPR experiments for the ... Read more →


My R Markdown Document

by Your Name


My R Markdown Document […] 通过观测点数据模拟整个大棚环境变量,进行可视化展示 … Read more →



by wym


读报 … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 4B (Science and Health)

by Based on Chapter 5 of ''Scientific Research and Methodology'' by Peter K. Dunn (Dunn 2021)


STM1001 Topic 4B (Science and Health) […] In this topic, we will discuss sampling considerations (external validity). Following an overview of sampling, we will consider various sampling methods, along with specific considerations for each … Read more →


Probability & Bayesian Modeling

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner This Quarto book collects my personal notes, trials and exercises of Probability & Bayesian Modeling by Jim Albert & Jingchen … Read more →


Multi-level Modeling: Nested and Longitudinal data

by Marc Scott

Multi-level Modeling: Nested and Longitudinal data

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] This is a course on models for multilevel nested data. These data arise in nested designs, which are quite common to education and applied social, behavioral and policy science. Traditional methods, such as OLS regression, are not appropriate in this setting, as they fail to model the complex correlational structure that is induced by these designs. Proper inference requires that we include aspects of the design in the ... Read more →


Design Notebook

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a note for popular clinical trial designs. Each design contains some corresponding literature, a shiny app for calculation and computation ... Read more →


Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner This Quarto book collects my personal notes, trials and exercises of the Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way: Understanding Statistics and Probability With Star Wars, LEGO, and Rubber Ducks by Will Kurt (Kurt 2019). I am not an expert in statistics. During my study in sociology back in 1970er I had only rudimentary learned about frequentist statistics. There weren’t computer only via time-sharing and keypunching for card-to-tape converter available. This was painstaking and not motivating because it had not much practical values. 10 years later I worked sometimes with SPSS but … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 3: Probability and Distributions

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 3 […] In this topic, we will consider the concept of probability. We will then consider both continuous and discrete random variables, and then introduce perhaps the most famous probability distribution of all: The Normal Distribution. Finally, we will consider some other continuous and discrete … Read more →


Inclusive Growth Index: Results

by Petra Kynclova


The documentation shows preliminary data processing and results retrieved when compiling the Inclusive Growth Index (IGI). It also presents and analyzes the final results. [...] The documentation shows preliminary data processing and results retrieved when compiling the Inclusive Growth Index (IGI). It also presents and analyzes the final results. Following R packages should be installed and ... Read more →


STM1001 Topic 2 - Descriptive Statistics

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 2 […] Having learnt how to present data in the last topic, in this topic our focus will be on describing data, or, descriptive statistics. We will be learning how to describe data using both numerical and graphical measures. Throughout this topic’s content, we will be considering some examples based on free material from ( … Read more →


Machine Learning and Neural Networks

by Dr. Hailiang Du


These are the course notes for the Machine Learning and Neural Networks module (MATH3431) at Durham University. […] Welcome to the material for the first half of the Machine Learning and Neural Networks module (MATH3431) at Durham University. These pages consist of relevant lecture notes will be updated as the course progresses. I would recommend that you use the html version of these notes (they have been designed for use in this way), however, there is also a pdf version of these notes. In this first half of the module (Michaelmas Term), we will be focusing on “Machine Learning” rather … Read more →


Balance 3B

by Jane Doe


Jane Doe Cuota general; se recaudó S/80.00 soles que se entrego al comite general. Cuota del aula; se recaudó S/130.00 soles de los cuales se compró una cartera de S/120.00 soles y una bolsa de regalo de S/10.00 soles quedando pendiente el pasaje gastado (S/2.00 soles). Se recaudo S/270.00 soles de los cuales se gastó en vasos personalizados 3.80 x 27 los que nos da: Aparte se gastó en lo siguiente: Dando como gasto total lo siguiente: Entonces si hacemos una resta simple de lo recaudado en esta actividad menos lo gastado en total nos quedaria lo siguiente: Nos queda S/40.60 soles más los … Read more →


Programando en R

by Julio Arapa


Julio Arapa R es un entorno de software libre (licencia GNU GLP) y lenguaje de programación interpretado, es decir, ejecuta las instrucciones directamente, sin una previa compilación del programa a instrucciones en lenguaje máquina. El término entorno, en R, se refiere a un sistema totalmente planificado y coherente, en lugar de una acumulación de herramientas específicas e inflexibles, como suele ser el caso en otros softwares de análisis de datos. Este entorno es comúnmente utilizado para la computación estadística y gráfica, ya que dispone de una amplia variedad de técnicas estadísticas … Read more →


About Rstudio-

by Jane Doe


Jane Doe R es un entorno y lenguaje de programación que se centra en el análisis estadístico. Surgió como una implementación de código abierto del lenguaje S, enriquecido con capacidades de ámbito estático. Se ha convertido en uno de los lenguajes de programación más prominentes en la investigación científica y es especialmente destacado en áreas como aprendizaje automático (machine learning), minería de datos, econometría, investigación biomédica, bioinformática y finanzas. Esto se debe en gran medida a su capacidad para cargar diversas bibliotecas o paquetes que ofrecen funcionalidades de … Read more →


El lenguaje R

by Dante Hidalgo


Dante Hidalgo R es un lenguaje de programación que permite realizar análisis de datos escribiendo scripts y funciones. R es un lenguaje interactivo orientado a objetos, este ha sido diseñado por estadísticos para los estadísticos. El lenguaje proporciona objetos, operadores y funciones que hacen que el proceso de exploración, modelado y visualización de datos sea natural. Los análisis completos de datos a menudo pueden ser representados en unas pocas líneas de código. Además, R es un proyecto de software libre. Esto no sólo significa que se puede descargar y utilizar de forma gratuita, sino … Read more →


Prueba de blog en quarto

by wilder_espinoza3


R es un lenguaje de programación y entorno de desarrollo utilizado principalmente para análisis estadístico y visualización de datos. Es una herramienta poderosa y versátil que ha ganado popularidad en la comunidad de ciencia de datos y estadísticas debido a su flexibilidad y amplia variedad de paquetes y librerías. R Studio es un entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) diseñado específicamente para trabajar con R. Proporciona una interfaz de usuario amigable que facilita la escritura de código, la gestión de proyectos y la generación de informes reproducibles. En conjunto, R y RStudio son … Read more →



by Nicolle Berrospi


Nicolle Berrospi This is a Quarto book. To learn more about Quarto books visit … Read more →


Sobre el lenguaje R

by Celeste Huaman


Celeste Huaman R es un entorno y lenguaje de programación con un enfoque al análisis estadístico. R nació como una reimplementación de software libre del lenguaje S, adicionado con soporte para ámbito estático. Se trata de uno de los lenguajes de programación más utilizados en investigación científica, siendo además muy popular en los campos de aprendizaje automático (machine learning), minería de datos, econometría, investigación biomédica, bioinformática y en el campo económico-financiero. A esto contribuye la posibilidad de cargar diferentes bibliotecas o paquetes con funcionalidades de … Read more →


Proyecto en Lenguaje estadistico

by Jordan Joel Pilco Valvas


Jordan Joel Pilco Valvas This is a Quarto book. To learn more about Quarto books visit … Read more →



by Huaman Llanos Felix Moises


Huaman Llanos Felix Moises Una variable es un nombre que hace referencia a un valor. Una de las características más poderosas de un lenguaje de programación es la capacidad de manipular variables. Una variable es el nombre de una ubicación de memoria reservada que contiene algún valor. Por ejemplo: x = 10. Aquí, ‘x’ es el nombre de la variable, el signo igual (=) es un operador de asignación y 10 es el valor o literal. Entonces, al usar un operador de asignación (=) en Python, podemos reservar memoria para el valor sin declararlo explícitamente. Para asignar el valor a una variable, … Read more →


Programando de Python a R studio

by Norah Jones


Norah Jones This is a Quarto book. To learn more about Quarto books visit Los operadores aritméticos son necesarios para realizar operaciones aritméticas como suma, resta, multiplicación, división, etc. La siguiente tabla es la lista de operadores aritméticos en Python: Los operadores relacionales se utilizan para comprobar la relación entre operandos y comparar los valores. Según la condición, estos operadores devuelven como resultado “Verdadero” o “Falso”: Para asignar el valor a una variable, utilizamos operadores de asignación. La siguiente es una lista de … Read more →



by Gianpier Chuqui Diaz


Gianpier Chuqui Diaz This is a Quarto book. To learn more about Quarto books visit … Read more →


Aprendiendo a Programar

by Diego Cusi


Diego Cusi … Read more →



by Jane Doe


Jane Doe This is a Quarto book. To learn more about Quarto books visit … Read more →


Kriss Quarto

by Krisstell


Krisstell … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 1: Introduction to statistics and presenting data

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 1 […] Where are we headed in this subject? In this subject, we will be learning how to Make Sense of Data. One of the most important tools we can use to do so is Statistics. What is Statistics? Statistics allows us to make sense of data. It involves collecting, describing, and analysing data, and sometimes drawing conclusions from data. In a nutshell, the above definition describes exactly what we will be doing throughout this subject. We will be learning about how to collect data. Once we have a data set, how can we then make sense of it? It is always a good idea to begin by … Read more →


Programando en R y Rstudio

by Kennedy Huerta Tiburcio


Kennedy Huerta Tiburcio … Read more →


Ejemplos para Pruebas de Comparación de Medias con R

by María Victoria López


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Material complementario para estudiantes de las carreras: Licenciatura en Cs. Biológicas y Licenciatura en Bromatología de la Facultad de Ciencias ... Read more →


Inclusive Growth Index - Methodology

by Nour Barnat, Diana Camerini, Petra Kynclova, Cloe Schaub


This is a methodological guide for compilation of the Inclusive Growth Index (IGI). Each chapter contains detailed information about individual steps required for the IGI compilation and production. The Inclusive Growth Index is a composite indicator of growth developed by UNCTAD. The 2023 edition of the IGI is calculated by using updated data series, following the methodology from 2022. In the version developed in 2022 (see SDG Pulse 2022), it consists of 27 baseline indicators, grouped in 4 pillars (economic growth, living conditions, equality and environment). The SDG Pulse 2022 chapter is … Read more →


Doing Meta-Analysis in R

by Mathias Harrer, Pim Cuijpers, Toshi A. Furukawa, David D. Ebert

Doing Meta-Analysis in R

This is a guide on how to conduct Meta-Analyses in R. (Japanese version) […] オンライン版の R によるメタ分析:ハンズオンへようこそ。 本書は、 R でメタ分析を行う方法について、わかりやすく紹介するガイドラインである。メタ分析の基本的な手順として、アウトカム指標のプール、フォレストプロット、異質性診断、サブグループ解析、メタ回帰、出版バイアスの制御方法、バイアスリスク評価、プロットツールなどを網羅している。 また、ネットワークメタ分析、マルチレベル(3レベル)メタ分析、ベイズメタ分析アプローチ、SEM メタ分析といった高度でありながら関連性の高いトピックも取り上げる。 本書で扱うプログラミングや統計的背景は、専門家でなくても理解 … Read more →


المملكة العربية السعودية

by جزاء اللهيبي // jeza_hmoud ©


يقدم هذا المقال لمحة بسيطة عن المملكة العربية السعودية والاحتفال باليوم الوطني، بالإضافة إلى تقديم نظرة عامة على حياة الملك … Read more →


Esercizi per il corso di Statistica di Base

by Brunero Liseo, Sapienza Università di Roma


In questo libro sono presenti gli esercizi di Statistica di Base […] In questo libro sono elencati una serie di esercizi preparatori per il superamento dell’esame di Statistica di Base somministrati agli studenti nel corso degli anni, presso la facoltà di Economia, Sapienza Università di Roma. Hanno partecipato alla loro raccolta, nel corso del tempo, molti collaboratori che ringrazio con affetto: Alberto Arcagni, Serena Arima, Marilena Barbieri, Maria Brigida Ferraro, Stefania Gubbiotti, Federico Polito, Claudia Vittori. Ringrazio anche Nina Deliu per il prezioso aiuto con bookdown e Dario … Read more →


381M Course Bookdown

by Josephine Lukito


This is a textbook for the course J381M at UT-Austin. […] Welcome to the J381M Textbook! In this course, we will learn how to use R for Computational Communication Research and Data Science, focusing on skills such as data wrangling, basic statistics, data visualization, data collection, NLP, network analysis, and machine learning. This is a survey course that is meant to give you a taste of data science. In truth, many of these topics are rich enough to warrant full courses. This textbook is best paired with the J381M course materials, including lectures, readings, and course assignments. … Read more →


Jasper and I: Socratic Dialogues

by José Becerra


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Artificial intelligence (AI) technology applies the current body of knowledge in the collective mind of humanity to answer queries in human language, using the term knowledge as the intermediate stage of progression from information to wisdom. These series of essays are a dialogue of this collective mind in its brand as, engaging in a rational dialogue with an enquirer researching the limits of AI in the more ... Read more →


ORCA Transitional Facility Manual V4.1

by Bob Dagg


Bob Dagg … Read more →


Cônicas e Superfícies Quádricas

by jwlal1


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] As cônicas e as superfícies quádricas têm uma longa história e são objetos matemáticos de grande importância. Elas desempenham um papel fundamental em diversas áreas da ciência, como física, engenharia, arquitetura e computação gráfica. Além disso, esses conceitos são essenciais para o estudo da geometria e do cálculo. Neste material, iremos explorar as propriedades fundamentais das cônicas, incluindo elipses, parábolas ... Read more →


GSB 518 Handouts

by Kevin Ross


Kevin Ross This is a selection of Handouts for Cal Poly GSB 518, Essential Statistics for Business Analytics, covering topics in Probability and Statistics. Here are some R packages that might be used throughout the … Read more →


The Cosmic Chessboard: An Archetypal Odyssey

by José Becerra


This reimagined narrative will take young readers on an enlightening journey through the cosmos, where each chess piece carries its unique universe of stories, with unadorned prose and philosophical reflection. Chapter 1 - Sun’s Sovereign King: The Father King, embodying the Sun’s daylight radiance, takes center stage in this chapter. Its pivotal role in the game echoes the Sun’s pivotal position in our solar system—a source of power for all to share and protect. Chapter 2 - Moon’s Veiled Queen: The narrative then moves to the Mother Queen of the Night and Guardian of the Earth. A figure of … Read more →


ACT2060 - Applications probabilistes des risques actuariels

by Jean-Philippe Boucher

ACT2060 - Applications probabilistes des risques actuariels

Notes de cours du ACT2060-Applications probabilistes des risques actuariels, du baccalauréat en actuariat, UQAM. […] Ce site contient les notes de cours pour le ACT2060 - Applications probabilistes des risques actuariels, un cours obligatoire du baccalauréat en actuariat de l’UQAM. L’objectif de ces notes est d’introduire les étudiants aux concepts de base de l’actuariat en assurance IARD tout en utilisant le logiciel R pour mieux comprendre la théorie et pour des applications pratiques. Ces notes de cours ont été écrites en RMarkdown, plus particulièrement en RBookdown. Les notes de ce … Read more →


Quick Introduction to R/RStudio - online notes

by Jessica Kraker


This is a set of minimal introductory notes, developed by Dr. Jessica Kraker for use at UW - Eau Claire and in community education. Original notes were devised for the UWEC DS 140 course. […] Contact: Please contact Jessica Kraker at with questions or … Read more →


Leaflet in Practice: Create webmaps using the JavaScript Leaflet library

by Samuel Gachuhi Ngugi


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This book was written to assist the budding GIS specialist, geographer or cartographer who has an interest in quickly learning how to create webmaps with minimal knowledge of JavaScript. The aim of this book is to bring the learner up to speed on how to create almost any kind of webmap using Leaflet. Written from the point of a self-taught programmer, this is more of a guide book on how to navigate the Leaflet ... Read more →



by 王 超辰 Chaochen Wang


醫學統計學 […] We are drowning in information and starving for knowledge. — Rutherford D. Roger 尚未想好寫什麼作前言。我只是默默地想留下一些筆記和思考。本書用了兩個 R 包編譯,分別是 knitr (Xie 2015) 和 bookdown (Xie 2018)。 在開始倒計時離開倫敦的時刻,我再次翻閱這些思考過的,痛苦過的,糾結過的,忐忑過的,這一年的學習筆記,感慨良多。倫敦衛生與熱帶醫學院 曾經是,現在依然還是我魂牽夢繞的學院,它的歷史積澱,它的小巧精緻,在它的樓道里度過的每一天都是那麼的充實而值得感動。這本書不僅僅是我的統計學學習的心路歷程,還傾注了這裡每一位老師,每一個一起奮鬥過的同學,我們的歡聲 … Read more →


Data Wrangling and Visualization Guide

by Max Ricciardelli


This book is meant to provide a guide to those who have little to no experience in R and R studio to conceptions dealing with data and statistics. R is a powerful tool allowing highly customizable data visualization and offers many different formats and applications to users. […] These modules are here to present a succinct guide to using R, RStudio, and R Markdown for data wrangling and visualization. This guide is meant for those who have little to no experience in programming. My purpose in designing these modules is to provide a brief yet clear guide to learning the basic theory of these … Read more →


Foundations of Statistics

by Prof Peter Neal and Dr Daniel Cavey


Lecture Notes for Foundations of Statistics […] In this course the fundamental principles and techniques underlying modern statistical and data analysis will be introduced. The course will cover the core foundations of statistical theory consisting of: The course highlights the importance of computers, and in particular, statistical packages, in performing modern statistical analysis. Students will be introduced to the statistical package R as a statistical and programming tool and will gain experience in interpreting and communicating its output. Learning Outcomes A student who completes … Read more →


STA 125 Notes (Statistical Reasoning)

by Christopher Mecklin


This are notes for STA 125 at Murray State University for students in Dr. Christopher Mecklin’s class. […] These notes are meant to supplement, not replace your textbook. I will occasionally cover topics not in your textbook, and I will stress those topics I feel are most important. “Statistical Reasoning” is a new course at Murray State, where the major goal of the course is to become a “consumer” of statistics rather than a “producer” of statistics. Thus, our emphasis will be on the correct interpretation of statistical results that you might run across in the media, particularly as … Read more →



by Hannah Lunkenheimer


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a document that contains syllabi for the courses taught by Hannah Lunkenheimer. Please reference this doc any time you have questions about your course. If you can’t find an answer, please try troubleshooting, checking your e-mail, Canvas, Slack, or e-mail me your question. Also, if you find any mistakes, please let me know. ... Read more →


Cooking After Retirement

by Bruce Cochrane


A book created with bookdown. […] My adventures in the kitchen date back to my childhood, and I am actually thankful that neither my mother nor my father (Vince and Jean Cochrane) liked to cook, so they eagerly encouraged my childhood desire to explore. As an adult, my family - both my first wife, the late Barbara Leyden, and my second, Alice Kahn, provided encouragement and constructive criticism where necessary. Finally, my two sons, Steven and John Cochrane, are continuing the cooking tradition - Steven as a vegetarian and John as a budding pitmaster. This book is lovingly dedicated to … Read more →


R Outout Gallery

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This bookdown includes some interesting table and figure examples. It can be used as a manual of ggplot2, DT, ... Read more →


Introduction to Statistics: Excel Lab Manual

by Bianca Sosnovski

Introduction to Statistics: Excel Lab Manual

This is an Excel computer lab manual to be used in an Introduction to Statistics course at QCC. […] Statistics is present in many ways in our lives. Statistical methodology can be found in surveys, sampling, clinical trials, studies of biomedical treatments, digital marketing, finance, etc. In recent years, Statistics has undergone changes in its techniques and approaches because of the need to analyze exceptionally large and complex data sets that arise all around us but cannot be done by hand. Since we have more powerful computers available to us at the present time, we can employ them to … Read more →


Green Crab Management Tools: A Guide

by Abby Keller


This is a guide to illustrate the functions and tools contained within the European Green Crab Management Tools web app. To plan or interpret green crab monitoring and removal efforts, it is necessary to understand how the true state of the system produces our observations of the system. A trap or environmental DNA (eDNA) collection is a probabilistic sample of the true state of the environment. This idea is fundamental to the web app. True capture rate and trap-adjusted capture rate are two key terms that will be used frequently throughout. For a given spatial extent, time of year, and trap … Read more →


GGA 2023 Poster References

by Jennifer Baltzegar


GGA 2023 Poster References […] This is a list of relevant references for the poster titled “Multiple Haplotypes Contribute Toward the Rapid Evolution of Pyrethroid Resistance in Aedes aegypti” by Jennifer Baltzegar and Fred Gould. Presented at the NCSU Genetics and Genomics Academy Retreat at Hunt Library on August 25, 2023. Jennifer Baltzegar: … Read more →


Draft Panduan Survei Kehati

by Fauna & Flora International`s Indonesia Programme

Draft Panduan Survei Kehati

Panduan praktis mengenai survei keanekaragaman hayati […] Fauna & Flora Internationals Indonesia Programme Panduan ini ditujukan untuk siapa saja yang tertarik melakukan survei keanekaragaman hayati (kehati), terutama bagi praktisi di dalam Fauna & Flora Internationals Indonesia Programme (FFI’s IP). Panduan ini disusun agar pemantauan kehati dapat dilakukan dengan standar minimum yang sama, akurat, dan dapat digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan ilmiah. Panduan ini adalah ringkasan umum untuk melakukan pemantauan pada empat taksa berikut: Avifauna, Herpetofauna, Mamalia, dan Vegetasi … Read more →


Advanced R Course

by Florian Privé

Advanced R Course

This contains materials for the Advanced R course of the doctoral school of Grenoble, France. […] This material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Florian Privé is a researcher in predictive human genetics, fond of Data Science and an R(cpp) enthusiast. He is also the founder and former organizer of the Grenoble R user group. You can find him on Twitter and GitHub as @privefl and on Stack Overflow as F. Privé. … Read more →


R Companion for Intermediate Stats

by Laura Lambert


This is a compilation of R code and output interpretation to accompany an Intermediate Inferential Statistics course taught at JMU. It is not intended to teach the statistics, but rather to support R coding and interpretation. [...] This book is intended to serve as a guide for the R functions you will be running in PSYC 605. The statistics will be covered in class; this is to support your analysis using R. This is not intended to be an exhaustive guide to R but rather a tool to aid in your work. For clarity’s sake, repeated tests between statistical techniques will be fully explained ... Read more →


Myocarditis Redcap wiki

by Charles Dolladille


This is a reference book that describes the data structure and variables and the common data management schemes used for the analysis of the Myocarditis Redcap from Vanderbilt University. […] This is a reference document that describes the data structure and variables and the common data management schemes used for the analysis of the Myocarditis Redcap from Vanderbilt University. This document is intended as a cheatsheet, for fast and easy reminder of data structure and variable names, and how to use them. Cardiologist and data manager researchers from Drs Moslehi and Salem … Read more →


Analytics for a Changing Climate: Introduction to Social Data Science

by Stanford Summer Course 2023 | Instructor: Tyer McDaniel, Sociology,


This will serve as a course reader for SOC 128D, Summer 2023. […] Office Hours: Fridays and Mondays, 11:00am-12:30pm Course Description: Data science has rapidly gained recognition within the social sciences because it offers powerful new ways to ask questions about social systems and problems. This course will examine how tools from data science can be used to analyze pressing issues relating to disaster, inequality, and scarcity in the Anthropocene (the current period in which humans are the primary driver of planetary changes). We … Read more →


R Guide

by Asser Koskinen

R Guide

R Guide […] R is a programming language and environment for data analytics, machine learning and computer science. This brief guide will get you … Read more →


R Tools for Market Research

by Alessio Rossi


This is a short introduction to some methods used in market research. […] This short book is a practical guide to using R for market research. It provides an overview of some market research tools and methods, with a focus on their practical implementation in R. Each chapter includes step-by-step instructions on how to use R to implement these methods, along with sample code. For suggestions please write to … Read more →


Fantastic Genes and Where to Find Them

by Maria Gallegos, Cal State University East Bay


Fantastic Genes and Where to Find Them […] First, I would like to acknowledge the Genome Education Partnership (GEP) for inspiration. They created a resource for learning about Eukaryotic gene structure using the UCSC Genome Browser (Laakso et al. 2017). Their focus is on the Drosophila genome. My focus is on humans. This manual has been written for a undergraduate course entitled Principle of Genetic analysis (BIOL 310) at Cal State University, East Bay but can be used by anyone wanting to learn more about gene structure and function. My hope is that skills learned within these pages and … Read more →


Homeworks for James’ Stats classes

by Zhifei Yu


Homeworks for James’ Stats classes […] Howdy! This is a collection of 4 assignments from James Scott’s probability and Statistics courses, written by Zhifei Yu a.k.a … Read more →


Princípios de Epidemiologia Veterinária

by Prof. Dr. M.Sc. M.V. Rafael Veríssimo Monteiro


Uma introdução aos princípios, técnicas, métodos e estratégias da Epidemiologia Veterinária. […] Este livro foi escrito, na maior parte durante a pandemia de COVID-19, com a finalidade de fornecer ao aluno de graduação em Medicina Veterinária um corpo de informação que o permita entender o complexo ambiente de trabalho em que ele vai se inserir neste século XXI. Embora os capítulos possam ser lidos em separado, há uma ordem de construção do raciocínio epizootiológico na sequência dos capítulos, para quem se dedicar a segui-los. Eu usei para a construção deste livro o software R (R Core Team … Read more →


Towards building stock decarbonisation: A streamlined algorithm for Measurement and Verification at scale.

by MEng Student, Jamie Williams., MEng Student, Callum Robertson., PhD Student, Karla Gonzalez., Dr Massimiliano Manfren.


Towards building stock decarbonisation: A streamlined algorithm for Measurement and Verification at scale. […] This project used Highfield Campus, Southampton, as a case study to demonstrate how the energy modelling process can be streamlined at scale. The algorithm shown is able to individually create 3 parameter change point models for each building in a large dataset simultaneously, whilst uniquely selecting the best fitting balance point for each. This document will explain how the code can be replicated or customised for use in other datasets. The full repository can be found on Github here. … Read more →


Projeto de formação em Saúde Digital

by Instituto de Saúde Coletiva


(Bruno, Pereira, and Faltay 2023) Com base nesses princípios, o PROFSAD atuará na interface entre educação e saúde, em parceria com as instituições envolvidas, visando à melhoria da qualidade da formação em Saúde Digital, envolvendo práticas de ensino, diretrizes pedagógicas, funções didáticas e orientação curricular. Realizado no contexto da formação acadêmica e profissional em saúde, o aporte crítico será condição crucial para o desenvolvimento de uma proposta curricular inovadora, em processo permanente de co-criação, em harmonia com o marco referencial tecnológico da SEIDIGI/MS, com as … Read more →


STAT 331

by Ben Prytherch


Ben Prytherch STAT 331, as the title states, is an “applied” statistics course. It is intended for anyone who has taken at least one introductory level statistics course, and who wants to learn more about the use of statistical methods in quantitative research. It covers many statistical tools that are usually considered too advanced for an introductory level class, but are nonetheless very popular. It also provides guidance on making data analysis decisions. Most assignments will involve looking up a published scientific paper for which the data are available and reproducing the main … Read more →


Indiana Mental Healthcare Inventory 2022-2023 -

by pinksosteel


[talk about the hopes for the project] [point] [which tab to navigate to for more info] [point] [which tab to navigate to for more info] [point] [which tab to navigate to for more info] [point] [which tab to navigate to for more info] Any success depends on the support and collaboration of local mental health providers. If you have any questions are would like to know how you can help please contact a member of the team below. Emails and whatever for all of … Read more →


Effective Ecology

by rogerdavidcousens

Effective Ecology

This is draft of the book Effective Ecology […] Roger D Cousens with ©2023 Roger D Cousens, with co-authors Mark R T Dale, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Michael J Keough, Gerry P Quinn, Joshua I Brian, Jane A Catford, Jannice Friedman, Alyson C Van Natto, Bruce L Webber, Daniel Z Atwater, Maria Paniw, Chris M Baker, Thao P Le, Marc W. Cadotte and Françoise Cardou This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Note: The online version of this book is free to read here - thanks to Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.You can purchase a … Read more →


Spatial transcriptomics data analysis: theory and practice

by Eleftherios Zormpas, Dr Simon J. Cockell


This book will guide you through the practical steps of the in-person tutorial IP2 for the ISMB/ECCB 2023 conference in Lyon named: Spatial transcriptomics data analysis: theory and practice. […] This book will guide you through the practical steps of the in-person tutorial IP2 for the ISMB/ECCB 2023 conference in Lyon named: “Spatial transcriptomics data analysis: theory and practice”. Recent technological advances have led to the application of RNA Sequencing in situ. This allows for whole-transcriptome characterisation, at approaching single-cell resolution, while retaining the spatial … Read more →


STA 440/441 Notes (Mathematical Statistics I)

by Christopher Mecklin


Notes for STA 440/441 at Murray State University for students in Dr. Christopher Mecklin’s class. […] Let’s start with an informal notion of probability, where we try to assign a numerical percentage or proportion or fraction to something happening. For example, you might be interested in the chance that it will rain tomorrow. How would you go about assigning a numerical value to this event? This would be an example of the subjective approach to probability, based on an event that cannot be repeated, although a weather forecaster might run many simulations of a weather model (which would be … Read more →


Lokal press

by Dusko Medic, Nedim Sejdinovic, Tijana Blagojev, Lela Milivojevic, DM media


Ukupan broj odgovora na anketu 181. Isitanici rade u ukupno 104 razlicitih medija. Tabelu sa spiskom medija i brojem ispitanika uposlenih po mediju pogledajte dole. Ispitanici su ostavili sledeće komentare |Column18 | |:——–|. Tabelu sa odgovorima na pitanje 22 pogledajte dole. Tabelu sa odgovorima na pitanje 27 pogledajte dole. Tabelu sa odgovorima na pitanje 43 pogledajte dole. Tabelu sa odgovorima na pitanje 49 pogledajte dole. Tabelu sa odgovorima na pitanje 50 pogledajte … Read more →


Introduction to R for Health Data Science

by Statistics Team


Introduction to R course, as used on MSc Health Data Science […] As a Health Data Scientist, it is vitally important that you have a firm understanding of a statistical programming language, and that you can work in a clear, reproducible fashion. This course will provide you with the baseline skills to use R for health data science. Get you ‘up and running’ using R and RStudio on your machine. Introduce the basics of programming in R (a key skill for a health data scientist). Introduce good practices of workflows and reproducibility in data science. Enable you to develop your skills … Read more →


R/RStudio Companion

by Statistics/Data Science


Companion document to Introduction to Statistical Investigations using R/RStudio. […] This companion was designed for use in STAT160 (Introduction to Data Science), however could be used for any intro-level data science course. The textbook for the course is Introduction to Statistical Investigations (Tintle et. al). Through in-class and home work assignments, students will learn to use R and RStudio. In this companion, we will review the commands and functions students will need to perform statistical analysis and generate statistical … Read more →


CRT and Belief in God

by Authors: A group of cool researchers


CRT and Belief in God […] This document contains essential codes and details required for the project. The file has several sections, including data cleaning, data checking, and analysis. Each section is designed to perform specific tasks, and you can easily navigate through the file to locate the relevant section. Each section provides codes, outputs, and explanations to help you understand the processes involved in the project. With this file, you have a comprehensive guide to executing the project successfully. The Dropox folder that contains the materials of this project can be found … Read more →


Controle de Processos Químicos: Conceitos e Aplicações

by Gabriel de Azevedo Silva Carrilho Simões, Laio Luis Barbosa Ribeiro, William Cardoso Sacramento


E-book em desenvolvimento. … Read more →


Text Mining for Social Scientists

by Felix Lennert


This book is supposed to introduce the reader (i.e., you) to a fundamental technique for computational social science research: the quantitative analysis of text. […] Dear student, if you read this script, you are either participating in one of my courses on digital methods for the social sciences, or at least interested in this topic. If you have any questions or remarks regarding this script, hit me up at This script will introduce you to the quantitative analysis of text using R. Through the last decades, more and more text has become readily available. Think for … Read more →


Targeted Learning in R

by Mark van der Laan, Jeremy Coyle, Nima Hejazi, Ivana Malenica, Rachael Phillips, Alan Hubbard


An open source handbook for causal machine learning and data science with the Targeted Learning framework using the tlverse software ecosystem. […] Targeted Learning in R: Causal Data Science with the tlverse Software Ecosystem is an fully reproducible, open source, electronic handbook for applying Targeted Learning methodology in practice using the software stack provided by the tlverse ecosystem. This work is a draft phase and is publicly available to solicit input from the community. To view or contribute, visit the GitHub repository. The contents of this handbook are meant to serve as a … Read more →


10 Fundamental Theorems for Econometrics

by Thomas S. Robinson  (


This book walks through the ten most important statistical theorems as highlighted by Jeffrey Wooldridge, presenting intuiitions, proofs, and applications. […] A list of 10 econometric theorems was circulated on Twitter citing what Jeffrey Wooldridge claims you need to apply repeatedly in order to do econometrics. As a political scientist with applied statistics training, this list caught my attention because it contains many of the theorems I see used in (methods) papers, but which I typically glaze over for lack of understanding. The complete list (slightly paraphrased) is: As an exercise … Read more →


Lineare Algebra

by Mark Trede


Einführung in die lineare Algebra für Wirtschaftswissenschaften […] In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften braucht man viele Werkzeuge aus der Mathematik. Dazu gehören natürlich Optimierungsverfahren, die in dem Modul Mathematik 1 behandelt wurden, denn die Kernfrage der Ökonomik ist ja, wie man unter Berücksichtigung von Restriktionen optimal handelt. Ein weiteres für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften sehr nützliches Gebiet der Mathematik ist die lineare Algebra. Wo werden die Werkzeuge der linearen Algebra eingesetzt? Mit Hilfe von Vektoren und Matrizen lassen sich komplexe Situationen oder Modelle mit … Read more →


Martine and The Start-Up

by Martine Dolladille, Illustrator: Agnès Kiefer


Martine and The Start-Up […] “I don’t really like my first name.” Those are the first words that appear on the screen in front of Marie-Pierre. I burst into laughter and immediately confess, “Me neither!!” Marie-Pierre has a big smile, and we chat like two friends. The only difference is that Marie-Pierre talks to me through her screen, thanks to her gaze directed at the letters. Marie can no longer move. She has ALS (Charcot’s disease) and is completely paralyzed. Only her eyes allow her to communicate with those around her, and she does it with a great sense of humor. Deep inside me, as I … Read more →


Martine et la Start-Up

by Martine Dolladille, Illustration : Agnès Kiefer


Martine et la Start-Up […] “Je n’aime pas beaucoup mon prénom.” Ce sont les premiers mots qui s’affichent sur l’écran en face de Marie-Pierre. J’éclate de rire et lui confie aussitôt : “Moi non plus !!” Marie-Pierre a un grand sourire et nous papotons comme deux amies. La seule différence est que Marie-Pierre me parle sur son écran, grâce à son regard dirigé sur les lettres. Marie ne peut plus bouger. Elle a une SLA (maladie de Charcot) et est complètement paralysée. Seuls ses yeux lui permettent d’échanger avec son entourage et elle le fait avec beaucoup d’humour Au fond de moi, en la … Read more →


Data Donations - Tutorial Automated Content Analysis

by Valerie Hase, LMU Munich


Data Donations - Tutorial Automated Content Analysis, LMU, Spring 2023 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “News on and for Social Media”. It is part of the B.A. “Communication Research” (LMU, Spring 2023). In short, it supports the group using automated content analysis for analyzing data donations. This tutorial will introduce you to two main aspects: You are expected to work through the content of these tutorials before each of our regular sessions so we can use in-person meetings to discuss questions/test your new knowledge via exercises. Each tutorial includes First of … Read more →


Econometria com Simulação e Visualização de Dados

by Igor Procópio


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


R Language Introduction Course

by ZhaoFenfei


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] In this book, we will provide one way to master R language for beginners. … Read more →


Course script for SICSS Paris

by Julien Boelaert, Felix Lennert, Étienne Ollion


This book serves as an accompanying script for the R sessions of the 2023 Summer Institute for Computational Social Science (SICSS), taking place at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. […] Dear student, if you read this script, you are either participating in the SICSS itself or came across it while browsing for resources for your studies. In any case, if you find inconsistencies or mistakes, please do not hesitate to point them out by shooting an email to This script will introduce you to the automated acquisition and subsequent quantitative analysis of text data … Read more →


Simulation Models of Cultural Evolution in R

by Alex Mesoudi


This tutorial shows how to create very simple simulation or agent-based models of cultural evolution in R [...] This tutorial shows how to create very simple simulation or agent-based models of cultural evolution in R (R Core Team 2021). Currently these are: Each model is contained in a separate RMarkdown (Rmd) file. You can either (i) download each of these Rmd files from then open them in RStudio or another IDE, executing the code as you read the explanatory text, or (ii) read the online version of the tutorial at ... Read more →


Workshop: Interactive Data Analysis with Shiny

by Paul C. Bauer & Jonas Lieth


Paul C. Bauer & Jonas Lieth This document serves as slides and script for the workshop Interactive Data Analysis with Shiny taught by Paul C. Bauer and Jonas Lieth (Gesis, Mannheim, Online, 5-7th of July 2023). Original material is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Where we draw on other authors material other licenses may apply (see references in the syllabus as well as the citations and links in the script). For potential future versions of this material see the github repository. If you have feedback or discover errors/dead … Read more →


Notes for Survival Analysis

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This book is the notebook for Survival Analysis - Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data authored by John P.Klein and Melvin L. ... Read more →


Data Wrangling Recipes in R

by Hilary Watt @ Department of Public Health, Imperial College London

Data Wrangling Recipes in R

To save time. Many students and staff spend days and weeks wrestling with R code to prepare data for analysis. This resource is a valuable addition to conventional resources that are structured around function types. It illustrates the workflow, highlighting which functions are important to know and how to piece them together. Example coding is given to overcome many ways in which data can be messy, making practical tasks far easier to deliver. One PhD supervisor spent ages before they realised that the lack of an appropriate ID variable was the reason why their student couldn’t merge their … Read more →


Duke Vascular Handbook

by johnson_adam_p


Duke University Hospital vascular service expectations: DUH Vascular is an busy service. Our patients are often relatively sick, we run multiple ORs a day, and plans can change dramatically and often. It can be a very fun and rewarding experience when the whole team pulls together - and it can be stressful, chaotic, and dangerous for patients when communication and follow through are poor. With that in mind, we’ve put together the following expectations to help the service run smoothly and safely. First, a note about the service structure: DUH Vascular is currently split into two teams, the … Read more →



by mathsresources


This textbook is designed to support the Advanced Higher Statistics course. … Read more →


Intermediate Web Scraping and API Harvesting

by Felix Lennert


This book will cover web scraping with rvest and API harvesting. […] In today’s digital age, the internet serves as a vast repository of information, encompassing websites that offer valuable data for various purposes. While some of them are readily available to be “plucked” through an automated approach via suitable application programming interfaces (APIs), considerable amounts of information available on the web are primarily designed for human consumption and, therefore, not readily accessible for automated analysis or integration into data-driven projects. This is where web scraping … Read more →


Financial Network and Risk Contagion

by Fengyi Zhu


This is a note on financial network, risk contagion and systemic risk. […] The book is a collection of notes of academic literatures on financial network, risk contagion and systemic … Read more →


Applied longitudinal data analysis in brms and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is a reworking of Singer and Willett’s classic (2003) text within a contemporary Bayesian framework with emphasis of the brms and tidyverse packages within the R computational framework. […] This project is based on Singer and Willett’s classic (2003) text, Applied longitudinal data analysis: Modeling change and event occurrence. You can download the data used in the text at and find a wealth of ideas on how to fit the models in the text at My contributions show … Read more →


Biostatistics Terminology

by Hao Sun


Biostatistics Terminology … Read more →


Vol and Var swaps

by Anthony Nadjari-Finckelstein


This book aims at giving an insight and teach the basics of equity derivatives and structured products: composition, functioning, pricing and hedging. […] This book was created for students preparing interviews for internships / jobs in financial … Read more →


Madurez digital en los municipios de la región del Biobío

by Abel Luis Muñoz Vera

Madurez digital en los municipios de la región del Biobío

Memoria presentada para optar por el grado de Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Administrativas, en la facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Concepción. Autor Abel Luis Muñoz Vera, profesor guía, Carlos Humberto Umaña Mardones. […] Nota: Este libro ha sido publicado por Abel Luis Muñoz Vera, utilizando el formato Rmarkdown que sirve para hacer documentos dinámicos con R y el software RStudio, gracias al paquete Bookdown se generaron los contenidos que luego fueron publicados en la plataforma Bookdown de Posit mediante el paquete rsconnect para su visualización como … Read more →


AI and ML for Social Scientists - Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning for Social Scientists

by paul


Website updated on 05 Juni, 2023. This website serves both as slides and script for the MA seminar AI and Machine learning for Social scientists taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring 2023). The material was/is being developed by Paul C. Bauer . The material is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Where I draw on other authors’ materials (with their permission) other licenses may apply. I am grateful for feedback and if you find errors please let me know. This website was generated with … Read more →


Computer Intensive Statistics: APTS 2022–23 Supporting Notes

by Richard Everitt


Computer Intensive Statistics: APTS 2022–23 Supporting Notes […] These notes were intended to supplement the Computer Intensive Statistics lectures and laboratory sessions rather than to replace or directly accompany them. As such, material is presented here in an order which is logical for reference purposes after the week and not precisely the order in which it was to be discussed during the week. There is much more information in these notes concerning some topics than would have been covered during the week itself. One of their main functions is to provide pointers to the relevant … Read more →


Statistics and Probability for Economics and Finance - 2022/23

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R labs of the SPEF 22/23 course @UniBg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Statistics and Probability for Economics and Finance (SPEF) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2022/23) taught by Prof. Raffaele Argiento, Prof. Michela Cameletti and Prof. Tommaso Lando. R is a great programming language especially designed for statistical analysis and data visualisation. The SPEF R labs are designed for those who don’t have any programming background. It will be a step-by-step path; at the end you will have the basic R knowledge for analysing … Read more →


Language and sensorimotor simulation in conceptual processing: Multilevel analysis and statistical power

by Pablo César de Juan Bernabéu


Research has suggested that conceptual processing depends on both language-based and sensorimotor information. In this thesis, I investigate the nature of these systems and their interplay at three levels of the experimental structure—namely, individuals, words and tasks. In Study 1, I contributed to a multi-lab replication of the object orientation effect, which has been used to test sensorimotor simulation. The effect did not appear in any of the 18 languages examined, and it was not influenced by individual differences in mental rotation. Next, in Study 2, we drew on three existing data sets that implemented semantic priming, semantic decision and lexical decision. We extended these data sets with measures of language-based and vision-based information, and analysed their interactions with participants’ vocabulary size and gender, and with presentation speed. The analysis had a conservative structure of fixed and random effects. First, we found that language-based information was more important than vision-based information. Second, in the semantic priming study—whose task required distinguishing between words and nonwords—, both language-based and vision-based information were more influential when words were presented faster. Third, a ‘task-relevance advantage’ was identified in higher-vocabulary participants. Specifically, in lexical decision, higher-vocabulary participants were more sensitive to language-based information than lower-vocabulary participants, whereas in semantic decision, higher-vocabulary participants were more sensitive to word concreteness. Fourth, we demonstrated the influence of the analytical method on the results. Last, we estimated the sample size required to investigate various effects. We found that 300 participants were sufficient to examine the effect of language-based information in words, whereas more than 1,000 participants were necessary to examine the effect of vision-based information and the interactions of both former variables with vocabulary size, gender and presentation speed. This power analysis suggests that larger sample sizes are necessary to investigate perceptual simulation and individual differences in conceptual processing. Read more →


MLFE R labs (2023 ed.)

by Prof. Michela Cameletti & Tutor Rasoul Samei


Notes for the R labs of the MLFE course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Machine learning for Economics (MLFE) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2022/23). The MLFE course is the second module of the Coding for Data Science course. The MLFE R labs are designed for students who already have some experience with R programming thanks to the first module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. Click here and here to access the R lab notes of the first module regarding introduction to R language and the tidyverse package. Enjoy the journey! … Read more →


AI and Machine Learning For Finance 2022/23

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R labs of the AIMLFF course @Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R lectures for the AI and Machine Learning for Finance (AIMLFF) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2022/23). See here for more details. In this notes R programming language for data science will be introduced (with respect to data manipulation, data visualization and communication and implementation of machine learning methods). For this part I suggest the following on-line book: Enjoy the journey! In the following lecture notes, this font (with grey background) represents R code. The … Read more →


Curso: R para análisis de datos

by Diana García Cortés


Contenido del curso: R para análisis de datos […] Este libro contiene las notas desarrolladas para acompañar el curso de “R para análisis de datos”. Pretende ser un compendio de anotaciones de los temas tratados, con la finalidad de que las participantes cuenten con material de apoyo y consulta. No pretende ser una fuente exhaustiva sobre el uso de los paquetes de tidyverse ya que para eso existen excelentes recursos como: R for Data Science [1] y su versión en español: R para ciencia de datos [2]. Este contenido se encuentra en … Read more →


Generalized Linear Mixture Model

by Ying Lu and Marc Scott

Generalized Linear Mixture Model

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] This is a course in advanced statistical techniques that covers generalized linear models and extensions that are commonly used in health and policy research. Assuming a strong foundation in the general linear model (linear regression and ANOVA) and exposure to the linear mixed model (a.k.a. multilevel models), this course focuses on data analysis that utilizes models for categorical, discrete or limited outcomes, some ... Read more →


R 语言学习笔记

by 黄湘云


R 语言学习笔记 […] 本书采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议 许可,请君自重,别没事儿拿去传个什么新浪爱问、百度文库以及 XX 经济论坛,项目中代码使用 MIT 协议 开源 本书 R Markdown 源文件托管在 Github 仓库里,本地使用 RStudio IDE 编辑,bookdown 组织各个章节的 Rmd 文件和输出格式,使用 Git 进行版本控制。每次提交修改到 Github 上都会触发 Travis 自动编译书籍,将一系列 Rmd 文件经 knitr 调用 R 解释器执行里面的代码块,并将输出结果返回,Pandoc 将 Rmd 文件转化为 md 、 html 或者 tex 文件。若想输出 pdf 文件,还需要准备 TeX 排版环境,最后使用 Netlify 托管书籍网站,和 Travis 一起实现连续部署,使得每次修改都会同步到网站。最近一次编 … Read more →


MATH1006 Calculus

by Daniel Cavey


This is the 2021 update of the MATH1006 lecture notes. […] TO DO Functions of Several Variables … Read more →


Handling, Measuring, Estimating and Visualizing Migration Data in R

by Guy J. Abel, James Raymer, Ellen Kraly


In many countries and regions, migration is becoming or already is the largest component of population change and important mechansim for both social and economic change. However, migration data is often of poor quality, missing or provided without disaggregation. Methods to estimate migration flows have been developed by demographers and other researchers to help address shortfalls and provide a platform to better understand patterns, trends and consequences. This manaul explores methods for measuring, estimating and visualising migration flow data, and their implementation in R. Readers will become familiar with useful R functions for handling migration data, a range of measures to summarise and compare migration systems, common estimation methods to overcome inadequate or missing migration data and recently developed methods to visualize complex migration patterns. While plenty of code samples and exercises are provided throughout the manual to build up the readers experience, some prior knowledge is required on how to handle and plot data using the tidyverse set of R packages. Read more →



by Rob Hayward


This is an introduction to Bloomberg […] This is an introduction to using Bloomberg. It is a work in progress. Please let me know if you seen any typos, errors or omissions. You can also contribute to this project on github. You can contact me at Thanks to Timothy Crack from the University of Otago for pointing out some errors. Timothy has an excellent case study that uses the Bloomberg terminal for an Applied Investments case. You can find the details here: Bloomberg Equity Screening (EQS) Exercise: Benjamin Graham Value Investing There is an overview of the history of … Read more →



by 广予


广予短篇小说集(2017-2022) […] 2017年上海的夏天,与友人在隐溪闲聊中,有了第一个故事的灵感。如今,即使在波士顿的寒冬里写下这行字, 但仍能感受到皮肤的灼烧,传说这是一百三十七年来上海最热的一年。 彼时的我辞去了工作,游荡于福州路的书城和上海的各个角落,走累了,在咖啡馆里坐下写字写代码。 五年前的自己,希望投身于人工智能的洪流中,去了大洋彼岸。离开前,前尘往事,涌上心头 便有了《彼此》。 以后的每一年,都有写故事的冲动,我想述说大时代下小人物的挣扎与思考。五年来的每一年,自己 都感恩会遇到有趣的人,去不同的地方,拉拉杂杂,在上海、北京、伊萨卡、纽约、波士顿、哥伦布的 街边、树下、瀑布边、酒吧里,我把零 … Read more →


Implementing a Turing machine in R

by Frigg Nøhr

Implementing a Turing machine in R

In this bookdown, a Turing machine is implemeted and some example programs are presented. Then, a function for creating animated gifs of a Turing machine is implemented, and we see some concrete examples on such gifs, using the already defined example programs. […] This is a bookdown created using rmarkdown. Code cannot be run directly in the book, but all necessary code is available so you can run it in your own R-session. If you want to try playing with the implemented functions or running some example programs yourself, remember to run all necessary functions, so you have them in your … Read more →


Machine Learning-based Causal Inference Tutorial

by Golub Capital Social Impact Lab


This is a tutorial on machine learning-based causal inference. […] This tutorial will introduce key concepts in machine learning-based causal inference. It’s an ongoing project and new chapters will be uploaded as we finish them. Topics currently covered: Please note that this is currently a living document. If you find any issues, please feel free to contact Undral Byambadalai at The “changelog” below will keep track of major updates and additions. We’ll illustrate key concepts using snippets of R code. Each chapter in this tutorial is self-contained. You can download … Read more →



by 吳榮彬


This is a book. […] 我先談談為什麼書名取為「站穩小數據邁向大數據」。 不瞞各位讀者看官,第一次聽聞大數據,真的不懂。買了幾本書,跟其他師長來來回回多次口語激辯,稍微懂一些。但還是矇懞懂懂。最後,歸咎起來其實是「沒感覺」。 有人用「大、快、雜、疑」四個字描述什麼是「『大』數據」。正當全世界如火如荼、大啖大數據的各種傳聞之際,這世界出現了幾本名為「『小』數據」的著作。 聽過、聞過「大」,以為「小」是「大」的反義、以為「小數據」談的是放得進統計學課本的數據。如果是這樣的體悟,面對「大、快、雜、疑」的「大數據」,那「小數據」豈不就是「小、慢、純、信」嗎? 但是,讀過那幾本「小數據」大作後,發現「小 … Read more →


Impacts of Wetlands on Vegetation Recovery in Post-Fire Landscape: Hayman Fire Case Study

by Alex Merklein & Ethan Choate


The HTML output format for this is bookdown::gitbook, […] This is a book written in R Markdown and analyzes NDVI values for multiple sites within the Hayman Fire perimeter. Render book Build the book from the R … Read more →


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data

by jjovanovic


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data […] This book is an introduction to coding for baseball analytics. It would be most helpful if you have a basic understanding of R. Here a some resources: The first three chapters are about acquiring data. Lahman: the Lahman package contains several data frames about players, teams, pitching, hitting, fielding, and more. The version of the Lahman package used throughout this guide has data from 1871 to 2021. FanGraphs: this chapter is about data collected from the FanGraphs website or through an R package. During the midst of this … Read more →


R语言在心理学研究中的应用: 从原始数据到可重复的论文手稿

by 胡传鹏


课程bookdown […] 第一讲:为什么要学习R(3学时) 1.1 R在心理科学及社会科学中的运用 1.2 R语言使用的示例展示 1.3 课程安排 1.4 如何学好这门课 第二讲:如何开始使用R:(3学时) 2.1 要解决的数据分析问题简介[介绍我们的数据和拟解决的问题,对比R和传统flow] 2.1 如何安装? 2.2 如何方便使用?Rstudio的安装与界面介绍 第三章:如何导入数据(3学时) 3.1 路径与工作目录 3.2 读取数据 3.3 了解R里的数据 (R语言中的对象) 第四章:如何清理数据一 R语言编程基础(3学时) 4.1 R对象的操控 4.2 逻辑运算 4.3 函数 第五章:如何清理数据二 数据的预处理(3学时) 5.1 数据预处理准备 5.2 数据预处理的基本操作 5.3 数据预处理的进阶操作 … Read more →


Notițe pentru curs

by Rodica Ioana Lung


Prefață | Notițe pentru cursul de Software Statistic: Introducere în limbajul de programare R […] Suportul acesta de curs are scopul de a prezenta o introducere în limbajul de programare R si RStudio. Este destinat în special studenților anului 2 SPE. Pentru a putea folosi R aveți nevoie să instalați (Aprilie 2023): Limbajul R se instaleaza de la: R Studio se instaleaza de la: R Markdown notebook Celule noi Adăugați o celulă nou apăsând butonul Insert Chunk sau Ctrl+Alt+I. O celulă R se rulează plasând cursorul în interiorul ei și … Read more →


Quantitative Methods Using R

by Subash Parajuli

Quantitative Methods Using R

This book covers practical worked out examples which you can easily apply to your data set and also includes a discussion on how the example is working. We will cover descriptive and basic inferential statistics, including graphs, frequency distributions, central tendency, dispersion, probability, hypothesis testing, tests of mean differences, correlation, simple regression, and chi-square tests. This book is designed to facilitate graduate students of Educational Psychology to develop their knowledge and understanding of various statistical concepts and procedures in R programming as a … Read more →


DSCI 335: Inferential Reasoning in Data Analysis

by Ben Prytherch


DSCI 335: Inferential Reasoning in Data Analysis […] This book is meant to accompany DSCI 335. It is not a complete textbook; you will need to take notes on what you hear in class and what you read throughout the semester. In it, you will find: This book will likely be updated and revised as the semester progresses. Feel free to read ahead, just don’t be surprised if something … Read more →



by 黄国政、黄婉岚、肖奕、李晓琳、林彦捷、朱雨彤


这是我第一次用R的bookdown功能制作图书式的课程展示,输出格式为bookdown::gitbook和bookdown::pdf_book. […] “工欲善其事,必先利其器”…… ——《论语·卫灵公》 这是我第一次使用R的bookdown功能制作图书式的课程展示,目的是为了使得模型制作过程更加有条理、规整和具有可重复性,方便老师指出问题所在。由于知识储备的有限和时间限制,今天,我们小组的结构方程模型汇报将以设计、操作与验证过程的展示为主,理论阐释部分将在后续论文的写作中进一步完善。 我们小组以2019年中国人民大学政治学马得勇教授收集的2019年网民意识调查内容为数据库,将“官方媒体”作为自变量,“规则型人格”与“威权观念”作为两个中介变量,“民族主义”作 … Read more →


Applied Bayesian Modeling and Prediction

by Trevor Hefley


Course notes for Applied Bayesian Modeling and Prediction (STAT 768) at Kansas State University for Spring 2023 semester […] This document contains the course notes for Applied Bayesian Modeling and Prediction (STAT 768) at Kansas State University. During the semester we will cover the basics such as the Bayesian model development, implementation, checking, and inference/prediction. We will focus on formulating and implementing bespoke Bayesian models that are tailored to answer scientific questions or applied problems ranging from environmental management to … Read more →


BS2010: Bioimaging

by Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = ... Read more →



by Abdoul Aziz Berrada


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] L’écriture de programmes (ou programmation) est une activité très créative et gratifiante. Vous pouvez écrire des programmes pour de nombreuses raisons, qu’il s’agisse de gagner votre vie, de résoudre un problème difficile d’analyse de données, de vous amuser ou d’aider quelqu’un d’autre à résoudre un problème. Ce cours part du principe que tout le monde doit savoir programmer, et qu’une fois que vous saurez programmer, vous ... Read more →



by 广州大学社会学系2020级创新班、黄国政


2020级创新班R课程内容总集(修改版) […] 这是广州大学社会学系2020级创新班R课程内容总集。在谢颖老师的要求和指导下,本书作为全班2021-2022第一学期的期末考核内容被整合。本书包含了这一学期R语言课程的各个模块内容,供全班同学及有需要的朋友查阅使用。 … Read more →


Probability Taster Session

by Prof Peter Neal


Lecture Notes for Probability Taster Session […] Welcome to the free Probability Taster Session for the MSc in Statistical Science (Distance Learning) at the University of Nottingham. For further details concerning the MSc Statistical Science (Distance Learning), please visit the programmes admissions … Read more →


Financial Data Science

by Prof. Dr. Ryan Riordan & Teaching Assistants


This bookdown contains the teaching materials for the projectcourse Financial Data Science at the LMU Munich. The files have been set up by Lisa Kaminski. [...] Here you will find the course pages for the projectcourse Financial Data Science. The course is offered regularly in the summer term and aims at providing in-depth knowledge about the programming language Python and its most important libraries for data analysis. Furthermore, the course introduces the topic of database management and the process of retrieving, aggregating and manipulating data using SQL. Students will learn to ... Read more →


PSY-401017 R Workshop

by Dr Jim Grange


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


R pour l’économétrie

by Abdoul Oudouss Diakite


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Au cours des dernières années, le langage de programmation statistique R est devenu une partie intégrante des programmes des cours d’économétrie. Nous avons régulièrement constaté qu’une grande partie des étudiants, en particulier dans nos cours d’introduction à l’économétrie de premier cycle, n’ont jamais été exposés à aucun langage de programmation et ont donc des difficultés à s’engager seuls dans l’apprentissage ... Read more →


Jonny Tang’s Notebook

by Jonny (Jingzhe) Tang


Jobs […] 本笔记直接RStudio操作build,再publish到bookdown网站。 [ \lim_{x\to 0} x*sin(\tfrac{1}{x}) ] 广义的组合数学(Combinatorics)相当于离散数学,狭义的组合数学是组合计数、图论、代数结构、数理逻辑等的总称。总之,组合数学是一门研究可数或离散对象的科学。 B站找到“乐乐课堂” … Read more →



by Plumber Dong


《结构方程与建模的而原理与应用》(第二版)配套R代码 […] 这是一本用R语言进行 结构方程建模 的案例集。所涉案例均来自《结构方程与建模的原理与应用》(第二版),作者是邱皓政和林碧芳。 本册不涉及关于结构方程的原理和具体细节,只是书中所涉案例在R语言中的实现。当然,如果有必要的话,我会辅之以一些与实操紧密相关的理论说明。至于具体的模型结构、参数解释和估计方法,还是请读者参看原书。 本册主要使用了两个软件包(其中,lavaan是建模的核心包,该包的具体细节可以查询其官网): … Read more →


Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM Spring 2023 edition)

Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM Spring 2023 edition)

Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM Spring 2023 edition) […] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to share, remix, and make commercial use of the work under the condition that you provide proper attribution. To reference this work, use: Peck, F.A., Zieffler, A., & Catalysts for Change. (2023). Statistical Thinking: A simulation approach to uncertainty (University of Montana, Spring 2023 ed.). The work to create the … Read more →


Espaço Amostral e Eventos

by Rosineide da Paz


Espaço Amostral e Eventos […] Uma probabilidade é uma medida da incerteza acerca de fenômenos gerados a partir de experimentos aleatórios. Um experimento é aleatório quando não é possível determinar o seu resultado antes que o mesmo seja realizado. No entanto, os resultados possíveis para muitos experimentos aleatórios podem ser determinados antes mesmo da realização do experimento. Um exemplo é o lançamento de uma moeda. Antes de lançar uma moeda, não se pode prever a face que estará para cima quando a moeda estiver estática no chão. Contudo, é sabido que a face será uma entre as duas … Read more →


Conducting Research Seminar Workbook

by Edward Stanhope


This is the seminar handbook for conducting research which outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of scientific experimental trials, including observational studies (cohort, case-control and cross-sectional) and randomised and non-randomised controlled trials. You will learn project management techniques, core methodological features of experimental trials and gain experience in conducting primary research. You will also be exposed to the range of analytical techniques used to generate results and aid in the interpretation … Read more →



by Austin Lee


IRC食用指南 […] 互联网中继聊天(IRC)是一个基于文本的即时消息聊天系统。IRC是为论坛频道(称为channels)中的小组交流而设计的,但也允许通过私人消息进行一对一交流,以及聊天和数据传输,包括文件共享。 互联网中继聊天是作为一种应用层协议来实现的,以便于以文本的形式进行通信。聊天过程在客户端-服务器网络模型上工作。用户使用客户端连接到IRC服务器,该客户端可以是网络应用程序、独立的桌面程序,也可以嵌入到较大程序的一部分中,IRC服务器可能是较大IRC网络的一部分。用于连接的程序示例包括Mibbit、IRCCloud、KiwiIRC和mIRC。 … Read more →


STA 135 Notes (Murray State)

by Christopher Mecklin


This are notes for STA 135 at Murray State University for students in Dr. Christopher Mecklin’s class. […] These notes are meant to supplement, not replace your textbook. I will occasionally cover topics not in your textbook, and I will stress those topics I feel are most important. My definition of statistics: Statistics is the attempt to use qualitative and quantitative data in order to: When we collect data, we will often organize the data into a table where the rows represent cases or units, which are called subjects or respondents when they are humans, and the columns represent … Read more →


Fundamentos de Minería de Datos y Big Data (I) y (II)

by Pablo Arés, Jorge Herrera


Este es el material didáctico para la asignatura. Es un complemento a las clases y a la bibliografía recomendada. […] Si observas alguna errata o tienes algún comentario, escribe a … Read more →



by 于淼


《自然生活的数学原理》,又名《新毕达哥拉斯主义》是一本于 2222 年出版的小册子,曾获得《银河系漫游指南》编辑认可而入选附录,但因编辑当天在厕所里作出录用决策后发现没带纸而失去机会,目前以薛定谔的猫态存在于作者脑中,旨在用最简单的数学原理进行日常生活决策,不断提升或降低生活幸福感。 生活在地球上的灵长类人类是一种奇怪的智慧动物,其进化后遗症包括但不限于没有发情期或者说性成熟后每时每刻都处于发情期、机体废气排放机制经常失灵、意识对行为存在虚幻的控制解释等等。 … Read more →


Brenda Animalaria

by DGP


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


Workflow for Refining ClimateNA Temperature Predictions

by Brendan Casey


Workflow for Refining ClimateNA Temperature Predictions […] Here are summaries of boosted regression trees that predict differences between ClimateNA temperature predictions and micro-climate conditions. Temperature offset layers and project spatial data can be viewed at Code and a description of the project’s workflow can be found at … Read more →


R Interest Group

by Tyler R. Pritchard


This is a brief overview of our group’s content. […] This brief document will outline the ongoing topics in our Psychology Department R Interest Group. It can be used for those who missed a week or who are considering joining. … Read more →


Estatística Descritiva

by Rosineide da Paz


O objetivo da Estatística Descritiva é resumir as informações de interesse que estão contidas no conjunto de dados, fazendo uso de tabelas, gráficos e resumos numéricos. Esse tipo de exploração pode dar uma ideia do comportamento da variável estudada por meio de sua distribuição de frequência no conjunto de dados. Para se ter uma ideia dessa distribuição, podemos construir uma tabela de frequência para um conjunto de observações da variável de interesse. Exemplo.1.1 Como ilustração dessa importância, considere a variável X=“gosto pela área de exatas” a partir dos dados apresentados na Tabela … Read more →


R for Non-Programmers: A Guide for Social Scientists

by Daniel Dauber

R for Non-Programmers: A Guide for Social Scientists

This book is a springboard into the world of R without having to become a full-fledged programmer or possess abundant knowledge in other programming languages. This book guides you through the most common challenges in empirical research in the Social Sciences and offers practical and efficient solutions. Each chapter is dedicated to a common task we have to achieve to answer our research questions. In addition, it provides plenty of exercises and in-depth case studies based on actual data. Read more →


Replication of The Cointegrated VAR Model

by Markus Mößler


This book contains the replication of the empirical analysis of The Cointegrated VAR Model of Katarina Juselius using R. […] This book contains the replication of the empirical analysis of The Cointegrated VAR Model of Juselius (2006) using … Read more →


Statistical Modeling II: SDS383D

by Antonio R. Linero


These notes cover the second semester in a two-semester sequence on statistical modeling. It focuses on constructing, drawing conclusions from, and critiquing probabilistic models. Planned topics include generalized linear models, the bootstrap, hierarchichal models, nonparametric estimation, and generalized estimating equations. [...] In this collection of notes, we briefly outline the main thrust of this course by discussing (at a high level of generality) the topic of probabilistic modeling. Throughout this course we will focus on the application of probabilistic modeling with an eye ... Read more →


The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna IV

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna IV

A book created with bookdown. […] This is a continuation of my ongoing quest to translate all the Roman inscriptions from Esna temple. The previous two volumes are now complete, and can be found here: Esna II and Esna III. I will continue to make changes and updates to those, including some desperately needed proof-reading. Esna IV covers the architraves along the ceiling of the pronaos. The ceiling of the temple was conceived in antiquity as a replica of the sky, so constellations and other astronomical figures were projected over this space. As such, many of the texts are captions to the … Read more →


blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

by Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Alison Presmanes Hill

blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

A guide to creating websites with R Markdown and the R package blogdown. […] A note from the authors: Some of the information and instructions in this book are now out of date because of changes to Hugo and the blogdown package. If you have suggestions for improving this book, please file an issue in our GitHub repository. Thanks for your patience while we work to update the book, and please stay tuned for the revised version! In the meantime, you can find an introduction to the changes and new features in the v1.0 release blog post and this “Up & running with blogdown in 2021” blog post. … Read more →


My Friend Mili

by Selin Türkkan

My Friend Mili

A collection of future scenarios based on different themes and scenario archetypes. […] Cover design: Berna Görgülü This book was generated by Naim Çınar in Markdown, using R version 3.6.3 The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: This book is hosted on Bookdown This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Citing the book As the structure of the book’s chapters and sections may change, links should only use the base URL The full reference of this book is: … Read more →



by Gonzalo Jara


Welcome | Teachvatory documentation. […] This is a small reference book to learn how to install, edit, and deploy the app Teachvatory. Teachvatory is an app created by Dan Levy and a group of his former students and teaching fellows. Its goal is to provide an easy visualization of student’s performance in the courses that Dan teaches. This book has 5 chapters that covers most of the development process for the app: The first chapter explains how to download and install the app locally. The second chapter explains the app architecture, which follows the R package convention and uses the … Read more →



by Rob Hayward


These are our macroeconomic notes […] These are our lecture notes for the (Carlin and Soskice 2015) textbook. The notes are no substitute for the text which is available in the University of Brighton library. The notes summarise the chapters and add some exercises and links to activities that should assist your understanding of these key macroeconomic topics. There are three broad sections: The New Keynesian Model that brings together aggregate demand, supply and the central bank policy response. The financial system and the global financial crisis that discusses frictions and the … Read more →


STAT 350 Handouts

by Kevin Ross


Kevin Ross Handouts containing examples, exercises, and notes covering selected topics from Cal Poly STAT … Read more →


Desarrollo de herramientas para el manejo de inventarios de manera fácil e intuitiva

by Juan Felipe Roa Melo && Ciro Alberto Amaya


Desarrollo de herramientas para el manejo de inventarios de manera fácil e intuitiva […] El propósito de este proyecto de grado es implementar nuevas herramientas computacionales para facilitar el manejo de inventarios con diferentes modelos. Estas herramientas estarían disponibles para el uso de empresas, estudiantes y personas que requieran de modelos que ayuden a un mejor control de stocks, cantidad económica de pedido o producción. El proyecto de grado consiste principalmente de dos elementos: paquete de inventarios InvControl en el lenguaje de programación R y el libro guía Inventory … Read more →


Research Methods

by José Becerra, MD, MPH, FACPM


Analytic epidemiology research methods applied to astrological research for example, a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). Research community in general Astrology research community in particular You can render the HTML version of this example book without changing anything: Find the Build pane in the RStudio IDE, and Click on Build Book, then select your output format, or select “All formats” if you’d like to use multiple formats from the same book source files. As you work, you may start a local server to live preview this HTML book. This preview will update as you edit the book when you … Read more →


SAS Tutorial

by Hao Sun


SAS Tutorial … Read more →


Survey Design and Analysis

by Michael Foley


Survey design and analysis using R. […] This is a compilation of notes from my study of survey design and analysis. I completed Data Camp courses Survey and Measurement Development in R (Mount, n.d.) and Analyzing Survey Data in R (McConville, n.d.), then moved on to Thomas Lumley’s Complex Surveys: a guide to analysis using R (Lumley 2010). The following resources are also helpful. Only simple random sample survey designs can be analyzed with with normal statistical test functions - complex survey designs require special treatment. The survey package (Lumley 2021) handles both simple and … Read more →


Hello Chris, this is a test book

by Ethan McQuaid


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book by Ethan McQuaid. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown by yours truly at 11pm at night. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use ... Read more →


Introductory statistics skills pack

by Glenna Nightingale and Michael Allerhand


This book provides basic material for students seeking to learn statistics in an R environment, […] This skills pack introduces statistical concepts to beginners within the framework of R. Examples of analyses and R code are provided as well. Dr. Glenna Nightingale PhD Statistics research scientist (public health, epidemiology, spatial ecology, computational social science). Dr. Mike Allerhand, PhD Statistics -since 2009 Statistician at the Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh. Since 2018 Statistical Consultant in the Statistical Consultancy Unit … Read more →


Bayesian Linear Regression Tutorial

by Xiang Chen, Valentina Arputhasamy, Daniel Zhou, Sudipto Banerjee


This is a first tutorial for Bayesian Linear Regression assembled in book form. […] This is a tutorial for Bayesian Linear Regression assembled in book … Read more →


Statistical Inference

by Michael Foley


Notes cobbled together from books, online classes, etc. to be used as quick reference for common work projects. […] These are notes from books, classes, tutorials, vignettes, etc. They contain mistakes, are poorly organized, and are sloppy on fundamentals. They should improve over time, but that’s all I can say for it. Use at your own risk. The focus of this handbook is statistical inference, including population estimates, group comparisons, and regression modeling. Not included here: probability, supervised ML, unsupervised ML, text mining, time series, survey analysis, or survival … Read more →


GEOG1400 Digital Geographies - RStudio Practicals

by Lex Comber


This contains materials to support the University of Leeds GEOG1400 module, delivered by Lex Comber […] This is an on-line book written to support the practicals for the GEOG1400 Digital Geographies module, delivered by Lex Comber of the School of Geography, from the University of Leeds. It is based on An Introduction to Spatial Analysis and Mapping (Brunsdon and Comber 2018 (link here) which provides a foundation for spatial data handling, GIS-related operations and spatial analysis in R.) The chapters in this book contain an individual Practical with a discrete set of activities, and … Read more →


STM1001: Introduction to Machine Learning in R


STM1001 Machine Learning (Data Science Stream) […] Welcome to the final content supplement for the Data Science stream of STM1001. Throughout the semester, as we cover different aspects of statistics and data science, supplementary documents such as this one will be used to enhance your learning experience. This document contains material to support your learning as you complete Computer Labs 9B, 10B and 11B of the Data Science stream. We recommend that you take a few minutes to browse the different sections in this document before Computer Lab 9B. We suggest that you aim to read through … Read more →


Geographic Data Science with R: Visualizing and Analyzing Environmental Change

by Michael C. Wimberly

Geographic Data Science with R: Visualizing and Analyzing Environmental Change

A book example for a Chapman & Hall book. […] We live in a time of unprecedented environmental change, driven by the effects of fossil fuels on the Earth’s climate and the expanding footprint of human land use. To mitigate and adapt to these changes, there is a need to understand their myriad impacts on human and natural systems. Achieving this goal requires geospatial data on a variety of environmental factors, including climate, vegetation, biodiversity, soils, terrain, water, and human populations. Consistent monitoring is also necessary to identify where changes are occuring and … Read more →


🃏 Probability I

by Dr. Daniel Flores Agreda (based on the Lecture by Prof. Davide La Vecchia)


Course Materials […] Hello and Welcome to this introductory Lecture in Probability! These Course Notes are a complement to the Lecture Probability I. The Lecture is divided in the following Chapters, and each Chapter contains several themes. The Lectures will take place in the room MR280 on Thursday from 12h15 to 14h00. For those students who cannot attend the lectures, a recording will be available on Mediaserver. Seminars will take place on Thursday from 16h15 to 18h00 in the room MS130. The seminars are not recorded. Every two week (starting from the third one), tutorials will take place … Read more →


A Brief Introduction to Bayesian Inference

by Johnny van Doorn


A brief introduction to Bayesian concepts, based on a beer-tasting experiment. […] This book is still a work in progress If you encounter any errors/issues, you can reach me here. This booklet offers an introduction to Bayesian inference. We look at how different models make different claims about a parameter, how they learn from observed data, and how we can compare these models to each other. We illustrate these ideas through an informal beer-tasting experiment conducted at the University of Amsterdam.1 A key concept in Bayesian inference is predictive quality: how well did a model, or … Read more →


Statistics Taster Session

by Prof Peter Neal


Lecture Notes for Statistics Taster Session […] Welcome to the free Statistics Taster … Read more →



by Danna Cruz


Notas de clase de Bioestadística […] Este libro fue construido para ayudar a entender algunas herramientas de Bioestadística. Acá encontrará los códigos, las lecciones, los ejercicios y tareas dejados por su querida profesora Danna … Read more →


Learn Mathematics and Computer Science with Isabelle

by Aleksadner Mendoza


Learn Mathematics and Computer Science with Isabelle […] The goal is to develop deep understanding in mathematics while at the same time also learn Isabelle and its standard library. I couldn’t find any existing resources like this so I decided to write one myself. Our goal is to first learn the basics of Isabelle without getting too deep into irrelevant details. Then we should move on to studying actual mathematics as quickly as possible. Any remaining details of Isabelle will be introduced as needed. We will go though all of undergradute maths courses (and touch on graduate level topics) … Read more →


The R Researcher’s companion v. 0.01

by David Randahl


This is an accompanying book for the R workshops for the Methods II and Methods II Advanced courses in the Master’s programme in peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University. […] Welcome to this draft online edition of The R Researcher’s companion. This is a project that has been in the works for a long time and is finally, hopefully, coming together. In this ‘book’ (really, it is just a collection lecture and workshop notes) my ambition is to convince you that R is not an obstacle to be overcome. Rather, I want to convince you that knowing R is a gateway to a fantastic new world of … Read more →


Project Documentation

by Brendan Casey


This is document walks through the analyses I performed for this research. […] Here we provide templates and resources for documenting your research from within your rProject. 4_bookdown_readme: A template for creating a markdown readme using bookdown 5_bookdown_html: A template for creating a project html document ( 6_bookdown_pdf: A template for creating pdf documents 7_markdown_manuscript: A template for writing your manuscript via … Read more →


Machine Learning Part II

by Dr. Hailiang Du


These are the course notes for the Machine Learning module (MATH42815) at Durham University. […] Welcome to the material for the second half of the Machine Learning module (MATH42815) at Durham University. These pages consist of relevant lecture notes that will be updated as the course progresses. I would recommend that you use the HTML version of these notes (they have been designed for use in this way), however, there is also a pdf version of these notes. In this second half of the module, we will first look into the simple yet powerful tree-based models and then dive into the famous yet … Read more →


Statistical modelling

by Benjamin T. Martin


Statistical modelling […] This is an evolving set of lecture notes for the course From Data to … Read more →



by Xiaolan Wan


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


Statistical rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse: Second edition

by A Solomon Kurz


This book is an attempt to re-express the code in the second edition of McElreath’s textbook, ‘Statistical rethinking.’ His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] This ebook is based on the second edition of Richard McElreath’s (2020a) text, Statistical rethinking: A Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan. My contributions show how to fit the models he covered with Paul Bürkner’s brms package (Bürkner, 2017, 2018, 2022j), which makes it easy to fit Bayesian regression models in R (R … Read more →



by edicioneditorial_nal


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Este es el sitio web para el libro digital Transformación Digital: experiencias colectivas publicado por Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Consulta el libro digital desde el portal del Repositorio Institucional - ... Read more →


Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in brms and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an attempt to re-express the code in Kruschke’s (2015) textbook. His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] Kruschke began his text with “This book explains how to actually do Bayesian data analysis, by real people (like you), for realistic data (like yours).” In the same way, this project is designed to help those real people do Bayesian data analysis. My contribution is converting Kruschke’s JAGS and Stan code for use in Bürkner’s brms package (Bürkner, 2017, 2018, 2022g), … Read more →


Statistical rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an attempt to re-express the code in McElreath’s textbook. His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] I love McElreath’s (2015) Statistical rethinking text. It’s the entry-level textbook for applied researchers I spent years looking for. McElreath’s freely-available lectures on the book are really great, too. However, I prefer using Bürkner’s brms package (Bürkner, 2017, 2018, 2022i) when doing Bayesian regression in R. It’s just spectacular. I also prefer plotting with … Read more →


Recoding Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis

by A Solomon Kurz


This ebook is an effort to connect Hayes’s conditional process analysis work with the Bayesian paradigm. Herein I refit his models with my favorite R package for Bayesian regression, Bürkner’s brms, and use the tidyverse for data manipulation and plotting. […] Andrew Hayes’s (2018) text, Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach, has become a staple in social science graduate education. Hayes’s work has been from a frequentist OLS perspective. This book is an effort to connect his work with the Bayesian paradigm. Herein I refit his … Read more →


Bayesian Linear Regression

by Xiang Chen, Dr. Sudipto Banerjee


This is a tutorial for Bayesian Linear Regressione. […] Theorem 1.1 (Bayes’ theorem) For events (A, B) and (P(B) \neq 0), we have [P(A\mid B) = \frac{P(B \mid A) P(A)}{P(B)}] We denote (U) as unknown parameters and (K) as known parameters. We call (P(U)) prior and (P(K|U)) likelihood. The Bayes’ theorem gives us the posterior distribution of unknown parameters given the known parameters [ P(U \mid K) \propto P(U) \cdot P(K \mid U)] Let (K = \left{y_{n \times 1}, X_{n \times p} \right}) and assume (y \sim N\left( X \beta, \sigma^{2} V\right)), where (V) is known and … Read more →


Controle de Processos

by Mediador e futuros engenheiros


Mediador e futuros engenheiros O problema do tanque agitado e aquecido sujeito à perturbações na pressão do fluido do sistema de troca de calor. Hipóteses H1. O tanque está bem isolado, de modo que calor transferido para as vizinhanças é negligenciavél; H2. O acúmulo de energia na parede do tanque e no sistema de resfriamento é insignificante em comparação com o acúmulo do líquido; H3. O tanque é bem misturado; H4. Propriedades físicas pode ser consideradas constantes; H5. O sistema está inicialmente no estado estacionário. A relação direta da variável de processo com a variável manipulada … Read more →


HIPPA data breach incidents

by mehdibarati22


This is an exploratory study of data breaches reported to HHS according to HIPPA … Read more →


Psihologija odgoja i obrazovanja

by Goran Kardum


Skripta predavanja iz kolegija Psihologija odgoja i obrazovanja […] Ovaj tekst predstavlja vodič za studente na kolegiju Psihologija odgoja i obrazovanja. Sadržaj ove skripte objedinjuje različite izvore i dostupne materijale koji objedinjuju područja opće psihologije, razvojne psihologije te psihologije obrazovanja. Uz navedena područja psihologije, uključuje i druga interdisciplinarna područja, poput neuroznanosti. Konačno, pri kraju je i poglavlje koje nosi naziv Katalog znanja gdje su pojmovi koji su obrađeni na nastavi a služe studentima za pripremu kolokvija i ispita. (tekst nije … Read more →


Introduction to Geographic Information System

by Wanda Bodnar (Thames Estuary Partnership)


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This interactive online book provides an introduction to the world of geographic information system (GIS). At the end of each chapter references as well as free and paid courses are listed which will allow you to explore GIS ... Read more →


The Social Covenant

by Peter Lupu and Arthur Small


A book created with bookdown. […] The peaceful transfer of power from one legitimately elected regime to another is non-negotiable hallmark of democracy. In the United States this tradition has been honored in an unbroken chain from the very first transfer, in 1797, when George Washington willingly stepped down to hand the reins of the presidency to his elected successor, John Adams. Until January 6, 2021, when, shockingly, the chain snapped. === [Fill out the paragraph below after reviewing first-hand reports about the events of Jan. 6.] === January 6, 2021, was a singular event. But it … Read more →


Introduction to International Relations

by Yuleng Zeng


This is an undergraduate-level seminar on international relations. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2022. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know (contact me). The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: IntroIR. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new tab. I will post the slides of each week … Read more →


US Foreign Policy

by Yuleng Zeng


This is a graduate-level seminar on US foreign policy. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2020. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know. The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: US foreign policy. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new tab. Here you can find the slides for each … Read more →


Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R

by Nathan Taback

Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R

Online version of Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R […] This is the free website for Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R. A hardcopy of the book can be purchased from Routledge. This book grew out of course notes for a twelve-week course (one term) on the Design of Experiments and Observational Studies in the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto. Students are senior undergraduates and applied Masters students who have completed courses in probability, mathematical statistics, and regression … Read more →


BS2004: Molecular and Cellular Biology II

by Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a bookdown site authored for the AY 2021 - 2022 edition of BS2004: Molecular and Cellular Biology ... Read more →


Machine Learning: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning

by Marc Scott

Machine Learning: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] Supervised and unsupervised machine learning, also known as classification and clustering, are important statistical techniques commonly applied in many social and behavioral science research problems. Both seek to understand social phenomena through the identification of naturally occurring homogeneous groupings within a population. Supervised learning techniques are used to sort new observations into pre- existing or ... Read more →


Mixed-effects model and its application in neuroscience

by Zhaoxia Yu, Michele Guindani, Steven F. Grieco, Lujia Chen, Todd C. Holmes, Xiangmin Xu


This is the online supplemental to accomany Yu Z, Guindani M, Grieco SF, Chen L, Holmes TC, Xu X. (2022) Beyond t-Test and ANOVA: applications of mixed-effects models for more rigorous statistical analysis in neuroscience research. Neuron. 110: 21-23. […] This is the online supplemental to accompany Yu Z, Guindani M, Grieco SF, Chen L, Holmes TC, Xu X. (2022) Beyond t-Test and ANOVA: applications of mixed-effects models for more rigorous statistical analysis in neuroscience research. Neuron. 110: 21-23. The data used in this supplementary can be … Read more →


Guide to Wise Investing

by Junghoon Shin

Guide to Wise Investing

Investment databook containing business financials, industry and market environments, and global economy […] When I first stepped into the investment world, there was just too much information all over the newspapers, websites, books, YouTube, and even lunch table gossips which all seemed to be of the utmost importance to me. Some believed it was the perfect time to invest in the stock market, while others insisted that the whole market was significantly overheated by repeated fiscal stimulus packages from the government and we all should prepare for the impending market crash. I was so … Read more →


Cross-Platform Journalism: News use, content, and effects

by Valerie Hase, LMU Munich


Cross-Platform Journalism - B.A. Seminar at LMU Munich, Fall 2022/2023 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “Cross-Platform Journalism: News use, content, and effects”. It is part of the undergraduate course “Communication Studies” (LMU, Department of Media and Communication). At the moment, the course is expected to take place via in-person meetings every Tuesday 08:00-10:00 am in room B109, Edmund-Rumpler-Strasse 13. Please note that this may change in light of COVID-19 developments. You will find all necessary information on the seminar’s structure, important dates and … Read more →


Toolbox CSS

by Felix Lennert


This book is supposed to introduce the reader (i.e., you) into some fundamental techniques for computational social science research: acquiring online data, agent-based modeling, and text mining. […] Dear student, if you read this script, you are either participating in one of my courses on digital methods for the social sciences, or at least interested in this topic. If you have any questions or remarks regarding this script, hit me up at This script will introduce you to three techniques I regard as elementary for any aspiring (computational) social scientist: the … Read more →


Inversión en Acciones para Principiantes

by Jorge Condeña Llantoy


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Este es el bookdown de Inversión en Acciones para Principiantes el cual se enfocará en brindar conceptos básicos sobre el mundo de la inversión en acciones de empresas a la vez que se introducirá herramientas de programación. Con la ayuda del software R, podremos extraer, tratar y analizar diferentes elementos necesarios para contar con una base sólida en cuanto a herramientas para realizar una propia lectura y discernimiento en el ámbito de la inversión en … Read more →


Lab Manual for the Global Community Wellness Lab

by Jordan D. Snyder, Psy.D.


