
eDNAjoint: an R package for interpreting paired or semi-paired environmental DNA and traditional survey data in a Bayesian framework

by abigailkeller


eDNAjoint: an R package for interpreting paired or semi-paired environmental DNA and traditional survey data in a Bayesian framework […] This vignette provides examples and use cases of functions in the eDNAjoint package, as well as more details about the model that can be fit with eDNAjoint. The primary purpose of the joint model is to use observations from both environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys and traditional surveys (i.e., seine sampling, trap sampling, etc.) to understand the relative sensitivities of the two survey types. The model uses both streams to data to jointly estimate … Read more →


Introduction to Environmental Data Science

by Jerry Davis, SFSU Institute for Geographic Information Science


Background, methods and exercises for using R for environmental data science. The focus is on applying the R language and various libraries for data abstraction, transformation, data analysis, spatial data/mapping, statistical modeling, and time series, applied to environmental research. Applies exploratory data analysis methods and tidyverse approaches in R, and includes contributed chapters presenting research applications, with associated data and code packages. Read more →


ATE Survey Report 2021

by ernestau7


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] The Scientific and Advanced-Technology Act (1992) called for establishing “a national advanced technician training program utilizing the resources of the nation’s two-year associate-degree- granting colleges” (Scientific and Advanced-Technology Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102-476, 106 Stat. 2297, 1992). In response, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. The ATE ... Read more →


bayesQVAR User Manual

by Zhu Fengyi


This is a note on how to use my package bayesQVAR and the technical details on QVAR estimation, forecasting and quantile impulse response … Read more →


ABC en R


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] ... Read more →


CS5702 Modern Data Book

by Martin Shepperd

CS5702 Modern Data Book

This is a draft course-book for the MSc Data Science Analytics module CS5702 Modern data […] This book cover image was generated using R and the famous cars dataset1. Courtesy of Giora Simchoni’s fun R package {kandinsky} which generates random images from datasets in the style of the painter … Read more →


Econometrics for Business Analytics

by Jose Fernandez


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. […] These notes have been compiled from the notes I use in my Introduction to Econometrics, Econometrics II, and Data Anaytics class. In many cases, these notes mirror the powerpoint slides avaiable on blackboard. At times, I will add additional details in the text and provide more examples. This text should not be seen as a replacement for the required textbook. The required textbook provides many more examples and descriptions … Read more →


IsoriX: Isoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using R

by The IsoriX core Team


This book is the official documentation for the R package IsoriX. […] This bookdown (a particular form of R documentation) provides information on how to use the R package IsoriX. It is not yet a full accounting for what IsoriX can do, but it contains already plenty of material that should help you getting started with IsoriX. Please consider this document as dynamic, in the sense that we will keep revising and improving it for as long as we keep developing IsoriX. … Read more →


HTTP testing in R

by Scott Chamberlain, Maëlle Salmon


Best practice and tips for testing packages interfacing web resources. […] Are you working on an R package accessing resources on the web, be it a cat facts API, a scientific data source or your system for Customer relationship management? As with all other packages, appropriate unit testing can make your code more robust. The unit testing of a package interacting with web resources, however, brings special challenges: dependence of tests on a good internet connection, testing in the absence of authentication secrets, etc. Having tests fail due to resources being down or slow, during development … Read more →


Everyday-R: Practical R for Data Science

by by Brian Jungmin Park


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Note: this book is a work in progress. All source code for this project are available on my GitHub, which is linked in 1.4. This book serves as a collection of R Markdown files helps users in learning the practical syntax and usage of R for data science. Mainly, code snippets and workflow aimed at tackling everyday tasks in data science will be covered, which includes data cleaning, data wrangling, iterations, machine ... Read more →


lefko3: a gentle introduction

by Richard P. Shefferson


This book covers the ins and outs of developing and analyzing matrix projection models and integral projection models in R using the CRAN-based package lefko3. It covers all aspects of building and analyzing these models, from life history model development all the way to the development of replicated, stochastic, density dependent projection simulations. [...] All content copyright 2022 Richard P. Shefferson This book is dedicated to the people of Ukraine, who are teaching the world every day that all people have the inherent human right to self-determination. Richard P. Shefferson ... Read more →


Environmental Data Science Addenda

by Jerry Davis, SFSU Institute for Geographic Information Science


Addenda to Introduction to Environmental Data Science, including case studies, extending methods into more experimental areas, and guides for building packages and RMarkdown documents (essentials based on experience and methods from various sources). […] The purpose of this bookdown book is to provide Addenda to Introduction to Environmental Data Science, at to include case studies, extended and experimental methods, and guides for building packages and RMarkdown documents. It’ll serve as a sandbox for exploring methods, some of which will make it into … Read more →


Text Mining with R

by Julia Silge and David Robinson

Text Mining with R

A guide to text analysis within the tidy data framework, using the tidytext package and other tidy tools […] This is the website for Text Mining with R! Visit the GitHub repository for this site, find the book at O’Reilly, or buy it on Amazon. This work by Julia Silge and David Robinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. … Read more →


Analisis Teks dengan R

by Salvatore Simarmata


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Buku ini membahas tentang penggunaan R untuk analisis teks dalam berbagai konteks dan tujuan. Sebuah adegium klasik menyatakan “Kita tidak mungkin tidak berkomunikasi” yang menyatakan bahwa eksistensi manusia itu sendiri merupakan suatu bentuk komunikasi kepada sesamanya yang lain. Artinya kita sadar atau tidak selalu berpotensi menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain dalam bentuk pesan verbal atau non-verbal. Di era ... Read more →


Mastering Statistics with R

by SHAN-CHI WU (吳善棨)


Introduce the probability, statistics, and related subject. […] This is the website for the book “Mastering Statistics with R” published by SHAN-CHI WU. The entire book is written in R Markdown, using RStudio as my text editor and the bookdown package to turn a collection of markdown documents into a coherent whole. This work is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. I have written this book from very simple to extremely challenging. I think the easiest part would be understood by an elementary student. The most difficult part may require … Read more →



by Berry Boessenkool,


rdwd is an R package to handle data from the German Weather Service (DWD). This website has 3 main sections: Important links: The remainder of this intro chapter is a copy of the github README file. rdwd is an R package to select, download and read climate data from the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD). The DWD provides thousands of datasets with weather observations online at Since May 2019, rdwd also supports reading the Radolan (binary) raster data at grids_germany. rdwd is available on CRAN: It has been presented at FOSDEM 2017 and UseR!2017 in Brussels and … Read more →


Relatório Velocidades

by Arthur Hideio Noguti


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Esse documento possui a finalidade de transmitir meus pensamentos sobre o que foi feito em R no relatório de velocidades e também serve como uma forma de treinamento para minhas habilidades em markdown Esse documento está dividido em 5 partes, sendo elas: Algumas bases de dados serão importadas pelo GitHub do ONSV, entretando a base de dados que representa a quantidade de radares com suas características e da extensão ... Read more →


Using MetaHD: A multivariate meta-analysis model for metabolomics data

by Jayamini C. Liyanage, Luke Prendergast, Robert Staudte and Alysha De Livera


MetaHD is an R package that performs multivariate meta-analysis for high-dimensional metabolomics data for integrating and collectively analysing individual-level metabolomics data generated from multiple studies as well as for combining summary estimates. This approach accounts for correlation between metabolites, considers variability within and between studies, handles missing values and uses shrinkage estimation to allow for high dimensionality. Read more →


Ordinary Differential Equation Modelling with ‘ecode’

by Haoran Wu, Chen Peng


ecode, a novel package for modelling ecological populations and communities using ordinary differential equation systems, designed with a user-friendly framework. By following a three-cycle procedure, users can easily construct ecological models and explore their behaviors through a wide range of graphical, analytical, and numerical techniques. The package incorporates advanced techniques such as grid search methods and simulated annealing algorithms, enabling users to iteratively refine their models and achieve accurate predictions. Notably, ecode minimises external dependencies, ensuring … Read more →


Machine Learning for Biostatistics

by Jaroslaw Harezlak & Armando Teixeira-Pinto


Machine Learning for Biostatistics […] This module will cover methods to explore non-linear effects of numerical predictors on the outcome. By the end of this module you should be able to: The dataset triceps is available in the MultiKink package. You may install.packages(“MultiKink”), load the library (library(MultiKink)) and then run data(“triceps”). The data are derived from an anthropometric study of 892 females under 50 years in three Gambian villages in West Africa. There are 892 observations on the following 3 variables: The data SA_heart.csv is retrospective sample of males in a … Read more →


ECON 21020 Lecture Notes

by Melissa Tartari


These are the lectures note for UChicago’s course ECON 21020 ‘Econometrics.’ […] This document contains the course notes for ECON 21020 ‘Econometrics’ at the University of Chicago, taught by Melissa Tartari. This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to … Read more →



by tigerstatdoc


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Previously the genie allowed for repeated diagnoses… now the genie wants to think about chornic ... Read more →


All of Us Resources - In Progress

by yesols


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a collection of resources to assist you in using All of Us data in your research project. This is a work in progress. Feel free to email me with suggestions or ... Read more →


An Introduction to Interaction Effects in SEMs using modsem

by Kjell S Slupphaug


Kjell S Slupphaug This is a book written using quarto. It is meant as an introduction to estimating latent interactions using the modsem package. See the repo at GitHub, and the documentation. The modsem package allows you to use a wide variety of methods for estimating latent interactions. The modsem package is mainly a package for using different product indicator based approached, but it also allows you to use the latent moderated structural equations approach (LMS) and Quasi Maximum Likelihood (QML) approach. To install modsem: Note: The code examples shown here will always be run using … Read more →



by tigerstatdoc


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Previously the genie allowed for repeated diagnoses… now the genie wants to think about chornic ... Read more →


gibbonR: An R package for the automated detection and classification of female gibbon calls from long-term acoustic recordings

by Dena J. Clink


gibbonR: An R package for the automated detection and classification of female gibbon calls from long-term acoustic recordings […] You can install the development version from GitHub … Read more →



by Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias-Universidad Nacional de Jujuy


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Autores: Ing. Agrónomo Amadeo Jorge Quiquinto 1, Ing. Agrónoma Marta Celia Leaño 2, Ing. Agrónomo Juan Manuel Solís 3, Ing. Agrónoma Ivone Carolina Humacata 4, Ing. Agrónoma Sofía Carolina Carrasco 5 y Estudiante de Biología María Victoria López 6↩︎↩︎↩︎↩︎↩︎ mariavictorialopez@fca. ... Read more →


9° Jornadas Integradas

by Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias-Universidad Nacional de Jujuy


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


A More Principled Adventure in Topic Models

by Sarah Urbut


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Please Enjoy my book on modified topic models! We call this AladDyn: A dynamic genetically informed and principled way of calculating conditionally updated transitions that inform alternative diseases. Copyright © 2023 Sarah Urbut All rights … Read more →


Calculation System

by Lily Clements


This is a small example of using the bookdown package to write a book on the calculation system in R-Instat. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Let’s … Read more →


Notes on Statistics with R (SwR)

by Peter Baumgartner


Peter Baumgartner What maybe is still missing from my learning perspective: A summary and collection of lesson learned including when to use which test and R package. Another plan is to revise the system of my callout boxes, because I have changed the systematic slightly in the middle of this project (approximately starting with chapter 7). But I do not know if I have time to meet this good resolutions, because I am planning to go the next step in my learning path. At the moment I am thinking what would be the next book I want to study intensive like this one. WATCH OUT: This is my personal … Read more →


William’s Portfolio

by William Guardado


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. … Read more →


Gender-in-trade indicators

by Petra Kynclova


This is a methodological documentation on compilation of UNCTAD Gender-in-Trade indicators. […] This is a methodological guide for compilation of UNCTAD Gender-in-Trade indicators. Following R packages should be installed and … Read more →


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data

by thiestand


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data […] This book is an introduction to coding for baseball analytics. It would be most helpful if you have a basic understanding of R. Here are some resources: The first three chapters are about acquiring data. Lahman: the Lahman package contains several data frames about players, teams, pitching, hitting, fielding, and more. The version of the Lahman package used throughout this guide has data from 1871 to 2021. FanGraphs: this chapter is about data collected from the FanGraphs website or through an R package. During the midst of this … Read more →


Introducción a los Indicadores Limnológicos y su Análisis Estadístico en R


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Curso de grado con evaluación para la Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas, 27, 28 y 29 de Septiembre de 2023. Docentes: Marcela De Paul y Juan Manuel Solís. Colaboradores: Agustina Zamar y Marcos Juárez. Ayudantes de segunda: Sofía Carolina Carrasco y María Victoria ... Read more →


Fundamentos para la Minería de Datos y Big Data I,II

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Material docente para la asignatura de Fundamentos de Minería de Datos y Big Data. ... Read more →


BMS5021 - Introductory Bioinformatics Manual

by Dr Lochlan Fennell


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Welcome to the beginning of the bioinformatics component of BMS5021 - Introductory Bioinformatics. Over the past four weeks, you have taken a crash course in the fundamentals of molecular biology. These concepts underpin the analyses we do in bioinformatics. Bioinformatics combines the strengths of computer science, statistics, and biology in order to analyse and interpret large-scale biological data, ultimately ... Read more →


MetaNet: Network Analysis for Omics Data

by Chen Peng

MetaNet: Network Analysis for Omics Data

Chen Peng MetaNet is a comprehensive network analysis package, especially in various biological omics. Some functions of MetaNet are dependent with pcutils, so you also need to install pcutils. The stable version can be installed from CRAN: The latest development version can be found in For data manipulation, we recommend to use dplyr. MetaNet is a comprehensive network analysis R package for omics data: Support for integrated analysis for multi-omics data. Calculate correlation network quickly, accelerate lots of analysis by parallel computing. Handle … Read more →


Métrologie - Exploitation des résultats d’essais

by Teodor TIPLICA


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, [...] Ce livre s’adresse tout d’abord aux étudiants du cycle ingénieur de Polytech Angers à l’Université d’Angers et se veut un support pédagogique pour le cours de Métrologie. Toutefois, l’ouvrage peut intéresser également ceux qui souhaitent approfondir deux concepts relatifs à l’exploitation des résultats d’essais en métrologie: L’évaluation de l’exactitude d’une méthode de mesure normalisée par le bais des comparaisons ... Read more →