This is the lab manual for the Global Community Wellness Lab at the University of Wisconsin, Parkside. […] Welcome to the Global Community Wellness Lab at the University of Wisconsin, Parkside! If you are reading our lab manual because you recently joined the lab, welcome! If you are a current member of the lab, frequently refer to our lab manual to refresh our guidelines, policies, platforms, among others. We also look forward to learning and researching together. We also welcome you to read this manual if you are looking for tips and tricks for your own manual. It’s also a work in … Read more →


Введение в dplyr 1.0.0

by Алексей Селезнёв

Введение в dplyr 1.0.0

Серия видео уроков посвящённая обновлению dplyr 1.0.0.. […] dplyr - один из наиболее популярных пакетов, который реализует грамматику манипуляции данными в языке R. Официально первый релиз dplyr был выпещен в 2014 году, но пакет развивался, и первая стабильная версия с устоявшимся синтаксисом, под номером 1.0.0 была выпущена весной 2020 года. Этому релизу предшествовала серия статей, в которых Хедли Викхем описывал все нововведения в dplyr. Этот мини курс появился из 6 видео уроков снятых по этим статьям. В основе видео уроков лежат следующие статьи: Для прохождения курса вы уже должны … Read more →



by 稻年


交换代数与代数几何的基本内容 […] 除非特别说明, 环都是指含幺交换环, 但不一定是整环, 也不一定是既约环, 甚至可能有相当多的烦人的零因子. 下面是一些打开方式: 代数几何中关心的拓扑空间只有两种 同时, (k = \overline{k}) 时, 我们认为 (\mathbb{A}^n = \Spec k[x_1,\ldots, x_n]), 因为我们有同胚 [\begin{align*} \Spec k[x_1,\ldots, x_n]&\cong\bb{A}^n \ (x_1-a_1, \ldots, x_n-a_n) &\mapsto (a_1,\ldots, a_n) \end{align*}] 即极大理想打到点, 闭集 (V(\fk{p})) 打到闭集 (Z(\fk{p}).) 为方便起见, 当我们用表达式 (\Spec A) 时, 默认 (A=\Spec … Read more →


Political Economy of Development

by Alma A. Bezares Calderón


Guide for the Course ECON371- Political Economy of Development […] The objective of this compendium is to provide a study guide for the course: ECON371- Political Economy of Development. This guide does not replace any of the books used in the course nor the lecture notes. However, it will help you to go through it, so you can understand and critically think about the material that we will cover in the course. The best way to contact me is through email. I am usually very fast at responding to my students, but plan for a 24-hour delay in my response during the weekdays. I usually do not … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 6B (Science and Health)

by Based on Chapters 8-10 of ''Scientific Research and Methodology'' by Peter K. Dunn (Dunn 2021)


STM1001 Topic 6B (Science and Health) […] In this topic, we will continue our discussion of internal validity, this time in the context of observational studies. We will then briefly consider the identification of study limitations, and procedures for collecting … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 5B (Science and Health)

by Based on Chapters 6 & 7 of ''Scientific Research and Methodology'' by Peter K. Dunn (Dunn 2021)


STM1001 Topic 5B (Science and Health) […] In this topic, we will introduce the concept of internal validity. Following this introduction, we will consider internal validity in the context of experimental … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 3B (Science and Health)

by Based on Chapter 3 of ''Scientific Research and Methodology'' by Peter K. Dunn (Dunn 2021)


STM1001 Topic 3B (Science and Health) […] In this topic, we will learn about different types of study designs, including descriptive, observational, and experimental studies. We will also consider external and internal … Read more →



by 稻年


交换代数选讲 […] (\newcommand\AA{\mathcal{A}}) (\newcommand\bbz{\mathbb{Z}}) 此主要为课堂笔记, 参考资料有 (Bruns and Herzog 1998)1 (Spaltenstein 1988) (Riehl 2014) 介绍几类交换代数和代数几何都关心的环, 例如 Cohen-Macaulay 环, Gorenstein 环, 正则环 (regular ring) 以及完全相交环 (complete intersection ring). 主要关心仿射代数 (affine algebra) 和分次代数 (graded algebra), 顺便会介绍相关的一些同调代数. 此外还会讨论交换代数中一些和数论中 Modularity 提升定理密切相关的内容, 例如 能够表示伽罗瓦表示的模空间的环 由作用在模形式空间上的 Heck 算子生成的环 据说其背景为怀尔斯借由 … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 4B (Science and Health)

by Based on Chapters 7-10 of ''Scientific Research and Methodology'' by Peter K. Dunn (Dunn 2021)


STM1001 Topic 4B (Science and Health) […] In this topic, we will continue our discussion of internal validity. We will then briefly consider the identification of study limitations, and procedures for collecting … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 3B (Science and Health)

by Based on Chapters 3, 5, and 6 of ''Scientific Research and Methodology'' by Peter K. Dunn (Dunn 2021)


STM1001 Topic 3B (Science and Health) […] In this topic, we will begin by learning about different types of study designs. We will then discuss sampling considerations (external vailidity). Finally, an overview of internal validity will be … Read more →


Fundamentals of Wrangling Healthcare Data with R

by J. Kyle Armstrong


Fundamentals to Data Wrangling and programming with R version 4.2.2; examples with Health Related Data […] Data Wrangling is the process of gathering, selecting, transforming and mapping “raw data” into another format with the intent of making it more appropriate and valuable for a variety of downstream analytic purposes. The Primary goal in data wrangling is to assure quality and useful data. Also known as “data cleaning,” “data processing,” or “data munging”; many professionals will tell you that data management related tasks will consume upwards of 80% of their time, leaving only 20% for … Read more →



by 稻年


基本的复几何, 目标是理解霍奇理论, 乃至 (p) 进版本 […] (\newcommand\AA{\mathcal{A}}) (\newcommand\bbz{\mathbb{Z}}) 此笔记整理自 (Huybrechts 2005) (Demailly 2012) (Cattani 2010) 目前这是一个非常粗糙的版本, 主要是作备忘录用, 打算今年6月再整理一番. 此笔记所讨论的复几何意指紧的复流形. 由于复流形的复结构具有很强的刚性, 所以复流形上的几何常常可以用多项式组的零点来描述. 问题: 复流形的分类是个很困难的问题. 复曲线可以用模空间 (moduli space) 的理论进行一定程度上的分类 复曲面的分类则已经很复杂了. 所以 Huybrechts 的书主要讨论的是理论相对完备的复流形, … Read more →


Test of Bookdown

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] More centered text The contents of the below subsections are located in a sub folder. This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within ... Read more →


ECON 381: Statistics and Probability for Econometrics

by Pierangelo DePace and Augusto Gonzalez Bonorino


Textbook for ECON 381: Statistics and Probability for Econometrics […] Here the introduction to the class and … Read more →


Crime by the Numbers: A Criminologist’s Guide to R

by Jacob Kaplan


A guide to learning R for the purpose of conducting quantitative research. This covers collecting and cleaning data, and visualizing it in graphs and maps. […] This book introduces the programming language R and is meant for undergrads or graduate students studying criminology. R is a programming language that is well-suited to the type of work frequently done in criminology - taking messy data and turning it into useful information. While R is a useful tool for many fields of study, this book focuses on the skills criminologists should know and uses crime data for the example data sets. If … Read more →



by Dr. Marco Lünich


Kurshandbuch zum Methodenseminar ‘Vertrauen, Legitimität, Fairness & Co.: Die Messung latenter Variablen in der politischen Kommunikation’ […] Das folgende Dokument enthält alle wichtigen Informationen zum Seminar Vertrauen, Legitimität, Fairness & Co.: Die Messung latenter Variablen in der politischen Kommunikation im WS 20/21 (zuvor bereits im WS 19/10) am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Work in … Read more →



by cjlortie


This a brief introduction to scientific synthesis tools that use meta-analyses and systematic reviews to advance science and inform decision making. […] An overview of quantitative synthesis tools associated with review processing. Scientific synthesis of all academic evidence from data to papers can promote evidence-informed decision making. Every contemporary discipline has some capacity to support and benefit from synthesis tools. Here, we develop a set of heuristics to support innovation and leverage evidence. A overview of lessons provided in this resource to encourage development and … Read more →


Species-Habitat Associations: Spatial data, predictive models, and ecological insights

by Jason Matthiopoulos, John Fieberg, Geert Aarts


This book will describe methods for linking organisms to their habitat […] … Read more →


Business Intelligence II, forår 2023: Anvendt Machine Learning

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Første modul omhandler en generel introduktion til softwareprogrammet R ( Her gengives en række eksempler på R-kode samt det tilhørende R-output for at illustrere forskellige grundlæggende funktionaliteter i programmet. Programmet R tager koder som input, så hver gang man skal have udført noget, skal man skrive de(n) relevante kode(r), som herefter eksekveres af programmet og giver det ... Read more →



by 稻年


介绍纤维丛理论 […] 此笔记整理自(Cohen 1998) 简单来说, 纤维丛 (fiber bundle) 就是在基空间 (base space) 的每点附着同一个1纤维 (fiber) , 最经典的例子就是流形上的切丛: 在流形 (M) 上的每点 (p) 处附着 “同一个” 线性空间, 也就是切空间 (T_p M), 所有这些切空间的不交并便是切丛 (TM). 对于一般的纤维丛而言, 基空间不一定是流形, 纤维也不一定是线性空间. 比纤维丛更一般的概念是纤维化 (fibration) , 即不要求基空间的附着物都一样, 这样就可以和代数几何中处理的奇异性问题相吻合. 纤维化是一个非常具有普适性的概念. 例 0.1 (集合的纤维化) 例如对任意的集合映射 [ f\colon A\to … Read more →


Proyecto Final -SW

by Campos Sosa Isaac, Leal Rosas Renzo, Perez Bastarrachea Yamiley


Proyecto Final -SW […] UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL JOSE FAUSTINO SANCHEZ CARRION Mg. Victor Guevara P. SOFTWARE DE APLICACIÓN I Campos Sosa Isaac Leal Rosas Renzo Perez Bastarrachea Yamiley CIENCIAS ESTADISTICA E … Read more →



by Sandern


Sandern ################################################# To learn more about Quarto books visit … Read more →


Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters in the Kenai Peninsula Throughout the Kenai Peninsula

by Benjamin Meyer, Kenai Watershed Forum


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document contains preliminary data and analysis related to Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund project #54014, “Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters Throughout the Kenai Peninsula.” The Kenai Peninsula’s watersheds are significant producers of Pacific salmon. Critical to Alaska’s economic and cultural wellbeing, these salmon support fisheries both inland and throughout Cook Inlet. This project is documenting anadromous spawning, … Read more →



by shihshengch


这是一个去埃及前的笔记与行前准备。 […] 起始时间地点:2022年12月22日,卢克索(Luxor) 结束时间地点:2022年12月29日,赫尔格达(Hurghada) 门票埃镑计价。部分景点手机拍照免费,若使用非手机器具拍照,如相机,Go Pro,三脚架则会收取额外相机费。部分景点包含墓室,进入需缴纳额外费用。 Open in new … Read more →


PrioriTree: an Interactive Utility for Improving Geographic Phylodynamic Analyses in BEAST

by Jiansi Gao, Michael R. May, Bruce Rannala, Brian R. Moore


PrioriTree is an interactive browser utility—distributed as an R package (see for a demo of the utility)—designed to help researchers specify input files for—and process output files from—analyses of biogeographic history performed using the BEAST software package (Drummond et al. 2012; Suchard et al. 2018). The discrete-geographic models implemented in BEAST (Lemey et al. 2009; Edwards et al. 2011) contain many parameters that must be inferred from minimal information (the single geographic area in which each pathogen occurs); inferences under this … Read more →



by Uğur Dar


Eskişehir R Users Group - ESTÜ Veri Bilimi Kulübü […] Hazırlayan: Uğur Dar İletişim: LinkedIn Twitter E-posta: “Bir resmin en büyük değeri, bizi görmeyi hiç beklemediğimiz bir şeyi fark etmeye zorlamasıdır.” 1. Her bilgi görselleştirilmek zorunda değildir A birasını tercih edenlerin %40’ı erkektir bilgisinde görselleştirmeye değer bir bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Görselleştirme araçları çok sık kullanıldığında, hedef kitlenin odaklanması istenilen kısmı kaçırmasına neden olabilir. 2. Grafiğin hedef kitlesinin belirlenmesi Görselleştirme, veriye göre çok karmaşık hale … Read more →


Caderno de exercícos Mestrado de computação aplicada

by Anderson dos Santos


Caderno de exercício Big Data […] Autor: Anderson dos Santos Prof: Olga Satomi … Read more →


Designing and Building Data Science Solutions

by Jonathan Leslie, Neri Van Otten


Data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can have game-changing impacts for businesses, empowering them to increase operational efficiency, improve the quality of their services and understand their customers better. Yet for these benefits to be realised, data science initiatives must be designed and executed in a sensible way. Often these projects, while successful from a scientific standpoint, miss the mark in terms of business impact. Many business leaders are left feeling unsettled, balancing the need for innovation and the adoption of revolutionary technologies with an uncomfortable degree of uncertainty and risk of failure. For the data scientist the situation can be equally unnerving, with uncertainties about how to deliver a successful project when the path is not clear. Yet, these uncertainties and risks – for the business leader and the data scientist alike – can be controlled and managed if approached in a sensible manner. Your authors have designed and delivered hundreds of projects across a wide range of industries. We have made many mistakes, and in the process we have learned what works well and where the common pitfalls lie. We wrote this book to share our experiences in hopes that it will help the reader – whether a data science practitioner or a business leader – reduce these risks and design projects that have the greatest chance of success. Much of the content in this guide is derived from lessons we have given to our students. Here we have gathered, organised and expanded on those bits of advice to serve as a resource for anyone considering embarking on a data science journey. We share our approach to data science projects, addressing topics such as alignment to business imperatives, project design, project delivery and evaluation of success. Data science can be an exciting, invigorating field, and for the business leader, it can bring about revolutionary changes to an organisation that can come with huge returns on investment and value added. For the data scientist, designing and delivering successful projects is rewarding, stimulating and tremendously gratifying. We hope this guide gives you the confidence to understand the risks and approach your project in a sensible way. Read more →


Disciplina - BiG Data & Analytics

by Eder M Barbosa - Matricula 42990 - Turma T04


Caderno de Exercicios que utiliza tecnicas de analise de dados.! Prof(a). Dra. Olga Satomi Yoshida Monitoria: Prof. Leonardo Fonseca Larrubia 1.1 Calcule as seguintes expressoes em R: 2.1 Multiplique a sua idade por meses e salve o resultado em um objeto chamado idade_em_meses. 2.1 - Em seguida, multiplique esse objeto por 30 e salve o resultado em um objeto chamado idade_em_dias. 5.1 - Escreva um código que devolva apenas valores positivos do vetor numeros. 5.2. - Escreva um código que de volta apenas os valores pares do vetor numeros. 5.3 - Filtre o vetor para que retorne apenas aqueles … Read more →


Using simulation to compare sensitivity of PLIS procedure and conventional p-value procedure

by Jingyi Guan and Thu Dang


This is a demo of our simulation. […] This is a detailed demo of a simulation to test the sensitivity of PLIS procedure and conventional p-value procedure using logistics regression. While PLIS procedure incorporates the correlation among SNPs to adjust for Linkage Disequilibrium (LD), conducting multiple logistics regressions assumes that SNPs are independent from one another. The main idea here: We don’t have info for all SNPs along our chromosomes for research. Thus, when missing the data for true causal SNPs, we want to detect the SNPs that are physically close to the causal SNPs so … Read more →


Disciplina BIG019 - BiG Data & Analytics

by Matricula 43350 - Marcos A. Alves - Turma T04


Caderno de Exercicios […] Caderno de Exercicio do Aluno Marcos Alberto Alves, para o emprego das tecnicas de analise de dados da disciplina de Big Data & analytics do mestrando em Computação Aplicada no Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT Prof. Dra. Olga Satomi Yoshida Monitoria: … Read more →


Mestrado Computação Aplicada - Bigdata Analitics 2022

by Julio Cesar dos Santos Vieira


Caderno de Exercicio do Aluno Julio Cesar dos Santos Vieira, para o emprego das tecnicas de analise de dados da disciplina de Big Data & analytics do mestrado em Computação Aplicada no Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT Prof. Dra. Olga Satomi Yoshida Monitoria: … Read more →


Disciplina Big Data & Analytics

by Josias Oliveira Lima - Turma T04


Caderno de Exercicios […] Cadernos de Exercícios da disciplina de Big Data & Analytics do mestrado em Computação Aplicada no Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT Profa. Dra. Olga Satomi Yoshida Monitoria: Leonardo … Read more →


An introduction to using RUV-III-NB: Removing unwanted variation in single cell data

by Alysha M De Livera and Agus Salim


This is an introduction to using RUV-III-NB (Salim et al. 2022) for removing unwanted variations from single cell RNA sequencing data. […] This is an introduction to using RUV-III-NB for removing unwanted variation from single cell RNA sequencing data (Salim et al. 2022). The first section RUV-III-NB model below briefly explains the statistical methodology behind RUV-III-NB. Readers who are not interested in the methodology can move straight to Preliminary settings. RUV-III-NB models the raw count for gene (g) and cell (c), (y_{gc}), as Negative Binomial (NB), (y_{gc} \sim … Read more →


Supervised Machine Learning

by Michael Foley


These are my personal notes related to supervised machine learning techniques. […] Machine learning (ML) develops algorithms to identify patterns in data (unsupervised ML) or make predictions and inferences (supervised ML). Supervised ML trains the machine to learn from prior examples to predict either a categorical outcome (classification) or a numeric outcome (regression), or to infer the relationships between the outcome and its explanatory variables. Two early forms of supervised ML are linear regression (OLS) and generalized linear models (GLM) (Poisson and logistic regression). These … Read more →


PS 811 Website

by Blake Reynolds


This is the course website for the fall 2022 PS 811 Class […] This is the class website for PS-811 for the 2022 fall semester. PS 811 is a one-credit hour, pass/fail course taught to incoming Ph.D. students in the political science department. This course will be taught remotely; however, RM 3218 in the Social Sciences building has been reserved if you would like to listen to lecture and work on the problem sets together in the room during the class time window. In modern political science, you will be required to perform or understand quantitative research. Often this research is conducted … Read more →



by Guri Giaever


This section of the OMICS course will cover NGS sequencing from FASTQ reads to differential RNA analysis. The general workflow is shown above. We will use a dataset from Saccharomyces cereviseae. The bookdown version of these pages is published at this site … Read more →


Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM STAT 216 edition)

Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM STAT 216 edition)

Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM STAT 216 edition) […] This book is a modified version of the work below: Zieffler, A., & Catalysts for Change. (2019). Statistical Thinking: A simulation approach to uncertainty (4.2th ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Catalyst Press. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to share, remix, and make commercial use of the work under the condition that you provide proper attribution. To reference this work, use: The work to … Read more →


Applied Biostats – BIOL3272 UMN – Fall 2022

by Yaniv Brandvain


This is the textbook for applied biostats in fall of 2022 taught by yaniv brandvain […] In the summer of 2020, the world was on fire – COVID was raging, we – especially in Minnesota – were processing the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent uprising etc, the future was unclear. At that point teaching was likely to be entirely online, and I decided to write a digital book for my course see the first edition of my book here. I didn’t really know what I was doing or what my vision was (and to some extent I still do not). There were hiccups: some strangeness in rendering etc, typos, last … Read more →


Notas para la asignatura de Matemáticas I , UCM Somosaguas

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Si encuentras alguna errata o tienes alguna sugerencia, ... Read more →


Biology for environmental management pocketguide

by cjlortie


This a brief overview of how to use biology for inform decision making for environmental grand challenges we face globally. […] Welcome to biology for environmental management. The goal of this course is to examine global grand challenges that we face through the lens of solutions from science. Science can be magical because it provides us with incredible outcomes in so many domains of the human endeavour. Here, we work to find the magic spells from science for the environment to promote the well-being of people and the planet. There is an opportunity for us to mobilize science to do social … Read more →



by Guri Giaever


Data Wrangling and Processing for Genomics […] A lot of genomics analysis is done using command-line tools for three reasons: you will often be working with a large number of files, and working through the command-line rather than through a graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to automate repetitive tasks, you will often need more compute power than is available on your personal computer, and connecting to and interacting with remote computers requires a command-line interface, and you will often need to customize your analyses, and command-line tools often enable more … Read more →


Miller Creek and Vogel Lake Water Quality

by Benjamin Meyer (


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This draft document contains preliminary data explorations of 2021-2023 water quality data from the Vogel Lakes complex and Miller Creek in the Northern Kenai peninsula. These data were collected as part of plans to eradicate invasive pike from the area, which were identified in 2018-2019 by the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. The draft environmental assessment for potential eradication of invasive Northern Pike from this system is available from the US Fish … Read more →


Experimental design

by cjlortie


The sandbox is a perfect metaphor because there is no perfect experiment - we can do better experiments! […] Experiments shape the human experience. Experiments are a critical component of all living natural systems encompassing evolution to community dynamics. Experiments in science are creative, iterative, & source critical thinking. We naturally experiment in art, science, and life. Here, we hone these skills through principles and practice. The principles are here, and the practice is in the form a lab manual entitled Designcraft for experiments. If you are electing to engage with this … Read more →



by Marco Garofalo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = ... Read more →



by Watthu


本文是统计计算的课程笔记整理,主要采用R语言编程。 R是一个免费开源的用于统计计算和作图的语言和软件环境,它提供了广泛的统计工具和灵活高质量的图形工具,其功能可以通过添加package来扩充。R的官方网站为 R Project Website,该网站包含R在各种操作系统下的安装文件、R的帮助文档包括一些免费的书籍等。 R是一种解释性语言,不必像C之类的编译语言首先要构成一个完整的程序形式。当R运行时,所有变量、数据、函数及结果都以对象(object)的形式存在计算机的活动内存中,并冠有相应的名字代号。我们可以通过用一些运算符(如算术、逻辑、比较等)和一些函数(其本身也是对象)来对这些对象进行操作。 R中的数据结构可以按其维数(1d、2d、nd)和同质性(所有元素 … Read more →


Data cleaning for social scientists

by Felix Lennert


Felix Lennert This is the script for a two-day workshop on data cleaning for the social sciences. I assume you are familiar with basic R concepts such as the different data types and how to index them, the general structure of the syntax, and how to make function calls. In the 21st century, social scientists are able to tap into wells of data that are deeper than ever before. Not only can we use more designed data, i.e., data that have been generated with the clear goal of performing research using them in mind, e.g., survey data, than ever. Also, the rise of the internet as a sensor for … Read more →


STM1001: Foundational Biology for Analyses of Biological Data


STM1001 Biology (Science/Health/Data Science Streams) […] Welcome to another content supplement for the Science, Health and Data Science streams of STM1001. Throughout the semester, as we cover different aspects of statistics and data science, supplementary documents such as this one will be used to enhance your learning experience. This document contains material to support your learning as you complete Computer Lab 8B of the Science, Health or Data Science streams. We recommend that you take a few minutes to browse the different sections in this document (just click on the sections in the … Read more →


STM1001: Data Visualisation in R


STM1001 Data Visualisation (Data Science Stream) […] Welcome to the first content supplement for the Data Science stream of STM1001. Throughout the semester, as we cover different aspects of data science, supplementary documents such as this one will be used to enhance your learning experience. This document contains support material to support your learning as you complete Computer Labs 2B, 3B and 4B of the Data Science stream. We recommend that you take a few minutes to browse the different sections in this document (just click on the sections in the menu bar to your left). You don’t need … Read more →


R for marketing students

by Samuel Franssens


R tutorial for marketing students […] In this tutorial, we will explore R as a tool to analyse and visualise data. R is a statistical programming language that has rapidly gained popularity in many scientific fields. The main difference between R and other statistical software like SPSS is that R has no graphical user interface. There are no buttons to click. R is run entirely by typing commands into a text interface. This may seem daunting, but hopefully by the end of this tutorial you will see how R can help you to do better statistical analysis. So why are we using R and not one of the … Read more →


Kenai River Thermal Imagery

by Benjamin Meyer (


This document contains describes several data management and analysis tasks related to the Kenai River Thermal Imagery project. […] This document contains data and analysis related to the Kenai River Thermal Imagery project. This work is a collaborative effort between three Kenai Peninsula Nonprofits: Cook Inletkeeper, Kachemak Bay Heritage Land Trust, and Kenai Watershed Forum.It is funded by the Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund (project #53003). A two-page project summary titled, “Science Based Land Conservation: Cold Water Stepping Stones” is outlined below. A full size version of this … Read more →


Indigenous Languages of Latin America

by Ann Garbett


Project looking at populations that speak indigenous languages […] Exploration of populations in Latin America that speak indigenous languages as well as their literacy … Read more →


Education among Children of the Migrant Workers

by Dr. Josephine Anthony


Dr. Josephine Anthony Every child has a right to have access to school and help themselves develop into better human beings and contribute to the society. The Govt. of India of India came up with the Right to Compulsory and Free Education Act in the year 2010, which ensures that children in the age group 6-14 years have universal access to free and compulsory education. However even after the Act was put into force, there were many challenges, which were being faced. The issue was not just about the primary school but from the starting point itself there is a huge challenge. The children who … Read more →


Statistica Applicata per la Finanza - 2022/23

by Michela Cameletti


Appunti di R per il corso di Statistica Applicata per la Finanza at UniBg […] State leggendo gli appunti dei laboratori di R del corso di Statistica Applicata per la Finanza (SAPF) tenuto all’Università di Bergamo (anno accademico 2022/23). R è un linguaggio di programmazione sviluppato specificatamente per l’analisi statistica e la rappresentazione grafica dei dati. I laboratori di R sono strutturati per studenti che non hanno uno specifico background in tema di programmazione. Sarà un percorso step-by-step al termine del quale ogni studente/essa avrà la conoscenza base di R per l’analisi … Read more →


tidy[ing] up POL345

by John Kim


A guide to the tidyverse for POL345 Students. […] POL345 is often Princeton students’ first foray into the programming language R. Through POL345, students gain an introductory overview of R, and programming generally, to conduct basic data analysis on their own. However, many further courses (SML201, SOC306, POL346), along with industry users of R, use the tidyverse instead, a “language” within R to conduct clean, readable data analysis. This book seeks to bridge that gap, revisiting each of the POL345 handouts using the tidyverse to introduce students to this “language within a language”. … Read more →


Matemáticas I-II CEU, Grupo de Excelencia

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Estas son unas notas de clase escritas en Markdown para la docencia de Matemáticas I en el grupo de Excelencia del CEU ¡Disfrútalas y, si encuentras algún error, escríbeme a ! You can render the HTML version of this example book without changing anything: Find the Build pane in the RStudio IDE, and Click on Build Book, then select your output format, or select “All formats” if you’d like to use ... Read more →


Disciplina BIG019 - BiG Data & Analytics

by Eder Mauricio Barbosa


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Caderno de Exercicio do Aluno Eder Mauricio Barbosa, para o emprego das tecnicas de analise de dados da disciplina de Big Data & analytics do Mestrando em Computação Aplicada no Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT Prof. Dra. Olga Satomi Yoshida Monitoria: ... Read more →


Notes on Sea Kayak Navigation and Tidal Planning

by Rich Bown


Notes on sea kayak navigation and tidal planning […] Sea kayaking is a uniquely varied sport. It offers a diverse set of rewards, from observing wildlife from a unique perspective on a still morning to surfing huge tiderace waves. It also presents a diverse set of challenges to the learner - from developing physical endurance to understanding the maths and geometry of navigation. Like most things, the skills of sea kayaking are honed through practice. Getting out paddling, initially with others who have more experience, is the way to improve. However, ultimately most paddlers will want to … Read more →


Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited Embrace-a-Stream Project: Expanding Knowledge of Fish Habitat in Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula

by Benjamin Meyer, Kenai Watershed Forum (


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The Kenai Peninsula’s watersheds are significant producers of Pacific salmon. Critical to Alaska’s economic and cultural wellbeing, these salmon support fisheries both inland and throughout Cook Inlet. The Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited1 (KPTU) in collaboration with Kenai Watershed Forum2 (KWF) are documenting habitat for salmonid spawning, rearing, and migration in order to increase the known water bodies recognized in the Alaska Department of … Read more →


R Cookbook in Food Science

by Zhijun Wang


This is Rmarkdown for R cookbook in food science, code works for data anslysis using R. […] The book aims to provide a basic overview of data science for statistical analysis in Food Science. This book is intended to save students and young scientists from confusions as a starter in data science application. With the development of food science, this major has became a comprehensive discipline including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition and even basic medicine. The large amount of data greatly increases the difficulty of data analysis and visualization. Many universities and … Read more →


Designcraft for experiments

by cjlortie


This is a set of practical exercises for experimental design. […] Welcome to experimental design. There are two sets of three exercises provided to explore principles for better experiments. This is a simple book to support the practical, at-home learning associated with experimental design. The text ‘Experimental Design for the Life Sciences’ underpins the design principles (Ruxton and Colgrave. 2018). Life is an experiment. Individually and collectively. We experiment everyday. This is an opportunity to formalize some of those processes and make the learning from experimental design … Read more →



by genproresearch


Genpro aims to simplify & accelerate our client’s research, achieving their goals by providing knowledge-driven innovative solutions with the highest quality products and services. We are medics, statisticians, programmers, technologists, and medical writers aspiring to provide our best services in the industry. This catalogue is the go-to-spot for our statisticians, programmers, data analysts to ensure a holistic and navigable view of the organization’s data spread across various sources and … Read more →


Tarification avancée: théorie et applications en R

by Jean-Philippe Boucher


Notes de cours du MAT998H; Séminaire en mathématiques, de la maitrise et du doctorat en mathématiques, UQAM. […] Ce site contient les notes de cours pour le seminaire MAT998H, à l’automne 2022. L’objectif de ces notes est de présenter certains modèles de tarification, tout en utilisant le logiciel R pour mieux comprendre la théorie et pour des applications pratiques. Ces notes de cours ont été écrites en RMarkdown, plus particulièrement en … Read more →


Publicando um e-book com o bookdown

by João B. Tolentino Jr.

Publicando um e-book com o bookdown

Este material destina-se a explicar a publicação de um e-book com o pacote bookdown no formato gitbook […] O pacote bookdown, de autoria de Yihui Xie, combina a simplicidade da linguagem R Markdown com as funcionalidades do (Pandoc)[]. Segundo o autor, sua utilização é adequada para escrever livros, artigos longos ou informes, sendo as principais funcionalidades: E tudo isso com um visual, no mínimo, agradável. O principal estilo é o GitBook. O pacote bookdown pode ser instalado do CRAN ou Github: A documentação completa pode ser encontrada em bookdown: Authoring Books … Read more →


Data Visualization for International Relations

by Alfredo Hernandez Sanchez, PhD

Data Visualization for International Relations

This book is the companion to the MA course Data Visualization at IBEI. […] In an experiment conducted by researchers from University College London (Mcmanus and Gesiak 2014), 277 participants were asked to look at several pairs of paintings: one of the pairs was an original by abstract painter Piet Mondrian, and the other was fake version that closely resembled it.1 The participants where asked: When looking at the pictures you should decide overall which you thinks looks better, in that it looks nicer, it looks better organised, or it looks better balanced. The results suggested that … Read more →


MUED 540

by jdholster1


MUED 540 […] Generally, research is systematic inquiry through chosen epistemologies and methodologies. Quantitative methods can include experimental design, which is noted by random assignment (e.g., effectiveness of a drug in a double-blind study), quasi-experimental design, which is noted by previously attributed treatments or groups (e.g. effectiveness of a teaching method across sections of a course, or include observation or description (e.g., number of students who took their instruments home on a given day/cars that stopped at a stop sign and turned right). Quantitative research can … Read more →


Statistik (online-noter)

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


Statistik (online-noter) […] Dette notesæt omhandler konstruktion af konfidensintervaller for parametrene i binomial- og normalfordelinger. Notesættet opsummerer væsentlig intuition og resultater som beskrevet i Newbold, Carlson & Thorne afsnit 7.1-7.5, 7.7, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, … Read more →


An Introduction to Camera Trap Data Management and Analysis in R

by Christopher Beirne, the Wildlife Coexistence Lab, UBC, and the WildCam Network


Materials for the three day camera trap data management and analysis course […] The number of projects employing camera traps to understand ecological phenomena is growing rapidly – as are the number of statistical tools to analyze the resultant data. Consequently, the management and analysis of camera trap data can seem complex and overwhelming. This course aims to guide participants in effective ways to store, manipulate and analyze camera trap data within the R statistical environment. The idea for this course was born out of the realization that many of the analytical frameworks we … Read more →


Survival Analysis in R

by Michael Foley


Concepts and application of surival analysis using R. [...] Survival analyses model time-to-event. They differ from linear regression in two respects. Event times are typically skewed right with many early events and few late ones, violating linear regression’s normality assumption. Survival analyses must also manage censoring, an unknown starting event (left censoring) and/or ending event (right censoring)1. Censoring occurs if the event does not take place by the end of the study window, or the subject is in some way lost to follow-up. In Figure 0.1, subjects 3, 5, 9, and 15 either ... Read more →


R Crash Course (for EF students) - 2022/23

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R Crash Course for the students of the Economics and Finance degree […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R Crash Course. This introducton to R software is for the students from the Master in Economics and Finance (EF) at University of Bergamo (academic year 2022/23). Enjoy the journey! In the following lecture notes, this font (with grey background) represents R code. The following is an example of R code with the corresponding output. These notes are written in RStudio by using bookdown ( For errors, typos, suggestions, … write to … Read more →


How to Be an Rtist: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Beautiful, Intentional R Code

by Adam Sadowski

How to Be an Rtist: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Beautiful, Intentional R Code

How do you get inspired to write in R? Many books teach you what to write, but not how to find inspiration. This book starts from the ground up. You’ve just installed R and RStudio - what do you do now? What’s the quickest, smartest way to get results? I’ll show you how to get there, line-by-line, step-by-step. At some point, in trying to get your own work done, you will get stuck. But I’ll also show you how to get unstuck in mere minutes. Finally, I’ll show you how to write in a way that will prevent you from getting stuck in the first place! This will keep you in the flow of writing beautiful, intentional R code. Read more →


Eletrônica Geral

by Patrick Mendes dos Santos


Material didático produzido para a disciplina Eletrônica Geral do Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais. […] Este material, que ainda está em desenvolvimento, foi preparado para a disciplina Eletrônica Geral, do Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais, Campus Nova Gameleira (Campus 2). Não apenas como material para o Ensino Remoto Emergencial, adotado devido à pandemia de COVID-19, mas também uma alternativa para as aulas presenciais, quando elas voltarem a ser … Read more →


A primer for biostatistics in R

by cjlortie


A brief introduction to statistical thinking in biostatistics supported by the R programming language. […] Welcome to a primer for biostatistics in R. Mathematical! Adventure time! Well, the mathematical part is up to you, but this is an adventure. This set of learning materials is a guide developed to support you in better developing critical thinking using statistics. Critical thinking very generally is a mode of thinking that is self-directed and evidence based (Facionie 2017). Statistical thinking is thus an ideal opportunity and partner in honing literacy adventure skills in this … Read more →


Statistics 1 - exercises

by Błażej Kochański


Statistics 1 - exercises 2022 […] This book is being prepared for the students of Statistics course at Gdańsk University of Technology. Dear students. For the purposes of our class I am testing bookdown ( We will see how it … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 2B (Science and Health)

by Based on Chapters 2 and 4 of ''Scientific Research and Methodology'' by Peter K. Dunn (Dunn 2021)


STM1001 Topic 2B (Science and Health) […] In this topic, we will begin by learning about research questions. We will then discuss some important considerations regarding ethics in … Read more →


An Introduction to Statistical Learning with the tidyverse and tidymodels

by Taylor Dunn


Working through ISLR with the tidyverse and tidymodels […] I am a data scientist and statistician who is (mostly) self-taught from textbooks and generous people sharing their work online. Inspired by projects like Solomon Kurz’s recoding of Statistical Rethinking and Emil Hvitfeldt’s ISLR tidymodels labs, I decided to publicly document my notes and code as I work through An Introduction to Statistical Learning, 2nd edition by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. I prefer to work with the tidyverse collection of R packages, and so will be using those to wrangle … Read more →


Modern R with the tidyverse

by Bruno Rodrigues


This book will teach you how to use R to solve your statistical, data science and machine learning problems. Importing data, computing descriptive statistics, running regressions (or more complex machine learning models) and generating reports are some of the topics covered. No previous experience with R is needed. […] I have been working on this on and off for the past 4 years or so. In 2022, I have updated the contents of the book to reflect updates introduced with R 4.1 and in several packages (especially those from the {tidyverse}). I have also cut some content that I think is not that … Read more →


Fun With Brandt

by Brandt Green


Some description is supposed to go here. Not sure where it renders tho […] I do not currently have a strong vision on the structure of this book yet, but for now, I just see it as a convenient place to dump my blog-like writings into, while also leveraging the power of R Markdown. I expect most of the topics discussed to be centered around the world of finance - seeing as finance is the highest calling of mankind, it is only just to give finance its due. I would like to use a writing approach that is data-focused and visual heavy, which is partly the motivation for using R Markdown as the … Read more →


A Pre-Arrival Guide For Incoming & Prospective Students

by By the Student Outreach Committee of MaSA UIUC


A Pre-Arrival Guide For Incoming & Prospective Students […] This book aims primarily as a general guideline for students who have accepted their admission into the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC for short). Secondarily, we’re also working on detailing life at the university as Malaysians in this book for those who are interested in the university, but do not know much. This book is still heavily a work in progress, so we’re prioritizing writing the pre-arrival sections! A printable version of this book is being worked on. In the meantime, this older Google Doc that we have … Read more →


STAT101 Tutorials

by speedyjiang


STAT101 Tutorials […] Weekly tutorial exercises (starting in Week 1) are assigned from the required course textbook, Lock, Lock, Lock Morgan, Lock and Lock, Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data, 2nd Edition, (2017) Wiley. You can find details on where to source the textbook in the Course Information section. You do not need to get the textbook exercises finished or correct during the tutorial, we just want you to give them your best attempt. However, mastering these concepts is strongly recommended in preparation for the final exam. Your attempts at the textbook exercises will not be … Read more →


Base de Datos

by Patricio Araneda

Base de Datos

Manual de referencia en bases de datos, desde un aspecto introductorio y forma parte de una serie de libros sobre datos e información. […] Este libro es el primero de una serie sobre datos e información y que pretende abarcar todos los aspectos del manejo de datos, desde una base local hasta Big Data pasando por aspectos de analítica de datos y ciencia de datos. Componentes de la serie: Estamos viviendo en una civilización basada en información, donde esta se transa y valora, donde todo objeto/persona es fuente de información que se utiliza con distintos fines. El valor de la información … Read more →


Pengantar Pemrograman R dan RStudio

by Aep Hidayatuloh

Pengantar Pemrograman R dan RStudio

Buku pengenalan pemrograman R versi Bahasa Indonesia. Buku ini ditulis untuk menuangkan ide dan berbagi pengetahuan berdasarkan hasil belajar, pengalaman melakukan pekerjaan dan penelitian di beberapa bidang sebagai konsultan analisis data, maupun karyawan di sebuah perusahaan. Di dalam buku ini akan dibahas dasar-dasar R sebagai alat bantu untuk analisis data. Buku ini juga akan membahas cara berinteraksi dengan R melalui RStudio mulai dari download dan install R & RStudio hingga eksplorasi data. Read more →


STM1001 Topic 10: Chi-squared Tests for Categorical Data

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 10 […] In the previous topic, we looked at hypothesis tests for proportions, namely, the one and two sample test of proportions. In this topic, we will be considering another type of test that can be used to address hypotheses regarding proportions that come about by studying categorical variables: the Chi-squared test. There are many different types of Chi-squared tests. In this topic, we will be looking specifically at the Chi-squared goodness of fit test and the Chi-squared test of independence. In some ways, these tests can be considered extensions of the test of … Read more →


PreProcSEQ: Pipeline for pre-processing RNA-Seq data

by Jean S. S. Resende and Mauro A. A. Castro


Vignette for the PreProcSEQ pipeline […] Introducing the PreProcSEQ pipeline, a pipeline that takes the first steps necessary for analyzing RNA-Seq data. We cover everything from quality control (QC) to the construction of the gene expression matrix, covering essential topics for removing technical effects such as normalization and batch effect removal. The repository GitHub - resendejss contains the scripts and directory structure for the pipeline execution. … Read more →


Caderno BD

by Anderson dos Santos


Caderno de exercício Big Data […] Big Data Analytics 2022 Autor: Anderson dos Santos Prof: … Read more →


The Representation of Muslims in Higher Education

by Danyal Khan, MRN Research Officer


The Representation of Muslims in Higher Education […] There were approximately 255,000 Muslims studying at UK universities in the academic year 2020/21 across all levels of higher education, accounting for 9.8% of the total student population. The proportion and number of Muslims in higher education is growing across all levels and domiciles from 2017-2021. The representation of British Muslims amongst UK domiciled students is lower at higher levels of education, across all subject areas. Business and Management is the most over-represented subject amongst Muslims, whilst Design and … Read more →


UG Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab workbook

by by J Rafael Verudzco Torres and Mark Wong

UG Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab workbook

This is the workbook you will use for the Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab sessions. […] Welcome to the Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab! This workbook is targeted to University of Glasgow students enrolled in the Undergraduate Quantitative Research Methods course of the School of Social & Political Sciences. The activities are designed for RStudio Cloud. The book was written using R bookdown package based on the GitHub repository: The online version of this book is licensed under the Creative Commons … Read more →


Médiation A very Quickstart



Document de synthèse En cours de rédaction [work in progress] Hélène Colineaux, Benoit Lepage The online version of this book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International … Read more →


Rethinking Companion

by Wade VanderWright


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a companion book written in Markdown for McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking (2020). You can set up your R console by running: The Golem of Prague and statistical golems (models) are powerful but lack wisdom. As McElreath tells us, there are many kinds of golems and figuring out how to build the one you need to carry out the task at hand can be tricky. Figure 1.1 In addition, novel research often requires novel ... Read more →



by mwheymans


Copyright ©2019 by Heymans and Eekhout All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the … Read more →


Practice and theory of financial markets

by Nicolas Gaussel


Teaching notes for the MMMEF master […] The following are draft notes related to the lecture “Introduction to Finance”, given at [MMMEF master]( “visit”, year 2022. This is an incomplete work in progress which is neither supposed to be quoted nor … Read more →



by Frank Lin


Chp1 […] Hi. … Read more →


Social Science Theory

by Mike Nguyen

Social Science Theory

This book is about relevant social theories that are regularly used in social sciences […] View book source “Social Science Theory” was written by Mike Nguyen. It was last built on 2022-09-27. This book was built by the bookdown R … Read more →


Grupo 0 Matemáticas

by Mercedes Vázquez Furelos, María Eugenia Mera Rivas, Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Esta es la Vídeo-Web del Grupo 0 de Matemáticas de la Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales de la ... Read more →


Programming and Applied Data Visualization with R

by Dr. Paul C. Bauer (University of Mannheim)


Q: What is your experience with looking at data analysis code you have written 2 years earlier? Comment your code Use meaningful names! A “new” package dplyr written by Hadley Wickham/Romain Francois replaces many old functions for data management Functions in dplyr are highly performant (big data!) and consistent See this page for an excellent overview and the Data Wrangling Cheat Sheet What could the following functions be used for? Hadley Wickhams ggplot2 Package developed into a powerful alternative to the default plot() function. Its goal is to simplify complex plots (e.g. take care of … Read more →


Ciencia de Datos para Ciencias Naturales

by Keilor Rojas-Jimenez

Ciencia de Datos para Ciencias Naturales

Introducción | Ciencia de Datos para Ciencias Naturales […] Uno de los grandes retos de hoy es tener la capacidad de transformar los datos en conocimiento útil. Esto rige para todas las áreas del conocimiento, incluidas las ciencias naturales. El creciente ritmo de generación y la abundante disponibilidad de datos, en términos de volumen, velocidad y variedad, obliga a quienes trabajamos en ciencia a disponer de herramientas apropiadas para accederlos, manipularlos, analizarlos y aprovecharlos al máximo. Es pertinente que podamos transformar datos en información, en un primer paso, y en … Read more →


An Introduction to ggplot2

by Ozancan Ozdemir


A ggplot2 Tutorial […] Hi! Data Visualization is one of the important steps of the data analysis process. It is actually not only part of the data analysis, but also can be considered as an art. R Programming language provides a powerful visualization package to us, ggplot2. This book aims to show how you can make a well-known statistical plots by using ggplot2, and also how you can improve or customize them. The book is created by the lab notes of statistical computing (STAT 291-STAT 292) of Ozancan Ozdemir. For your opinions and suggestions, please send me an e-mail to … Read more →


Grange-Lab Manual

by Jim Grange


The Grange-Lab Manual provides information on all you want (or need) to know about working in the Grange Lab. […] … Read more →


Principles of Statistical Analysis: R Companion

by Ery Arias-Castro

Principles of Statistical Analysis: R Companion

R code that showcases some of the concepts and tools introduced in Principles of Statistical Analysis […] This is a companion to the textbook Principles of Statistical Analysis. It contains some R code that illustrates the concepts and tools introduced in the textbook. Some familiarity with R is assumed, although no advanced knowledge is required. The code is meant to be relatively simple, yet useful, at least for novices. No real effort was made to optimize it. The chapters are numbered as they are in the textbook, while the sections are not. The data not taken from packages is available … Read more →


A Research about the Employee’s Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity

by 潘薇

A Research about the Employee’s Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, [...] A Research about the Employee’s Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity: A Case Study from the Industrial Park of Jiujiang National Economic and Technology Development Zone WEI PAN Master of Business Administration Program in Business Administration Innovation College North-Chiang Mai University August 2022 First, I would ... Read more →


Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics

by Andrés Ramírez-Hassan


The subject of this textbook is Bayesian regression analysis, and its main aim is to provide introductory level theory foundation, and facilitate applicability of Bayesian inference. […] Since late 90’s Bayesian inference has gained a lot of popularity among researchers due to the computational revolution and availability of algorithms to solve complex integrals. However, many researchers, students and practitioners still lack understanding and application of this inferential approach. The main reason is the requirement of good programming skills. Introduction to Bayesian econometrics: A … Read more →


Voorbeeld voor een digitale Kostenhandleiding

by Erasmus Universteit Rotterdam


Voorbeeld voor een digitale Kostenhandleiding […] Dit is een voorbeeld van een interactieve online kostenhandleiding, gebaseerd op hoofdstuk 6 van de huidige handleiding. Deze handleiding kent de volgende opties: Ga naar Hoofdstuk 6 voor een uitgewerkte, interactieve … Read more →


Язык R для пользователей Excel

by Алексей Селезнёв

Язык R для пользователей Excel

Бесплатный видео курс по языку R. Введение в tidyverse. […] В связи с карантином многие сейчас львиную долю времени проводят дома, и это время можно, и даже нужно провести с пользой. В начале карантина я решил довести до ума некоторые проекты начатые несколько месяцев назад. Одним из таких проектов был видео курс “Язык R для пользователей Excel”. Этим курсом я хотел снизить порог вхождения в R, и немного восполнить существующий дефицит обучающих материалов по данной теме на русском языке. Если всю работу с данными в компании, в котороый вы работаете принято по-прежнему вести в Excel, то … Read more →


The LibreOffice Draw Book

by Sonwabo Seedwell Adlai, Jordan (PhD)


LibreOffice Draw, which is part of an application suite called LibreOffice, is primarily a vector graphics drawing program, although it can also perform some operations on raster graphics. […] Welcome to the online version of The LibreOffice Draw Book - the freedom to draw. This book is at an early stage of development and is deliberately being written “live and online”. The first chapter is 90% complete - the completion schedule for subsequent chapters is shown at the end of each chapter. The envisaged completion date for the entire book is the 28th of February 2023 at which time the print … Read more →



by Pleuni Pennings and Kevin Magnaye


Course notes for Biometry. […] You belong in this course and in the field of data science! We are excited to learn with each and every one of you. We are here to support your success. We have no doubt that you will do great things with the data science skills you learn in this course because of who you are as a person and the values you bring with you from your culture, family, and life experiences. We want to invite you to bring your whole self into our data science learning community. Each of you brings cultural assets and personal perspectives that will allow you to make unique … Read more →


Methods in (Skene & Kenward, 2010)

by Dylan Dijk


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This tutorial aims to show how methods described in the two papers by Simon S. Skene and Michael G. Kenward1,2 (paper I and paper II) can be applied in R. In these papers, it is assumed that the data can be represented by a multivariate Gaussian linear model. The model has the following form: \[\begin{equation} y_i \sim N(X_i \beta;\Sigma_i ), \quad i =1, \dots,n \tag{1.1} \end{equation}\] where \(y_i\) \((T_i \times ... Read more →


Prelude to Econometrics Using R

by Matt Dobra


Prelude to Econometrics Using R […] In preparation for my first semester teaching Econometrics using R, I prepared a series of R Notebooks for use in class. Not only did I use these notebooks to teach the material in class, I also provided them to students for their use, study, and such. At one point, in referring to this collection of notebooks, a student told me that they liked my book, and my first instinct was to reply that it wasn’t really a book, it was just a collection of teaching notes. But this student’s statement stuck with me, and I realized that, while it wasn’t really … Read more →


Model Based Sampling with EMC2 - Extended Models of Choice

by Reilly Innes, Niek Stevenson, Russell Boag, Andrew Heathcote


This bookdown provides a tutorial on how to use EMC2. […] This project provides a tutorial for learning about cognitive models, namely evidence accumulation models (EAMs), their implementation and their applications. The tutorial was prepared by Andrew Heathcote, Dora Matzke, Russell Boag, Niek Stevenson and Reilly Innes. The GitHub repository for this project can be found here. The accompanying samples for the code provided here can be found at here. Throughout this guide, we’ll use some complex terminology for different aspects of modelling. We know that models exist, and in particular, … Read more →


Who R You?

by Dr. Zachary Pilot


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Hi everyone, this is the starting point. I used this class as a way to force myself to learn R and I am glad that I did. I was skeptical of R for years, I tried to learn it before and was like this sucks. Impenetrable. I think the book we’re going to use helps with that, but also the community aspect is super important. Try the stuff and if you run into a problem ask our little community on StackOverflow. In fact, as soon as you encounter I want you to post … Read more →


Elon R Data Camp

by Adam Aiken

Elon R Data Camp

These notes cover our three hours together as we learn about using R for data analysis with R Studio. […] What is R and why are you here? We are to spend our time tonight learning about R, R Markdown, and the developer environment that puts these tools together, R Studio. How do these tools fit together? Scriptability, coding, working with our data (\rightarrow) R Reproducible, literate programming with all of our code, narrative, and formatted output in one place (\rightarrow) R Markdown A place to do this (\rightarrow) RStudio Our most important goal: Get R and RStudio running on … Read more →


Data Analysis

by Chia-Ching Wu


A book created with bookdown. […] R語言是一個開源(open-source)的程式語言,是用來做資料探勘、統計分析與繪圖的工具。R語言是1990年代初期,奧克蘭大學統計學教授Ross Ihaka與Robert Gentleman共同開發的,在歷經了近三十年的演變後,現在由R核心團隊成員共同維護。 除了R語言之外,常見的統計分析軟體還包括了SPSS、SAS、Stata、Minitab等,甚至Microsoft office裡的Excel試算表也都可以用來做簡單的統計分析和繪圖。那麼,究竟在這麼多軟體下,R語言有什麼優勢,讓很多人選擇它呢? R語言最大的優勢在於,它是跨平台的免費軟體,而且擁有豐富的資源。 … Read more →


Code for An Introduction to Spatial Analysis and Mapping in R 2nd edition

by Chris Brunsdon and Lex Comber


This contains the code used in the book and will be updated as tools, functions and packages change and evolve::gitbook. […] This document includes all the code used in the book. The code is presented in the same order, in the same the sections and sub-sections in which it is found in the hard copy of the book but without any of the commentary. The code for each chapter allows the reader to copy and paste it into the R/RStudio. When the book was written, all of the code in the book was correct. However, R and its packages are occasionally updated. In most cases this is not problematic as … Read more →


R Function A Day

by Indrajeet Patil

R Function A Day

“A book that collects (and provides an easy way to access and search) tweets from R Function A Day account that I created and maintained as a hobby project for 1 year (from 24.01.2021 to 24.01.2022).” […] A book that collects (and provides an easy way to access and search) tweets from R Function A Day account that I created and maintained as a hobby project for 1 year (from 24.01.2021 to 24.01.2022). There are 365 posts1 in this book, one for each day. Since the tweets are embedded, the web browser will be slow to load them. So please be patient. Apologies for these performance issues. If … Read more →



by © Asser Koskinen, Johan Båge and Håkan Lyckeborg


Data Analytics I - R Assignment Global Spread of COVID-19 […] This assignment deals with a “big” data set, and you are advised to use R for your analysis. R is a programming language and environment for data analytics, machine learning and computer science. You will use real COVID-19 data taken from the Our World in Data database, which is maintained by the Oxford Martin Programme on Global Development at Oxford University. The data has been divided into samples where you will have an individual dataset of 30 countries that you will … Read more →


Régression linéaire avec R

by Teodor TIPLICA


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Ce livre s’adresse tout d’abord aux étudiants de 1ère année du cycle ingénieur de Polytech Angers à l’Université d’Angers et se veut un support pédagogique pour le cours de Statistiques de Base pour l’Ingénieur. Deuxièmement, le livre peut intéresser tous ceux et celles qui souhaitent approfondir les concepts statistiques liés à la régression linéaire simple et multiple. Pour la bonne compréhension des aspects théoriques, ... Read more →


Machine Learning for Biostatistics

by Armando Teixeira-Pinto


Machine Learning for Biostatistics […] In this module we will talk about model selection and regularisation methods (also called penalisation methods), namely, ridge and lasso. We will start with classical algorithms for model selection, such as the best subset selection and stepwise (backward and forward) selection. Then we introduce the idea of bias-variance trade-off and the motivation for ridge regression. Finally, we will talk about Lasso regression and some of its extensions. By the end of this module you should be able to: The dataset fat is available in the library(faraway). You have to … Read more →


Técnicas de Remuestreo

by Ricardo Cao Abad ( y Rubén Fernández Casal (


Apuntes de la asignatura de Técnicas de Remuestreo del Máster en Técnicas Estadísticas. […] Este libro contiene los apuntes de la asignatura de Técnicas de Remuestreo del Máster en Técnicas Estadísticas. Este libro ha sido escrito en R-Markdown empleando el paquete bookdown y está disponible en el repositorio Github: rubenfcasal/book_remuestreo. Se puede acceder a la versión en línea a través del siguiente enlace: donde puede descargarse en formato pdf. Para ejecutar los ejemplos mostrados en el libro será necesario tener instalados los … Read more →



by Takuya Smaeshima


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 「R」は統計解析に利用されるフリーのプログラミング言語である。データサイエンス界隈では知名度が高く、Pythonと並び機械学習やデータマイニングの現場で活用されている。以下では、自身のPCに「R」の開発環境を構築する方法について解説する。 現状、利用できる端末は、スペックや個体差などによりプログラムの実行や出力に支障が生じる可能性がある。 ... Read more →


Matilda Intro to R Workshop

by Marius Mather (with tweaks by Rachel Visontay and Siobhan O’Dean)


An accessible introduction to R that doesn’t assume programming experience […] This course has been adapted from ex-Matilda Marius Mather’s R for Academics course. This session is designed to get people started with a programming approach to data management and analysis. We’ll be using R, but a lot of the concepts in R will transfer to other software. … Read more →


Making Sense of Data with R

by Yi Shang


This is the companion book of the course ED 101 Making Sense of Data offered in the Department of Education at John Carroll University. […] Step 1: Log in to your JCU (google) email account Step 2: Click here or type the short URL: to open a new R notebook in Colab. To check if this is really an R notebook (instead of python), click on the “Runtime” tab, then click on “change runtime type.” And you should see this: Now hit “Cancel” and go back to the notebook. Try typing a line of code in the cell, such as: To run this line of code, either hit the play button: Or … Read more →


Interactive Intermediate Microeconomics

by Yogi Gohel


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, [...] This book is designed to help students develop an intuition for intermediate microeconomic concepts using interactive plots and animations. By no means is this a replacement for your course textbook; it should serve as a supplement that builds confidence towards more complex topics. This book is still a work in progress, so there is a chance you will find typos or inconsistencies. Please let me know if you find any at ... Read more →



by Yuan Tian, Ph.D(c)


Welcome to AI4PH Summer Institute 2022. […] The material is prepared for the tutorial session of the AI4PH event 2022. Please do not cite or distribute without author’s … Read more →


R for Quantitative Chemistry

by David Gosser Jr.


R for Quantitative Chemistry … Read more →


Introduction to R

by Nana Kim


A workshop file for Intro to R workshop in EP762 class […] Learning R will expand your ability to analyze and visualize data. It may seem difficult to understand R at first; but you will find it simple and fun as you learn it. Hope this brief introduction can help beginners get started with R. … Read more →


Курс ‘Циклы и функционалы в языке R’

by Алексей Селезнёв

Курс ‘Циклы и функционалы в языке R’

Бесплатный видео мини курс по итерационным операциям и многопоточности в языке R […] Если вы недавно начали изучать язык R, то наверняка неоднократно слышали от более опытных коллег фразу “В R не принято использовать циклы”. Связано это негласное правило с тем, что большинство функций в языке R поддерживают векторизацию, т.е. они уже под капотом имеют встроенный механизм итерирования. Даже если нужная вам функция не поддерживает векторизацию, вы всегда можете использовать функциональный стиль программирования. Циклы, и в целом итерационные конструкции, позволяют избегать излишнего … Read more →


Supplementary Materials for Gene Co-expression Network Estimation for Spatial Transcriptomics

by Satwik Acharyya, Xiang Zhou, Veera Baladandayuthapani


This containes all the supplementary materials for the paper named SpaceX: Gene Co-expression Network Estimation for Spatial Transcriptomics. […] The spatial transcriptomics method depicts the positioning of a single cell on a spatially structured tissue. Knowledge about gene expressions and the spatial distribution of mRNA allows us to uncover cellular and subcellular heterogeneity in tissues, tumors, and immune cells. Spatial transcriptomics provides a unique opportunity to decipher both the cellular and subcellular architecture in both tissues and individual cells along with detection of … Read more →


R para Psicólogos

by Cainã, Martins, Jaloto e Dinardi


Esse é o começo de um projeto lindo!. […] ESSA PARTE VAI MUDAR This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX (which includes XeLaTeX): … Read more →


Shiny Notebook

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This bookdown is used to take some notes of shiny app. In this notebook, you can find some common shiny commands which can help you build a shiny app. Here are some useful ... Read more →


Reproducible Science for Busy Researchers: How to Save Time using Literate Programming

by Dr. Andrew P. Lapointe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Signe recommended students run a live tutorial in swirl Google Analytics These resources are not relevant for students but they are to me. To render the book used the following code, you must do this before knitting the GitBook (webpage) The _output.yml contains the header arguments. I would but them here so its cleaner and easier to read the code. Is there a way I can have matlab code … Read more →



by Zhenning ‘Jimmy’ Xu, Ph.D.


Matured Big Data Analytics provides new product, consumer, market, and competitor insights in a real-time fashion. […] This is an early draft for my Marketing Research course (MKTG4000) at CSUB. The free mannual (outline) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. “I do not care which tool or language you use for assignments, as long as you do your own work.” You can access the script on the course website. You don’t need to actually know to code in R for this course although you will be able to pick up this skill slowly when we … Read more →


GSB 518 Handouts

by Kevin Ross


Kevin Ross This is a selection of Handouts for Cal Poly GSB 518, Essential Statistics for Business Analytics, covering topics in Probability and … Read more →


Componente G - ENEL

by Oscar Duarte & Luis Gallego


Este es un documento de los desarrollo realizados en el marco del proyecto de caracterización del componente G […] De acuerdo a la regulación vigente, la componente G está determinada por: [\begin{equation} \label{G} \begin{split} G_{m,i,j} & = Qc_{m-1}[P_{{Contratos}{m-1}}]+(1-Qc{m-1})P_{{bolsa}{m-1}} + AJ{m} \ G_{m,i,j} & = Qc_{m-1}[\alphaPc_{m-1} + (1-\alpha)*Mc_{m-1}]+(1-Qc_{m-1})*Pb_{m-1} + AJ_{m} \end{split} \end{equation}] donde: (Qc_{m-1}) : Porción de la demanda de mercado regulado del comercializador que es atendida mediantes compras en contratos bilaterales en el mes … Read more →


Памятка мигранта: Алтайский край

by Коллектив авторов: Максимова С.Г., Ноянзина О.Е., Омельченко Д.А., Сарыглар С.А.

Памятка мигранта: Алтайский край

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Алтайский край – богатый и красивый регион, который славится талантливыми людьми, красивой природой, щедрой землей, богатыми традициями и обычаями! Издревле на Алтай со всех сторон света приезжали те, кто мечтал о новой и лучшей жизни, и всех наш край принимал с достоинством и благодарностью, всем находилось место и дело. В Алтайском крае созданы благоприятные условия для межкультурной коммуникации, взаимодействия с ... Read more →


An Introduction to Probability and Simulation

by Kevin Ross


This textbook presents a simulation-based approach to probability, using the Symbulate package. […] Why study probability? Why use simulation to study probability? The examples in this book are used to both motivate new topics and to help you practice your understanding of the material. You should attempt the examples on your own before reading the solutions. To encourage you to do so, the solutions have been hidden. You can reveal the solution by clicking on the Show/hide solution button. Here is where a solution would be, but be sure to think about the problem on your own first! (Careful: … Read more →


R 语言学习笔记

by Ruohan Li


R 语言学习笔记 […] 首先要下载并安装 r 和 rstudio, 操作在 rstudio 中进行。 学习资源:MarinStatsLectures - Home【麦子】R语言系列课程3:方差分析_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ … Read more →


Practical 4 - Transforming variables and further examining model assumptions

by Megan Ruffle


Practical 4 - Transforming variables and further examining model assumptions … Read more →


Practical 2 - Understanding correlation and further exploring relationships

by Team in Room 420 - Megan Ruffle, Naphon Olley, Jennifer James, William Ryan


Practical 2 - Understanding correlation and further exploring relationships […] After attending this lab, you should be able to use R to: In the lectures we learned how to assess the strength of a linear relationship between random variables using the correlation coefficient. The population correlation is a measure of the magnitude of the strength of the relationship between two random variables X and Y, and is defined as [\begin{equation} \rho(X,Y) = \frac{\text{Cov}(X,Y)}{\sqrt{\text{Var}(X)\text{Var}(Y)}}, \tag{1.1} \end{equation}] and can be estimated by replacing each of … Read more →


Practical 6 - Variable Selection

by Team in Room 420 - Megan Ruffle, Naphon Olley, Jennifer James, William Ryan


Practical 6 - Variable Selection […] After attending this lab, you should be able to use R to: In Chapter 3 of the lectures, we explored the use of confidence intervals in the selection of a model. We had already seen the use of (R^2) as a measure of the model’s goodness of fit and residual plots to check assumptions. These methods work best when there are only a small number of explanatory variables. We shall explore another technique for model selection. One approach to model selection is to start with a model containing all variables and use an automatic approach in order to determine … Read more →


510 Notes

by Hao Sun


This is a notebook for STAT 510 for personal usage. […] This is a notebook for STAT 510, instructed by Dr. Dan Nettleton. The notes are based on the class notes from this webpage and should only be used for personal … Read more →


Translational Bioinformatics with R

by Zhaojie Zhang


This is a book of using R in Translational Bioinformatics. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook […] This book is written and rendered using the bookdown package, which can be installed from CRAN or Github: Two key steps to render the Book from the Github repo “gongchang/TBioR” and deploy it to #{r} #bookdown::render_book(“index.Rmd”, “bookdown::gitbook”) #bookdown::publish_book() … Read more →


Practical 1 - Exploring relationships and fitting linear models

by Team in Room 420 - Megan Ruffle, Naphon Olley, Jennifer James, William Ryan


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a ‘book’ for a lab. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Intended learning outcomes: produce scatterplots of report quality; fit linear regression models by using lm; interpret least squares estimates of model parameters; calculate least squares estimates of model parameters for simple linear regression. In the lectures we have examined relationships between variables using scatterplots. We have considered how to fit a linear model, through estimating the parameters such as (\beta) in the linear model (Y_i = … Read more →


Mixed BART Models: maths and discussion

by Bruna Wundervald


Mixed BART Models: maths and discussion […] This documents works as a summary of our work towards building a “Mixed model” style BART. All the maths in detail will be written here, as well as our simulation … Read more →



by Ośrodek Intensywnej Terapii i Medycyny Okołozabiegowej Collegium Medicum


Protokół badania klinicznego PREVENT-MINS. […] Iwabradyna w zapobieganiu uszkodzeniu mięśnia sercowego po operacjach pozasercowych - badanie PREVENT-MINS. Wersja 2.1 z dnia 10.03.2022 Główny badacz Prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Szczeklik Adres: ul. Wrocławska 1-3, 30-901 Kraków, Polska Email: Ośrodek koordynujący Nazwa: Ośrodek Intensywnej Terapii i Medycyny Okołozabiegowej Collegium Medicum UJ Adres: ul. Wrocławska 1-3, 30-901 Kraków, Polska Email: Komitet sterujący: Prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Szczeklik Prof. Philip J. Devereaux MD, … Read more →



by Pod redakcją prof. Wojciecha Szczeklika


Podręcznik powstał na podstawie artykułów opublikowanych na łamach czasopisma Medycyna Praktyczna & portalu [...] lek. Dorota Studzińska1, prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Szczeklik2 Konsultacja: prof. dr hab. n. med. Dorota Zozulińska‑Ziółkiewicz Niniejszy artykuł został oparty na wytycznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego (PTD). Dodatkowo, ze względu na dynamicznie zmieniające się trendy w opiece okołooperacyjnej – na przykład wzrost liczby zabiegów wykonywanych w trybie jednego dnia, wprowadzenie zasad protokołu ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery – ... Read more →


Theory in ecology and evolution with applications for a changing world

by Andrew J. Rominger


Theory in ecology and evolution with applications for a changing world […] Foo foo foo Bar bar … Read more →



by 于淼


数据分析世界的清明上河图 […] 学习都是从模仿开始的,而模仿则意味着不加区别的接受,若是混口饭吃,自然也就够了,但模仿多了便能看到这知识表象下的东西。如果还能提炼一下,变成了自己的经验,各种经验互相联系影响,便有了理论。所以学习大都从知识点开始,而以形成一家之言为终,倘若这一家之言可以得到别人的认可,知识就开始传承了。且不论有多少东西会被反复发现发明出来,但是世界在某种程度上是可知的便是智慧生物生存的福利。 就数据分析而言,我自学过很多教材,可以说不同门派间手段差异非常大,但总又妄想一统江湖,所以便有了这份笔记来整合。不论最终的完成度如何,这都只会是一本残卷,因为这世界总有未知,也因此总有希望。 … Read more →


Resampling method

by Armando Teixeira-Pinto


Resampling method […] This module will cover bootstrap and cross-validation. These are two important techniques that are useful to study sample variability, evaluate model performance and choosing tuning parameters in many of the methods covered in this unit. We will switch the order presented in the book Introduction to Statistical Learning and start with bootstrap and then proceed to cross-validation. By the end of this module you should be able to: The file bmd.csv contains 169 records of bone densitometries (measurement of bone mineral density). The following variables were collected: The … Read more →


Probability Handouts

by Kevin Ross


Kevin Ross A selection of Handouts for STAT 305 and STAT … Read more →


Opieka okołooperacyjna

by Podręcznik przygotowany na podstawie artykułów opublikowanych na łamach czasopisma Medycyna Praktyczna & portalu


Opieka okołooperacyjna […] … Read more →


Opieka Okołooperacyjna

by Podręcznik przygotowany na podstawie artykułów opublikowanych na łamach czasopisma Medycyna Praktyczna &


Opieka Okołooperacyjna […] … Read more →


Normas Eleitorais 2022

by Armando Nahmias


Normas Eleitorais 2022 […] Organização: ARMANDO NAHMIAS ASSESSOR DE … Read more →



by Nannan Wang


BASIC STATISTICS […] … Read more →


TLTE-889 Project

by Nannan Wang


TLTE-889 Project […] … Read more →


Effective Communication in Team Collaboration

by Team 4WARD


Effective Communication in Team Collaboration […] This is a guidance written for prospective MBAn students at University of Michigan, Stephem M. Ross School of Business. Congratulations on your excellent academic performance and outstanding leadership that made you a proud Ross MBAn OYM student. Fig.1 MBAn Class of … Read more →


Philosophical Ethics

by George W. Matthews

Philosophical Ethics

This book is an introduction to philosophical ethics intended for use in high school or college classes. It includes chapters on logic and argumentation, major philosophical approaches to ethics and a few chapters outlining topics in applied ethics. … Read more →


Otago Marine Core Sediment Facility MPI Transitional Facility Manaual for Holding and Processing Uncleared Risk Goods

by orca


Otago Marine Core Sediment Facility MPI Transitional Facility Manaual for Holding and Processing Uncleared Risk Goods … Read more →


myblog - My Reading Logs

by jwtsai


Welcome to this … Read more →



by 胡煦


2022年社会责任投资报告 […] 构建一个包容、平等的社会已经成为人们的普遍诉求;在地球可以承载的范围内追求物质繁荣也成为国际社会广泛认可的发展观念。对于中国而言,可持续发展离不开乡村振兴。构建包容社会需要缩小城乡差距,应对气候变化需要提高农民抵御气候风险的能力,而保护生态环境则需要改变粗放的农业生产方式。 达到这些目标,不仅需要提升农业农村基础设施、发展乡村产业,还需要提高公共服务水平、推动乡村生态产品价值实现。这些都需要资金投入,但地方主体普遍面临融资困境。县级财政捉襟见肘,影响乡村公共品的水平和质量。农村中小银行资本金不足,限制了它们进一步向农村地区市场主体提供信贷支持的能力。乡村的能人志士和企业家是内生动力,融资问题制约了他 … Read more →


Data Analysis in R

by Steve Midway


This is a text that covers the principles and practices of handling and analyzing data. … Read more →


Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees

by Guangchuang Yu

Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees

Master ggtree package suite to handle tree with data. […] I am so excited to have this book published. The book is meant as a guide for data integration, manipulation and visualization of phylogenetic trees using a suite of R packages, tidytree, treeio, ggtree and ggtreeExtra. Hence, if you are starting to read this book, we assume you have a working knowledge of how to use R and ggplot2. The development of the ggtree package started during my PhD study at the University of Hong Kong. I joined the State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases (SKLEID) under the supervision of Yi Guan … Read more →


Introduction to R for Data Science: A LISA 2020 Guidebook

by Jacob D. Holster


Introduction to R for Data Science: A LISA 2020 Guidebook […] Data science is emerging as a vital skill for researchers, analysts, librarians, and others who deal with data in their personal and professional work. In essence, data science is the application of the scientific method to data for the purpose of understanding the world we live in. More specifically, data science tasks emerge from an interdisciplinary amalgam of statistical analysis, computer science, and social science research conventions. Although other programming languages such as python exceed R in general popularity, R … Read more →



by cda


Kinesiska […] R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. This brief guide will get you … Read more →



by 于淼


才疏学浅,不知何为真,仅通少错之法,故不敢言南,仅指北。或曰:现代科研挖坑/跳坑指南。 […] 这本书会通过协作方式不断在线更新,版本号从2.7开始,会以自然底数为模版不断增长,没有尽头。在此特别感谢谢益辉博士开发的 bookdown 包,没有基于 rmarkdown 的完整软件生态,这本书不会落地。 本书感谢知乎 @羲洁、张汇泉、 @wogong 对书稿的校正,特别感谢电子工业出版社付睿与许艳老师对本书出版的帮助。 … Read more →



by Olivier Adjonyo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] Kcov is a code coverage tool which analyzes which lines of code are executing and which are not executed when the test suite (e.g: test-unit or test-kat) runs. In other words, it helps us to measure the efficiency of tests implementations. Noticing that a function is not covered as expected can be a signal check if there is a test implementation for this function in the test-suite. If the coverage of a function ... Read more →



by loankimrobinson


This book is for the beginner, intermediate and advanced R programmer looking to produce higher level reporting and advanced visualization techniques using R Shiny. […] … Read more →


Introducción a la minería de datos

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Estas son las notas de clase para la asignatura de Fundamentos de Data Mining y Big Data del Grado en Inteligencia de Negocios de CEU San ... Read more →


Statistika dan Sains Data untuk Bisnis

by Aep Hidayatuloh

Statistika dan Sains Data untuk Bisnis

Menggunakan analisis data sebagai penunjang utama pengambilan keputusan dan pengembangan bisnis. Buku ini ditulis untuk menuangkan ide berbagi pengetahuan berdasarkan hasil belajar, pengalaman melakukan pekerjaan dan penelitian di beberapa bidang bisnis sebagai konsultan analisis data, maupun karyawan di sebuah perusahaan. Tujuan utama dari buku ini adalah untuk membantu Anda yang ingin belajar analisis data menggunakan R melalui pendekatan bisnis ataupun Anda yang ingin belajar bahasa pemrograman R dari dasar. Contoh kasus yang disajikan diharapkan dapat memperdalam pemahaman pembaca mengenai materi dari sisi permasalahan bisnis yang dapat diselesaikan. Read more →



by liubao


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] ECharts是一个基于JavaScript的开源可视化图表库,由于其交互性强、使用简单、界面美观、自定义程度强等特点被广泛应用,国内互联网公司内部多使用此开源库制作内部的数据中台或业务看板。ECharts最初由百度团队开源,并于2018年初捐赠给Apache基金会,成为ASF孵化级项目。John Coene将基于javascript的echarts库成功与R语言结合,构建成echarts4r包,使得R的使用 ... Read more →


Interstate Conflict

by Yuleng Zeng


This is a graduate-level seminar on interstate conflict. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2022. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know (contact me). The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: Conflict. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new … Read more →


Course script for SICSS Paris

by Germain Gauthier, Felix Lennert, Étienne Ollion


This book serves as an accompanying script for the R sessions of the 2022 Summer Institute for Computational Social Science (SICSS), taking place at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. […] Dear student, if you read this script, you are either participating in the SICSS itself or came across it while browsing for resources for your studies. In any case, if you find inconsistencies or mistakes, please do not hesitate to point them out by shooting an email to This script will introduce you to the automated acquisition and subsequent quantitative analysis of text data … Read more →


A Guide to Getting Started with R

by Pete Apicella


A Guide to Getting Started with R […] This is a guide to the text, Getting Started with R: An Introduction for Biologists 2nd … Read more →


Long-form recordings: From A to Z

by alecristia


This bookdown contains the scripts of instructional videos created in the context of the ExELang Project ( It is available from . Alejandrina Cristia is grateful for the funding and institutional support from Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-17-CE28-0007 LangAge, ANR-16-DATA-0004 ACLEW, ANR-14-CE30-0003 MechELex, ANR-17-EURE-0017); a J. S. McDonnell Foundation Understanding Human Cognition Scholar Award; and an ERC Consolidator grant (ExELang, 2021-2026). The funders had no role in the production of this bookdown or the associated videos. Alejandrina Cristia and Sara Pisani … Read more →


Report BSM

by Bsmsimul


Report BSM […] This is continuation of the study reported in (Capitani et al. … Read more →


ISTA 321 - Data Mining

by Nicholas DiRienzo


Course content for ISTA 321 - Last updated for Summer 2022 […] Welcome to ISTA 321 - Data Mining! The goal of this class is to teach you how to use R to make informed inferences and predictions from large datasets using a variety of methods. This requires a mixture of many skills including programming, data exploration and visualizations, statistics, algorithms, machine learning, model validation, and general data wrangling. We don’t do these things in isolation, but instead do them with a goal of answering a question, thus being able to apply this knowledge to make a data-driven decision … Read more →


Useful Terms in Statistics

by Nannan Wang


Useful Terms in Statistics […] This book is created as a final project advised by Dr. Olmanson for TEAC-889. TLTE 889: Working with a faculty mentor on either an individual or small-group basis, the student plans, conducts, and reports a summative work … Read more →


La tarification a priori

by Abdoul Oudouss DIAKITE, Othmane ETTADLAOUI


Projet de tarification a priori […] L’assurance est une opération de transfert d’un risque ou d’une partie d’un risque d’un assuré à un assureur. Cette opération de transfert se fait par un paiement de prime par l’assuré à l’assureur. Ce dernier s’engage à indemniser son client en cas de survenance d’un sinistre pendant toute la période couverte par le contrat. La prime reçue par l’assureur doit refléter le risque qu’il est prêt à couvrir d’où la nécessité de se demander combien faut-il recevoir en prime pour assurer (\lambda) niveau de risque ? Dans ce projet, nous allons faire une étude … Read more →



by Cesar Nillaga, Milo Weller, Sophie Moore


This tutorial investigates the methods of hieararchial clustering. We investigated the usage of heirarchial clustering and how it could be applied to targeting groups using the spotify data. […] This tutorial will investigate what cluster analysis is and how it can be used to identify or predict groups with data. Our group focused on spotify data and we tried to group genres based on song characteristics. Later in this tutorial we will be using a dataset containing 15 different genres and through analysis we will see if we group similar genres together. Cluster analysis is a technique in … Read more →


Data-driven publishing: Reproducible research with R, Quarto, and Github

by Arthur Small


Arthur Small This course introduces tools and concepts of literate programming. Literate programming is an approach to creating documents that smoothly integrates data, code, and narrative writing. All analysts need to present their results in multiple formats: articles, slide decks, web sites, and so on. Traditional workflows for creating and publishing documents rely heavily on manual workflows, e.g., copy-and-paste. Traditional workflows are poorly suited to data-intensive analytic projects. This course will provide an introduction to an entirely different and better approach to scientific … Read more →


Annalyse de données

by Abdoul Oudouss Diakite, Othmane ETTADLAOUI

Annalyse de données

Ce projet d’analyse de donnés consiste à l’explication de différentes manières le nombre de crime aux Etats-Unis. […] Ce projet d’analyse de donnés consiste à l’explication de différentes manières du nombre de crime aux Etats-Unis. Pour se faire, nous disposons d’un jeu de disponible sur GitHub que nous appellerons Comminities(Télécharger) dorénavant. Le jeu de données dispose de 147 variables pour 2215 observations. Les valeurs manquantes sont représentées par “?”. De nombreuses variables sont incluses afin que les algorithmes qui sélectionnent ou apprennent les poids des attributs … Read more →


Project in Data Analytics for Decision Making

by Manon Verjus and Yooby Gigandet


Our work for the course “Project in Data Analytics for Decision Making” is to predict the credit risk linked to customers for our client, a German bank. To do so, we used the CRISP-DM method (CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining): Business understanding: Credit risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from the failure by a borrower to repay the principal and interest owed to the lender. By performing a credit risk analysis, the lender determines the borrower’s ability to meet debt obligations in order to cushion itself from losses. It is therefore important to efficiently … Read more →


R - u znanosti i obrazovanju

by Goran Kardum


R - u znanosti […] NAPOMENA: Tekst je u izradi (nije lektoriran i provjeren, nisu povezani svi literaturni navodi!) Knjiga je namijenjena svima koji žele naučiti modele obrade i prikaza podataka pomoću R jezika koristeći aplikaciju RStudio. Knjiga nije samo vodič kroz R jezik i RStudio aplikaciju, već koristi brojne izvore informacija te usporedbe različitih metoda koje se koriste u društvenim, humanističkim i biomedicinskim znanostima. Tako, ovdje možemo pronaći usporedbe različitih eksplanatornih i konfirmatornih metoda s brojnim referencijama te modeliranje (SEM). Ovo djelo nije samo … Read more →


Computational Social Science

by Paul C. Bauer


Script for the seminar ‘Big Data and Social Science’ at the University of Bern. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the workshop/seminar Computational Social Science. This seminar is taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring Semester 2022). The material was developed by Paul C. Bauer and heavily draws on material developed by other people (see script). Any original material and examples is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For potential future versions of the course see my website: If you … Read more →


Tools for human-screen interactions

by cjlortie


An adaptationist programme for digital work and life […] Screens are a portal to information and to one another. Nearly 5 billion people as of 2022 use the internet. Treating screens and digital time only as a pathology neglects the inherent capacity for screens as a tool to promote higher levels of performance and novel approaches to problem solving. Mental models and the associated cognitive architecture that we frame conceptually to decision making is critical for better choices. The screen adaptation theory (SAT) is proposed herein as a heuristic to enable individuals to use evidence … Read more →


R Programming for Data Science

by Roger D. Peng

R Programming for Data Science

The R programming language has become the de facto programming language for data science. Its flexibility, power, sophistication, and expressiveness have made it an invaluable tool for data scientists around the world. This book is about the fundamentals of R programming. You will get started with the basics of the language, learn how to manipulate datasets, how to write functions, and how to debug and optimize code. With the fundamentals provided in this book, you will have a solid foundation on which to build your data science toolbox. Read more →


IV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kół Nauk Psychologicznych Psychozjum

by kpsychozjum


IV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kół Nauk Psychologicznych Psychozjum […] … Read more →


Eagle I.O Consultant Manual

by Eagle I.O


This is the student consultant handbook for members of Eagle I.O. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is the student consultant handbook for members of Eagle I.O. Herein lie expectations, responsibilities, and strategy to keep Eagle I.O sustailable with future Montclair State University I/O Psychology … Read more →


MLFE R labs (2022 ed.)

by Prof. Michela Cameletti & Tutor Marco Villa


Notes for the R labs of the MLFE course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Machine learning for Economics (MLFE) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2021/22). The MLFE course is the second module of the Coding for Data Science course. The MLFE R labs are designed for students who already have some experience with R programming thanks to the first module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. Click here and here to access the R lab notes of the first module regarding introduction to R language and the tidyverse package. Enjoy the journey! … Read more →


A Vulnerability Prediction Analysis

by Luis Guerra, Elmer Oliveros, Roger Chauca


I created this project with the aim to express how a vulnerability can be interpreted using a graphical representation based on a information sample dataset caught from antivirus public database. […] Realizar un análisis y estudio de un conjunto de eventos y/o incidentes de seguridad informática que han sido generados por diferentes estaciones de trabajo y/o usuarios de una empresa al usar los recursos de red, para poder determinar cuál es tipo de malware más común, bajo que escenario se han producido estos eventos, así como investigar e intentar predecir la cantidad de eventos a futuro. … Read more →


Landscape characteristics influence projected growth rates of stream-resident juvenile salmon in the face of climate change in the Kenai River watershed, southcentral Alaska

by Benjamin Meyer


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document describes selected analyses undertaken in the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (TAFS) manuscript by Meyer et al., in review April 2022. The document outlines the modifications to analyses requested by the reviewers and editors on the draft submitted in February 2022. The current draft in progress of the manuscript, along with the draft reconciliation and response to the TAFS decision letter, can be accessed and are available for … Read more →


Advanced Statistical Computing

by Roger D. Peng


The book covers material taught in the Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Advanced Statistical Computing course. I taught this course off and on from 2003–2016 to upper level PhD students in Biostatistics. The course ran for 8 weeks each year, which is a fairly compressed schedule for material of this nature. Because of the short time frame, I felt the need to present material in a manner that assumed that students would often be using others’ software to implement these algorithms but that they would need to know what was going on underneath. In particular, should something go wrong with one of … Read more →


Multilevel Regression and Poststratification Case Studies

by Juan Lopez-Martin, Justin H. Phillips, and Andrew Gelman


Introduction to Bayesian Multilevel Modeling and Poststratification using rstanarm, brms, and Stan […] The following case studies intend to introduce users to Multilevel Modeling and Poststratification (MRP) and some of its extensions, providing reusable code and clear explanations. The first section1 presents MRP, a statistical technique that allows to estimate subnational estimates from national surveys while adjusting for nonrepresentativeness. The second chapter extends MRP to overcome the limitation of only using variables included in the census. The last chapter develops a new … Read more →


Curso R 2022 Jueves

by Roberto C. Duarte


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Bienvenidos al curso básico del paquete estadístico R, el objetivo del curso es proporcionar a los estudiantes las herramientas de la estadísica básica desarrollada en el lenguaje R. El contenido, en general del curso es el siguiente Se creó un aula virtual en Schoology, el código de acceso es: VWXB-7XPB-MD6PP, ademas se creo un grupo en Telegram para tener una mejor comunicación, para agregarse hacer click en el siguiente enlace: Grupo en Telegram. La … Read more →


Fundamentals of bioacoustics using smartphones and R

by Dena J. Clink, Isabel A. Comella & Maryam Zafar


Fundamentals of bioacoustics using smartphones and R […] The purpose of this lab exercise is to introduce students to bioacoustics, or the study of animal sounds and their habitats. For the field component, students use their smartphones to collect focal recordings of target animals as well as collect acoustic data that will be used to investigate variation in soundscapes at different times (e.g. dawn and dusk) and/or different locations (e.g. urban versus rural). The computer lab component utilizes the R programming environment to import sound files and visualize differences in acoustic … Read more →


Modern Statistical Methods for Psychology

by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Johanna Hardin, tuned by Gregory Cox

Modern Statistical Methods for Psychology

This is the website for Modern Statistical Methods for Psychology, a modified version of Introduction to Modern Statistics, First Edition by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Johanna Hardin, as modified by Gregory Cox. The original Introduction to Modern Statistics is a textbook from the OpenIntro project. — Version date of this modification: May 24, 2022. The original version of the Introduction to Modern Statistics textbook and its supplements, including slides, labs, and interactive tutorials, may be downloaded for free This textbook is itself a derivative of OpenIntro … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example!!

by John Doe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


Thesis Aim 3

by Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar


Aim 3 […] This study … Read more →


Categorical Regression in Stata and R

by Rose Werth

Categorical Regression in Stata and R

This website contains lessons and labs to help you code categorical regression models in either Stata or R. […] This website houses all the information you need learn the basics of coding a number of different categorical and count models in Stata and R. It will not contain all the information taught in class, but will allow you to bridge that knowledge into running these models on your own. The Stata labs on this website were adapted from materials by Ewurama Okai. This course will contain 8 labs and an optional review lab at the end of the course. Our lab sessions will alternate between … Read more →



by Peter


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is my first book written by R studio. I treat this as a project because I want to pour out everything inside my brain into this writing project. It will contain the following contents: I can’t promise that these contents are all worthy of reading, but I can guarantee that they all come from my live experience. Hope you enjoy it. I have tried many ways to motive myself to write. I have built blogs with WordPress ... Read more →


Quick R for Statistics

by Chia-Ching Wu


A book created with bookdown. […] R語言是免費的軟體,是進行統計分析很好的工具。 … Read more →



by 芝田 征司


フリーの統計ソフト jamovi の使用方法についての日本語ガイドです。データの編集方法から分散分析や因子分析の設定方法まで、基本機能のすべてについて一通り説明しています。 […] は,高度な統計手法をできるだけ簡単に使用できるようにすることを目的として作成された統計ソフトウェアです。操作はマウス(トラックパッド)によるメニュー選択が基本で,複雑なコマンドを入力したりする必要はありません。jamoviと同じようにマウスで操作できる統計ソフトウェアとして非常に有名なものにSPSSがあり,大学を含め,さまざまな機関で統計処理や統計法の学習に使用されていますが,SPSSは非常に高価なソフトウェアであり,個人で気軽に購入できる … Read more →


AI and Machine Learning For Finance 2021/22

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R labs of the AIMLFF course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R lectures for the AI and Machine Learning for Finance (AIMLFF) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2021/22). See here for more details. In this notes R programming language for data science will be introduced (with respect to data manipulation, data visualization and communication and implementation of machine learning methods). For this part I suggest the following on-line book: Enjoy the journey! In the following lecture notes, this font (with grey background) represents R code. The … Read more →


A Collection of small Skills

by Kan Lei


The collection help me to rember some small Skills, some like the R or M Functions. […] A collection of some skills, that can’t be finded, wenn I need … Read more →


Úvod do analýzy údajov pomocou R

by Tomáš Bacigál


Základy jazyka R a úvod do Data Science: prieskumná analýza, transformácia údajov (dplyr), vizualizácia (ggplot2), čistenie údajov (tidyr), interaktívne grafy (htmlwidgets, shiny, …), komunikácia (RMarkdown), efektívne programovanie (parallel, RCpp, RSQLite). […] I don’t think anyone actually believes that R is designed to make everyone happy. For me, R does about 99% of the things I need to do, but sadly, when I need to order a pizza, I still have to pick up the telephone. (Roger D. Peng, r. 2004) Tento citát vystihuje univerzálnosť softvérového nástroja R1. Tak ako u viacerých „open … Read more →


Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R

by Emil Hvitfeldt and Julia Silge

Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R

This is the website for Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R! Visit the GitHub repository for this site, or buy a physical copy from CRC Press,, or Amazon. This online work by Emil Hvitfeldt and Julia Silge is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International … Read more →


A Practical Guide to Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects in the Presence of Non-Ignorable Loss to Follow-Up

by Aleya Khalifa and Gloria HJ Graf


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Welcome! This tutorial provides a roadmap for sensitivity analyses to assess the impact of loss to follow-up on causal effect estimates. In particular, we introduce and implement a multiple-imputation-based pattern-mixture approach to MNAR mechanisms based on previous work by Leurent et al. (2018 Pharmacoeconomics). This tutorial is intended for any public health researcher who is seeking an easily implemented, ... Read more →


Science Research Methods: Software

by Peter K. Dunn


Using software for quantitative research in science and health (including research design, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals in common situations) […] This book has been prepared for use with the book Scientific Research and Methodology, which is an introduction to quantitative research methods in the scientific, engineering and health disciplines. This book is an introduction to quantitative research methods in the scientific and health disciplines, and introduces the whole research process, from asking a research question to analysis and reporting of the data. The focus, however, is … Read more →


Modelos lineales y aditivos en ecología

by Facundo X. Palacio


Scripts del curso […] A continuación se presentan las medidas del tamaño corporal en adultos de tres especies de pingüinos en islas del Archipiélago Palmer, Antártida. [y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x + \epsilon] [\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2)] [y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + … + \beta_n x_n + \epsilon] [\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2)] Analizaremos la relación entre la longitud del pico (bill_length_mm), masa corporal (body_mass_g) y alto del pico (bill_depth_mm) en pingüinos Adelia (Pygoscelis adeliae). Se muestran los tiempos de coagulación sanguínea (min) en conejos bajo el … Read more →


Lessons from the Bible

by Ibukun Oni


This is an electronic copy of all I have learned from my Bible Study time since beginning of 2022. It is meant as a way for me to document what I am learning in the Bible. It will also be a good starting point to further developing my understanding of who Jesus is and How i am to relate with Him., […] This is an electronic copy of all I have learned from my Bible Study time since beginning of 2022. It is meant as a way for me to document what I am learning in the Bible. It will also be a good starting point to further developing my understanding of who Jesus is and How I am to relate with … Read more →


The Data Files

by Peter K. Dunn and Margaret Marshman


Supporting information for The Data Files. […] These web pages are designed to help teachers with teaching statistics in schools. These pages are based on a series of short articles (called The Data Files) published in the Australian Mathematics Education Journal, by Dr Peter K. Dunn and Dr Margaret … Read more →


Curso R 2022

by Roberto C. Duarte


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Bienvenidos al curso básico del paquete estadístico R, el objetivo del curso es proporcionar a los estudiantes las herramientas de la estadísica básica desarrollada en el lenguaje R. El contenido, en general del curso es el siguiente Se creó un aula virtual en Schoology, el código de acceso es: ZK57-M28G-669QR, ademas se creo un grupo en Telegram para tener una mejor comunicación, para agregarse hacer click en el siguiente enlace: Grupo en Telegram. La … Read more →


Decision Modeling Lab Manual

by Alton Russell and lab members


Alton Russell and lab members Welcome to the lab manual for the Decision Modeling Lab within the McGill Clinical & Health Informatics research group! This manual has two main purposes: first, as an introduction to our ways of working for new team members and second, as a resource we can all refer back to and build upon. It is also public in the hope that other research groups may benefit. The manual was started by Alton Russell, PhD, the lab lead, but all team members are encouraged to continually improve this document by updating/clarifying existing information and adding new components that … Read more →


Modul Praktikum Perancangan Percobaan

by Fardilla Rahmawati, Muhammad Ammar Sahab


Ini adalah modul Praktikum STA 222: Metode Perancangan Percobaan. Materi-materi praktikum akan dimasukkan di buku ini. [...] Buku ini akan mengadung materi-materi praktikum Metode Perancangan Percobaan. Materi satu pertemuan akan dimasukkan di satu bab1. Tiap bab akan mengandung bagian teori dan kode di R dan LaTeX. Slide dan recording praktikum disimpan di Google Drive dan materi-materi kuliah disimpan di LMS IPB. misal, Bab 5 dari buku ini akan membahas pertemuan ... Read more →


Introdução ao R

by Weverton Lisboa de Sena, Luiz Henrique dos Santos Fernandes

Introdução ao R

Curso introdutório da linguagem R com análise de dados públicos brasileiros. […] Os dados são uma coisa preciosa e durarão mais do que os próprios sistemas. Graças aos enormes avanços computacionais vivenciados nos últimos anos, podemos guardar, compartilhar e consumir facilmente uma quantidade de dados inimaginável há 20 anos. Segundo artigo publicado pela Accenture, o mundo produz 5 exabytes de dados por dia, ou seja, o equivalente a 1 bilhão de gigabytes. Em 2025, conforme a mesma fonte, produziremos cerca de 463 exabytes por dia, algo equivalente a todo o volume de dados produzidos em … Read more →


Perbandingan Smoothing, ARIMA, dan ARIMAX untuk prediksi harga minyak mentah

by Adley Dityo Valentinus Putra (G14180009), Muhammad Ammar Sahab (G14190020), Putri Eka Perdanti (G14190027), Farhan Narendra Achyara (G14190050), Grashella Clara Nesa Br Ginting (G14190086)


Laporan Tugas Akhir MPDW (Kelompok 10) […] Laporan ini akan membandingkan beberapa metode peralaman deret waktu untuk data harga minyak mentah. Metode tersebut akan dilatih menggunakan harga minyak mentah dari tahun 2009 sampai 2016, lalu diuji dengan meramal harga minyak mentah tahun 2017. Pembagian tersebut juga dilakukan di (He 2018), yang membandingkan model deret waktu seperti pemulusan dan ARIMA dengan model pembelajaran mesin (SVM). Berbeda dengan penelitian tersebut, penelitian ini akan menambahkan jenis pemulusan yang dipakai, serta … Read more →


A Short Course on Nonparametric Curve Estimation

by Eduardo García-Portugués

A Short Course on Nonparametric Curve Estimation

A Short Course on Nonparametric Curve Estimation. MSc in Applied Mathematics. EAFIT University (Colombia). [...] This course is intended to provide an introduction to nonparametric estimation of the density and regression functions from, mostly, the perspective of kernel smoothing. The emphasis is placed in building intuition behind the methods, gaining insights into their asymptotic properties, and showing their application through the use of statistical software. The software employed in the course is the statistical language R and its most common IDE (Integrated Development ... Read more →


A Rishi Bookdown Book

by Rishi Goutam

A Rishi Bookdown Book

Everything you need (and nothing more) to start a bookdown book. […] This is the very first part of the book. I am using RStudio with the bookdown package for creating this book. Sean Kross’s blog article was extremely helpful in getting me to understand how this works with GitHub Pages for automatic hosting. This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by … Read more →


Pengantar R



This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. […] Sebagian orang cenderung menghindari mempelajari statistik karena materi yang muncul merupakan rumus ataupun angka-angka yang kerap kali sulit untuk dimengerti. Namun dalam ilmu sosial, statistik diperlukan untuk meneliti kehidupan masyarakat dan hubungan sosial berupa metode yang objektif dan sistematis untuk menjelaskan dan memberikan interpretasi terhadap hasil penelitian. Menurut Wimmer dan Dommick (2011), statistik dapat … Read more →


R you Ready for R?

by Wade Roberts, Colorado College


This e-book offers generic scripts for conducting core statistical analyses. They should be considered a starting point, not an end point, in your exploration of R. […] This e-book offers generic scripts for conducting core statistical analyses, from calculating statistics to producing tables or graphing results. These scripts should be considered a starting point, not an end point, in your exploration of R. The following chapters … Read more →


Plano de Curso de Ciência de Dados

by Robson Wilson Silva Pessoa


Plano de Curso de Ciência de Dados […] Formatação da capa do relatório a … Read more →


Coding Guide

by yifan_wang


Coding Guide […] dplyr is a grammar of data manipulation, providing a consistent set of verbs that help you solve the most common data manipulation challenges. Tools for the analysis of epidemiological and surveillance data. Contains functions for directly and indirectly adjusting measures of disease frequency, quantifying measures of association on the basis of single or multiple strata of count data presented in a contingency table, computation of confidence intervals around incidence risk and incidence rate estimates and sample size calculations for cross-sectional, case-control and … Read more →


Raport cykliczny

by LIFE Pilica +


Raport cykliczny dotyczący sytuacji społeczno - ekonomicznej 93 gmin zlokalizowanych na obszarze Zlewni rzeki Pilicy […] Uwaga: dokument w trakcie opracowywania. W kolejnych iteracjach zostaną dołączone dodatkowe rozdziały oraz wprowadzone zmiany edycyjne. W niniejszym „Raporcie” przedstawiono charakterystykę wybranych aspektów sytuacji społeczno – ekonomicznej 93 gmin znajdujących się na obszarze Zlewni Pilicy („Zlewnia”). Zestawienie ww. gmin, wchodzących w skład 21 powiatów i pięciu województw, zostało zaprezentowane w Załączniku nr 1 do opracowania. Opracowanie zostało przygotowane w … Read more →


Data Analytics with R

by Brian Machut, Nathan Cornwell

Data Analytics with R

This module will teach the basics of data analytics using R. […] Welcome to the University of Minnesota’s Data Analytics with R module - presented by Optum. In this module, you will perform a case study designed to replicate a real-world analytics process that you may encounter in your future career as an actuary or data analyst. The module will be broken down into 7 chapters that you will complete over the course of 4 class periods (roughly 2 weeks time). As you work through the chapters, you will learn how to import data, summarize and visual data, create a predictive model, and interpret … Read more →


Evaluating Geospatial and Temporal Trends in Payments to Primary Care Physicians in the United States

by Meredith Brown


Evaluating Geospatial and Temporal Trends in Payments to Primary Care Physicians in the United States […] The Sunshine Act led to the recent availability of comprehensive data on pharmaceutical industry payments to hospitals and physicians via the Open Payments system. Primary care physicians are the chief way many Americans interact with the healthcare industry. However, there is not much literature on the relationship between these gateway physicians and the pharmaceutical industry. This study analyzes data from the Open Payments system from 2015-2020 for payment characteristic, … Read more →


Stability Of Industry Level Climate Coalitions: A Computational Framework for Environmental Governance In Maritime Shipping

by Feryel Lassoued and James Nolan


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Emissions from the global maritime sector currently account for about 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and are projected to increase by 150–250% in 2050 under business-as-usual scenarios with a tripling of world trade. (Bouman et al., 2017, p. 413) To try to address these issues, on January 1, 2020, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) implemented new regulations for a 0.5% global sulphur cap for marine ... Read more →


Making maps for conservation - GIF and interactive maps

by Emilie Dedeban


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, […] Creating a map has many benefits. Firstly, it allows to get information that is not visible or difficult to understand in a table. Secondly, it makes the subject more interesting. With the development of mapping tools, it is now possible to make animated map, or even collaborative. In this manual you will learn how to make a GIF and a collaborative map. These types of tools are essential assets for presentations, but also for … Read more →


The JW Tsai

by jwtsai


© 2022 JW Tsai … Read more →


Engagement Survey Technical Report

by Eagle I.O

Engagement Survey Technical Report

This is a technical report that contains the development of the Eagle IO Engagement survey. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a report that documents the technical details regarding the development of the Eagle I.O Engagement survey. This report was written with bookdown (Xie, 2022a) within rMarkdown (Allaire et al., 2019) using R version 4.1.3 (R Core Team, … Read more →


Epistemic Network Analysis Web Tool User Guide

by tan78


This is an introduction to the Epistemic Network Analysis web tool. […] This is the website for Epistemic Network Analysis Web Tool User Guide. This user guide demonstrates how to conduct an Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) using the ENA web tool. Topics covered in this user guide include how to format data, upload data, construct an ENA model, perform statistical analysis, understand ENA visualizations, and interpret ENA model. Before you dive into this user guide, please keep in mind that this user guide is designed with a focus on utilizing the web tool itself, instead of discussing the … Read more →


BS0005: One Health

by Kevin


A gitbook-style website authored for the course HE9091: Principles of Economics. […] This is a gitbook-style website authored for the SBS course BS0005: One … Read more →


20IMCAL204 STATISTICS LAB- Laboratory Manual

by Department of Mathematics


This manual is generated using Bookdown for internal use only […] This course is designed as a Computational Statistics Laboratory (CSL) comprised of 29 experiments selected from the Statistical Courses in INMCA Programme. Details of experiments and the instructions regarding creation & submission of laboratory reports are explained in this introductory chapter. Familiarization of environments in R. Perform simple arithmetics using R. Perform basic R functions. Use various graphical techniques in EDA. Create different charts for visualization of given set of data. Draw a Pareto chart to … Read more →


HBAP R Reference Guide

by Harvard Business Analytics Program


This reference guide provides an overview of all the R commands you will need to know throughout HBAP. […] This site is intended to serve as a general reference for all of the R commands you will learn throughout the HBAP program. For a single sheet with all commands on one page, see the Google Sheet … Read more →



by Jonas Rafi


Lär dig göra independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, one sample t-test, ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, factorial ANOVA, mixed ANOVA, linear regression, och logistic regression i jamovi. jamoviguiden innehåller även avsnitt om csv-filer och skalnivåer. […] Syftet med jamoviguiden är att tillhandahålla snabbstartsguider över vanliga procedurer i jamovi. För dig som söker en grundläggade introduktion till både statistik och jamovi rekommenderar jag gratisboken Learning statistics with jamovi av Danielle J. Navarro och David R. Foxcroft. jonas.rafi Detta verk … Read more →


The Book of Behavior Change

by Rik Crutzen & Gjalt-Jorn Ygram Peters

The Book of Behavior Change

The Book of Behavior Change is an Open Access guide to effective behavior change interventions. […] The Book of Behavior Change is an Open Access book that helps with the development of effective behavior change interventions as well as doing research into behavior change. Unlike for example Intervention Mapping, this book does not provide a complete protocol, instead focusing on identifying what to target, and how to target it, to maximize intervention effectiveness. Please be aware that this is a “living” book. This means that it will be updated over time and certain parts might be … Read more →


Best Coding Practices for R

by Vikram Singh Rawat

Best Coding Practices for R

This book explains the most important things you need to know while you are writing production level R code. […] Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively. — The Dalai Lama … Read more →


Biostatistics for Clinical Research

by Sean Collins


This is an open educational resource (OER) book for Biostatistics for Clinical Research: Theory & Applications in R using the bookdown package in RStudio. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This version has been written in Scrivener, exported as plain text as a single index.Rmd file and then used to build the book. If this worked, then it’s an entirely new workflow for writing and self publishing books that takes advantage of the organizing and writing features of Scrivener, and the computational analysis and publishing features of R, Rmarkdown and Bookdown. At … Read more →


Pengelompokan Kualitas Hidup Komuter dengan K-Means Clustering

by Rezky Yayang Yakhamid


Syntax R berikut ini diajukan sebagai jawaban ujian akhir semester (UAS) tidak terstruktur yang diujikan Politeknik Statistika STIS mata kuliah Data Mining (Semester 7) tahun 2021. Diselesaikan pada tanggal 13 Desember 2021 dan dirapikan kembali pada tanggal 1 April 2021 sebagai bahan belajar. Dataset yang digunakan dalam syntax ini dapat dilihat di Semoga bermanfaat. Komuter adalah seseorang yang melakukan perjalanan ulang-alik dalam satu hari (pergi dan pulang) secara terus menerus yang biasanya oleh karena … Read more →


Primer on Mathematical Statistics

by Peter K. Dunn


A primer of mathematical statistics, before reading generalized linear models […] This book is a primer on basic mathematical statistics and matrices. This book was originally prepared for students about to undertake MTH301 Reading in Advanced Mathematics at USC, and reading Generalized Linear Models with Examples in R (by Dunn & … Read more →


Teste de progresso

by Alexandre Jaloto


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Análises do teste de ... Read more →


Statistical Thinking for Linguists

by Sakol Suethanapornkul


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Linguists study language from diverse perspectives and specialize in particular areas within the field of linguistics. Regardless of perspectives and methodologies, linguists must work with language data. In some cases, l There are many reasons why linguists should learn to use R. R is free! I love working with R, particularly the tidyverse ... Read more →


Matemáticas I-II UCM

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Estas son unas notas de clase escritas en Markdown para la docencia de Matemáticas I y II en el grado de Economía UCM ¡Disfrútalas y, si encuentras algún error, escríbeme a ! You can render the HTML version of this example book without changing anything: Find the Build pane in the RStudio IDE, and Click on Build Book, then select your output format, or select “All formats” if you’d like to use multiple ... Read more →


Thực hiện Phân tích gộp với R

by Mathias Harrer, Pim Cuijpers, Toshi A. Furukawa, David D. Ebert

Thực hiện Phân tích gộp với R

Đây là một cẩm nang hướng dẫn cách thực hiện một Phân tích gộp bằng ngôn ngữ R. […] Chào mừng bạn đã tới phiên bản trực tuyến của cuốn sách “Thực hiện Phân tích gộp với R: Hướng dẫn thực hành”. Cuốn sách này đóng vai trò giới thiệu các cách tiếp cận để có thể tiến hành các phân tích gộp bằng ngôn ngữ R. Các bước cơ bản để tiến hành phân tích gộp sẽ được đề cập, bao gồm tổng hợp các đo lường đầu ra, forest plots, phân tích tính không đồng nhất (heterogeneity), phân tích theo nhóm (subgroup analyses), hồi quy gộp (meta-regression), các phương pháp để kiểm soát sai số xuất bản (publication … Read more →


Lecture Notes in Business Analytics

by Amr Farahat


This is an evolving document […] These lecture notes are in an early stage of development. Stay tuned. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International … Read more →


Statistik Vorlesung

by Lisa Lechner


Dies sind Begleitnotizten für die Vorlesung Statistik. […] “Statistics is the grammar of science” (Karl Pearson) Ziel der Vorlesung Statistik ist, die Einführung in die zentralen Grundlagen und Begriffe der deskriptiven (Datenmatrix, Häufigkeitsverteilungen, Lagemaße, Streuungsmaße, Verteilungskenngrößen, Zusammenhang zwischen Variablen) und der induktiven Statistik zu geben. Gegenstand der induktiven Statistik ist es, durch geeignete Verfahren von der Stichprobe auf die Grundgesamtheit zu schließen und die Sicherheit der Schlussfolgerung abzuschätzen, d.h. Wahrscheinlichkeiten für die … Read more →


Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny

by David Granjon

Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny

A book about deeply customizing Shiny app for production. […] By Kenton Russel aka @timelyportfolio Since the initial commit ( of Shiny in June 2012, the project has grown rapidly with users around the world across nearly every domain. Until 2021, strangely though, there was nearly zero comprehensive resources collecting the scattered wisdom and experience of thousands of Shiny users and developers into a single definitive resource. While, Hadley Wickham’s Mastering Shiny book (Hadley 2021) focuses on providing … Read more →


CM5003: From Alchemy to Chemistry

by Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a gitbook-style website authored for the elective CM5003: From Alchemy to Chemistry. The website contains my notes for the lectures and selected documentaries. By the time that you are seeing this website, weeks, months, or even years may have passed, hence rendering the website’s content outdated (assuming that no updates are ... Read more →



by Tiger Qu


ANU Morange Class […] This is course overview for FINM2002/7041 ANU MOrange Class. Please check the course schedule … Read more →



by Roberta Parlavecchia


TESI DI LAUREA SPERIMENTALE IN GIS E PERICOLOSITA’ IDROGEOMORFOLOGICA […] A fault is a planar fracture of the earth’s crust that places two parts of the earth’s rock (fault blocks) in internal contact that slide relative to each other due to forces on the Earth. A fault is roughly described as a plane defined by dip-direction/dip and a slip vector defined by trend and dip. Depending on the direction of the main ones involved, the fault plane assumes a typical spatial arrangement, and the two fault blocks will move (relative displacement) with different kinematics. Movement along a fault can … Read more →


Linear Regression in Stata and R

by Rose Werth

Linear Regression in Stata and R

This website contains lessons and labs to help you code linear regression in either Stata or R. […] Welcome to your guide to learning linear regression in Stata and R. This website houses all the information you need learn the basics of coding linear regression in Stata and R. It will not contain all the information taught in class, but will allow you to bridge that knowledge into running linear regressions on your own. The Stata labs on this website were adapted from materials by Ewurama Okai. This is a 10-week course with 9 labs. Each lab will focus on some topic related to coding linear … Read more →



by Dr. Pratheesh P. Gopinath




Proyecto Migración

by Equipo Investigación


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] El Salvador cuenta con un instituto especializado en migración que publica datos sobre este tema: la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería de El Salvador (DGME). El apartado de estadísticas del sitio oficial no tiene ningún contenido. Al parecer, los datos se encuentran en el sitio de Transparencia del gobierno. Se recomienda hacer uso de los filtros o el buscador para optimizar las búsquedas. … Read more →


Technical Guide for Estimating Building Rooftop Solar Potential in a City

by Einav Grinberg


A technical guide for mapping rooftop solar potential in a city using open source data and software. […] In 1990, cities accounted for 45% of global final energy use, but by the end of 2020, this share had risen to approximately 75% and cities release a similar share of global energy-related CO₂ emissions. Today, most of the world’s energy supply is generated from fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy, and their use has a negative impact on the world’s economy, ecology, and climate.1 Therefore, the use and need for renewable energy … Read more →


DATA 3320 Data Science Methodology and Applications

by Brian Fischer


Hello. This is your course reader for DATA 3320 Data Science Methodology and Applications. Use the chapters of the reader to guide your work through each project. You will find the associated R Markdown file for each project on … Read more →


An Introduction to Bayesian Reasoning and Methods

by Kevin Ross


This textbook presents an introduction to Bayesian reasoning and methods […] Statistics is the science of learning from data. Statistics involves We will assume some familiarity with many of these aspects, and we will focus on the items in italics. That is, we will focus on statistical inference, the process of using data analysis to draw conclusions about a population or process beyond the existing data. “Traditional” hypothesis tests and confidence intervals that you are familiar with are components of “frequestist” statistics. This book will introduce aspects of “Bayesian” statistics. We … Read more →



by 田丰 武汉大学遥感学院


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 武汉大学遥感学院本科生专业选修课“环境保护与规划”从开始招收本科生起,一直由万幼川教授主讲,万教授讲授的内容分为5大部分,包括:遥感在环境中的应用、环境概论、大气污染及污染扩散模型、水质模型与水质信息系统、植被生态模型,后因课时数下调至32个,万教授删减了植被生态模型部分。2022年开始,在万教授退休之际,我将课程接手过来,正赶上武汉大学进行2023版本科生培养方案修订, ... Read more →


Modelos Estadísticos

by content


Modelos estadísticos. Una visión práctica. […] Este compendio de unidades sobre modelización estadística trata de mostrar una versión aplicada para el tratamiento de los modelos estadísticos más básicos. El objetivo no es mostrar una versión teórica de estos modelos sino una versión aplicada. Se recomienda a los lectores interesado que complementen la teoría de estos modelos con manuales más específicos. Para poder seguir los contenidos aquí expuestos se recomiendan conocimientos básicos de estadística descriptiva, probabilidad e inferencia estadística, así como las funciones de R … Read more →


Simulación de Procesos y Sistemas

by content


Manual práctico sobre simulación de procesos y sistemas […] La simulación es una de las herramientas de modelización probabilística más utilizadas en la industria. Se utiliza para el análisis de sistemas existentes y para la selección de sistemas óptimos a partir del planteamiento y comparación de diversos escenarios plausibles. Ejemplo 0.1 Por ejemplo, supongamos que un gran supermercado ha estado recibiendo quejas de los clientes sobre el tiempo que pasan en la cola esperando una caja disponible para pagar. La dirección ha decidido añadir algunas cajas más, pero ha de decidir cuántas … Read more →


R 로 하는 Mixed Model

by Michael Clark Translator : 김설기

R 로 하는 Mixed Model

This is an introduction to using mixed models in R. It covers the most common techniques employed, with demonstration primarily via the lme4 package. Discussion includes extensions into generalized mixed models, Bayesian approaches, and realms beyond. […] Michael Clark Translator : 김설기 … Read more →


Comparative Methods

by Brian O’Meara


How to do comparative methods for evolution and ecology […] This book was created as part of my PhyloMeth class, which focuses on sensibly using and developing comparative methods. It will be actively developed over the course of Spring 2017, so if you don’t like this version (see date above), check back soon! The book is available here but you can fork it, add issues, and look at raw source code at [Note I’ll be changing the name of the repo eventually; the course is largely in R (not entirely) but of course many key methods appear in other … Read more →


BS1009: the Extra Bits

by Kevin the TA


A gitbook-style website authored for BS1009. […] This is a website I (Kevin) made to collate all of the material that I would have discussed throughout my TA-ing sessions in BS1009! To navigate the website, note the following: If this website is helpful, do spread the love by clicking on one of the social media logos on the top right hand corner of your … Read more →


Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics with R

by Eric Zivot


Add description […] Outline of preface (preliminary and incomplete). June 21, 2016. I started teaching the course Introduction to Financial Econometrics at UW in 1998. Motivation was to teach more statistics and quantitative methods to economics majors. I found that combining statistics topics with finance applications was very effective and popular. Early classes used Microsoft Excel as the main software tool (R was not around then). Experience with Excel was, and still is, in high demand by employers in the finance industry. However, Excel is not a good tool for doing statistics. In early … Read more →


R for marketing students

by KU Leuven Marketing department


KULeuven R tutorial for marketing students […] In this tutorial, we will explore R as a tool to analyse and visualise data. R is a statistical programming language that has rapidly gained popularity in many scientific fields. The main difference between R and other statistical software like SPSS is that R has no graphical user interface. There are no buttons to click. R is run entirely by typing commands into a text interface. This may seem daunting, but hopefully by the end of this tutorial you will see how R can help you to do better statistical analysis. So why are we using R and not one … Read more →


Business Intelligence II - Anvendt Machine Learning

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Første modul omhandler en generel introduktion til softwareprogrammet R ( Her gengives en række eksempler på R-kode samt det tilhørende R-output for at illustrere forskellige grundlæggende funktionaliteter i programmet. Programmet R tager koder som input, så hver gang man skal have udført noget, skal man skrive de(n) relevante kode(r), som herefter eksekveres af programmet og giver det ... Read more →


SIDS-Related Deaths in Cook County, IL

by Daniel P. Hall Riggins


An public health analysis of SIDS-related mortality […] This analysis seeks to describe, map, and model the number of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)-related deaths in Cook County, IL census tracts for the purposes of public health interventions. Image credit to JAMA … Read more →


Lab notes for Statistics for Social Sciences II: Multivariate Techniques

by Eduardo García-Portugués


Lab notes for Statistics for Social Sciences II: Multivariate Techniques […] Welcome to the lab notes for Statistics for Social Sciences II: Multivariate Techniques. Along these notes we will see how to effectively implement the statistical methods presented in the lectures. The exposition we will follow is based on learning by analyzing datasets and real-case studies, always with the help of statistical software. While doing so, we will illustrate the key insights of some multivariate techniques and the adequate use of advanced statistical software. Be advised that these notes are neither … Read more →


Exemplo Livro Git (18/02/2022)

by John Doe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


R for Data Science - 한국어

by 해들리 위컴, 개럿 그롤문드, 번역-김설기, 최혜민

R for Data Science - 한국어

A book created with bookdown. […] 이 곳은 해들리 위컴과 개럿 그롤문드의 책 “R for Data Science” 의 한국어 번역 (번역: 김설기, 최혜민)입니다. 원어 웹북이 현재 2판 업데이트되고 있으며, 이에 따라 본 한국어웹북도 업데이트 중입니다. 본 웹북은 RMarkdown 과 bookdown 으로 작성되었으며, 소스코드는 입니다. 영문의 연습문제해답도 볼 수 있습니다. 종이책(1판)은 알라딘 등에서 구입할 수 … Read more →


My Website

by joao_msoutomaior


Hello, Website! For more information about simple R Markdown websites, please read the documentation at Please also note that simple R Markdown sites are not based on blogdown. They are probably good for websites with only a few Rmd documents. For larger-scale and more sophisticated websites (such as blogs), you may want to use blogdown instead: … Read more →


Research Guide

by Alma A. Bezares Calderón


Research Guide […] Doing research is like baking: it requires structure (you need to follow a series of steps), but it also requires passion and some magic. It requires Deep Work, and a clear commitment to produce something that helps us understand the world a little bit better. In this Guide, I will introduce some of the elements that will help you produce a great research project. Just as with a baking book, I will introduce some of the elements and stages you need to follow in producing your research paper. But it is important that you also feel free to include your own magic. Use the … Read more →


🃏 Probability I

by Dr. Daniel Flores Agreda (based on the Lecture by Prof. Davide La Vecchia)


Course Materials […] Hello and Welcome to this introductory Lecture in Probability! These Course Notes are a complement to the Lecture Probability I. The Lecture is divided in the following Chapters, and each Chapter contains several themes. The Lectures will take place over Zoom on Thursdays from 12h to 14h. Lectures will consist on a presentation of the contents of the class. During the class, there will be some exercises. You are invited to download the app Wooclap Q&A sessions on the exercises will take place on Thursdays from 16 to 18 over Zoom. We will soon be making available a … Read more →



by Michael Foley


Notes cobbled together from books, online classes, etc. to be used as quick reference for common work projects. […] These are notes from books, classes, tutorials, vignettes, etc. They contain mistakes, are poorly organized, and are sloppy on fundamentals. They should improve over time, but that’s all I can say for it. Use at your own risk. The focus of this handbook is probability, including random variables and probability distributions. Not included here: statistics, machine learning, text mining, survey analysis, or survival analysis. These subjects frequently arise at work, but are … Read more →



by cristianbonavida


Nos propusimos trasncribir al lenguaje R y Python los apéndices del libro Pobreza y Desigualdad en América Latina de Gasparini, Cicowiez y Sosa Escudero que originalmente fueron escritos para Stata. […] Nos propusimos trasncribir al lenguaje R y Python los apéndices del libro “Pobreza y Desigualdad en América Latina” de Gasparini, Cicowiez y Sosa Escudero que originalmente fueron escritos para Stata y que permitían replicar los datos e información presentados por los autores en el texto. Cada capítulo consta de un apéndice con códigos que permiten llevar a la práctica los conceptos … Read more →


Companion to Stock and Watson’s Intro to Econometrics

by John Stone


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] I’ve written this booklet as a companion to Stock and Watson (2019). I will assign sections for you to read before coming to class. This will give us time in class to address common misconceptions and ask new questions. I recommend you read the corresponding material in Stock and Watson (2019) after you have read the chapter in this companion text and either before or after our in-class ... Read more →


Bookdown Template

by Rethink Priorities


Bookdown Template […] This book is a bookdown template to be used for various projects of the Rethink Priorities survey team. The main goal of this book is to serve as a skeleton project that can be copied and used in other projects. Additionally, it contains some chapters that serve as tutorials for different features of this bookdown format. Please add yourself to the list below to acknowledge your contributions. Willem Sleegers: David Reinstein: … Read more →


Manual de R

by Valen Terés


Guía breve para trabajar con data frames. Incluye descripción de las fuciones utilizadas […] En este manual se detallan los pasos a realizar para: La estructura es la … Read more →


Predictive Analytics: The Code Book

by Prof Dr Matthias Bogaert


This is the code book accompanying the slides of predictive and prescriptive analytics (F000801). […] This book contains example code of most of the items discussed in the slides of predictive analytics. The student is advised to first go over the slides and the online videos, such that he/she has a profound understanding of the underlying concepts. The theory will only be revised briefly in this book. The goal of this book is to give you an example of most of the concepts seen in class in the statistical programming language R. The code book will closely follow the content and order of the … Read more →


An(other) introduction to R

by Felix Lennert


This is a gentle introduction to R and the basic usage of some tidyverse packages (dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, forcats, stringr) for data manipulation and visualization. […] Dear student, in the following, you will receive a gentle introduction to R and how you can use it to work with data. This tutorial was heavily inspired by Richard Cotton’s “Learning R” (Cotton 2013) and Hadley Wickham’s and Garrett Grolemund’s “R for Data Science” (abbreviated with R4DS). The latter can be found online (Wickham and Grolemund 2016). We will not immediately start out with the packages from the tidyverse … Read more →


Métodos Cuantitativos

by Aleksander Dietrichson, PhD


Material de Cátedra para el curso «Metodologías cuantitativas». […] Este texto ha sido editado en respuesta a la aparente falta de un libro de texto introductorio al análisis cuantitativo y estadísticas acesible y moderno en castellano. Si bien fue concebido como material de cátedra para Metodologías cuantitativas materia que dicta el autor en la Escuela de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional San Martín, se adaptará fácilmente a cursos introductorios de estadísticas en … Read more →


Deliberativ meningsmåling i Bergen

by Sveinung Arnesen, Anne Lise Fimreite, Jon Kåre Skiple

Deliberativ meningsmåling i Bergen

Rapport til Byrådet i Bergen om gjennomføringen av deliberativ meningsmåling i Bergen, 12. juni 2021 […] Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra en deliberativ meningsmåling i Bergen sommeren 2021. Arrangementet ble gjennomført som et ledd i det forskningsrådsfinansierte prosjektet Demokratisk innovasjon i praksis: Forskning på medvirkning og legitimitet i kommunale beslutningsprosesser (Demovate) (prosjektnummer 295892). Prosjektansvarlig er Bergen kommune, og faglig ledes prosjektet av forskningsinstitusjonen NORCE. Samarbeidspartnere er Universitetet i Bergen og Stanford University. … Read more →


STM1001: Introduction to Bioinformatics in R


STM1001 Bioinformatics (Science/Health Science/Data Science Modules) […] Welcome to another content supplement for the STM1001 Science, Health Science and Data Science modules. Throughout the semester, as we cover different aspects of statistics and data science, supplementary documents such as this one will be used to enhance your learning experience. This document contains material to support your learning as you complete Computer Labs 7B and 8B of the Science, Health Science or Data Science modules. We recommend that you take a few minutes to browse the different sections in this … Read more →


Bio Ciencia de Datos

by jp_6


Curso libre de ciencia de datos y modelos en R/Python. Este es un ejemplo mínimo del uso del paquete bookdown para escribir un libro. […] Curso abierto de ciencia de datos y modelos en R/Python. Con aplicaciones en ciencias actuariales y … Read more →


Economic Statecraft

by Yuleng Zeng


This is a graduate-level seminar on economic statecraft. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2020. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources I use. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know. The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: EconomicStatecraft. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new … Read more →


Chinese Foreign Policy

by Yuleng Zeng


This is a graduate-level seminar on Chinese foreign policy. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2021. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know. The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: CFP. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new … Read more →


Geostatistics Final Summary

by Yan Ren


This is the final report summary of spatial statistics analysis. January 31, 2022. […] Spatial data is considered as a random process ({Z(s),s\in D}) in this part. Set coalash dataset as an example (Figure 1.1). (D) is the region with values. and (s) indicates percent of coalash in this location. Many kinds of exploratory statistics can be applied here to test stationarity, local stationarity and so on. The key idea in this chapter is to model the above random process ({Z(s),s\in D}) with values on known locations. Then inference of unknown locations can be made. Variogram is … Read more →



by lgallegov1


Este libro analiza los resultados obtenidos por 25.000 estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia que han presentado las pruebas SABER Pro durante el período 2016 a 2020. El principal propósito de este documento consiste en analizar las brechas de Sexo, Tipo de Admisión, Estrato y Tipo de Colegio en Competencias Transversales o Genéricas (Razonamiento Cuantitativo, Lectura Crítica, Competencias Ciudadanas, Inglés, Comunicación Escrita) y Competencias Disciplinares o Específicas para todas las Sedes, Facultades y Programas curriculares de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Asi mismo, analiza comparativamente los desempeños en algunas de estas competencias en el Examen de Admisión con el desempeño obtenido en la prueba SABER Pro con el fin de determinar el efecto de la Experiencia Universitaria en el desarrollo de estas competencias. Finalmente, los resultados aquí encontrados pueden ser usados como una hoja de ruta para la implementación de futuras acciones de mejoramiento académico en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Read more →


My Final College Paper

by Morten Søby Willendrup


My Final College Paper […] I want to thank a few people. This is an example of a thesis setup to use the reed thesis document class (for LaTeX) and the R bookdown package, in general. You can have a dedication here if you wish. Second paragraph of abstract starts … Read more →



by Roberta Parlavecchia


TESI DI LAUREA SPERIMENTALE IN GIS E PERICOLOSITA’ IDROGEOMORFOLOGICA […] Il dissesto idrogeologico è fra le cause di rischio principali per l’assetto sociale ed economico del nostro paese ed è, per altro, fortemente condizionato dall’azione dell’uomo oltre che dai continui cambiamenti del territorio che hanno incrementato la possibilità di accadimento di fenomeni disastrosi, e dall’aumentata presenza di beni e di vite umane nelle zone in cui tali eventi sono probabili e si manifestano. L’antropizzazione del territorio, il continuo diboscamento, l’apertura di cave, l’emungimento incontrollato … Read more →


Data Management for Analytics and Applications

by Marios Kokkodis, George Wyner


This workbook is a basic introduction to data management with R and SQL. […] This book is a basic introduction to data management with R and SQL. It is curated for Boston College’s Data Management for Analytics and Applications (ISYS3350). For the content of this book, you will need to have access to R, RStudio, and a relational database. For the ISYS3350 class, we will use the following infrastructure: Enjoy the workbook! For comments, suggestions, errors, and typos, please email us at:, … Read more →



by 이우근


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 육체의 일은 분명하니, 곧 음행과 더러운 것과 호색과, 우상 숭배와 주술과 원수 맺는 것과, 분쟁과 시기와 분냄과, 당 짓는 것과 분열함과 이단과, 투기와 술 취함과 방탕함과, 또 그와 같은 것들이라. 전에 너희에게 경계한 것 같이 경계하노니, 이런 일을 하는 자들은 하나님의 나라를 유업으로 받지 못할 것이요 오직 성령의 열매는, 사랑과 ... Read more →


Mapping Workshop

by Jonas Rodriguez, This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (1733633)


Mapping of all flavours: GWAS, TWAS, eQTL […] Before starting, please take this survey to help improve these materials and help develop new materials. For each section, if you run into issues, please leave a comment with the problems you are having in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Note, you can leave a comment as a guest by simply click on the ‘Name’ field and check the box labeled ‘Id rather post as a guest.’ It will ask for your name and e-mail and you will be able to comment without setting up a Disqus account. University of Wisconsin Madison, … Read more →


Notas de Microeconometría Aplicada

by Autor: Arturo A. Aguilar Esteva, Colaborador: Vicente López Ramírez


Notas de Microeconometría Aplicada […] Estas notas fueron desarrolladas por el profesor Arturo A. Aguilar Esteva como material didáctico de apoyo para los cursos de Microeconometría Aplicada que imparte a nivel licenciatura y maestría en el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Todos los errores son su responsabilidad. Cualquier comentario y observación con respecto a errores se agradecerá que lo dirijan al correo … Read more →


Meta-analysis of Ecological Data in R

by Rob Crystal-Ornelas, PhD


A book about how to use R for the meta-analysis of ecological data […] We created this book as a guide to conducting meta-analysis using ecological data in R. Ecologists are increasingly turning to evidence synthesis (i.e., systematic review and meta-analysis) as a way of describing and summarizing the published evidence base within sub-disciplines. There are helpful books that provide the theory behind meta-research in ecology (Koricheva, Gurevitch, and Mengersen 2013). There are also more technical guides that provide the R code for conducting meta-analyses, but these are typically built … Read more →


Probability and Statistics for Business and Finance - 2021/22

by Michela Cameletti and Raffaele Argiento


Notes for the R labs of the PSBF course @Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Probability and Statistics for Business and Finance (PBSF) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2021/22). R is a great programming language especially designed for statistical analysis and data visualisation. The PSBF R labs are designed for those who don’t have any programming background. It will be a step-by-step path; at the end you will have the basic R knowledge for analysing financial time series. Enjoy the journey! In the following lecture notes, this font (with grey … Read more →


Practical Data Skills

by Introduction To Data Science


Practical Data Skills […] The purpose of this book is to provide practical data science skills to managers and business analysts. The focus is helping the reader develop pragmatic skills they can apply within their organizations to extract value from data. This book will not provide a complete and rigorous overview of data science, statistics, or computer programming, but it will help the reader quickly learn how to process and analyze data in the R programming language. The book assumes nothing more than a high school level background in mathematics - it requires no prior knowledge of … Read more →


Data Management for Analytics and Applications

by Marios Kokkodis


This workbook is a basic introduction to data management with R and SQL. […] This book is a basic introduction to data management with R and SQL. It is curated for Boston College’s Data Management for Analytics and Applications (ISYS3350). For the content of this book, you will need to have access to R, RStudio, and a relational database. For the ISYS3350 class, we will use the following infrastructure: Enjoy the workbook! For comments, suggestions, errors, and typos, please email me at: … Read more →


Bridging the gap between service extension and cultural facilitation among ASHAs

by Oskar Burger, Maciej J. Danko, Faiz Hashmi, Palash Singh, Hannah Lunkenheimer, Emily Little, Micah Goldwater, Tracy Johnson, Cristine Legare

Bridging the gap between service extension and cultural facilitation among ASHAs

This book covers data analysis and synthesis for the major empirical contributions of Project RISE. Project RISE is a mixed-methods project designed to leverage the power of ritual for understanding the motivation and performance of community health workers in Bihar. […] Project RISE is a collaborative and mixed-methods effort with the goal of improving maternal and newborn health in Bihar, India by designing tools to help the motivation and performance of community health workers. This Report covers data analysis and synthesis for the major empirical sections of Project RISE, including … Read more →


Painting the Malaysian Covid Public Data

by Azman Hussin and Wan M Hasni


The book is designed primarily for data science and R beginners who want to learn exploratory data analysis (EDA) through visualization in a practical way by working on actual data related to a real problem. We continue to stress these themes in the book; EDA, visualization, actual data, and learning by solving problems (#learnbydoing). We envisage that the book will only have an online version because of the dynamic nature of the problems related to Covid and the increasing data. The Covid pandemic should be of concern to all. Everyone is affected through being infected, constrained by … Read more →


너무나도 중요한 소식



This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


中文书籍的 bookdown 模版

by 黄湘云


这是一个简单的中文书籍模版,顺便介绍了如何使用中英文字体,参考文献样式等。 […] 这是中文书籍模版,源文件的编译和组织使用 knitr (Xie 2015) 和 bookdown (Xie 2016),参考文献的样式文件来自 Zotero。 系统上安装 Noto 系列的四款字体,依次是英文衬线字体,英文无衬线字体,简体中文宋体,简体中文黑体,其中,两款英文字体包含正常、粗体、斜体、粗斜体四种字型。 安装后,需要先调用 sysfonts 包注册字体到 R 环境,以便绘图时使用。 showtext 包调用系统安装的中英文字体,如图 0.1 所示,横纵坐标轴标题使用黑体,主标题黑体加粗,边空文本是宋体,图内注释也是宋体,坐标轴刻度值用无衬线字体。 本书使用 Bootstrap 样式主题,因此,除了 … Read more →


Lean Seis Sigma para la Mejora de Procesos

by asun_mayoral


Contenidos teórico-prácticos de la asignatura Mejora de Procesos (1479), en el Grado en Estadística Empresarial, de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche […] Este libro contiene los contenidos teóricos y algunos ejemplos desarrollados para el aprendizaje de la asignatura Mejora de Procesos (código 1479) que se imparte en el 4º curso del Grado en Estadística Empresarial de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH), en España. En la recopilación de contenidos teóricos, los autores agradecemos los materiales que nos compartió en su día nuestro gran amigo Luis Giménez Guardiola, que … Read more →


Crime Mapping and Analysis

by Gio Circo


Lab materials, examples, and other data for use in Dr. Circo’s CJST 4557 course. […] Welcome to CJST 4557 - Crime Mapping and Analysis! Before we get started, let’s address a few common questions about this course, as well as some more general questions about crime mapping in general. In general I have a few major goals for you in this course: This is intended to be a general course covering common methods in crime analysis, some of the tools that go along with it, and a theory-based discussion of how to best implement strategies for crime prevention. This will be a mix of both lab-based … Read more →


Data Analytics: A Small Data Approach

by Shuai Huang & Houtao Deng

Data Analytics: A Small Data Approach

This book is suitable for an introductory course of data analytics to help students understand some main statistical learning models, such as linear regression, logistic regression, tree models and random forests, ensemble learning, sparse learning, principal component analysis, kernel methods including the support vector machine and kernel regression, etc. Data science practice is a process that should be told as a story, rather than a one-time implementation of one single model. This process is a main focus of this book, with many course materials about exploratory data analysis, residual analysis, and flowcharts to develop and validate models and data pipelines. Read more →


Buku Visualisasi Data yang Efektif

by Aep Hidayatuloh

Buku Visualisasi Data yang Efektif

Kemampuan menyajikan informasi dan insight hasil analisis data adalah kompetensi penting pada era kini dan masa depan. Teknik visualisasi data yang efektif akan memberikan dampak signifikan pada keberhasilan komunikasi dengan target audiens. Tidak hanya mempermudah pengenalan pola pada data, visualisasi data juga dapat memperkuat pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Buku ini membahas berbagai cara visualisasi data yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan dan ketersediaan data, serta memberikan beberapa hal esensial dalam menyiapkan bahan visualisasi data. … Read more →


Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata R, the Tidyverse, and Lavaan

by Nicholas R. Jenkins


This project replicates the Stata code in Acocks’s (2013) text with R, the tidyverse, and lavaan. […] This project is a guide through Alan Acock’s Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata in R using the Tidyverse, and lavaan packages. The data needed to replicate the analyses in the book can be found on the book’s website here: Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata. My goal is to show how to fit these models in R and visualize their results. This is also, ver much, a work in progress. I assume that you have some familiarity with R and the tidyverse and won’t spend … Read more →


Text as Data Methods in R - Applications for Automated Analyses of News Content

by Valerie Hase, IKMZ, University of Zurich


Text as Data Methods in R - M.A. Seminar at IKMZ, HS 2021 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “Text as Data Methods in R - Applications for Automated Analyses of News Content”. It is part of the M.A. “Internet & Society” (IKMZ, University of Zurich, HS2021). At the moment, the course is expected to take place via in-person meetings every Tuesday 10:15-12 am in room BIN-1-D.25. Please note that this may change in light of new COVID-19 developments. You will find all necessary information on the seminar’s structure, important dates and assessments/evaluations via OLAT. Please … Read more →



by 罗飞


用于重庆市2021年公共卫生医师规范化培训用 […] 这本书主要用于重庆市2021年公共卫生医师规范化培训。本书结构如下: … Read more →


Encuesta docente Impacto de la Pandemia en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes

by Sonia Monroy, Hernando Díaz, Francisco Amórtegui, Luis E. Gallego


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Esta encuesta se realiza en el marco del desarrollo del proyecto de investigación acerca del Impacto de la Pandemia de COVID-19 sobre el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. En términos generales, se indaga sobre las herramientas utilizadas en el quehacer docente durante la pandemia, las estrategias de evaluación y calificación aplicadas y la percepción del impacto que tuvo la pandemia sobre el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Enunciado. Una de las … Read more →


Technical Report for the Development of a Values Informed Leadership Measure

by Jennifer Bragger, Diego Figueiras, Renata Garcia Prieto Palacios Roji, John Kulas & Ian Lee


This is a technical report that documents the development of a 360 assessment of effective … Read more →


Machine Learning for Imbalanced Datasets

by Nana Boateng


This is a machine learning textbook for dealing with imbalanced datasets […] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: {r eval=FALSE}install.packages(“bookdown”) # or the development version # devtools::install_github(“rstudio/bookdown”) Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX … Read more →


Data Management Using R

by Myo Minn Oo, MD, PhD


This book is a guidebook for medical data management in R. […] Welcome to dmur! This is a book for anyone who are interested in manipulating and processing medical data. This book introduces different aspects of data management and how to implement these in R using RStudio. While there are a plethora of great R books covering a variety of data management topics, I hope this book would serve as a self-learning guide to avoid roadblocks and frustrations before becoming fully comfortable with using R. Many beginners find themselves wanting to develop data management skills in R, but lose their … Read more →


BS1005 / CM1051: Biochemistry I

by Kevin


A gitbook-style website authored for the NTU course BS1005 / CM1051: Biochemistry I […] This is a gitbook-style website authored for the AY 2020 - 2021 edition of BS1005 / CM1051: Biochemistry I - a 13-week core module worth 3 AUs for SBS students. More information will be shown on the following sections of this chapter. Nonetheless, to navigate this website, note the following: The “f” key on your keyboard can be used to bring up a search bar on the top of the sliding menu to the left of your computer’s screen. This may come in handy if you are looking for a specific term under a specific … Read more →