R Untuk Mahasiswa Sains Veteriner

by Budina Eka Prasetia


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Buku ini dibuat bersamaan ketika melakukan pembelajaran Praktikum Mata Kuliah Epidemiologi Analitis 2 Magister Sains Veteriner Universitas gadjah mada. semoga buku/panduan ini dapat membantu dalam menganalisa data epidemiologi. Contoh kode/script R berdasarkan panduan praktikum, dan dari sumber lainnya yang mendukung. Data diambil dari data yang relevan dengan penyakit hewan bersumber dari dinas atau ... Read more →


QCA with R

by Adrian Dușa


The main manual for the QCA package in R […] The initial idea to write this book emerged in August 2016, with the intention to update the description of package QCA in R. A lot of things have changed since the appearance of the previous user guide four years before, when the package reached version 1.0-0. Most of the commands are backwards compatible, meaning that all examples from the previous guide still work with the current version of the package. There are some minor but important differences, for instance the function calibrate() has its default changed from type = “crisp” to type = … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example

by John Doe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


Statistics 240 Course Notes

by Bret Larget


This book contains case studies and course notes for STAT 240, Introduction to Data Modeling, at the University of Wisconsin, including instruction for many tidyverse packages […] Statistics 240 is a first course in data science and statistical modeling at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. The course aims to enable you, the student in the course, to gain insight into real-world problems from messy data using methods of data science. These notes chart an initial path for you to gain the knowledge and skills needed to become a data scientist. The structure of the course is to present a series … Read more →


Bayes meets the Lifetime

by Sarah Urbut


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a book written in Markdown. Please contact Sarah Urbut for questions. I’m really excited about these latent dirichlet allocation models, specifically for their flexibility in modeling time dependent changes in comorbidity profiles. However, I think much remains to be discovered. In the following pages, I hope you’ll enjoy: First, we discuss the general framework for topic models, and introduce typical notations ... Read more →


Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium

by Martin Monkman

Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium

A modest and very incomplete listing of resources for tackling data science problems in R. […] Draft This book grew out of my evergrowing collection of reference materials that was saved as an expanding array of markdown files in a github repo. By assembling it as a book, I hope that it will be more accessible and useful to other R users. The author would like to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the books, articles, blog posts, and R packages cited within. License This work by Martin Monkman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada … Read more →


Introdução à Estatística

by Joaquim Gomes


Um website dedicado ao ensino de estatística. […] Pode ser mudado depois: bookdown::render_book(“index.Rmd”) This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github:{r eval=FALSE} install.packages(“bookdown”) # or the development version # devtools::install_github(“rstudio/bookdown”) Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are … Read more →


ECOM20001 Tutorial Questions and Suggested Solutions

by Richard Hayes


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a collate all the tutorial questions and answers in semester 2, 2023 in a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown that covers the questions and suggested solutions to tutorials posted in semester 2, 2023. Each bookdown chapter contains the questions and suggested solutions for each tutorial. One of the reasons for putting this book together was to assist in your exam revision. Most of the solutions are hidden so you should ... Read more →


Computational Social Science Notes

by Saurabh Khanna


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This book is a repository of my notes in computational social science from reading Salganik’s Bit By Bit, as well as open access curricula released by the SICSS ... Read more →


R Programming for Psychometrics

by Susu Zhang


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This ebook serves as a companion to the PSYC490 lab sessions. Chapters will be added and updated throughout the semester. Contributors: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International … Read more →


제조 전문가의 AI 솔루션 설계 : 5일 완성

by 이창선


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 디지털 기술의 투자 비중은 클라우드에 집중되어 있으며, AI 투자는 매우 저조한 상태이다. 클라우드는 47.3%이지만, AI는 1.7%이다. 제조 분야에서 인공지능 디지털 활용율은 1.6%이며, 금융 11.1%, 통신 17.1%에 비해서 매우 낮은 편이다.(’21, NIS) 제조 AI 솔루션의 확산을 위해서는 본질을 이해할 필요가 있다. 제조AI ... Read more →


SWBio Bioinformatics course task book

by David Studholme


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] This is the task book for the SWBio Bioinformatics course. This book summarises the tasks that you should work through during the workshops. The first three workshops are planned to be in-person with the instructor(s) present. During those in-person workshops there will be time to complete at least some of the tasks. Later in the week there are remote self-study sessions where you work at your own pace and the ... Read more →


제조 전문가의 AI 솔루션 설계 : 5일 완성

by 이창선


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 디지털 기술의 투자 비중은 클라우드에 집중되어 있으며, AI 투자는 매우 저조한 상태이다. 클라우드는 47.3%이지만, AI는 1.7%이다. 제조 분야에서 인공지능 디지털 활용율은 1.6%이며, 금융 11.1%, 통신 17.1%에 비해서 매우 낮은 편이다.(’21, NIS) 제조 AI 솔루션의 확산을 위해서는 본질을 이해할 필요가 있다. 제조AI ... Read more →


Analysing CRISPR Screens with edgeR

by Göknur Giner


This is a book version to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] Welcome to the “Analyzing CRISPR Screens with edgeR”. Our aim is to empower researchers like you with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of CRISPR data analysis. This platform serves as the central hub for a comprehensive guide on leveraging one of the most commonly used differential expression analysis Bioconductor package edgeR, for the analysis of CRISPR screens. Whether you’re delving into CRISPR experiments for the ... Read more →


Multi-level Modeling: Nested and Longitudinal data

by Marc Scott

Multi-level Modeling: Nested and Longitudinal data

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] This is a course on models for multilevel nested data. These data arise in nested designs, which are quite common to education and applied social, behavioral and policy science. Traditional methods, such as OLS regression, are not appropriate in this setting, as they fail to model the complex correlational structure that is induced by these designs. Proper inference requires that we include aspects of the design in the ... Read more →


Design Notebook

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a note for popular clinical trial designs. Each design contains some corresponding literature, a shiny app for calculation and computation ... Read more →


Inclusive Growth Index: Results

by Petra Kynclova


The documentation shows preliminary data processing and results retrieved when compiling the Inclusive Growth Index (IGI). It also presents and analyzes the final results. [...] The documentation shows preliminary data processing and results retrieved when compiling the Inclusive Growth Index (IGI). It also presents and analyzes the final results. Following R packages should be installed and ... Read more →


Ejemplos para Pruebas de Comparación de Medias con R

by María Victoria López


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Material complementario para estudiantes de las carreras: Licenciatura en Cs. Biológicas y Licenciatura en Bromatología de la Facultad de Ciencias ... Read more →


Jasper and I: Socratic Dialogues

by José Becerra


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Artificial intelligence (AI) technology applies the current body of knowledge in the collective mind of humanity to answer queries in human language, using the term knowledge as the intermediate stage of progression from information to wisdom. These series of essays are a dialogue of this collective mind in its brand as, engaging in a rational dialogue with an enquirer researching the limits of AI in the more ... Read more →


Cônicas e Superfícies Quádricas

by jwlal1


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] As cônicas e as superfícies quádricas têm uma longa história e são objetos matemáticos de grande importância. Elas desempenham um papel fundamental em diversas áreas da ciência, como física, engenharia, arquitetura e computação gráfica. Além disso, esses conceitos são essenciais para o estudo da geometria e do cálculo. Neste material, iremos explorar as propriedades fundamentais das cônicas, incluindo elipses, parábolas ... Read more →


GSB 518 Handouts

by Kevin Ross


Kevin Ross This is a selection of Handouts for Cal Poly GSB 518, Essential Statistics for Business Analytics, covering topics in Probability and Statistics. Here are some R packages that might be used throughout the … Read more →


Leaflet in Practice: Create webmaps using the JavaScript Leaflet library

by Samuel Gachuhi Ngugi


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This book was written to assist the budding GIS specialist, geographer or cartographer who has an interest in quickly learning how to create webmaps with minimal knowledge of JavaScript. The aim of this book is to bring the learner up to speed on how to create almost any kind of webmap using Leaflet. Written from the point of a self-taught programmer, this is more of a guide book on how to navigate the Leaflet ... Read more →


Foundations of Statistics

by Prof Peter Neal and Dr Daniel Cavey


Lecture Notes for Foundations of Statistics […] In this course the fundamental principles and techniques underlying modern statistical and data analysis will be introduced. The course will cover the core foundations of statistical theory consisting of: The course highlights the importance of computers, and in particular, statistical packages, in performing modern statistical analysis. Students will be introduced to the statistical package R as a statistical and programming tool and will gain experience in interpreting and communicating its output. Learning Outcomes A student who completes … Read more →



by Hannah Lunkenheimer


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a document that contains syllabi for the courses taught by Hannah Lunkenheimer. Please reference this doc any time you have questions about your course. If you can’t find an answer, please try troubleshooting, checking your e-mail, Canvas, Slack, or e-mail me your question. Also, if you find any mistakes, please let me know. ... Read more →


R Outout Gallery

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This bookdown includes some interesting table and figure examples. It can be used as a manual of ggplot2, DT, ... Read more →


Econometria com Simulação e Visualização de Dados

by Igor Procópio


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


R Language Introduction Course

by ZhaoFenfei


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] In this book, we will provide one way to master R language for beginners. … Read more →


Notes for Survival Analysis

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This book is the notebook for Survival Analysis - Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data authored by John P.Klein and Melvin L. ... Read more →


Applied longitudinal data analysis in brms and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is a reworking of Singer and Willett’s classic (2003) text within a contemporary Bayesian framework with emphasis of the brms and tidyverse packages within the R computational framework. […] This project is based on Singer and Willett’s classic (2003) text, Applied longitudinal data analysis: Modeling change and event occurrence. You can download the data used in the text at and find a wealth of ideas on how to fit the models in the text at My contributions show … Read more →


MLFE R labs (2023 ed.)

by Prof. Michela Cameletti & Tutor Rasoul Samei


Notes for the R labs of the MLFE course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Machine learning for Economics (MLFE) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2022/23). The MLFE course is the second module of the Coding for Data Science course. The MLFE R labs are designed for students who already have some experience with R programming thanks to the first module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. Click here and here to access the R lab notes of the first module regarding introduction to R language and the tidyverse package. Enjoy the journey! … Read more →


Generalized Linear Mixture Model

by Ying Lu and Marc Scott

Generalized Linear Mixture Model

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] This is a course in advanced statistical techniques that covers generalized linear models and extensions that are commonly used in health and policy research. Assuming a strong foundation in the general linear model (linear regression and ANOVA) and exposure to the linear mixed model (a.k.a. multilevel models), this course focuses on data analysis that utilizes models for categorical, discrete or limited outcomes, some ... Read more →


Handling, Measuring, Estimating and Visualizing Migration Data in R

by Guy J. Abel, James Raymer, Ellen Kraly


In many countries and regions, migration is becoming or already is the largest component of population change and important mechansim for both social and economic change. However, migration data is often of poor quality, missing or provided without disaggregation. Methods to estimate migration flows have been developed by demographers and other researchers to help address shortfalls and provide a platform to better understand patterns, trends and consequences. This manaul explores methods for measuring, estimating and visualising migration flow data, and their implementation in R. Readers will become familiar with useful R functions for handling migration data, a range of measures to summarise and compare migration systems, common estimation methods to overcome inadequate or missing migration data and recently developed methods to visualize complex migration patterns. While plenty of code samples and exercises are provided throughout the manual to build up the readers experience, some prior knowledge is required on how to handle and plot data using the tidyverse set of R packages. Read more →


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data

by jjovanovic


Fundamentals of Collecting and Analyzing Baseball Data […] This book is an introduction to coding for baseball analytics. It would be most helpful if you have a basic understanding of R. Here a some resources: The first three chapters are about acquiring data. Lahman: the Lahman package contains several data frames about players, teams, pitching, hitting, fielding, and more. The version of the Lahman package used throughout this guide has data from 1871 to 2021. FanGraphs: this chapter is about data collected from the FanGraphs website or through an R package. During the midst of this … Read more →


BS2010: Bioimaging

by Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = ... Read more →



by Abdoul Aziz Berrada


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] L’écriture de programmes (ou programmation) est une activité très créative et gratifiante. Vous pouvez écrire des programmes pour de nombreuses raisons, qu’il s’agisse de gagner votre vie, de résoudre un problème difficile d’analyse de données, de vous amuser ou d’aider quelqu’un d’autre à résoudre un problème. Ce cours part du principe que tout le monde doit savoir programmer, et qu’une fois que vous saurez programmer, vous ... Read more →


PSY-401017 R Workshop

by Dr Jim Grange


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


R pour l’économétrie

by Abdoul Oudouss Diakite


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Au cours des dernières années, le langage de programmation statistique R est devenu une partie intégrante des programmes des cours d’économétrie. Nous avons régulièrement constaté qu’une grande partie des étudiants, en particulier dans nos cours d’introduction à l’économétrie de premier cycle, n’ont jamais été exposés à aucun langage de programmation et ont donc des difficultés à s’engager seuls dans l’apprentissage ... Read more →


Brenda Animalaria

by DGP


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

by Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Alison Presmanes Hill

blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

A guide to creating websites with R Markdown and the R package blogdown. […] A note from the authors: Some of the information and instructions in this book are now out of date because of changes to Hugo and the blogdown package. If you have suggestions for improving this book, please file an issue in our GitHub repository. Thanks for your patience while we work to update the book, and please stay tuned for the revised version! In the meantime, you can find an introduction to the changes and new features in the v1.0 release blog post and this “Up & running with blogdown in 2021” blog post. … Read more →


My Friend Mili

by Selin Türkkan

My Friend Mili

A collection of future scenarios based on different themes and scenario archetypes. […] Cover design: Berna Görgülü This book was generated by Naim Çınar in Markdown, using R version 3.6.3 The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: This book is hosted on Bookdown This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Citing the book As the structure of the book’s chapters and sections may change, links should only use the base URL The full reference of this book is: … Read more →



by Gonzalo Jara


Welcome | Teachvatory documentation. […] This is a small reference book to learn how to install, edit, and deploy the app Teachvatory. Teachvatory is an app created by Dan Levy and a group of his former students and teaching fellows. Its goal is to provide an easy visualization of student’s performance in the courses that Dan teaches. This book has 5 chapters that covers most of the development process for the app: The first chapter explains how to download and install the app locally. The second chapter explains the app architecture, which follows the R package convention and uses the … Read more →