UCT Actuarial Science Student Managment Program

by Various Authors


UCT Actuarial Science Student Managment Program […] This readme file is designed to describe the UCTAS-stuman program, as well as provide an overview of the exemption process and their various … Read more →



by 罗飞


R语言学习笔记 […] 作为一名10多年工作经历的公卫人,在实际工作感受越来越明显的是,公共卫生的研究对于数学,尤其是统计学的知识需求越来越大。现在看国外的文章,没有数学基础,几乎看都看不懂。使用统计学方法不可避免地又会使用到统计软件。传统的SAS, Stat 和 Spss等均有自身的优缺点。其实主要是要收费啊!! R语言从诞生到现在,不停的发展壮大,愈来愈完善,关键是开源、免费,还有各种最新的统计方法的包。在2020年新冠疫情期间,我从湖北回来后的隔离期间,学习了Python,学了2个礼拜感觉对于自己的工作来说,R好像更为实用点。之后我开始零散的学习R语言。大半年过去了,现在感觉因为没有系统的学习,知识点有点混乱,平时写代码的时候,常常会忘记一 … Read more →


Proyecto Final: Hotel Cancelation

by Alex Joel Marco


Este es el reporte final del proyecto final sobre el concurso de Kaggle de predicción de cancelación en hoteles. […] Con el fin de planear tarifas y actividades de ventas o promoción, los hoteles hacen estimaciones adelantadas de su ocupación en cada día. Una parte de estas estimaciones requiere predecir cuántas de las reservaciones que ya se tienen van a terminar en cancelaciones, lo cual libera inventario que afecta en la planeación. Predecir cuáles reservaciones son probables que terminen o no en cancelación. Los datos que se utilizaron para este proyecto fueron obtenidos del sitio … Read more →


Coding for Data Science 2021/22 - R part

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R labs of the C4DS course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R lectures for the Coding for Data Science (C4DS) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2021/22). C4DS is the first module of the course named Coding and Machine Learning (see here for more details). The C4DS R lectures are designed for students who already have a programming background thanks to the first part of the C4DS course dedicated to Python. In this part of the module we will introduce R programming language for data science (including data manipulation, data visualization and … Read more →


Step by Step I: Linear Models

by Sérgio Moreira


My Coding Index assembles and organizes in one place all the relevant code and online resources I have been using to teach RStudio and in my professional practice. This file is a working document and will be regularly updated with reviews and new contents. […] Step by Step I assembles in one place the tutorials I have been using to teach and apply to practice simple, multiple and hierarchical linear models. This file is a working document and will be regularly updated with reviews and new contents. My name is Sérgio. I have a PhD in Social Psychology, I am a consultant on social issues in … Read more →


EDM - Dengue and Urbanization

by Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar


EDM - Dengue and Urbanization […] These codes are based on Sugihara 2012 paper and code repository. Documentation could be found here. References Lorenz chaotic attractor Constructing Empirical Dynamic Models: Taken’ Theorem State Space Reconstruction: Convergent Cross … Read more →


Códigos Auditoría CCU

by M. Ignacia Vicuña - Cristian Vásquez


Códigos Auditoría CCU [...] Códigos Auditoría CCU Importar los datos, dependiendo la ubicación que se encuentren en el directorio A continuación se grafica la variable objetivo de venta volumen de cerveza desde Enero 2014 a Agosto 2021. El histograma de la venta volumen de cervezas está dado por Las medidas descriptivas de la venta volumen de cervezas se calculan mediante Los gráficos de tendencia para cada una de las dimesiones predictoras del modelo Los histogramas de distribuciones de cada dimensión predictiva A continuación los gráficos de dispersión de la variable objetivo con ... Read more →


Matemáticas I, UCM, Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


Portfolio, Churn & Customer Value

by Hugo Cornet, Pierre-Emmanuel Diot, Guillaume Le Halper, Djawed Mancer


This research paper aims at modelling customer portfolio, churn and customer value. […] This paper is being realized as part of our last year in master’s degree in economics. It aims at studying a firm’s most valuable asset namely its customers. To that end, we adopt a quantitative approach based on econometrics and data analysis with a threefold purpose to : After having defined the subject’s key concepts, we apply duration models and machine learning techniques to a kaggle dataset related to customers of a fictional telecommunications service provider (TSP). Keywords: customer portfolio … Read more →


A Short Guide to Historical Newspaper Data, Using R

by Yann Ryan


This is a handbook to help new and existing users find, process and analyse historical newspaper data, using the programming language R, and its IDE R-Studio […] In 2018 and 2019 I worked at the British Library as a Curator of Newspaper Data. It was an experimental position, conceived on the premise that the data generated by newspaper digitisation projects, in this case the Heritage Made Digital project, deserves its own curatorial role and set of practices. It was an fun time to work on such a project. While the large-scale analysis of newspaper data by historians is no longer in its … Read more →


BS2002: Microbiology

by Curated by: Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a website I (Kevin) made using the R package bookdown for the NTU SBS course BS2002: Microbiology. More information about this site will be shown in the following sections. This website was authored for the semester 1, NTU academic year 2021 - 2022 edition of BS2002. At the time of your visit, weeks, months, or even years may have passed (hence rendering the website’s content outdated if no edits are made). ... Read more →


Data Science in R: A Gentle Introduction

by James Scott


A gentle introduction to data science in R. […] Hello and welcome! This online book is structured as a series of walk-through lessons in R that will have you doing real data science in no time. It covers both the core ideas of data science as well as the concrete software skills that will help you translate those ideas into practice. Many of these lessons operate on the premise of “mimic first, understand later.” That is, I’ll introduce bits of R code that do something interesting and ask you to mimic them word for word to see what they do, without necessarily understanding the details at … Read more →


My Coding Index

by Sérgio Moreira


My Coding Index assembles and organizes in one place all the relevant code and online resources I have been using to teach RStudio and in my professional practice. This file is a working document and will be regularly updated with reviews and new contents. My name is Sérgio. I have a PhD in Social Psychology, I am a consultant on social issues in major development induced projects, and I teach Applied Psychology and Research Methods at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Lisbon, and Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics. I am interested in Social Impact Assessment, … Read more →


Statistica Applicata per la Finanza - 2021/22

by Michela Cameletti


Appunti per il corso di Statistica applicata per la finanza @ UniBg […] State leggendo gli appunti dei laboratori di R del corso di Statistica Applicata per la Finanza (SAPF) tenuto all’Università di Bergamo (anno accademico 2021/22). R è un linguaggio di programmazione sviluppato specificatamente per l’analisi statistica e la rappresentazione grafica dei dati. I laboratori di R sono strutturati per studenti che non hanno uno specifico background in tema di programmazione. Sarà un percorso step-by-step al termine del quale ogni studente/essa avrà la conoscenza base di R per l’analisi delle … Read more →


Communication Theory

by Mike Nguyen

Communication Theory

Handbook on Communication Theory for both interpersonal and interorganizational communications […] View book source “Communication Theory” was written by Mike Nguyen. It was last built on 2021-11-21. This book was built by the bookdown R … Read more →


BS2001: Physiology

by Curated by: Kevin Fo


This a website built for studying BS2002: Physiology […] This is a bookdown site generated for the NTU SBS course BS2001: Physiology (a core module for BS students). More information about this website will be shown in the following sections: At the time of your visit, weeks, months, or even years may have passed. Hence, the material presented on this website may no longer be up-to-date for future iterations of this course. Furthermore, this bookdown site is not a substitute for skipping lectures and / or tutorials. The curator encourages current and prospective students to be responsible … Read more →


Some Notes on Mathematics

by Yifei Xiong


This is a note using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this is bookdown::gitbook. […] 本站的内容 本站会不定期更新一些笔记, 包括但不限于概率论与数理统计、随机过程、算法分析、代数基础、以及一些计算机相关的内容. 如果时间充足, 我会用Rmarkdown进行书写, 写起来真的很工整. 但是如果时间有限, 笔记仅以goodnotes导出格式进行显示(这通常为图片或pdf文件) 现在已经更新的内容有: 注记:随机积分 第三学期:常微分方程笔记 第三学期:抽象代数笔记 第四学期:复变函数笔记 第四学期:概率论笔记 第四学期:数值分析笔记 第五学期:数理统计笔记 第五学期:实变函数笔记 第五学期:微分几何笔记 … Read more →


Research methods introduction for genetic counseling students (Fall 2021)

by Anshul Kumar


This e-book contains an introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methods that may be useful for genetic counseling students to learn. This curriculum is part of the Master of Science in Genetic Counseling program at MGH Institute of Health Professions. […] CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO THE CURRENT SECTION. Hi Everyone– My name is Anshul and I will be visiting your class on Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 4, and Nov 18 in the fall 2021 offering of GC621. This e-book contains the materials that we will use during our four weeks together. Each week, there will be an assignment that you need to do … Read more →


Stat 340 Notes: Fall 2021

by Laurie Tupper


Notes and docs for Stat 340 […] These notes are divided into three sections: This document isn’t designed to be read through in order – hence all the hyperlinks. Use the sidebar to navigate to what you need (you can also bookmark specific locations in your browser), and feel free to ask (or start a discussion thread!) if you can’t find something. Happy … Read more →


BS2003: Biochemistry II

by Curated by: Kevin Fo


This is a bookdown site authored for the NTU SBS course BS2003: Biochemistry II […] This is a bookdown site made for the NTU SBS course Biochemistry II. BS2003: Biochemistry II is a core module in the SBS curriculum typically taken by year 2 undergraduates during the first semester. The course is jointly taught by two SBS faculty members: [Gerhard Grueber] and [Ardina Grueber]. While the author has made a considerable effort to ensure that the contents of this bookdown site are as faithful to the course’s content, errors may still arise in the site’s nonetheless. Hence, should you … Read more →


Quantitative Analysis with R

by Brian Wood


A book created with bookdown. […] This is a book about quantitative analysis using R. The target audience are students in the biological or social sciences learning R and seeking to build professional data science skills, including computer science fundamentals and … Read more →


Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited Embrace-a-Stream Project: Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters Throughout the Kenai Peninsula

by Benjamin Meyer, Kenai Watershed Forum


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document contains preliminary data and analysis related to The Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited’s Embrace-a-Stream project, “Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters Throughout the Kenai Peninsula.” The Kenai Peninsula’s watersheds are significant producers of Pacific salmon. Critical to Alaska’s economic and cultural wellbeing, these salmon support fisheries both inland and throughout Cook Inlet. This project is … Read more →


Single Cell Multi-Omics Data Analysis

by Yuting Liu


This book is a collection for pre-processing and visualizing scripts for single cell milti-omics data. The data is downsampled from a real dataset. … Read more →


Statistics for Data Science Notes

by Andrew Sage - Stat 255: Lawrence University


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] We consider a dataset with prices (in $ US) and other information on 53,940 round cut diamonds. The first 6 rows are shown below. The dataset incudes both: What do we notice about the relationship between price and cut? Is this surprising? Next, we examine a histogram, displaying price, cut, and carat size. How does the information in this plot help explain the surprising result we saw in the boxplot? Next, we use a ... Read more →


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee)

by Sunbok Lee


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee) […] Hi everyone, welcome to the course. This is the introduction to R course at Ewha Womans University. R is a great programming language for statistical analysis and data science. I hope you enjoy R in this course and find many useful applications for your own field. This course is designed for students who don’t have any programming background in social science. In this lecture note, this font represents R commands, variable names, and package names. In order to maximize your learning in this semester, you should read the weekly reading assignment in our … Read more →


Survey data in the field of economy and finance

by Guillaume Osier


This is the full book written in preparation for my course on “Survey data in the field of economy and finance” given at the University of Luxembourg (Master 2 ‘Economy and Finance’). […] Counting a population through censuses has been a long established practice which dates back to thousand years BC. Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans etc. used to resort to population censuses to support important economic decisions in terms of taxation, labour force scaling, food distribution etc. Censuses are usually regarded as error-free data sources leading to statistics with highest accuracy. On the … Read more →


Time Series Analysis

by Michael Foley


Time series analysis using R. […] These notes are based on the Time Series with R skill track at DataCamp and Rob Hyndman’s Forecasting: Principles and Practice (Rob J Hyndman 2021). I organized them into a section on working with a tsibble (time series tibble) (chapter 1), a section on data exploration (chapter 2), and then four sections on models. Forecasts aren’t necessarily based on time series models - you can perform a cross-sectional regression analysis of features, possibly including time-related features such as month of year (chapter 3). Time series forecasts are a specific type … Read more →


Kurse Notitzen

by Kan Lei


Notitzen sammeln […] Das ist nur ein “Buch” die Notitzen aus Kurse zu sammeln. Alle Kurse sind in der Master Studiengang Hydrologie an der TU Dresden geplant, die Notitzen grunden auf den Skripten aus … Read more →


BS0004 Code Annotations

by Kevin, Kevin, and Kevin


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This document documents (no pun intended) my code and my workflow for the cancer dataset that Sean found a couple of days ago. I intend to - using the dataset - build several supervised machine learning classifiers to predict the status of cancer patients. I will then evaluate the performance of these models using the content taught in week 9; Furthermore, if possible, I think I will also try to perform GO term ... Read more →


New Adolescent Fertility Measures for the Long-term Perspective

by Ann Garbett


This book presents new demographic measures of adolescent fertility from a long term perspective. […] Current understanding of adolescent fertility is limited by an almost exclusive reliance on one fertility measure—the birth rate per thousand adolescents aged 15-19 (or teen birth rate). The teen birth rate falls short because it cannot: account for childbearing throughout all adolescence convey information about age at first birth in adolescence examine patterns of repeat births in adolescence or look at spacing between repeat adolescent births All of these are important aspects of … Read more →


The Association Between Travel and Urban Form

by Shen Qu


This is a field paper using the bookdown package. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This field paper is for discussing the relationship between travel and urban form.1 The initial motivation is curious about how the travel distance is affected by urban densities. Is this relationship existed universally or just context-dependent? Are these models in literature replicable or reproducible? Part I reviews the related literature and tries to cover the main theories and research in this field. Travel patterns or behaviors as the variable of interest, is associated with … Read more →


Statistics for Data Science R Code Guide

by Andrew Sage - Stat 255, Lawrence University


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. […] This guide provides details and examples on using R to perform the kinds of statistical analyses that we’ll use in STAT 255. You may use it as a template, as you write code for your assignments. If you want to work with R from your own computer, you can install it for free using the directions below. This will allow you to work on your assignments whenever and wherever you would like. Mac: Windows: The following chapters walk … Read more →


R: বাংলায় পরচিতি

by Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal


Written in Bengali, this book is an introductory textbook. […] description: “This is a minimal bookdown demo. It shows the basics of …” github-repo: “rstudio/bookdown-demo” cover-image: “images/cover.png” ** WORK IN PROGRESS ** এই বইটি শেরেবাংলা কৃষি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের কম্পিউটার ক্লাব আয়োজিত R(আর) পরিচিত ক্লাসের জন্য। বইটি আর মার্কডাউন (rmarkdown) দিয়ে লেখা। বইটির লেখায় কোথায় ভুল পেলে অথবা বইটি সম্পর্কে আপনার মতামত জানাতে Email এই বইটি R(আর) সম্পর্কে প্রাথমিক ধারণা দেওয়ার জন্য তৈরি করা হয়েছে। কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামিং একটি বড় বিষয়, R(আর) একটি কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রাম সুতরাং শুধুমাত্র প্রোগ্রামিং নিয়েই অনেক পড়ার সুযোগ রয়েছে। এই বইটির … Read more →


NL and Malaria in Venezuela

by Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar


Nighttime Lights and Malaria in Venezuela … Read more →


STM1001 Topic 11: Statistical Power and Sample Size Calculation

by Amanda Shaker


STM1001 Topic 11 […] When designing a new study, a very useful exercise to carry out is that of determining an appropriate sample size. This is an important step in helping to ensure that the study achieves the outcomes it set out to achieve. As you may be able to imagine, if the sample size is not big enough, then the results of the study may not be strong enough to draw any significant or meaningful conclusions. On the other hand, increasing the sample size can come at a cost in many situations. This is why choosing an appropriate sample size is so important - so that a balance between … Read more →


Nature hacks for life

by cjlortie


A gentle introduction to nature hacks for a better life. […] This is the prework before we meet. Nature deficit disorder is an experiential hypothesis for behavioral ecology. It proposes that humans spending too little time outdoors are more likely to experience behavioral challenges and reductions in cognition and mental well-being. Richard Louv first developed these ideas formally in the book entitled ‘Last child in the woods’ in 2008. A more recent and expansive book was published in 2012 entitled ‘The nature principle’ and another in 2019 entitled ‘Our wild calling’. These works … Read more →


Introduction to R for Econometrics

by Kieran Marray (Tinbergen Institute)


Introduction to R for Econometrics […] This is a short introduction to R to go with the first year econometrics courses at the Tinbergen Institute. It is aimed at people who are relatively new to R, or programming in general.1 The goal is to give you enough of knowledge of the fundamentals of R to write and adapt code to fit econometric models to data, and to simulate your own data, working alone or with others. You will be able to: read data from csv files, plot it, manipulate it into the form you want, use sets of functions others have built (packages), write your own functions to compute … Read more →


Bodega de datos

by Danna Cruz


Notas de clase de Bodega de datos […] Este libro fue construido para ayudar a entender algunas herramientas de Bodega de datos. Estas son las notas de clase del curso Bodega de datos de la MAESTRIA EN INTELIGENCIA DE NEGOCIOS. Acá encontrará los códigos, las lecciones, los ejercicios y tareas dejados por su querida profesora Danna Cruz. Algunos libros y artículos … Read more →


Análise estatística de como a cor/raça branca e preta influencia na qualidade de vida do morador de Salvador

by Ana Batriz dos Santos Barros, Ana Beatriz Mendes Lopes, Janaina Souza de Souza e Simão Pedro de Oliveira Urpia


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Neste trabalho são apresentados dados levantados pelo IBGE e análises realizadas sobre como a qualidade de vida do morador de Salvador é influenciada pela sua cor/raça. Dessa forma, foram correlacionados alguns parâmetros sociais como alfabetização, analfabetismo, pobreza e envelhecimento com as quantidades de pessoas autodeclaradas Pretas ou Brancas em regiões da cidade de Salvador. A análise feita utiliza técnicas da estatística descritiva para apresentar, … Read more →


Remote sensing algorithms to retrieve SPM and CDOM in Québec coastal waters

by Raphaël Mabit


This book is the web version of “Remote sensing algorithms to retrieve SPM and CDOM in Québec coastal waters”. It intend to be a comprehensive go-through on the analysis performed during this research. Any software (code) include in this book is licensed under the term of GNU (I have to precise which one …) and can be copied, reused, modified, and distributed under the term of the same license. However, the data analyzed here was acquired at a great cost of human and funding effort and his at least in some part the propriety of the Aquatel lab of UQAR. All the data presents here and in the related … Read more →



by Ting-Chih Hung


null … Read more →


Using R in Social Work Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Social Work, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for social work research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote an a replication commitment and open science philosophy … Read more →


La distopia. Modelli e momenti di una tradizione moderna

by Mario Barenghi e Federico Pianzola


Due romanzi per il corso di Letteratura italiana contemporanea 2021 […] I testi raccolti in queste pagine sono formattati in HTML e si adattano alla dimensione dello schermo. Ciò significa che potete leggerli agevolmente su computer, tablet o smartphone. Potete utilizzare l’icona menu (tre righe orizzontali) sulla sinistra per accedere all’indice del libro. Utilizzate invece l’icona < in alto a destra per aprire il pannello coi commenti. Per poter annotare i testi con Hypothesis dovete registrarvi a questo link: Dopo esservi registrati e aver confermato la vostra … Read more →


R Training for SSDS

by Amy L Johnson


R Training for SSDS […] This document provides an introduction to R. It was created for use by Stanford Library’s Software Services and Data Science (SSDS) group. Most of this introduction was pulled from the book R for Data Science: Some material was also adapted from the Wellesley College Quantitative Analysis Institute edX R-training, available at … Read more →


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee)

by Sunbok Lee copied by 212AIE40 Jiwon Choi


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee) […] “In nonrandomized experiments, it is usually only possible to detemine the existence of a relationship between two measurements, but not the underlying mechanism or the reason for it.” It is known that the best way to investigate causal relationship is to conduct randomized experiments. However, unlike in natural science, it is not easy to conduct randomized experiments in social science because of ethical and practical reasons. The fundamental dilemma of data analysis in social science is that we essentially want to make causal statements in the absence of … Read more →


Introduction to Computational Social Science

by Mark Hoffman

Introduction to Computational Social Science

Introduction to Computational Social Science […] This seminar is intended as a theoretical and methodological introduction to computational social science. Each week covers substantive and theoretical material and is associated with a technical lab. You will need to bring your laptops to each class. In the technical labs you will learn how to analyze network data in R. This e-book contains all of the technical labs in the order that we cover them. Should you forget anything we learned, you will be able to return to this e-book to cover the material again on your … Read more →


Compilación de productos de datos

by Calderon, S., Zuñiga, L., Reyes, C., Bedoya, F.


Este es un compilado de los productos de datos elaborados en el Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos I: R Markdown [...] Este libro digital es un esfuerzo conjunto de los participantes del Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado durante cinco semanas entre los meses de agosto y setiembre de 2021 de manera gratuita. El taller tuvo como público objetivo a estudiantes o egresados de carreras de ciencias sociales, periodismo o educación con interés en aprender herramientas de análisis y visualización de datos. El contenido del taller buscó ser apropiado para personas sin ... Read more →


Methods for Network Analysis

by Mark Hoffman

Methods for Network Analysis

Methods for Network Analysis […] This 4-5 credit hour seminar is intended as a theoretical and methodological introduction to social network analysis. Though network analysis is an interdisciplinary endeavor, its roots can be found in classical anthropology and sociology. Network analysis focuses on patterns of relations between actors. Both relations and actors can be defined in many ways, depending on the substantive area of inquiry. For example, network analysis has been used to study the structure of affective links between persons, flows of commodities between organizations, shared … Read more →


SGU Communications Success

by CAHP Team


The English communications skills and tasks (and more) for success at SGU. […] This short book contains data and graphics that summarize the responses of international students to the “SGU Communications Success” questionnaire. The purpose behind the questionnaire was to learn—from students—two different types of information: (a) how important they perceive certain communications skills to be and (b) how frequently they do certain tasks in order to be successful during their time at SGU. The questions included in the questionnaire were identified through an analysis of the many documents that … Read more →



by Amr Farahat and Rama Ramakrishnan


Draft […] Welcome to the FairBank case! FairBank explores issues involved in the detection, diagnosis, and mitigation of disparities or biases that can stem from model-based, data-driven, approaches to decision-making. The case is fictional and intended for teaching purposes only. Please start by reading the Study guide. The case is accompanied by an interactive App that enables you to trace through the analysis underlying the case exhibits and perform what-if analyses to explore how data and modeling issues might affect the disparities discussed in the case. Use the app to deepen your … Read more →



by kemal_aziez


Ini harusnya miring, dan ini harusnya tebel. Ini adalah list: Dan ini adalah hyperlink. Tapi ya, 3 kalau dikali 3 jadinya … Read more →


James' R Blog: NFL Scorelines

by curleyjp0

James' R Blog: NFL Scorelines

Which NFL scores have never happened? There have been over 16,860 games of professional American Football. There have been some rule changes to the points scoring system over that time, but clearly some scores are going to be more likely than others. As a touchdown plus extra point is worth 7, we’d expect a higher amount of games with multiples of 7 in the scoreline. Similarly, we’d expect more scorelines with multiples of 3 (the number of extra points). Given the large number of games already played, we would expect that it would be rare for unique, never happened before, scorelines to … Read more →


Unsupervised Machine Learning

by Michael Foley


These are my personal notes related to unsupervised machine learning techniques. [...] Machine learning (ML) develops algorithms to identify patterns in data (unsupervised ML) or make predictions and inferences (supervised ML). Unsupervised machine learning searches for structure in unlabeled data (data without a response variable). The goal of unsupervised learning is clustering into homogenous subgroups, and dimensionality reduction. Examples of cluster analysis are k-means clustering, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), and PCA (others ... Read more →


Long-form recordings: From A to Z

by Sara Pisani


This bookdown contains the scripts of instructional videos created in the context of the ExELang Project ( Alejandrina Cristia is grateful for the funding and institutional support from Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-17-CE28-0007 LangAge, ANR-16-DATA-0004 ACLEW, ANR-14-CE30-0003 MechELex, ANR-17-EURE-0017); a J. S. McDonnell Foundation Understanding Human Cognition Scholar Award; and an ERC Consolidator grant (ExELang, 2021-2026). The funders had no role in the production of this bookdown or the associated videos. Alejandrina Cristia assumes full responsibility for the … Read more →


Weight Algorithms for Administrative Data

by Richard R. Evans (, Wyndy Wiitala (, Jenny Burns (


DCEP Project: Aim 2 Analytical Documentation […] A recent special issue of the Journal for General Internal Medicine, dedicated to obesity treatment in Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA), highlighted research and evaluation priorities, which include establishing structures to coordinate weight management at the health system level, implement large-scale measurement strategies to evaluate outcomes and support data-driven quality improvement, and test interventions to improve reach and weight outcomes. MOVE! continues to be the centerpiece program of VHA’s comprehensive lifestyle behavior … Read more →


Statistics with R - Practical Sessions

by By Seda Erdem | University of Stirling


This is the companion book for University of Stirling Statisitcs with R module […] Welcome to the Practical Sessions of the “Statistics with R.” This space will provide you with sufficient information to practise concepts we have learnt in lectures and prepare you for your assessed R sessions. There will be exercises and challenge questions for you to code, and opportunities for you to elaborate on the results of these activities. After these warm-up exercises, please go back to your lecture platform and review the assessed R-practical tests. Let’s get … Read more →


Kim Siyeon

by Siyeon Kim


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] “In nonrandomized experiments, it is usually only possible to determine the existence of a relationship between two measurements, but not the underlying mechanism or the reason for it.” “Historically, social scientists have sought out explanations of human and social phenomena that provide interpretable causal mechanisms, while often ignoring their predictive accuracy. We argue that the increasingly computational ... Read more →


R cookbook for the casual dabbler

by Charles Coverdale


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] G’day and welcome to R cookbook for the casual dabbler. Some history: I use R a lot for work and for side projects. Over the years I’ve collated a bunch of useful scripts, from macroeconomic analysis to quick hacks for making map legends format properly. Historically my code has been stored in random Rpubs documents, medium articles, and a bunch of .Rmd files on my hardrive. Occasionally I feel like doing things ... Read more →


Statistics for Data Science R Code Guide

by Andrew Sage - Stat 255, Lawrence University


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This guide provides details and examples on using R to perform the kinds of statistical analyses that we’ll use in STAT 255. You may use it as a template, as you write code for your assignments. If you want to work with R from your own computer, you can install it for free using the directions below. This will allow you to work on your assignments whenever and wherever you would like. Mac: Windows: The following ... Read more →


A Minimal Book Example_minseo

by minseo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →



by minseo_


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →



by kimeunseo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Hi everyone, welcome to the course.This is the introduction to R course at Ewha Womans University. R is a great programming language for statistical analysis and data science. I hope you enjoy R in this course and find many useful applications for your own field. This course is designed for students who don’t have any programming background in social science. In this lecture note, this font represents R commands, ... Read more →


Bookdown Quiz

by Minsun Yoo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee)- Choi Inyoung

by 2035021 Choi Inyoung/최인영


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] “In nonrandomized experiments, it is usually only possible to determine the existence of a relationship between two measurements, but not the underlying mechanism or the reason for it.” “Historically, social scientists have sought out explanations of human and social phenomena that provide interpretable causal mechanisms, while often ignoring their predictive accuracy. We argue that the increasingly computational ... Read more →



by 2035021 Choi Inyoung/최인영


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] ... Read more →



by Gayoung Jang


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


WK3 Homework

by Heo Soyoung


Homework for wk3 […] This bookdown website is built to sign in Quiz3 for my R … Read more →


Forschungsseminar: Text as data

by Valerie Hase, IKMZ, Universität Zürich


Codes and notes for the text as data seminar at IKMZ, HS 2020/FS201 […] Dieses Tutorial begleitet das Forschungsseminar “Text as Data - Automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft” (IKMZ, Universität Zürich, HS2020). Alle nötigen Informationen zum Ablauf des Seminars, Prüfungsleistungen und Aufnahmen der Seminarsitzungen finden Sie auf OLAT. Dieses Tutorial hat zwei zentrale Ziele: Struktur der R-Tutorials Sie finden hier die jeweiligen Tutorials, die Sie bis zur jeweiligen Sitzung im Plenum durcharbeiten. Die Sitzungen selbst werden dann genutzt, um offene Fragen und … Read more →


Guide R

by Marco Ramos


En este bookdown iremos construyendo el curso de R con base en el Student Guide […] La estadística computacional es una nueva rama de la estadística que se caracteriza por su apoyo en la capacidad de una computadora para llevar a cabo tareas repetiticas y autoamticas que análiticamente o a mano serían muy díficiles sino es que imposibles. Es un enfoque se se basa en el modelado, remuestreo, cross-validatios y visualización sofisticada. Cuando termines tu curso y tengas un ratito libre, te recomiendo leer este famoso paper para comprender también la tensión entre la estadística tradicional y … Read more →




Dit is het handboek dat gebruikt wordt in de cursus (olod) bedrijfsprocessen van de AP - Hogeschool te Antwerpen. […] In dit document vind je het cursusmateriaal voor het olod Bedrijfsprocessen gedoceerd in het olod (opleidingsonderdeel) Bedrijfsprocessen, richting Graduaat accounting administration, AP - Hogeschool. Het olod Bedrijfsprocessen behandelt de bedrijfsprocessen in een (kleine) onderneming. In een onderneming worden samenhangende activiteiten gegroepeerd in processen. In dit olod verwerf je inzicht in de samenstellende componenten van een (bedrijfs)proces. Je leert ook met … Read more →


Methodology of Social Science & International Relations

by LiMingze


Methodology of Social Science & International Relations […] Academic articles have stark differences with the other regular articles. Now using some journals in International Relation field to explain. In morden era, all domestic history are global history.Even before it. Q1: China first meet Greece Culture? Gandhara(犍陀罗) in Buddhism Q2: Suona originally come from? 5th harmony’s “Worth it”,Zurna(唢呐) Q3: David Vases and it’s relation with Chinese porcelian.(元青花) Q4: China first meet Christianity? Kereit(克烈部)Nestorian Q5: Communist International in China, Otto Braun, … Read more →


R for Solving Social Problems

by Sunbok Lee (Ewha Womans University, 2021-2)


R for Solving Social Problems […] Before talking about R and social problems, let’s talk about the types of data analysis first. @leek2015question categorized data analysis into the 6 types as presented in the table below, and emphasized “mistaking the type of question being considered is the most common error in data analysis.” @leek2015question’s main point is that we should keep in mind the type of question being asked by our own data analysis. In other words, we should say what we can say, not what we want to say. @leek2015question presents a table showing common mistakes “In … Read more →


Math & Stats Intro

by Robert Goedegebuure


This module is part of the Minor Data Driven Decision Making in Business (3DMiB, for short). The module carries 2.5 credits (ECTS) […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in … Read more →


MATTOO: Extinguishing the Flames

by Version 2.0 - BETA, By: The MATTOO Team


This is a test of publishing my copyrighted content to Bookdown. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Dear Reader, We hope this finds you well and with an open heart and mind to see the issues of human sex trafficking as they are instead of how most cultures have incorrectly portrayed them. Since 2010, MATTOO has been educating anyone who wants to listen about the shocking reality of trafficking all around them. After learning these facts and the simple actions and inactions people can do to help, the average person who may have sat passively by is now incapable of … Read more →


FDA 503B Product Report

by 08/31/2021 v1.0.1


FDA 503B Product Report […] This data covers the years 2019 and 2020. Segmentation Data This Excel document is focused on products and segments, it contains limited information on facilities, and is best used in conjunction with this report. Each product will appear multiple times within this document, one time for each facility that produced it, and one time for each segment that it falls into. By using the Excel filter functions of each column you can refine the data you are looking at to see which products are in each segment, products that are produced by a single facility, and what … Read more →


R 學習筆記

by Ting-Chih Hung


R 學習筆記 […] I would rather discover one true cause than gain the kingdom of Persia. — Democritus 本筆記為多本 R 語言書籍內容之抄錄、摘要與重新編排,僅作為學習筆記之用,版權仍歸作者所有,並以 R 套件 knitr (Xie 2017) 與 bookdown (Xie 2016) … Read more →


MSU I.O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

by Eagle I.O

MSU I.O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

This is a Users Manual for the Montclair State University I-O Psychology student mentorship program. The intended users are: 1) mentors, 2) protege’s, 3) Eagle I-O consultants, and 4) MSU I-O program faculty members. […] This manual was written in Bookdown using the GitBook … Read more →


Klassifikation von Citi Bike-Kunden

by Daniel Becker


Tes […] Das Unternehmen Citi Bike verleiht seit 2013 Fahrräder, um sich in NewYork fortzubewegen. Zum Start wurde der Service nur in Midtown und Downtown Manhatten angeboten, kann mittlerweile aber auch in Brooklyn, Queens und im nördlichen Manhatten genutzt werden. Für diese Analyse nutzen wir die Daten zum Nutzungsverhalten der Kunden aus 2018, die von Citi Bike hier bereitgestellt werden. Die wichtigsten Fakten zu Citi Bike (Quellen: Wikipedia/homepage Citi Bike): Abbildung 1: Karte der Citi Bike Ausleihstationen Citi Bike bietet verschiedene Angebote, um ein Fahrrad zu leihen (Single … Read more →


Franchise Hockey Manager 6 Saves in R

by Canadice


Franchise Hockey Manager 6 Saves in R […] This tutorial hopes to teach you how to use R to parse and aggregate multiple saves from Franchise Hockey Manager 6, for instance when running multiple tests on the same season of Simulation Hockey League. It has been updated to show the teams and Casino Lines for S61. Two things are needed from FHM for this tutorial to work. A tldr is found in chapter 4. This chapter only contains all the code that you need to … Read more →


Aoyue Bi’s Study Notes

by Aoyue Bi


This is a book recording the daily study during my PhD […] I began my studies in plant genetics with the ambition to work on deleterious mutations. My interests concentrate mainly on the application of quantitative genetics and computational biology to associate agriculturally important phenotypes. And now I am devoting myself to the study on biological effect of deleterious mutations on wheat genome. As a member of the VMap 2.0 project team, I think it is such an rare opportunity in life that I will cherish it and do my best. I like the following sentences and will share these to all of … Read more →


Analisis Data Kategorik dengan R

by Akbar Rizki, Abdul Aziz Nurussadad


Modul Praktikum Analisis Data Kategorik dengan R untuk Mahasiswa Pascasarjana IPB University […] Buku Analisis Data Kategorik dengan R ini secara khusus disusun sebagai buku pegangan Praktikum Mata Kuliah STA543 Analisis Data Kategorik, Mahasiswa Pascasarjana, IPB University. Buku ini disusun dengan pendekatan Learning by Doing, dimana mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan secara langsung setiap kode R yang ada, dengan data yang tersedia. Berbeda halnya dengan beberapa software populer Statistika lainnya, R adalah open source yang dapat digunakan dengan gratis, sehingga tidak perlu membayar biaya … Read more →


Data Skills for Reproducible Science



This course provides an overview of skills needed for reproducible research and open science using the statistical programming language R. Students will learn about data visualisation, data tidying and wrangling, archiving, iteration and functions, probability and data simulations, general linear models, and reproducible workflows. Learning is reinforced through weekly assignments that involve working with different types of data. Read more →


The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna II

by David Klotz

The Temple of Esna. An Evolving Translation: Esna II

Publishing a book in Egyptology typically requires several years of intensive research, writing, and revisions. Once a volume is finally complete, often the cost is prohibitive for most audiences besides specialized academic libraries. This book in progress is an experiment in how one might more quickly use existing templates and online publishing tools to make an open-source book accessible to all readers both during and after its creation, so scholars and the interested public can take advantage of any insights sooner. Corrections or updated references can be made quickly and easily. The … Read more →


Matemáticas 0 UCM, 2021/22

by Mercedes Vázquez Furelos, María Eugenia Mera Rivas,Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


Esta es la web con los contenidos audiovisuales y de problemas del Grupo 0 de Matemáticas. […] Querer mejorar el nivel de matemáticas para poder tener éxito en el primer curso del grado … Read more →


Scenarios for the Future: The Classroom’s Perspective

by Naim Çınar

Scenarios for the Future: The Classroom’s Perspective

A collection of future scenarios based on different themes and scenario archetypes. […] Cover design: Berna Görgülü This book was generated by Naim Çınar in Markdown, using R version 3.6.3 The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: This book is hosted on Bookdown This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Citing the book As the structure of the book’s chapters and sections may change, links should only use the base URL The full reference of this book is: … Read more →


R markdown para abogados

by Marco Ramos


En este bookdown iremos construyendo el curso de R markdown para abogados […] En general no se necesita conocer R o ningún lenguaje de programación para comenzar a redactar en R markdown, aunque su conocimiento potencia tus habilidades creativas. El primer paso de este curso es el tener el ambiente adecuado en su computadora. En general no se necesita un equipo con gran poder (y de hecho ni se necesita un equipo pues siempre podemos usar el servidor cloud de R). En fin, lo primero es asegurarse de tener R instalado. Lo podemos bajar de la siguiente liga. El segundo paso es bajar R Studio. … Read more →


Deep Learning in R: A Data-Analytic Viewpoint

by Piotr Fryzlewicz


Deep Learning in R: A Data-Analytic Viewpoint […] Throughout these notes, I use R and RStudio (various versions) running on macOS Catalina (version 10.15.4) on a late-2015 iMac with a 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB memory and an AMD (i.e. non-Nvidia) graphics card. Not having an Nvidia graphics card means I cannot use the GPU version of TensorFlow (the backend, or computational engine for Keras) so we will not be demonstrating this way of accelerating computations. Chances are this chapter may also be useful if your machine runs Linux, but things may be entirely different on Windows. Keras is … Read more →


Physical Geology

by Karla Panchuk, Steven Earle, and contributors (GitHub/bookdown version maintained by Dewey Dunnington)


“Physical Geology”, adaptaed from Physical Geology: First University of Saskatchewan Edition […] Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology and much more. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada. It is adapted from “Physical Geology” written by Steven Earle for the BCcampus Open Textbook Program, and “Physical Geology, First University of Saskatchewan Edition” by Karla Panchuk. The GitHub/bookdown version of … Read more →


River Valley Connectivity Project

by Brendan Casey


This is document walks through the project workflow. … Read more →



by asun_mayoral


Esta web proporciona aplicaciones y ejercicios resueltos para el aprendizaje en la asignatura 1479 Mejora de Procesos basada en la metodología Lean Seis Sigma, que se imparte en el 4º curso del Grado en Estadística Empresarial de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, España-Spain (UMH). La recopilación y creación de contenidos y actividades han sido desarrolladas por los profesores matemáticos-estadísticos del Depto. Estadística, Matemáticas e Informática, e investigadores del Instituto Universitario de Investigación CIO de la Universidad Miguel Hernández, Mª Asunción Martínez Mayoral y … Read more →


A Quick Introduction to bbsBayes

by Adam C. Smith, and Brandon P.M. Edwards


This is a document to support a ~2hr workshop. […] This is a 2-hour introductory workshop/demonstration of the R-package bbsBayes ( This package allows anyone to apply the hierarchical Bayesian models used to estimate status and trends from the North American Breeding Bird Survey. The package also lets the user generate a suite of alternative metrics using the existing model output from the annual CWS analyses. Everyone is welcome! Some familiarity working with R is required if you’d also like to run the code yourself during the workshop, and the … Read more →


Catálogo de datos

by DCR Infosel


En este bookdown se hace un registro de los datos a los cuáles se tiene acceso y documentación […] En proceso En proceso This API offers real-time quotes for equities trading on U.S. and international exchanges. In addition to last price and stock quote (bid/ask) data, the API also provides intraday tick data, volume and time weighted average prices and other market statistics including open, high, low, close, opening/closing auction prices and other data for active equities, depository receipts and ETFs. Haz el request aquí This API offers real time stock quotes for securities trading on … Read more →


Applet Codebook: NIMH KSADS v0.28

by Mike X.


This is a codebook that documents all of the items in the current version of the NIMH KSADS applet for MindLogger. […] This applet was made based on the NIMH KSADS on Redcap. These sections are in currently in progress: The data dictionary used to generate this applet is here. These questions were constructed as part of a collaboration between the National Institute of Mental Health and the MATTER Lab of the Child Mind Institute ( … Read more →


Lecture 12 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for lecture 12. […] The binomial option pricing model is an options valuation method developed in 1979. The binomial option pricing model uses an iterative procedure, allowing for the specification of nodes, or points in time, during the time span between the valuation date and the option’s expiration date. The binomial option pricing model values options using an iterative approach utilizing multiple periods to value American options. With the model, there are two possible outcomes with each iteration—a move up or a move down that follow a binomial tree. The model is … Read more →


Fleni. Introduccion a la estadistica para las neurociencias

by Ismael Calandri


Este libro se creó para funcionar como una guía de trabajos prácticos en el curso de estadística básica para neurociencias […] Este libro se creó para funcionar como una guía de trabajos prácticos y una introducción al manejo del software de R para estadística bàsica. Forma parte integral del curso de estadística bàsica para las neurociencias dictado por Fleni. Para más información sobre este curso por favor visitar el siguiente link … Read more →


Lecture 11 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for lecture 11. […] The idea behind the “no-arbitrage” principle can be summarized in a few words: there is no such thing as a free lunch. In other words, the financial markets will not allow you to get a risk-free profit. A simple example of arbitrage is when a foreign currency is traded on two markets with different exchange rates. Suppose that you can exchange euros to pounds in London at a rate of e1.15 per pound, and in Paris at e1.16 per pound. Then it would be possible to get a guaranteed profit by exchanging one pound for e1.16 in Paris and then exchanging … Read more →


R Training Manual

by UK Public Health Rapid Support Team


R Training Manual […] This course aims to teach some of the key concepts to help learners use R as a tool to inform data-driven decision-making for epidemiological analysis. Many of the examples in this course are from the Epidemiologist R handbook, a resource developed by epidemiologists working across the world. The handbook is in invaluable resource for all levels of R users but the focus for this course will be on the early learning concepts most frequently used by epidemiologists. The mapping content has been provided by the afrimapr project. The course has been designed in … Read more →


Recitation 7 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for recitation 7. […] Note that the plot might be different. In this plot, the simulated line is heavily influenced by the extreme value at around ((9,-10)). One way to make linear models more robust is to use a different distance measure. For example, instead of root-mean-squared distance, you could use mean-absolute distance: We can see that the simulated line is less affected by the extreme value. One challenge with performing numerical optimization is that it’s only guaranteed to find one local optimum. What’s the problem with optimizing a three parameter model … Read more →


Análise de Dados em R - nível intermediário

by Bruno Lucian & Claudia Jakelline


Livro texto que acompanha o Curso intermediário de Análise de Dados em R […] A Fundação CEPERJ é uma instituição com mais de meio século de tradição, história e é reconhecidamente um legítimo centro de capacitação, recrutamento, cultura, e produção de estatísticas e de estratégia de políticas públicas para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Sendo assim, a Escola de Gestão & Políticas Públicas da Fundação, entendendo a importância de saber manipular e analisar informações, ofereceu dois cursos em Análise de Dados com R, sendo este o segundo. O material do primeiro curso (Básico) está disponível … Read more →


Recitation 6 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for recitation 6. […] Recap: $$ w_1 = ,w_2 = w_1 + w_2 = 1 E(K_V) = V E(K_V) = w_11 + w_22 Var(K_V) = ^2_V Var(w_1K_1 + w_2K_2) = Var(K_V) = w_12Var(K_1)+w2_2Var(K_2)+2w_1w_2Cov(K_1,K_2) Var(ax+by) = Var(ax) + Var(by) + 2Cov(ax, by) Var(x) = Cov(x,x) Var(ax+by) = Var(ax) + Var(by) + 2Cov(ax, by) =Cov(ax,ax)+Cov(by,by) + Cov(ax, by) + Cov(by,ax) Var({i=1}^n a_ix_i) = Cov({i=1}^na_ix_i, {i=1}^na_ix_i) $$ Compute the expected return μV and standard deviation (\sigma_V) of a portfolio consisting of three securities with weights (w_1 = 40%), (w_2 = … Read more →


Anotações do treinamento R

by Robson Wilson Silva Pessoa


Este minicurso é dedicado aos integrantes do projeto Ciência de Dados na Escolas Pública. […] Para o treinamento em R para as atividades do projeto Ciência de Dados na Escola Pública é necessário conhecimento básico em R e linguagem de programação … Read more →


Lecture 8 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for lecture 8 on July 30. […] … Read more →


Recitation 5 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is class note for recitation 5. […] Compute the value (V (1)) of a portfolio worth initially (V (0) = 100) dollars that consists of two securities with weights (w_1 = 25%) and (w_2 = 75%), given that the security prices are (S_1(0) = 45) and (S_2(0) = 33) dollars initially, changing to (S_1(1) = 48) and (S_2(1) = 32) dollars. Question: which stock is the most risky? Even though an investment in either stock separately involves risk, we have reduced the overall risk to nil by splitting the investment between the two stocks. This is a simple example of diversification, … Read more →


R Essentials for Six Sigma Analytics

by Ramon Perdigao


Learn basic R coding and build elegant plots to support your analysis during any size Six Sigma projetc. […] R Essentials for Six Sigma Analytics: An Introduction to R for the Six Sigma Practitioner. Copyright © 2021 by Ramon Perdigao. All rights reserved. This book was written in RStudio version 1.4.1717 with Bookdown and other open source R packages. All examples and exercises have been created by the author unless explicitly stated otherwise. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or … Read more →


Lecture 7 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for lecture 7. […] Basic Definition: Annualized standard deviation of the change in price or value of a financial security. Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion1 of returns for a given security or market index. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the security. Volatility is often measured as either the standard deviation or variance between returns from that same security or market index. In the securities markets, volatility is often associated with big swings in either direction. For example, when the stock market rises and falls … Read more →


Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA

by Elias T. Krainski, Virgilio Gómez-Rubio, Haakon Bakka, Amanda Lenzi, Daniela Castro-Camilo, Daniel Simpson, Finn Lindgren and Håvard Rue

Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA

The book Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA has been published by Chapman &Hall/CRC Press. Hardcopies can be bougth from CRC Press or other popular on-line booksellers. The on-line version of the book can be read here, and it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To cite the book in publications, please use: E. T. Krainski et al. (2019). Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. You … Read more →


Notes of Analysis of Functional MRI

by Lecturer: Chia-Feng Lu Course page:


Notes of Analysis of Functional MRI […] Brain activation to the corresponding task. Similarity between local BOLD signal and task design. “Where is the motion area?” “Where is the face recognition area?” 分析工具:General Linear Model (GLM)。 Brain encoding to the representation of stimulus classes. Classification or similarity analysis. “What are the varying brain states in an area?” “How do brain cortices encode different types of information?” 分析工具: Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA). Classifier‐based MVPA, pattern similarity analysis. Brain … Read more →


Recitation 4 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for recitation 4. […] Method of moments estimation is based solely on the law of large numbers, which we repeat here: Let (M_1, M_2,…) be independent random variables having a common distribution possessing a mean (\mu_M). Then the sample means converge to the distributional mean as the number of observations increase. [ \bar{M}n = \frac{1}{n}\sum{i=1}^n M_i \rightarrow \mu_M \text{, as } n \rightarrow\infty ] To show how the method of moments determines an estimator, we first consider the case of one parameter. We start with independent random variables … Read more →


Economic Survey 2019-20

by markbneal


The 2019-20 DairyNZ Economic Survey is the fifteenth annual survey of New Zealand dairy farmers using dairy farm business data from DairyBase®. The Economic Survey of Factory Supply Dairy Farmers was first published in 1963-64 by the New Zealand Dairy Board. In 1988-89 the survey was undertaken by Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) and then Dexcel in 1999-2000, when the name was changed to Economic Survey of New Zealand Dairy Farmers. From 2005-06 DairyNZ published the survey under the new title DairyNZ Economic Survey. DairyNZ is the industry good organisation, representing New … Read more →


Lecture 6 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for lecture 6. […] Consider a data set of daily asset percent returns: [ x_1, x2,\dots, x_n ] Assume the return on day (t) is a random variable (X_t): [ {\text{all possible }X_t} ={-\infty <x_t<\infty} ] The probability model/distribution for (X_t) is given by specifying the cumulative distribution function or equivalently the probability density function Special Cases of the Probability Model in our exercise [ f(x_t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{\sigma^2}} ] [ f(x) = \frac{1}{2b}e^{-\frac{|x-\mu|}{b}} ] Useful methods … Read more →


BIONB 2210 Summer 2021 Computer Labs

by Dena J. Clink


This is the location for all of the tutorials associated with the behaviouR R package. […] You have reached the location for all of the tutorials for the computer labs for Summer 2021. We will be completing all assignments using Rstudio Cloud ( Please see the link on Canvas for details on how to setup your RStudio Cloud account. Note: If you have never used R before I highly recommend that you check out the primers here: You can navigate using the tabs at the left and/or the … Read more →


Lecture 5 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is the class note for lecture 5 on July 23th. […] … Read more →


T32 Working with Data Training

by Jean-Paul Courneya and Amy Yarnell


This is material to accompany class sessions for the T32 Epidemiology of Aging training series […] This book was published with bookdown. The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or … Read more →



by probability


An interactive introduction to Inference […] An interactive introduction. … Read more →


Understanding the Whole Child: Prenatal Development through Adolescence

by Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, & Dawn Rymond


This developmental psychology textbook is about physical, cognitive, and social development during childhood and adolescence. Bookdown adaptation by C. Nathalie Yuen. […] An Open Educational Resources Publication by College of the Canyons Authored and compiled by Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, & Dawn Rymond Editor: Alexa Johnson Cover Image: Photo by Rene Bernal on Unsplash Bookdown adaptation: C. Nathalie Yuen This is a derivative of Version 1.2 This textbook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. July 22, 2021 2019 - Version … Read more →


PSY317L & PSY120R Guidebook

by James P. Curley & Tyler M. Milewski


PSY317L & PSY120R Guidebook […] This book is written to help students enrolled in the University of Texas at Austin Introduction to Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (PSY317L) course or R Programming for Behavioral Sciences (PSY120R) led by Professor James Curley. We hope that the book will be a useful resource to help you learn both R and statistics. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please get in touch with Professor Curley. This is in between a textbook and a study guide. We’re trying to build materials that will enable students to quickly find what they’re looking for … Read more →



by Jose Antonio Fortou


Este libro contiene instructivos y materiales de clase para el curso GP0070 Laboratorio del área de métodos del pregrado en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad EAFIT. El documento está en fase de desarrollo y los contenidos pueden cambiar. Por favor, no … Read more →


Recitation 3 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is class note for recitation 3 on July 22th. […] restrict the time scale to two instants only: The price of one share at time (t) will be denoted by (S(t)). The current stock price (S(0)) is known to all investors (A(t)) and (A(0)) [ S(t)-S(0) ] The return is defined as: [ K_S = \frac{S(t)-S(0)}{S(0)}, t= 1 ] Is the return (K_S) a fixed value or a random value? Similar for return of bond: [ K_A = \frac{A(t)-A(0)}{A(0)}, t = 1 ] Is the return (K_A) a fixed value or a random value? The future stock price (S(1)) is a random variable with at least two different … Read more →


Rasch Measurement Theory Analysis in R: Illustrations and Practical Guidance for Researchers and Practitioners

by Stefanie Wind & Cheng Hua


The purpose of the proposed book is to illustrate techniques for conducting Rasch measurement theory analyses using existing R packages.The book will include some background information about Rasch models, but the primary objective will be to demonstrate how to apply the models to data using R packagesand interpretthe results. The academic level for this book is graduate students or professionals who have already been exposed to Rasch measurementtheory. Read more →


An Introduction to Game Theory

by Yuleng Zeng


This is an introduction to Game Theory. The project started when I sat in on Tobias Heinrich’s class (POLI 725: International Conflict) in Fall 2019. I was given the opportunity to provide an introduction to basic game theory concepts and methods. Thank again to Toby for the trust and the opportunity. My intention is to build upon the short introduction and potentially expand it into course, with a heavy focus on models used in International Relations. If you have suggestions or find any errors, please do shoot me an … Read more →


Lecture 4 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is class note for lecture 4 on July 21th […] It is a fact of life that $100 to be received after one year is worth less than the same amount today. The main reason is that money due in the future or locked in a fixed term account cannot be spent right away. One would therefore expect to be compensated for postponed consumption. In addition, prices may rise in the meantime and the amount will not have the same purchasing power as it would have at present. Finally, there is always a risk, even if a negligible one, that the money will never be received. Whenever a future payment … Read more →


Tecnicas de Limpieza y Calidad de Datos



Ejercicios realizados en clase […] Este conjunto de páginas contienen los ejercicios realizados en clase en el curso: Técnicas de Limpieza y Calidad de Datos. … Read more →


Behind changing windows: understanding shop changes in Miðborg

by Anne-Cécile Mermet


The main aim of this project is to provide a spatial analysis of the retail change in Miðborg through the production of an interactive map of the shops in Miðborg. The main source of inspiration for the project is the interactive map produced by the Parisian planning agency (APUR). The retailscape of Miðborg has undergone a dramatic change over the past years. Before 2020, tourism has driven some major shop changes. Some very well-established shops, such as the grocery Visir, have been turned into tourist shops. Other well-known shops have moved out to suburban premises, while new … Read more →


Data Visualization for Conservation

by Gavin Masterson


This book contains all the content for, and information relevant to, the Data Visualization for Conservation course (7 July - 20 July 2021). […] Welcome to the Data Visualization for Conservation course! In this course we are going to be talking about data visualisation or ‘dataviz.’ We will spend time talking about the importance of data visualisation, learning how to produce custom visualisations using the ggplot2 package, as well as an important theory of data management and storage. The path of learning is never-ending, and we do not want you to imagine that this course can teach you … Read more →


Recitation 2 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is note for recitation 2. […] The text in an R Markdown document is written with the Markdown syntax. Precisely speaking, it is Pandoc’s Markdown. There are many flavors of Markdown invented by different people, and Pandoc’s flavor is the most comprehensive one to our knowledge. You can find the full documentation of Pandoc’s Markdown at Inline text will be italic if surrounded by underscores or asterisks, e.g., text or text. Bold text is produced using a pair of double asterisks (text). A pair of tildes (~) turn text to a subscript (e.g., … Read more →


Métodos de evaluación de impacto

by Víctor Morales-Oñate


Métodos de evaluación de impacto […] Este documento está en construcción. Tiene por objetivo recoger material necesario para impartir un curso aplicado de introducción a métodos de evaluación de impacto. Esta primera versión realiza una revisión detallada de regresión lineal, el método experimental, técnicas de emparejamiento (matching), diferencias en diferencias y regresión discontinua. En la medida de lo posible el documento trabaja con datos de Ecuador. Además, el software utilizado para el análisis, estimación y predicción es … Read more →



by 李彦杰, 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,


这是一本操作性比较强的书,希望通过阅读这本书,可以让你喜欢上R语言。 […] 本书将着重在数据整理、数据预处理、数据拆分和数据建模等方面展开,通过实例,来为大家系统讲解如何通过R语言进行光谱数据建模和预测,希望能为想学习R语言但又不知道如何开始的学者提供帮助。这本书不会包含太多纯理论性的内容,如果想更多了解模型算法,请同时参考其他更专业的书籍。 本书的在线版本已获得知识共享署名-非商业性-相同方式共享4.0国际许可的许可。 我的 R 进程信息: 感谢家人:学习和工作的动力 感谢单位:好的科研态度离不开好的科研平台 感谢领导和同事:没有领导和同事的支持,我可能没这个机会写这本书 … Read more →


Lecture 3 Note

by Yiming Gong


Lecture 3 note […] Suppose that two assets are traded: one risk-free and one risky security. The former can be thought of as a bank deposit or a bond issued by a government, a financial institution, or a company. The risky security will typically be some stock. It may also be a foreign currency, gold, a commodity or virtually any asset whose future price is unknown today. Throughout the introduction we restrict the time scale to two instants only: today, t = 0, and some future time, say one year from now, t = 1. More refined and realistic situations will be studied in later chapters. The … Read more →


Lecture 2 Note

by Yiming


This is the class note for lecture 2. […] There is an extensive range of packages in R. For collecting and analyzing financial time series, some of the packages we will use include: Financial data collection from internet (tidyquant) Time series (xts,zoo) Non-linear volatility models (rugarch) Regime modeling (fxregime) The first package (tidyquant) facilitates collecting financial data from the internet sites: Interest rates of US Government Bonds/Bills Interest rates of Foreign governments Foreign exchange rates Commodities: West-Texas-Intermediate Crude … Read more →


Elaboración de productos de datos: Reportes con R Markdown

by Samuel Calderon, Felipe Bedoya, Maira Chamota, Jennifer Ponce, Nelly Reyes, Almendra Rodriguez


Este libro es una compilación de reportes individuales trabajados durante mayo y junio del 2021 en el Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado por Samuel Calderon. […] Este libro digital es un esfuerzo conjunto de los participantes del Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado durante cuatro semanas entre los meses de mayo y junio de 2021. A pesar de que el taller tuvo una participación regular de alrededor 10 personas en las sesiones, fueron cinco personas quienes optaron por participar del proyecto final, que no era obligatorio. El taller tuvo como público objetivo a … Read more →


R para los científicos

by François Rebaudo

R para los científicos

Un guía para adquirir las bases de la programación con R y conducir de forma efectiva su gestión y análisis de datos. […] Agradezco a todos los colaboradores que ayudaron a mejorar este libro con sus consejos, sugerencias de cambios y correcciones (en orden alfabético): Camila BF, Marc G, Susi LH, y Estefania QH. Las versiones de gitbook, html y epub de este libro usan los iconos de fuente abierta de Font Awesome ( La versión en PDF utiliza los iconos del proyecto Tango disponibles en openclipart ( Este libro fue escrito con el paquete R … Read more →


Microclimate Algorithms

by Yutaro Sakairi, Abigail Meyer, and Lauren Buckley; The TrEnCh Project, University of Washington


A users’ guide to accessing and processing microclimate datasets. […] Most ecological analyses and forecasts use weather station data or coarse interpolated, gridded temperature data. Yet, these products often poorly capture the microclimates experienced by organisms that live near the surface and respond to fine scale spatial and temporal environmental variation. Sources of historic and projected future data that better capture microclimates are proliferating. This site attempts to make it easier for users to access and process microclimate data. We include weather station data along with … Read more →


Malaria inequality

by Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar


Code for malaria inequality analysis … Read more →


TIES Measurement Report Automation Project

by Michael Wu


This instruction manual is generated using the R package bookdown. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This project is developed to generate lengthy but informative measurement reports from survey data and Mplus measurement model outputs for projects at NYU Global TIES for Children. Typically, a research institute like TIES has the obligation to generate detailed measurement reports to better inform the funders and the cooperating agencies about its most up-to-date work. However, even with a Word template, the process from analytical results to a publishable report … Read more →


Data Visualization Workshop

by Taia Wu


Data Visualization Workshop […] “The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.” — John W. Tukey This bookdown was created for a 2-hour minicourse on data visualization for students in the 2021 UCSF Science and Health Education Partnership Highschool Internship Program (SEP HIP). Interns – welcome! You can use this website and all of its resources during and after the workshop. Anyone else – welcome, also! Feel free to use what you find here for educational purposes. If you do, please cite this book and/or include the URL where you use these … Read more →


2021 REU Data Science Training

by Haoqi Wang


2021 REU Data Science Training […] Knowledge Gained: R, data wrangling, data visualization Main materials: Other resources Software: R Weekly Time-Commitment: 3-6 hrs of independent asynchronous work by students supplemented with ~1-3 hours of grad student led synchronous support. Asynchronous work: working through video tutorials Synchronous … Read more →


Analysis scripts for NHi-C

by Ting Peng


This book is a collection for of visualizing scripts for NHi-C … Read more →


Introdução à Análise de Dados em R

by Bruno Lucian & Claudia Jakelline


Livro texto que acompanha o Curso Introdutório de Análise de Dados em R […] Este curso é oferecido pela Escola de Gestão & Politicas Públicas da Fundação CEPERJ. A Fundação CEPERJ é uma instituição com mais de meio século de tradição, história e é reconhecidamente um legítimo centro de capacitação, recrutamento, cultura, e produção de estatísticas e de estratégia de políticas públicas para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Bruno Lucian é graduado em Estatística pela UFF e Mestre em Matemática Aplicada pela FGV. Atualmente é Cientista de dados na Loggi, já atuou como cientista de dados líder na … Read more →


商业数据分析师-R 语言数据处理

by Yufei Zhong


商业数据分析师的 R 语言学习笔记,主要集中在数据清洗相关包的介绍,从数据导入(本地数据 数据库)到数据清洗,到固定报表输出的自动化流程。 […] 本文主要是我作为商业数据分析师使用 R 语言做数据处理的学习笔记,主要是数据清洗相关包的介绍。 笔记内容包含:从数据导入到完成报表、报告、可视化等整个分析流程。 注意:R 包介绍时很多 demo 是照搬官方案例 … Read more →


Solutions Calculus Vol 1 2th Edition

by Luis Francisco Gomez Lopez


Solutions from the book Calculus, Volume 1: One-variable calculus, with an introduction to linear algebra Second Edition (1988) by Tom Mike Apostol. […] The main objective of this book is to present all the solutions of the exercises proposed in (Apostol 1988) Currently it is a work in … Read more →


Novel Approaches and Analytics

by Bodong Chen

Novel Approaches and Analytics

This is a course handbook written by Bodong Chen for his SNA course at UMN. […] This site is built for a course titled CI 8371 - Applied Social Network Analysis in Education, taught by Prof. Bodong Chen at the University of Minnesota. Content on this site will be actively built and refined throughout the Spring 2021 semester. While the course is titled Social Network Analysis in Education, this course is not limited to social networks or to education. We will broadly examine social, information, and artificial networks in a variety of learning contexts including schools, workplace, and … Read more →


The Social Life of Neighborhoods: Data Preparation & Mapping Tutorials

by Professor Forrest Stuart, TA: Francine Stephens


This is a website with tutorials for the Social Life of Neighborhoods offered in SOC 176/276. […] The following is a series of tutorials specifically designed for The Social Life of Neighborhoods (SOC 176/SOC 276/AFRICAAM 76B/CSRE 176B/URBANST 179) course. The course assignments and final story map require collecting and analyzing information about neighborhoods and other urban spaces. In the tutorials, you will be introduced to tools that will allow you to gather, process, and visualize data so that you can complete the assignments and create your own story map. No prior experience or … Read more →


Computational Social Science: Theory & Application

by Paul C. Bauer


Script for the seminar ‘Big Data and Social Science’ at the University of Bern. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the workshop/seminar Computational Social Science: Theory & Applications. This seminar is taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring Semester 2021). The material was developed by Paul C. Bauer and heavily draws on material developed by other people (see script). Any original material and examples is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For potential future versions of the course see my website: … Read more →


Fundamentals of Wrangling Healthcare Data with R

by J. Kyle Armstrong


Fundamentals to Data Wrangling and programming with R v 4.1; examples with Health Related Data […] Data Wrangling is the process of gathering, selecting, transforming and mapping “raw data” into another format with the intent of making it more appropriate and valuable for a variety of downstream analytic purposes. The Primary goal in data wrangling is to assure quality and useful data. Also known as “data cleaning,” “data processing,” or “data munging”; many professionals will tell you that data management related tasks will consume upwards of 80% of their time, leaving only 20% for … Read more →


Utah IR R tools user guide

by UDWQ Integrated report team


A guide to installing R and the necessary R packages developed for Utah’s Integrated Report process. […] This guide walks secondary reviewers through installing R and its associated packages on their computer. A snapshot of the commands required to run the R packages is available on the “Install or Access R Tools” card on the Current Report Development Trello Board. Please refer to the FAQs section for answers to common questions, but note that this section will grow as we move through the process as group. If you still have questions about running R or … Read more →



by 芝田 征司


本書はjamoviのAnalysisモードの簡易ガイドです。jamoviのAnalysisモードに含まれるメニュー項目およびその設定項目について,簡単な説明を加えています。 […] 本書はjamoviのAnalysisモードを使用するための簡易ガイドです。メニューに含まれる項目やその設定項目について,日本語訳と簡単な説明を加えています。各項目の詳細な説明やその使用方法などについては,「jamovi完全攻略ガイド」の方をご覧ください。なお,本書はjamovi1.8.0.0をベースに作成しています。jamoviは活発に開発が進められている統計ソフトウェアですので,jamoviのバージョンが進み,本書の内容と実際のソフトウェア画面に違いが生じてしまう場合もありえます。そ … Read more →


Introduction to R - tidyverse

by Brendan R. E. Ansell @ansellbr3


Introduction to R - tidyverse […] This document contains the material covered in the Introduction to R (tidyverse) course taught at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. The course is taught to biomedical scientists, but the material and the teaching examples are very broad. Skills taught in this workshop can be applied to many disciplines in academia and industry. There is no assumed knowledge of R or other computer languages - we start from scratch. Chapters 1 through 5 make use of popular (non-biological) teaching data sets available through R. Chapters 6 onwards … Read more →



by Your name


Title […] I want to thank a few people. This is an example of a thesis setup to use the reed thesis document class (for LaTeX) and the R bookdown package, in general. You can have a dedication here if you … Read more →


Working with data

by Terrill Paterson


This is a short workbook designed to help students in the MSSE program feel better about how to talk about the data generated from their capstone projects. […] This short book encapsulates everything that we used to cover in an in-person short course, the entire point of which was to collaboratively improve our ability to talk about, describe, and display data. We began the course as a deep-end-of-the-pool method of trying to take away some of the concern and fear that people have when it comes to writing about their Capstone data. Our goals are very simple: The only requirements for this … Read more →


Data Science Boot Camp

by Arthur Small, Principal Scientist


Course materials for the Data Science Boot Camp, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, University of Virginia June 8-10, 2021 […] This boot camp is designed to help research assistants rapidly to become productive doing data science as a member of the Cooper Center team. The mini-course offers introductory training in how to do data science as a member of a team. It also provides an orientation to the projects, resources, and house styles that are specific to the Cooper Center. R4DS: R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund. An excellent introduction, available for free … Read more →



by Yuyang Shi


政治学显然还没有发展起合适的工具和范畴,可以对像中国这样的政治体制的经济社会发展与稳定进行更细致的分类。 […] 这本书各部分质量参差不齐。戴长征的那篇文章不要看。《政党-国家?》的翻译太烂,必须找原文。 会议集并没有如预期惊喜。以后可以刷一刷俞可平的东西。暂时还没看出杨雪冬的好坏。 「管理-治理」之争是一个必须注意的话题,这和我关系的state-society问题的关系特别密切。何增科那篇文章没有亮点,但是梳理的很好,可以借鉴。 … Read more →


Merging Discussion

by Katrina Hueniken


Merging Discussion […] The dplyr package has a suite of four functions for merging two datasets together. The syntax is borrowed from SQL … Read more →


A Crash Course in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using R

by Michael Branion-Calles


A Crash Course in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using R […] There is an assumption of some previous experience in R with this tutorial. If you have not used R before I would start with Chapter 1 of the free, and excellent textbook R for Data Science. The GIS operations in R from the sf package are designed to integrate well with the tidyverse suite of R packages. We will make use of some basic functionality from the dplyr package and will be using pipes (%>%) to sequence multiple operations. If you are unfamiliar with dplyr and pipes I would go through the base vignette before … Read more →


Curso R 2021

by Roberto C. Duarte


Este libro es una introducción al paquete bookdown para la escritura de libros (en castellano, galego, …). […] Este libro es una pequeña guía sobre como emplear el paquete bookdown de R para la escritura de libros, incluyendo algunos detalles de configuración para la escritura en otros idiomas distintos del inglés (castellano, galego,…). Este mismo libro ha sido escrito en R-Markdown empleando el paquete bookdown y está disponible en el repositorio Github: rubenfcasal/bookdown_intro. Para generar el libro (compilar) puede ser recomendable instalar la última versión de RStudio y la versión … Read more →


Processo de Produção do Formaldeído


Em desenvolvimento […] O formaldeído é um composto orgânico de extrema importância na indústria e mercado mundial. Dotado de grande versatilidade, são inúmeras as aplicações desse composto em diferentes setores da indústria química. Desse modo, o trabalho em questão tem como objetivo a aplicação dos conceitos de balanço de massa e energia para a simulação do processo de produção do formaldeído através da utilização do software Microsoft Excel. Calculando-se o grau de liberdade para assumir parâmetros baseados na literatura e assim resolver o sistema através da ferramenta solver. … Read more →


Coding in R

by Michael Foley


Handbook of basic R coding concepts and practices. […] This is a handbook of basic R concepts and best … Read more →


Machine Learning for Economics 2020/21: R labs

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R labs of the MLFE course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Machine learning for Economics (MLFE) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2020/21). The MLFE course is the second module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. The MLFE R labs are designed for students who already have some experience with R programming thanks to the first module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. Click here to access the R lab notes of the first module regarding introduction to R language and the tidyverse package. Enjoy the journey! … Read more →


STA 141 - Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization

by Derek L. Sonderegger


STA 141 - Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization […] The history of advertisement is full of examples of false advertisement. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission regulates advertisement and can level fines for deceptive or misleading ads. As a result, the ads typically say true, but misleading facts. The shift to people getting information from social media sources has exacerbated the problem. With hundreds of automated accounts on a media site, a disinformation campaign can continually present their information without suffering any penalty. In order to be compelling, … Read more →



by Ilán F. Carretero Juchnowicz


This is a bookdown in which the second part of the project of the subject advanced regression and prediction of the Master’s Degree in Statistics for Data Science has been carried out […] Currently Machine Learning (ML) techniques are applied in an infinity of fields to obtain knowledge from data. Among these fields today we can highlight the appearance and effect of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in all aspects of society. That is why, by completing this second part of the advanced regression and prediction course, it is intended to use the techniques learned during the practical and … Read more →


Fashion Logistics Analysis

by Robert Goedegebuure


Descriptive Analysis of Fashion Data […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in these packages, use the library() command, in each session. RStudio shows a list of installed … Read more →


Weekly Readings

by Yuyang Shi


本科生的小惶恐 […] … Read more →


Business Statistics

by Josip Arnerić & Anita Čeh Časni ©,


Business Statistics […] The course purpose is to introduce a formal framework for analyzing real life business problems with actual data, so that students can improve their understanding of the circumstances in which statistical techniques should be used and how to apply statistics to practical business situations. The entire course is supported with many case studies and worked-out examples. In particular, statistical techniques are grouped in sections covering applications in the field of decision making, business forecasting, quality control, and commonly used descriptive and inferential … Read more →


POLI 330 International Organization

by Shaoshuang Wen, University of South Carolina,


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The goal of this course is to introduce students to the structure and functions of international political and economic organizations. Particular attention to the United Nations and its specialized agencies, and to emerging regional communities. We look in depth at the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, international courts, and the international financial institutions, as well as other international organizations in comparative terms. Students … Read more →



by 王敏杰


Scientific Research information service using R […] 在图书馆开设R语言系列讲座也有一年半载了,在此过程中我萌生了用R语言写一本书的想法,一方面是想为学生提供R语言学习范例,另一方面也借此为我校科研人员提供一些科研信息服务。如果此举能做到教学相长,更好地实践和应用数据科学,也算是一次很有意义的尝试,无奈自己时间精力有限,写书进展缓慢。 本书数据处理和可视化用到 tidyverse, 您也可以参考我的课件《数据科学中的 R 语言》。 本书的代码可以公开,您完全可以重复每一过程。本书使用的代码和数据集 可能用到的开发版本的宏包 … Read more →


Sobre reduzir distâncias…

by Renata Lúcia Magalhães de Oliveira

Sobre reduzir distâncias…

Sobre reduzir distâncias… […] Atualmente sou professora associada do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais, onde leciono geografia aplicada às Ciências Sociais, geografia de transportes, análise urbana, análise de dados para gestão e cursos de logística e logística urbana desde 2006. Após concluir meu doutorado em Geografia em 2015, tenho me envolvido em pesquisa com foco em planejamento orientado à acessibilidade, transporte de cargas urbanas e análise espacial aplicada. Sou coordenadora do grupo de pesquisa PLACES - PLANEJAMENTO para ACcESs, membro da Rede de Pesquisa … Read more →


Modelos Estadísticos

by Javier Morales (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche), Mª Asunción Martínez (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche)


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Este compendio de unidades sobre modelización estadística trata de mostrar una versión aplicada para el tratamiento de los modelos estadísticos más básicos. El objetivo no es mostrar una versión teórica de estos modelos sino una versión aplicada. Se recomienda a los lectores interesado que complementen la teoría de estos modelos con manuales más específicos. Para poder seguir los contenidos aquí expuestos se recomiendan conocimientos básicos de estadística … Read more →


Pharmacy Primer for T-SQL Database Interrogation

by Charles T. Makowski, PharmD


Pharmacy Primer for T-SQL Database Interrogation is a manual intended for pharmacist SQL practitioners at a beginner to intermediate skill level. It approaches the topic of Microsoft Transact-SQL (T-SQL) database interrogation from the HFHS perspective using pharmacy use cases from real-world projects. The manual makes an up-front investment in foundational SQL theory that (hopefully) rewards the user with more nuanced and targeted examples in its later materials. Read more →



by Yufei Zhong


宇飞的R语言学习笔记,主要集中在数据清洗相关包的介绍,从数据导入(本地数据 数据库)到数据清洗,到固定报表输出的自动化流程。 […] 本文主要是我作为商业数据分析师的R语言学习笔记,主要是数据清洗相关包的介绍。 … Read more →


K-Means Clustering

by Robert Goedegebuure


An E-book explaining K-Means clustering using R. […] In this reader, we explain how to perform K-Means clustering in … Read more →



by Martin Rydén, Lund University, martin.ryden[at]


Documentation and guidelines for using the ProteoMill platform. […] The analysis of protein enrichment and knowledge of protein-protein interactions have become essential tools in many proteomics studies. We developed ProteoMill, an analysis platform with the purpose to enable researchers to quickly gain insights about the molecular events in their data. ProteoMill is unique in that it is a free, open-source, always up-to-date and easily accessible web tool that renders a complete pipeline from data upload to differential expression-, enrichment- and network analysis. A common requirement … Read more →


R Notes for QRM

by Shih-Sheng Chang


R Notes for QRM […] This is a note based on the book “Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools” by Alexander J. McNeil, Rüdiger Frey and Paul Embrechts, published by Princeton University Press in 2015 (revised 2nd edition, 1st edition 2005) and the book “The Quantitative Risk Management Exercise Book” by Marius Hofert and Rüdiger Frey and Alexander J. McNeil, published by Princeton University Press in 2020. The note contains theoretical definitions and R codes based on QRM Tutorial by Marius … Read more →


Comprehensive Exam Study Guide

by Author: Emma Strand; Ph.D. Student at the University of Rhode Island


Welcome to my study guide that I used to prepare for my comprehensive exams. This is a general work in progress but it helped me compile all of the resources I needed for this exam set. […] Welcome to my study guide that I used to prepare for my comprehensive exams. This is a compilation of resources that I used while studying for my comprehensive exams. Each tab and chapter in this R-book are organized by the committee member this was used for. Disclaimer: Some pages of notes are more comprehensive and descriptive than others. This study guide is meant to be a foundation to bounce off of … Read more →


Analyses statistiques avec R

by Evrard Louis - - LSBA - UCLouvain, Govaerts Bernadette - - LSBA - ISBA - UCLouvain


Analyses statistiques avec R […] Durant votre cursus du cours LBIRA2110, nous vous offrons la chance de vous former au logiciel et langage de programmation R. R c’est LE logiciel libre référence dans le domaine de l’analyse statistique de données. Programmer en R nécessite R-Studio qui est une interface utilisateur facilitant l’utilisation du langage R. L’installation de R et R-studio n’est pas très compliquée mais requiert de suivre à la lettre plusieurs étapes. Le lien suivant vous mènera vers un support où l’installation est détaillée: ~> Installation détaillée de R et R-Studio En … Read more →


Skript zur Vorlesung Staatsrecht II – Grundrechte

by Florian Meinel


Skript zur Vorlesung Grundrechte im Sommer 2021 […] Dieses Skript wird laufend aktualisiert und fortgeschrieben. Sie können es online lesen, aber auch als pdf oder für einen epub-Reader herunterladen. Dazu klicken Sie oben auf das … Read more →


Moindres Carrés Ordinaires et alternatives

by BOUSSENGUI François - SABAYE Fried-Junior - BARRE Nicolas


Moindres Carrés Ordinaires et alternatives […] La méthode des moindres carrés ordinaires (MCO) consiste à minimiser la somme des carrés des écarts, écarts pondérés dans le cas multidimensionnel, entre chaque point du nuage de régression et son projeté, parallèlement à l’axe des ordonnées, sur la droite de régression. Il s’agit d’ajuster un nuage de points ({Y_i, Xi}_{i=1,…,n}) selon une relation linéaire, prenant la forme de la relation matricielle (Y=X\beta+\epsilon), où (\epsilon) est un terme d’erreur. Parmi les différentes méthodes de régression existantes cette dernière est … Read more →


Techincal Analysis with R (second edition)

by Ko Chiu Yu


This is an introductory textbook that focuses on how to use R to do technical analysis. […] Since the first edition has been published in 2018, I have received numerous comments on how to improve the book. The second edition attempts to accommodate these suggestions as much as possible. The book is completely rewritten and reorganized. In particular, the core part of trading rule is now divided into three chapters: day-trading rule, non-day trading rule, and complex trading rule. Day-trading rule requires only basic knowledge of conditional if statements and for loops. Non-day trading … Read more →


Elegant Bookdown Template

by 黄湘云 & 叶 飞


最初看到 elegantbook 做的书籍样式很漂亮,就想把它引入到 bookdown 中,遂定制了此模版。在此基础上,做了迁移和扩展的工作,融合了 LaTeX (精美)、Pandoc (简洁) 和 R (强大) 的特性。This is a bookdown template based on ElegantBook. The output format for this template is bookdown::gitbook and bookdown::pdf_book. […] A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions. — John Gruber 这是一份 R Markodwn 文档。 Markdown … Read more →


R Coding for Data Science - 2020/21

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R labs of the R4CDS course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R lectures for the Coding for Data Science (C4DS) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2020/21). R is a great programming language especially designed for statistical analysis and data visualisation. The C4DS R lectures are designed for students who already have a programming background thanks to the first part of the C4DS course dedicated to Python. In the 5 lectures dedicated to R I will present you the basics of R for data manipulation, analysis and plotting. Enjoy the journey! In the … Read more →



by 牧羽尘


狮心阁 […] … Read more →


Summer RA Conclusion

by Yuyang Shi, Yokia Xu


Summer RA Conclusion […] 本文件为2020年夏季学期胡悦老师RA项目中的方法总结,主要包括: 使用.Rmd撰写论文 Git Zotero与Rmd bookdown基本使用方法 如何快速阅读论文 提醒:由于各种原因,请尽可能保证在使用R时,各种文件路径中仅含有英文字母、_和-(例如R可能无法读取路径名中带有中文的文件) … Read more →


Entrenamiento en productos de datos: R Markdown

by Samuel Calderon, Sandra Cerna, Antenor Escudero, Christian Reyes


Este libro es una compilación de reportes individuales trabajados durante el verano 2021 en el Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado por Samuel Calderon. […] Durante el verano de 2021 tuve la oportunidad de reunirme dos veces por semana con un grupo de personas interesadas en aprender a elaborar productos de datos. La única condición impuesta para formar parte de este grupo fue tener mucha paciencia y disposición a cometer muchos errores en el camino. En resumen, pienso que las personas que lograron participar en las sesiones y elaborar su proyecto final, compilado en este … Read more →



by Golub Capital Social Impact Lab


This is a tutorial on machine learning-based causal inference. […] This tutorial will introduce key concepts in machine learning-based causal inference. It’s an ongoing project and new chapters will be uploaded as we finish them. A tentative list of topics that will be covered: Please note that this is currently a living document. Chapters marked as “beta” may change substantially and are in most need of feedback. If you find any issues, please feel free to contact Vitor Hadad at The “changelog” below will keep track of major updates and additions. We’ll illustrate key … Read more →


Research Methods

by Robert Goedegebuure


This module is of MBA programs. The module carries 4 ECTS credits. […] Here’s the syllabus of this … Read more →


Scientific Research Methods

by Peter K. Dunn


An introduction to quantitative research in science, engineering and health (including research design, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals in common situations) […] This book is an introduction to quantitative research in the scientific and health disciplines. The whole research process is introduced, from asking a research question to analysis and reporting of the data. The focus, however, is on the analysis of data. This book was originally prepared for use with the course SCI110 Science Research Methods1 at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). This name is grammatically … Read more →


Editable Distributed Hydrological Model

by Kan Lei


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document is the use guide for EDHM and some other concept about the hydrological models (HM) building. In Chapter 1 explain the basic concept of hydrological cycle and the important concept and idea of EDHM. In chapter 2 show the workflow of using a hydrological model with EDHM and the way to explain a new model. Chapter 3 and 4 show the basic information, e.g. input data, parameters and output data of every module or model. EDHM is a R package for … Read more →


R Markdown 指南

by 王祎帆, 闫求识, 高春辉


R Markdown 指南 … Read more →


Market Segmentation & Clustering

by Robert Goedegebuure


This module is part of the Minor Data Driven Decision Making in Business (3DMiB, for short). The module carries 2.5 credits (ECTS) […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in … Read more →


Statističke metode za ekonomske analize

by Josip Arnerić ©


Statističke metode za ekonomske analize […] ANOVA (engl. ANalysis Of VAariance) je metoda kojom se uspoređuju aritmetičke sredine više uzoraka, tj. grupa i donosi se zaključak o postojanju (ili ne) razlika između sredina više populacija (\mu_1), (\mu_2),…, (\mu_k) Na taj se način analizira utjecaj jedne ili više kategorijalnih (nezavisnih) varijabli na jednu numeričku kontinuiranu (zavisnu) varijablu Kategorijalne varijable još nazivamo faktorima pa govorimo o jednofaktorskoj, dvofaktorskoj ili pak višefaktorskoj analizi varijance Broj kategorija nezavisne varijable određuje broj … Read more →


Data Visualization with PowerBI

by Mohamed Kassem


This course is intended for educational puposes & preparing Data analysts for Exam DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI : Creating reports […] This course is intended for educational purposes & preparing Data analysts for Exam DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI : Creating reports All the needed resources to follow along can be found here Creating basic PowerBI reports knowledge is prerequisite for this course. By the end of this course Data Analysts should be able to: + Customize Report pages. + Decide for appropriate … Read more →


(Mostly Clinical) Epidemiology with R

by James Brophy


This is an intermediate epidemiology book that focuses on clinical epidmeiology and its quantification using R. It stems from my belief that the learning of epidmeiologic principles is consolidated through hands on coding examples. […] James (Jay) Brophy is a full professor with a joint appointment in the Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McGill University where he works as a clinical cardiologist at the McGill University Health Center and does research in cardiovascular epidemiology. His research interests are eclectic and include clinical and outcomes research, … Read more →


Applied Biostats

by Yaniv Brandvain


Course notes for applied Biostats. […] Key links: Canvas, Detailed schedule in progress, Rough schedule. I begin this writing in early Sept 2020, and am thinking about you, my students for the fall 2021 term. Currently much is uncertain — we are beginning a term in the wake of George Floyd’s murder [among many others], which has resulted in protests, uprisings, rioting and armed confrontation between protesters, armed citizens and police. We are in the midst of an uncertain economy, and a vicious presidential election. Most of us feel isolated as COVID has pushed most of us home, some of us … Read more →


Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM STAT 216 edition)

Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM STAT 216 edition)

Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (UM STAT 216 edition) […] This book is a slightly modified version of the work below: Zieffler, A., & Catalysts for Change. (2019). Statistical Thinking: A simulation approach to uncertainty (4.2th ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Catalyst Press. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to share, remix, and make commercial use of the work under the condition that you provide proper attribution. To reference this work, use: The … Read more →


Time Series and Forecasting: A Project-based Approach with R

by Arthur Small


Class notes for University of Virginia SYS 5581, Spring 2021 […] This document is a compilation of class notes for SYS 5581 Time Series and Forecasting, University of Virginia, Spring, … Read more →


Simulation and Modelling to Understand Change

by Manuele Leonelli


These are lecture notes for the module Simulation and Modelling to Understand Change given in the School of Human Sciences and Technology at IE University, Madrid, Spain. The module is given in the 2nd semester of the 1st year of the bachelor in Data and Business Analytics. Knowledge of basic elements of R programming as well as probability and statistics is assumed. […] These are lecture notes for the module Simulation and Modelling to Understand Change given in the School of Human Sciences and Technology at IE University, Madrid, Spain. The module is given in the 2nd semester of the 1st … Read more →


Machine Learning Techniques

by J.H. van der Zwan


Introductory text to a couple of commonly used Machine Learning techniques and how they are performed in R […] This book is intended to be a reference for frequently used Machine Learning techniques and how they can be performed in R. Writing this work started in summer 2020 and new chapters are and will be added over time. It is written with a view to students pursuing a Machine Learning course in a pre-graduate or graduate program. It is not intended to be an exhaustive textbook on all possible Machine Learning … Read more →


Basic R Commands

by Lecturer: Fábio M. Corrêa **Email:


Basic R Commands […] 19-04-2021 The text is under development and updates are … Read more →


JavaScript for R

by John Coene

JavaScript for R

Invite JavaScript into your Data Science workflow. […] This is the online version of JavaScript for R, a book currently under development and intended for release as part of the R series by CRC Press. The R programming language has seen the integration of many languages; C, C++, Python, to name a few, can be seamlessly embedded into R so one can conveniently call code written in other languages from the R console. Little known to many, R works just as well with JavaScript—this book delves into the various ways both languages can work together. The ultimate aim of this work is to demonstrate … Read more →


How does R fit a linear model?

by Matthew Whalen


What happens when you run lm(y ~ x1 + x2) […] This book is the product of my goal to answer the question ‘How does R fit a linear model using the lm function?’ A seemingly simple question based on one of the most humble formulas in all of statistics led me down a rabbit hole of math and programming I never expected. The goal of writing this is for my own etification, but also to provide a thorough walkthrough so that R-users at all levels of math and programming can have a better grasp on one of the most ubiquitous tools in a statisticians toolbelt. The book wil be structured largely … Read more →


STA 444/5 - Introductory Data Science using R

by Derek L. Sonderegger


STA 444/5 - Introductory Data Science using R […] This book is intended to provide students with a resource for learning R while using it during an introductory statistics course. The Introduction section covers common issues that students in a typical statistics course will encounter and provides a simple examples and does not attempt to be exhaustive. The Deeper Details section addresses issues that commonly arise in many data wrangling situations and is intended to give students a deep enough understanding of R that they will be able to use it as their primary computing resource … Read more →


Work Portfolio

by Christine Griffith


This is Christine Griffith’s work potfolio for an Organizational Strategist position at Korn Ferry. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This portfolio represents my work and achievements throughout my college career in the Industrial/Organizational Psychology Graduate Program at Montclair State University. As a highly driven and dynamic Organizational Strategist Professional, I am eager to apply a strong passion for empowering organizations to grow, unlock their potential, and enhance performance to improve the bottom line of Korn Ferry. My portfolio includes the … Read more →


MGHIHP HE-802, Spring 2021

by Anshul Kumar


This e-book accompanies the course HE-802 in the MS in HPEd program at MGHIHP ( HE-802 is a statistics course that equips students to analyze healthcare and/or behavioral data in R. […] This online e-book is the main resource to guide you through the course HE-802 in the MS in HPEd program at MGHIHP in the Spring 2021 semester. Each chapter contains reading (or links to reading) that you should do as well as an assignment that you should complete and submit by the deadline in the course calendar. My name is Anshul Kumar and I am the author/preparer of this e-book. … Read more →


Introduction to Korean Literature

by Wayne de Fremery


This book contains the texts to be annotated fo the course Introduction to Korean Literature at Sogang University, 2021. […] The texts on this website are formatted in HTML and they will adapt to your screen size. So, you can easily read them on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Use the menu icon on the left to access the table of contents and the < icon on the right to open the annotation sidebar. In order to annotate the texts with Hypothesis, you need to sign up at this link: Once you have signed up and confirmed your email, log in using the sidebar … Read more →


Github actions with R

by Chris Brown, Murray Cadzow, Paula A Martinez, Rhydwyn McGuire, David Neuzerling, David Wilkinson, Saras Windecker


An introduction to using github actions with R. […] GitHub actions allow us to trigger automated steps after we launch GitHub interactions such as when we push, pull, submit a pull request, or write an issue. For example, there are actions that will automatically trigger: GitHub actions follow the steps designated in a yaml file, which we place in the .github/workflows folder of the repo. We can add these yaml files to our repo either by clicking on a series of steps on, or using wrapper functions provided by the usethis package, depending on which actions you wish to include. We … Read more →


Using R for Educational Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for educational research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote a replication commitment and open science philosophy important to our work. One particular strength of R is that it … Read more →


Building Pension Models and Actuarial Tools Using R and R Shiny

by Tommy Cornally


Building Pension Models and Actuarial Tools Using R and R Shiny […] This interactive report has been created to demonstrate the functionality of R Markdown and Bookdown, as an additional tool that actuaries and others can avail of. Each page of the application (with the exception of the combined SORP Calculator and Drawdown Simulation) has been rebuilt using miniUI [1], an R library used to create Shiny Widgets. However, these “mini-apps” do not fully replicate the main application. Similarly, this interactive report does not intend to replace the original - it merely serves to compliment … Read more →


Data Science and Econometrics for NBA Analytics

by KP


Data Science and Econometrics for NBA Analytics […] The 1960s was a period of time where oil became the most valuable and productivity augmenting resource for companies to extract, prompting companies to engage in a race to extract as much oil as possible without any regard for the environmental and social consequences. However, recent times has seen data replace oil as the most valuable resource, even for sports organizations. Analytics have a major place in today’s sports world. At some level, every sports organization relies on data and analytics for team development, salary structure, … Read more →


Curso R base

by Iosu Paradinas


Vamos a ver que aprendemos! […] R es un lenguaje de programación y un entorno para el análisis estadístico y gráfico. Es multiplataforma: está disponible para Windows, Macintosh y GNU/Linux. R fue inicialmente creado por R. Ihaka y R.Gentleman de la Universidad de Auckland en 1993, pero actualmente, el entorno R es el resultado de la colaboración de toda una comunidad de usuarios. A partir de 1997 el desarrollo del código fuente (o base-R) de R es llevado por un grupo de programadores conocido como “The R-core team”. La página web oficial de R se llama: The R Project for Statistical … Read more →


Economic Impact Report

by Commercial Fishermen of Santa Barbara


2020 Economic Impact Report for Commercial Fishing Activity of Santa Barbara Harbor. […] INCOMPLETE SECTION For more information, visit: … Read more →


Policy Learning I - Binary treatment

by Golub Capital Social Impact Lab


A short tutorial for machine-learning based causal inference. […] This tutorial will walk you through common statistical tools used in the lab. If you’re self-studying, here’s a minimal recommended study plan for newcomers: If you are working on a particular project, you can jump into a relevant section. Any pre-requisites are listed at the beginning of each … Read more →


Chronicles of Grandma’s Closet

by Jessica Mann


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] To render the book used the following code, you must do this before knitting the GitBook (webpage) The _output.yml contains the header arguments. I would but them here so its cleaner and easier to read the code. These resources are not relevant for students but they are to … Read more →



by Yihui Xie


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA PROFESOR: JESUS SALINAS INTEGRANTES LUIS EDGAR GUTIERREZ SALDANA CHRISTIAN CRUZATE JENNY … Read more →


Eagle I.O Website Playground

by kulasj


This is a sandbox template to play with Eagle I.O website development ideas, forked from Matt Crump’s Research Lab. We are a student-led consulting group within the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program at Montclair State University, founded in 2019. We look at ourselves as hard-working, driven students who wish to strengthen MSU’s I/O Psych program, as well as learn outside of the classroom to build upon our skills and knowledge. We pride ourselves on strong involvement in local and national I/O groups, namely METRO and SIOP. For more information about the roles and responsibilities … Read more →


Introduction to Statistics with R

by content


Introduction to Statistics with R […] Let’s start with a simple question: In the US, are adult men taller, on average, than women? We know the answer to this question already (yes), but attempting to answer it with data will allow us to illustrate many important concepts of statistics. The first step is to collect some … Read more →


University of Utah

by Naomi J. Goodrich-Hunsaker, Ph.D.


University of Utah […] This manual contains a general descriptions of all neuroimaging pipelines currently being used to analyze MRI scans. If additional information or further clarification is needed, email me at … Read more →


Financial Engineering and TensorFlow

by Joocheol Kim


Financial Engineering and TensorFlow […] 금융공학, 인공지능. 두가지 모두 매력적인 말입니다. 이 두가지를 모두 배울 수 있을까요? 그것이 바로 이 강의가 추구하는 바입니다. 금융공학과 인공지능의 기초뿐만이 아니라, 수준 있는 내용까지 모두 배우고 이를 세상에 활용해 볼 수 있을 정도까지의 준비를 하는 것입니다. 이 강의는 아직도 개발 중입니다. 계속해서 새로운 내용을 추가하도록 … Read more →


Calculus and Applications - Part II

by Vahid Shahrezaei


Lecture notes for Calculus and Applications produced in bookdown […] These are lecture notes for the second part of Calculus and Applications first year module at the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. The notes are split into three parts on Fourier Transform, Ordinary Differential Equations and Introduction to Multivariate Calculus. Please refer to course Blackboard for additional materials recommended text books for further reading. These lecture notes are adobted from existing courses in our department. Part I of the course is based on the old M2AA2 course (Andrew … Read more →



by Taeyeon Chung


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Exercise 3-1 Exercise 3-2 … Read more →


STAB Tutorials

by UW STAB Working Group


Tutorials for the UW STAB working group […] This site is currently in development. It will eventually contain tutorials related to the STAB working group at the University of Washington. This site was built using … Read more →


Responsabilidade Social no Exercício da Engenharia

by Vinicius Moreira


Síntese e análise dos assuntos abordados no contexto da Disciplina Responsabilidade Social no Exercício da Engenharia. A idéia desse portfólio é levantar dados que se referem direta ou indiretamente aos conteúdos mencionados durante a disciplina e mais importante, espacializá-los na área de Minas Gerais. A maior parte dos dados foram retirados do portal IDE SISEMA¹ de Minas Gerais ¹SISEMA. Infraestrutura de Dados Espaciais do Sistema Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos. Belo Horizonte: IDE-Sisema, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: … Read more →


GESC-258 Schedule

by Colin Robertson


Schedule, readings, and labs for GESC 258, Winter 2021. […] This is will provide week-to-week scheduling of course activities in … Read more →


Contributing to GNU R

by Lionel Henry


How to contribute to GNU R. […] Contributing to a large open source project like GNU R can be intimidating. This document aims to reduce the technical barriers to contributing and will help you get started on building R, modifying it, and checking that you haven’t broken anything. At the moment, Contributing is written from the perspective of macOS users, but should be helpful to users of all platforms. R Internals, the language specification. R Installation and Administration, the official guide on how to install R. R’s internal C API, an unofficial documentation for the internal … Read more →


Efficient R programming

by Colin Gillespie, Robin Lovelace

Efficient R programming

Efficient R Programming is about increasing the amount of work you can do with R in a given amount of time. It’s about both computational and programmer efficiency. […] This is the online version of the O’Reilly book: Efficient R programming. Pull requests and general comments are welcome. Get a hard copy from: Amazon (UK), Amazon (USA), O’Reilly Colin Gillespie is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at Newcastle University, UK. He is an Executive Editor of the R Journal, with research interests including high performance statistical computing and Bayesian statistics. Colin founded the … Read more →


FIN 473. Advanced Investments

by Adam Aiken


These notes summarize our topic for each week. […] These notes summarize, discuss, and add commentary to the articles and cases that we are discussing during our brief time together this semester. Hopefully, you find them useful What are the current discussions and controversies going on in asset management? What issues will you face if you work at a wealth management firm? How about if you are assisting hedge funds with their Bloomberg or Factset software? Or working with clients at an investment management firm, like Blackrock or Vanguard? Does it matter that Wall Street Bets (WSB) has … Read more →


R for Data Science

by Shaoshuang Wen, University of South Carolina,


R for Data Science […] If you see any mistakes or have any suggestions, please do shoot me an email at … Read more →


MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II

by Boyan Kostadinov, City Tech


This is a book experiment for MAT 4880 Mathematical Modeling II. […] Example 1.1 We are given population data concerning the growth of a species of yeast in a closed vessel. Use the data given below and the solution (u(t)) to the logistic differential equation to find estimates of the parameters (u_0), (r) and (K). [u(t) = \frac{K}{1+e^{-rt} \left (\frac{K}{u_0}-1 \right )}] where (K) is the carrying capacity of the population, (r) is the growth rate and (u_0) is the initial population size at time (t=0). For more details, please review the lectures where we covered all … Read more →


The Shape of Polarization: A Topological Data Analysis of Congressional Voting Patterns

by Aidan Toner-Rodgers


The Shape of Polarization: A Topological Data Analysis of Congressional Voting Patterns […] Polarization is a pervasive feature of modern American politics. But has this always been the case? Understanding trends in polarization has been a topic of intense interest in the social sciences, with researchers taking a variety of approaches. The classic strategy has been to use congressional roll call votes and measure the difference in voting patterns between parties (Theriault, 2008; Ladewig, 2010; Shor, 2018; Moskowitz, 2019). More recent work has used text analysis of congressional speech … Read more →


STAT 243: Stochastic Process

by Jizhou Kang

STAT 243: Stochastic Process

This is my E-version notes of the Stochastic Process class in UCSC by Prof. Rajarshi Guhaniyogi, Winter 2021. […] This is an E-version notes of the Stochastic Process class in UCSC by Prof. Rajarshi Guhaniyogi, Winter 2021, typed by Jizhou … Read more →


Disentangling the contribution of climate,deforestation,and control efforts on malaria epidemiology in the peruvian amazon rainforest

by Varios


Disentangling the contribution of climate,deforestation,and control efforts on malaria epidemiology in the peruvian amazon rainforest … Read more →


Do A Data Science Project in 10 Days

by Gangmin Li


This is a data science project practice book. It was initially written for my Big Data course to help students to run a quick data analytical project and to understand 1. the data analytical process, the typical tasks and the methods, techniques and the algorithms need to accomplish these tasks. During convid19, the unicersity has adopted on-line teaching. So the students can not access to the university labs and HPC facilities. Gaining an experience of doing a data science project becomes individual students self-learning in isolation. This book aimed to help them to read through it and follow instructions to complete the sample propject by themslef. However, it is required by many other students who want to know about data analytics, machine learning and particularly practical issues, to gain experience and confidence of doing data analysis. So it is aimed for beginners and have no much knowledge of data Science. the format for this book is bookdown::gitbook. Read more →


Conceitos e análises estatísticas com R e JASP

by Luis Anunciação (PUC-Rio), PhD


This book was written for undergraduate level students on Quantitative Methods at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). The primary goal of this book is to provide a short and to-the-point exposition on the essentials of statistics. To a lesser degree, the mathematical modeling of statistical questions will be addressed. I expect this book can also help students who enroll for laboratory-based statistics and anyone who wants to learn R. Read more →


Measuring what Matters: Introduction to Rasch Analysis in R

by Daniel Katz, Anthony Clairmont, Mike Wilton


This book is a guide for getting started using the Rasch model […] This is meant to be a general introduction for using the Rasch model via R for constructing measures. The book is meant to get you started but is by no means where you should stop. Please see, Wilson (2005) and Bond & Fox (2015) for more. The Rasch model is based on a theory of measurement. Whereas one may typically fine-tune a model to fit the data, in the Rasch paradigm, one compares the data to the Rasch model. Under this view, when the data does not fit the Rasch model, it is believed that the data may not be suitable … Read more →


Data protection in journalism: a practical handbook

by fede_caruso


Data protection in journalism: a practical handbook […] By Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, Lorena Pérez Campillo Edited by Federico Caruso version 0.5 Welcome to the Data protection handbook for journalists, a practical guide to help journalists deal with the processing of personal data within the European context. This book is brought to you by Panelfit, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, grant agreement N. 788039. … Read more →


Using R for Social Work Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Social Work, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for social work research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote a replication commitment and open science philosophy important to our work. One particular strength of R is that it … Read more →


Exploring the Arctic through Data

by sarah_erickson_m


Exploring the Arctic through Data […] This is a compilation of datasets from the Arctic Data Center. Each contain data files ready for download and reuse. In this Bookdown, you’ll find additional background information about the dataset gathered from lab pages, associated journal articles, and related blog posts. They are meant to provide context and direction, but feel free to use the data as it suits your educational needs. Please share how you or your students ended up using these datasets. We hope to see these be materials collaborative and evolving. Email to add to … Read more →


Probabilistic Effects of a Play-In Tournament

by Joe Siwinski


This is an analysis designed to view team playoff probability differences when a play-in tournament is put into place. […] In 2020, we saw the first ever NBA season that held a play-in tournament for the final 8th seed in both conferences. While the tournament was fun to watch, it made me think about the objective of this project: How does a play-in tournament effect the preseason playoff odds of teams? The code for this project can be found in my Github Repository at In this bookdown, I will analyze the probabilistic effects of a play-in … Read more →


Statistical Learning Inmas workshop

by Amelia McNamara


A three-day workshop introducing data science skills, including statistical modeling […] Hone your statistical, data, and computing literacy. Instead of covering all statistical modeling & inference techniques in 2 days (impossible!), focus on a couple of foundational & generalizable tools: linear regression & simple classification. In doing so, we’ll bypass topics in traditional stat intros. Favor applications using real data over theory so that you walk away with a sophisticated set of tools with real applications. Play around with the RStudio software. In doing so, focus on the patterns … Read more →


Applied Genetics, Genomics, and Data Science for the Swine Industry: A Ph.D. Student’s Perspective

by Caleb J. Grohmann


Experiments using advanced analytical methods for description, prediction, and prescription of data and outcomes within the United States commercial swine industry. […] This book is meant to document, in an extremely detailed fashion, every research project, experiment, and analysis conducted during my PhD program. The main goal of this book is to provide a seamless interface in which to combine technical and physical programming methods with the results of each analyses and subsequent discussion of these results. The book will be divided into parts, and each part encompasses all analyses … Read more →


An introduction to R Markdown

by Fábio M. Corrêa **Email:


An introduction to R Markdown […] 17-02-2021 The text is under development and updates are … Read more →


MMES Quantitative Research Methods Oxford 2021

by Christopher Barrie

MMES Quantitative Research Methods Oxford 2021

This is a working version of MMES Quant. Methods materials book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] You will find contained in this online document all the materials you need for this course. The book sets out for each week the readings that we will be discussing for each of the four weekly seminars. It also contains a set of take-home exercises. You can read more about the structure of the course in the next Introduction section. Note: this is a “live” document, meaning that I will continue to tweak some things. But fear not, the main course materials and assigned … Read more →


GSL causeway and salinity

by Jake Vander Laan (, Utah Division of Water Quality


GSL causeway and salinity […] This documents contains a series of figures and analyses of Great Salt Lake (GSL) salinity, focused on the effects of causeway culvert closure and subsequent bridge and breach opening. These were developed to provide background information, context, and discussion points for the first GSL Salinity Advisory Committee Meeting. All data presented in this document are publicly available via USGS, UGS, or DWQ websites. Notes: … Read more →


Introduction to R (Part 2)

by Nana Kim


A document for Intro to R workshop (part 2) video […] In the next two chapters, we will learn how to manipulate and visualize data. We will use tidyverse packages (mainly dplyr, ggplot2, and tidyr) for easier and faster data manipulation/visualization. First, install and load the tidyverse by running: * Visit to learn more about the … Read more →


Data Science for Human-Centered Product Design

by Travis Kassab


Data Science for Human-Centered Product Design […] This is a data science tutorial with seven open-source projects that show how statistics and machine learning can be applied to user survey data. The purpose is not to prescribe techniques, but to demonstrate the use of data science in the context of product design. I’ve compiled what I know on the topic, and hope readers adopt some of these techniques and use them in concert with qualitative research and entrepreneurial thinking to build better products. Let’s quickly preview the seven different use-cases. First, we must develop an … Read more →


Los shocks observados en el PIB de México respecto a la tasa de interés y la prima de riesgo (2009-2019)

by Hernández Castelán Jorge Valente y Garcia Lozada Hector Andrés


Este trabajo consiste en modelar series de tiempo y los shocks en el tiempo. […] En el ámbito macroeconómico siempre ha existido la incertidumbre sobre los efectos de la tasa de interés en el crecimiento económico, además de los efectos de expectativas que existen dada la prima riesgo asignada para el país. Si nos remontamos a la lógica de que las expectativas juegan un rol importante en el ámbito macroeconómico, así como en la producción total de un país (su PIB), entonces podemos suponer que los efectos en la tasa de interés y la prima de riesgo son fundamentales respecto a esta variable, … Read more →


Épidémiologie 2 - Labo informatique R (PTM-6675)

by Simon Dufour (Professeur à la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l'Université de Montréal)


Les notes de cours pour la partie TP du cours d’épi-2 […] Dans ce document, vous trouverez les différentes manières d’utiliser R pour vos analyses statistiques de base. Notez que les notions théoriques relatives aux tests statistiques utilisés n’y sont pas présentées. Pour cela, vous pouvez vous référrer au livre Veterinary Epidemiologic Research (Dohoo et al., 2009) ou au cours PTM-6675. Dans ce document, nous supposons que vous savez déjà: - Importer ou créer des bases de données dans R - Modifier des variables ou sélectionner une partie d’un jeu de données - Produire des tables de … Read more →


Notes for Basic Statistics I

by Joao M. Souto-Maior, PhD student at NYU


Notes for Basic Statistics I […] These are my notes for the Basic Stats I course at NYU (taught by Prof. Hassad). They will guide our lab sessions. The notes provide: Questions Note: Short-cut to the attendance file, … Read more →


Computação em R: Análise experimental

by Eric Bastos Gorgens, Marcio Leles Romarco de Oliveira


Computação em R: Análise experimental […] Delineamento experimental se trata do desenho do experimento. Ou seja, ele define a organização das unidades experimentais em função da pergunta científica que se deseja responder. Com base no delineamento escolhido, regras precisam ser seguidas, especialmente relacionados à maneira que os tratamentos são distribuídos nas unidades experimentais. Este livro apresenta o processamento dos principais delineamentos experimentais por meio da linguagem de programação R. Inicialmente, o livro apresenta o cálculo de uma análise de variância e descreve quais … Read more →


COVID Data Analysis

by Mike Lyons


Analysis of COVID Data from […] I am not an epidemiologist, nor am I a professional scientist or proper research professional. I studied Engineering in college quite a few years ago, and work in the cosmetics industry now. I am also a curious citizen and father who wanted to get sense for the prevalence of COVID where I live, in Redding, CT and the surrounding … Read more →


STAT 205B: Classical Inference

by Jizhou Kang


This is my E-version notes of the classical inference class in UCSC by Prof. Bruno Sanso, Winter 2020. This notes will mainly contain lecture notes, relevant extra materials (proofs, examples, etc.), as well as solution to selected problems, in my style. The notes will be ordered by time. The goal is to summarize all relevant materials and make them easily accessible in future. The textbook that we used is Casella (&) Berger’s famous book: Classical Inference, Second Edition. Most of the materials in this notes is from the textbook, although extending matrials will be added with reference. … Read more →


R for Everyone (Advanced Analytics and Graphics) and LaTeX

by Shaoshuang Wen, University of South Carolina,


R for Everyone (Advanced Analytics and Graphics) and LaTeX […] This is an introduction to R and Latex. In compiling this documents, several sources have been consulted, including Jared P. Lander’s R for Everyone, Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund’s R for Data Science, Dr. Yuleng Zeng’s website, Dr. Timothy M. Peterson’s website, Havard’s Math Prefresher, the course offered by DataCamp. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are mostly borrowed from Dr. Yuleng Zeng’s website resources. Install the following applications: Finally, this document is to be used in-class only. As I (will) mention several … Read more →


MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

by authored by the Industrial and Organizational Program faculty

MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

This is the policy manual for the Montclair State University PhD program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The output format for this manual is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is the policy manual for the Montclair State University PhD program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, last updated … Read more →


Lab Manual for the Respiratory and Immunology Project and Laboratory Research Team (RIPLRT)

by Authors: The RIPLRT


This book constitute the lab manual for the Respiratory and Immunology Project and Laboratory Research Team (RIPLRT). The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Welcome to the Respiratory and Immunology Project and Laboratory (RIPLRT) within College of Biomedical Sciences of Larkin University. If you are reading our lab manual because you recently joined the RIPLRT, welcome! If you are a current member of the RIPLRT, frequently refer to our lab manual to refresh our guidelines, policies, platforms, among others. We also look forward to immerse you in different learning … Read more →


Medicina de Estilo de Vida

by Dr. Héctor Murillo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Dr. Héctor Daniel Murillo Coronado DipIBLM 1,2,3,4 Médico cirujano certificado en Medicina de Estilo de Vida por el International Board of Lifestyle Medicine Association Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Montemorelos Clínica del Estilo de Vida, Hospital La Carlota Colegio Mexicano de Medicina de Estilo de Vida Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina de Estilo de … Read more →


R Gallery Book

by Kyle W. Brown


This is the complete guide to the R Gallery. […] Welcome the R Gallery Book, a complete guide to the R Graph Gallery website. This information is taken directly from R graph gallery with careful detail in reproducing plots and completing ideas. This material created by Kyle W. Brown as way to have one single reading collection of updated R gallery plots and graphs. While this book was created to encapsulate the entire R Graph Gallery website into one readable source, another purpose is serving as introductory level into data visualization using R programming … Read more →


Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos

by Vinicius Moreira


Síntese das aplicações produzidas no contexto da Disciplina Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos […] Essa publicação é uma síntese dos scripts produzidos no contexto da Disciplina Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) Doscente: Talita SilvaDisciplina: Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos Discente: Vinicius B. S. MoreiraMatrícula: 2016022609E-mail: … Read more →


Survey Guide: The Challenge from Terrorism in the Nordic Countries


This is the guide to the survey on the challenge from terrorism in the Nordic countries, conducted in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden in 2018-2019. […] This document is a guide to the survey of the research project The challenge from terrorism in the Nordic countries. The project is a Nordic collaboration, and funded by the Nordic Research Council (NORDFORSK). The survey was conducted with online, probability-based samples of Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish citizens. The involved researchers are: Chapter 2 displays the question wordings in the respective languages. Chapter 3 shows the script … Read more →


Beyond Multiple Linear Regression

by Paul Roback and Julie Legler

Beyond Multiple Linear Regression

An applied textbook on generalized linear models and multilevel models for advanced undergraduates, featuring many real, unique data sets. It is intended to be accessible to undergraduate students who have successfully completed a regression course. Even though there is no mathematical prerequisite, we still introduce fairly sophisticated topics such as likelihood theory, zero-inflated Poisson, and parametric bootstrapping in an intuitive and applied manner. We believe strongly in case studies featuring real data and real research questions; thus, most of the data in the textbook arises from collaborative research conducted by the authors and their students, or from student projects. Our goal is that, after working through this material, students will develop an expanded toolkit and a greater appreciation for the wider world of data and statistical modeling. Read more →


Introduction to Research Methods

by Eric van Holm, PhD


This is a textbook written for an Introduction to Research Methods class in the social sciences […] “The true path to wisdom can be identified … it has to have practical application in your life. Otherwise, wisdom becomes a useless thing and deteriorates, like a sword that is never used.” - Paulo Coelho, “The Pilgrimage” This book is intended as a practical introduction to research methods in the social sciences. If you pursue research academically or professionally, it will probably not be the last book you need to read on the subject. This is intended as something of a gentle introduction … Read more →


Pursuing Truth: A Guide to Critical Thinking

by Randy Ridenour

Pursuing Truth: A Guide to Critical Thinking

This is a textbook for use in undergraduate critical thinking courses. […] This is a textbook written primarily for my students in PHIL 1502: Critical Thinking, at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma. There are many good textbooks for critical thinking on the market today, so why write another one? First, all of those books were written for someone else’s course. None cover all of the topics that I would like to cover in class. Second, as I’m sure any student can attest to, textbooks are remarkably expensive, to the point that most of the world’s population cannot afford access … Read more →


Sentiment Analysis of 49 years of Warren Buffett’s Letters to Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway

by Paul D. Sonkin


Sentiment Analysis of 49 years of Warren Buffett’s Letters to Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway […] The goal of this project is to perform a sentiment analysis in R of 49 years of letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders written by Warren Buffett between 1971 and 2019. What these data show is that IF, and that is a big if, the sentiment lexica are measuring the sentiment of Buffett’s letters accurately, that while Buffett says his focus is primarily on book value, the sentiment of his letters is actually more closely correlated with Berkshire’s stock price and the S&P 500 as shown in … Read more →



by W. Alton Russell


Doctoral dissertation. […] Copywrite 2021 by W. Alton Russell. All Rights Reserved. Re-distributed by Stanford University under license with the author. Donated blood is a critical component of health systems around the world, but its collection and transfusion involve risk for both donors and recipients. Transfusion-transmitted diseases and non-infectious transfusion-related adverse events pose a risk to transfusion recipients, and repeat blood donation can cause or exacerbate iron deficiency among donors. This dissertation describes four decision-analytic modeling projects that elucidate … Read more →


Market Basket Analysis

by Robert Goedegebuure


This module is part of the Minor Data Driven Decision Making in Business (3DMiB, for short). The module carries 2.5 credits (ECTS) […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in … Read more →


Mathematical methods for Economic analysis

by G.L.


This very little bookdown aims at presenting some basic ideas about the possible use of mathematical techniques to help with the economic analysis in a rigorous manner. […] The objective of these notes is to present succinctly some mathematical tools allowing to rigorously perform economic analyses. The first chapter presents a way to prove the theory of comparative advantages with far less hypotheses than usually needed. The second chapter provides a solution for the centipede paradox in the case of infinite games, and this solution is used to illustrate phenomena related to money. The … Read more →


2019 and 2020 Hybrid Maize x Teosinte Field Data

by Manisha Munasinghe


This is a bookdown containing results of our analysis of the phenotype data collected on the maize x teosinte hybrids during the 2019 and 2020 field season. […] As part of our effort to characterize the ‘hybrid decay’ phenotype described in Xue et al. 2019, we have collected phenotypic data for several sick hybrid lineages. All lineages descend from a Bravo Teosinte x W22 Maize hybrid backcrossed 7 times to W22 we received from John Doebley. We denote this hybrid as sW22 (may also be refered to as a Bravo BC7), and it is the earliest “sickly” phenotype we have. We start by first detailing … Read more →


R for Health Data Science

by Ewen Harrison and Riinu Pius

R for Health Data Science

An introductory book for health data science using R. […] This is the electronic version of the HealthyR book published by Chapman & Hall/CRC. HealthyR resources: Example datasets used in the book can be downloaded here. Version 1.0.1 It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States … Read more →


三國志で学ぶデータ分析 (Japan.R 2019)

by ill-identified


“三国志を題材にしたRを使ったデータ分析のチュートリアル” […] この記事は 2019/12/7 に開催された Japan.R の発表原稿をもとに作成した資料である. この記事の目的は2つ. ここでいう「データ分析」とは, なるべく複雑高度なテクニックを乱用せず必要最小限の方法で何かを言おうというものである. 今回の「データ分析」はスクレイピングによるデータ取得, データの加工整形, 要約統計量の計算, グラフによる視覚化, というよくあるデータ分析のアプローチであり, 使っているパッケージもrvest(スクレイピング), tidyrと dplyr(データの加工整形),ggplot2(グラフ作成)など様々な場面で使われるRの代表的なパッケージばかりで, … Read more →


An Introduction to Acceptance Sampling and SPC with R

by John Lawson


The output format for this book is bookdown::gitbook. […] This book is an introduction to statistical methods used in monitoring, controlling, and improving quality. Topics covered are: acceptance sampling; Shewhart control charts for Phase I studies; graphical and statistical tools for discovering and eliminating the cause of out-of-control-conditions; Cusum and EWMA control charts for Phase II process monitoring; design and analysis of experiments for process troubleshooting and discovering ways to improve process output; and multivariate control charts for Phase I and Phase II studies … Read more →


Analyzing and visualizing fiber photometry data with fluoR

by Andrew Tamalunas


A living bookdown document focused on exploration, visualization, and analysis of neurobiological time series data - especially in the context of testing behavioral hypothesis. […] Analyzing and visualizing fiber photometry data with fluoR is a continuously updated book of tutorials and background information for analyzing and visualizing time series data from behavioral experiments. The fluoR R package is the successor to the GCalcium package, which I initially wrote to help ensure that my fiber photometry data analyses were accurate, consistent, and transparent. Both R packages and this … Read more →


Dispersing or clustering: Spatial Pattern Analysis for Public Use and Taxi’s Rapid Charging Facilities in London, UK

by Student Number: 19175131


This is a tutorial book with R Markdown for CASA0005 final coursework containing code and instruction of the whole analyzing process. Course name: CASA0005 Geographic Information Systems and Science Program: MSc Spatial Data Science and Visualisation Department: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis GitHub repository: Rpubs link: … Read more →


Abracadabra Stats - Companion Book

by Matthew Whalen


This Book is a companion and appendum to the YouTube videos I make. […] Welcome! If you are here it is likeliy because you have drifted over from one of my videos, looking for practical experience implementing statistical tools in R. These demonstrations will take you through some more nitty-gritty math and coding to show you how how to turn visual intuition for stats into practical programming, and then into practical application in research. Each chapter corresponds to a single video. I will periodically update this introduction page to include relevant download instructions or link off … Read more →


Working with Data in R

by Eric van Holm, PhD


This is a textbook written to introduce some basic steps of working with and preparing data for use in quantitative analysis. […] This book will provide readers a few basic steps to begin working with data in R. It is not meant as a comprehensive introduction to using R for all of the different functions that are possible. Rather, it is tailored to help an individual that has quantitative data they would like to work with, but has not worked in R previously. The presentation of material is meant to be accessible to students with little to no background in R or computer programming. In many … Read more →


Trabajo final de estadística aplicada a la mercadotécnia

by Hernández Castelán Jorge Valente


Un análisis estadístico del sistema de salud en base a las ideas de las personas. […] Vivimos en un país en el que el sistema de salud siempre se ha encontrado en boca de todos, ya que independientemente de la clase social en la que uno se encuentre, nosotros o algún familiar nuestro en algún punto de nuestras vidas se ha visto en la necesidad de ir a estos centros de atención médica, ya sea el IMSS1 como el ISSTE2. Ciertamente todas las personas que han estado involucradas en estos lugares tienen experiencias diferentes respecto a ello, pero los tratos generales que hay aquí, así como las … Read more →


Cracking The First Year Exam

by 红领巾

Cracking The First Year Exam

UCSC Ph.D. in Statistics First Year Class Practice Problems. […] People feel anxious about unknown things. In exams, that anxiety may diminish ones abaility of solving problems. When I was in my first year, I cannot stop thinking about what would the First Year Exam looks like, and that curiosity reached its peak at the night just before the exam. It was a long night. After the exam took place, when I traced back the whole preparing process for FYE, it reminded me a famous book for Chinese college entrance exam, Five Years’ Real Exams, Three Years’ Practice Problems (五年高考,三年模拟). … Read more →


Ecologia numérica 2020/2021: Trabalho 4

by Tiago A. Marques, Susana França, Ana Sofia Reboleira e os alunos de Ecologia Numérica 2020/2021


Um livro feito pelos alunos, para os alunos. This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Este livro é o resultado dos esforços dos alunos de Ecologia Numérica na FCUL em 2020/2021. O ano de 2020/2021 ficou marcado pela pandemia de COVID19, que impôs grandes restrições à forma como as aulas foram dadas, bem como à forma de fazer a avaliação. Este livro é também uma demonstração de como se pode transformar um desafio numa oportunidade. Depois de assumir que exames em sala de aula poderiam ser caóticos, … Read more →


Statistica Applicata per la Finanza - 2020/21

by Michela Cameletti


Appunti per il corso di Statistica applicata per la finanza @ Unibg […] State leggendo gli appunti dei laboratori di R del corso di Statistica Applicata per la Finanza (SAPF) tenuto all’Università di Bergamo (anno accademico 2020/21). R è un linguaggio di programmazione sviluppato specificatamente per l’analisi statistica e la rappresentazione grafica dei dati. I laboratori di R sono strutturati per studenti che non hanno uno specifico background in tema di programmazione. Sarà un percorso step-by-step al termine del quale ogni studente/essa avrà la conoscenza base di R per l’analisi delle … Read more →


Mastering Software Development in R

by Roger D. Peng, Sean Kross, and Brooke Anderson

Mastering Software Development in R

The book covers R software development for building data science tools. As the field of data science evolves, it has become clear that software development skills are essential for producing useful data science results and products. You will obtain rigorous training in the R language, including the skills for handling complex data, building R packages and developing custom data visualizations. You will learn modern software development practices to build tools that are highly reusable, modular, and suitable for use in a team-based environment or a community of developers. Read more →


EDAV Final Project - Chess Analysis

by Hanlin Tong, Wendy Qian, Yishi Wang


EDAV Final Project - Chess Analysis […] Inspired by recent Netflix series “The Queen’s Gambit”, which the starring actress Anya Taylor-Jay portrays Beth Harmon, a gifted girl orphan struggling with a drug addiction who grew in the 1960s male-dominated world of chess and became a grandmaster and an U.S. Champion, we were interested in what strategies chess players used in their games. History of chess can be traced back to 1500 years, while the predecessor of the game probably originated in India and spread to Persia. When the Arabs conquered Persia, chess was taken up by the Muslim world … Read more →



by introrbook


Introduction […] … Read more →


Exploring Digital Water Publics

by Helge Peters and Nathanael Sheehan


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The past year has seen increasing public debate about the environmental quality of water bodies in England. This debate has partly played out on the social media platform Twitter as environmental non-profits, local associations, celebrities, statutory bodies and other platform users form digital publics around a variety of issues related to the water environment. With a geographical focus on London and England, this project explores digital water publics by … Read more →


English writing for CET6

by wxhyihuan


资料内容收集来源于网络,主要来自: … Read more →


A Statistical Analysis of Inherited Blindness: Physiological and Genetic Assays


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Rod photoreceptor death is a form of retinal degeneration that rewires the retina, which eventually leads to blindness. We use genetic and physiological methods to study how the retina encodes the visual world differently. Using spike train consistency and information theoretic metrics, we find that cone mediated visual performance is maintained during retinal degeneration. Next, we find genetic targets that may recover the neural networks in RP patients. … Read more →


Project in Data Analytics for Decision Making

by Cédric Vuignier and Gaëtan Lovey


This project was completed as part of our course Project in Data Analytics for Decision making. […] This work was completed as part of our course “Project in Data Analytics for Decision Making.” We produced a detailed analysis of the german database. The ultimate goal was to predict whether the customer represents a risk for the bank or not by following the CRISP-DM method. Business Understanding: A company that lends money takes risks. This assessment has always been made by humans. However, it is important to provide reliable tools for decision-making. Indeed, the consequences of a large … Read more →



by vincentsaudanba


Analysis […] Does money buy everything? This is a question that we can ask ourselves and especially when we talk about the movie industry where money, success and appearance are often highlighted. Through this project, we want to see if there is a relationship between the budget allocated to a specific movie and the profits generated by it. We will also compare this relationship through several aspects such as movie genres, main characters & production studios. After our analysis, our models showed a significant positive relationship between budget & profits. This relationship differs when … Read more →



by wxhyihuan


日期: 2020-11-10 作者:wxhyihuan 这份笔记主要是我个人在学习孙振球,徐勇勇老师的<> 第4版的过程中,尽量使用编程语言R对书中的示例进行实现的记录, 并用Bookdown形成的。 虽然在学习,整理过程中尽量将笔记的形式,内容结构进行力所能及的梳理,这里要特别感谢在学习过程中,在网络上找到的一些参考资料带来的帮助,然后将一些 示例与原书进行对照,以避免一些学习错误,但个人能力和精力实在有限,也容易会有理解不当,表述错误的情况, 如果您在参考的过程中,发现了这样的错误,请您尽量可以告诉我,我会确认并努力修正,如果您对文档有疑问或建议,都可以 邮件 告知我。 建议您购买原版教材结合本笔记学习,您也可以在网络上找到电子书方便参考。 … Read more →


Explanatory Model Analysis

by Przemyslaw Biecek and Tomasz Burzykowski

Explanatory Model Analysis

This book introduces unified language for exploration, explanation and examination of predictive machine learning models. […] … Read more →


Title of The Web Page

by Name and Surname


Title of The Web Page […] Fill this area with … Read more →


ECO 397 Book Review

by Clayton Engelby


ECO 397 Book Review […] Cathy O’Neill’s book “Weapons of Math Destruction” is an analysis of big data and its use of machine learning programs that aim to maximize market efficiency. In the process of doing so, she coins the initialism WMDs as logical flaws in the models that skew results in one way or another. Her argument focuses on the fact that more often than not, these failures result in the worsening of ongoing structural violence and only add fuel to the fire for recidivism rates, bankruptcies, mortgage defaults, college dropouts, and health-related deaths. While there is absolutely … Read more →


Introduction to Statistical Methodology, Second Edition

by Derek L. Sonderegger & Robert Buscaglia


Introduction to Statistical Methodology, Second Edition […] The problem with most introductory statistics courses is that they don’t prepare the student for the use of advanced statistics. Rote hand calculation is easy to test, easy to grade, and easy for students to learn to do, but is useless for actually understanding how to apply statistics. Since students pursuing a Ph.D. will likely be using statistics for the rest of their professional careers, we feel that this sort of course should attempt to steer away from a “cookbook” undergraduate pedagogy, and give the student enough … Read more →


Statistical Methods II

by Derek L. Sonderegger


The second semester of an Intro Stats course designed for graduate students in Biology, Forestry, Ecology, etc. […] These notes are intended to be used in the second semester of a two-semester sequence of Statistical Methodology. We assume that students have seen t-tests, Simple Regression, and ANOVA. The second semester emphasizes the uniform matrix notation (y = X\beta + \epsilon) and the interpretation of the coefficients. We cover model diagnostics, transformation, model selection, interactions of continuous and categorical predictors as well as introduce random effects in the … Read more →


Análisis de datos longitudinales

by Isaac Subirana


Curso donde se describen modelos y técnicas estadísticas para el análisis de diseños con datos longitudinales o de medidas repetidas. […] Idioma: Castellano/Catalán. El material está en castellano. Duración: 16 horas distribuido en 8 clases de 2 horas Objetivos: conocer modelos y técnicas estadísticas para analizar los datos de diseños de medidas repetidas o datos longitudinales. Recomendado: tener conocimiento de programa R y de las tácnicas estadísticas estándares como los modelos lineales o de regresión logística. Programas usados: R, versión 3.6.0 o posterior, RStudio. Durante el curso … Read more →


Multivariate Statistical Analysis with R: PCA & Friends making a Hotdog

by Brian Nguyen

Multivariate Statistical Analysis with R: PCA & Friends making a Hotdog

Multivariate Statistical Analysis with R: PCA & Friends making a Hotdog […] Multivariate Analysis has been developed and evolved through many iterations by many different disciplines. Virtually all scientific domains need to use statistical methods under the Multivariate umbrella to analyze data with more than 1 variable. Thus, Multivariate Analysis has gotten many names and has been customized by many “-metric” disciplines throughout the years. Overall, Multivariate Analysis explore the relationships between observations and/or variables in a multivariate dataset. The strategies commonly … Read more →


1014SCG Statistics - Lecture Notes

by James McBroom


These are the complete set of lecture notes in online bookform for the course 1014SCG Statistics at Griffith University, 2020. […] ©Griffith University 2019. Subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether mechanical, electronic, microcopying, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior … Read more →


MedTech Foundation Spoke Guide

by MedTech Foundation


A guide to run MedTech Foundation Spokes […] Welcome! This document is created to address the questions that you may have about running a spoke. Thus, it will only serve its purpose if we share what issues you may be facing and the document is set up in such a way that anyone can make an edit. Click on the fourth button from left to right to make an edit (you may need to register a GitHub account first). If you have any questions or want to suggest an edit without a GitHub account, please feel free to email … Read more →


Guía para usar Haver Analytics

by Victor Cuspinera


Guía para usar Haver Analytics, enfocándose en las series relacionadas con el dinero en efectivo y herramientas que podrían ser útiles a la Oficina de Estadística de la Dirección General de Emisión del Banco de México. […] Haver Analytics es una empresa que se encarga de coleccionar información económica, financiera y monetaria, a nivel global de distintas fuentes oficiales. El Banco de México tiene contratado una subscripción a algunas de las bases de datos de esta empresa, por lo que cualquier trabajador del banco puede solicitar el acceso a esta información sin incurrir en costo … Read more →


Advanced Environmental Data Management

by Donnie Day


Advanced Environmental Data Management […] This book template is what I learned from Advanced Data Management. Sean Kross has a much better template on GitHub. A few things you may want to do before building the book: Once you have everything in one place, do the following: We have now completed a book using a basic template. For more options, consult the book by Yihui … Read more →


Introduction to Data Science

by Ron Sarafian


Class notes for the BGU course - Introduction to Data Science. […] This book accompanies the course I give at Ben-Gurion University, named “Introduction to Data Science”. This is an introductory-level, hands-on focused course, designed for students with basic background in statistics and econometrics, and without programming experience. It introduces students to different tools needed for building a data science pipeline, including data processing, analysis, visualization and modeling. The course is taught in R environment. Many of the contents in this book are taken from BGU’s “R” course, … Read more →


R Software Handbook

by Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology - University of Tennessee, Knoxville


This is a handbook to help UTK Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology students learn important R skills. […] Welcome to the R Handbook for ESM Students. This handbook is a hands-on guide to help you learn R. It will take you from installation and set up, to data cleaning, analysis, visualization, and reporting. This guide uses real data to help you practice with R. Specifically, it uses survey data from the RStudio Learning R Survey. It also includes data from built-in R data sets and simulated data. R is a free, open-source programming language for statistics and data visualization. It is … Read more →


1 Introdução


A estatística consiste numa metodologia científica para obtenção, organização, redução, apresentação, análise e interpretação de dados oriundos das mais variadas áreas das ciências experimentais, cujo objetivo principal é auxiliar a tomada de decisão em situações de incerteza, veja por exemplo Morettin (2017) e Barbetta, Reis, and Bornia (2004). Informalmente, podemos definir a ciência estatística como um conjunto de técnicas utilizadas para estudar a condição de uma população usando informações obtidas a partir de dados observados. Dados são resultados de observações de algum fenômeno, … Read more →


Teoria das Probabilidades

by Rosineide da Paz


Teoria das Probabilidades […] O início do desenvolvimento da teoria matemática das probabilidades se deu na França pelos matemáticos Blaid Pascal (1623 - 1662) e Pierre de Fermat (1601 – 1665). No entanto, as probabilidades de várias combinações de dados já haviam sido calculadas bem antes disso por Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) e Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), see for example DeGroot and Schervish (2012) para uma revisão histórica da teoria das probabilidades. Frequentemente ouvem-se ou usam-se expressões como: “é provável que vai chover hoje”; “existe uma grande chance do voo atrasar”; “é … Read more →


Portfolio Construction

by Jian SHEN


Portfolio construction with R […] outline: portfolio: basic portfolio concepts portfolio construction: back-testing machine learning: data clean, transform, viz, exploratory ts modeling model model evaluation math: convex optimization The R session information when compiling this book is shown below: Some basic knowledge about finance, time series analysis, optimization (linear and convex), programming (python1 or R) would be preferred. Later I will add corresponding python … Read more →



by University of Washington Center for Quantitative Science, Updated by the TrEnCh Project


These materials were designed to be used by life science students to learn how to apply physics to investigate the function of ecosystems. […] Species and ecosystems continue to respond to climate change in unexpected ways– for example, shifting their distributions and abundances in directions opposite that expected. Such surprises highlight the need to translate our physical metrics of climates and climate change into how organisms are experiencing their environments. Differences in shape, coloration, and composition can lead two organisms to experience their shared environments very … Read more →


R Practices for Learning Statistics

by Logan Kelly, Ph.D.


This is a set of demonstrations of basic statistical operations in R. It is intended to used in statistics classes taught at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. … Read more →


Computational Methods in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung

by Julian Unkel


Computational Methods in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung […] Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2020-11-19 11:45:03. Dies ist ein Work-in-Progress und wird laufend aktualisiert. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation wird dieses Seminar in einen Online-Kurs überführt. Alle Seminarinhalte werden in Textform aufbereitet und nach und nach diesem Online-Kurs hinzugefügt. Auf Basis des Kurses sollen die Seminarinhalte selbstständig und mit weitestgehend eigenem Lerntempo erarbeitet werden. In jedem Kapitel werden hierzu zunächst die wesentlichen Konzepte und Inhalte erläutert. Jedes Kapitel schließt mit … Read more →


A Minimal rTorch Book

by Alfonso R. Reyes


This is a minimal tutorial about using the rTorch package to have fun while doing machine learning. This book was written with bookdown. […] Last update: Sun Oct 25 12:05:18 2020 -0500 (79503f6ee) You need couple of things to get rTorch working: Install Python Anaconda. Preferably, for 64-bits, and above Python 3.6+. I have successfully tested Anaconda under four different operating systems: Windows (Win10 and Windows Server 2008); macOS (Sierra, Mojave and Catalina); Linux (Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu); and lastly, Solaris 10. All these tests are required by CRAN. Install R, Rtools and … Read more →


Applied Spatio-temporal Statistics

by Trevor Hefley


Course notes for Applied Spatio-temporal Statistics (STAT 764) at Kansas State University […] This document contains the course notes for Applied Spatio-temporal Statistics at Kansas State University (STAT 764). During the semester we will cover construction and analysis of spatial, time series, and spatio-temporal data sets. Topics include data generation using geographic information systems, exploratory data analysis and visualization, and descriptive and dynamic spatio-temporal statistical … Read more →


Week of November 9th

by Chiraag Gohel


Week of November 9th … Read more →


Kursmaterial Introduktion till R - Certifierad Data Scientist

by Filip Wästberg & Torbjörn Sjöberg, Solita


Här finns kursmaterial och övningar för första blocket R-övningar. […] För att ta del av det här materialet behöver du inte några särskilda förkunskaper. Övningarna och upplägget följer boken R for Data Science av Hadley Wickham och Garrett Grolemund som finns gratis. Den boken är ett utmärkt fördjupande komplement till det här … Read more →


Notes for Ecological Modelling

by Tiago A. Marques


This is based on Yihui Xie’s a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] These notes were written in 2020, during the ecological modelling classes (Modelação Ecológica, ME in short). While it all started as just a way to teach the course, it soon became obvious that with a bit of extra effort put into it these notes might become material that would be useful to others beyond the ME students. This is being written as a bookdown project. Maybe one day it will become a book, for now, these are essentially notes I … Read more →


Guide to Creating Interactive Maps in R

by Emine Fidan


Guide to Creating Interactive Maps in R […] Prior to working through the exercises and modules in this book, please watch the precursor videos that provide an introduction to GIS and geospatial data. The videos can be found here: First things first, you should install the R and RStudio softwares. To download R, visit the webpage You should see three download links at the top of the page, please click and install the appropriate R software for your machine (Linux, Mac OS, or Windows). Next, install RStudio Desktop from the webpage … Read more →


Kursmaterial till Certifierad Data Scientist

by Filip Wästberg, Solita


Det här dokumentet innehåller kursmaterial och övningar för det första blockets R-övningar. […] För att ta del av det här materialet behöver du inte några särskilda förkunskaper. Övningarna och upplägget följer boken R for Data Science av Hadley Wickham och Garrett Grolemund som finns gratis. Den boken är ett utmärkt fördjupande komplement till det här … Read more →


PSY317L Guidebook

by James P. Curley & Tyler M. Milewski


PSY317L Guidebook […] This books is still in progress !!! This is a draft. Several sections are still incomplete or unedited. This book is written to help students enrolled in the University of Texas at Austin Introduction to Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (PSY317L) course led by Professor James Curley. We hope that the book will be a useful resource to help you learn both R and statistics. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please get in touch with Professor Curley. This is in between a textbook and a study guide. We’re trying to build materials that will enable students … Read more →



by Lele Shu (


SHUD Book […] 这是一本有关SHUD模型的说明书,包含和模型的基本理论、构建、应用案例和程序设计。本书不仅仅向模型用户介绍SHUD模型本身,更想为水文和地球工作中展示以水为媒的自然过程。 “云气西行,云云然冬夏不辍;水泉东流,日夜不休;上不竭,下不满;小为大,重为轻;圜道也。” ——吕不韦 《吕氏春秋》, 公元前239年(?) “上善若水,水善利万物而不争” ——老子《道德家》,公元前四世纪 科学技术是人工的演化。理论物理学家的理论验证需要等待宇宙现象的发生。科学家穷其一生也无法验证某些理论——因为自然现象的发生概率非常低。所以,人工实验就可以大幅度提高这种现象的发生概率。 … Read more →


QA of Code

by Joshua Halls


This is a draft of QA for Coding guidance […] ALPHA This is a draft of Government Statistical Service guidance. It is unpublished and does not represent the views of the ONS or the GSS. … Read more →


“Guia bàsica d’ús d’R amb Rstudio”

by “Jordi Compte, Rafael Muñoz-Mas, María Antón-Pardo & Stéphanie Gascón”


Aquesta és una guia d’introducció a l’ús d’R i RStudio dins l’àmbit de l’assignatura d’Anàlisi Avançada de Dades de l’UdG. […] Aquest llibre és una petita guia per iniciar-vos en l’ús d’R per a l’anàlisi de dades en l’àmbit de la Biologia i Ciències ambientals. S’enmarca dins els coneixements requerits a l’assignaura d’Anàlisis Avançada de Dades de l’UdG. Aquest llibre ha estat elaborat amb R-Markdown mitjançant el package bookdown. Aquesta obra està sota llicència de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Sin Obra Derivada 4.0 … Read more →


An Introduction to Web Analytics

by Michael Hewlett


The best basics of web analytics. […] If I asked you how you wanted to level-up in web analytics, it would be fair if you said “I can’t answer that - I don’t know enough about web analytics to know what I don’t know”. This textbook will take you from “I don’t know what I don’t know” to knowing the content areas of web analytics and broadly knowing what can be done with web analytics skills. In addition to shifting your knowledge base from unknown unknowns to known unknowns, by the end of this textbook, you will be able to take any question that can be addressed with web analytics and answer … Read more →


R 資料科學與統計

by 林建甫 Jeff Lin


R 資料科學與統計 […] R 可視為統計數學軟體, 也是一種程式語言, 而近年來的發展, R 更成為資料科學的熱門的工具之一. R 是一個免費的統計分析軟體 (open-source, GNU General Public License), R 由一群跨國際的志工人員組成的 {R} 核心發展組織 (R core-development team) 所維持, 運作與持續更新發展. 目前對初學者的 R 入門學習有二大主要論點, 一為學習使用 R Base 原始語言與原始套件, 二為直接學習外部套件, 如 ggplot2, tidyverse 系統. 無論哪一種方式各有其優缺點. 個人認為對未來必須經常性使用 R 進行資料分析工作的初學者, 則建議先學習使用 R Base 原始語言. 對於未來僅在少數時間必須使用 R 進行資料分析工作, 或是僅在統計學上課使用, 則建議學習 … Read more →


Review and Homework for Programming for Educational Research

by Chaeeun Song


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 이것은 2020학년도 2학기 교육용 프로그래밍의 이해 수업을 들으며 작성한 필기 노트와 과제 모음입니다. R markdown is a file format that can be converted into many different documents such as HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, and other dynamic documents. That is, it’s a nice example of one source multi … Read more →


EMMERG Spatial

by Gabriel Carrasco


Working notes […] Quantify the effects of contextual variables by coupling spatial and temporal structures in a Bayesian model framework. The model will then used to produce out-of-sample predicted probabilities of exceeding county-specific outbreak thresholds to develop early warning information to predict the risk of emerging drug … Read more →


R for Statistical Learning

by David Dalpiaz


Welcome to R for Statistical Learning! While this is the current title, a more appropriate title would be “Machine Learning from the Perspective of a Statistician using R” but that doesn’t seem as catchy. This book currently serves as a supplement to An Introduction to Statistical Learning for STAT 432 - Basics of Statistical Learning at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The initial focus of this text was to expand on ISL’s introduction to using R for statistical learning, mostly through adding to and modifying existing code. This text is currently becoming much more … Read more →


Companion to BER 642: Advanced Regression Methods

by Cheng Hua, Dr. Youn-Jeng Choi, Qingzhou Shi


This is a companion book for students taking the BER 642: Advanced Regression Method at the University of Alabama, Fall 2020 […] This book is still in progress !!! This is a draft. Several sections are still incomplete or unedited. This book is written to help students enrolled in the University of Alabama, Advanced Regression Method (BER 642) course led by Professor Dr.Youn-Jeng (Joy) Choi. We hope that the book will be a useful resource to help you learn both R and statistics. If you have any questions concerning your homework in R, please contact your TA: Qingzhou, at: … Read more →


Ryten lab induction book

by David Zhang, Regina Reynolds


Induction bookdown for all things Ryten lab […] We hope you enjoy your time in the Ryten lab! Some description about the book… TO BE ADDED For example, this book was made possible thanks to the R package bookdown (Xie 2020). The below code automatically generates the packages.bib, a bibtex format for all the packages listed. If you contribute to this book and include a particular R package in your guide (as with bookdown above), consider adding it to the code chunk and citing it via including [@R-package_name] in the text. Xie, Yihui. 2020. Bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents … Read more →


PsyBSC 2 Statistik

by TS


Tutoriumsschriften für das Modul PsyBsC 2 Einführung in die Statistik. […] Achtung: Falls ihr die Buchkapitel als PDF haben möchtet, klickt bitte hier. Der Vorteil der Online Bookdown Ressource ist, dass ich diese ständig aktualisieren kann, was bei den PDF-Dateien schwer zu realisieren ist, wobei ihr für die Einsicht in die PDF-Dateien keine stabile Internetverbindung benötigt. Es kann jedoch sein, dass die Online Ressource auf einem neueren Stand ist, als die PDF-Dateien. In diesem kleinen Büchlein werden die Themeninhalte des Moduls PsyBSc 2 anhand von Beispielen näher erläutert bzw. … Read more →


Basic R Guide for NSC Statistics

by Deanna Li


This is an R guide for statistics course at NSC. […] This guide’s primary focus is on Basic R. When graphics are involved, command functions in both Basic R and a package called ggplot2 will be shown. Graph enhancements will be kept to a minimum. Although there are R packages that may do the same or better job than Basic R, this tutorial will not delve into those packages. Exploring other packages will be left for the student to look into, if the student so wishes. Datasets will be taken mostly from those built into R. Since this is mainly a tutorial on the R commands necessary to do … Read more →


CI 5371: Learning Analytics

by Bodong Chen


This is a course manual of Bodong Chen’s learning analytics course. […] This is the course website of CI 5371 - Learning Analytics: Theory and Practice offered in Fall ’20 at the University of Minnesota. This course is fully online. All content published on this website is open to the public. Instructor: Bodong Chen, Associate Professor in Learning Technologies and Huebner Endowed Chair in Education & … Read more →


GSBS Core Course Biostats Modules in R

by Yunlong Yang


Using R bookdown to present all the assignments in the class. Assignments will be divided into chapters. […] This bookdown document combines many R Markdown files, and is intended to showcase the utility of R Markdown in reporting data. Each chapter in this document contains a brief sample report of each week’s assignment using data provided in-class, as well as an extention of a topic covered that week. Chapter … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example

by William Guardado


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The objective of the present study was to assess traits present in women whom have either depression or an eating disorder, along with a control sample, in a sample of women from different demographic and educational backgrounds. Several measures were taken from 516 Women aged 18 or above. Questionnaires for screening eating disorders and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, perfectionism and self esteem scores were performed on participants. The underlying … Read more →



by CAHP Team


This book contains the results of the document analysis that I did over the summer. I reviewed all available documents on the PCLN and SOM-Y1 courses’ Sakai pages. […] Please read this section before you click through the information in this document. Things I talk about here will help contextualize what you read and explain some of the features of this document. I first highlight some important information about the document analysis. I then provide a table of the courses whose docs were included in this document analysis. The information in this document is the result of a “document … Read more →


Practical Data Science

by Michael Clark

Practical Data Science

The focus of this document is on data science tools and techniques in R, including basic programming knowledge, visualization practices, modeling, and more, along with exercises to practice further. In addition, the demonstrations of most content in Python is available via Jupyter notebooks. […] Michael Clark … Read more →


Worked Solutions to Project Euler in R

by See


Worked Solutions to Project Euler in R […] Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems. The motivation for starting Project Euler, and its continuation, is to provide a platform for the inquiring mind to delve into unfamiliar areas and learn new concepts in a fun and recreational context. The intended audience include students … Read more →


Modul Pelatihan Riset Kuantitatif Ekonomi dan Manajemen INSW

by Tim Pengajar :, Dr. Bagus Sartono, M.Si dan Aep Hidayatuloh, S.Stat


Modul Pelatihan Riset Kuantitatif Ekonomi dan Manajemen bagi INSW sebagai bagian dari kajian Dwelling Time. […] Selamat datang para peserta pelatihan Riset Kuantitatif Ekonomi dan Manajemen. Dokumen ini merupakan bahan ajar praktikum untuk materi Riset Kuantitatif Ekonomi dan Manajemen. Pelatihan ini akan membahas pengaplikasian metode-metode statistika dan machine learning menggunakan software R. 03 Oktober 2020 30 September 2020 22 September 2020 20 September 2020↩︎↩︎ … Read more →


Abnormal Psychology, Fall 2020

by Brian Holt


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package for abnormal psychology […] This document is a schedule of readings for Abnormal Psychology, North Seattle College. Generally, the pattern of this document will provide you a weekly list of things to read and do. I would recommend not printing the entire book as it is a work in progress. It is probably safe to print weekly chapters/sections. Note on blue boxes These blue boxes can be skipped. They are much like a footnote, a comment. Something trivial but maybe … Read more →


Integration and harmonization of trait data from plant individuals across heterogeneous sources

by Tim P. Lenters, Andrew Henderson, Caroline M. Dracxler, Guilherme A. Elias, Suzanne Mogue, Thomas L.P. Couvreur & W. Daniel Kissling


Integration and harmonization of trait data from plant individuals across heterogeneous sources […] This tutorial gives an indepth explanation of how to use and implement the different aspects of the workflow as described in Lenters et al., (submitted) It consists of different … Read more →



by 설시내


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] … Read more →


¿Que mas debemos conocer, muy aparte de tecnicas y analisis estadistico? Analytics, BI, automatizacion, etc.

by Daniel Sirlupu


Blog construido con el paquete bookdwown que se presenta como gitbook con temas relevantes para un mundo cada vez mas digital […] Yihui Xie y el paquete bookdown hacen esto posible, una forma concreta de unir varios resumenes escritos en R Markdown en un consolidado llamado bookdown. Es un blog en formato de libro digital, donde tocare temas relevantes para un mundo cada vez mas digital, tendra actualizaciones en periodos de … Read more →


Computational Genomics with R

by Altuna Akalin

Computational Genomics with R

A guide to computationa genomics using R. The book covers fundemental topics with practical examples for an interdisciplinery audience […] The aim of this book is to provide the fundamentals for data analysis for genomics. We developed this book based on the computational genomics courses we are giving every year. We have had invariably an interdisciplinary audience with backgrounds from physics, biology, medicine, math, computer science or other quantitative fields. We want this book to be a starting point for computational genomics students and a guide for further data analysis in more … Read more →


R Homework 1

by 192EEG04 Jung Eun Ju


R Homework 1 … Read more →


R Programming - 1st Homework (202AIE42)

by Hong hyejin


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] … Read more →


교육용 프로그래밍 Home Work 1

by 소프트웨어교육전공 192SEE01 김미경


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Using the mpg dataset in the ggplot2 package, replicate the plot below using the following settings: Answer … Read more →


교육용 프로그래밍의 이해

by Boyoung Kim(202AIE06)


This is first homework for knowledge of programming for education. The output format for this document is bookdown::gitbook. […] Using the mpg dataset in the ggplot2 packages. replicate the plot below using the following settings … Read more →


Aprendizaje automático de datos Colombianos (Machine Learning)

by Danna Cruz


Este libro es una introducción aprendizaje automatico y aplicado a datos Colombianos […] Este libro fue construido para ayudar a entender algunas herramientas en R de Aprendizaje automático y aportar contenido en español. Además, queríamos aprovechar que actualmente, tenemos muchas bases de datos disponibles y de todo tipo. Quisiera fomentar el análisis de datos para todos los que quieran, es una práctica libre y cualquiera, con conocimientos básicos de R y Estadística, puede hacerlo. Fue escrito por Danna Cruz y Luis Alejandro Másmela y siempre acompañados por Cantelli. … Read more →


Inferential Statistics and Complex Surveys

by Cristóbal Moya


ZU course, Fall Semester 2020 […] Welcome to Inferential Statistics and Complex Surveys.This is a course about making inferences with surveys. What does it mean to make an inference? The simplest way to put it is saying that we will use things we know (data) to learn about things we do not know (parameters). This course aims: The objective of these materials is not to replace the readings, but to provide a more concise and, especially, applied summary of the course contents. Part I is about getting the tools ready for the course (R and RStudio) and learning their basics. Part II presents a … Read more →


Legislação e normas da educação escolar indígena

by Rafael Xukuru Kariri


Compilado de legislação e normas federais relacionados à educação escolar indígena […] Este é um pequeno compilado de legislações e normas federais relacionadas à EDUCAÇÃO ESCOLAR INDÍGENA. Nosso objetivo é apresentar um instrumento de consulta, simples e acessível, para todas as pessoas que trabalham na área ou para as que querem conhecer os principais balizadores da organização e do funcionamento da educação escolar indígena no âmbito federal. Dada as constantes alterações dos atos legais e normativos da área educacional, atualizaremos frequentemente esta publicação a fim de que reflita … Read more →


Covid Analysis

by nutjung_nutlc


Base line Covid Analysis … Read more →


Applet Codebook: CA Partners Daily MindLogger Diary v0.1

by Mike X.