Survey Design and Analysis

by Michael Foley


Survey design and analysis using R. […] This is a compilation of notes from my study of survey design and analysis. I completed Data Camp courses Survey and Measurement Development in R (Mount, n.d.) and Analyzing Survey Data in R (McConville, n.d.), then moved on to Thomas Lumley’s Complex Surveys: a guide to analysis using R (Lumley 2010). The following resources are also helpful. Only simple random sample survey designs can be analyzed with with normal statistical test functions - complex survey designs require special treatment. The survey package (Lumley 2021) handles both simple and … Read more →


Hello Chris, this is a test book

by Ethan McQuaid


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book by Ethan McQuaid. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown by yours truly at 11pm at night. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use ... Read more →



by Xiaolan Wan


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


Statistical rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse: Second edition

by A Solomon Kurz


This book is an attempt to re-express the code in the second edition of McElreath’s textbook, ‘Statistical rethinking.’ His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] This ebook is based on the second edition of Richard McElreath’s (2020a) text, Statistical rethinking: A Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan. My contributions show how to fit the models he covered with Paul Bürkner’s brms package (Bürkner, 2017, 2018, 2022j), which makes it easy to fit Bayesian regression models in R (R … Read more →



by edicioneditorial_nal


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Este es el sitio web para el libro digital Transformación Digital: experiencias colectivas publicado por Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Consulta el libro digital desde el portal del Repositorio Institucional - ... Read more →


Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in brms and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an attempt to re-express the code in Kruschke’s (2015) textbook. His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] Kruschke began his text with “This book explains how to actually do Bayesian data analysis, by real people (like you), for realistic data (like yours).” In the same way, this project is designed to help those real people do Bayesian data analysis. My contribution is converting Kruschke’s JAGS and Stan code for use in Bürkner’s brms package (Bürkner, 2017, 2018, 2022g), … Read more →


Statistical rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an attempt to re-express the code in McElreath’s textbook. His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] I love McElreath’s (2015) Statistical rethinking text. It’s the entry-level textbook for applied researchers I spent years looking for. McElreath’s freely-available lectures on the book are really great, too. However, I prefer using Bürkner’s brms package (Bürkner, 2017, 2018, 2022i) when doing Bayesian regression in R. It’s just spectacular. I also prefer plotting with … Read more →


Recoding Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis

by A Solomon Kurz


This ebook is an effort to connect Hayes’s conditional process analysis work with the Bayesian paradigm. Herein I refit his models with my favorite R package for Bayesian regression, Bürkner’s brms, and use the tidyverse for data manipulation and plotting. […] Andrew Hayes’s (2018) text, Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach, has become a staple in social science graduate education. Hayes’s work has been from a frequentist OLS perspective. This book is an effort to connect his work with the Bayesian paradigm. Herein I refit his … Read more →


Introduction to Geographic Information System

by Wanda Bodnar (Thames Estuary Partnership)


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This interactive online book provides an introduction to the world of geographic information system (GIS). At the end of each chapter references as well as free and paid courses are listed which will allow you to explore GIS ... Read more →


BS2004: Molecular and Cellular Biology II

by Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a bookdown site authored for the AY 2021 - 2022 edition of BS2004: Molecular and Cellular Biology ... Read more →


Machine Learning: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning

by Marc Scott

Machine Learning: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] Supervised and unsupervised machine learning, also known as classification and clustering, are important statistical techniques commonly applied in many social and behavioral science research problems. Both seek to understand social phenomena through the identification of naturally occurring homogeneous groupings within a population. Supervised learning techniques are used to sort new observations into pre- existing or ... Read more →


Guide to Wise Investing

by Junghoon Shin

Guide to Wise Investing

Investment databook containing business financials, industry and market environments, and global economy […] When I first stepped into the investment world, there was just too much information all over the newspapers, websites, books, YouTube, and even lunch table gossips which all seemed to be of the utmost importance to me. Some believed it was the perfect time to invest in the stock market, while others insisted that the whole market was significantly overheated by repeated fiscal stimulus packages from the government and we all should prepare for the impending market crash. I was so … Read more →


Inversión en Acciones para Principiantes

by Jorge Condeña Llantoy


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Este es el bookdown de Inversión en Acciones para Principiantes el cual se enfocará en brindar conceptos básicos sobre el mundo de la inversión en acciones de empresas a la vez que se introducirá herramientas de programación. Con la ayuda del software R, podremos extraer, tratar y analizar diferentes elementos necesarios para contar con una base sólida en cuanto a herramientas para realizar una propia lectura y discernimiento en el ámbito de la inversión en … Read more →


Test of Bookdown

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] More centered text The contents of the below subsections are located in a sub folder. This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within ... Read more →


Business Intelligence II, forår 2023: Anvendt Machine Learning

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Første modul omhandler en generel introduktion til softwareprogrammet R ( Her gengives en række eksempler på R-kode samt det tilhørende R-output for at illustrere forskellige grundlæggende funktionaliteter i programmet. Programmet R tager koder som input, så hver gang man skal have udført noget, skal man skrive de(n) relevante kode(r), som herefter eksekveres af programmet og giver det ... Read more →


Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters in the Kenai Peninsula Throughout the Kenai Peninsula

by Benjamin Meyer, Kenai Watershed Forum


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document contains preliminary data and analysis related to Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund project #54014, “Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters Throughout the Kenai Peninsula.” The Kenai Peninsula’s watersheds are significant producers of Pacific salmon. Critical to Alaska’s economic and cultural wellbeing, these salmon support fisheries both inland and throughout Cook Inlet. This project is documenting anadromous spawning, … Read more →


PrioriTree: an Interactive Utility for Improving Geographic Phylodynamic Analyses in BEAST

by Jiansi Gao, Michael R. May, Bruce Rannala, Brian R. Moore


PrioriTree is an interactive browser utility—distributed as an R package (see for a demo of the utility)—designed to help researchers specify input files for—and process output files from—analyses of biogeographic history performed using the BEAST software package (Drummond et al. 2012; Suchard et al. 2018). The discrete-geographic models implemented in BEAST (Lemey et al. 2009; Edwards et al. 2011) contain many parameters that must be inferred from minimal information (the single geographic area in which each pathogen occurs); inferences under this … Read more →


Notas para la asignatura de Matemáticas I , UCM Somosaguas

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Si encuentras alguna errata o tienes alguna sugerencia, ... Read more →


Miller Creek and Vogel Lake Water Quality

by Benjamin Meyer (


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This draft document contains preliminary data explorations of 2021-2023 water quality data from the Vogel Lakes complex and Miller Creek in the Northern Kenai peninsula. These data were collected as part of plans to eradicate invasive pike from the area, which were identified in 2018-2019 by the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. The draft environmental assessment for potential eradication of invasive Northern Pike from this system is available from the US Fish … Read more →



by Marco Garofalo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = ... Read more →



by Watthu


本文是统计计算的课程笔记整理,主要采用R语言编程。 R是一个免费开源的用于统计计算和作图的语言和软件环境,它提供了广泛的统计工具和灵活高质量的图形工具,其功能可以通过添加package来扩充。R的官方网站为 R Project Website,该网站包含R在各种操作系统下的安装文件、R的帮助文档包括一些免费的书籍等。 R是一种解释性语言,不必像C之类的编译语言首先要构成一个完整的程序形式。当R运行时,所有变量、数据、函数及结果都以对象(object)的形式存在计算机的活动内存中,并冠有相应的名字代号。我们可以通过用一些运算符(如算术、逻辑、比较等)和一些函数(其本身也是对象)来对这些对象进行操作。 R中的数据结构可以按其维数(1d、2d、nd)和同质性(所有元素 … Read more →


Matemáticas I-II CEU, Grupo de Excelencia

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Estas son unas notas de clase escritas en Markdown para la docencia de Matemáticas I en el grupo de Excelencia del CEU ¡Disfrútalas y, si encuentras algún error, escríbeme a ! You can render the HTML version of this example book without changing anything: Find the Build pane in the RStudio IDE, and Click on Build Book, then select your output format, or select “All formats” if you’d like to use ... Read more →


Disciplina BIG019 - BiG Data & Analytics

by Eder Mauricio Barbosa


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Caderno de Exercicio do Aluno Eder Mauricio Barbosa, para o emprego das tecnicas de analise de dados da disciplina de Big Data & analytics do Mestrando em Computação Aplicada no Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT Prof. Dra. Olga Satomi Yoshida Monitoria: ... Read more →


Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited Embrace-a-Stream Project: Expanding Knowledge of Fish Habitat in Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula

by Benjamin Meyer, Kenai Watershed Forum (


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The Kenai Peninsula’s watersheds are significant producers of Pacific salmon. Critical to Alaska’s economic and cultural wellbeing, these salmon support fisheries both inland and throughout Cook Inlet. The Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited1 (KPTU) in collaboration with Kenai Watershed Forum2 (KWF) are documenting habitat for salmonid spawning, rearing, and migration in order to increase the known water bodies recognized in the Alaska Department of … Read more →


An Introduction to Statistical Learning with the tidyverse and tidymodels

by Taylor Dunn


Working through ISLR with the tidyverse and tidymodels […] I am a data scientist and statistician who is (mostly) self-taught from textbooks and generous people sharing their work online. Inspired by projects like Solomon Kurz’s recoding of Statistical Rethinking and Emil Hvitfeldt’s ISLR tidymodels labs, I decided to publicly document my notes and code as I work through An Introduction to Statistical Learning, 2nd edition by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. I prefer to work with the tidyverse collection of R packages, and so will be using those to wrangle … Read more →


Modern R with the tidyverse

by Bruno Rodrigues


This book will teach you how to use R to solve your statistical, data science and machine learning problems. Importing data, computing descriptive statistics, running regressions (or more complex machine learning models) and generating reports are some of the topics covered. No previous experience with R is needed. […] I have been working on this on and off for the past 4 years or so. In 2022, I have updated the contents of the book to reflect updates introduced with R 4.1 and in several packages (especially those from the {tidyverse}). I have also cut some content that I think is not that … Read more →


UG Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab workbook

by by J Rafael Verudzco Torres and Mark Wong

UG Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab workbook

This is the workbook you will use for the Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab sessions. […] Welcome to the Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences lab! This workbook is targeted to University of Glasgow students enrolled in the Undergraduate Quantitative Research Methods course of the School of Social & Political Sciences. The activities are designed for RStudio Cloud. The book was written using R bookdown package based on the GitHub repository: The online version of this book is licensed under the Creative Commons … Read more →


Rethinking Companion

by Wade VanderWright


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a companion book written in Markdown for McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking (2020). You can set up your R console by running: The Golem of Prague and statistical golems (models) are powerful but lack wisdom. As McElreath tells us, there are many kinds of golems and figuring out how to build the one you need to carry out the task at hand can be tricky. Figure 1.1 In addition, novel research often requires novel ... Read more →


Grupo 0 Matemáticas

by Mercedes Vázquez Furelos, María Eugenia Mera Rivas, Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Esta es la Vídeo-Web del Grupo 0 de Matemáticas de la Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales de la ... Read more →


Programming and Applied Data Visualization with R

by Dr. Paul C. Bauer (University of Mannheim)


Q: What is your experience with looking at data analysis code you have written 2 years earlier? Comment your code Use meaningful names! A “new” package dplyr written by Hadley Wickham/Romain Francois replaces many old functions for data management Functions in dplyr are highly performant (big data!) and consistent See this page for an excellent overview and the Data Wrangling Cheat Sheet What could the following functions be used for? Hadley Wickhams ggplot2 Package developed into a powerful alternative to the default plot() function. Its goal is to simplify complex plots (e.g. take care of … Read more →


An Introduction to ggplot2

by Ozancan Ozdemir


A ggplot2 Tutorial […] Hi! Data Visualization is one of the important steps of the data analysis process. It is actually not only part of the data analysis, but also can be considered as an art. R Programming language provides a powerful visualization package to us, ggplot2. This book aims to show how you can make a well-known statistical plots by using ggplot2, and also how you can improve or customize them. The book is created by the lab notes of statistical computing (STAT 291-STAT 292) of Ozancan Ozdemir. For your opinions and suggestions, please send me an e-mail to … Read more →


Principles of Statistical Analysis: R Companion

by Ery Arias-Castro

Principles of Statistical Analysis: R Companion

R code that showcases some of the concepts and tools introduced in Principles of Statistical Analysis […] This is a companion to the textbook Principles of Statistical Analysis. It contains some R code that illustrates the concepts and tools introduced in the textbook. Some familiarity with R is assumed, although no advanced knowledge is required. The code is meant to be relatively simple, yet useful, at least for novices. No real effort was made to optimize it. The chapters are numbered as they are in the textbook, while the sections are not. The data not taken from packages is available … Read more →


A Research about the Employee’s Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity

by 潘薇

A Research about the Employee’s Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, [...] A Research about the Employee’s Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity: A Case Study from the Industrial Park of Jiujiang National Economic and Technology Development Zone WEI PAN Master of Business Administration Program in Business Administration Innovation College North-Chiang Mai University August 2022 First, I would ... Read more →


Methods in (Skene & Kenward, 2010)

by Dylan Dijk


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This tutorial aims to show how methods described in the two papers by Simon S. Skene and Michael G. Kenward1,2 (paper I and paper II) can be applied in R. In these papers, it is assumed that the data can be represented by a multivariate Gaussian linear model. The model has the following form: \[\begin{equation} y_i \sim N(X_i \beta;\Sigma_i ), \quad i =1, \dots,n \tag{1.1} \end{equation}\] where \(y_i\) \((T_i \times ... Read more →


Who R You?

by Dr. Zachary Pilot


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Hi everyone, this is the starting point. I used this class as a way to force myself to learn R and I am glad that I did. I was skeptical of R for years, I tried to learn it before and was like this sucks. Impenetrable. I think the book we’re going to use helps with that, but also the community aspect is super important. Try the stuff and if you run into a problem ask our little community on StackOverflow. In fact, as soon as you encounter I want you to post … Read more →