This is a codebook that documents all of the items in the current version of the CA Partners applet. […] …add info about the applet … Read more →


소방 빅데이터 업무편람

by 소방빅데이터담당


소방 빅데이터 업무편람 […] 소방 빅데이터 담당은 소방서비스 혁신 빅데이터 TF를 시작으로, 2020. 7. 1.자 조직개편을 통해 신설된 조직입니다. 우리는 최신 빅데이터 기술과 IT 인프라를 활용하여 소방행정의 혁신을 위해 협업, 효율, 전문성을 추구합니다. 이 편람은 빅데이터 업무가 복잡, 다양하고 고도의 전문성이 요구되기 때문에 빅데이터 업무의 축적된 노하우를 체계적으로 기록하여 인력변동에 의한 업무 공백을 최소화하기 위해 발간하게 되었습니다. 주요 내용은 빅데이터 업무환경 구축, 빅데이터 분석 툴인 R, Qlik, Tableau, Q-GIS, Kepler 등 사용법을 담고 있습니다. 특히 데이터를 수집·정제하고, 분석리포트, … Read more →


Text as Data para Ciências Sociais

by Davi Moreira


Compilação de métodos e técnicas para análise automatizada de conteúdo […] A partir da produção de material para o curso Text as Data: análise automatizada de conteúdo que ministrei no MQ-UFMG em 2019 e no artigo que publiquei em coautoria com Maurício Izumi (Izumi and Moreira 2018), esse livro tem como propósito difundir nas ciências sociais e humanidades técnicas e métodos de análise automatizada de conteúdo usando a linguagem R. O principal objetivo do livro é ser tutorial prático de uso e aplicação de técnicas e métodos de análise automatizada de conteúdo na língua portuguesa através da … Read more →


La Inteligencia Detrás De La Investigación

by Jorge Andrade

La Inteligencia Detrás De La Investigación

Este libro es el resultado de más de una década de publicar en el blog de Market Variance®, temas relacionadas a la investigación de mercados; principalmente de estadística y de marcas. Y de una selección de sus artículos, que a nuestro juicio son los más útiles, amenos y divertidos… […] … Read more →


Introductory Seminar in Korean Studies

by Wayne de Fremery


This book contains the texts to be annotated fo the Introductory Seminar in Korean Studies at Sogang University, 2020. […] The texts on this website are formatted in HTML and they will adapt to your screen size. So, you can easily read them on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Use the menu icon on the left to access the table of contents and the < icon on the right to open the annotation sidebar. In order to annotate the texts with Hypothesis, you need to sign up at this link: Once you have signed up and confirmed your email, log in using the sidebar … Read more →


RMarkdown for Scientists

by Nicholas Tierney


A book created for a 3 hour workshop on rmarkdown […] This is a book on rmarkdown, aimed for scientists. It was initially developed as a 3 hour workshop, but is now developed into a resource that will grow and change over time as a living book. This book aims to teach the following: There are many great books on R Markdown and it’s various features, such as “Rmarkdown: The definitive guide”, “bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown”, and “Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, Second edition”, and Yihui Xie’s thesis, “Dynamic Graphics and Reporting for Statistics”. So … Read more →


Predictive Models of English Premier League Goal Scoring

by An Honors Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduating with Departmental Honors in Mathematics


Predictive Models of English Premier League Goal Scoring […] The English Premier League is well-known for being not only one of the most-watched football leagues in the world but also one of the toughest competitions to predict. The purpose of this research project was to look at goal scoring data of the English Premier League and use statistical modeling to predict Premier League match results. This research will attempt to determine whether goal scoring in the Premier League can be modeled by a Poisson process, specifically, the relationships between the number of goals and the Poisson … Read more →


HR 분석 실무자를 위한 R Tips

by 김광태


R Tips는 HR Analytics 입문자를 위해 제작했습니다. […] R Tips는 HR Analytics 를 현업에 적용하고자 하지만, 어떤 것부터 시작해야 할지 막막한 입문자분들께 조금이나마 도움을 드리기 위해 제작하고 있습니다. R 프로그램을 활용하여 HR Analytics를 진행하실 때 참고하실만한 가장 기초적인 내용으로 구성되어 있으며, 작성하는 저 역시 배우는 단계에 있기에, 부족한 점이 많이 있습니다. 혹시 오류가 있거나, 보기 불편하신 내용이 있으신 경우 언제든지 말씀 부탁 드립니다. 향후 계속해서 내용을 보완하면서, 도움이 되는 컨텐츠 공유 드리도록 하겠습니다. R 설치 및 기본적인 문법에 대해서는 알고 계신다는 전제 하에 Tip을 … Read more →


Applied Statistics

by Prof. Dr. Carsten Sauer


Applied Statistics […] WELCOME … Read more →


Dad-joke University of Humour (DUH)

by Pastor Panda (Vice Chancellor)

Dad-joke University of Humour (DUH)

Training for new Dads in the area of dad-jokes. […] These web pages are designed to help new Dads work through the material to learn the art and science of Dad-jokes. Importantly, understand that a joke becomes a dad joke when it becomes apparent1. That was a Dad joke right … Read more →


Season 3 Stlats EDA

by From The Void


Season 3 Stlats EDA […] We’re going on an adventure! The fixings for this adventure are currently as follows: Currently, I am throwing out a bunch of numbers. I will add a bit more detailed commentary when I feel satiated by the data. TODO: INCORPORATE SEASONAL DATA IN A MORE AUTOMATED MANNER. ADD SEASONAL COMPARISON … Read more →


Fundamentos de Investigación II

by Luis Eudave


Apuntes de la asignatura de Fundamentos de Investigación II … Read more →


EESA01 Laboratory Manual: Introduction to Environmental Science

by Andrew Apostoli and Adam Martin


A lab manual for students of Environmental Science […] This book is an open source document. The book is built using the bookdown package (Xie 2019) in R, and pandoc. We cordially invite you to provide us with any feedback or comments that you may have by sending an email to or Please note that any contributions must be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For more information, see “License” (1.2) below. This project is coordinated by Andrew Apostoli, and Adam Martin. Our two … Read more →


behaviouR: R package and tutorials for teaching of fundamental concepts in behavior and ecology

by Dena J. Clink


This is the location for all of the tutorials associated with the behaviouR R package. […] To get started you should download the package from Github using the following code. Note: If you have never used R before I highly recommend that you check out the primers here: You can navigate using the tabs at the left and/or the … Read more →


Official Guidance:Understanding Surge

by Surge Networks Inc.


Official Guidance:Understanding Surge […] Surge is a networking tool on iOS and macOS platforms with four core capabilities. Takeover: You can take over the network connection sent by the device. Surge supports both proxy service and virtual NIC takeover. Processing: You can modify the network requests and responses that have been taken over. This includes URL redirection, local file mapping, custom modification using JavaScript, and many other methods. Forwarding: You can forward the taken over network requests to other proxy servers. This can be global forwarding or with a flexible rule … Read more →


Surge 官方中文指引:理解 Surge 原理

by Surge Networks Inc.


Surge 官方中文指引:理解 Surge 原理 […] Surge 是一个在 iOS 和 macOS 平台上的网络工具,其核心能力有四项: 接管:可以将设备发出的网络连接进行接管。Surge 支持代理服务和虚拟网卡两种方式接管。 处理:可以对被接管的网络请求和响应进行修改。包括 URL 重定向、本地文件映射、使用 JavaScript 自定义修改等多种方式。 转发:可以将被接管的网络请求转发给其他代理服务器。可以是全局转发,也可以按照非常灵活的规则系统确定出口策略。 截获:可以截获并保存网络请求和响应的具体数据,同时可对 HTTPS 加密流量进行 MITM 解密。 以上四项能力构成了 Surge 的核心工作流。但 Surge 的功能还不仅限于以上四点。比如你可以自定义 DNS … Read more →


Manual for Databank

by Acx Dep. EC


This manual will give a detailed introduction of ali-databank and show you how to extract data from it. […] 这是数据银行和策略中心面板取数的 “说明手册”. 本说明中使用的相关选项、标签、指标的名词和定义均来自阿里品牌数据银行提供的用户操作界面,本手册并不知晓确定名词和指标量化的过程,如果你想了解请前往阿里数据银行的官方文档;这份手册的初版由 安客诚电商分析部门的小伙伴共同编写,目的是介绍数据后台功能和数据处理程序,促进数据分析工作者间的学习和交流。欢迎使用者针对手册内容提供建议。 编写和演示本手册时使用了开源语言R和RMarkdown、 … Read more →


R for Fundamental Data Analysis in Market Research

by Sujata Ramnarayan

R for Fundamental Data Analysis in Market Research

Everything you need (and nothing more) to begin to learn R for fundamental data analysis in Market Research […] … Read more →


A policy tool for COVID-19 workplace mitigation strategies

by Jerome Levesque and David Maybury


This manual explains the web application based on the paper: A model of COVID-19 propagation based on a gamma subordinated negative binomial branching process, by Jerome Levesque, David Maybury, and R.H.A. David Shaw. […] Assessing the risk of Covid-19 infections in a workplace setting involves evaluating the propagation of the disease among employees. Propagation depends on a large number of variables, including employee interactions in the larger community, adherence to social distancing policies, local environmental factors, demographics, and workplace policies. Given the enormous … Read more →


Variáveis Aleatórias

by Rosineide da Paz


Variáveis Aleatórias […] Na teoria de probabilidades é levando em consideração um experimento aleatório. Esse tipo de experimento fornece resultados que não podem ser previstos com certeza antes de sua realização. Para tais experimentos o conjunto que contém todos os possíveis resultados é chamado de espaço amostral, geralmente denotado por (\Omega). Qualquer subconjunto do espaço amostral é dado o nome de evento, aos quais pode ser associada uma medida de probabilidade. Como o conjunto das partes do espaço amostral, (\mathcal{P}(\Omega)), contém todos os eventos, ou seja todos os … Read more →


DondeRs Group

by Henrik Eckermann


This bookdown-project contains introductory material to learn the R programming language […] Instructor: My name is Henrik. I am a PhD-candidate in the Developmental Psychobiology lab group at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen. I find that the R programming language is an extremely useful tool for Scientists, especially (but not only) for data analysis and visualization. I can help you learning the basics of the R programming language and how to approach learning a programming language so you can advance in learning whatever is needed in your specific field. Target audience: Anyone at … Read more →


Mayapple analyses

by The Geber Lab


This is a compiliation of our analyses of the mayapple dataset. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] We are analyzing the data from the experiment Monica conducted with mayapple from 1990-1992. Here is a brief summary of the experiment, and the questions/hypotheses we are addressing/testing with these analyses. Mayapple is a common rhizomatous perennial of eastern deciduous forests. It has a sympodial rhizome system in which an annual shoot is borne above ground only on the terminal (youngest) rhizome segment. At the same time, it maintains older rhizome segments (up … Read more →


oSCR vignettes

by Chris Sutherland, Dan Linden & Gates Dupont


This bookdown is where we will collate oSCR vignettes. […] The goal of this bookdown is to provide a complete overview of the theory and methodology of two topics (at this point) within spatial capture-recapture: More broadly, by providing them with a thorough discussion of these advanced topics, we aim to empower our users to apply these tools in their own research. The main function in oSCR performs likelihood analysis of several classes of spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models. There are also a suite of helper functions for formatting and processing data objects. Here are a few of the … Read more →


Como Começar na Calistenia - Guia Prático

by Pinho Júnior


Aprenda como dar os primeiros passos para obter resultados concretos na calistenia. … Read more →


Causal Inference

by Gabriel Carrasco


Final project Causal Inference […] The study aims are two-fold: … Read more →


MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

by Industrial and Organizational Program Faculty

MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

This is the policy manual for the Montclair State University PhD program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The output format for this manual is bookdown::gitbook. […] As the I/O Doctoral Program goes live, we are in need of a handbook detailing all the key procedures and policies for the I/O doctoral and MA program experience. The goal is to have a final draft of the handbook by December 1st 2020, or the deadline for our first official doctoral application cycle. We need to have formal procedures for the following areas: (1) Doctoral Student Selection, Chapter 2, (2) I/O Program … Read more →


UDWQ wasteloadR R tools

by Jake Vander Laan, Utah Division of Water Quality


UDWQ wasteloadR R tools […] This package contains a set of tools designed to facilitate wasteload development at Utah … Read more →


Project - Report

by Vuignier, Cédric and Lovey, Gaëtan


Project - Report […] Overview, motivation and related work Nowadays, we are living in a society where electricity is a necessity good. We cannot imagine a life without it, we are totally aware that this kind of energy is constantly present in our daily routines. It contributes a lot to our life quality. During our bachelor’s thesis, we worked on a subject in the field of electricity and especially on the theme of electric mobility and on the development of a business model for the generation of solar energy. We are really interested in the subject of energy and power generation. We would … Read more →


Using Data Visualization & Storytelling to Gain Organizational Buy-in

by Jake Miter


Guidance for I-O Psychologists on presenting data to influence organizational decision making […] A special thanks to Rob Stilson, Ph.D., for his guidance and advise in writing this white … Read more →


My Data Science Notes

by Michael Foley


This is a compendium of notes from classes, tutorials, etc. that I reference from time to time. […] These notes are pulled from various classes, tutorials, books, etc. and are intended for my own consumption. If you are finding this on the internet, I hope it is useful to you, but you should know that I am just a student and there’s a good chance whatever you’re reading here is … Read more →


Exercises for ‘Introduction to The New Statistics’

by Peter Baumgartner

Exercises for ‘Introduction to The New Statistics’

This website is a companion book for Introduction to the New Statistics (abbreviated itns). It offers interactive exercises developed mostly in H5P but also with learnr and shiny. It also contains an R tutorial for the end-of-chapter exercises of itns. […] This website is an (inoffical) companion book for Introduction to the New Statistics (abbreviated itns). It offers GitHub resources of this book can be found in two places: I have built the interactive exercises in this book with H5P stands for HTML5 Package, a free and open-source content collaboration framework based on … Read more →


Modelación basada en Agentes

by Alfonso Meléndez


Modelación basada en Agentes […] El científico no estudia la naturaleza porque le es útil; la estudia porque se deleita en ella y se deleita porque es hermosa. Si la naturaleza no fuera hermosa, no valdría la pena conocerla, y si la naturaleza no valiera la pena conocerla, no valdría la pena vivirla. Por supuesto, aquí no hablo de esa belleza que golpea los sentidos, la belleza de las cualidades y las apariencias; no es que yo subestime tal belleza, lejos de eso, pero no tiene nada que ver con la ciencia; Me refiero a esa belleza más profunda que proviene del orden armonioso de las partes, … Read more →


BioNBB 2210 Summer 2020 Computer Labs

by Dena J. Clink


This is the location for all of the tutorials for our Intro to Behavior Computer Labs. […] You have reached the location for all of the tutorials for the computer labs for Summer 2020. We will be completing all assignments using Rstudio Cloud ( Please see the link on Canvas for details on how to setup your RStudio Cloud account. Note: If you have never used R before I highly recommend that you check out the primers here: You can navigate using the tabs at the left and/or the … Read more →


Causal Inference in Education

by Anthony Schmidt


Causal Inference in Education […] It is an R-based book of data analysis exercises related to the following three causal inference … Read more →


Talleres NetLogo Modelación basada en Agentes

by Alfonso Meléndez


Talleres NetLogo Modelación basada en Agentes […] … Read more →


Applet Codebook: HBN EMA for Mindlogger v0.32

by Mike X.


This is a codebook that documents all of the items in the current version of the HBN EMA Applet for Mindlogger. […] This MindLogger applet collects daily information on your physical and mental health. You will be asked a set of questions multiple times a day. We will record the information and share it with you and our researchers so we can look for patterns in the data. Answer these questions to the best of your ability. It is okay if you don’t know the answers to some of them! Thank you for your participation! These questions were constructed as part of a collaboration between the … Read more →


Should I Stay or Should I Go? Retaining A World-Class Workforce at Thrive Media

by Jake Miter


Solutions and Return on Investment for Implementing Employee Retention Initiatives […] … Read more →


GEU Constitution and Bylaws

by Graduate Employees Union, AFT/AAUP LOCAL 6666


GEU Constitution and Bylaws […] Adopted February 23, 2018 Last amended May 2, … Read more →



by 曾意儒 Yi-Ju Tseng


介紹如何使用R語言完成資料讀取、處理、分析與呈現,以及大數據技術與R的整合 […] 本書介紹如何使用R語言完成資料讀取 (檔案、透過API擷取或爬蟲)、資料清洗與處理、探索式資料分析、資料視覺化、互動式資料呈現 (搭配Shiny) 與資料探勘等,並介紹R與Hadoop Ecosystems介接方法。 資料探勘章節尚未完成,epub版本格式微調中。 如要一次安裝所有本書會使用到的套件,可在R內執行以下程式碼: 本書為長庚大學資訊管理學系 大數據分析方法課程教學使用書籍,並可搭配YouTube平台上的教學影片參考使用,影片閱讀清單詳見本書最末章節Ch 13 教學影片資訊。 如果您想修改文字或範例,歡迎透過此連結或是透過GitHub issue提供建議與回饋。 … Read more →


R for Data Science: Exercise Solutions

by Jeffrey B. Arnold


Solutions to the exercises in “R for Data Science” by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham. […] If you find any typos, errors, or places where the text may be improved, please let me know. The best ways to provide feedback are by GitHub or annotations. Opening an issue or submitting a pull request on GitHub Adding an annotation using To add an annotation, select some text and then click the on the pop-up menu. To see the annotations of others, click the in the upper right-hand corner of the page. This book contains the exercise solutions for the book R for Data … Read more →


Experimental Design and Process Optimization with R

by Gerhard Krennrich


Experimental Design and Process Optimization with R […] The present document is a short and elementary course on the Design of Experiments (DoE) and empirical process optimization with the open-source Software R. The course is self-contained and does not assume any preknowledge in statistics or mathematics beyond high school level. Statistical concepts will be introduced on an elementary level and made tangible with R-code and R-graphics based on simulated and real world data. So, then, what is DoE and why should the reader become familiar with the concepts of DoE? Very briefly, DoE is the … Read more →


The 3-Season Run That Immortalized Russell Westbrook and the Title “Walking Triple-Double”

by Quang Nguyen Data Science Capstone Spring 2020


The 3-Season Run That Immortalized Russell Westbrook and the Title “Walking Triple-Double” […] The purpose of this project was to look at Russell Westbrook’s infamous last 3 seasons with the Oklahoma City Thunder, where he averaged a triple-double in each of those years. We first looked at some notable triple-double box scores, before verifying the relationships between whether a triple-double is recorded and several categorical and quantitative variables. It turns out to be that game result, opponent’s conference, minutes played, and plus/minus are helpful predictors for triple-double, … Read more →


Marrow’s Compendium of Dragonslaying

by Marrow , Heartseeker-US


This is a Fury Warrior Guide for World of Warcraft Classic. […] This is a guide on how to play a Fury Warrior in World of Warcraft Classic. It is a work in progress and a living document. All of the information contained within reflects what is best understood as of today, and some of is subject to change as more about the game is discovered. More importantly, this is a guide for players who want to push the envelope of their class, and be the best they can be. That is not the playstyle of every player, nor am I advocating it should be. Ultimately, you should pick your race and spec so that … Read more →


R Programming Tutorial

by Thieu Nguyen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] R is a programming language and software environment for statistical analysis, graphics representation and reporting. R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is currently developed by the R Development Core Team. R is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems like Linux, Windows and Mac. This programming language … Read more →


R for Surveys in Evaluation

by Corey Pembleton


This is a minimal example of using R and limesurvey to develop surveys, and options for presenting survey results […] Survey research in program evaluation is an efficient way to collect data from a wide range of participants, and is a field which has been used extensively in evaluation for decades. Surveys, understood to be “fundamentally a matter of asking a sample of people from a population a set of questions and using the answers to describe that population” Fowler (2014), are fundamentally important to program evaluation. I hope that this book can act as something of a guide for … Read more →


Herramientas de visualización interactivas para la toma de decisiones en una startup tecnológica.

by Juan Ramos Hernández, Grado en Administración y dirección de Empresas


Herramientas de visualización interactivas para la toma de decisiones en una startup tecnológica. […] Durante mi etapa como estudiante de Administración y Dirección de Empresas en la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) he sentido particular interés por las asignaturas más analíticas y tecnológicas de la carrera. Más específicamente, he intentado aprovechar las oportunidades que nos ha otorgado la universidad de aprender a utilizar herramientas que extienden las capacidades del ser humano y que, una vez habiendo superado la curva inicial de aprendizaje, dotan al usuario de un abanico … Read more →


Characterizing Disease with the Retinal Code

by Mishek Thapa


Abstract […] This project’s aim is to understand the extent to which signaling by retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) is affected by degeneration. Rod photoreceptor death is a form of retinal degeneration that alters the wiring of the retina and can eventually leads to blindness. As the retina loses the ability to transmit visual scenes to the brain, there are changes in the signaling across the light spectrum that the human eye detects. A potential measure for visual signaling is the information content that the RGCs sends through their action potentials and the precision with which they send … Read more →


How to be civil about political loss – The importance of good loser messages

by sveinungarnesen78


How to be civil about political loss – The importance of good loser messages […] This is the Supplementary Material for the manuscript entitled How to be civil about political loss – The importance of good loser messages. The study comprises three survey embedded experiments; one video vignette experiment in Norway, one text vignette experiment in Sweden, and one conjoint experiment in Norway. The experiment for Study I was fielded in Sweden in the fall of 2017 and spring of 2018 as an add-on to the fifth wave of the European Values Survey (EVS, PI Susanne Wallman Lundåsen). EVS is based on … Read more →


STAT 7: Discussion Section Materials

by Jizhou Kang


This book contains all materials for my TA STAT 7: Statistical Methods for the Biological,Environmental, and Health Sciences at UCSC, Winter 2020. […] Course Title: Statistical Methods for the Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences Instructor: Dr. Rajarshi Guhaniyogi TA: Jizhou ‘Joe’ Kang Bio: I’m a first year Ph.D. student at our statsitics department. This is my second time serving as TA for STAT 7, and fourth time as TA. Contact Info: Email:; Office: E2 516 (by appointment only). Office Hour: Thursday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm at BE 118 Discussion Section: Section A: … Read more →


Webscraping med R

by Solveig Bjørkholt


Webscraping med R […] Dette kurset gir en innføring i hva webscraping er, hvordan det fungerer, hva vi må tenke på når vi webscraper, og hvordan man kan hente ut informasjon fra nettsider gjennom R. Vi skal også ta en liten titt på hvordan man kan rydde i ustrukturert data ved å bruke R, siden data fra nettsider gjerne er ustrukturert eller semi-strukturert. Kurset har to deler, en praktisk og en teoretisk: Teoretisk del: Praktisk … Read more →


Data Science con R

by Autor: Mg. Daniel Paredes Inilupu


Teoría y práctica para ingresar al mundo del análisis de datos y predicciones con R, por Daniel Paredes […] Este libro ha sido creado a partir de notas que me facilitaron el aprendizaje y van desde lo más básico hasta un nivel intermedio-avanzado. He dedicado más de 700 horas a crear este libro. Puedes reconocer este esfuerzo comprando la versión en pdf de este libro en leanpub. Con ello no solo accederás a todos las actualizaciones futuras, sino también accedes por 3 meses a preguntas directamente con el autor de temas del libro o de cómo aplicarlo al trabajo. La version en web en … Read more →


The Covid19R Project Documentation

by Rami Krispin, Amanda Dobbyn, Jarrett Byrnes


The Covid19R Project Documentation […] The Covid19R Project is an attempt to provide a set of standards for creating tidy Covid-19 related data distribution packages as well as a centralized method for then redistributing the data sets themselves within R. We’re trying to build a community with interoperable data standards in order to allow anyone using R to derive novel insights about this. global pandemic. In the documentation for the Covid19R Project, we detail what the project is, how to be a part of it, and what minimal tidy standards we want data packages to conform to in order to … Read more →


Study design for spatial capture-recapture

by Chris Sutherland


This book accompanies of the R package oSCR with a specific focus the design of spatial capture-recapture studies and details of the oSCR function scrdesignGA(). […] Why we did this The main function in oSCR does likelihood analysis of several classes of spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models. THere are also a suite of helper fnctions for formatting and processing data objects. Here are a few of the things that motivated our development of the package: So, using this book of course requires that the oSCR package is loaded: But you will also need a few others: If you have any issues or … Read more →


Time Series Analysis

by Rushad Faridi, PhD


Time Series Analysis … Read more →


Quantitative Methoden für Wirtschaftswissenchaften

by Prof. Dr. Ralf Kellner


Quantitative Methoden für Wirtschaftswissenchaften […] Die Mehrheit der Auswertungen des Kurses finden Sie in diesem digitalen Buch. Um die Codes nachvollziehen zu können, sollten Sie sich vorab mit R mit Hilfe des R-Kurses vertraut machen. Eine gute erste Übung ist es, die Codes Zeile für Zeile zu reproduieren und zu verstehen, was in welcher Zeile passiert. Weitere Informationen zum Umgang mit Markdown finden Sie in den … Read more →



by E.Major Taiwan


學習並瞭解網頁設計與網頁服務的UI-UX,最終結合社會科學與科技技能,運用所學發展跨領域的服務項目。 […] 每一章架構如下: 學習主題列點 各主題內容 課後練習 每章針對學習主題內容錄製20-30分鐘講解影片。(因為影片不長,每章內容要求精簡,但課後練習可以有兩題,一題簡單,一題難要進一步自學找答案。) 使用自己的電腦或系上多媒體室。 錄製技術採傳承製:前一章在錄時,下一章的人在旁協助或觀看。 上傳Vimeo 每週五只針對課後練習討論,成員(含USR人員)在上課前要自己看完影片及做好課後練習 練習結果請放在自己的Github練習repo裡(練習repo由 fork回去) … Read more →


Time Series for Beginners

by Jake Esprabens, Ari Arango, Joshua Kim


This is a short guide to learning the basic concepts of time series while also implementing these procedures in R. […] This book is created with an objective to clearly explain the basics of time series analysis. The inspiration came from taking a time series course and constantly getting confused by the theory. Often, time series can be a tricky subject; therefore, this book will try to explain the essentials of time series using R. Time series is an immense subject with so much to it; therefore, we won’t be able to cover all of it in this book. We will solely focus on what we believe is … Read more →


Catastro. Tratamiento de datos públicos con R

by Sergio Berdiales Nortes


Catastro. Tratamiento de datos públicos con R […] El objetivo de este proyecto es describir los pasos necesarios para obtener y tratar información publicada por el … Read more →


Ready for R: Notebook Reference

by Aaron Coyner and Ted Laderas


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This course introduces you R by working through common tasks in data science: importing, manipulating, and visualizing data. R is a statistical and programming computer language widely used for a variety of applications. Before proceeding with these training materials, please ensure you have an account and can see the workspace. This is a searchable website that serves as a reference for the Ready for R course. This gitbook is not meant to be a … Read more →


EXMD 634: Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Experimental Medicine

by Nandini Dendukuri, McGill University


EXMD 634: Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Experimental Medicine … Read more →


LCC 2020 Book

by Andres Suárez Mediavilla


Este es un book que contiene los ejercicios y apuntes realizados en el curso 19/20 en relacion a la asignatura Laboratorio de Computación Científica. […] Este book esta compuesto de ejercicios resueltos tanto en los laboratorios como en casa. Incluye tambien un resumen de los aspectos mas importantes de R, apuntes tomados en clase y funciones que serán de utilidad a lo largo del curso y que se irá actualizando conforme se vean nuevos … Read more →



by 统计科学部


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 这是陈天威的一个test This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX (which includes XeLaTeX): … Read more →


Regression- und Datenanalyse

by Prof. Dr. Ralf Kellner


Regression- und Datenanalyse […] Zunächst wollen wir ein paar allgemeine Aspekte der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechung und der Schätzung betrachten. Fasst man Wahrscheinlichkeiten frequentistisch auf, ist dies wie sie als relative Häufigkeiten für ein Ereignis aufzufassen, wenn die Wiederholung von Zufallsvorgängen sehr (undendlich) groß ist. Stellen wir uns einen Münzwurf vor. (X_n) bezeichnet die Anzahl an Kopfwürfen bei (n) Münzwürfen. Nach jedem Münzwurf betrachten wir (\frac{x_n}{n}) und sehen, dass sich dieser Anteil mit steigender Anzahl an Münzwürfen der theoretischen … Read more →


Laboratorio de Computación - Bookdown

by Ignacio Pascual Gutiérrez


En este libro expondré todos los conocimientos aprendidos en la asignatura Laboratorio de Computación Científica. […] En este libro expondré todos los conocimientos aprendidos en la asignatura Lab de Computación Científica divididos en 2 bloques: El Lenguaje R y Anásis de datos. Además, dentro de estos bloques estarán todas las prácticas ordenadas (voluntarias y obligatorias), mis exámenes resueltos y los apuntes de las clases presenciales, con una interfaz estructurada y ordenada. Utilizamos el lenguaje R para los fragmentos de código y el formato RMarkDown para la mejor visualización de … Read more →



by taleedsabawi


HOW TO PROTEST FROM HOME […] Looking for ways to push for reform of policing practices while still staying at home?? When local police departments were first created in the mid-1800s, the justification for keeping them under local control was that citizens could hold the police agency accountable. The theory was that citizens could have input on the operations of the police agency through their local officials. This guide is meant to help Americans of all ages understand how to pressure law enforcement officials to reform the ways in which they engage with Americans through the use of the … Read more →


The jamovi quickstart guide

by Jonas Rafi


The jamovi quickstart guide features a collection of non-technical tutorials on how to conduct common operations in jamovi. This includes how to conduct independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, one sample t-test, ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, factorial ANOVA, mixed ANOVA, linear regression, and logistic regression. Additionally, the tutorials cover the use of csv files, wide data format, and setting the data type in jamovi. Read more →


Principles of Computational Information Science

by Martin Schedlbauer / Northeastern University / Ars Doceo


Lectures notes for an introductory course on Computational Information Science. […] This is a set of lecture notes for Principles of Computational Information Science written in Markdown and intended for students in Northeastern University’s IS2000 course.↩ … Read more →


Property Class Spring 2020

by Dr. Taleed El-Sabawi


Property Class Spring 2020 […] [IMPORTANT: If you have any TECHNOLOGICAL issues with this website or the assignments, please contact YOUR PROFESSOR NOT Elon IT.] [Note: If a word appears blue on the website that means that you can click on it and it will take you to a website or it will allow you to download something.] VIEW: This welcome video. READ: Read the course syllabus. DO: Let’s play a game to see how closely you read the syllabus! Click here. Make sure to type your name so I know that you played it! You get credit just for trying. After you have completed the challenge above, give … Read more →


Applied Causal Analysis (with R)

by Paul C. Bauer


Script for the seminar Applied Causal Analysis at the University of Mannheim. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the MA seminar Applied Causal Analysis. This seminar is currently taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring 2020). The material was/is being developed by Paul C. Bauer and Denis Cohen and will constitute the basis for a book entitled “Applied Causal Analysis with R” under contract with CRC Press/Chapman & Hall. There will both be a print version as well as an openly accessible web version. The material is licensed under a … Read more →


Nighttime Lights and Malaria in the Peruvian Amazon

by Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar


Code library of data exploration and analysis […] Nighttime Lights (NL) datasets were used into urban planning, econometric downscaling, disaster response, development, and socio-environmental studies since the very beginning of their public release (Pastor-Escuredo, Savy, & Luengo-Oroz, 2015). (Henderson, Storeygard, & Weil, 2012). (Otchia & Asongu, 2019) In the malaria literature, most of studies used data extracted from NL datasets as a covariate to understand malaria epidemiology patterns (Lechthaler et al., 2019), most commonly used as part of an urbanicity/landscape indexes (Keiser et … Read more →


P2 - Simulering af Data

by Gruppe B2-19, Ronni Carlsen, Mads Corfixen, Thomas Heede, Christian F. P. Nielsen, Magnus Olesen


P2 - Simulering af Data […] The aim of the project was to identify alternatives to classical inference methods if the assumptions of these were not met and evaluate their performance. To examine this question, a classical inference method, the t-test, and how it can be used for hypothesis testing, is described. Furthermore, it is shown how the programming language R can be utilized to perform these simulations quickly and simply. Then, by means of simulations, it is examined whether the results are credible if the samples are not normally distributed when working with an unpaired t-test. … Read more →


The Art of Finance: Theory, Practice & Fiction

by Arturo Chian


This book is under book development process…. […] Note: This book is under book development process. The current world and the financial world are very different from texbooks written in the last decades that are used by most of the undergraduate or postgrade programs in Economics and Finance. This book is written to reduce the gap between reality and fiction. ¡Aquí estoy yo! Certified Financial Risk Manager por Global Association of Risk Professional (GARP), economista por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Él es autor de 3 publicaciones “Quantitative Easing and Financial … Read more →


An Introduction to R, LaTeX, and Statistical Inference

by Yuleng Zeng


An introduction to R for political scientists. […] This is an introduction to R and Latex. In compiling this documents, several sources have been consulted, including Tim Peterson’s website, Havard’s Math Prefresher, and the course offered by DataCamp. Make sure that you have a laptop throughout this introduction. Install the following applications, if you haven’t done so. Finally, this document is to be used in-class only. As I (will) mention several times, it borrows and merges a lot of resources online. Also, if you see any mistakes or have suggestions, please do shoot me an … Read more →


Notes of English Writing for Academic Pursuit

by Zhilin Su


This is Zhilin’s notes of English Writing for Academic Pursuit in … Read more →


Book of parkrun research

by Robert Smith


This is a book of parkrun research used as an example to learn bookdown. […] This is a template book for parkrun research created in … Read more →



by Edward J. Xu


Data-Driven Decision Making under Uncertainty in Matrix. […] Mathematical programmes are among the most widely used models in operational research and management science. (Williams 2013) Williams, H Paul. 2013. Model Building in Mathematical Programming. John Wiley & … Read more →



by Edward J. Xu


Stochastic Simulation and Statistics in Tidyverse. […] This is the website hosting all the theories and and practices regarding stochastic simulation and statistics. It has the following … Read more →


Climate-related Risk to European Fish and Fisheries

by Mark R. Payne, John Pinnegar, Manja Kudahl, Georg Engelhardt


This is a working draft of the CERES ( vulnerability analysis (Task 5.3) looking the climate risk of fish and fisheries in Europe. […] This document is a working draft of the CERES ( vulnerability analysis (Task 5.3) looking the climate-related risk to fish and fisheries in Europe. The source code for both this manuscript and the associated analysis are stored under version control on GitHub at … Read more →


웹R을 이용한 통계분석

by 문 건 웅


안녕하세요? 웹R(을 운영하는 문건웅입니다. “웹에서 하는 R통계”는 통계에는 관심이 있으나 R을 어려워하는 여러 연구자들을 위한 프로젝트입니다. R설치없이 클릭만으로 웹에 있는 서버를 이용하여 통계분석을 하고 보다 R을 쉽게 사용하기 위한 패키지 개발 및 Shiny app 공동개발을 목표로 하고 있습니다. “웹에서 하는 R 통계분석” 책은 2015년 한나래출판사에서 출간되어 2쇄까지 완판되었으나 R이 업데이트되고 웹에서 하는 R 통계분석 앱의 내용이 계속 업데이트되면서 그 내용이 현재 프로그램을 제대로 반영하고 있지 못해 개정판을 내달라는 요구가 많았으나 기존과 같이 출판사를 통해 출간하는 방식으로는 웹에서 하는 … Read more →



by Robert E. Furrow, Joel Rodriguez-Medina


Welcome to BIS23B UC Davis | Spring Quarter … Read more →


Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology STROBE (STROBE) Educational Expansion

by Melissa K Sharp


This site is a public, open-source repository for epidemiological research methods and reporting skills for observational studies. We aim to be as inclusive as possible but this site is based on the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology Statement. […] The purpose of this site is to create a public, open-source repository for epidemiological research methods and reporting skills for observational studies. Epidemiology, the study of diseases and population health, is a broad field with ever-changing methods and often heated debates about proper designs, … Read more →


Notes for “Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach”

by Qiushi Yan


Notes for “Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach” […] This is a notebook concerning Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach(Silge and Robinson 2017). tidyverse and tidytext are automatically loaded before each chapter: I have defined a simiple function, facet_bar() to meet the frequent need in this book to make a facetted bar plot, with the y variable reordered by x in each facet by: As a quick demostration of this function, we can plot the top 10 common words in Jane Austen’s six books: … Read more →


R for data science: tidyverse and beyond

by Maxine


R for data science: tidyverse and beyond […] 关于 R for Data Science (Wickham and Grolemund 2016) 的个人笔记,随缘更新。任何建议: 或 tidyverse … Read more →


Shaper Hands Backend Manual

by Sacramento Shapers


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document contains the latest instructions on how to run the backend of ShaperHands from the perspective of Sacramento Shapers. There are two primary tasks required from Shapers operating things behind the scenes: Current roles and … Read more →


Chinese Chess in R

by Hochia


A book about playing Chinese chess with orientchessr, an R package. […] 安裝本書使用的 R … Read more →


All About Rachel

by Jess L


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is the book delicated to Rachel Recently I have been learning coding stuff. Just happened to know this interesting way to publish on-line book or diary. I thought It would be fun to record all the stuff about you ! So, check it out. … Read more →


Đức Phật Trong Ba lô

by Daisaku Ikeda

Đức Phật Trong Ba lô

Daisaku Ikeda được coi là giáo chủ của một giáo phái thiên về Phật Giáo ở Nhật. Có rất nhiều người Nhật coi ông như là một người chuyên truyền bá những tư tưởng không chính thống, đi sai với Phật Giáo nguyên thủy. Nhưng cuốn sách Đức Phật trong Ba lô của ông có thể nói là khá dễ đọc và mang nhiều ý nghĩa tốt đẹp của Phật Giáo nguyên thủy. […] Mười chín tuổi, hết sức thất vọng vì nhận thấy mình không có khả năng chèo lái cuộc sống và hoang mang trước chiều hướng mà thế giới hiện đại dường như đang lao theo, tôi bắt đầu thực hành Đạo Phật. Đó dường như là triết lý duy nhất thừa nhận sự thần … Read more →


Đạo Phật Qua Nhận Thức Mới

by Thích Nhất Hạnh

Đạo Phật Qua Nhận Thức Mới

Đạo Phật Qua Nhận Thức Mới […] … Read more →


Exploratory Data Analysis with R

by Roger D. Peng

Exploratory Data Analysis with R

This book covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data with R. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling commences and can help inform the development of more complex statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed by the data you have. We will cover in detail the plotting systems in R as well as some of the basic principles of constructing informative data graphics. We will also cover some of the common multivariate statistical techniques used to visualize high-dimensional data. Read more →


请 Inventor 用 FreeCAD

by Brad Collette 著,曲政 译

请 Inventor 用 FreeCAD

有实操,有经验,有框架 […] 上世纪七十年代,那时我还是个小孩。我读过很多发明家的故事,有阿基米德、爱迪生、贝尔、特斯拉,还有,蝙蝠侠。我想当那样的英雄,特别想成为蝙蝠侠。我知道自己只差一样东西,差一样发明。那时我认为,要当发明家,不看他做出了什么东西,而看他本质上就是什么样的人,在他做出了成果之后这个特质才被注意到。这些成果当然不能平庸,肯定得是好东西,超赞的那种。 那时我就懂得了一个道理,被称为发明家,不是凭他的商务名片,不是凭他名下的专利,甚至不是他那些成功的发明。我们称他为发明家,是根据他头脑工作的方式,是根据他看待问题的视角,是根据他们探索新工具新技术的途径。那种好奇心很有感染力:他们总是能看出新的可能,带有启发性 … Read more →


ICCU as Employers

by Randy Tarnowski


ICCU as Employers […] This document comes from a request from Kristen around employment data: How can we find out who of our school’s are the top or of the top 3 private employer in their city? I want to provide this to Lande Ajose. After a review, it became clear that there was no comprehensive place to find city-level employment data rankings. As such, we’ll be unable to identify top private employers in each … Read more →


Programación - Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web

by Sergio Berdiales


Programación - Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web […] Este documento incluye mis notas personales y ejercicios prácticos de la asignatura “Programación” del primer curso del Módulo de FPII de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web. Este módulo lo estoy cursando en el Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional de la Universidad Laboral de Gijón (curso 2019-2010). Además de hacer los ejercicios en los lenguajes requeridos durante el curso procuraré replicarlos también en los lenguajes que habitualmente utilizo en mi actividad profesional, R y Python. Los contenidos originales sobre los que realizo mis … Read more →


Praktikum Komputasi Statistika

by gdito


Praktikum Komputasi Statistika … Read more →


Austrian Long Term Growth Report

by Austrian Economic Committee


Austrian Long Term Growth Report […] This document was created by an expert Austrian Committee integrated by economists Jose Londono, Esteban Baquero and Juan Pablo Zapata. The goal of this text is to analyze and review the growth mechanisms that have led to Austria’s current economic situation and to fit Austria’s growth in the best possible theoretical framework. After taking a look at the nation’s growth process we will describe describes Russia’s general characteristics and suggests some proposals that may help this economy increase its growth in the future. Since we know that the … Read more →


Engaging Multiple Personalities

by David Yeung


Engaging Multiple Personalities. Volume 4: The Collected Blog Posts. […] Copyright © 2020 by David Yeung All rights reserved ISBN: 9798628359129 BISAC: Psychology / Psychopathology / Dissociative Identity … Read more →


GSL salinity dashboard analyses

by Jake Vander Laan (, Utah Division of Water Quality


GSL salinity dashboard analyses […] This document includes a series of Great Salt Lake salinity and elevation analyses for discussion with the Great Salt Lake Salinity Advisory Committee. The figures generated in this document are intended for inclusion in a Great Salt Lake salinity dashboard. All data are drawn from USGS … Read more →


Footy Fan

by Quang Nguyen


Footy Fan […] Soccer, more commonly known as football or association football, is probably the sport that I love the most. I have been following “The King of Sports” for more than 15 years. During this period of time, I have witnessed some of the best matches in the history of the game and also have experienced plenty of emotions, from happiness and cheerfulness to anxiety, frustration and despondency. Soccer is the one sport that I enjoy watching more than playing (I’m not that athletic), so this “book” will primarily focus on my experience watching footy. I will talk about how I became … Read more →


Quarantine Notebook

by Jess Li


Delicated to R learning […] This is Jess’s FIRST book written in Markdown. The book is to record the contents of all R learning materials. This book is WORK IN PROGRESS. The materials are updated by weekly. Thanks Rstudio for providing this wonderful platform. Also, thanks Dr.Martin Morgan and Shawn Matott for the guidance during the R language learning … Read more →


Growth in times of Coronavirus

by Austria


Everything you need (and nothing more) to start a bookdown book. […] This document was created by an expert Austrian Committee integrated by economists Jose Londono, Esteban Baquero and Juan Pablo Zapata. The goal of this text is to analyze and review the growth mechanisms that have led Austria to it’s current situation and to fit it in the best possible theoretical framework. Afterwards, it describes Russia’s general characteristics and suggests some proposals that may help this nation increase its growth in the future, all of this while keeping up with the current COVID-19 … Read more →


일반화가법모형 소개

by 문 건 웅


일반화가법모형 소개 […] 일반적인 선형회귀분석은 모형의 단순성으로 인해 해석과 추론이 쉽다는 장점이 있으나 예측력이라는 중요한 부분에서 한계를 가진다. 선형모형은 현실의 문제를 예측할 때 설명변수와 반응변수가 선형적 관계가 있다고 가정하는 것이고 이러한 가정이 맞는 경우도 있지만 어떤 경우는 터무니 없는 가정이 되기도 한다. 선형가정을 완화시키는 방법은 다항회귀, 회귀스플라인, 국소회귀, 평활 스플라인, 일반화가법모형 등 여러 가지가 있으나 이 중 일반화가법모형은 설명변수와 반응변수의 비선형관계를 추론할 수 있는 강력한 방법이다. 이 글에서 사용하는 패키지들은 다음과 같다. 이 글을 위해 저자가 새로 만든 … Read more →


밑바닥부터 시작하는 ROC 커브 분석

by 문건웅


맨바닥에서 시작하는 ROC 커브 분석 […] 수신자조작특성(Receiver Operating Characteristics, ROC) 커브는 2차세계대전 중 레이더 신호의 분석에 처음 쓰였다. 1941년 진주만 공습 이후 미육군은 일본 항공기의 레이더신호를 정확하게 탐지하여 예측능력을 증가시키기 위해 연구를 시작하였는데 레이더 수신기가 적군비행기와 다른 물체를 구별하는 능력을 평가하기 위해 사용하여 ROC라고 불리게 되었다. 의학영역에서 ROC 커브분석은 진단적 검사의 평가를 비롯한 광범위한 영역에서 널리 사용되고 있다. R을 사용하여 ROC 커브를 그릴 수 있는 방법은 여러가지가 있으나 여기서는 패키지를 사용하지 않고 손으로 계산하여 ROC … Read more →


PTE-3121 - Planejamento e Análise de Pesquisas Longitudinais

by Professora Alinne Veiga


PTE-3121 - Planejamento e Análise de Pesquisas Longitudinais … Read more →


COVID-19 Resources for Penn Cardiologists

by Michael Levin, MD; Yoav Karpenshif, MD; Megan Burke, MD; and Frank E. Silvestry MD on behalf of the Penn Cardiology Fellowship program

COVID-19 Resources for Penn Cardiologists

A compliation of COVID-19 resources assembled by cardiology fellows at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania […] This resource is compiled/updated by cardiology fellows at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and is designed to provide information to physicians and medical providers within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and other interested parties. The information provided here is not intended to be medical … Read more →


Corrupted Data and the Illicit Arms Trade

by Rose Graves


This is the undergraduate thesis for Rose Graves in the Duke Statistical Science Department. […] With the ever-increasing advancements in weapons technology, the illicit arms trade has steadily become a greater threat to international security. The small arms trade, consisting of portable weapons and their parts, is not only a profitable good, but also a method of gaining power through violent and threatening means. Being able to identify when and what countries are engaging in illicit arms trade is essential in order to make informed policy decisions. The driving question behind this … Read more →


A notebook Paper Causal Effect Inference with Deep Latent-Variable Models

by Trong-Thang Pham


This is a notebook I write about CEVAE original paper. […] This is a notebook I write about CEVAE original paper (Louizos et al. 2017). Some grammar mistakes are going to be made. The authors’ source code: Here is some background knowledge that will help you to understand the whole paper. cond() is a notation I made up to stand for “is conditioned on”. For example, y is conditioned on x, then I call it y cond(x). Actually using y|x is more elegant but if we talking normally without the y, using | or |x is too short, in my opinion. do() is represented … Read more →


A notebook AICity Challenge

by Trong-Thang Pham


This is a notebook of mine about AICity Challenge […] I will try to write down as many approaches and as little as engineer technique like how to install or implement somethings (it’s boring) and especially, no example from the data (there is Data License), if I have to show example, I have to find other data source. I only write when I have time to work on AICity challenge or free time for it. Warning ahead: There will be a lot of grammar … Read more →


Методические указания по выполнению расчётно-графической работы в R

by Михаил Лысенко


Методические указания по выполнению расчётно-графической работы в R […] Федеральной службой государственной статистики РФ ежеквартально проводятся бюджетные обследования домашних хозяйств по всем регионам России об условиях проживания и уровне благосостояния населения. Необходимо проанализировать данные обследования о расходах и доходах домохозяйств. В рамках работы данные обследований описываются следующими показателями: - код территории по ОКАТО (переменная ТЕРРИТОРИЯ) - тип населенного пункта (переменная ТИПНАС, 1 - город, 2 - село) - расходы на продукты питания (переменная ПРОДПИТ, … Read more →


Financial Markets

by All materials of this book are based on ECON 252: Financial Markets (2011) taught by Professor Robert Shiller, available on Open Yale Courses. For non-commercial research or study only.


An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the functioning of securities, insurance, and banking industries. Fabozzi, Frank J., Franco Modigliani, Frank J. Jones, and Michael G. Ferri. Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 2010. Shiller, Robert J. Finance and the Good Society. Princeton University Press, 2012. Brandeis, Louis D. Other … Read more →


Introduction to tidyvpc

by James Craig


VPC Percentiles and Prediction Intervals […] Install devtools if not previously installed. If there are errors (converted from warning) during installation related to packages built under different version of R, they can be ignored by setting the environment variable R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS=“true” before calling … Read more →


R, Not the Best Practices

by Nikita Voevodin


R, Not the Best Practices by Nikita Voevodin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Welcome to R, Not the Best Practices. You, probably, selected this book for one of the following three reasons; one, you saw the title, the cover and thought well this might be interesting. Two, you know that books that are called something something, best practices are hard to follow, because they are written by someone who already forgot how it feels to not know shit. Third, someone referred you to this book, because they learned a lot from it … Read more →


R Basics

by Heejun Lee


R Basics […] Reference : R for Beginners. R has 6 data types. R will save data when you assign it to the variable. With n <- 15, n is set to numeric, We can use various operations(methods) with numeric type variables. For example, Note also that we can get access to stored data 15 by the variable name n. In addition, we can coerce the object n to be a integer type variable. By enclosing a string with double quotes, we create a character type object, To define a logical object, we type R can interpret 0 as FALSE, other numbers as TRUE Google NaN NULL NA in R or type ?NA ?NaN ?NULL. Unlike … Read more →


Valuing the Deep: Marine Genetic Resources in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

by Paul Oldham, Stephen Hall, Colin Barnes, Catherine Oldham, Mark Cutter, Natasha Burns, Leonie Kindness

Valuing the Deep: Marine Genetic Resources in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

A review of scientific research and patent activity involving marine genetic resources from the deep oceans in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) […] This is the electronic book version of Valuing the Deep. Valuing the Deep is a report commissioned by the UK Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in 2014 to inform preparations for what is now the new draft oceans treaty on marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ or BBNJ), that is the world’s deep oceans. Valuing the Deep explores the landscape of scientific research and patent activity … Read more →


Social Advocacy & Ethical Life

by Yuleng Zeng


This is an introduction to Social Advocacy & Ethical Life (SAEL 200). It is a class I started teaching in Fall 2019, as a member of the Bridge Humanities Corps (BHC) at the University of South Carolina. In compiling this document, I consult a number of online resources. The intention is to record the process of my preparation for this class and help me improve over time. If you see errors, have suggestions, or do not wish your material to be cited here, please do shoot me an email. The syllabus of the class can be found here: … Read more →


A Very Short Course on Time Series Analysis

by Roger D. Peng


The book covers material taught in the Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Time Series Analysis course. […] This book will cover the use of time series methods in biomedical and public health applications. And maybe rockets? We will use the following … Read more →


Let’s Explore Statistics

by Colin Quirk


Let’s Explore Statistics […] Many researchers learn statistics as a series of flowcharts and heuristics without ever diving into the deep mathematical concepts that underlie the choices they have been taught to make. I think everyone wishes they understood statistics better but it is easy to become overwhelmed with equations and proofs. Most of my knowledge in both math and statistics is self-taught through experience and exploration. This book is an organized assortment of simulations and examples that have personally helped me think through these difficult topics. Inspiration for this … Read more →


DEMOVATE Survey 2020

by Daniel Instebø og Sveinung Arnesen


Dette er en digital bok som viser dokumentasjon og analyser av DEMOVATE Survey gjennomført Desember 2019 - Januar 2020. […] Dette er en digital dokumentasjonsrapport og analyser av DEMOVATE Survey gjennomført 16. Desember 2019 - 13. Januar 2020. Gjennomføringen av analysen er gjennomført av Respons Analyse på oppdrag fra NORCE. Undersøkelsen er gjennomført på telefon hvor det er gjennomført et representativt utvalg av innbyggere 18 år og eldre. Undersøkelsen omhandler lokaldemokrati i Bergen og inneholder 7 bakgrunnsspørsmål, 2 conjoint-eksperimenter og ulike holdningsspørsmål. Intervjuene … Read more →


Krisenmanagement Buch

by multiple


Krisenmanagement Buch […] Das Management von Krisen hat in den letzten Jahren erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen, insbesondere auch im Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst (ÖGD). Grundsätzlich liegt die Entscheidungshoheit im Rahmen des Krisenmanagements infektiologischer Gefahrenlagen bei den kommunalen Gesundheitsämtern. Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage (Stand 18. März 2020) in Zusammenhang mit der Verbreitung des neuen Coronavirus stellen wir hiermit in einer Vorabversion Auszüge unseres Lehrbuchs zur Verfügung. Instrumente des Krisenmanagements helfen Mitarbeiter/innen im ÖGD die Arbeitsfähigkeit der … Read more →


Applet Codebook: NIMH EMA for Mindlogger v0.27

by Mike X.


This is a codebook that documents all of the items in the current version of the NIMH EMA Applet for Mindlogger. […] This MindLogger applet collects daily information on your physical and mental health. You will be asked a set of questions multiple times a day. We will record the information and share it with you and our researchers so we can look for patterns in the data. Answer these questions to the best of your ability. It is okay if you don’t know the answers to some of them! Thank you for your participation! These questions were constructed as part of a collaboration between the … Read more →


Panduan Menyusun Database Menggunakan Microsoft Access

by Technaut


Buku ini merupakan panduan yang digunakan oleh peserta kelas Data Science untuk Bisnis dalam menyusun database penjualan menggunakan Microsoft Access. […] Buku ini merupakan bacaan tambahan bagi peserta kelas Data Science untuk Bisnis. Pada buku ini diberikan penjelasan singkat terkait cara membangun database menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Access. Adapun topik yang disajikan dalam buku ini antara … Read more →


Estadística Aplicada con R

by Oscar González Frutos


Estadística Aplicada con R […] Dirigirse a la página web donde encontrarán el programa de instalación en Linux, (Mac) OS X y Windows. Seleccionar la opción deseada y descargar el ejecutable correspondiente. RStudio se descarga gratuitamente de su página web: Para un usuario, hay que elegir la versión Desktop. Se descargará un archivo ejecutable, aceptar las opciones que ofrece por defecto RStudio. Si ya hemos instalado R en nuestro equipo, RStudio lo detectará automáticamente y podremos utilizarlo desde este entorno. … Read more →


dealing with gin

by Julien Colomb and Keisuke Sehara


dealing with gin […] Introduction to how to deal with gin (web interface, command-line, and probably WinGIN GUI). This book covers multiple topics, see the table of content to navigate … Read more →


Secchi Depth

by Rosemary_Hartman


This report shows trends in water quality, plankton, and fish across multiple IEP surveys for March through May of 2018. […] This report shows trends in water quality, plankton, and fish across multiple IEP surveys for March through May of 2018. Disclaimer: While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of these data, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. This report was developed by the IEP Synthesis Team. For questions, comments, or corrections, contact Rosemary Hartman – … Read more →


¡Manos a la Data!

by BEST: Behavioral Economics & Data Science Team


Open book que recolecta cada data del proyecto del mismo nombre […] Nota: El libro se encuentra en constante desarrollo. Se actualizará cada semana producto de resumir los análisis de las bases de datos semanales del proyecto manos a la data. Este libro ha sido elaborado por BEST. Hace unos años el término Data Science no era tan conocido ni utilizado por la comunidad internacional, y menos aún local (Perú). En realidad, era un término usado rara vez por los estadísticos y algunos miembros de la computación científica. Y es que nuestra sociedad ha evolucionado, y con ellos ciertas … Read more →


PostgreSQL Explained for R-Users and R-Programmers

by Ben Gonzalez


This is a book that explains PostgresSQL for R programmers and helps explain SQL syntax as well. […] For anyone interested in using this book you will need the following packages and tools to follow along. The RPostgreSQL and DBI package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Notes on using SQL syntax in RPostgreSQL To successfully query data in PostgreSQL the following caveats may be necessary. This is especially the case if someone has created column names that are unique and odd in some form or … Read more →


A guide to the 2017 European Internet Panel Study

by sveinungarnesen78


This is a guide to the 2017 European Internet Panel Study data set. […] The EIPS is a collaboration between six European probability-based online survey panels. This document gives an overview of the fourth survey, conducted in 2017 (N = 18249). The 2017 joint survey wave was fielded in France by the L’ ́etude longitudinale par internet pour les sciences social sat Sciences Po, in Germany by the German Internet Panel at the University of Mannheim, in Iceland by the Social Science Research Institute Panel (University of Reykjavik), in The Netherlands by the Longitudinal Internet Studies for … Read more →


An Introduction to Machine Learning with R

by Laurent Gatto


An hands-on introduction to machine learning with R. […] This course material is aimed at people who are already familiar with the R language and syntax, and who would like to get a hands-on introduction to machine learning. This material is currently under development and is likely to change in the future. A set of packages that are used, either directly or indirectly are provided in the first chapter. A complete session information with all packages used to compile this document is available at the end. The source code for this document is available on GitHub at … Read more →


Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code

by Jozef Hajnala


This bookdown publication attempts to provide practical insights into using the sparklyr interface to gain the benefits of Apache Spark while still retaining the ability to use R code organized in custom-built functions and packages. […] Apache Spark is a popular open-source analytics engine for big data processing and thanks to the sparklyr and SparkR packages, the power of Spark is also available to R users. This short publication attempts to provide practical insights into using the sparklyr interface to gain the benefits of Apache Spark while still retaining the ability to use R code … Read more →



by Gabriel Carrasco


Code repository for VDOT Analysis […] Determine mobility patterns of VDOT … Read more →


Прикладна аналітика для активістів природоохоронного руху

by Василенко Євген


This is a practical example of using the R programming language to environmental protection activism. All examples based on practical cases of Public Association «Ecological Council of Kryvorizhzhya» (Ukraine) […] Ця книга є наочним посібником для активістів природоохоронного руху. Тут містяться складні, проте дуже важливі на сьгоднішній момент практичні поради: яким чином довести до основної маси населення проблеми надзвичайного забруднення українського довкілля. Як показати людям те, що нічого в природі не виникає «просто так». Як показати людям вплив десятків невидимих неозброєним оком … Read more →


EDP Sun Power prediction Challenge

by Sergio Berdiales


EDP Sun Power prediction Challenge […] En este notebook estoy incluyendo el proceso de creación de los modelos con los que intentaré colarme en el ranking de participantes del Challenge de machine learning “Sun Power Prediction” que EDP tiene colgado en su web de open data y que incluyo a continuación (Fecha: 2019-11-14). “The objective of this competition is to build an algorithm that predicts the production of solar module B (with optimal orientation) for the first seven days of 2018. For this, you can rely on the weather station data for these days.” Hasta ahora sólo hay 7 participantes, … Read more →


Matts Baking Cook Book

by birderboone


Matts Baking Cook Book … Read more →



by 何志坚


数理统计讲义 […] 本讲义为《数理统计》课程配套材料,大部分为课堂讲解内容。第1章介绍了数理统计基本概念。第2章介绍了点估计方法,包括矩法估计、极大似然估计,还介绍了区间估计方法。第3章介绍了假设检验基本概念以及似然比检验方法。第4章介绍了一元线性回归和多元线性回归模型,以及最小二乘估计,相应的区间估计和显著性检验。 献给我的妻子和儿子。 本讲义仅供选修《数理统计》课程的同学学习使用,如有其它用途请联系作者 … Read more →


Project ideas for Applied Population and Statistical Ecology

by Trevor Hefley


Project ideas for Applied Population and Statistical Ecology […] This website contains six sources of data that may be used for class projects. If you are interested in a project that uses data that is not presented here, please discuss this with Elsie, Katy or Trevor. It is likely that we can find a data set for your research … Read more →


Hands-On Machine Learning with R

by Bradley Boehmke & Brandon Greenwell

Hands-On Machine Learning with R

A Machine Learning Algorithmic Deep Dive Using R. […] This book is sold by Taylor & Francis Group, who owns the copyright. The physical copies are available at Taylor & Francis and Amazon. Welcome to Hands-On Machine Learning with R. This book provides hands-on modules for many of the most common machine learning methods to include: You will learn how to build and tune these various models with R packages that have been tested and approved due to their ability to scale well. However, our motivation in almost every case is to describe the techniques in a way that helps develop intuition for … Read more →


The MumfordBrainStats Mixed Models Series: Companion for the YouTube series

by Jeanette Mumford

The MumfordBrainStats Mixed Models Series: Companion for the YouTube series

The MumfordBrainStats Mixed Models Series: Companion for the YouTube series […] This is a collection of materials that accompanies a YouTube series on the MumfordBrainStats channel about mixed models. Although I normall focus on material related to neuroimaging, this is for a general audience. Each of these chapters should be understandable without watching the video, but one would probably gain the most by watching the videos as well. The chapter titles indicate which video in the series goes along with that chapter. Not all videos have chapter (yet), since I’m only including chapters with … Read more →


Modelagem de coortes com dados administrativos

by Felipe Ferré


Modelagem de coortes com dados administrativos […] A administração pública disponibiliza um volume crescente de dados abertos, cujo uso também aberto implica no fortalecimento da democracia. Boa parte do universo dos dados é operada pela Tecnologia da Informação em Saúde. O Ministério da Saúde disponibiliza mais de 10 bilhões de registros que podem ser usados em estudos ecológicos e mais de 250 milhões de registros de medicamentos individualizados, isto é, há identificador que possibilita juntar registros do mesmo indivíduo a partir de diferentes bases. Outros 3 bilhões de registros da … Read more →


Doğrusal (Lineer) Regresyon

by Uğur Dar


Doğrusal (Lineer) Regresyon […] Lineer (Doğrusal) regresyon istatistiksel veri analizinde sıkça kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Lineer regresyon, doğrusal ve sürekli değişkenler için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Son yıllarda popüler olan makine öğrenmesi açısından ise birçok kaynakta giriş konusudur. Dolayısıyla bu konunun iyi kavranması makine öğrenmesi konusunda kendisini geliştirmek isteyenler için elzemdir. Bu dökümanda doğrusal regresyonun teorik kısımlarından çok, R ile uygulama kısımları yer alacaktır. Aşağıda doğrusal regresyon modelini iki örnek ile nerede ve nasıl kullanabileceğimizi … Read more →


R Programlama - Başlangıç

by Uğur Dar


R Programlama - Başlangıç […] R’da atama işlemi için “=” ve ya “<-” operatörleri kullanılır. Bir nesneye atama yapılırken sıkça kullanılan “<-” operatörüdür. Fonksiyonların içinde ise “=” operatörü kullanılır. Önceden oluşturulmuş bir nesnenin üzerine tekrar atama işlemi yapılır o nesne en son atanan değeri alır, önceki değer silinir. Nesneyi çağırdığımızda değerini görebiliriz Character ve string atamalarında " " kullanılır. Bir nesnenin class’ını görmek için class() fonksiyonundan yararlanılabilir. Sıkça kullanılan classlardan bir tanesi logical(mantıksal). “Global Environment”’dan silmek … Read more →


Panduan Lengkap Analisis Statistika Menggunakan R Commander

by Mohammad Rosidi

Panduan Lengkap Analisis Statistika Menggunakan R Commander

Buku yang memberikan tutorial statistika menggunakan R-Commander, sebuah general user interface (GUI) untuk melakukan analisis dan membuat model statistika. […] … Read more →


Alfabetização em Dados para Inovação

by Rodrigo Almeida dos Santos - rodrigo.almeida @


Alfabetização em Dados para Inovação […] Organizar em um material uma série de conteúdos relacionados a um tema tão vasto como a inovação é realmente desafiador. Entretanto, é necessário um ponto de partida: A inovação, para ser bem sucedida, precisa ser erguida em pilares bastante sólidos, sob pena de, como um castelo de cartas, não se sustentar e desabar antes de alcançar seu objetivo. Mas qual seria esse objetivo? Segue breve explicação realizada pelo professor Silvio Meira: Um dos pilares para a inovação é a boa informação. O que você sabe sobre o objeto de inovação que está … Read more →


Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration for Undergraduates: 1st Edition With Applications in R

by Wesley Wehde, Hank Jenkins-Smith, Joseph Ripberger, Gary Copeland, Matthew Nowlin, Tyler Hughes, Aaron Fister, and Josie Davis


Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration for Undergraduates: 1st Edition With Applications in R […] The idea for the graduate level version of this book grew over decades of teaching introductory and intermediate quantitative methods classes for graduate students in Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Oklahoma, Texas A&M, and the University of New Mexico. Despite adopting (and then discarding) a wide range of textbooks, we were frustrated with inconsistent terminology, misaligned emphases, mismatched examples and data, … Read more →



by 國立臺北大學 林茂廷老師


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 作業 70% 期末專題 30% 學習以下的能力及知識: 基礎Python語法 經濟模型/統計模型(含機器學習)所需面對的數學問題及其求解概念 電腦數值分析求解確定及不確定狀態下的極值問題 本課程雖無電腦程式基礎要求,但建議有基本概念(R或Python均可)。 基礎數學概念: 微分/積分/梯度等 確定狀態下的極值問題: 無限制絛件/有限制條件 基礎統計概念: 隨機變數/估計式/抽樣分配等 不確定狀態下的極值問題: 無限制條件/有限制條件 1. Install Python via Anaconda 連到點Download,下載對應自己系統的版本。(請安裝Pyhton 3.X版,其中X為數字 … Read more →


High School Math Competition

by Math Down


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] A circle (O) has radius 10, AB and CD are two chords of the circle. (AB \parallel BC), (AB = 12), (CD=16), what’s the distance between AB and CD? Triangle (ABC), (AB=AC), (\angle ABC = 30^o). (BD) is a diameter of (\triangle ABC)’s circumsribe circle, (CD=\frac{4\sqrt 3}{3}), AD=? (AB) is a chord of circle (O). (E) is the midpoint of (AB). (EC\perp OA), BD is a tangent line of Circle (O). (AB=12), (BD=5). What is the radius … Read more →


Sabeis - Sala Aberta de Inteligência em Saúde

by Felipe Ferré


Wiki do SABEIS - PCDT. […] Bem vindo ao tutorial do SABEIS - PCDT. Utilize o menu ao lado para … Read more →

1344 Overview

by exampatutor

2020-01-06 Overview […] The video solution to the June 2019 Exam PA. Here you can see the project statement for a practice exam which is in the format of a real exam. Cheat Sheet Sample Sign up Sam Castillo is a predictive modeler at Milliman in Chicago, maintains a blog about the future of risk, and won the 2019 SOA Predictive Analytics and Fururism’s Jupyter contest. Contact: … Read more →


Writing Frictionless R Package Wrappers

by Bob Rudis


Extending the functionality of R via R’s foreign language interfaces. … Read more →


Manipulación de datos e investigación reproducible en R

by Derek Corcoran


Este libro es una compañia al curso, análisis y manipulación de datos en R […] Para comenzar el trabajo se necesita la última versión de R y RStudio (R Core Team 2019).También se requiere de los paquetes pacman, rmarkdown, tidyverse y tinytex. Si no se ha usado R o RStudio anteriormente, el siguiente video muestra cómo instalar ambos programas y los paquetes necesarios para este curso en el siguiente link. El código para la instalación de esos paquetes es el siguiente: En caso de necesitar ayuda para la instalación, contactarse con el instructor del curso. Si nunca se ha trabajado con R … Read more →


«Shri Jobim»

by Dmitry Gorodnichy

«Shri Jobim»

Antonio Carlos Jobim songs re-interpreted by Dmitry Gorodnichy […] This album contains my interpretations of my favourite Jobim’s bosa-nova songs in Russian and Ukrainian. These songs have been dear to my heart for many years. - They were much loved by my parents, who could also play some of them on piano. Following the passing of my parents (in 2003 and then in 2016), I started feeling them on a new, deeper, level. The result is this album. The songs are divided in two groups: those about Love (“Grand amor”) and those about the meaning and beauty of Life (“Ocean”). The album also contains … Read more →


Lecture Notes for Project Management

by B. Depaire


These are the lecture notes for the course Project Management […] This document contains the lecture notes for the course Project Management (3897) taught at Hasselt University. Each chapter of this document serves to support the lecture presentations and contains a summary in bullet-point style. We advise students to go throught these lecture notes immediately after the lecture and to add your own notes to this … Read more →


EESA01 Laboratory Manual Introduction to Environmental Science

by Andrew Apostoli


A lab manual for students of Environmental Science […] This book is an open source document. The book is built using the bookdown package (Xie 2019) in R, and pandoc. We invite your contributions to this book by submitting an email to Please note that any contributions must be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For more information, see “License” below. This project is coordinated by Andrew Apostoli, and Adam Martin. The original lab manual of which this book is based off of was created by Carl Mitchell and … Read more →



by 林茂廷, 國立臺北大學經濟學系


經濟資料視覺化 […] This course is designed to develop the skill of efficient graphic language, where efficiency is defined as the data information delivery that is self-contained, concise, and non-distorting. The programming language is mainly based on R, with a little bit of Javascript toward the end. Though there is no computer programming knowledge required, basic R knowledge will help (the ebook, R for Data Science, would be a good start). By the end of the course, students who learn well should be able to design professional … Read more →


Population Health Data Science with R

by Tomás J. Aragón


Population health data science (PHDS). […] We are writing this book to introduce R—a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics—to public health epidemiologists, health care data analysts, data scientists, statisticans, and others conducting population health analyses. Recent graduates come prepared with a solid foundation in epidemiological and statistical concepts and skills. However, what is sometimes lacking is the ability to implement new methods and approaches they did not learn in school. This is more apparent today with the emergence of data science … Read more →


Metode Numerik Menggunakan R Untuk Teknik Lingkungan

by Mohammad Rosidi

Metode Numerik Menggunakan R Untuk Teknik Lingkungan

Komputasi metode numerik menggunakan R dengan contoh kasus di bidang teknik lingkungan. Buku ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mendalami proses komputasi metode numerik menggunakan R. Buku ini disusun sedemikian rupa dengan bahasa yang sederhana agar mudah dipahami oleh mahasiswa. […] Metone Numerik Menggunakan R Untuk Teknik Lingkungan merupakan buku yang penulis tulis dengan harapan dapat menjadi salah satu rujukan mahasiswa khusunya Teknik Lingkungan yang tertarik untuk belajar R. Selain itu, buku ini merupakan salah satu cara pengabdian penulis guna menyediakan sumber … Read more →


Recoding Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an effort to connect his Hayes’s conditional process analysis work with the Bayesian paradigm. Herein I refit his models with my favorite R package for Bayesian regression, Bürkner’s brms, and use the tidyverse for data manipulation and plotting. […] Andrew Hayes’s Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis text, the second edition of which just came out, has become a staple in social science graduate education. Both editions of his text have been from a frequentist OLS perspective. This project is an effort to connect his work with the Bayesian … Read more →


Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny

by Carson Sievert

Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny

A useR guide to creating highly interactive graphics for exploratory and expository visualization. […] This is the website for “Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny”. In this book, you’ll gain insight and practical skills for creating interactive and dynamic web graphics for data analysis from R. It makes heavy use of plotly for rendering graphics, but you’ll also learn about other R packages that augment a data science workflow, such as the tidyverse and shiny. Along the way, you’ll gain insight into best practices for visualization of high-dimensional data, … Read more →


Multivariate Statistical Analysis using R

by Theodore Wiebold


One, two, and multiple-table analyses. […] Advice: Use the simplest method that provides the clearest … Read more →


The Open Quant Live Book


The Open Quant Live Book

The Open Quant Live Book […] The book aims to be an Open Source introductory reference of the most important aspects of financial data analysis, algo trading, portfolio selection, econophysics and machine learning in finance with an emphasis in reproducibility and openness not to be found in most other typical Wall Street-like references. The Book is Open and we welcome co-authors. Feel free to reach out or simply create a pull request with your contribution! See project structure, guidelines and how to contribute here. First published at: Licensed under Attribution-NonCommer … Read more →


Course Handouts for Bayesian Data Analysis Class

by Mark Lai


This is a collection of my course handouts for PSYC 621 class in the 2019 Spring semester. Please contact me [] for any errors (as I’m sure there are plenty of them). […] This is a collection of my course handouts for PSYC 621 class. The materials are based on the book by McElreath (2016), the brms package (Bürkner 2017), and the STAN language. Please contact me for any errors (as I’m sure there are plenty of them). Bürkner, Paul-Christian. 2017. “brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using Stan.” Journal of Statistical Software 80 (1): 1–28. … Read more →


On the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

by Kevin Morales


This paper examines the role of the Holy Spirit in fructifying. […] This paper examines the role of Galatians chapter five, verses twenty-two through twenty-six in the life of a Christian. The first two verses in consideration speak of the fruit of the Spirit, and further exphasize that, when walking in the Spirit, a Christian is not under the law; the next two verses harmonize the role of Christ’s work on the cross, and the role of the Holy Spirit in leading a Christians. The last verse in consideration is an exortation to act according to the flesh. No serious study of the Bible is … Read more →


Supplement to Longitudinal analysis of early childhood stunting in low-resource settings

by Jade Benjamin-Chung et al.


This is supplementary information to Longitudinal analysis of early childhood stunting in low-resource settings […] Recommended citation: Benjamin-Chung J, et al. 2020. Longitudinal analyses of early childhood stunting in low-resource settings. Journal Name. doi. This site contains supplementary information to the Longitudinal analyses of early childhood stunting in low-resource … Read more →


Grand Slam Heroes

by Ganesh Viswanathan and Roma Dutta


Grand Slam Heroes […] “The Open Era is the current era of professional tennis. It began in 1968 when the Grand Slam tournaments allowed professional players to compete with amateurs, ending the division that had persisted since the dawn of the sport in the 19th century.” - Wikipedia Github Link: Rstudio Cloud Link: Bookdown Link: ShinyAppsIOLink: Data source Link: … Read more →


Data Visualization Design Project

by Joshua Ganz, Julian Mucha & Eric Rwabuhihi


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Millions of people around the world like to watch football, commonly known as soccer in the United States. It is the most watched sport in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Most recently, the United States has attracted many fans, due in part to the US women’s soccer team, which has won the FIFA Women’s World Cup on four occasions since its inauguration in 1991. The goal of this project is to analyze how teams performed in the world cup in the last 28 years: country … Read more →


Teaching and Learning with Jupyter

by Lorena A. Barba, Lecia J. Barker, Douglas S. Blank, Jed Brown, Allen B. Downey, Timothy George, Lindsey J. Heagy, Kyle T. Mandli, Jason K. Moore, David Lippert, Kyle E. Niemeyer, Ryan R. Watkins, Richard H. West, Elizabeth Wickes, Carol Willing, and Michael Zingale


A handbook on teaching and learning with Jupyter notebooks. […] Lorena A. Barba, Lecia J. Barker, Douglas S. Blank, Jed Brown, Allen B. Downey, Timothy George, Lindsey J. Heagy, Kyle T. Mandli, Jason K. Moore, David Lippert, Kyle E. Niemeyer, Ryan R. Watkins, Richard H. West, Elizabeth Wickes, Carol Willing, and Michael Zingale This handbook is for any educator teaching a topic that includes data analysis or computation in order to support learning. It is not just for educators teaching courses in engineering or science, but also data journalism, business and quantitative economics, data-based … Read more →


Knowing the KPI Trend Without Seeing the Chart

by Ace Mark Acebedo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The skill of charting and consequently reading the KPI trend is one of the most basic things that I had to learn on the job as a Telco Engineer. I am using the skill to evaluate cell performance over a definite observation period (i.e. days, weeks, months, years etc.). Since it is a most basic skill, creating a guideline to do it nowadays is never a matter of serious consideration if not a downright laughable joke. But, just like me, if you’ve become … Read more →


Data Analysis for Psychology in R (dapR1) - Labs

by Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh


This is the page that contains the course labs materials […] Data Analysis for Psychology in R 1 (dapR1) is your first step on the road to being a data, programming and applied statistics guru! This course provides a introduction to data, R and statistics. It is designed to work slowly through conceptual content that form the basis of understanding and working with data to perform statistical testing. At the same time, we will be introducing you to basic programming in R, covering the fundamentals of working with data, visualization and simple statistical tests. The overall aim of the … Read more →


Readings in applied data science

by Qiushi Yan


Readings in applied data science […] This project is highly motivated and inspired by stats337 at Stanford University offered by Hadley Wickham, and Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium by Martin Monkman. They both provided great reading materials in data analysis with R, or applied data science in general. Here I attempt to finish one or two papers per week, draw a brief summary, and document my personal … Read more →



by 國立臺北大學 林茂廷老師


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 本課程為自主學習,電子書的每個章節會說明要讀那些參考資料,接著會有練習題組來測驗同學的理解狀況。 … Read more →


Summary of Presentation at the International Justice Forum in Nur-Sultan 2019

by Jesper Wittrup


My presentation in Nur-Sultan. […] Accurate measurement of court workload is an essential component of modern judicial management. Many tasks – including performance measurement, budgeting, allocation of judges and other staff, and assessments of judicial maps - crucially depend upon a proper measurement of judicial workload. Unfortunately, court workload is in many countries still primarily assessed by the total number of cases, not taking into account distinctions between routine cases and very complex and time-consuming cases. This article demonstrates – by reference to a concrete … Read more →


Accessible Web Development

by Kevin Morales


This book introduces a completely blind person to web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. […] Welcome to Accessible Web Development! Up to today, any type of graphics programming, or any kind of software development that is visual in nature is inaccessible to people with complete vision loss, for ovbious and nonovbious reasons. To complicate matters further, text editors are mostly written with sighted programmers in mind. Furthermore, it is estimated that seventy percent of the legally blind population is unemployed. Developers of software libraries write their documentation and … Read more →


Uber Movement dataset : playing with spatial data

by Clement Lefevre


Using the Uber Movement dataset, we combine it with the OpenStreetMap data for Berlin. […] Uber released for some cities the datasets of their drivers movement. Those include the OSM way identifier, the mean and standard speed deviation. In order to anonymize them, the data have been aggregated per hour. Let’s have a look at the Berlin data for the month of June 2019, and how they are distributed in space and time. For this, we will combine those data with the OpenStreetMap shapefile for Berlin. Through this book, we will use some concepts of data analysis … Read more →



by Slezák Martin


Untitled […] Ezzel az R kóddal lehet kirenderelni a könyvet RStudióból bookdown::publish_book(render = … Read more →


Introducción a R y SIG

by Paúl Bravo L. & Francisco Salgado C.


Introducción a R y SIG […] En esta guía tutorial, presentamos los conceptos y herramientas clave de R y su relación con los Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Articulo “Teach yourself programming in ten years” (Peter Norvig): A Sufficient Introduction to R: Introducción a R basada en las lecciones del paquete Swirl. Sean Kross, Nick Carchedi, Bill Bauer, Gina Grdina, Filip Schouwenaars, Wush Wu. R para principiantes: RPubs (Daniela … Read more →


Introduction to R Markdown

by Michael Clark

Introduction to R Markdown

This document will introduce participants to the basics of R Markdown. After an introduction to concepts related to reproducible programming and research, demonstrations of standard markdown, as well as overviews of different formats, will be provided, including exercises. […] … Read more →


Notes on Modern Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (MSSBS)

by Peter Baumgartner

Notes on Modern Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (MSSBS)

This book accompanies “Rand, W. (2017). Modern Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences: A Practical Introduction, Second Edition (New edition). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Inc.”. I intend to learn and explore the concepts and procedures taught in this introductory book. Please keep in mind that this book is just a kind of training exercise for me. There will be no new insights presented, and as I am still learning the basics of R and statistics, you may find misunderstandings and errors in my writings. For authoritative reference, you have the consult the original book. Read more →


Great Salt Lake Nutrient Analyses - figures only

by Jake Vander Laan, Utah Division of Water Quality


Great Salt Lake Nutrient Analyses - figures only […] This is a figures only version of a set of GSL water quality and nutrient analyses. All data are drawn from USGS NWIS or EPA WQP. For details and code see: This project remains in active development and does not represent any official agency position. The first section, ‘Basic analyses & figures’, provides a set of contextual figures meant to characterize spatial and temporal variability of important water quality, lake elevation, and tributary discharge parameters. The second section, ‘Nutrient pools & … Read more →


Make money with machine learning

by Siraj Raval, revisited by Kim NOËL


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This book is the personnal transcription of the course provided by Siraj Raval. A drama related to content copyright stained for Raval during this course, and many students including me were disturbed. This event swelled a lot and the motivation to progress in this course was affected. So I decided to propose a version with more explanations and details. I will provide a list of tutorials to follow in order to complete this course. This is a book written in … Read more →


Bayesian Hierarchical Models in Ecology

by Steve Midway


This is a book that is build on lectures from a course of the same name. […] Welcome to Bayesian Hierarchical Models in Ecology. This is an ebook that is also serving as the course materials for a graduate class of the same name. There will be numerous and on-going changes to this book, so please check back. And don’t hesistate to email me if you have questions, comments, or for anything else. To start, let’s calrify the title of this text—it should be Hierarchical Models in Ecology Using Bayesian Inference. A Bayesian Hierarchical Model is more a term of convenience than accuracy, as … Read more →


ECON 41 Labs

by Gabriel Butler UCLA Global Classroom


ECON 41 Labs […] This book is an R-based statistical programming companion for ECON 41 - Statistics For Economists, an undergraduate course for Economics majors offered at the University of California, Los Angeles. More specifically, it has been created to augment the version of this course that is offered at Jinling High School in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China as part of the Global Classroom program that is part of the UCLA International Institute. More basic information about our program and about me is available at the links below. Go Bruins! 金陵中学中美班,加油! … Read more →


Field Guide to the R Ecosystem

by Mark Sellors

Field Guide to the R Ecosystem

This guide aims to introduce the reader to the main elements of the R ecosystem. […] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International … Read more →



by Aplicación por: Jeysson Chuquin, Wagner Salazar


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] El objetivo de este manual es conocer los índices de producción científica en el Ecuador asociado a Scopus, siendo la Producción Científica en Ecuador una de las actividades más representativas en el criterio de la evaluación institucional con un 9% de peso. La producción Científica es un factor importante para determinar la calidad de una IES (Institución de Educación Superior) y para determinar el crecimiento de un país. El presente manual presenta como es … Read more →



by tpemartin


經濟資料視覺化 […] This course is designed to develop the skill of efficient graphic language, where efficiency is defined as the data information delivery that is self-contained, concise, and non-distorting. The programming language is mainly based on R, with a little bit of Javascript toward the end. Though there is no computer programming knowledge required, basic R knowledge will help (the ebook, R for Data Science, would be a good start). By the end of the course, students who learn well should be able to design professional … Read more →


Regression Analysis using R and SAS

by Sungchan Kang


This place is for writing regression book. […] Before we talk about regression theory, we need to review some basic statistical inference methods and matrix algebra. This book referred from many books including rowlings’ “Applied Regression Analysis: A research Tool”. (\beta=(\mathbf{X’X})^{-1}\mathbf{X’y}). A matrix is a square shape array of numbers (sometimes can be string). In this book, boldface letters mean matrices. For example, [ \mathbf{A}= \begin{pmatrix} 65 & 154 \ 73 & 182 \ 68 &167 \end{pmatrix}. ] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that … Read more →


Mál- og tegurfræði

by Brynjólfur Gauti Jónsson


Glósur mínar úr áfanganum kenndum í Háskóla Íslands […] Vika 1: Mengjafræði, aukna rauntalnalínan, raðir. Vika 2: Jordan-mælanleg mengi, tröppuföll, Riemann-heildi. Vika 3: Legesbue: Utanmálið, mælanleg mengi og málið. Vika 4: Málrúm Vika 5: Vika 6: Vika 7: Heildanleg föll Vika 8: Vika … Read more →


R Cookbook, 2nd Edition

by James (JD) Long, Paul Teetor

R Cookbook, 2nd Edition

Second edition of R Cookbook […] R is a powerful tool for statistics, graphics, and statistical programming. It is used by tens of thousands of people daily to perform serious statistical analyses. It is a free, open source system whose implementation is the collective accomplishment of many intelligent, hard-working people. There are more than 10,000 available add-on packages, and R is a serious rival to all commercial statistical packages. But R can be frustrating. It’s not obvious how to accomplish many tasks, even simple ones. The simple tasks are easy once you know how, yet figuring out that … Read more →


R for Statistics in EPH

by Daniel J Carter


R for Statistics in EPH […] Welcome to R for STEPH. This ‘book’ offers the chance to supplement your learning in Stata by conducting the computer practical sessions in R. By the end of this book, you will have enough proficiency in R to carry out a number of basic analyses and understand principles that will allow you to program more complex analyses. Any questions about the content in this book can be directed to Daniel Carter via email or via Twitter if you’re into that sort of thing. There is also the invaluable resource that is Stack Exchange. Chances are high that if you’re running … Read more →


R for MSc DH/RSHR/Epi

by Daniel J Carter


R for MSc DH/RSHR/Epi […] Welcome to the two day Introduction to R for MSc Epi and MSc RSHR. Before you attend the course, you will need to ensure you have your own R setup on your computer. The getting started page will instruct you how to do that. Please do this as early as possible before the course to ensure that you can get help if you encounter any issues. How to interact with this course: Course materials come in three flavours. First, there is the Bookdown file you are reading right now in your web browser - this contains all the code, output, exercise solutions (after the course is … Read more →


Political Compass in the Random World

by Tejendra Pratap Singh


On the robustness of the Political Compass […] This is to test how the Political Compass Test performs if it is supplied with randomly selected choices. Theoretically, it should gives us zero on the coordinate axis. I will insert the image of the result from the above values inserted in the Political Compass Test. Let’s see what happens. Results can be found at Although the resulting coordinates are very close to the origin, it looks like the test is made to elicit responses in the third quadrant. I also attach the … Read more →


Rad: R for academics

by Marius Mather

Rad: R for academics

An accessible introduction to R that doesn’t assume programming experience […] This is an experiment in running some short, informal training sessions to get people started with a programming approach to data management and analysis. We’ll be using R, but a lot of the concepts in R will transfer to other software. There may also be some room to include some info about basic web design or other related topics - some of this can be done through R, and more info can be provided if needed. Training will be pitched at the beginner level - you don’t need to know the difference between a CSS and a … Read more →


Lab Guide to Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science, Public Policy & Public Administration

by Joseph Ripberger, Cody Adams, Alex Davis, and Josie Davis


A lab guide to quantitative research methods in R. … Read more →


Open Forensic Science in R

by Editor: Sam Tyner, Ph.D.


This book is for anyone looking to do forensic science analysis in a data-driven and open way. Whether you are a student, teacher, or scientist, this book is for you. We take the latest research, primarily from the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and show you how to solve forensic science problems in R. The book makes some assumptions about you: This book free and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. R Core Team. 2019. R: A Language … Read more →


Introduction to R

by Filip Wästberg


This book contains workshop material for 4 workshop held at tele2 during the autumn of 2019 […] During the workshops you will use R on both a cloud platform and on your own computer. If you have a previous R version installed on your computer we recommend that you update both R and RStudio. This book is written in R with the package bookdown built by Yihui Xie. You can find out more about bookdown … Read more →


Men’s U-Sports Basketball Analysis

by Michael Armanious


Sports Analytics […] Statistics in sports is a growing field in research that provides specialized methodology for collecting and analyzing sports data in order to make decisions for successful planning and implementation of new strategies [1]. Sports, particularly, have countless and ever-expanding data sources that can be used by analysts in order to extract objective information for use in aspects such as making predictions throughout seasons and enhancements in team and player performance. Broadly, Sports Analysis is described as the process of data management, predictive model … Read more →


tmdlTools Guide

by Elise Hinman


A step by step guide to using the R package, tmdlTools […] This guide walks watershed coordinators through installing R and its associated packages on their computer. If you still have questions about running R or the tmdlTools app, Elise Hinman is available and happy to assist you. … Read more →


Applications of Machine Learning in Imputation

by Vinayak Anand-Kumar


This document presents the findings from the 2018/19 project into the use of machine learning in imputation. […] I would like to acknowledge the following people in helping produce this report: Emily Tew and Gareth Clews for their guidance and support, in getting XGBoost up and running. Fern Leather, for getting CANCEIS to work. Really grateful for taking the time to run through the specification files with me. Luke Lorenzi and Vahe Nafilyan, for helping me put the pieces together, and helping me figure out how we can progress this work in the context of survey data. Editing and … Read more →


Technical Foundations of Informatics

by Michael Freeman and Joel Ross

Technical Foundations of Informatics

The course reader for INFO 201: Technical Foundations of Informatics. […] Announcement: Starting in 2019, readings for the INFO 201 course will come from the textbook Programming Skills for Data Science, which is available to UW students for free via SafariBooksOnline or in print. Unless specifically directed to a section of this online text, you should refer to the Programming Skills for Data Science textbook. This book covers the foundation skills necessary to start writing computer programs to work with data using modern and reproducible techniques. It requires no technical background. … Read more →


MSU I-O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

by Eagle I-O

MSU I-O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

This is a Users Manual for the Montclair State University I-O Psychology student mentorship program. The intended users are: 1) mentors, 2) protege’s, 3) Eagle I-O consultants, and 4) MSU I-O program faculty members. […] This manual was written in Bookdown using the GitBook … Read more →


Estadística Básica Edulcorada

by Alejandro Quintela del Rio

Estadística Básica Edulcorada

Estadística y probabilidad básica, con aplicaciones y elementos históricos. […] Advertencia: Libro en fase de elaboración. No se recomienda copiar trozos, puesto que después podría haber lloros si hay acusaciones de plagio. La estadística para gente inteligente. Este libro está bajo licencia Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Los paquetes o librerías que se utilizan en este libro son las que siguen. Para ejecutar trozos de código particulares no habría que instalar todas, pero, si en algún momento la ejecución de algún ejemplo da error, podría … Read more →


Exploratory Analysis Project

by Matheus Amaral Mões, Marcelo Semerene Farah, Luísa Belus Henriques and Daniela de Góes N. Georg


This project is part of a lesson from FGV’s MBA on Business Analytics and Big … Read more →


国内任天堂 Switch 使用情况与玩家需求调查报告

by OldNin

国内任天堂 Switch 使用情况与玩家需求调查报告

国内任天堂 Switch 玩家的小调查。 […] Nintendo Switch™1是日本任天堂公司出品的电子游戏机,于2017年3月3日发售。2019年4月26日,腾讯宣布将与任天堂合作,在中国代理发售任天堂 Switch 主机。28月2日,腾讯携手任天堂的 Nintendo Switch 首度亮相第十七届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(ChinaJoy 2019),并于上午在上海浦东香格里拉大酒店举办了主题为“奇乐同享,‘任’式好游戏”的媒体见面会。3 2019年8月12日,我通过个人微博、百度贴吧(NS吧和Switch吧,帖子不幸被隐藏)、QQ群、微信群、抽屉新热榜(帖子有幸被小编推上热榜)和IT之家(获得几个用户回复)这几个平台发放了问卷填写链接。8月13日,问卷填写链接被知任CHS、NS新闻速报和黑桐谷歌等媒体和大博主转发后,问卷回 … Read more →


Polar-ICE Sci-I Project Development & Implementation Guide

by Kristin Hunter-Thomson and Jacoby Baker


Lessons learned from running the Polar-ICE Sci-I Project for others to take and run with in their locations! […] Welcome to our Science Investigations (Sci-I) Project Development & Implementation Guide. This document provides an overview of how we developed and implemented the Sci-I Project from 2015-18 through the Polar-ICE grant funded by the National Science Foundation Polar Division (Grant #PLR-1525635). Because our funding source was related to the polar regions, we had a polar emphasis of content throughout our implementation of the project. However, the Sci-I Project can be run with … Read more →


R for Geospatial Processing

by Nicolas Roelandt


This is the training materials for the R for Geospatial Processing workshop at FOSS4G 2019, Bucarest (Romania). […] This workshop is designed for the attendance of FOSS4G 2019. So basics knowledge in GIS is expected (simple features, projections and CRS, geometrical operations, etc.). No knowledge of R is required. A minimal knowledge of (R)mardown will be a plus to take notes. Please install R on your system and the following libraries. Please follow installation instructions from the CRAN projet. The {sf} library needs several geospatial core libraries (GDAL, GEOS, PROJ) so please follow … Read more →


Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration: 4th Edition With Applications in R

by Hank Jenkins-Smith, Joseph Ripberger, Gary Copeland, Matthew Nowlin, Tyler Hughes, Aaron Fister, Wesley Wehde, and Josie Davis


Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration: 4th Edition With Applications in R […] The idea for this book grew over decades of teaching introductory and intermediate quantitative methods classes for graduate students in Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Oklahoma, Texas A&M, and the University of New Mexico. Despite adopting (and then discarding) a wide range of textbooks, we were frustrated with inconsistent terminology, misaligned emphases, mismatched examples and data, and (especially) poor connections between the … Read more →


Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in R

by Tejendra Pratap Singh


Scripts from the online course on Time Series and Forecasting in R. […] Selecting the model. Due to seasonality involved, simple models will not be able to capture it. We therefore use the seasonal ARIMA and exponential smoothing models. Exponential smoothing models have seasonality built in it by construction. Complex models like mixed models and neural nets will be an overkill. … Read more →


Descenso Internacional del Sella

by Sergio Berdiales


En este libro voy publicando mis notas sobre el Descenso Internacional del Sella. De momento solo he explorado los tiempos de los ganadores absolutos de la prueba, es decir, del K2 … Read more →


How to Build a Shiny Application from Scratch



How to Build a Shiny Application from Scratch […] Shiny is a powerful R package which allows you to create interactive web applications using the R programming language. It is particularly useful for creating applications that run on data and include some sort of data analysis or visualization. In addition to leveraging the power of R and its thousands of packages, one of the big benefits of shiny is the ease of developing applications using R only. Although it is possible to incorporate more traditional web design languages such as custom CSS or Javascript into your shiny application, it … Read more →


A Guide to Reproducible Research

by Callum Arnold


This is a book that provides the foundations for good project structure and organisation. It guides you in what reproducible research is, and how we can implement it. If you would like to contribute to, and expand upon, sections, please submit a pull request on the GitHub Repo. Equally, please submit pull requests if you spot a typo or a mistake! […] This book’s focus is on how to produce reproducible research, and should serve as an introduction to data management and project organisation. Through the course of this document, we explain techniques that can be employed easily to help add … Read more →


AWS Tutorial

by Bingwei Liu


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. … Read more →


R for Graduate Students

by Y. Wendy Huynh


This is a beginner’s guide to coding in R. […] Meet the Author Hello! My name is Wendy Huynh and I am a current PhD student working in the behavioral neurosciences. I began my R journey at the end of my first year of graduate school, slowly and painfully piecing together code. Although programming was never really part of my program, I now see it as an integral part of my work. Many fellow graduate students expressed interest in learning R, but didn’t know where to begin. Programming with R is still relatively niche among my cohort and there are very few formal classes teaching this … Read more →


R Installation Guide

by Integrated Report Team


A step by step guide to installing R and the necessary R packages needed to perform secondary reviews. […] This guide walks secondary reviewers through installing R and its associated packages on their computer. A snapshot of the commands required to run the R packages is available on the “Install or Access R Tools” card on the Current Report Development Trello Board. Please refer to the FAQs section for answers to common questions, but note that this section will grow as we move through the process as group. If you still have questions about running R or the secondary review apps, the … Read more →


Dokumentasjon av utdanningsfaglig kompetanse

by Tormod Bøe Førsteamanuensis


Dokumentasjon av utdanningsfaglig kompetanse […] I kapitlene indikerer at teksten er hentet fra “Dokumentasjonskrav fra UiO”. … Read more →


Eagle I.O Consultant Guidelines

by Eagle I.O


This is the student guideline manual that describes expectations and responsibilities of Eagle I.O consultants. […] This manual was written in Bookdown using the GitBook … Read more →


OcFund QGG海内外基金调研

by 施旸 Yvette


2019 Intern Report Collection […] 你好,世界。 … Read more →


Introductory Resources: Statistics and R

by Statistics Team, PPLS


This is the main page of the course and contains the materials to help you going with R […] This course is designed for those who will be joining a third year Research Methods and Statistics (RMS) course and covers a number of introductions to topics which are core to statistical analysis in psychology and beyond. You will find here an introduction to R as a tool to analyse data, visualize it and to use it for a very very basic analysis of the relationships in your data. It will further revise some of the most commonly used statistical tests and provide you with a guidance how to set up and … Read more →


An R Exercise in Data Collection, Cleaning, and Merging U.S. Census Data

by Sean Conner


An R Exercise in Data Collection, Cleaning, and Merging U.S. Census Data […] This document is intended as a follow-along tutorial for learning how to perform data collection and cleaning with R. To the best of my ability, I have tried to make this illustrative of real data and real tasks that anyone from a social science student to a county government official might actually encounter. To that end, I am building upon actual projects that I have worked on as a graduate research assistant to convey this information. For context, previously, I conducted a Mississippi case study of how indoor … Read more →


Learn RDataTable

by Vikram Singh Rawat

Learn RDataTable

This book is a guide to rich world of RDataTable […] R is Already a Slow Language please don’t defame it by using even slower packages. … Read more →


DJing to Dolphins

by Ian K Salter


The 2017 tales of a voyage sailing away from Brexit Britain. […] The tales of a 2017 voyage sailing away from Brexit Britain reflecting on fake news with the help of the philosophies of science and mathematics. To Natalie - for once upon a time, on the banks of the Thames, encouraging me to keep writing. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. © Ian K Salter 2017, 2018, … Read more →


Agile Machine Learning with R

by Edwin Thoen


A workflow for doing machine learning in the R language, using Agile principles. […] Not even too long ago, when I was starting my career as a data scientist, I did not really have a workflow. Freshly graduated from an applied statistics master I entered the arena of Dutch business, employed by a small consulting firm. Neither the company I was with, nor the clients I was working for, nor myself had an understanding of what it meant to implement a statistical model or a machine learning method in the real world. Everybody was of course interested in this “Big Data” thing, so it did not take … Read more →


Introduction to Data Exploration and Analysis with R

by Michael Mahoney


A detailed introduction to coding in R and the process of data analytics. Version 1.0.0 […] Welcome to Introduction to Data Exploration and Analysis in R (IDEAr)! This book is designed as a crash course in coding with R and data analysis, built for people trying to teach themselves the skills needed for most analyst jobs today. You won’t need any past experience with R or data analytics - the aim of the book is to work as a primer for people of all backgrounds. This book is currently being continuously deployed to and GitHub while editing continues. This is so that I can get … Read more →


Data Analysis and Processing with R based on IBIS data

by Kevin Donovan


Data Analysis and Processing with R based on IBIS data […] Over the course of my time working with the Carolina Insitute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD) and the Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS) network, I have seen a great interest in learning how to do basic statistical analyses and data processing among the trainees. Specially, there is an interest in learning how to use R, due to its popularity across the sciences and its zero financial cost. As a statistican in training, I feel it is a great benefit for scientists to learn R. It is vital for scientists to understand the … Read more →



by Danielle J Navarro & Dvid R Foxcroft(著) 芝田征司(訳)


『jamoviで学ぶ心理統計』は心理学専攻の統計法入門クラス向けのテキストです。本書では,jamoviの使い方やデータ操作の方法についても扱います。統計の部分では,記述統計とグラフの作成について扱った後,確率理論,標本と推定,帰無仮説検定について説明します。理論についての説明の後は,分割表の分析,相関,t検定,回帰,分散分析について説明します。本書の最後では,ベイズ統計についても取りあげます。This book is a Japanese translation of learning statistics with jamovi. […] 本書はDavid Foxcroft氏が作成した『Learning … Read more →


Common statistical tests are linear models: a work through

by Steve Doogue


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a reworking of the book Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats), written by Jonas Lindeløv. The book beautifully demonstrates how many common statistical tests (such as the t-test, ANOVA and chi-squared) are special cases of the linear model. The book also demonstrates that many non-parametric tests, which are needed when certain test assumptions do not hold, can be approximated by linear models using the rank of values. … Read more →


Decision-Driven Data Analytics for Well Placement Optimization in Field Development Scenario - Powered by Machine Learning

by Peyman Kor


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc)in Petroleum EngineeringUniversity of Stavanger, Energy Resources Department The data, source code and algorithem of this thesis can be found in the author’s Github. Your feedback and comments will be appreciated and the author could be reached out via Linkedin, twitter. This thesis is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 … Read more →


RStudio para Estadística Descriptiva en Ciencias Sociales

by Giorgio Boccardo Bosoni y Felipe Ruiz Bruzzone


RStudio para Estadística Descriptiva en Ciencias Sociales […] En su segunda edición este libro fue editado en RStudio mediante RMarkdown y compilado usando el paquete Bookdown. Su ejecución se efectuó en una distribución del sistema operativo Linux de tipo Mint, específicamente en su actualización 19.1 “Tessa” y variante Cinnamon Edition. Para evitar algunos problemas derivados de la actualización del kernel de Linux se utilizó el software R en su versión 3.4.4, aunque a la fecha de su publicación, R ya había lanzado a su versión 3.6. Para evitar incongruencias entre algunas dependencias de … Read more →


Fatal Force Study Group - Shiny App

by marwaelatrache


Fatal Force Study Group - Shiny App […] The Fatal Force Study Group (FFSG) was founded at the University of Washington (UW) by professor Martina Morris. Morris has a strong background in Sociology and Statistics and after joining an activism group called Not This Time she decided to start investigating fatal encounters with police, along with a group of UW undergraduate students. Since then the group has been joined by Professor Ben Marwick, an UW archaeology professor with a strong interest in statistics and R, as well as several more undergraduate students from both UW and neighboring … Read more →


Time Series Midterm Review

by David Josephs


A hopefully helpful guide … Read more →


PPLS PhD Training Workshop: Statistics and R

by Anastasia Ushakova and Emma Waterston


This is the main page of the course and contains a course overview, schedule and learning outcomes. […] During this intensive workshop we will cover a number of introductions to topics which are core to statistical analysis in applied research. This will include introduction to R as a tool to analyse data, visualize it and to use it for a very very basic analysis of the relationships in your data. We will further revise some of the most commonly used statistical tests and provide you with a guidance how to set up and interpret them in R. We will introduce you to simple linear model and … Read more →



by tpemartin


經濟資料視覺化處理 […] This course is designed to develop the skill of efficient graphic language, where efficiency is defined as the data information delivery that is self-contained, concise, and non-distorting. The programming language is mainly based on R, with a little bit of Javascript toward the end. Though there is no computer programming knowledge required, basic R knowledge will help (the ebook, R for Data Science, would be a good start). By the end of the course, students who learn well should be able to … Read more →


Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models

by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson


A primary goal of predictive modeling is to find a reliable and effective predic- tive relationship between an available set of features and an outcome. This book provides an extensive set of techniques for uncovering effective representations of the features for modeling the outcome and for finding an optimal subset of features to improve a model’s predictive performance. […] A note about this on-line text: This book is sold by Taylor & Francis Group, who owns the copyright. We will be updating this version as we find errors or typos (see the Errata). The physical copies are sold by Amazon … Read more →


Hackathon Talento - Reto 2 - Wind Farm

by Sergio Berdiales, Javier Campos y Manuel Antonio García


Hackathon Talento - Reto 2 - Wind Farm […] Este notebook nace de nuestra participación el 4 de junio de 2019 como equipo en el Hackathon de Machine Learning organizado por Talento Corporativo y patrocinado por EDP, El Comercio, Clustertic y BigML. La competición consistió en el planteamiento de un par de retos de Machine Learning basados en datos de EDP y en los que había que utilizar la herramienta BIGml para ejecutar los modelos. El contenido de este notebook corresponde a la realización del segundo reto, cuyo planteamiento se describe en el apartado uno. Durante la competición la mayor … Read more →


Hackathon Talento - Reto 1 - SUNLAB

by Sergio Berdiales, Javier Campos y Manuel Antonio García


Hackathon Talento - Reto 1 - SUNLAB […] Este notebook nace de nuestra participación el 4 de junio de 2019 como equipo en el Hackathon de Machine Learning organizado por Talento Corporativo y patrocinado por EDP, El Comercio, Clustertic y BigML. La competición consistió en el planteamiento de un par de retos de Machine Learning basados en datos de EDP y en los que había que utilizar la herramienta BIGml para ejecutar los modelos. El contenido de este notebook corresponde a la realización del primer reto, cuyo planteamiento se describe en el apartado uno. Durante la competición la mayor parte … Read more →



by 林茂廷老師


數量方法(一)電子書 […] 授課老師: 林茂廷 辦公室:社科大樓3F01 諮詢時間:TBA 電話:02﹣86741111轉67170 … Read more →



by 黄湘云


Spatial generalized linear mixed models, Stationary Spatial Gaussian Process, Stan platform, Markov chain Monte Carlo. […] 空间统计的内容非常丰富,主要分为地质统计 (geostatistics)、 离散空间变差 (discrete spatial variation) 和空间点过程 (spatial point processes) 三大块 (Cressie 1993)。 地质统计这个术语最初来自南非的采矿业 (Krige 1951), 并由 Georges Matheron 及其同事继承和发展,用以预测黄金的矿藏含量和质量。空间广义线性混合效应模型 (Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Model,简称 SGLMM) 在空间统计中有着广泛的应用,如评估岩心样本石油含量,分析核污染物浓度的空间分布 (Diggle, Tawn, and … Read more →


University of Calgary ARC Manual

by Naomi J. Goodrich-Hunsaker, Ph.D.


University of Calgary ARC Manual […] This manual contains all of the code developed to run neuroimaging programs on the University of Calgary Arc high performance computing systems. If you need more general information or further clarification, visit my website at or email me at … Read more →


Proyecto Final: Suicidios en México y EU

by Chávez Mañón Tania Nayeli, Mendoza Suárez Brenda Grisel, Vargas Mendoza Ana Luisa


Proyecto Final: Suicidios en México y EU […] La motivación de este proyecto es conocer cuáles podrían ser los factores más significativos que llevan a una persona al suicidio para poder prevenirlo. Country: País. Categorías: Mexico, United States Year: Año. Categorías: 1985:2015 Sex: Género. Categorías: female, male Age: Edad. Categoriías: 5-14 years, 15-24 years, 25-34 years, 35-54 years, 55-74 years, 75+ years Suicides: Número de suicidios. Population: Población. HDI: Human development index (Índice de Desarrollo Humano) GDP_PP: Gross domestic product per Capita (Producto Interno Bruto) … Read more →


Lecture Notes voor Beleidsinformatica

by B. Depaire


Dit zijn de lecture notes van het opleidingsonderdeel Beleidsinformatica […] Dit document bevatten de lecture notes voor het opleidingsonderdeel Beleidsinformatica (3512), gedoceerd aan de Universiteit Hasselt. Ieder hoofdstuk dient ter ondersteuning van een van de hoorcolleges en bevat zowel een samenvatting in “bullet-point” stijl alsook een verzameling bronnen op basis waarvan het hoorcollege is opgebouwd. We raden aan om deze lecture notes steeds kort na het hoorcollege door te nemen en aan te vullen met je eigen notities uit het college. Ook raden we aan de bronnen te raadplegen voor … Read more →


Preguntas entrevistas Data Science

by Sergio Berdiales


Preguntas entrevistas Data Science […] En estas notas trato de responder a diferentes preguntas que un candidato para una posición de Data Scientist se puede encontrar en una entrevista. Muchas de las preguntas vienen directamente de artículos sobre este tema específico (enlaces en la sección ‘02-Referencias’), otras de mi experiencia personal y otras de aportaciones de otras personas. Aquí enlazo una Google sheet con las preguntas que voy recopilando. Si tienes alguna pregunta interesante y quieres añadirla al listado, adelante. Este es el repositorio en github: … Read more →


Utah DWQ’s irTools R package: An automated approach to state-wide water quality assessment

by Jake Vander Laan (, Elise Hinman, & Emilie Flemer, Utah Division of Water Quality


Utah DWQ’s irTools R package: An automated approach to state-wide water quality assessment […] This document provides a background and demonstration of the Utah DWQ IR Team’s re-development and automation of water quality assessment tools. This document consists of three components: 1. A background section describing the objectives, tools, and approach to developing new water quality assessment tools. 2. A full-scale demonstration of the current state of this new toolset via the application of these tools to a subset of water quality parameters from the 2016 IR period of record dataset … Read more →


Juego de Tronos - Explorando sus datos

by Sergio Berdiales


Juego de Tronos - Explorando sus datos […] El objetivo de este libro de bookdown es simplemente jugar un poco con los datos de la serie de televisión Juego de Tronos (HBO). Todo el código y los datos empleados se encuentran en este repositorio de Github Cualquier consulta, queja o sugerencia me la puedes enviar vía twitter … Read more →


From Madrid to Santiago de Compostela, 2019

by Robin and Katy


Photobook of our trip from Madrid to Santiago via Salamanca, Ourense and the Camino de Compostela. […] Welcome to our photobook of our travels through Spain in May … Read more →


Seeing through the developping lens:

by Paul Langard


Seeing through the developping lens: […] Through this project, we aim to decipher post-transcriptional regulation network in the developping lens. In the past decades, post-transcriptional gene regulation (PTGR) was shown to be of particular importance in the developping lens. Indeed, the alteration of PTGR network can result in abnormal development of the lens, of the eye. For example, mutations in RNA binding proteins such as Celf1, Stau2, Tdrd7 has been associated to eye’s defects in animal models. mutation in RNA binding protein Tdrd7 was associated with juvenile cataract in human and … Read more →


Overview of suicide in the world

by Axel-Cleris Gailloty


Overview of suicide in the world […] According to the WHO Suicides organization, 800.000 committed suicide in 2018. This means every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide. This number is fortunately dropping. In this kernel I want to explore the evolution of suicide rate using the dataset provided here on Kaggle. I’ll be using the powerful R language to do this analysis, my main focus is to understand what affects the suicide rate to decrease. Let’s start by loading the packages we’ll be using throughout this study. Before we go further in this analysis, it is important to know what each … Read more →


Calidad del aire en Gijón

by Sergio Berdiales


Calidad del aire en Gijón […] Los objetivos principales de este proyecto son realizar análisis y visualizaciones de los datos de la estaciones oficiales de monitorización de la calidad del aire de la ciudad de Gijón. Este proyecto es hermano de este otro, que fue mi trabajo final del Máster de Data Science en Kschool (por eso hay algunas partes del código comentadas en inglés). En él, además de tratar los datos y realizar distintos ejercicios de visualización de los mismos (ver visualizaciones en Tableau Public), realicé … Read more →


Основы обучаемых алгоритмов интеллектуальных систем

by Митрохин Максим Александрович


Учебно-методическое пособие включает набор лабораторных работ по созданию алгоритмов машинного обучения для решения практических задач. В издании содержится необходимый набор теоретических сведений по методологии анализа данных и используемых алгоритмах. Выполнение работ предполагает использование языка программирования Python 3.5. Лабораторный практикум подготовлен на кафедре «Вычислительная техника» и предназначен для обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 09.03.01, 09.04.01, изучающих дисциплины «Основы интеллектуальных систем», «Интеллектуальные … Read more →


Lab Guide to Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science, Public Policy & Public Administration.

by josiesmith


Lab Guide to Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science, Public Policy & Public Administration. […] This book is a companion to Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration (With Applications in R): 4th Edition, an open-source text book that is available here. It grew from our experiences teaching introductory and intermediate quantitative methods classes for graduate students in Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Oklahoma. We teach these courses using a format that pairs seminars on theory and statistics with … Read more →


DSBA-5122 Final Project

by Nicholas Occhipinti, Karyn Cook, Ziyin Liu


The final report for DSBA-5122 Final Project […] For our project we explored data related to opioids, in an effort to better understand and obtain insight into the opioid epidemic. Our domain problem is one for a researcher wanting to explore the connection between prescriber rates of opioid prescriptions and opioid-related deaths both in the country as a whole and drilling down to the state level. The first part of the data we examined was prescriber data. This data would allow the researcher to see the distribution of opioid prescriptions across the US and also find the most commonly … Read more →


Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an attempt to re-express the code in McElreath’s textbook. His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] I love McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking text. It’s the entry-level textbook for applied researchers I spent years looking for. McElreath’s freely-available lectures on the book are really great, too. However, I prefer using Bürkner’s brms package when doing Bayeian regression in R. It’s just spectacular. I also prefer plotting with Wickham’s ggplot2, and coding with … Read more →


DWQ’s irTools package: An automated approach to water quality assessment

by Jake Vander Laan, Elise Hinman, & Emilie Flemer, Utah Division of Water Quality


DWQ’s irTools package: An automated approach to water quality assessment […] This book provides a background and demonstration of the Utah DWQ IR Team’s re-development and automation of water quality assessment tools. This book consists of two components: 1. A background section describing the objectives, tools, and approach to developing new water quality assessment tools, and 2. A full-scale demonstration of the current state of this new toolset via the application of these tools to the 2016 IR period of record dataset (2008-2014). The source code for this book is available via GitHub … Read more →


Tank Guide

by Marina Wiebe


This is a book regarding how to take care of my tank […] So, you’ve been tasked with taking care of your girlfriend’s hobby tank. It’s a pretty thing and it looks easy enough, but what’s all involved? This book will give you an idea of the tank buddies, tools, and … Read more →


Building Web Applications with Shiny and SQL Server

by Matthew Sharkey


A guide to building scalable Shiny Datbase applications […] This book supplements my presentation at the Omaha R User Group on Thursday, April 4, … Read more →


Dissertating with RMarkdown and Bookdown

by thea_knowles


A preliminary tutorial led by Thea Knowles for the R-Ladies #LdnOnt workshop series Last updated: … Read more →


Techincal Analysis with R

by Ko Chiu Yu


This is an introductory textbook that focuses on how to use R to do technical analysis. […] R is widely used in statistical computation. It is well-suited to do computationally heavy financial analysis. In particular, evaluating performance of trading rule based on technical indicators. Moreover, R can be one-stop solution to the whole procedure of data analysis. A standard procedure of financial data analysis is: You can do all of them inside R without using other software. This short book is a short introduction on how to use R and RStudio to do financial data analysis from the beginning. … Read more →



by David John Baker


This dissertation models both individual and musical features that contribute to processes involved in melodic dictation. […] All students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Music from universities accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music must learn to take melodic dictation (NASM 2019, sec. VIII.6.B.2.A). Melodic dictation is a cognitively demanding process that requires students to hear a melody, then without any access to an external reference, transcribe the melody within a limited time frame. As of 2019, there are 643 Schools of Music belonging to National Association of … Read more →


The twinetverse

by John Coene

The twinetverse

A guide to visualise networks of Twitter interactions in R using the twinetverse. […] The goal of the twinetverse is to provide everything one might need to analyset and visualise Twitter interactions, from data collection to visualisation. The following pages will walk you trough the packages contained within the twinetverse, from collecting twitter data to building various types of networks to visualising them. The ’verse focuses on ease of use and interactivity. The source code for this book can be found on Github. You can suggest edits to this book by highlighting a section of text and … Read more →



by 邱睿


一个简单的PTE教程 […] … Read more →


BIOL3360 - Analysis and Communication of Biological Data:

by janengelstaedter


This online textbook contains learning material for the UQ (The University of Queensland) course BIOL3360: Analysis and Communication of Biological Data. This book is organised with each chapter corresponding to lectures from the Mathematical Modelling component of the course. This book contains many code chunks that can be copied and pasted into an R console to create Shiny apps of the models being discussed. Content and figures were created by Jan Engelstädter. Online version including Shiny apps were created by Nicole Fortuna. Read more →



by Arredondo Sánchez Andrea Elizabeth, Vargas Mendoza Ana Luisa


Yihui Xie es ingeniero de software de RStudio, autor de distintos paquetes como knitr, blogdown, xaringan, tinytex y bookdown. Además, ha colaborado en importantes paquetes como Shiny y RMarkdown. Ha publicado libros como “bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown” del cual nos basaremos para hablar de Bookdown. Bookdown es un paquete de R que nos ayuda a integrar multiples documentos de R Markdown en un solo archivo con formato HTML, PDF,… . Este archivo puede ser un manual de usuario, nuestras notas de estudio e incluso nuestro diario. En él podemos agregar y editar … Read more →


Data Visualization in R

by Brooke Anderson


Online booklet for conference workshop on data visualization with R, geared to those who have never used R. […] I have based this workshop on examples for you to try yourself, because you won’t be able to learn how to program unless you try it out. I’ve picked example data that I hope will be interesting to Navy and Marine Corp public health researchers and practitioners. You can download the slides from the workshop by clicking here. To try out these examples, you need some set-up: This section will walk you through each step. R is free and open-source software. You can download a copy for just … Read more →


Machine Learning

by Michael Clark

Machine Learning

This document provides an introduction to machine learning for applied researchers. While conceptual in nature, demonstrations are provided for several common machine learning approaches of a supervised nature. In addition, all the R examples, which utilize the caret package, are also provided in Python via scikit-learn. […] … Read more →


Data Science avec R

by Fousseynou Bah


Data Science avec R […] En décidant d’écrire un livre sur la data science, j’ai longuement débattu dans ma propre tête, je me suis posé plusieurs questions dont une qui revenait constamment: “a-t-on vraiment besoin d’un autre livre sur la data science?” “N’en-t-on pas assez?” Avec le succès dont jouit la discipline, ce n’est certainement pas les ressources qui manquent, aussi bien en ligne que dans les librairies. Et surtout, je me demandais bien “qu’avais-je à dire qui n’avait pas été dit”? Et pourtant, quelques raisons m’ont poussé à reconsidérer ma position. La première est assez égoïte. … Read more →


Predictive Soil Mapping with R

by Tomislav Hengl and Robert A. MacMillan


Predictive Soil Mapping aims to produce the most accurate, most objective, and most usable maps of soil variables by using state-of-the-art Statistical and Machine Learning methods. This books explains how to implement common soil mapping procedures within the R programming language. […] This is the online version of the Open Access book: Predictive Soil Mapping with R. Pull requests and general comments are welcome. These materials are based on technical tutorials initially developed by the ISRIC’s Global Soil Information Facilities (GSIF) development team over the period 2014–2017. This book is … Read more →


Predictive Soil Mapping with R

by Tomislav Hengl and Robert A. MacMillan


Predictive Soil Mapping aims to produce the most accurate, most objective, and most usable maps of soil variables by using state-of-the-art Statistical and Machine Learning methods. This books explains how to implement common soil mapping procedures within the R programming language. […] This is the online version of the Open Access book: Predictive Soil Mapping with R. Pull requests and general comments are welcome. These materials are based on technical tutorials initially developed by the ISRIC’s Global Soil Information Facilities (GSIF) development team over the period 2014–2017. This book is … Read more →


PhD Training Workshop: Statistics in R

by Anastasia Ushakova and Milan Valasek


This is the main page of the course and contains a course overview, schedule and learning outcomes. […] During this intensive workshop we will cover a number of introductions to topics which are core to statistical analysis in applied research. This will include introduction to R as a tool to analyse data, visualize it and to use it for a very very basic analysis of the relationships in your data. We will further revise some of the most commonly used statistical tests and provide you with a guidance how to set up and interpret them in R. Lastly, we will introduce you to simple linear model … Read more →


Utah TDS wqTools vignette

by Jake Vander Laan, Utah Division of Water Quality


Utah TDS wqTools vignette […] This vignette shows an example of using wqTools functions to extract and analyze statewide patterns of one water quality parameter, total dissolved … Read more →



by PoMingChen


This is a minimal example of Git service through GitHub and the GitHub Desktop. […] 小瑜是一位社會人文科學相關主修的學生,學習上常常會需要寫報告,動則數千字到上萬字,以下是他管理檔案的方式,他承認有時候快被自己氣死…..會不會有時自己也這樣XD 截圖 後來,因緣際會地留意到Git這個東西,一套能夠讓開發者得以進行版本控制的程式。 往後用了Git之後,從此事半功倍好棒棒,檔案內容追蹤管理都方便許多,一起來瞧瞧Git到底是哪裡這麼厲害! 與其他教材稍有不同的是,這本書規劃先從輕鬆的GitHub平台環境介紹開始,版本控制的學習則用圖形化介面(GUI)的GitHub Desktop實作來建立觀念,同時說明上嘗試以情境實作的方式來想像Git能 … Read more →


An Incomplete Solutions Guide to the NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods

by Ray Hoobler


Analysis of case studies and exercies with a focus on using the tidyverse and ggplot2. This handbook was created using the bookdown package in RStudio. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a philosophy on how to work with data, and for many applications, the workflow is better suited for scientist and engineers. As a scientist, we are trained to formulate a hypothesis and design a series of experiments that allow us to test the hypothesis effectively. Most data, however, doesn’t come from carefully controlled trials, but from … Read more →


The Status Quo Bias in Referendums

by Sveinung Arnesen, Troy S. Broderstad, Mikael P. Johannesson, Jonas Linde


This is an analysis report of a comparative conjoint study on the legitimacy of EU referendums. […] This is the analysis report for the conjoint experiment of the Wiggle room study by Sveinung Arnesen, Troy S. Broderstad, Mikael P. Johannesson, and Jonas Linde. The experiment was fielded in France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands as part of the 2017 European Internet Panel Study (EIPS); a collaboration between six European probability-based online survey panels. The 2017 joint survey wave was fielded in France by the L’ ́etude longitudinale par internet pour les … Read more →


Practical R Package Development (Japanese)

by Hiroaki Yutani


Practical R Package Development […] Rのパッケージ開発については「R Packages」(Hadley Wickham、2015)に詳しいが、Rのパッケージ開発にはここ数年で様々な変化があった。 幸い、同書は第2版に向けて大幅に書き直される予定1なので、賢明なRパッケージ開発者はそれを待つのがいいだろう。本書は、あくまでもそれまでのつなぎのような存在として、むしろ筆者のメモ代わりとして、衝動的に書き殴られたものだ。Rパッケージ開発の基礎はすっとばし、新たなトピックを中心に取り扱う。信用がおける知識についてはあくまでも「R Packages」を参照されたい。 本書は、「R Packages」に載っていないことを中心に書く、という性質上、あまり初心者向けではないかもしれない … Read more →


«Волопас и Северная Корона»

by Dmitry Gorodnichy

«Волопас и Северная Корона»

Tales and Songs of Dmitry Gorodnichy […] Давным давно, когда ни тебя, ни меня, ни даже моих пра-пра бабушек, пра-пра дедушек ещё не было, да и вообще людей ещё не было, а было только Небо и были Звёзды, жил был принц, которого звали Волопас, и принцесса, которую звали Северная Корона. Они не знали друг друга, жили в разных странах, разговаривали на разных языках. Но одно у них было общее - они одинаково любили красоту и музыку, как часть этой красоты. – А почему их так необычно звали? И что дальше было? – О, Это очень длинная и очень красивая история, а точнее много разных историй. Но … Read more →


Entre le terre et le ciel

by ΔΓ


by Dmitry Gorodnichy […] Песни сегодняшнего и завтрашнего дня (Песни с земли и с неба) На украинском, русском, французском и английском. Зимний блюз Сверху … Read more →


«Детский альбом»

by Дмитрий Городничий

«Детский альбом»

«Детский альбом» […] Музыка и слова: Дмитрий Городничий, кроме 6 (слова и музыка: Роксана Городничая), 16-17 (слова: Афанасьева), 21 (музыка: Гедике), 22 (музыка: Глинка) Версия для печати: PDF, EPUB. Online: (рабочая версия: Слушать на Soundcloud: Книга издана с использованием bookdown. Источник на github. Dmitry Gorodnichy, IVIM Inc. © 1992-2012. All Rights Reserved. The use of copyrighted material for non-commercial purposes is allowed. The reference to the source is … Read more →


«Le long de la voie lactée» (Love songs

by Дмитрий Городничий

«Le long de la voie lactée» (Love songs

«Le long de la voie lactée» (Love songs […] Песни неразделённой любви. На украинском, русском, французском и английском языках. Музыка и слова: Дмитрий Городничий. В записи альбома также участвуют: Андрей Городничий, Екатерина Лаврентьева, Людмила Городничая. Версия для печати: PDF, EPUB. Online: (рабочая версия: Слушать на Soundcloud: Книга издана с использованием bookdown. Источник на github. Dmitry Gorodnichy, IVIM Inc. © 1992-2012. All Rights Reserved. The use of … Read more →


«По ту сторону горизонта»

by Дмитрий Городничий

«По ту сторону горизонта»

Farewell songs (by Dmitry Gorodnichy) […] В этот альбом вошли песни, рождённые чувствами расставания - расставания с домом, с юностью, любимым человеком, с эпохой. Они охватывают несколько эпох - от самых ранних моих песен, когда я расставался с институтом, где учился, и своими первыми студенческими друзьями, до песен, посвященных моему отъезду из дома в далёкую Канаду, и наконец последних, выплеснувшихся под болью утраты близких и родных. Несколько редких семейных видео вошли сюда, также как и несколько выступлений в русских школах и на фестивалях авторской песни. Музыка и слова: Дмитрий … Read more →


What does the plant do?

by Otho Mantegazza


A Planter’s Punch that quickly got out of hand […] I wrote this booklet a couple of years ago, while I was working at CEPLAS. – Plants collect energy from sunlight and use it to produce fruits that we eat, fibers that we wear and much, much more; in a process called photosynthesis. This process is fundamental for our life on Earth, and it has been intensively studied for centuries by scientists. Scientists like me, like us. Here I’ll give you a glimpse of our scientific research. After a very short introduction to photosynthesis, I’ll explain to you one of its details and one of the methods … Read more →


Data Science con R: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones

by BEST: Behavioral Economics & Data Science Team


El mejor libro en espanol de ciencia de datos, libre y abierto. […] Nota: El libro se encuentra en etapa de desarrollo. Este libro ha sido elaborado por BEST. Hace unos años el término Data Science no era tan conocido ni utilizado por la comunidad internacional, y menos aún local (Perú). En realidad, era un término usado rara vez por los estadísticos y algunos miembros de la computación científica. Y es que nuestra sociedad ha evolucionado, y con ellos ciertas necesidades. La Ciencia de Datos ha venido para quedarse, y en cualquier profesión (economistas, psicólogos, biólogos, … Read more →


APS 135: Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis with R

by Dylan Z. Childs


Course book for Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis with R (APS 135) in the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield. […] This is the online course book for the Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis with R component of APS 135, a module taught by the Department and Animal and Plant Sciences at the University of Sheffield. You can view this book in any modern desktop browser, as well as on your phone or tablet device. Dylan Childs is running the course this year. Please email him if you spot any problems with the course book. You will be introduced to the R … Read more →


Machine Learning with Rust

by Tae Geun Kim


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 최근들어 기계학습(Machine Learning)은 점차 중요해지고 있습니다. 학습된 기계들은 바둑이나 게임에서부터 프로들을 가뿐히 눌렀고, 연구나 업무를 훨씬 효율적으로 해결합니다. 그러나 단순히 모두가 한다고 해서 섣부르게 시작하다가는 결과가 나와도 해석하지 못하거나 혹은 애초에 잘못된 결과가 나올 수도 있습니다. 따라서 이 책에서는 단순히 Machine Learning Framework를 사용하는 것이 아닌, 밑바닥부터 차근차근 이론을 적용하여 Machine Learning을 학습하고자 합니다. 그러기 위해서 우리는 Rust라는 프로그래밍 언어와 매우 유명한 Bishop의 … Read more →


Bilingual Christmas songs

by gorodnichy

Bilingual Christmas songs

A compilation of Christmas song favourites for multi-lingual families, with chords […] … Read more →


UPR-PRISE Data Science Workshop 01/26/2019

by Felix E. Rivera-Mariani, PhD


This manual is part of data science workshop titled GPS of Data Analytics: Making the Witness (the Data) Confess. The output format for was elaborated with bookdown::gitbook. […] Welcome to the data science workshop titled The GPS of Data Analytics: Making the Witness (the Data) Confess. In this workshop, sponsored by the University of Puerto Rico Ponce Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement, students will learn and implement different aspects of data science, from establishing a set of tools necessary to carry out data science to deploying statistical models through coding, … Read more →


CFPS 之R语言学习笔记

by 王敏杰


一个简单的中文书示例。 […] 你好,我的初衷是想记录学习北京大学开放数据平台中的中国家庭追踪调查CFPS1数据集的过程,也帮助同学们用R语言快速的重复相关研究。 这本书是这样的, 第 1 章介绍CFPS的情况, 第 2 章介绍农村土地流转研究, 第 3 章介绍劳动力流动、家庭收入与农村人力资本投资, 第 4 章介绍社会资本与精准扶贫,然后是啥啥…… 每个章节研究的内容都是彼此独立的,大家可以单独阅读和运行代码。 我用了两个 R 包编译这本书,分别是 knitr (Xie 2015) 和 bookdown (Xie 2018)。以下是我的 R 进程信息: 非常感谢谁谁以及谁谁对我的帮助。艾玛,要不是他们神一样的队友,我两年前就写完这本书了。 Xie, Yihui. 2015. Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC. … Read more →


Gijón Air Pollution - An exercise of visualization and forecasting

by Sergio Berdiales


Gijón Air Pollution - An exercise of visualization and forecasting […] My name is Sergio Berdiales and I am a Data Analyst with more than ten years experience in Customer Experience and Quality areas. If you want to know more about me or contact me you can visit my Linkedin profile or my Twitter account. This is my final project for the Kschool Master on Data Science (8th edition). The main objective of this project is to show I can apply the acquired knowledge during the master’s course in a practical way . The Master on Data Science of Kschool is a 230-hour course which includes Python … Read more →


Supplement to Shiny in Production



This document is full of supplemental resources and content from the Shiny in Production Workshop delievered at rstudio::conf 2019. … Read more →


Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.6.1)

by Danielle Navarro (bookdown translation: Emily Kothe)


Learning Statistics with R covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology students, focusing on the use of the R statistical software. The book discusses how to get started in R as well as giving an introduction to data manipulation and writing scripts. From a statistical perspective, the book discusses descriptive statistics and graphing first, followed by chapters on probability theory, sampling and estimation, and null hypothesis testing. After introducing the theory, the book covers the analysis of contingency tables, t-tests, … Read more →


Ian and Molly’s Odyssey

by Ian K Salter


The story of a small journey in Autumn 2016. […] This very short book documents a voyage through France taken in the autumn of 2016. Its two participants head south in their car Dot. The purpose of their journey is … Read more →


Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.6.1)

by DJ Navarro


Learning Statistics with R covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology students, focusing on the use of the R statistical software. […] Learning Statistics with R covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology students, focusing on the use of the R statistical software. The book discusses how to get started in R as well as giving an introduction to data manipulation and writing scripts. From a statistical perspective, the book discusses descriptive statistics and … Read more →



by Stanford Data Lab


This is a book on data visualization using ggplot2 created for the Stanford Data Challenge Lab. […] This is a … Read more →


Statistical Rethinking

by Brynjólfur Gauti Jónsson


These are solutions from the book by Richard McElreath. … Read more →


Economía Conductual: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones

by BEST: Behavioral Economics & Data Science Team


El mejor libro en español de economía conductual, libre y abierto. […] Entender el comportamiento de las personas o de la sociedad, es un tema fascinante. Hace algunos siglos atrás, el profeta Isaías escribió: La economía conductual toca este tema, desde una perspectiva cientìfica, apoyado de la psicología y economía. El libro se compone de 4 partes. Parte I cubre la parte introductoria. El capítulo I Adam Smith, Padre de la Economía Conductual, se enfoca en los orígenes de la economía y de la economía conductual, ambos teniendo a Adam Smith como padre de ambos campos de estudio. El … Read more →


Tidyverse Cookbook

by Malte Grosser


Simple cookbook for functions and idioms within the scope of the tidyverse. […] The basic idea of this book is to provide a documentation of the tidyverse written in a solution driven cookbook style. As an extra I would like to provide similar solutions based on base R functionality. Some reasons to write this book: One strength of the tidyverse is that it hides a lot of quirks that base R provides and inherits to many packages that rely on it. This allows to stick to a specific workflow from the point you enter the tidyverse until you leave it. This is why I highly recommend to head your … Read more →


Big data and Social Science

by Paul C. Bauer


Script for the seminar ‘Big Data and Social Science’ at the University of Bern. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the workshop/seminar Big Data and Social Science. This seminar is taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Bern (Fall Semester 2018). The material was developed by Paul C. Bauer and heavily draws on material developed by Pablo Barberà in courses such as Social Media & Big Data Research, Big Data Analysis in the Social Sciences and Automated Collection of Web and Social Data. Any original material and examples is licensed under a Creative Commons … Read more →


Base de datos corporativa de personas

by Fernando Izco


Documentación de la prueba de concepto de la base de datos corporativa de personas […] Este documento describe principalmente la prueba de concepto ejecutada como parte del estudio de viabilidad 22173 EV - Base de datos corporativa de personas Este primer capítulo es un resumen ejecutivo. En caso de querer profundizar más sin perderse en detalles técnicos, consultar también el capítulo 2, ‘Concepto de Solución’. Los demás capítulos describen la prueba de concepto, con el detalle técnico de la implementación. Atariak eta Ezagutza Kudeatzeko Atala / Sección de Portalización y Gestión del … Read more →


POSEIDON tutorial

by Ernesto Carrella


This is a basic tutorial on how to use POSEIDON and set it up to explore basic fishery problems. I try to cover everything that does not require changing any of the Java code […] This is a simple tutorial on using POSEIDON, a fishery agent-based model. You can read more about this project by reading its main paper or looking at the code repository. This guide will not explain or require any analysis of the java code. I try here to simply show what can be done by just using the graphical user interface and basic text … Read more →


Writing papers with R and friends

by Tormod Bøe


This is a guide on how to write scientific papers from R. Mostly written for myself by myself […] A scientific paper consists of many pieces, traditionally, at least in psychology, some regular components … Read more →


Arboles de decision y Random Forest

by Johanna Orellana Alvear -


Arboles_de_decision_y_Random_Forest […] “The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.” —Jeff Hawkins Aquí los detalles del curso . Aquí los datos que usaremos durante el curso. Breve recapitulación de R (Capítulo 2) Entorno de RStudio y ayuda (0.2 h) Directorios, scripts y librerías (0.3 h) Tipos de datos básicos y compuestos (0.5 h) Lectura y escritura de archivos (0.5 h) Indexación (1 h) Subconjuntos (1 h) Funciones (0.5 h) Arboles de Decisión - parte I Arboles de Decisión - parte II Random Forest - parte I Random Forest - parte … Read more →


Notes for ST463/ST683 Linear Models 1

by Katarina Domijan, Catherine Hurley


These are the notes for ST463/ST683 Linear Models 1 course offered by the Mathematics and Statistics Department at Maynooth University. This module is offered at as a part of of MSc in Data Science and Data Analytics. It is an introductory course for students who have basic background in Statistics, Data analysis, R Programming and linear algebra (matrices). […] There are many good resources, e.g. Weisberg (2005), Fox (2005), Fox (2016), Ramsey and Schafer (2002), Draper and Smith (1966). We will use Minitab and R (R Core Team 2017). To create this document, I am using the bookdown package … Read more →


Escritura de libros con bookdown

by Fernández-Casal, R. y Cotos-Yáñez, T.R.