Code for An Introduction to Spatial Analysis and Mapping in R 2nd edition

by Chris Brunsdon and Lex Comber


This contains the code used in the book and will be updated as tools, functions and packages change and evolve::gitbook. […] This document includes all the code used in the book. The code is presented in the same order, in the same the sections and sub-sections in which it is found in the hard copy of the book but without any of the commentary. The code for each chapter allows the reader to copy and paste it into the R/RStudio. When the book was written, all of the code in the book was correct. However, R and its packages are occasionally updated. In most cases this is not problematic as … Read more →


Régression linéaire avec R

by Teodor TIPLICA


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Ce livre s’adresse tout d’abord aux étudiants de 1ère année du cycle ingénieur de Polytech Angers à l’Université d’Angers et se veut un support pédagogique pour le cours de Statistiques de Base pour l’Ingénieur. Deuxièmement, le livre peut intéresser tous ceux et celles qui souhaitent approfondir les concepts statistiques liés à la régression linéaire simple et multiple. Pour la bonne compréhension des aspects théoriques, ... Read more →



by Takuya Smaeshima


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 「R」は統計解析に利用されるフリーのプログラミング言語である。データサイエンス界隈では知名度が高く、Pythonと並び機械学習やデータマイニングの現場で活用されている。以下では、自身のPCに「R」の開発環境を構築する方法について解説する。 現状、利用できる端末は、スペックや個体差などによりプログラムの実行や出力に支障が生じる可能性がある。 ... Read more →


Interactive Intermediate Microeconomics

by Yogi Gohel


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::bs4_book, [...] This book is designed to help students develop an intuition for intermediate microeconomic concepts using interactive plots and animations. By no means is this a replacement for your course textbook; it should serve as a supplement that builds confidence towards more complex topics. This book is still a work in progress, so there is a chance you will find typos or inconsistencies. Please let me know if you find any at ... Read more →


R para Psicólogos

by Cainã, Martins, Jaloto e Dinardi


Esse é o começo de um projeto lindo!. […] ESSA PARTE VAI MUDAR This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX (which includes XeLaTeX): … Read more →


Shiny Notebook

by Hao Sun


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This bookdown is used to take some notes of shiny app. In this notebook, you can find some common shiny commands which can help you build a shiny app. Here are some useful ... Read more →


Reproducible Science for Busy Researchers: How to Save Time using Literate Programming

by Dr. Andrew P. Lapointe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Signe recommended students run a live tutorial in swirl Google Analytics These resources are not relevant for students but they are to me. To render the book used the following code, you must do this before knitting the GitBook (webpage) The _output.yml contains the header arguments. I would but them here so its cleaner and easier to read the code. Is there a way I can have matlab code … Read more →


Памятка мигранта: Алтайский край

by Коллектив авторов: Максимова С.Г., Ноянзина О.Е., Омельченко Д.А., Сарыглар С.А.

Памятка мигранта: Алтайский край

This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Алтайский край – богатый и красивый регион, который славится талантливыми людьми, красивой природой, щедрой землей, богатыми традициями и обычаями! Издревле на Алтай со всех сторон света приезжали те, кто мечтал о новой и лучшей жизни, и всех наш край принимал с достоинством и благодарностью, всем находилось место и дело. В Алтайском крае созданы благоприятные условия для межкультурной коммуникации, взаимодействия с ... Read more →


An Introduction to Probability and Simulation

by Kevin Ross


This textbook presents a simulation-based approach to probability, using the Symbulate package. […] Why study probability? Why use simulation to study probability? The examples in this book are used to both motivate new topics and to help you practice your understanding of the material. You should attempt the examples on your own before reading the solutions. To encourage you to do so, the solutions have been hidden. You can reveal the solution by clicking on the Show/hide solution button. Here is where a solution would be, but be sure to think about the problem on your own first! (Careful: … Read more →


Translational Bioinformatics with R

by Zhaojie Zhang


This is a book of using R in Translational Bioinformatics. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook […] This book is written and rendered using the bookdown package, which can be installed from CRAN or Github: Two key steps to render the Book from the Github repo “gongchang/TBioR” and deploy it to #{r} #bookdown::render_book(“index.Rmd”, “bookdown::gitbook”) #bookdown::publish_book() … Read more →


Practical 1 - Exploring relationships and fitting linear models

by Team in Room 420 - Megan Ruffle, Naphon Olley, Jennifer James, William Ryan


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a ‘book’ for a lab. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Intended learning outcomes: produce scatterplots of report quality; fit linear regression models by using lm; interpret least squares estimates of model parameters; calculate least squares estimates of model parameters for simple linear regression. In the lectures we have examined relationships between variables using scatterplots. We have considered how to fit a linear model, through estimating the parameters such as (\beta) in the linear model (Y_i = … Read more →


Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees

by Guangchuang Yu

Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees

Master ggtree package suite to handle tree with data. […] I am so excited to have this book published. The book is meant as a guide for data integration, manipulation and visualization of phylogenetic trees using a suite of R packages, tidytree, treeio, ggtree and ggtreeExtra. Hence, if you are starting to read this book, we assume you have a working knowledge of how to use R and ggplot2. The development of the ggtree package started during my PhD study at the University of Hong Kong. I joined the State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases (SKLEID) under the supervision of Yi Guan … Read more →



by Olivier Adjonyo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] Kcov is a code coverage tool which analyzes which lines of code are executing and which are not executed when the test suite (e.g: test-unit or test-kat) runs. In other words, it helps us to measure the efficiency of tests implementations. Noticing that a function is not covered as expected can be a signal check if there is a test implementation for this function in the test-suite. If the coverage of a function ... Read more →


Introducción a la minería de datos

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Estas son las notas de clase para la asignatura de Fundamentos de Data Mining y Big Data del Grado en Inteligencia de Negocios de CEU San ... Read more →



by liubao


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] ECharts是一个基于JavaScript的开源可视化图表库,由于其交互性强、使用简单、界面美观、自定义程度强等特点被广泛应用,国内互联网公司内部多使用此开源库制作内部的数据中台或业务看板。ECharts最初由百度团队开源,并于2018年初捐赠给Apache基金会,成为ASF孵化级项目。John Coene将基于javascript的echarts库成功与R语言结合,构建成echarts4r包,使得R的使用 ... Read more →


MLFE R labs (2022 ed.)

by Prof. Michela Cameletti & Tutor Marco Villa


Notes for the R labs of the MLFE course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Machine learning for Economics (MLFE) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2021/22). The MLFE course is the second module of the Coding for Data Science course. The MLFE R labs are designed for students who already have some experience with R programming thanks to the first module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. Click here and here to access the R lab notes of the first module regarding introduction to R language and the tidyverse package. Enjoy the journey! … Read more →


Landscape characteristics influence projected growth rates of stream-resident juvenile salmon in the face of climate change in the Kenai River watershed, southcentral Alaska

by Benjamin Meyer


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document describes selected analyses undertaken in the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (TAFS) manuscript by Meyer et al., in review April 2022. The document outlines the modifications to analyses requested by the reviewers and editors on the draft submitted in February 2022. The current draft in progress of the manuscript, along with the draft reconciliation and response to the TAFS decision letter, can be accessed and are available for … Read more →


Curso R 2022 Jueves

by Roberto C. Duarte


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Bienvenidos al curso básico del paquete estadístico R, el objetivo del curso es proporcionar a los estudiantes las herramientas de la estadísica básica desarrollada en el lenguaje R. El contenido, en general del curso es el siguiente Se creó un aula virtual en Schoology, el código de acceso es: VWXB-7XPB-MD6PP, ademas se creo un grupo en Telegram para tener una mejor comunicación, para agregarse hacer click en el siguiente enlace: Grupo en Telegram. La … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example!!

by John Doe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →



by Peter


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is my first book written by R studio. I treat this as a project because I want to pour out everything inside my brain into this writing project. It will contain the following contents: I can’t promise that these contents are all worthy of reading, but I can guarantee that they all come from my live experience. Hope you enjoy it. I have tried many ways to motive myself to write. I have built blogs with WordPress ... Read more →


A Practical Guide to Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects in the Presence of Non-Ignorable Loss to Follow-Up

by Aleya Khalifa and Gloria HJ Graf


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Welcome! This tutorial provides a roadmap for sensitivity analyses to assess the impact of loss to follow-up on causal effect estimates. In particular, we introduce and implement a multiple-imputation-based pattern-mixture approach to MNAR mechanisms based on previous work by Leurent et al. (2018 Pharmacoeconomics). This tutorial is intended for any public health researcher who is seeking an easily implemented, ... Read more →


Curso R 2022

by Roberto C. Duarte


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Bienvenidos al curso básico del paquete estadístico R, el objetivo del curso es proporcionar a los estudiantes las herramientas de la estadísica básica desarrollada en el lenguaje R. El contenido, en general del curso es el siguiente Se creó un aula virtual en Schoology, el código de acceso es: ZK57-M28G-669QR, ademas se creo un grupo en Telegram para tener una mejor comunicación, para agregarse hacer click en el siguiente enlace: Grupo en Telegram. La … Read more →


A Rishi Bookdown Book

by Rishi Goutam

A Rishi Bookdown Book

Everything you need (and nothing more) to start a bookdown book. […] This is the very first part of the book. I am using RStudio with the bookdown package for creating this book. Sean Kross’s blog article was extremely helpful in getting me to understand how this works with GitHub Pages for automatic hosting. This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by … Read more →


Pengantar R



This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. […] Sebagian orang cenderung menghindari mempelajari statistik karena materi yang muncul merupakan rumus ataupun angka-angka yang kerap kali sulit untuk dimengerti. Namun dalam ilmu sosial, statistik diperlukan untuk meneliti kehidupan masyarakat dan hubungan sosial berupa metode yang objektif dan sistematis untuk menjelaskan dan memberikan interpretasi terhadap hasil penelitian. Menurut Wimmer dan Dommick (2011), statistik dapat … Read more →


Stability Of Industry Level Climate Coalitions: A Computational Framework for Environmental Governance In Maritime Shipping

by Feryel Lassoued and James Nolan


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Emissions from the global maritime sector currently account for about 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and are projected to increase by 150–250% in 2050 under business-as-usual scenarios with a tripling of world trade. (Bouman et al., 2017, p. 413) To try to address these issues, on January 1, 2020, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) implemented new regulations for a 0.5% global sulphur cap for marine ... Read more →


Making maps for conservation - GIF and interactive maps

by Emilie Dedeban


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, […] Creating a map has many benefits. Firstly, it allows to get information that is not visible or difficult to understand in a table. Secondly, it makes the subject more interesting. With the development of mapping tools, it is now possible to make animated map, or even collaborative. In this manual you will learn how to make a GIF and a collaborative map. These types of tools are essential assets for presentations, but also for … Read more →


Biostatistics for Clinical Research

by Sean Collins


This is an open educational resource (OER) book for Biostatistics for Clinical Research: Theory & Applications in R using the bookdown package in RStudio. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This version has been written in Scrivener, exported as plain text as a single index.Rmd file and then used to build the book. If this worked, then it’s an entirely new workflow for writing and self publishing books that takes advantage of the organizing and writing features of Scrivener, and the computational analysis and publishing features of R, Rmarkdown and Bookdown. At … Read more →


Teste de progresso

by Alexandre Jaloto


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Análises do teste de ... Read more →


Statistical Thinking for Linguists

by Sakol Suethanapornkul


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Linguists study language from diverse perspectives and specialize in particular areas within the field of linguistics. Regardless of perspectives and methodologies, linguists must work with language data. In some cases, l There are many reasons why linguists should learn to use R. R is free! I love working with R, particularly the tidyverse ... Read more →


Matemáticas I-II UCM

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Estas son unas notas de clase escritas en Markdown para la docencia de Matemáticas I y II en el grado de Economía UCM ¡Disfrútalas y, si encuentras algún error, escríbeme a ! You can render the HTML version of this example book without changing anything: Find the Build pane in the RStudio IDE, and Click on Build Book, then select your output format, or select “All formats” if you’d like to use multiple ... Read more →


CM5003: From Alchemy to Chemistry

by Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a gitbook-style website authored for the elective CM5003: From Alchemy to Chemistry. The website contains my notes for the lectures and selected documentaries. By the time that you are seeing this website, weeks, months, or even years may have passed, hence rendering the website’s content outdated (assuming that no updates are ... Read more →


Proyecto Migración

by Equipo Investigación


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] El Salvador cuenta con un instituto especializado en migración que publica datos sobre este tema: la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería de El Salvador (DGME). El apartado de estadísticas del sitio oficial no tiene ningún contenido. Al parecer, los datos se encuentran en el sitio de Transparencia del gobierno. Se recomienda hacer uso de los filtros o el buscador para optimizar las búsquedas. … Read more →



by 田丰 武汉大学遥感学院


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 武汉大学遥感学院本科生专业选修课“环境保护与规划”从开始招收本科生起,一直由万幼川教授主讲,万教授讲授的内容分为5大部分,包括:遥感在环境中的应用、环境概论、大气污染及污染扩散模型、水质模型与水质信息系统、植被生态模型,后因课时数下调至32个,万教授删减了植被生态模型部分。2022年开始,在万教授退休之际,我将课程接手过来,正赶上武汉大学进行2023版本科生培养方案修订, ... Read more →


R 로 하는 Mixed Model

by Michael Clark Translator : 김설기

R 로 하는 Mixed Model

This is an introduction to using mixed models in R. It covers the most common techniques employed, with demonstration primarily via the lme4 package. Discussion includes extensions into generalized mixed models, Bayesian approaches, and realms beyond. […] Michael Clark Translator : 김설기 … Read more →


Business Intelligence II - Anvendt Machine Learning

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Første modul omhandler en generel introduktion til softwareprogrammet R ( Her gengives en række eksempler på R-kode samt det tilhørende R-output for at illustrere forskellige grundlæggende funktionaliteter i programmet. Programmet R tager koder som input, så hver gang man skal have udført noget, skal man skrive de(n) relevante kode(r), som herefter eksekveres af programmet og giver det ... Read more →


Exemplo Livro Git (18/02/2022)

by John Doe


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


Companion to Stock and Watson’s Intro to Econometrics

by John Stone


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. set in the _output.yml file. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, [...] I’ve written this booklet as a companion to Stock and Watson (2019). I will assign sections for you to read before coming to class. This will give us time in class to address common misconceptions and ask new questions. I recommend you read the corresponding material in Stock and Watson (2019) after you have read the chapter in this companion text and either before or after our in-class ... Read more →