Este libro es una introducción al paquete bookdown para la escritura de libros (en castellano, galego, …). […] Este libro es una pequeña guía sobre como emplear el paquete bookdown de R para la escritura de libros, incluyendo algunos detalles de configuración para la escritura en otros idiomas distintos del inglés (castellano, galego,…). Este mismo libro ha sido escrito en R-Markdown empleando el paquete bookdown y está disponible en el repositorio Github: rubenfcasal/bookdown_intro. Para generar el libro (compilar) puede ser recomendable instalar la última versión de RStudio y la versión … Read more →


Computational Communication Science mit R

by André Calero Valdez


Dieses Buch befindet sich zur Zeit in Arbeit. […] Dieses Buch soll einen Überblick über Computer-basierte Methoden der Kommunikationswissenschaft verschaffen und in Form eine Lehrbuchs die wichtigsten Inhalte zusammenfassen. Zu allen Themen, die in diesem Buch bearbeitet werden, gibt es bereits besser geeignete Bücher, die die entsprechenden Theorien, Methoden und Techniken detailliert und ausführlich betrachten. An geeigneter Stelle wird auf diese Quellen verwiesen. Die zentrale Idee hinter diesem Buch ist die Vereinheitlichung des Forschungsprozesses und die digitale Unterstützung durch … Read more →


Tidy Portfoliomanagement in R

by Sebastian Stöckl


First try on a book on tidy Portfolio Managment in R. […] This book should accompany my lectures “Research Methods”, “Quantitative Analysis”, “Portoliomanagement and Financial Analysis” and (to a smaller degree) “Empirical Methods in Finance”. In the past years I have been a heavy promoter of the Rmetrics tools for my lectures and research. However, in the last year the development of the project has stagnated due to the tragic death of its founder Prof. Dr. Diethelm Würtz. It therefore happened several times that code from past semesters and lectures has stopped working and no more support … Read more →


Lösningar i R till vissa uppgifter från övningskompendierna

by Erik Stenberg


Lösningar för vissa uppgifter i kursen Statstik A4/A8 […] Detta dokument är till för dig som läser kursen Statistik A4/A8 och är nyfiken på R. Innehållet är tänkt att förena lite nytta (lösa uppgifter) med nöje (lära dig lite R). Det är inte meningen att detta dokument skall fungera som en heltäckande introduktion till programmeringsspråket R. Det finns mängder av väldigt välskrivna guider online som fokuserar mycket mer på hur språket är uppbygt. Lyckligtvis är R väldigt enkelt att komma igång med, och det krävs inte mycket förståelse för själva språket för att göra enkla beräkningar, … Read more →



by 王树义


你大概经常听别人提起,技术的门槛在降低。 数据科学、机器学习、自然语言处理、神经网络、人工智能……一系列的名词让你眼花缭乱,让你对这个时代充满兴奋的感觉。你跃跃欲试,希望自己动手,也能用新技术做出卓有成效的工作。 但是,如果你不是IT专业的学生,特别糟糕的是,你还是一名文科生,那你可能会逐渐发现,技术的世界似乎不那么友好。 你只想对文本提取主题,人家给你写了这么长的公式: 你想做个时间序列的预测,结果人家告诉你,一个处理单元,就有这样的结构: 除了迅速“从入门到放弃”,你还能怎么办? 别急,这不是真相。 真相是,只要你知道如何找到正确的工具包,就可以用短短几行代码,完成从前需要手工干几天的活儿。不信?可以看看我这篇 … Read more →


Clustered Data

by Michael Clark


This document provides a brief comparison of various approaches to dealing with clustered data situations. […] … Read more →


Graphical & Latent Variable Modeling

by Michael Clark


This document focuses on structural equation modeling. It is conceptually based, and tries to generalize beyond the standard SEM treatment. It includes special emphasis on the lavaan package. Topics include: graphical models, including path analysis, bayesian networks, and network analysis, mediation, moderation, latent variable models, including principal components analysis and ‘factor analysis’, measurement models, structural equation models, mixture models, growth curves, item response theory, Bayesian nonparametric techniques, latent dirichlet allocation, and more. Read more →


R 语言入门,给一心只有学习的你

by Chris Qi from Data Maniac


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 想直接上手的同学,可以跳过这一部分,从安装软件开始。如果软件已经安装了,可以跳到第二章。对于喜欢把书从头读到未的同学,欢迎从这里开始。 看到这个题目,你以为我会跟你絮絮叨叨讲一个软件的发展史?这种东西听一耳朵就可以了,写出来都浪费纸墨,噢,这是电子书,不用纸也不用墨,但是打字也费劲儿呀。所以在这里,我就做个大概介绍吧: R是一门用于统计计算和作图的语言,由S语言发展而来,以统计分析功能见长。 R 是新西兰的罗斯.伊哈卡 (Ross Ihaka)和罗伯特.金特尔曼(Robert … Read more →


An Introduction to Text Processing and Analysis with R

by Michael Clark

An Introduction to Text Processing and Analysis with R

This document covers a wide range of topics, including how to process text generally, and demonstrations of sentiment analysis, parts-of-speech tagging, word embeddings, and topic modeling. Exercises are provided for some topics. […] … Read more →


Cod Prediction

by Liam


关于货到付款支付方式的客户的拒收预测 […] 货到付款是一种是一种非常受用户青睐的支付方式,对于客户而言,货到付款更加安全,特别是对于一些电商不发达的的确,货到付款能够有效的打消用户对于网购的不信任。 对于商家而言,货到付款这种支付方式不利于现金的流动,并且,有一部分人会在货到了之后不付款,也就是拒收。拒收的原因很多,很简单的就是不想要了。 一般而言,货到付款的拒收率可以高达20%,这将造成很大的运营成本。因此,本文利用机器学习的方法,对用户是否回拒收进行预测。 … Read more →


An Introduction to R and LaTeX

by Yuleng Zeng


An introduction to R for political scientists. […] This is an introduction to R and Latex. In compiling this documents, several sources have been consulted, including Tim Peterson’s website, Havard’s Math Prefresher, and the course offered by DataCamp. Make sure that you have a laptop throughout this introduction. Install the following applications, if you haven’t done so. Finally, this document is to be used in-class only. As I (will) mention several times, it borrows and merges a lot of resources online. Also, if you see any mistakes or have suggestions, please do shoot me an … Read more →


R para principiantes

by Juan Bosco Mendoza Vega

R para principiantes

Un libro introductorio a R, dirigido a personas sin experiencia previa con lenguajes de programación. […] Propósito del libro R para principiantes pretende ser un materal introductorio al lenguaje de programación R, dirigído a personas que nunca han usado R o ningún otro lenguaje de programación, ni tiene conocimiento previo de probabilidad y estadística. Este libro tiene como propósito que adquieras los fundamentos del uso de R como un lenguaje de programación, desde sus conceptos más elementales, hasta la definición de funciones y generación de gráficos. No son objetivos de este libro que … Read more →


TensorFlow 学习笔记

by Leo Van | 范叶亮


TensorFlow 学习笔记 […] 本作品是针对 Tensorflow 深度学习框架的学习笔记,参考的相关资料包括: 本作品使用 R 语言的 Bookdown 扩展包构建,在线版本托管在 ,离线版本请访问托管网站下载。 本作品中使用的部分图标来自 Papirus 图标集。 本作品编译的 PDF 采用 Chapman & Hall 出版社提供的 LaTeX 模板 krantz.cls,英文衬线字体采用 Alegreya,英文无衬线字体采用 Helvetica,中文衬线字体采用 Source Han Serif SC,中文无衬线字体采用 Source Han Sans SC,中文斜体字体采用 Kaiti SC,中英文等宽字体采用 Sarasa Mono SC,数学公式字体采用 Latin Modern Math。 本作品采用 … Read more →


Introducción a estadística con R

by Matias Andina


Este libro introduce conceptos de estadística utilizando R. Está principalmente orientado a estudiantes que deseen aplicar e incrementar sus conocimientos estadísticos usando un lenguaje de programación. Sin embargo, aquellos usuarios que tengan algo de experiencia con R y quieran aventurarse a aumentar sus conocimientos estadísticos pueden encontrar utilidad en los capítulos más avanzados. […] R es quizás el lenguaje más desarrollado para realizar análisis exploratorios de datos y estadística. Debido a que posee una naturaleza dinámica, gratuita, open-source, y una comunidad que trabaja … Read more →



by 谢益辉, 肖楠, 坑主三, 坑主四


本书要写什么其实我也不太清楚。迷迷瞪瞪中,感觉写一些奇门遁甲之术会比较有趣吧,算是程序猿/媛的自娱自乐了,如果在自娱自乐之外,读者能学到一些有用的技能,那就更好了。 […] R语言 (R Core Team 2018) 是由统计学家发明的一门程序语言,这个特殊的背景让这门语言在计算机专业人士眼中看起来也许很奇怪:语法松散、数据结构不严谨、充斥着黑魔法,等等。如果能结合数据分析的背景去看待它,就会发现它还是有很多精妙之处的。 学一门语言不可能通过两天时间把语法看完了事就行,必须得实战练习:一来巩固语法,二来增加经验值。本书根据统计之都论坛(六年中近六千帖子和三万回帖整理并加入作者的个人经验而写成。我们找的有这样几种帖子: … Read more →


A short course on Survival Analysis applied to the Financial Industry

by Marta Sestelo


This is a short course on survival analysis applied to the financial field. […] This book is designed to provide a guide for a short course on survival analysis. It is mainly focussed on applying the stastical tecnquines developed in the survival field to the financial industry. The emphasis is placed in understanding the methods, building intuition about when aplying each of them and showing their application through the use of statistical … Read more →


Understanding Work With Data in Summer STEM Programs Through An Experience Sampling Method Approach

by Joshua M. Rosenberg


This is Joshua Rosenberg’s dissertation […] Data-rich activities provide an opportunity to develop core competencies in both science and mathematics identified in curricular standards. Perhaps even more importantly work with data puts learners in the position to use data to ask and answer questions, a potentially empowering capability. Research on work with data has focused on cognitive outcomes and the development of specific practices at the student and classroom levels, and yet, little research has considered learners’ engagement. The present study explores learners engagement in work … Read more →


Introducción a la Computación con GPUs usando R

by Ronald Gualán Saavedra


Revisión de conceptos clave sobre la computación GPGPU, y algunos ejemplos simples de uso de librerías aceleradas por GPU […] Las GPU (Graphics Processing Units; Unidades de Procesamiento de Gráficos) son unidades de procesamiento diseñadas originalmente para procesar gráficos en una computadora rápidamente. Esto se hace teniendo una gran cantidad de unidades de procesamiento simples para cálculos masivamente paralelos. La idea de la computación de propósito general en GPU (GPGPU: general purpose GPU computing) es explotar esta capacidad para el cálculo general. En este tutorial se revisará … Read more →


HPC con R para Investigadores

by Johanna Orellana Alvear -


HPC con R para Investigadores […] “Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered.” — Donald Knuth. Optimizar código para hacerlo más rápido es un proceso … Read more →



by Mau-Ting Lin


This is a collection of the discussion lists from Macroeconomics. […] The theory contents will follow 1 closely. Item 2 is for data visualization. And item 3 is for general discussion regarding world news. Class participation and quizzes: 10% Midterm Exam: 30% Final Exam: 30% Others R RStudio Github desktop … Read more →


Data Visualization Project

by Chiayi Yen


Data Visualization Project […] This study aims at investigating how the change of information dissemination process would affect the window-dressing behaviors of mutual fund managers. By convention, window-dressing is defined as the portfolio manipulations right before the quarter-end date, when all the fund managers are required to disclosure their holding firms of that date. Over the past decades, technological progresses largely change the way how information disseminates, and these further influence the information flow of capital markets. For example, the implementation of “Electronic … Read more →


«Two Lives» by Concordia Antarova

by gorodnichy


«Two Lives» by Concordia Antarova: text translation and analysis […] This work presents the working draft of the English translation of the “The Lives” book by Concordia Antarova. Widely known in Russian speaking spheres, and translated into French, this book remains to be largely unknown to English speaking population, despite its significant spiritual importance, comparable to that of “Book of Joy”. While the efforts on translating this book into English continue, here the draft of it is used for Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects, aiming at building the systems for automated analysis … Read more →


«Кубатура Шара»

by Андрей Городничий

«Кубатура Шара»

Poetry of Andrey Gorodnichy […] Версия для печати: PDF, EPUB. Online: … Read more →


Foundations of Statistics with R

by Darrin Speegle


This book is written for the purposes of teaching STAT 3850 at Saint Louis University. […] This is a book on probability and statistics suitable for the sophomore or junior level at university. We assume knowledge of calculus at the level of Calculus II. We do not assume prior experience with statistics or programming, though students who have no experience with either statistics or programming before starting this class should expect to have to work hard. We will be using R as an integral part of the exposition — you should not read this book without first getting R Studio installed. We … Read more →


Thucydides the Neorealist?

by J.W.Biggs


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Thucydides has long been viewed as an early exemplar of realist thinking in International Relations Theory. More recently, neorealist authors have claimed that Thucydides’ History offers insights into the importance of the anarchy in shaping interstate relations, and should be recognised as a neorealist. This neorealist appropriation has met substantial criticism and many revisionist scholars have urged a re-examining of Thucydides. This dissertation serves … Read more →



by 林凱浩


碩士論文 […] 電子書網址: Github repo: bookdown使用者說明 LyX 註冊RSconnect bookdown::publish_book()或bookdown::publish_book(account=“帳戶名”) … Read more →



by 蔡國梁


碩士論文 […] 電子書網址: Github repo: bookdown使用者說明 LyX 註冊RSconnect bookdown::publish_book()或bookdown::publish_book(account=“帳戶名”) … Read more →



by 國立臺北大學經濟學系-經濟時事與多媒體出版


迷你課程 […] 電子書網址: 首先你必需: 在Atom: 點privacypolicy.html 將以下兩個訊息換成你的訊息 https://your_website_url your_email … Read more →


Hello Py: Python 程式設計

by Pyradise


Pyradise 是專注於 Python 教學的團隊,致力於分享學習經驗,推廣資料科學,人工智慧,讓更多人能參與到這波資訊與人工智慧的學習浪潮。 專注於技術,熱衷於教學的開發者,希望透過教學,傳遞出更多想法的帽子哥。 資料科學與推廣教育的愛好者,閒暇時喜歡長跑與乒乓球;是 2017 iT邦幫忙鐵人賽 Big Data 組冠軍。 前端工程師與設計師。 … Read more →


Introduction to Digital Currency

by J.W.Biggs


A summary of research conducted hitherto. […] This is research I have conducted for personal use. Using the bookdown package has enabled me to piece together my research in a quick and neat manner. I have tried to convey complex terms as simply as possible utilizing visual examples where I can. Constructive criticism is welcomed - I will regularly be updating this … Read more →


認識 R 的美好

by 郭耀仁


是郭耀仁,資料科學與推廣教育的愛好者,喜歡使用 R 語言與 Python 做資料科學應用,在台大資工系統訓練班開設多門 R 語言與 Python 的相關課程,亦與企業合作提供客製化的內訓課程;同時也是一個超棒的中文資料科學專欄 DataInPoint 的主編;這個專欄與波士頓的資料科學教學團隊 DataCamp 有行銷合作(Affiliate Marketing)。 如果您有 R 語言、Python、資料科學、教學、專案或顧問的需求,可以 email 與我聯絡 R 語言是一個高階的統計程式語言,她在 2017 IEEE 調查中排名位於第 6 名,1是以資料分析為主要目的程式語言中的最高位。其他熟為人知的像是 Matlab 排名在第 15 名、SQL 排名在第 23 名、 Julia … Read more →


Meu log de leitura de R for Data Science

by Marcos V. C. Vital - LEQ-UFAL


Meu log de leitura de R for Data Science […] Se tem alguma pessoa que pode ser considerada um “pop star” do R, seria o Hadley Wickham: o cara é responsável pelo ggplot2 e pelo dplyr, que são alguns dos pacotes mais populares do R! Mas são justamente pacotes que eu quase não uso… :( Deixe eu explicar melhor. Eu sou usuário do R há muitos anos (fiz as contas de cabeça enquanto eu escrevo, e se não me enganei, agora em 2018 seriam uns 13 ou 14 anos!), então já tem um bocado de tempo que aprendi a como resolver (e ensinar) algumas coisas. Até aí tudo bem. Acontece que o Hadley trouxe uma … Read more →


Lecture Notes voor Business Process Management (3637)

by B. Depaire


Dit zijn de lecture notes van het opleidingsonderdeel Business Process Management […] Dit document bevatten de lecture notes voor het opleidingsonderdeel Business Process Management (3637), gedoceerd aan de Universiteit Hasselt. Deze lecture notes dienen ter ondersteuning van de colleges en bevatten zowel een “bullet-point” samenvatting van de voornaamste topics alsook een verzameling van bronnen voor verdere verdieping in de … Read more →


ggplot2 介紹

by 林茂廷老師


ggplot2 介紹 […] 要在hypothes.is貼上程式碼時,請依下例張貼: ggplot2 cheatsheet Computing for the Social Sciences, U.Chicago. ggplot2part of the … Read more →


Lösningar i R till vissa uppgifter från övningskompendierna (samt lite annat kul)

by Erik Stenberg


Lösningar för vissa uppgifter i kursen Statstik A4/A8 […] Detta dokument är till för dig som läser kursen Statistik A4/A8 och är nyfiken på R. Innehållet är tänkt att förena lite nytta (lösa uppgifter) med nöje (lära dig lite R). Det är inte meningen att detta dokument skall fungera som en heltäckande introduktion till programmeringsspråket R. Det finns mängder av väldigt välskrivna guider online som fokuserar mycket mer på hur språket är uppbygt. Lyckligtvis är R väldigt enkelt att komma igång med, och det krävs inte mycket förståelse för själva språket för att göra enkla beräkningar, … Read more →


Lecture Notes voor Exploratieve en Descriptieve Data Analyse

by B. Depaire


Dit zijn de lecture notes van het opleidingsonderdeel Exploratieve en Descriptieve Data Analyse […] Dit boek bevat de lecture notes voor de cursus “Exploratieve en Descriptieve Data Analyse” (1ste Ba Handelsingenieur/Handelsingenieur in de Beleidsinformatica) aan de Universiteit Hasselt. Het idee van dit document is een begeleidende tekst aan te reiken ter ondersteuning van de slide-decks die gebruikt worden tijdens de hoorcolleges. Deze tekst is “bullet-point” gewijs opgebouwd en helpt het verhaal dat tijdens het hoorcollege wordt verteld terug op te roepen. Daarnaast zal er per hoofdstuk … Read more →



by 林茂廷老師


網頁入門 […] 語法查詢: … Read more →


useR! Machine Learning Tutorial

by Erin LeDell


useR! 2016 Tutorial: Machine Learning Algorithmic Deep Dive. […] useR! 2016 Tutorial: Machine Learning Algorithmic Deep Dive This tutorial contains training modules for six popular supervised machine learning methods: Here are some practical, related topics we will cover for each algorithm: Instructions for how to install the necessary software for this tutorial is available here. Data for the tutorial can be downloaded… Certain algorithms don’t scale well when there are millions of features. For example, decision trees require computing some sort of metric (to determine the splits) on all … Read more →


Noções de Inferência no R

by Thalita do Bem Mattos


Esta apostila é uma ferramenta de apoio às aulas teóricas de ME319-Noções de Inferência. […] O objetivo desta apostila é apresentar os conceitos de inferência ministrados em sala de aula na disciplina ME319 - Noções de Inferência de uma forma prática e intuitiva utilizando recursos computacionais como o software R. ME319 - Noções de Inferência - IMECC/UNICAMP Após fazer a instalação do R vamos instalar o RStudio. O RStudio é uma nova interface para o R com diversas propriedade que facilita o uso do … Read more →


An R Platform for Social Scientists

by Burak AYDIN, James ALGINA, Walter LEITE, Hakan ATILGAN

An R Platform for Social Scientists

R book for social scientists […] The online version of this platform is licensed under the CC0 by Burak AYDIN. We aim to create a platform for the applied social scientists in which we can demonstrate basic statistical procedures using R (R Core Team 2016b) and real data. We prefer to name this material as a platform given that (a) it is open for contribution, (b) it will have dynamic content and (c) it can serve as a mainboard for Plug-ins and Add-ons . This R material is created with Bookdown (Xie 2016), an advanced system constructed on R Markdown (Allaire et al. 2016) and the R … Read more →


Sosyal Bilimler R Platformu

by Burak AYDIN, James ALGINA, Walter LEITE, Hakan ATILGAN

Sosyal Bilimler R Platformu

Sosyal Bilimler R Platformu […] Bu platformun hakları korunmuştur CC0 by Burak AYDIN. Bu materyal İngilizce olarak hazırlanıp Türkçeye çevirilmiştir. Bu platform sosyal bilimler alanında çalışan ve nicel veri analizlerinin teoriden ziyade uygulama aşamasına ilgi gösteren araştırmacılar için oluşturulmuştur. Bütün istatistiksel prosedürler R (R Core Team 2016b) ile yürütülmüş, gerçek veri kullanımına özen gösterilmiştir. Bu materyale platform denilmesinin üç sebebi vardır, (a) katkıya açıktır,(b) dinamik bir içeriğe sahiptir, (c) bilgisayar anakartı gibi kullanılabilir, R ile oluşturulmuş … Read more →


Numerical Analysis: Notes

by Brynjólfur Gauti Jónsson


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a collection of my notes and algorithms from a course on Numerical Analysis at the University of Iceland. The book used in the course was Numerical Analysis by Timothy … Read more →


The Final War

by Beckett Stephens

The Final War

My book about adventures in a video game named Minecraft. […] This book is about my adventures in a video game named … Read more →


YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R

by Nathaniel D. Phillips

YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R

An introductory book to R written by, and for, R pirates […] The purpose of this book is to help you learn R from the … Read more →



by tpemartin


高中生的未來事件簿 […] 大學是介於出社會以及在課堂學習的重要期間,有很多最悸動人心故事發生在這時候,奔逸而鮮豔,比起高中多了些許成熟,比起大人又看似稚嫩。雖每個人進到大學的目的不同,但總歸在追求真理的路上。未來個性將奔放如驕陽抑或凝靜如冷池;思考將高瞻遠矚抑或目光如寸;信念將真摯誠實抑或厚顏無恥,先是家庭給你的教育再來是你在大學對自己的訓練。 我們帶你從各個觀點切入核心“將自己成為比昨天更好的人”希望對你有些許的幫助,我們只是野路上的螢火,無法指引更遠的道路,但你求知求真求善的心,才是皎潔的月光,照射整片原野,螢火起能與日月爭輝? 歡迎你來到這個網站,誠摯邀請你閱讀我們的作品。 … Read more →


Financial Engineering Analytics: A Practice Manual Using R

by William G. Foote


This book explores the fundamentals of financial analytics using R and various topics from finance. […] Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers of the preceding generation. - Richard Feynman This book is designed to provide students, analysts, and practitioners (the collective “we” and “us”) with approaches to analyze various types of financial data sets, and to make meaningful decisions based on statistics obtained from the data. The book covers various areas in the financial industry, from … Read more →


R och Demoskop

by Filip Wastberg


Det här är ett dokument för att komma igång med R på Demoskop […] Det här är ett dokument om R på Demoskop. R är ett programmeringsspråk för statistisk analys. På Demoskop används R i huvudsak som ett komplement till den programmering som vi gör SAS och SPSS. Det här dokumentet är anpassat efter våra arbetssätt på Demoskop. Några generella förkunskaper behövs inte. Däremot så rekommenderar vi att du efter att du gjort installationen gör den här kursen på Det är enkel introduktion till R och några paket som underlättar arbetsflödet. Datacamp är en bra hemsida för att lära sig … Read more →


Github 介紹

by 林茂廷老師


Github 介紹 […] 這裡我們用非程式設計者懂的說法來解釋,故不符合它們原始的完整定義。 一個【雲端空間】讓你儲存備份用 Github Desktop: 安裝在你電腦上的【備份小精靈】,透過他,你可以選擇將某個資料匣裡的東西備份在自己電腦,或進一步備份在Github.com雲端空間。 我們先假設你已經在以下簡稱.com)註冊了一個帳號,也在你電腦安裝了Github Desktop(以下簡稱Desktop),並把Desktop設定好可以和你的.com帳號連結。 … Read more →


Functional programming and unit testing for data munging with R

by Bruno Rodrigues


This book is an introduction to functional programming and unit testing with the R programming language, for the purpose of data muning […] This book is still being written, some chapters are not finished yet, and there might be (there are) some typos. Don’t hesitate to write to me if you notice something weird. You can purchase a digital copy of this book at leanpub. The version on Leanpub will not always be up-to-date, I only update it when I made very big changes (new chapters, etc). But once this book will be finished, both version are going to be the same. This book serves to show how … Read more →


R Markdown 介紹

by 林茂廷老師


dplyr 介紹 […] 一個標準化的純文字語法(syntax),用來表達豐富的排版意境。 Wiki範例 本身不會產生word, html或pdf檔,而是透過其他應用程式,如pandoc,來進一步生成相關文件格式。 … Read more →


IRT (GMMSGE01): Parametric IRT (dichotomous data)

by Jorge N. Tendeiro


IRT (GMMSGE01): Parametric IRT (dichotomous data) […] Parametric item response theory (IRT) provides a theoretical framework that allows modeling the relationship [\text{item} \longleftrightarrow \text{person}] by means of a mathematical function: [P(X_i = c|\theta_n) = f(\theta_n)] (X_i) is the random variable denoting the answer to item (i), with discrete response categories; (\theta_n=) (n^\text{th}) person’s trait parameter. This is the item response function (IRF). The IRF is therefore a function relating the latent trait to the probability of answering the item correctly. … Read more →


Economic Forum

by Mau-Ting Lin


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. … Read more →


Shiny (I)

by 林茂廷老師


Shiny (I) … Read more →


Simulation And The James-Stein Estimator In R

by Alex Hallam


Simple Simulation and the James-Stein Estimator […] This is the website for “Simulation And The James-Stein Estimator In R”. This technical document is short, covering some common ways to generate data and exploring the James-Stein Estimator. This will teach you how to do run simulations to observe the properties of the James-Stein Estimator in R — specifically using the tidyverse: You’ll learn how to generate data to prove theoretical results. In the computer age of statistics the data scientist has the power of machines to run simulations for testing a methods before putting a method into … Read more →


Data visualization

by Mau-Ting Lin


This is a collection of data visualization handouts from Macroeconomics. … Read more →


Selected Solutions to R4DS Exercises

by Chunji Wang


This book provides selected solutions to the exercises in the wonderful book R for Data Science by Wickham Hadley. […] This is the website for “Selected Solutions to R4DS Exercises”. This is a joint advanture between Chunji Wang, Ron, Luna, Zhiyin, Chengcheng…. We started the “R4DS Study Club” on Sep 22nd, 2017; If you want to join us, please contact us! The chapter labels in this book is the same as the original R4DS book; go to the corresponding chapter for solutions. You might need to read the beginning of the chapter to load some packages or create some variables that are … Read more →


R bookdownplus Textbook

by Peng Zhao


A tutorial to R bookdownplus, an extension of R bookdown package. This books shows helps you write academic journal articles, guitar books, chemical equations, mails, calendars, and diaries, on the basis of R bookdown. […] A book titled R bookdownplus Textbook is surely talking about ‘bookdownplus’ (Zhao 2017b), but let’s start with ‘bookdown’ (Xie 2016). ‘bookdown’ is a software package for writing books or documents based on R language (R Core Team 2016) and Markdown syntax. It is something like Microsoft Word, but more elegant, more powerful, and … Read more →


Guide til klinikophold

by Søren O’Neill


Denne side tjener som vejledning og inspiration til supervisorer og studerende på den præ-graduate, kliniske uddannelse på klinisk biomekanik. […] På disse sider finder du vejledning til de præ-graduate kliniskeophold for kiropraktor-studerende (stud. kand.manu) De præ-graduate klinikophold er opdelt som illustreret herover; med et præ-klinisk kursus på SDU efterfulgt af en ‘clinic-entrance’ eksamen, et længere ophold på rygcenter og 2 mindre ophold i andre regi. Teksten er opdelt i to hovedsektioner – én som primært er skrevet med supervisorerne for øje og én for studerende. Begge … Read more →


ABJ Syllabus

by Associação Brasileira de Jurimetria


A track of papers we read and papers we collect to read in future. […] Para que o seu bookdown funcione tanto na web quanto no pdf, você deve evitar usar marcadores que dependem do contexto. Para fazer citações você deve usar (Weinstein 1997) ou Weinstein (1997). Isso também funciona pra pacotes (R Core Team 2017) ou R Core Team (2017). Para criar uma figura, é preferível que você use o print padrão do knitr. A label do gráfico será fig:label-do-chunk. Você pode citar fazendo 1.1. Se você precisar importar uma imagem de fora do R, é melhor que você faça , a despeito do que diz o Yihui. … Read more →


Studieren und Forschen mit dem Internet

by Peter Baumgartner, Sabine Payr

Studieren und Forschen mit dem Internet

Arbeitsprozesse und Werkzeuge des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens. Gekürzte Ausgabe aus 2001, aber viele Inhalte noch aktuell. […] Studieren und Forschen mit dem Internet von Peter Baumgartner & Sabine Payr ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International Lizenz.Über diese Lizenz hinausgehende Erlaubnisse können Sie unter erhalten. Studieren und Forschen mit dem Internet ist 2001 beim StudienVerlag herausgekommen und heute vergriffen. Restexemplare können nach wie vor gebraucht über Amazon … Read more →


Course Notes for IS 6489, Statistics and Predictive Analytics

by Jeff Webb


Course notes for IS 6489. […] These are the course notes for IS 6489, Statistics and Predictive Analytics, offered through the Information Systems (IS) department in the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business. This is an exciting time for data analysis! The field has undergone a revolution in the last 15 years with increases in computing power and the availability of “big data” from web-based systems of data collection. “Data science” is the umbrella term that describes the result of this revolution—a new discipline at the intersection of many traditional fields such as … Read more →


Lokal lagring og bruk av sensitive data

by Are Edvardsen, SKDE

Lokal lagring og bruk av sensitive data

Veiledning i installasjon og bruk av VeraCrypt for sikker lagring og sletting av data ved Senter for klinisk dokumentajson og evaluering (SKDE), Helse Nord RHF. […] Analyse av sensitive og tidsavgrensede data inngår som en del av de praktiske oppgaven SKDE har. Egenskapene til slike data vil typisk være at de kun skal nås av en begrenset og definert gruppe av brukere samt at de effektivt må kunne slettes ved gyldighetsperiodens utløp. Dette gir noen spesielle utfordringer når brukere samtidig skal kunne arbeide effektiv og dele slike data seg imellom. Typisk for analysevirksomhet er også at … Read more →


Probability and Statistics

by Rob Carroll


These are the lecture notes for POS 5737, the introductory probability and statistics class in the graduate program in political science at Florida State University. […] These are the notes for POS 5737, taught in the Department of Political Science at Florida State University. They freely borrow from several well-known textbooks, including those by Wackerly, Mendenhall, and Scheaffer (2008), DeGroot and Schervish (2012), and Casella and Berger (2002). They also borrow from my own notes as a graduate student when I was taught by Kevin Clarke. Kevin was kind enough to provide his own old … Read more →


R tips: 16 HOWTO’s with examples for data analysts

by Lingyun Zhang


R tips: 16 HOWTO’s with examples for data analysts […] … Read more →



by Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim STARRING FRANK MCGRADE


An open-source and fully-reproducible electronic textbook bridging the gap between traditional introductory statistics and data science courses. […] Help! I’m new to R and RStudio and I need to learn about them! However, I’m completely new to coding! What do I do? If you’re asking yourself this question, then you’ve come to the right place! Start with our Introduction for Students. This is version 0.2.0 of ModernDive published on August 02, 2017. For previous versions of ModernDive, see Section 1.4. This book assumes no prerequisites: no algebra, no calculus, and no prior programming/coding … Read more →


Data Science in Educational Research

by Joshua M. Rosenberg


This is an introduction and tutorial for data science in educational research. … Read more →


Papa’s Three Laws

by 大鹏&朋友

Papa’s Three Laws

This is a selection of a papa’s diary originally posted on my blog. A family’s stories of two children are told. This book is being updated. […] 我家有两个娃。大的是男孩,生于北京,唤作京生; 小的也是男孩,生于德国,唤作德生。 本书讲述的是我和我的朋友们的育儿和家庭故事。 … Read more →


Data Science and Visualizations with R

by Jonathan Wong


Data Science and Visualizations with R […] This is a course on the use of tidyverse packages tidyverse provides a complete suite of modern data-handling tools. It is an essential toolbox for any data scientist using R. The tidyverse package is designed to be easy to install. This course will dive into using tidyverse. It will assume you have already installed r and rstudio and how some familiarity on how to use the rstudio. This book will use the nycflights13 dataset This package contains information about all flights that departed from NYC in 2013: 336,776 flights with 16 variables. To … Read more →



by Cheng-Chung Li


寫這本書有幾個原因,除了將自己對於R語言所學做一個整理之外,還希望能讓更多人將自己製作的R functions包裝成符合CRAN規定的R packages, 放到網路上讓大家共享。其實國內R語言的高手很多,但是卻很少人知道如何將寫好的functions包成套件,而國內的參考資料也不多。因此頂多只能在公司內部分享,這實在是很可惜的事情。 我也希望藉由這樣的資料,讓臺灣的高手們被世界看到,一起為R語言貢獻一份心力。 […] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). For now, you have to install the development versions of bookdown from Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one … Read more →


(Very) basic steps to weight a survey sample

by Josep Espasa Reig


(Very) basic steps to weight a survey sample […] This is an introductory guide to survey weighting. It provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the main procedures and explains the statistical principles behind them. The guide includes R code to implement all stages of survey weighting and reproduces the weighting procedures of the 7th European Social Survey in the UK. This text avoids technical notation and language and is targeted to social scientists with a basic level of statistics and probability theory. Readers without knowledge of R should be able to benefit from this text as it … Read more →


The Unix Workbench

by Sean Kross

The Unix Workbench

The Unix Workbench […] Cover Image: A Goldsmith in his Shop by Petrus Christus This work by Sean Kross is licensed CC0. Zero rights … Read more →


Gopnik Guide to Biology

by Paulius Alaburda


Bandymas sukurti lengvą biologijos elektroninę knygą. […] Internetas Lietuvos švietimo įrankiams kol kas turėjo mažai įtakos. Vietoje popierinės knygutės atsirado elektroninės knygutės, pasiruošti valstybiniams egzaminams atsirado programėlės. Bet šie įrankiai susiję su kontrolės struktūromis sekti moksleivio progresą ir įvertinti, ar jis teisingai pasiruošė egzaminui. Tikra edukacija prasideda ne nuo pažymių ar atsiskaitymo po 12 metų, o pirminio klausimo - kodėl? Pirminė nuostaba, jog aplinka neatitinka mūsų vidinio realybės modelio pastumia imtis veiksmų išsiaiškinti, kur mes klydome ir … Read more →



by Miao YU


This is notes from yufree […] 这里的笔记主要来自于公开课笔记与相关教材的读书笔记,主题相对分散,但这些知识应该为当今科研人员的基本技能。 首先科研人员要有一定的数学与统计学功底,这是最最基本的工具学科。微积分、线性代数与数值方法是必须的数学工具,统计学工具则至少明白如何进行统计推断与预测。其余的要看应用,例如数论对密码学而言就是基础。 然后就是编程技能,编程方面首先要熟悉编程的思维方法,例如递归、迭代、条件语句等,也就是知道机器怎么运转。其次就是掌握一门高级语言,例如R、python或matlab,这样你可以快速实现自己的想法。 之后就是模型思维,懂得将实际问题抽象成一个概念问题或统计问题或仿真问 … Read more →


Notes on R for AML100

by Jordan T. Bates


Notes on R for the course AML100 at Arizona State University. […] These notes introduce the basics of the programming language R as needed for the course AML100. Notes on RStudio and R Markdown are included in … Read more →


Underlagsrapport för En ännu bättre strålbehandling avseende incidens och prevalens av cancer i Västra Sjukvårdsregionen 2016-2030

by Erik Bülow


Förutsägelse av framtida förekomst av cancer i Västra Sjukvårdsregionen. […] Rapporten presenteras i tre format, samtliga med samma text- och bildmässiga innehåll men med något olika tekniska lösningar. Om du läser denna rapports HTML-version så når du övriga format via nedladdningsikonen i sidhuvudet (se figur … Read more →



by Dr.Thunder, Ming, Youcai


Liquid biopsy pocket book (in Chinese), written by Bioinformatics engineers. […] 海普洛斯推出【液体活检口袋书】专栏,对液体活检进行系统、全面的介绍。每周三更新,向大家介绍关于液体活检的一切。 … Read more →


Detecting collusion in goverment procurement contracts

by Manuel Aragonés, Thalía Guerra, Roberto Sánchez and Mónica Zamudio


This publication is the result of five months of work for our Data Product Architecture class project. […] Since 2002, the Mexican Federal government handles most of its procurement biddings through a transactional platform called Compranet. Even though most of the information in the platform is public, authorities and organizations dedicated to fight corruption do not have a technical framework to better allocate their resources into cases. Our project consisted in developing an interactive dashboard for investigators to track particular contracts and to filter out low-risk … Read more →


GuitaR Bookdown

by 大鹏

GuitaR Bookdown

This is a collection of my favorite songs with guitar chords, produced by bookdown. […] 最真的梦,就是用R语言的bookdown把R代码、作图、数据分析和吉他谱弄到一起。 啥?弄到一起有什么用? 呃……容我清清脑子想一想…… 越过下面这座山丘,却发现无人等候…… 终会有一天 把心愿完成 带着你飞奔找永恒 [\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}] 本书的吉他谱,在网页上看不见,只有点击下载pdf才能看见哦。 … Read more →


Föll í R - Dæmi

by Eyþór Björnsson


Föll í R - Dæmi […] Hér eru dæmi um notkun á föllum sem ég hef skrifað og má finna á GitHub. Þetta eru aðallega föll sem spara mikinn tíma við uppsetningu á algengum töflum fyrir vísindagreinar (á sviði læknavísinda) en eru líka hjálpleg til þess að átta sig á fylgni milli mismunandi breyta í gagnasafninu. Þessi síða er búin til með bookdown. Það er frábær pakki sem tvinnar saman R markdown skrár og setur saman í aðgengilegt html-bókarsnið. Í öllum dæmunum er notast við ‘diabetes’ gagnasettið sem er aðgengilegt frá The data consist of 19 … Read more →


Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar

by eythorbj


Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar […] Texti Egils sögu var afritaður af vefsíðu The Icelandic Saga Database (sótt 15. maí 2017) og útbúinn fyrir birtingu hér með R markdown og bookdown pakkanum í R. Eyþór Björnsson, 15. maí … Read more →


Literature thesis: Building a framework for retrieving information on multispecies interactions from published literature

by Gabriel Muñoz


Literature thesis: Building a framework for retrieving information on multispecies interactions from published literature […] The generation of new global hypothesis, destined to understand our current global biodiversity crisis, requires a large amount of information. Our knowledge in Ecology is principally contained in the form of published articles. This global body of literature holds a significant amount of primary data on species distributions and interactions across a large geographical and temporal scale. In this literature review, I explore the use of different computational tools … Read more →


The Art of Data Science

by Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth Matsui


The book covers R software development for building data science tools. As the field of data science evolves, it has become clear that software development skills are essential for producing useful data science results and products. You will obtain rigorous training in the R language, including the skills for handling complex data, building R packages and developing custom data visualizations. You will learn modern software development practices to build tools that are highly reusable, modular, and suitable for use in a team-based environment or a community of developers. Read more →


An approach to identify the sources of low-carbon growth for Europe

by Georg Zachmann, Bruegel, Robert Kalcik, Bruegel

An approach to identify the sources of low-carbon growth for Europe

This website serves to illustrate the findings of the policy contribution ‘An approach to identify the sources of low-carbon growth for Europe’ and allows a deeper dive into the underlying data. […] This website serves to illustrate the findings of the policy contribution “An approach to identify the sources of low-carbon growth for Europe” (Zachmann 2016) and allows a deeper dive into the underlying data. The website is focused on presenting figures and deliberately only offers short descriptions and interpretations. The research underlying this report has been financially supported by the … Read more →


Notas sobre Estimación Puntual

by Peter Olejua


Se desarrolla el tema de estimación puntual para el curso Métodos en Bioestadística I perteneciente al Maestría en Bioestadística de la Universidad Javeriana […] En las siguientes páginas se desarrolla brevemente el tema de estimación puntual. Forma parte de una evaluación para el curso Métodos en Bioestadística I, perteneciente al Maestría en Bioestadística de la Universidad Javeriana. Este trabajo puede usado como una introducción, a manera de notas de clases o como un inicio de colaboración a un escrito más amplio y completo sobre estimación puntual. Cualquier crítica, aporte y/o … Read more →


An approach to identify the sources of low-carbon growth for Europe

by Georg Zachmann

An approach to identify the sources of low-carbon growth for Europe

Draft website for the European Climate Foundation […] This website serves to illustrate the findings of the policy contribution “An approach to identify the sources of low-carbon growth for Europe” (Zachmann 2016) and allows a deeper dive into the underlying data. The website is focused on presenting figures and deliberately only offers curt descriptions/interpretations. It is currently structured into five chapters but we plan to extend it when further steps of our analysis become available. The research underlying this report has been financially supported by the European Climate … Read more →


Advances on the analysis on connectivity of Raphia taedigera palm swamps for Central America

by Gabriel Muñoz


Advances on the analysis on connectivity of Raphia taedigera palm swamps for Central America … Read more →


Data lunch 2feb: The use of Bookdown to write documents and reports

by Gabriel Muñoz


Data lunch 2feb: The use of Bookdown to write documents and reports […] Make sure you have installed the latest version of R and the Preview Release of RStudio. The following packages should be installed. If you have them already make sure they are updated. The most up to date versions are the “in development” versions from gitHub. Do you have Pandoc installed? RStudio should come along with Pandoc. and latex ? ( if you want to have PDF outputs as well) note that PDF does not allow interactive plots If you do not have latex installed Mac OS X –> MacTeX ( Linux … Read more →


기초통계 개념정리

by 김진섭


This is a basic statistics book written by JSKIM. […] This is a basic statistics book written by Jinseob … Read more →


Revealed comparative advantage and network centrality

by Sergej Kaiser


Revealed comparative advantage and network centrality … Read more →


R aplicado à Biologia: uma introdução descomplicada e divertida!

by Marcos Vital, do Laboratório de Ecologia Quantitativa da UFAL


Este é o livro ao vivo do blog Cantinho do R […] Este material foi construído com a ajuda de muitas pessoas que acreditam no LEQ e em Ciência Livre. Muito obrigado! Para mais material, visite o Cantinho do R Um prefácio da nova apostila do Cantinho do R Viva! Depois de uma longa demora (pelo menos para quem nos acompanha desde o começo), aqui está a nossa nova apostila do Cantinho do R! :D Se você é um recém chegado, acho que eu tenho que começar explicando aqui o que é, pra que serve e de onde nasceu este material, não é? É disso que se trata este primeiro capítulo. Mas não se preocupe, … Read more →


Do not use averages with Likert scale data

by Dwight Barry

Do not use averages with Likert scale data

This is a short overview of why averages don’t work well for evaluating Likert scale or other ordinal-scale data, and what to do instead, with examples using R. While the examples are focused on healthcare surveys, the lessons apply to any use of ordinal scale data. Note: all of the data in this document is fake, created specifically to illustrate particular points. Contact/Twitter: @healthstatsdude PDF version: Website: Corrections/Pull requests: Cover image: Gustave Doré, 1863. Illustration 12 for Cervantes’s Don … Read more →


Dengue Forecasting Project

by Raghvendra Jain


This is a book that contains experiments and results about the predictions of dengue outtbreaks in Thailand. […] This is a sample book written in Markdown. For now, you have to install the development versions of bookdown from Github: … Read more →



by @kazutan


これはggplot2逆引き集です。 […] これはQiitaで公開されているggplot2逆引きの記事を集めたものです。今のところ,@kazutanが作成した12本をまとめています。 なにかありましたら,以下のGithubリポジトリのissueもしくはTwitterの@kazutanまでおねがいします。 … Read more →


Wordbank: Language acquisition at scale

by Mika Braginsky, Daniel Yurovsky, Virginia Marchman, Michael Frank


Wordbank: Language acquisition at scale […] This is a magical internet book that will solve language … Read more →


R Powered Web Applications with Shiny

by Zev Ross (with Andrew Clark)


R Powered Web Applications with Shiny […] This is a book version, transcribed by Andrew Clark using RStudio’s bookdown package, of an extensive blog post by Zev Ross. The book version has the advantage of being available in several formats, more easily updated and downloadable. However, for an interactive version refer to the above mentioned blog … Read more →


Premier League Annual

by Andrew Clark


Premier League Annual […] This is an ‘on the fly’ annual based on the 2016/17 Premier League season, updated weekly with charts, tables, highlight videos and trivia related to the games played. Each chapter features static visualizations relevant to the games that week. Greatly extended, fully-interactive and constantly updated versions can be found on the accompanying dashboard site Additional data is available at the Premier League Web site Most of the underlying data is unofficial, unguaranteed error-free and available for a million dollars. There is also likely to be use of James … Read more →


Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling

by Jan de Leeuw, Patrick Mair, Patrick Groenen

Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling

In 1980 members of the Department of Data Theory at the University of Leiden taught a post-doctoral course in Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis. The course content was sort-of-published, in Dutch, as Gifi (1980). The course was repeated in 1981, and this time the sort-of-published version (Gifi (1981)) was in English. The preface gives some details about the author. The text is the joint product of the members of the Department of Data Theory of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Leiden. ‘Albert Gifi’ is their ‘nom de plume’. The portrait, however, of Albert Gifi shown here, is that … Read more →


Econ 215 Notes

by Salfo Bikienga


Lecture notes for my introduction to statistics class at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. […] This is supposed to be your first course in statistics. So the goal is to give you an overview of what statistics is, why it is a powerful thing to know, how you can use it to make informed decision or understand “numbers speak” people throw around in the news. At the end of this class, I hope: 1- You understand the importance of statistics; 2- You can better appreciate the numbers you get from the news; 3- You can perform your own analysis to inform yourself, and your collaborators. The explosion … Read more →


Getting used to R, RStudio, and R Markdown

by Chester Ismay


An introduction into using R, RStudio, and R Markdown for new users […] In the HTML version of this book, you can also download the PDF version of the book by clicking on PDF button in the top toolbar of the page. HTML is the preferred format but the PDF format may be preferred for some readers. Links to the different GIFs directly found in the HTML version are provided in the PDF version. This resource is designed to provide new users to R, RStudio, and R Markdown with the introductory steps needed to begin their own reproducible research. A review of many of the common R errors … Read more →


Руководство по data.table

by Андрей Огурцов


Руководство по пакету data.table: перевод виньеток, справочная иформация. […] Вступление Данное руководство содержит переводы всех виньеток по пакету data.table. Все, кроме последней, переведены с версий от июня 2015 г.; последняя - с версии от апреля 2016 г. Переводы будут актуализироваться, также планируется добавить другие материалы. … Read more →


Principles of Econometrics with R

by Constantin Colonescu

Principles of Econometrics with R

This is a beginner’s guide to applied econometrics using the free statistics software R. […] … Read more →


Chess Encounters

by Andrew Clark and Joshua Kunst

Chess Encounters

Chess Encounters […] … Read more →


Notes and Codes while Learning R

by Scott Ming


这里是明生学 R 的笔记。 […] Bookdown 是个很赞的写作工具,在这里记录一些自己学习 R 与数据科学的笔记,如有错误,欢迎指出。我的 GitHub 地址: … Read more →


useR2016 Conference Videos

by Andrew Clark

useR2016 Conference Videos

Chart, interactive table and a selection of videos from the useR2016 conference […] This acts as a repository for some of my favourite video talks from the recent useR2016 conference along with the ability to view any of the offerings via a clickable table. It is probably not the most effective of presentation but is a trial run for creating and deploying interactive books to Andrew Clark is an independent R developer based in North Vancouver He has for many years supplied statistical sports data on the web but with the interactive opportunities arising from the shiny framework … Read more →


Shiny Tutorial

by Weicheng Zhu


This is a shiny tutorial. […] Some basic knowlege about the R lanuage is requred. It would be helpful if you have some basic knowlege about HTML, CSS and javascript, but they are not … Read more →


Backtesting Strategies with R

by Tim Trice


Backtesting strategies with R […] This book is designed to not only produce statistics on many of the most common technical patterns in the stock market, but to show actual trades in such scenarios. Test a strategy; reject if results are not promising Apply a range of parameters to strategies for optimization Attempt to kill any strategy that looks promising. Let me explain that last one a bit. Just because you may find a strategy that seems to outperform the market, have good profit and low drawdown this doesn’t mean you’ve found a strategy to put to work. On the contrary, you must work to … Read more →


Praktiskā biometrija

by Didzis Elferts


Piemēri darbā ar programmu R, lai risinātu statistikas problēmas bioloģijā. […] Šī grāmata ir mans mēģinājums samērā vieglā formā ar minimālu teorijas materiālu sniegt praktiskus padomus statistisko analīžu veikšanā biologiem. Tā kā uzsvars ir likts uz vārdu ‘’praktiski’’, tad lielāko grāmatas daļu sastāda piemēri tam, kā veikt katru no apskatītajiem statistiskajiem testiem. Plašāka teorētiskā pamatojuma iegūšanai noderēs citu autoru darbi. Nenoliedzami nopietnākais darbs latviešu valodā biometrijas jomā ir jāmin Liepa (1974) grāmata, angļu valodā tas būtu kāds no Sokala un Rohlfa … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example

by Yihui Xie


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). For now, you have to install the development versions of bookdown from Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading … Read more →


Block Relaxation Methods in Statistics

by Jan de Leeuw


The book discusses block relaxation, alternating least squares, augmentation, and majorization algorithms to minimize loss functions, with applications in statistics, multivariate analysis, and multidimensional scaling. […] Many recent algorithms in computational statistics are variations on a common theme. In this book we discuss four such classes of algorithms. Or, more precisely, we discuss a single large class of algorithms, and we show how various well-known classes of statistical algorithms fit into this common framework. The types of algorithms we consider are, in logical order, … Read more →


APL in R

by Jan de Leeuw, Masanao Yajima


R versions of the array manipulation functions of APL are presented. We do not translate the system functions or other parts of the runtime. Also, the current version has does not have the nested arrays of APL2. […] APL was introduced by Iverson (1962). It is an array language, with many functions to manipulate multidimensional arrays. R also has multidimensional arrays, but not as many functions to work with them. In R there are no scalars, there are vectors of length one. For a vector x in R we have dim(x) equal to NULL and length(x) > 0. For an array, including a matrix, we have … Read more →



by Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler


CAPITAL AS POWER […] The electronic version of this work is protected by CreativeCommonsAttribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 2.5 Canada You are free to share, copy, distribute and transmit the electronic version of this work, in whole or in part, under the following conditions: Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this … Read more →


Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

by David Hume


David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion […] Original text from Project Gutenberg. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at This page is created using the Tufte package within Bookdown. Both were written by primarily by Yihue Xie. Pamphilus to Hermippius It has been remarked, my HERMIPPUS, that though the ancient philosophers conveyed most of their instruction in the form of … Read more →


16S rRNA analysis

by R.Lappan


Documentation describing my analyses of 16S rRNA sequencing data. […] My name is Rachael Lappan, and I am a PhD candidate at the University of Western Australia. The core of my PhD work is the Perth Otitis Media Microbiome (biOMe) study, where I work on the upper respiratory tract microbiome in children with recurrent acute otitis media (middle ear infections). The first stage of this research involved characterising the microbiome (by 16S rRNA gene sequencing) on samples from children with ear infections compared with samples from seemingly resistant healthy controls. The paper can be … Read more →


A Practical Extension of Introductory Statistics in Psychology using R

by Ekarin E. Pongpipat, Giuseppe G. Miranda, & Matthew J. Kmiecik


This book aims to provide a practical extension of introductory statistics typically taught in psychology into the general linear model (GLM) using R. […] Typically, introductory univariate statistics courses in psychology cover the following inferential analyses (plus or minus a few more analyses): These conventions may be useful for quickly talking about a particular statistical analysis with others; however, thinking of these analyses as derivatives (or special cases) of the GLM (i.e., ordinary least squares [OLS] regression) lends itself to understanding more advanced statistical … Read more →


Advanced R

by Hadley Wickham

Advanced R

This is the website for 2nd edition of “Advanced R”, a book in Chapman & Hall’s R Series. The book is designed primarily for R users who want to improve their programming skills and understanding of the language. It should also be useful for programmers coming to R from other languages, as help you to understand why R works the way it does. If you’re looking for the 1st edition, you can find it at This work, as a whole, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The code contained in this book is simultaneously … Read more →


Advanced R Solutions

by Malte Grosser, Henning Bumann & Hadley Wickham

Advanced R Solutions

This is the website for “Advanced R Solutions” which provides solutions to the exercises from Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R, 2nd edition. A print version of this book will soon be released as part of Chapman & Hall’s R Series. Working through the exercises and their solutions will give you a deep understanding of a variety of programming challenges, many of which are relevant to everyday work. Solutions to the first edition of Advanced R can be found at Malte Grosser is a business mathematician from Hamburg, who has been programming in R … Read more →


Agile Data Science with R

by Edwin Thoen


A workflow for doing data science in the R language, using Agile principles. […] When I was starting my career as a data scientist, I did not really have a workflow. Freshly out of statistics grad school I entered the arena of Dutch business, employed by a small consulting firm. Between the company, the potential clients and myself, no one knew what it meant to implement a statistical model or a machine learning method in the “real” world. But everybody was interested in this “Big Data” thing, so we quickly started to do consulting work without a clear idea what I was going to do. When we came … Read more →


Analyzing Single-Case Data with R and Scan

by Jürgen Wilbert

Analyzing Single-Case Data with R and Scan

Jürgen Wilbert Version 24.08 (build 11) Hello everyone! I am delighted to see that you have discovered this book, as it indicates that you are starting to explore the scan package. While scan has undergone extensive development, this book is still a work in progress (approximately 44% complete). I am continuously working on expanding its content. Currently, there is no official release version available; only this draft, which may contain errors. If you have any suggestions for improving the book, wish to report bugs, or provide comments, feedback, and more, please visit the GitHub repository … Read more →


APIs for social scientists: A collaborative review

by Current editors: Paul C. Bauer, Camille Landesvatter, Lion Behrens Authors & contributors: Paul C. Bauer, Jan Behnert, Lion Behrens, Chung-hong Chan, Jacopo Gambato, Noam Himmelrath, Bernhard Clemm von Hohenberg, Johanna Hölzl, Lukas Isermann, Philipp Kadel, Melike N. Kaplan, Jana Klein, Markus Konrad, Barbara K. Kreis, Dean Lajic, Camille Landesvatter, Madleen Meier-Barthold, Grace Olzinski, Nina Osenbrügge, Ondřej Pekáček, Felix Rusche, Pirmin Stöckle, Marie-Lou Sohnius, Malte Söhren, Domantas Undzėnas


This book provides an introduction to different APIs that may be useful to social scientists. […] Permanent link: The present online book provides a review of APIs that may be useful for social scientists. Please start by reading the Introduction. The material was/is being developed by various contributors, which you can find above and in the contributor section of the corresponding github repository. If you are interested in contributing, please check out the Section How to contribute in the github README. The material is … Read more →


Bayesian Basics

by Michael Clark

Bayesian Basics

This document provides an introduction to Bayesian data analysis. It is conceptual in nature, but uses the probabilistic programming language Stan for demonstration (and its implementation in R via rstan). From elementary examples, guidance is provided for data preparation, efficient modeling, diagnostics, and more. […] Michael Clark … Read more →


Big Book of R

by Oscar Baruffa

Big Book of R

Oscar Baruffa Thanks for stopping by. If you’re like me, you can’t help but bookmark every R-related programming book you find in the hopes that one day you, or someone you know, might find it useful. Hopefully this is the only bookmark you’ll need in future ;). When I initially released this collection in late August 2020, it contained about 100 books that I’d been collecting over the previous two years. Since then I’ve found a few more and there have been contributions from many people. The collection now stands at over 300 books. Most of these are free. Some are paid but usually quite … Read more →


Big Data and Social Science

by Ian Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter and Julia Lane


Big Data and Social Science […] The class on which this book is based was created in response to a very real challenge: how to introduce new ideas and methodologies about economic and social measurement into a workplace focused on producing high-quality statistics. Since the first edition of this book came out we have been fortunate to train over 450 participants in the Applied Data Analytics classes, resulting in increased data analytics capacity, both in terms of human and technical resources. What we learned in delivering these classes greatly influenced the 2nd edition. We also added an … Read more →



by Aimer G. Díaz, Víctor P. Avellaneda, Juan Corao, Roberto Nájera y Natalia A. Chaparro


BioVirología es el primer libro electrónico e interactivo de virología biológica y el primero de divulgación científica en español, empleando el formato de libros Bookdown. […] … Read more →


Climate Change Impact Assessment: A practical walk-through

by Conor I. Anderson and Karen L. Smith


A lab manual for students of Climate Change Impact Assessment […] This book is an open source document, hosted on GitLab (project page), and published using GitLab Pages, where you are probably reading it now. The book is automatically updated and republished every time changes are committed to the project, using the GitLab multi runner CI engine, and a Docker image with a distribution of Miniconda, including Python 3 and R. The book is built using the bookdown package (Y. Xie 2023) in R, and pandoc. Most of the code is executed in Python from within R using the reticulate package (Ushey, … Read more →


Coding Your Future: A Guidebook for Students

by Duncan Hull and illustrated by Bryan Mathers. The text of this guidebook is licensed CC-BY-NC-ND see and was last updated on 07 October, 2024, Duncan Hull and Bryan Mathers

Coding Your Future: A Guidebook for Students

Your future is bright, your future needs coding. Welcome to coding your future. This guidebook will teach you how to design, build, test and code your future in computing. You’ll be introduced to professional issues in computer science, exploring techniques for making career decisions, job searching, writing applications and competing successfully in interviews and the workplace. Alongside the practical engineering issues of coding and testing your future, this guidebook also encourages you to design your future by taking a step back and thinking more strategically. You will apply computational thinking techniques, to reflect on who you are, what your story is, how you communicate with other people, what your experience is to date and where you want to be in the future. Read more →


ComplexHeatmap Complete Reference

by Zuguang Gu

ComplexHeatmap Complete Reference

Complex heatmaps are efficient to visualize associations between different sources of data sets and reveal potential patterns. Here the ComplexHeatmap R package provides a highly flexible way to arrange multiple heatmaps and supports various annotation graphics. This book is the complete reference to ComplexHeatmap pacakge. […] This is the documentation of the ComplexHeatmap package. Examples in the book are generated under version 2.13.1. You can get a stable Bioconductor version from, but the most up-to-date version is … Read more →



by Ellis Valentiner


A collection of recipes. […] This is a collection of recipes written in Bookdown. Feel free to … Read more →


Data Science at the Command Line, 2e

by Jeroen Janssens

Data Science at the Command Line, 2e

This thoroughly revised guide demonstrates how the flexibility of the command line can help you become a more efficient and productive data scientist. You’ll learn how to combine small yet powerful command-line tools to quickly obtain, scrub, explore, and model your data. To get you started, author Jeroen Janssens provides a Docker image packed with over 100 Unix power tools—useful whether you work with Windows, macOS, or Linux. Read more →


Data Science in Education Using R

by Ryan A. Estrellado, Emily A. Freer, Joshua M. Rosenberg, and Isabella C. Velásquez

Data Science in Education Using R

Bookdown for ‘Data Science in Education Using R’ by Ryan A. Estrellado, Emily A. Freer, Joshua M. Rosenberg, and Isabella C. Velásquez to be published by Routledge in 2024 […] 📘 Notice! This is the website for the second edition of Data Science in Education Using R. For the first edition, visit Welcome to Data Science in Education Using R! Inspired by {bookdown}, this book is open source. Its contents are reproducible and publicly accessible for people worldwide. The online version of the book is hosted at There’s this … Read more →


Data Science Live Book

by Pablo Casas

Data Science Live Book

An intuitive and practical approach to data analysis, data preparation and machine learning, suitable for all ages! […] This book is now available at Amazon. Check it out! 📗 🚀. Link to the black & white version, also available on full-color. It can be shipped to over 100 countries. 🌎 The book will facilitate the understanding of common issues when data analysis and machine learning are done. Building a predictive model is as difficult as one line of R code: That’s it. But, data has its dirtiness in practice. We need to sculp it, just like an artist does, to expose its information in order … Read more →


Data Science Practice

by Perry Stephenson

Data Science Practice

Course notes for 94692 Data Science Practice at the University of Technology, Sydney. […] This website forms the course notes for 94692 Data Science Practice which is an elective subject developed as part of the Master of Data Science and Innovation program at the University of Technology, Sydney. For more information about this subject see the Subject Information. For more information about the MDSI program see the MDSI Prospectus. Whilst these course materials have been produced specifically for MDSI students, they have been made available under a permissive license for the benefit of the wider … Read more →


Data Visualization

by Kieran Healy

Data Visualization

A practical introduction. […] Published by Princeton University Press. Incomplete draft. This version: 2018-04-25. You should look at your data. Graphs and charts let you explore and learn about the structure of the information you collect. Good data visualizations also make it easier to communicate your ideas and findings to other people. Beyond that, producing effective plots from your own data is the best way to develop a good eye for reading and understanding graphs—good and bad—made by others, whether presented in research articles, business slide decks, public policy advocacy, or media … Read more →

1626 v2

by Joyce Robbins


Joyce Robbins This is version 2.0! The first version of is still available, but will no longer be updated. With this resource, we try to give you a curated collection of tools and references that will make it easier to learn how to work with data and create visualizations in R. This resource is specifically tailored to the graduate courses I teach at Columbia University. However, we hope that anyone interested in working with data in R will benefit from these pages. Happy coding! (Note. 2.0 is still under construction, and we will try our best to update new … Read more →


Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps

by Colin Fay, Sébastien Rochette, Vincent Guyader, Cervan Girard

Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps

A book about engineering shiny application that will later be sent to production. This book cover project management, structuring your project, building a solid testing suite, and optimizing your codebase. We describe in this book a specific workflow: design, prototype, build, strengthen and deploy. […] Welcome to “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps” by Colin Fay, Sébastien Rochette, Vincent Guyader and Cervan Girard. This book is available in print, published in the R Series by Chapman and Hall/CRC. You can grab a copy on The online version of this book is free to read … Read more →


Faylab Lab Manual

by Gavin Fay & Ashleigh Novak


Gavin Fay & Ashleigh Novak Welcome to our book of magical secrets. This is the lab manual for the Fay Lab at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology. The focus of our work centers around developing interdisciplinary modeling approaches to extend the scope of applications for fisheries and ecosystem-based management. More about our group’s research activity can be found on our website. This lab manual resource is intended to provide an overview for lab members and others about how we do our work, and our expectations for our team. It is also a space … Read more →


Forecasting: Principles and Practice (2nd ed)


Forecasting: Principles and Practice (2nd ed)

This is the second edition of Forecasting: Principles & Practice, which uses the forecast package in R. The third edition, which uses the fable package, is also available. Welcome to our online textbook on forecasting. This textbook is intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to forecasting methods and to present enough information about each method for readers to be able to use them sensibly. We don’t attempt to give a thorough discussion of the theoretical details behind each method, although the references at the end of each chapter will fill in many of those details. The book is … Read more →


From Attention to Distraction

by Alex O. Holcombe

From Attention to Distraction

A short textbook on the psychology of attention, mostly visual attention, written for PSYC2016 at the University of Sydney. It uses a principles-based approach with an emphasis on demonstration of the phenomena covered using visual demonstrations: images and animations. […] This mini-textbook on attention was written for PSYC2016 students at the University of Sydney, but may be suitable for others too. Please let me know about any typos or unclear bits! You can contact me (he/him) via email (, Mastodon, BlueSky, or LinkedIn. … Read more →


Fundamentals of Data Visualization

by Claus O. Wilke

Fundamentals of Data Visualization

A guide to making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional. […] This is the website for the book “Fundamentals of Data Visualization,” published by O’Reilly Media, Inc. The website contains the complete author manuscript before final copy-editing and other quality control. If you would like to order an official hardcopy or ebook, you can do so at various resellers, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, or Powells. The book is meant as a guide to making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional. … Read more →


Generalized Additive Models

by Michael Clark

Generalized Additive Models

An introduction to generalized additive models (GAMs) is provided, with an emphasis on generalization from familiar linear models. It makes extensive use of the mgcv package in R. Discussion includes common approaches, standard extensions, and relations to other techniques. More technical modeling details are described and demonstrated as well. […] Michael Clark … Read more →


Handling Strings With R

by Gaston Sanchez

Handling Strings With R

This book aims to provide a panoramic perspective of the wide array of string manipulations that you can perform with R. If you are new to R, or lack experience working with character data, this book will help you get started with the basics of handling strings. Likewise, if you are already familiar with R, you will find material that shows you how to do more advanced string and text processing operations. Read more →


Hands-On Programming with R

by Garrett Grolemund

Hands-On Programming with R

This book will teach you how to program in R, with hands-on examples. I wrote it for non-programmers to provide a friendly introduction to the R language. You’ll learn how to load data, assemble and disassemble data objects, navigate R’s environment system, write your own functions, and use all of R’s programming tools. Throughout the book, you’ll use your newfound skills to solve practical data science problems. Read more →


Introduction to Data Science

by Rafael A. Irizarry

Introduction to Data Science

This book introduces concepts and skills that can help you tackle real-world data analysis challenges. It covers concepts from probability, statistical inference, linear regression and machine learning and helps you develop skills such as R programming, data wrangling with dplyr, data visualization with ggplot2, file organization with UNIX/Linux shell, version control with GitHub, and reproducible document preparation with R markdown. Read more →


ISLR tidymodels labs

by Emil Hvitfeldt


Emil Hvitfeldt This book aims to be a complement to the 2nd edition An Introduction to Statistical Learning book with translations of the labs into using the tidymodels set of packages. The labs will be mirrored quite closely to stay true to the original material. All listed changes will be relative to the 1st edition. This book was written in RStudio using Quarto. The website is hosted via GitHub Pages, and the complete source is available on GitHub. This version of the book was built with R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) and Quarto version 1.4.104 and the following … Read more →


KUT 計量経済学応用

by 矢内 勇生


KUT 計量経済学応用 […] この資料は、高知工科大学 (KUT) 経済・マネジメント学群で2020年度に開講する「計量経済学応用」の補助教材である。 受講生は、以下の3点に注意されたい。 この資料以外の授業資料(解説音声付きスライドや配布資料など)は、KUTLMS (Moodle) にアップロードする。 この資料以外に教科書が必要である。 この授業は、「計量経済学」(とその前提となる「統計学2」)を履修済みであることを前提に進める。そのため、この授業(この資料)では: これらの点に不安がある場合は、2Qの早い時期(6月の第3週頃まで)に自分で計量経済学の内容を学習(復習)するか、今年度の3Qに「計量経済学」を受講してから、来年度の「計量経済学応用」を受講すること。自分 … Read more →


Lightweight Machine Learning Classics with R

by Marek Gagolewski


Explore some of the most fundamental algorithms which have stood the test of time and provide the basis for innovative solutions in data-driven AI. Learn how to use the R language for implementing various stages of data processing and modelling activities. Appreciate mathematics as the universal language for formalising data-intense problems and communicating their solutions. The book is for you if you’re yet to be fluent with university-level linear algebra, calculus and probability theory or you’ve forgotten all the maths you’ve ever learned, and are seeking a gentle, yet thorough, introduction to the topic. Read more →


Mastering Spark with R

by Javier Luraschi, Kevin Kuo, Edgar Ruiz


The Complete Guide to Large-Scale Analysis and Modeling. […] In this book you will learn how to use Apache Spark with R. The book intends to take someone unfamiliar with Spark or R and help you become proficient by teaching you a set of tools, skills and practices applicable to large-scale data science. You can purchase this book from Amazon, O’Reilly Media, your local bookstore, or use it online from this free to use website. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States … Read more →


Math Prefresher for Political Scientists


Math Prefresher for Political Scientists

Text for Harvard Department of Government Math Prefresher […] The Harvard Gov Prefresher is held each year in August. All relevant information is on our website, including the day-to-day schedule. The 2024 Prefresher instructors are António Câmara and Noah Dasanaike, and the faculty sponsor is Gary King. This booklet serves as the text for the Prefresher, available as a webpage updated automatically and as a printable PDF updated manually. It is the product of generations of Prefresher instructors. See below for a full list of instructors and contributors. For information about the role of … Read more →


Métodos predictivos de aprendizaje estadístico

by Rubén Fernández Casal (, Julián Costa Bouzas (, Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente (


Métodos predictivos de aprendizaje estadístico con R. […] Bienvenido a la versión online del libro “Métodos predictivos de aprendizaje estadístico” editado por el Servicio de Publicaciones de la UDC. Puede adquirir una copia impresa a través de su librería habitual1. Este libro también está disponible en acceso abierto, de forma gratuita, en formato pdf. NOTA: El libro aún está en la última etapa del proceso de publicación. Confiamos en que estará disponible próximamente. Para citar el libro o esta web en publicaciones puede emplear: o en formato BibTeX: Esta página web está bajo una … Read more →


Mixed Models with R

by Michael Clark

Mixed Models with R

This is an introduction to using mixed models in R. It covers the most common techniques employed, with demonstration primarily via the lme4 package. Discussion includes extensions into generalized mixed models, Bayesian approaches, and realms beyond. […] Michael Clark … Read more →


mixOmics vignette


mixOmics vignette

Vignette for the R package mixOmics […] If you are following our online course, the following vignette will be useful as a complementary learning tool. This vignette also covers the essential use cases of various methods in this package for the general mixOmcis user. The below methods will be covered: As outlined in 1.3, this is not an exhaustive list of all the methods found within mixOmics. More information can be found at our website and you can ask questions via our discourse … Read more →


Modern Data Visualization with R

by Robert Kabacoff

Modern Data Visualization with R

This is an illustrated guide for creating data visualizations in R. […] This is the online version of “Modern Data Visualization with R”, published by CRC Press. A print version is also available from Amazon. R is an amazing platform for data analysis, capable of creating almost any type of graph. This book helps you create the most popular visualizations - from quick and dirty plots to publication-ready graphs. The text relies heavily on the ggplot2 package for graphics, but other approaches are covered as well. My goal is make this book as helpful and user-friendly as possible. Any … Read more →


Odds & Ends

by Jonathan Weisberg

Odds & Ends

An open access textbook for introductory philosophy courses on probability and inductive logic. […] This textbook is for introductory philosophy courses on probability and inductive logic. It is based on a typical such course I teach at the University of Toronto, where we offer “Probability & Inductive Logic” in the second year, alongside the usual deductive logic intro.(,) The book assumes no deductive logic. The early chapters introduce the little that’s used. In fact almost no formal background is presumed, only very simple high school algebra. Several well known predecessors inspired … Read more →


Offensive Programming Book

by Fabien GELINEAU

Offensive Programming Book

wyz.code.offensiveProgramming package related documentation […] This is the website dedicated to offensive programming. This digital book will teach you how to put offensive programming in action with R. This website is and will remain free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. This book version is 1.2.2 and it relates to following R package versions, available on CRAN The book is written in RMarkdown with bookdown. You may get access to the source for contributions. The book is for the moment just resulting of my efforts. Hope it … Read more →



by David Gohel


A book on the use of the packages of officeverse, a set of packages for producing Office reports with the R language. […] This book deals with reporting from R with the packages ‘officer’, ‘officedown’, ‘flextable’, ‘rvg’ and ‘mschart’. These packages are available from CRAN or from github in their development version. These packages have been developed to facilitate the production of Word documents and PowerPoint presentations from and with R. It was written specifically to offer a competitive solution to SAS ODS for tabular and graphical reporting. ‘officer’ is written to generate Word or … Read more →


Orchestrating Single-Cell Analysis with Bioconductor

by release

Orchestrating Single-Cell Analysis with Bioconductor

Or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the t-SNEs. […] This is the landing page for the “Orchestrating Single-Cell Analysis with Bioconductor” book, which teaches users some common workflows for the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data (scRNA-seq). This book will show you how to make use of cutting-edge Bioconductor tools to process, analyze, visualize, and explore scRNA-seq data. Additionally, it serves as an online companion for the paper of the same name. The goal of this book is to provide a solid foundation in the usage of Bioconductor tools for single-cell RNA-seq analysis by … Read more →


Physik Libre

by Michael A. Rundel, et al.

Physik Libre

Freies Physikbuch für die Sekundarstufe II … Read more →


R for Data Science

by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund

R for Data Science

This book will teach you how to do data science with R: You’ll learn how to get your data into R, get it into the most useful structure, transform it, visualise it and model it. In this book, you will find a practicum of skills for data science. Just as a chemist learns how to clean test tubes and stock a lab, you’ll learn how to clean data and draw plots—and many other things besides. These are the skills that allow data science to happen, and here you will find the best practices for doing each of these things with R. You’ll learn how to use the grammar of graphics, literate programming, and reproducible research to save time. You’ll also learn how to manage cognitive resources to facilitate discoveries when wrangling, visualising, and exploring data. Read more →


R Markdown クックブック

by (著者) Xie, Yihui, (著者) Dervieux, Christophe, (著者) Riederer, Emily, (翻訳者) Katagiri, Satoshi (片桐 智志)

R Markdown クックブック

本書は, 各種ツールを最大限活用するために役立つよう, あまり知られていない小ワザや簡潔で実践的な裏ワザの例を紹介します. 本書を読んだ後には, R Markdown 文書が, プレーンテキストから変換され, 処理の各ステップステップのほぼ全てで, どうカスタマイズするかが理解できることでしょう. 例えば, R コードから動的にコンテンツを作成する方法, 他の文書やチャンでコードを参照する方法, カスタマイズしたテンプレートでフォーマットを制御する方法, コードをちょっと調整する方法, 複数のプログラミング言語を分析に組み込む方法, といったことが学べるでしょう. […] 本書の原著はChapman & Hall/CRCより出版されました. 本書のオンライン版は (Chapman & Hall/CRC の厚意により) … Read more →


R Packages (2e)

by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan

R Packages (2e)

Learn how to create a package, the fundamental unit of shareable, reusable, and reproducible R code. Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan Welcome to the online version of the 2nd edition of “R Packages” by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan. Packages are the fundamental units of reproducible R code. They include reusable R functions, the documentation that describes how to use them, and sample data. In this book you’ll learn how to turn your code into packages that others can easily download and use. Writing a package can seem overwhelming at first. So start with the basics and improve it over … Read more →


R pour les scientifiques : Mise en œuvre de projets et valorisation des résultats

by François Rebaudo


Un guide pour acquérir les bases de la programmation avec R et conduire efficacement la gestion et l’analyse de ses données. […] Rendez-vous sur ! … Read more →


rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review

by rOpenSci software review editorial team (current and alumni): Brooke Anderson, Scott Chamberlain, Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, Jeff Hollister, Anna Krystalli, Mauro Lepore, Lincoln Mullen, Mark Padgham, Karthik Ram, Emily Riederer, Noam Ross, Maëlle Salmon, Adam Sparks, Melina Vidoni


Guide for package authors, maintainers, reviewers and editors in rOpenSci software peer-review system. This book is a guide for authors, maintainers, reviewers and editors of rOpenSci. The first section of the book contains our guidelines for creating and testing R packages. The second section is dedicated to rOpenSci’s software peer review process: what it is, our policies, and specific guides for authors, editors and reviewers throughout the process. The third and last section features our best practice for nurturing your package once it has been onboarded: how to collaborate with other developers, how to document releases, how to promote your package and how to leverage GitHub as a development platform. The third section also features a chapter for anyone wishing to start contributing to rOpenSci packages. Read more →


rOpenSci Statistical Software Peer Review

by Mark Padgham and Noam Ross


Documentation of rOpenSci’s project on expanding software peer review to include statistical software. Mark Padgham and Noam Ross Welcome to rOpenSci’s system for peer-review of statistical software in R packages and beyond. This system extends our existing system for software peer review, through expanding the scope to include explicitly statistical software. As such, it is a direct extension of rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review. This book provides guidelines for authors on how to develop statistical software, and for editors and reviewers on our processes for peer … Read more →


Self-Control in Cyberspace: Applying Dual Systems Theory to a Review of Digital Self-Control Tools

by Ulrik Lyngs, Kai Lukoff, Petr Slovak, Reuben Binns, Adam Slack, Michael Inzlicht, Max Van Kleek, Nigel Shadbolt


Self-Control in Cyberspace: Applying Dual Systems Theory to a Review of Digital Self-Control Tools […] Note: This is the author’s version of the work. The definitive Version of Record was published in CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK, Smartphones and laptops give their users access to an astonishing range of tasks anywhere, anytime. While this provides innumerable benefits, a growing amount of public discussion and research attention focuses on a perhaps unexpected downside (Baumer … Read more →


Spatial Data Science

by Edzer Pebesma, Roger Bivand


Data science is concerned with finding answers to questions on the basis of available data, and communicating that effort. Besides showing the results, this communication involves sharing the data used, but also exposing the path that led to the answers in a comprehensive and reproducible way. It also acknowledges the fact that available data may not be sufficient to answer questions, and that any answers are conditional on the data collection or sampling protocols employed. This book introduces and explains the concepts underlying spatial data: points, lines, polygons, rasters, coverages, … Read more →


Spreadsheet Munging Strategies

by Duncan Garmonsway


Spreadsheet Munging Strategies […] This is a work-in-progress book about getting data out of spreadsheets, no matter how peculiar. The book is designed primarily for R users who have to extract data from spreadsheets and who are already familiar with the tidyverse. It has a cookbook structure, and can be used as a reference, but readers who begin in the middle might have to work backwards from time to time. R packages that feature heavily are Tidyxl and unpivotr are much more complicated than readxl, and that’s the point. Tidyxl and unpivotr give you more power and complexity when you need it. … Read more →


Statistical Analysis of Agricultural Experiments using R

by Andrew Kniss & Jens Streibig

Statistical Analysis of Agricultural Experiments using R

Using the R language to analyze agricultural experiments. […] Kniss AR, Streibig JC (2018) Statistical Analysis of Agricultural Experiments using R. Accessed … Read more →




Main web site for Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century A commercially published version of this book (with an expanded version of Chapter 17) is now available from Princeton University Press: Statistical Thinking: Analyzing Data in an Uncertain World The open source version of the book is available in English and Spanish. Code to generate all of the figures and tables from the commercial version of the book is available in Python and R. Companions to the book for statistical programming are available for Python and R This project is maintained by statsthinking21 Hosted on GitHub Pages — … Read more →


Técnicas de Simulación y Remuestreo

by Rubén Fernández Casal (, Ricardo Cao (, Julián Costa (


Apuntes de Simulación Estadística y Remuestreo. […] Este libro, en proceso de elaboración, contiene los apuntes de la asignatura de Simulación Estadística del Máster en Técnicas Estadísticas y material de apoyo a la docencia de la asignatura de Técnicas de Simulación y Remuestreo del Grado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Datos de la UDC. Este libro ha sido escrito en R-Markdown empleando el paquete bookdown y está disponible en el repositorio rubenfcasal/simbook de Github. Este libro es una “segunda edición”, la anterior (Fernández-Casal R. y Cao R., 2022, Simulación Estadística) está disponible … Read more →


The Epidemiologist R Handbook


The Epi R Handbook is an R reference manual for applied epidemiology and public health. […] Usage: This handbook has been used over 3 million times by 850,000 people around the world. Objective: Serve as a quick R code reference manual (online and offline) with task-centered examples that address common epidemiological problems. Are you just starting with R? Try our free interactive tutorials or synchronous, virtual intro course used by US CDC, WHO, and 400+ other health agencies and Field Epi Training Programs worldwide. Languages: French (Français), Spanish (Español), Vietnamese (Tiếng … Read more →


Tidy Finance – Tidy Finance

Tidy Finance – Tidy Finance

An opinionated approach on empirical research in financial economics using the programming languages R and Python. […] Tidy Finance is an opinionated approach to empirical research in financial economics - a fully transparent, open-source code base in multiple programming languages. A clean coding environment is a prerequisite for building a relevant investment platform and conducting meaningful factor research. Tidy Finance is the name of the game, giving aspiring academics and finance practitioners just what they need to perform clean and reproducible research. Highly recommended. Harald … Read more →


Tidy Modeling with R

by Max Kuhn and Julia Silge

Tidy Modeling with R

The tidymodels framework is a collection of R packages for modeling and machine learning using tidyverse principles. This book provides a thorough introduction to how to use tidymodels, and an outline of good methodology and statistical practice for phases of the modeling process. […] Welcome to Tidy Modeling with R! This book is a guide to using a collection of software in the R programming language for model building called tidymodels, and it has two main goals: First and foremost, this book provides a practical introduction to how to use these specific R packages to create models. We … Read more →


Tidy tools for supporting fluent workflow in temporal data analysis

by Earo Wang


This is the website for my PhD thesis at Monash University (Australia), titled “Tidy tools for supporting fluent workflow in temporal data analysis”. … Read more →


Twitter for R programmers

by Oscar Baruffa, Veerle van Son


Twitter for R programmers […] This book is now archived and won’t receive further updates. The authors enjoyed writing this book and the immensely warm, welcoming and friendly community of R users that used Twitter frequently. Twitter has undergone significant changes since this book was written, and as of this final book update, was rebranded to X. You may find some of the content in this book interesting for reference or nostalgia. If you want to pick up on where some of the R community have migrated, we suggest you try out Mastodon. Some are still around on X. Feel free to link up with … Read more →


Variability and Consistency in Early Language Learning

by Michael C. Frank, Mika Braginsky, Daniel Yurovsky, and Virginia A. Marchman


This website is the free online version of a book: Frank, M. C., Braginsky, M., Yurovsky, D., and Marchman, V. A. (2021). Variability and Consistency in Early Language Learning: The Wordbank Project. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. The emergence of children’s early language is one of the most miraculous parts of human development. The ability to communicate using language arrives with incredible rapidity – most parents judge that their child is producing words with the intent to communicate before his or her first birthday (Schneider, Yurovsky, and Frank 2015) and the onset of comprehension is even … Read more →


VCRIS User Guide

by VCRIS logo Virginia Department of Historic Resources


This is documentation for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources’ Virginia Cultural Resources Information System (VCRIS) application. […] VCRIS (Virginia Cultural Resource Information System) provides access to electronic records for historic properties in DHR’s Archives, as well as an online submission system for recording new buildings, structures, landscapes, and archaeological sites. VCRIS includes an interactive web map and detailed information about each site, along with evaluative information about the historic significance of resources. DHR launched VCRIS in 2013 and … Read more →


What They Forgot to Teach You About R

by Jennifer Bryan, Jim Hester, Shannon Pileggi, E. David Aja


Jennifer Bryan Jim Hester Shannon Pileggi E. David Aja This book is a work in progress. This book focuses on content intrinsically related to the infrastructure surrounding data analysis in R, but does not delve into the data analysis itself. A holistic workflow provides guidance on project-oriented workflows that address common sources of friction in data analysis. Personal R administration empowers R users to confidently manage their R programming environment. All is Fail showcases functions, options, and RStudio capabilities for debugging code, facilitating more efficient resolution of … Read more →


Yet another ‘R for Data Science’ study guide

by Bryan Shalloway

Yet another ‘R for Data Science’ study guide

Notes and solutions to Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham’s ‘R for Data Science’ […] This book contains my solutions and notes to Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham’s excellent book, R for Data Science (Grolemund and Wickham 2017). R for Data Science (R4DS) is my go-to recommendation for people getting started in R programming, data science, or the “tidyverse”. First and foremost, this book was set-up as a resource and refresher for myself1. If you are looking for a reliable solutions manual to check your answers as you work through R4DS, I would recommend using the solutions created and … Read more →



by 国里愛彦(専修大学)・竹林由武(福島県立医科大学)


本サイトは,日本心理学会第84回大会(以下,JPA2020)のチュートリアルワークショップ(以下,TWS)002「今日からできる再現可能な論文執筆」の事前準備と当日(2020/10/31(土) 10:00-12:00)の演習用サイトになります。本サイトもRStudioとRMarkdown(Bookdown)を使って作成されています。左の目次をクリックして移動するか,>をクリックして次のページに移動ください。 本サイトの内容で不明な点がございましたら,メールフォームからご連絡をいただけましたら幸いです。 TWSの概要は以下になります。 再現性の危機への対処として,データ処理から論文執筆までの一連のプロセスの再現性を高める取り組みへの注目が高まっている。論文完成 … Read more →