An(other) introduction to R

by Felix Lennert


This is a gentle introduction to R and the basic usage of some tidyverse packages (dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, forcats, stringr) for data manipulation and visualization. […] Dear student, in the following, you will receive a gentle introduction to R and how you can use it to work with data. This tutorial was heavily inspired by Richard Cotton’s “Learning R” (Cotton 2013) and Hadley Wickham’s and Garrett Grolemund’s “R for Data Science” (abbreviated with R4DS). The latter can be found online (Wickham and Grolemund 2016). We will not immediately start out with the packages from the tidyverse … Read more →


My Final College Paper

by Morten Søby Willendrup


My Final College Paper […] I want to thank a few people. This is an example of a thesis setup to use the reed thesis document class (for LaTeX) and the R bookdown package, in general. You can have a dedication here if you wish. Second paragraph of abstract starts … Read more →



by 이우근


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] 육체의 일은 분명하니, 곧 음행과 더러운 것과 호색과, 우상 숭배와 주술과 원수 맺는 것과, 분쟁과 시기와 분냄과, 당 짓는 것과 분열함과 이단과, 투기와 술 취함과 방탕함과, 또 그와 같은 것들이라. 전에 너희에게 경계한 것 같이 경계하노니, 이런 일을 하는 자들은 하나님의 나라를 유업으로 받지 못할 것이요 오직 성령의 열매는, 사랑과 ... Read more →


너무나도 중요한 소식



This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. ... Read more →


Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata R, the Tidyverse, and Lavaan

by Nicholas R. Jenkins


This project replicates the Stata code in Acocks’s (2013) text with R, the tidyverse, and lavaan. […] This project is a guide through Alan Acock’s Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata in R using the Tidyverse, and lavaan packages. The data needed to replicate the analyses in the book can be found on the book’s website here: Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata. My goal is to show how to fit these models in R and visualize their results. This is also, ver much, a work in progress. I assume that you have some familiarity with R and the tidyverse and won’t spend … Read more →


Encuesta docente Impacto de la Pandemia en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes

by Sonia Monroy, Hernando Díaz, Francisco Amórtegui, Luis E. Gallego


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Esta encuesta se realiza en el marco del desarrollo del proyecto de investigación acerca del Impacto de la Pandemia de COVID-19 sobre el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. En términos generales, se indaga sobre las herramientas utilizadas en el quehacer docente durante la pandemia, las estrategias de evaluación y calificación aplicadas y la percepción del impacto que tuvo la pandemia sobre el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Enunciado. Una de las … Read more →


Machine Learning for Imbalanced Datasets

by Nana Boateng


This is a machine learning textbook for dealing with imbalanced datasets […] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: {r eval=FALSE}install.packages(“bookdown”) # or the development version # devtools::install_github(“rstudio/bookdown”) Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX … Read more →


Matemáticas I, UCM, Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales

by Jorge Herrera de la Cruz


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


BS2002: Microbiology

by Curated by: Kevin Fo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a website I (Kevin) made using the R package bookdown for the NTU SBS course BS2002: Microbiology. More information about this site will be shown in the following sections. This website was authored for the semester 1, NTU academic year 2021 - 2022 edition of BS2002. At the time of your visit, weeks, months, or even years may have passed (hence rendering the website’s content outdated if no edits are made). ... Read more →


Some Notes on Mathematics

by Yifei Xiong


This is a note using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this is bookdown::gitbook. […] 本站的内容 本站会不定期更新一些笔记, 包括但不限于概率论与数理统计、随机过程、算法分析、代数基础、以及一些计算机相关的内容. 如果时间充足, 我会用Rmarkdown进行书写, 写起来真的很工整. 但是如果时间有限, 笔记仅以goodnotes导出格式进行显示(这通常为图片或pdf文件) 现在已经更新的内容有: 注记:随机积分 第三学期:常微分方程笔记 第三学期:抽象代数笔记 第四学期:复变函数笔记 第四学期:概率论笔记 第四学期:数值分析笔记 第五学期:数理统计笔记 第五学期:实变函数笔记 第五学期:微分几何笔记 … Read more →


Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited Embrace-a-Stream Project: Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters Throughout the Kenai Peninsula

by Benjamin Meyer, Kenai Watershed Forum


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document contains preliminary data and analysis related to The Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited’s Embrace-a-Stream project, “Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters Throughout the Kenai Peninsula.” The Kenai Peninsula’s watersheds are significant producers of Pacific salmon. Critical to Alaska’s economic and cultural wellbeing, these salmon support fisheries both inland and throughout Cook Inlet. This project is … Read more →


Statistics for Data Science Notes

by Andrew Sage - Stat 255: Lawrence University


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] We consider a dataset with prices (in $ US) and other information on 53,940 round cut diamonds. The first 6 rows are shown below. The dataset incudes both: What do we notice about the relationship between price and cut? Is this surprising? Next, we examine a histogram, displaying price, cut, and carat size. How does the information in this plot help explain the surprising result we saw in the boxplot? Next, we use a ... Read more →


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee)

by Sunbok Lee


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee) […] Hi everyone, welcome to the course. This is the introduction to R course at Ewha Womans University. R is a great programming language for statistical analysis and data science. I hope you enjoy R in this course and find many useful applications for your own field. This course is designed for students who don’t have any programming background in social science. In this lecture note, this font represents R commands, variable names, and package names. In order to maximize your learning in this semester, you should read the weekly reading assignment in our … Read more →


BS0004 Code Annotations

by Kevin, Kevin, and Kevin


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This document documents (no pun intended) my code and my workflow for the cancer dataset that Sean found a couple of days ago. I intend to - using the dataset - build several supervised machine learning classifiers to predict the status of cancer patients. I will then evaluate the performance of these models using the content taught in week 9; Furthermore, if possible, I think I will also try to perform GO term ... Read more →


The Association Between Travel and Urban Form

by Shen Qu


This is a field paper using the bookdown package. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This field paper is for discussing the relationship between travel and urban form.1 The initial motivation is curious about how the travel distance is affected by urban densities. Is this relationship existed universally or just context-dependent? Are these models in literature replicable or reproducible? Part I reviews the related literature and tries to cover the main theories and research in this field. Travel patterns or behaviors as the variable of interest, is associated with … Read more →


Statistics for Data Science R Code Guide

by Andrew Sage - Stat 255, Lawrence University


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. […] This guide provides details and examples on using R to perform the kinds of statistical analyses that we’ll use in STAT 255. You may use it as a template, as you write code for your assignments. If you want to work with R from your own computer, you can install it for free using the directions below. This will allow you to work on your assignments whenever and wherever you would like. Mac: Windows: The following chapters walk … Read more →


Introduction to R for Econometrics

by Kieran Marray (Tinbergen Institute)


Introduction to R for Econometrics […] This is a short introduction to R to go with the first year econometrics courses at the Tinbergen Institute. It is aimed at people who are relatively new to R, or programming in general.1 The goal is to give you enough of knowledge of the fundamentals of R to write and adapt code to fit econometric models to data, and to simulate your own data, working alone or with others. You will be able to: read data from csv files, plot it, manipulate it into the form you want, use sets of functions others have built (packages), write your own functions to compute … Read more →


Análise estatística de como a cor/raça branca e preta influencia na qualidade de vida do morador de Salvador

by Ana Batriz dos Santos Barros, Ana Beatriz Mendes Lopes, Janaina Souza de Souza e Simão Pedro de Oliveira Urpia


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Neste trabalho são apresentados dados levantados pelo IBGE e análises realizadas sobre como a qualidade de vida do morador de Salvador é influenciada pela sua cor/raça. Dessa forma, foram correlacionados alguns parâmetros sociais como alfabetização, analfabetismo, pobreza e envelhecimento com as quantidades de pessoas autodeclaradas Pretas ou Brancas em regiões da cidade de Salvador. A análise feita utiliza técnicas da estatística descritiva para apresentar, … Read more →


Using R in Social Work Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Social Work, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for social work research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote an a replication commitment and open science philosophy … Read more →


Kim Siyeon

by Siyeon Kim


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] “In nonrandomized experiments, it is usually only possible to determine the existence of a relationship between two measurements, but not the underlying mechanism or the reason for it.” “Historically, social scientists have sought out explanations of human and social phenomena that provide interpretable causal mechanisms, while often ignoring their predictive accuracy. We argue that the increasingly computational ... Read more →


R cookbook for the casual dabbler

by Charles Coverdale


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] G’day and welcome to R cookbook for the casual dabbler. Some history: I use R a lot for work and for side projects. Over the years I’ve collated a bunch of useful scripts, from macroeconomic analysis to quick hacks for making map legends format properly. Historically my code has been stored in random Rpubs documents, medium articles, and a bunch of .Rmd files on my hardrive. Occasionally I feel like doing things ... Read more →


Statistics for Data Science R Code Guide

by Andrew Sage - Stat 255, Lawrence University


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This guide provides details and examples on using R to perform the kinds of statistical analyses that we’ll use in STAT 255. You may use it as a template, as you write code for your assignments. If you want to work with R from your own computer, you can install it for free using the directions below. This will allow you to work on your assignments whenever and wherever you would like. Mac: Windows: The following ... Read more →


A Minimal Book Example_minseo

by minseo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →



by minseo_


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →



by kimeunseo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Hi everyone, welcome to the course.This is the introduction to R course at Ewha Womans University. R is a great programming language for statistical analysis and data science. I hope you enjoy R in this course and find many useful applications for your own field. This course is designed for students who don’t have any programming background in social science. In this lecture note, this font represents R commands, ... Read more →


Bookdown Quiz

by Minsun Yoo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


R @ Ewha (Sunbok Lee)- Choi Inyoung

by 2035021 Choi Inyoung/최인영


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] “In nonrandomized experiments, it is usually only possible to determine the existence of a relationship between two measurements, but not the underlying mechanism or the reason for it.” “Historically, social scientists have sought out explanations of human and social phenomena that provide interpretable causal mechanisms, while often ignoring their predictive accuracy. We argue that the increasingly computational ... Read more →



by 2035021 Choi Inyoung/최인영


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] ... Read more →



by Gayoung Jang


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\). Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter must start with a first-level heading: # A good chapter, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading. Use second-level and higher headings within chapters ... Read more →


Math & Stats Intro

by Robert Goedegebuure


This module is part of the Minor Data Driven Decision Making in Business (3DMiB, for short). The module carries 2.5 credits (ECTS) […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in … Read more →


Scenarios for the Future: The Classroom’s Perspective

by Naim Çınar

Scenarios for the Future: The Classroom’s Perspective

A collection of future scenarios based on different themes and scenario archetypes. […] Cover design: Berna Görgülü This book was generated by Naim Çınar in Markdown, using R version 3.6.3 The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: This book is hosted on Bookdown This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Citing the book As the structure of the book’s chapters and sections may change, links should only use the base URL The full reference of this book is: … Read more →


A Quick Introduction to bbsBayes

by Adam C. Smith, and Brandon P.M. Edwards


This is a document to support a ~2hr workshop. […] This is a 2-hour introductory workshop/demonstration of the R-package bbsBayes ( This package allows anyone to apply the hierarchical Bayesian models used to estimate status and trends from the North American Breeding Bird Survey. The package also lets the user generate a suite of alternative metrics using the existing model output from the annual CWS analyses. Everyone is welcome! Some familiarity working with R is required if you’d also like to run the code yourself during the workshop, and the … Read more →


R Essentials for Six Sigma Analytics

by Ramon Perdigao


Learn basic R coding and build elegant plots to support your analysis during any size Six Sigma projetc. […] R Essentials for Six Sigma Analytics: An Introduction to R for the Six Sigma Practitioner. Copyright © 2021 by Ramon Perdigao. All rights reserved. This book was written in RStudio version 1.4.1717 with Bookdown and other open source R packages. All examples and exercises have been created by the author unless explicitly stated otherwise. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or … Read more →


BIONB 2210 Summer 2021 Computer Labs

by Dena J. Clink


This is the location for all of the tutorials associated with the behaviouR R package. […] You have reached the location for all of the tutorials for the computer labs for Summer 2021. We will be completing all assignments using Rstudio Cloud ( Please see the link on Canvas for details on how to setup your RStudio Cloud account. Note: If you have never used R before I highly recommend that you check out the primers here: You can navigate using the tabs at the left and/or the … Read more →


T32 Working with Data Training

by Jean-Paul Courneya and Amy Yarnell


This is material to accompany class sessions for the T32 Epidemiology of Aging training series […] This book was published with bookdown. The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or … Read more →


Rasch Measurement Theory Analysis in R: Illustrations and Practical Guidance for Researchers and Practitioners

by Stefanie Wind & Cheng Hua


The purpose of the proposed book is to illustrate techniques for conducting Rasch measurement theory analyses using existing R packages.The book will include some background information about Rasch models, but the primary objective will be to demonstrate how to apply the models to data using R packagesand interpretthe results. The academic level for this book is graduate students or professionals who have already been exposed to Rasch measurementtheory. Read more →


Data Visualization for Conservation

by Gavin Masterson


This book contains all the content for, and information relevant to, the Data Visualization for Conservation course (7 July - 20 July 2021). […] Welcome to the Data Visualization for Conservation course! In this course we are going to be talking about data visualisation or ‘dataviz.’ We will spend time talking about the importance of data visualisation, learning how to produce custom visualisations using the ggplot2 package, as well as an important theory of data management and storage. The path of learning is never-ending, and we do not want you to imagine that this course can teach you … Read more →


Lecture 2 Note

by Yiming


This is the class note for lecture 2. […] There is an extensive range of packages in R. For collecting and analyzing financial time series, some of the packages we will use include: Financial data collection from internet (tidyquant) Time series (xts,zoo) Non-linear volatility models (rugarch) Regime modeling (fxregime) The first package (tidyquant) facilitates collecting financial data from the internet sites: Interest rates of US Government Bonds/Bills Interest rates of Foreign governments Foreign exchange rates Commodities: West-Texas-Intermediate Crude … Read more →


TIES Measurement Report Automation Project

by Michael Wu


This instruction manual is generated using the R package bookdown. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This project is developed to generate lengthy but informative measurement reports from survey data and Mplus measurement model outputs for projects at NYU Global TIES for Children. Typically, a research institute like TIES has the obligation to generate detailed measurement reports to better inform the funders and the cooperating agencies about its most up-to-date work. However, even with a Word template, the process from analytical results to a publishable report … Read more →


Utah IR R tools user guide

by UDWQ Integrated report team


A guide to installing R and the necessary R packages developed for Utah’s Integrated Report process. […] This guide walks secondary reviewers through installing R and its associated packages on their computer. A snapshot of the commands required to run the R packages is available on the “Install or Access R Tools” card on the Current Report Development Trello Board. Please refer to the FAQs section for answers to common questions, but note that this section will grow as we move through the process as group. If you still have questions about running R or … Read more →



by Your name


Title […] I want to thank a few people. This is an example of a thesis setup to use the reed thesis document class (for LaTeX) and the R bookdown package, in general. You can have a dedication here if you … Read more →


Merging Discussion

by Katrina Hueniken


Merging Discussion […] The dplyr package has a suite of four functions for merging two datasets together. The syntax is borrowed from SQL … Read more →


A Crash Course in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using R

by Michael Branion-Calles


A Crash Course in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using R […] There is an assumption of some previous experience in R with this tutorial. If you have not used R before I would start with Chapter 1 of the free, and excellent textbook R for Data Science. The GIS operations in R from the sf package are designed to integrate well with the tidyverse suite of R packages. We will make use of some basic functionality from the dplyr package and will be using pipes (%>%) to sequence multiple operations. If you are unfamiliar with dplyr and pipes I would go through the base vignette before … Read more →


Machine Learning for Economics 2020/21: R labs

by Michela Cameletti


Notes for the R labs of the MLFE course @ Unibg […] You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Machine learning for Economics (MLFE) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2020/21). The MLFE course is the second module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. The MLFE R labs are designed for students who already have some experience with R programming thanks to the first module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. Click here to access the R lab notes of the first module regarding introduction to R language and the tidyverse package. Enjoy the journey! … Read more →


Fashion Logistics Analysis

by Robert Goedegebuure


Descriptive Analysis of Fashion Data […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in these packages, use the library() command, in each session. RStudio shows a list of installed … Read more →


POLI 330 International Organization

by Shaoshuang Wen, University of South Carolina,


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The goal of this course is to introduce students to the structure and functions of international political and economic organizations. Particular attention to the United Nations and its specialized agencies, and to emerging regional communities. We look in depth at the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, international courts, and the international financial institutions, as well as other international organizations in comparative terms. Students … Read more →


Modelos Estadísticos

by Javier Morales (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche), Mª Asunción Martínez (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche)


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Este compendio de unidades sobre modelización estadística trata de mostrar una versión aplicada para el tratamiento de los modelos estadísticos más básicos. El objetivo no es mostrar una versión teórica de estos modelos sino una versión aplicada. Se recomienda a los lectores interesado que complementen la teoría de estos modelos con manuales más específicos. Para poder seguir los contenidos aquí expuestos se recomiendan conocimientos básicos de estadística … Read more →


Editable Distributed Hydrological Model

by Kan Lei


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document is the use guide for EDHM and some other concept about the hydrological models (HM) building. In Chapter 1 explain the basic concept of hydrological cycle and the important concept and idea of EDHM. In chapter 2 show the workflow of using a hydrological model with EDHM and the way to explain a new model. Chapter 3 and 4 show the basic information, e.g. input data, parameters and output data of every module or model. EDHM is a R package for … Read more →


Market Segmentation & Clustering

by Robert Goedegebuure


This module is part of the Minor Data Driven Decision Making in Business (3DMiB, for short). The module carries 2.5 credits (ECTS) […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in … Read more →


Github actions with R

by Chris Brown, Murray Cadzow, Paula A Martinez, Rhydwyn McGuire, David Neuzerling, David Wilkinson, Saras Windecker


An introduction to using github actions with R. […] GitHub actions allow us to trigger automated steps after we launch GitHub interactions such as when we push, pull, submit a pull request, or write an issue. For example, there are actions that will automatically trigger: GitHub actions follow the steps designated in a yaml file, which we place in the .github/workflows folder of the repo. We can add these yaml files to our repo either by clicking on a series of steps on, or using wrapper functions provided by the usethis package, depending on which actions you wish to include. We … Read more →


Using R for Educational Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for educational research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote a replication commitment and open science philosophy important to our work. One particular strength of R is that it … Read more →


Chronicles of Grandma’s Closet

by Jessica Mann


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] To render the book used the following code, you must do this before knitting the GitBook (webpage) The _output.yml contains the header arguments. I would but them here so its cleaner and easier to read the code. These resources are not relevant for students but they are to … Read more →



by Yihui Xie


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA PROFESOR: JESUS SALINAS INTEGRANTES LUIS EDGAR GUTIERREZ SALDANA CHRISTIAN CRUZATE JENNY … Read more →



by Taeyeon Chung


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Exercise 3-1 Exercise 3-2 … Read more →


Using R for Social Work Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Social Work, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for social work research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote a replication commitment and open science philosophy important to our work. One particular strength of R is that it … Read more →


Introduction to R (Part 2)

by Nana Kim


A document for Intro to R workshop (part 2) video […] In the next two chapters, we will learn how to manipulate and visualize data. We will use tidyverse packages (mainly dplyr, ggplot2, and tidyr) for easier and faster data manipulation/visualization. First, install and load the tidyverse by running: * Visit to learn more about the … Read more →


Medicina de Estilo de Vida

by Dr. Héctor Murillo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Dr. Héctor Daniel Murillo Coronado DipIBLM 1,2,3,4 Médico cirujano certificado en Medicina de Estilo de Vida por el International Board of Lifestyle Medicine Association Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Montemorelos Clínica del Estilo de Vida, Hospital La Carlota Colegio Mexicano de Medicina de Estilo de Vida Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina de Estilo de … Read more →


Market Basket Analysis

by Robert Goedegebuure


This module is part of the Minor Data Driven Decision Making in Business (3DMiB, for short). The module carries 2.5 credits (ECTS) […] This module makes use of R. To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio. In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages(“packagename”). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again. For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in … Read more →


Analyzing and visualizing fiber photometry data with fluoR

by Andrew Tamalunas


A living bookdown document focused on exploration, visualization, and analysis of neurobiological time series data - especially in the context of testing behavioral hypothesis. […] Analyzing and visualizing fiber photometry data with fluoR is a continuously updated book of tutorials and background information for analyzing and visualizing time series data from behavioral experiments. The fluoR R package is the successor to the GCalcium package, which I initially wrote to help ensure that my fiber photometry data analyses were accurate, consistent, and transparent. Both R packages and this … Read more →


Ecologia numérica 2020/2021: Trabalho 4

by Tiago A. Marques, Susana França, Ana Sofia Reboleira e os alunos de Ecologia Numérica 2020/2021


Um livro feito pelos alunos, para os alunos. This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Este livro é o resultado dos esforços dos alunos de Ecologia Numérica na FCUL em 2020/2021. O ano de 2020/2021 ficou marcado pela pandemia de COVID19, que impôs grandes restrições à forma como as aulas foram dadas, bem como à forma de fazer a avaliação. Este livro é também uma demonstração de como se pode transformar um desafio numa oportunidade. Depois de assumir que exames em sala de aula poderiam ser caóticos, … Read more →


Mastering Software Development in R

by Roger D. Peng, Sean Kross, and Brooke Anderson

Mastering Software Development in R

The book covers R software development for building data science tools. As the field of data science evolves, it has become clear that software development skills are essential for producing useful data science results and products. You will obtain rigorous training in the R language, including the skills for handling complex data, building R packages and developing custom data visualizations. You will learn modern software development practices to build tools that are highly reusable, modular, and suitable for use in a team-based environment or a community of developers. Read more →


Exploring Digital Water Publics

by Helge Peters and Nathanael Sheehan


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The past year has seen increasing public debate about the environmental quality of water bodies in England. This debate has partly played out on the social media platform Twitter as environmental non-profits, local associations, celebrities, statutory bodies and other platform users form digital publics around a variety of issues related to the water environment. With a geographical focus on London and England, this project explores digital water publics by … Read more →


A Statistical Analysis of Inherited Blindness: Physiological and Genetic Assays


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Rod photoreceptor death is a form of retinal degeneration that rewires the retina, which eventually leads to blindness. We use genetic and physiological methods to study how the retina encodes the visual world differently. Using spike train consistency and information theoretic metrics, we find that cone mediated visual performance is maintained during retinal degeneration. Next, we find genetic targets that may recover the neural networks in RP patients. … Read more →


A Minimal rTorch Book

by Alfonso R. Reyes


This is a minimal tutorial about using the rTorch package to have fun while doing machine learning. This book was written with bookdown. […] Last update: Sun Oct 25 12:05:18 2020 -0500 (79503f6ee) You need couple of things to get rTorch working: Install Python Anaconda. Preferably, for 64-bits, and above Python 3.6+. I have successfully tested Anaconda under four different operating systems: Windows (Win10 and Windows Server 2008); macOS (Sierra, Mojave and Catalina); Linux (Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu); and lastly, Solaris 10. All these tests are required by CRAN. Install R, Rtools and … Read more →


Notes for Ecological Modelling

by Tiago A. Marques


This is based on Yihui Xie’s a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] These notes were written in 2020, during the ecological modelling classes (Modelação Ecológica, ME in short). While it all started as just a way to teach the course, it soon became obvious that with a bit of extra effort put into it these notes might become material that would be useful to others beyond the ME students. This is being written as a bookdown project. Maybe one day it will become a book, for now, these are essentially notes I … Read more →


“Guia bàsica d’ús d’R amb Rstudio”

by “Jordi Compte, Rafael Muñoz-Mas, María Antón-Pardo & Stéphanie Gascón”


Aquesta és una guia d’introducció a l’ús d’R i RStudio dins l’àmbit de l’assignatura d’Anàlisi Avançada de Dades de l’UdG. […] Aquest llibre és una petita guia per iniciar-vos en l’ús d’R per a l’anàlisi de dades en l’àmbit de la Biologia i Ciències ambientals. S’enmarca dins els coneixements requerits a l’assignaura d’Anàlisis Avançada de Dades de l’UdG. Aquest llibre ha estat elaborat amb R-Markdown mitjançant el package bookdown. Aquesta obra està sota llicència de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Sin Obra Derivada 4.0 … Read more →


Review and Homework for Programming for Educational Research

by Chaeeun Song


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 이것은 2020학년도 2학기 교육용 프로그래밍의 이해 수업을 들으며 작성한 필기 노트와 과제 모음입니다. R markdown is a file format that can be converted into many different documents such as HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, and other dynamic documents. That is, it’s a nice example of one source multi … Read more →


Ryten lab induction book

by David Zhang, Regina Reynolds


Induction bookdown for all things Ryten lab […] We hope you enjoy your time in the Ryten lab! Some description about the book… TO BE ADDED For example, this book was made possible thanks to the R package bookdown (Xie 2020). The below code automatically generates the packages.bib, a bibtex format for all the packages listed. If you contribute to this book and include a particular R package in your guide (as with bookdown above), consider adding it to the code chunk and citing it via including [@R-package_name] in the text. Xie, Yihui. 2020. Bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents … Read more →


Basic R Guide for NSC Statistics

by Deanna Li


This is an R guide for statistics course at NSC. […] This guide’s primary focus is on Basic R. When graphics are involved, command functions in both Basic R and a package called ggplot2 will be shown. Graph enhancements will be kept to a minimum. Although there are R packages that may do the same or better job than Basic R, this tutorial will not delve into those packages. Exploring other packages will be left for the student to look into, if the student so wishes. Datasets will be taken mostly from those built into R. Since this is mainly a tutorial on the R commands necessary to do … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example

by William Guardado


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The objective of the present study was to assess traits present in women whom have either depression or an eating disorder, along with a control sample, in a sample of women from different demographic and educational backgrounds. Several measures were taken from 516 Women aged 18 or above. Questionnaires for screening eating disorders and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, perfectionism and self esteem scores were performed on participants. The underlying … Read more →


Abnormal Psychology, Fall 2020

by Brian Holt


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package for abnormal psychology […] This document is a schedule of readings for Abnormal Psychology, North Seattle College. Generally, the pattern of this document will provide you a weekly list of things to read and do. I would recommend not printing the entire book as it is a work in progress. It is probably safe to print weekly chapters/sections. Note on blue boxes These blue boxes can be skipped. They are much like a footnote, a comment. Something trivial but maybe … Read more →



by 설시내


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] … Read more →


R Programming - 1st Homework (202AIE42)

by Hong hyejin


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] … Read more →


교육용 프로그래밍 Home Work 1

by 소프트웨어교육전공 192SEE01 김미경


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Using the mpg dataset in the ggplot2 package, replicate the plot below using the following settings: Answer … Read more →


교육용 프로그래밍의 이해

by Boyoung Kim(202AIE06)


This is first homework for knowledge of programming for education. The output format for this document is bookdown::gitbook. […] Using the mpg dataset in the ggplot2 packages. replicate the plot below using the following settings … Read more →


EESA01 Laboratory Manual: Introduction to Environmental Science

by Andrew Apostoli and Adam Martin


A lab manual for students of Environmental Science […] This book is an open source document. The book is built using the bookdown package (Xie 2019) in R, and pandoc. We cordially invite you to provide us with any feedback or comments that you may have by sending an email to or Please note that any contributions must be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For more information, see “License” (1.2) below. This project is coordinated by Andrew Apostoli, and Adam Martin. Our two … Read more →


behaviouR: R package and tutorials for teaching of fundamental concepts in behavior and ecology

by Dena J. Clink


This is the location for all of the tutorials associated with the behaviouR R package. […] To get started you should download the package from Github using the following code. Note: If you have never used R before I highly recommend that you check out the primers here: You can navigate using the tabs at the left and/or the … Read more →


UDWQ wasteloadR R tools

by Jake Vander Laan, Utah Division of Water Quality


UDWQ wasteloadR R tools […] This package contains a set of tools designed to facilitate wasteload development at Utah … Read more →


Exercises for ‘Introduction to The New Statistics’

by Peter Baumgartner

Exercises for ‘Introduction to The New Statistics’

This website is a companion book for Introduction to the New Statistics (abbreviated itns). It offers interactive exercises developed mostly in H5P but also with learnr and shiny. It also contains an R tutorial for the end-of-chapter exercises of itns. […] This website is an (inoffical) companion book for Introduction to the New Statistics (abbreviated itns). It offers GitHub resources of this book can be found in two places: I have built the interactive exercises in this book with H5P stands for HTML5 Package, a free and open-source content collaboration framework based on … Read more →


R Programming Tutorial

by Thieu Nguyen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] R is a programming language and software environment for statistical analysis, graphics representation and reporting. R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is currently developed by the R Development Core Team. R is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems like Linux, Windows and Mac. This programming language … Read more →


The Covid19R Project Documentation

by Rami Krispin, Amanda Dobbyn, Jarrett Byrnes


The Covid19R Project Documentation […] The Covid19R Project is an attempt to provide a set of standards for creating tidy Covid-19 related data distribution packages as well as a centralized method for then redistributing the data sets themselves within R. We’re trying to build a community with interoperable data standards in order to allow anyone using R to derive novel insights about this. global pandemic. In the documentation for the Covid19R Project, we detail what the project is, how to be a part of it, and what minimal tidy standards we want data packages to conform to in order to … Read more →


Study design for spatial capture-recapture

by Chris Sutherland


This book accompanies of the R package oSCR with a specific focus the design of spatial capture-recapture studies and details of the oSCR function scrdesignGA(). […] Why we did this The main function in oSCR does likelihood analysis of several classes of spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models. THere are also a suite of helper fnctions for formatting and processing data objects. Here are a few of the things that motivated our development of the package: So, using this book of course requires that the oSCR package is loaded: But you will also need a few others: If you have any issues or … Read more →


Ready for R: Notebook Reference

by Aaron Coyner and Ted Laderas


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This course introduces you R by working through common tasks in data science: importing, manipulating, and visualizing data. R is a statistical and programming computer language widely used for a variety of applications. Before proceeding with these training materials, please ensure you have an account and can see the workspace. This is a searchable website that serves as a reference for the Ready for R course. This gitbook is not meant to be a … Read more →



by 统计科学部


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 这是陈天威的一个test This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #. To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX (which includes XeLaTeX): … Read more →


Shaper Hands Backend Manual

by Sacramento Shapers


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This document contains the latest instructions on how to run the backend of ShaperHands from the perspective of Sacramento Shapers. There are two primary tasks required from Shapers operating things behind the scenes: Current roles and … Read more →


Chinese Chess in R

by Hochia


A book about playing Chinese chess with orientchessr, an R package. […] 安裝本書使用的 R … Read more →


All About Rachel

by Jess L


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is the book delicated to Rachel Recently I have been learning coding stuff. Just happened to know this interesting way to publish on-line book or diary. I thought It would be fun to record all the stuff about you ! So, check it out. … Read more →


Introduction to tidyvpc

by James Craig


VPC Percentiles and Prediction Intervals […] Install devtools if not previously installed. If there are errors (converted from warning) during installation related to packages built under different version of R, they can be ignored by setting the environment variable R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS=“true” before calling … Read more →


PostgreSQL Explained for R-Users and R-Programmers

by Ben Gonzalez


This is a book that explains PostgresSQL for R programmers and helps explain SQL syntax as well. […] For anyone interested in using this book you will need the following packages and tools to follow along. The RPostgreSQL and DBI package can be installed from CRAN or Github: Notes on using SQL syntax in RPostgreSQL To successfully query data in PostgreSQL the following caveats may be necessary. This is especially the case if someone has created column names that are unique and odd in some form or … Read more →


An Introduction to Machine Learning with R

by Laurent Gatto


An hands-on introduction to machine learning with R. […] This course material is aimed at people who are already familiar with the R language and syntax, and who would like to get a hands-on introduction to machine learning. This material is currently under development and is likely to change in the future. A set of packages that are used, either directly or indirectly are provided in the first chapter. A complete session information with all packages used to compile this document is available at the end. The source code for this document is available on GitHub at … Read more →


Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code

by Jozef Hajnala


This bookdown publication attempts to provide practical insights into using the sparklyr interface to gain the benefits of Apache Spark while still retaining the ability to use R code organized in custom-built functions and packages. […] Apache Spark is a popular open-source analytics engine for big data processing and thanks to the sparklyr and SparkR packages, the power of Spark is also available to R users. This short publication attempts to provide practical insights into using the sparklyr interface to gain the benefits of Apache Spark while still retaining the ability to use R code … Read more →


Hands-On Machine Learning with R

by Bradley Boehmke & Brandon Greenwell

Hands-On Machine Learning with R

A Machine Learning Algorithmic Deep Dive Using R. […] This book is sold by Taylor & Francis Group, who owns the copyright. The physical copies are available at Taylor & Francis and Amazon. Welcome to Hands-On Machine Learning with R. This book provides hands-on modules for many of the most common machine learning methods to include: You will learn how to build and tune these various models with R packages that have been tested and approved due to their ability to scale well. However, our motivation in almost every case is to describe the techniques in a way that helps develop intuition for … Read more →



by 國立臺北大學 林茂廷老師


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 作業 70% 期末專題 30% 學習以下的能力及知識: 基礎Python語法 經濟模型/統計模型(含機器學習)所需面對的數學問題及其求解概念 電腦數值分析求解確定及不確定狀態下的極值問題 本課程雖無電腦程式基礎要求,但建議有基本概念(R或Python均可)。 基礎數學概念: 微分/積分/梯度等 確定狀態下的極值問題: 無限制絛件/有限制條件 基礎統計概念: 隨機變數/估計式/抽樣分配等 不確定狀態下的極值問題: 無限制條件/有限制條件 1. Install Python via Anaconda 連到點Download,下載對應自己系統的版本。(請安裝Pyhton 3.X版,其中X為數字 … Read more →


High School Math Competition

by Math Down


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] A circle (O) has radius 10, AB and CD are two chords of the circle. (AB \parallel BC), (AB = 12), (CD=16), what’s the distance between AB and CD? Triangle (ABC), (AB=AC), (\angle ABC = 30^o). (BD) is a diameter of (\triangle ABC)’s circumsribe circle, (CD=\frac{4\sqrt 3}{3}), AD=? (AB) is a chord of circle (O). (E) is the midpoint of (AB). (EC\perp OA), BD is a tangent line of Circle (O). (AB=12), (BD=5). What is the radius … Read more →


Writing Frictionless R Package Wrappers

by Bob Rudis


Extending the functionality of R via R’s foreign language interfaces. … Read more →


EESA01 Laboratory Manual Introduction to Environmental Science

by Andrew Apostoli


A lab manual for students of Environmental Science […] This book is an open source document. The book is built using the bookdown package (Xie 2019) in R, and pandoc. We invite your contributions to this book by submitting an email to Please note that any contributions must be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For more information, see “License” below. This project is coordinated by Andrew Apostoli, and Adam Martin. The original lab manual of which this book is based off of was created by Carl Mitchell and … Read more →


Recoding Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an effort to connect his Hayes’s conditional process analysis work with the Bayesian paradigm. Herein I refit his models with my favorite R package for Bayesian regression, Bürkner’s brms, and use the tidyverse for data manipulation and plotting. […] Andrew Hayes’s Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis text, the second edition of which just came out, has become a staple in social science graduate education. Both editions of his text have been from a frequentist OLS perspective. This project is an effort to connect his work with the Bayesian … Read more →


Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny

by Carson Sievert

Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny

A useR guide to creating highly interactive graphics for exploratory and expository visualization. […] This is the website for “Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny”. In this book, you’ll gain insight and practical skills for creating interactive and dynamic web graphics for data analysis from R. It makes heavy use of plotly for rendering graphics, but you’ll also learn about other R packages that augment a data science workflow, such as the tidyverse and shiny. Along the way, you’ll gain insight into best practices for visualization of high-dimensional data, … Read more →


Course Handouts for Bayesian Data Analysis Class

by Mark Lai


This is a collection of my course handouts for PSYC 621 class in the 2019 Spring semester. Please contact me [] for any errors (as I’m sure there are plenty of them). […] This is a collection of my course handouts for PSYC 621 class. The materials are based on the book by McElreath (2016), the brms package (Bürkner 2017), and the STAN language. Please contact me for any errors (as I’m sure there are plenty of them). Bürkner, Paul-Christian. 2017. “brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using Stan.” Journal of Statistical Software 80 (1): 1–28. … Read more →


Data Visualization Design Project

by Joshua Ganz, Julian Mucha & Eric Rwabuhihi


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Millions of people around the world like to watch football, commonly known as soccer in the United States. It is the most watched sport in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Most recently, the United States has attracted many fans, due in part to the US women’s soccer team, which has won the FIFA Women’s World Cup on four occasions since its inauguration in 1991. The goal of this project is to analyze how teams performed in the world cup in the last 28 years: country … Read more →


Knowing the KPI Trend Without Seeing the Chart

by Ace Mark Acebedo


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] The skill of charting and consequently reading the KPI trend is one of the most basic things that I had to learn on the job as a Telco Engineer. I am using the skill to evaluate cell performance over a definite observation period (i.e. days, weeks, months, years etc.). Since it is a most basic skill, creating a guideline to do it nowadays is never a matter of serious consideration if not a downright laughable joke. But, just like me, if you’ve become … Read more →



by 國立臺北大學 林茂廷老師


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 本課程為自主學習,電子書的每個章節會說明要讀那些參考資料,接著會有練習題組來測驗同學的理解狀況。 … Read more →


Make money with machine learning

by Siraj Raval, revisited by Kim NOËL


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This book is the personnal transcription of the course provided by Siraj Raval. A drama related to content copyright stained for Raval during this course, and many students including me were disturbed. This event swelled a lot and the motivation to progress in this course was affected. So I decided to propose a version with more explanations and details. I will provide a list of tutorials to follow in order to complete this course. This is a book written in … Read more →



by Aplicación por: Jeysson Chuquin, Wagner Salazar


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] El objetivo de este manual es conocer los índices de producción científica en el Ecuador asociado a Scopus, siendo la Producción Científica en Ecuador una de las actividades más representativas en el criterio de la evaluación institucional con un 9% de peso. La producción Científica es un factor importante para determinar la calidad de una IES (Institución de Educación Superior) y para determinar el crecimiento de un país. El presente manual presenta como es … Read more →


R Cookbook, 2nd Edition

by James (JD) Long, Paul Teetor

R Cookbook, 2nd Edition

Second edition of R Cookbook […] R is a powerful tool for statistics, graphics, and statistical programming. It is used by tens of thousands of people daily to perform serious statistical analyses. It is a free, open source system whose implementation is the collective accomplishment of many intelligent, hard-working people. There are more than 10,000 available add-on packages, and R is a serious rival to all commercial statistical packages. But R can be frustrating. It’s not obvious how to accomplish many tasks, even simple ones. The simple tasks are easy once you know how, yet figuring out that … Read more →


Introduction to R

by Filip Wästberg


This book contains workshop material for 4 workshop held at tele2 during the autumn of 2019 […] During the workshops you will use R on both a cloud platform and on your own computer. If you have a previous R version installed on your computer we recommend that you update both R and RStudio. This book is written in R with the package bookdown built by Yihui Xie. You can find out more about bookdown … Read more →


tmdlTools Guide

by Elise Hinman


A step by step guide to using the R package, tmdlTools […] This guide walks watershed coordinators through installing R and its associated packages on their computer. If you still have questions about running R or the tmdlTools app, Elise Hinman is available and happy to assist you. … Read more →


How to Build a Shiny Application from Scratch



How to Build a Shiny Application from Scratch […] Shiny is a powerful R package which allows you to create interactive web applications using the R programming language. It is particularly useful for creating applications that run on data and include some sort of data analysis or visualization. In addition to leveraging the power of R and its thousands of packages, one of the big benefits of shiny is the ease of developing applications using R only. Although it is possible to incorporate more traditional web design languages such as custom CSS or Javascript into your shiny application, it … Read more →


AWS Tutorial

by Bingwei Liu


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. … Read more →


R Installation Guide

by Integrated Report Team


A step by step guide to installing R and the necessary R packages needed to perform secondary reviews. […] This guide walks secondary reviewers through installing R and its associated packages on their computer. A snapshot of the commands required to run the R packages is available on the “Install or Access R Tools” card on the Current Report Development Trello Board. Please refer to the FAQs section for answers to common questions, but note that this section will grow as we move through the process as group. If you still have questions about running R or the secondary review apps, the … Read more →


Learn RDataTable

by Vikram Singh Rawat

Learn RDataTable

This book is a guide to rich world of RDataTable […] R is Already a Slow Language please don’t defame it by using even slower packages. … Read more →


Common statistical tests are linear models: a work through

by Steve Doogue


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a reworking of the book Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats), written by Jonas Lindeløv. The book beautifully demonstrates how many common statistical tests (such as the t-test, ANOVA and chi-squared) are special cases of the linear model. The book also demonstrates that many non-parametric tests, which are needed when certain test assumptions do not hold, can be approximated by linear models using the rank of values. … Read more →


Decision-Driven Data Analytics for Well Placement Optimization in Field Development Scenario - Powered by Machine Learning

by Peyman Kor


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc)in Petroleum EngineeringUniversity of Stavanger, Energy Resources Department The data, source code and algorithem of this thesis can be found in the author’s Github. Your feedback and comments will be appreciated and the author could be reached out via Linkedin, twitter. This thesis is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 … Read more →


Utah DWQ’s irTools R package: An automated approach to state-wide water quality assessment

by Jake Vander Laan (, Elise Hinman, & Emilie Flemer, Utah Division of Water Quality


Utah DWQ’s irTools R package: An automated approach to state-wide water quality assessment […] This document provides a background and demonstration of the Utah DWQ IR Team’s re-development and automation of water quality assessment tools. This document consists of three components: 1. A background section describing the objectives, tools, and approach to developing new water quality assessment tools. 2. A full-scale demonstration of the current state of this new toolset via the application of these tools to a subset of water quality parameters from the 2016 IR period of record dataset … Read more →


Overview of suicide in the world

by Axel-Cleris Gailloty


Overview of suicide in the world […] According to the WHO Suicides organization, 800.000 committed suicide in 2018. This means every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide. This number is fortunately dropping. In this kernel I want to explore the evolution of suicide rate using the dataset provided here on Kaggle. I’ll be using the powerful R language to do this analysis, my main focus is to understand what affects the suicide rate to decrease. Let’s start by loading the packages we’ll be using throughout this study. Before we go further in this analysis, it is important to know what each … Read more →


Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse

by A Solomon Kurz


This project is an attempt to re-express the code in McElreath’s textbook. His models are re-fit in brms, plots are redone with ggplot2, and the general data wrangling code predominantly follows the tidyverse style. […] I love McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking text. It’s the entry-level textbook for applied researchers I spent years looking for. McElreath’s freely-available lectures on the book are really great, too. However, I prefer using Bürkner’s brms package when doing Bayeian regression in R. It’s just spectacular. I also prefer plotting with Wickham’s ggplot2, and coding with … Read more →


DWQ’s irTools package: An automated approach to water quality assessment

by Jake Vander Laan, Elise Hinman, & Emilie Flemer, Utah Division of Water Quality


DWQ’s irTools package: An automated approach to water quality assessment […] This book provides a background and demonstration of the Utah DWQ IR Team’s re-development and automation of water quality assessment tools. This book consists of two components: 1. A background section describing the objectives, tools, and approach to developing new water quality assessment tools, and 2. A full-scale demonstration of the current state of this new toolset via the application of these tools to the 2016 IR period of record dataset (2008-2014). The source code for this book is available via GitHub … Read more →


The twinetverse

by John Coene

The twinetverse

A guide to visualise networks of Twitter interactions in R using the twinetverse. […] The goal of the twinetverse is to provide everything one might need to analyset and visualise Twitter interactions, from data collection to visualisation. The following pages will walk you trough the packages contained within the twinetverse, from collecting twitter data to building various types of networks to visualising them. The ’verse focuses on ease of use and interactivity. The source code for this book can be found on Github. You can suggest edits to this book by highlighting a section of text and … Read more →


Machine Learning

by Michael Clark

Machine Learning

This document provides an introduction to machine learning for applied researchers. While conceptual in nature, demonstrations are provided for several common machine learning approaches of a supervised nature. In addition, all the R examples, which utilize the caret package, are also provided in Python via scikit-learn. […] … Read more →


An Incomplete Solutions Guide to the NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods

by Ray Hoobler


Analysis of case studies and exercies with a focus on using the tidyverse and ggplot2. This handbook was created using the bookdown package in RStudio. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a philosophy on how to work with data, and for many applications, the workflow is better suited for scientist and engineers. As a scientist, we are trained to formulate a hypothesis and design a series of experiments that allow us to test the hypothesis effectively. Most data, however, doesn’t come from carefully controlled trials, but from … Read more →


Practical R Package Development (Japanese)

by Hiroaki Yutani


Practical R Package Development […] Rのパッケージ開発については「R Packages」(Hadley Wickham、2015)に詳しいが、Rのパッケージ開発にはここ数年で様々な変化があった。 幸い、同書は第2版に向けて大幅に書き直される予定1なので、賢明なRパッケージ開発者はそれを待つのがいいだろう。本書は、あくまでもそれまでのつなぎのような存在として、むしろ筆者のメモ代わりとして、衝動的に書き殴られたものだ。Rパッケージ開発の基礎はすっとばし、新たなトピックを中心に取り扱う。信用がおける知識についてはあくまでも「R Packages」を参照されたい。 本書は、「R Packages」に載っていないことを中心に書く、という性質上、あまり初心者向けではないかもしれない … Read more →


Machine Learning with Rust

by Tae Geun Kim


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 최근들어 기계학습(Machine Learning)은 점차 중요해지고 있습니다. 학습된 기계들은 바둑이나 게임에서부터 프로들을 가뿐히 눌렀고, 연구나 업무를 훨씬 효율적으로 해결합니다. 그러나 단순히 모두가 한다고 해서 섣부르게 시작하다가는 결과가 나와도 해석하지 못하거나 혹은 애초에 잘못된 결과가 나올 수도 있습니다. 따라서 이 책에서는 단순히 Machine Learning Framework를 사용하는 것이 아닌, 밑바닥부터 차근차근 이론을 적용하여 Machine Learning을 학습하고자 합니다. 그러기 위해서 우리는 Rust라는 프로그래밍 언어와 매우 유명한 Bishop의 … Read more →


Tidyverse Cookbook

by Malte Grosser


Simple cookbook for functions and idioms within the scope of the tidyverse. […] The basic idea of this book is to provide a documentation of the tidyverse written in a solution driven cookbook style. As an extra I would like to provide similar solutions based on base R functionality. Some reasons to write this book: One strength of the tidyverse is that it hides a lot of quirks that base R provides and inherits to many packages that rely on it. This allows to stick to a specific workflow from the point you enter the tidyverse until you leave it. This is why I highly recommend to head your … Read more →


Notes for ST463/ST683 Linear Models 1

by Katarina Domijan, Catherine Hurley


These are the notes for ST463/ST683 Linear Models 1 course offered by the Mathematics and Statistics Department at Maynooth University. This module is offered at as a part of of MSc in Data Science and Data Analytics. It is an introductory course for students who have basic background in Statistics, Data analysis, R Programming and linear algebra (matrices). […] There are many good resources, e.g. Weisberg (2005), Fox (2005), Fox (2016), Ramsey and Schafer (2002), Draper and Smith (1966). We will use Minitab and R (R Core Team 2017). To create this document, I am using the bookdown package … Read more →


Graphical & Latent Variable Modeling

by Michael Clark


This document focuses on structural equation modeling. It is conceptually based, and tries to generalize beyond the standard SEM treatment. It includes special emphasis on the lavaan package. Topics include: graphical models, including path analysis, bayesian networks, and network analysis, mediation, moderation, latent variable models, including principal components analysis and ‘factor analysis’, measurement models, structural equation models, mixture models, growth curves, item response theory, Bayesian nonparametric techniques, latent dirichlet allocation, and more. Read more →


R 语言入门,给一心只有学习的你

by Chris Qi from Data Maniac


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 想直接上手的同学,可以跳过这一部分,从安装软件开始。如果软件已经安装了,可以跳到第二章。对于喜欢把书从头读到未的同学,欢迎从这里开始。 看到这个题目,你以为我会跟你絮絮叨叨讲一个软件的发展史?这种东西听一耳朵就可以了,写出来都浪费纸墨,噢,这是电子书,不用纸也不用墨,但是打字也费劲儿呀。所以在这里,我就做个大概介绍吧: R是一门用于统计计算和作图的语言,由S语言发展而来,以统计分析功能见长。 R 是新西兰的罗斯.伊哈卡 (Ross Ihaka)和罗伯特.金特尔曼(Robert … Read more →


Thucydides the Neorealist?

by J.W.Biggs


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Thucydides has long been viewed as an early exemplar of realist thinking in International Relations Theory. More recently, neorealist authors have claimed that Thucydides’ History offers insights into the importance of the anarchy in shaping interstate relations, and should be recognised as a neorealist. This neorealist appropriation has met substantial criticism and many revisionist scholars have urged a re-examining of Thucydides. This dissertation serves … Read more →


Introduction to Digital Currency

by J.W.Biggs


A summary of research conducted hitherto. […] This is research I have conducted for personal use. Using the bookdown package has enabled me to piece together my research in a quick and neat manner. I have tried to convey complex terms as simply as possible utilizing visual examples where I can. Constructive criticism is welcomed - I will regularly be updating this … Read more →


Numerical Analysis: Notes

by Brynjólfur Gauti Jónsson


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a collection of my notes and algorithms from a course on Numerical Analysis at the University of Iceland. The book used in the course was Numerical Analysis by Timothy … Read more →


Economic Forum

by Mau-Ting Lin


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. … Read more →


Selected Solutions to R4DS Exercises

by Chunji Wang


This book provides selected solutions to the exercises in the wonderful book R for Data Science by Wickham Hadley. […] This is the website for “Selected Solutions to R4DS Exercises”. This is a joint advanture between Chunji Wang, Ron, Luna, Zhiyin, Chengcheng…. We started the “R4DS Study Club” on Sep 22nd, 2017; If you want to join us, please contact us! The chapter labels in this book is the same as the original R4DS book; go to the corresponding chapter for solutions. You might need to read the beginning of the chapter to load some packages or create some variables that are … Read more →


R bookdownplus Textbook

by Peng Zhao


A tutorial to R bookdownplus, an extension of R bookdown package. This books shows helps you write academic journal articles, guitar books, chemical equations, mails, calendars, and diaries, on the basis of R bookdown. […] A book titled R bookdownplus Textbook is surely talking about ‘bookdownplus’ (Zhao 2017b), but let’s start with ‘bookdown’ (Xie 2016). ‘bookdown’ is a software package for writing books or documents based on R language (R Core Team 2016) and Markdown syntax. It is something like Microsoft Word, but more elegant, more powerful, and … Read more →


Data Science and Visualizations with R

by Jonathan Wong


Data Science and Visualizations with R […] This is a course on the use of tidyverse packages tidyverse provides a complete suite of modern data-handling tools. It is an essential toolbox for any data scientist using R. The tidyverse package is designed to be easy to install. This course will dive into using tidyverse. It will assume you have already installed r and rstudio and how some familiarity on how to use the rstudio. This book will use the nycflights13 dataset This package contains information about all flights that departed from NYC in 2013: 336,776 flights with 16 variables. To … Read more →



by Cheng-Chung Li


寫這本書有幾個原因,除了將自己對於R語言所學做一個整理之外,還希望能讓更多人將自己製作的R functions包裝成符合CRAN規定的R packages, 放到網路上讓大家共享。其實國內R語言的高手很多,但是卻很少人知道如何將寫好的functions包成套件,而國內的參考資料也不多。因此頂多只能在公司內部分享,這實在是很可惜的事情。 我也希望藉由這樣的資料,讓臺灣的高手們被世界看到,一起為R語言貢獻一份心力。 […] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). For now, you have to install the development versions of bookdown from Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one … Read more →


The Art of Data Science

by Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth Matsui


The book covers R software development for building data science tools. As the field of data science evolves, it has become clear that software development skills are essential for producing useful data science results and products. You will obtain rigorous training in the R language, including the skills for handling complex data, building R packages and developing custom data visualizations. You will learn modern software development practices to build tools that are highly reusable, modular, and suitable for use in a team-based environment or a community of developers. Read more →


Data lunch 2feb: The use of Bookdown to write documents and reports

by Gabriel Muñoz


Data lunch 2feb: The use of Bookdown to write documents and reports […] Make sure you have installed the latest version of R and the Preview Release of RStudio. The following packages should be installed. If you have them already make sure they are updated. The most up to date versions are the “in development” versions from gitHub. Do you have Pandoc installed? RStudio should come along with Pandoc. and latex ? ( if you want to have PDF outputs as well) note that PDF does not allow interactive plots If you do not have latex installed Mac OS X –> MacTeX ( Linux … Read more →


R Powered Web Applications with Shiny

by Zev Ross (with Andrew Clark)


R Powered Web Applications with Shiny […] This is a book version, transcribed by Andrew Clark using RStudio’s bookdown package, of an extensive blog post by Zev Ross. The book version has the advantage of being available in several formats, more easily updated and downloadable. However, for an interactive version refer to the above mentioned blog … Read more →


A Minimal Book Example

by Yihui Xie


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). For now, you have to install the development versions of bookdown from Github: Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading … Read more →


Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

by David Hume


David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion […] Original text from Project Gutenberg. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at This page is created using the Tufte package within Bookdown. Both were written by primarily by Yihue Xie. Pamphilus to Hermippius It has been remarked, my HERMIPPUS, that though the ancient philosophers conveyed most of their instruction in the form of … Read more →


Analyzing Single-Case Data with R and Scan

by Jürgen Wilbert

Analyzing Single-Case Data with R and Scan

Jürgen Wilbert Version 24.08 (build 11) Hello everyone! I am delighted to see that you have discovered this book, as it indicates that you are starting to explore the scan package. While scan has undergone extensive development, this book is still a work in progress (approximately 44% complete). I am continuously working on expanding its content. Currently, there is no official release version available; only this draft, which may contain errors. If you have any suggestions for improving the book, wish to report bugs, or provide comments, feedback, and more, please visit the GitHub repository … Read more →


Climate Change Impact Assessment: A practical walk-through

by Conor I. Anderson and Karen L. Smith


A lab manual for students of Climate Change Impact Assessment […] This book is an open source document, hosted on GitLab (project page), and published using GitLab Pages, where you are probably reading it now. The book is automatically updated and republished every time changes are committed to the project, using the GitLab multi runner CI engine, and a Docker image with a distribution of Miniconda, including Python 3 and R. The book is built using the bookdown package (Y. Xie 2023) in R, and pandoc. Most of the code is executed in Python from within R using the reticulate package (Ushey, … Read more →


ComplexHeatmap Complete Reference

by Zuguang Gu

ComplexHeatmap Complete Reference

Complex heatmaps are efficient to visualize associations between different sources of data sets and reveal potential patterns. Here the ComplexHeatmap R package provides a highly flexible way to arrange multiple heatmaps and supports various annotation graphics. This book is the complete reference to ComplexHeatmap pacakge. […] This is the documentation of the ComplexHeatmap package. Examples in the book are generated under version 2.13.1. You can get a stable Bioconductor version from, but the most up-to-date version is … Read more →


Forecasting: Principles and Practice (2nd ed)


Forecasting: Principles and Practice (2nd ed)

This is the second edition of Forecasting: Principles & Practice, which uses the forecast package in R. The third edition, which uses the fable package, is also available. Welcome to our online textbook on forecasting. This textbook is intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to forecasting methods and to present enough information about each method for readers to be able to use them sensibly. We don’t attempt to give a thorough discussion of the theoretical details behind each method, although the references at the end of each chapter will fill in many of those details. The book is … Read more →


Generalized Additive Models

by Michael Clark

Generalized Additive Models

An introduction to generalized additive models (GAMs) is provided, with an emphasis on generalization from familiar linear models. It makes extensive use of the mgcv package in R. Discussion includes common approaches, standard extensions, and relations to other techniques. More technical modeling details are described and demonstrated as well. […] Michael Clark … Read more →


ISLR tidymodels labs

by Emil Hvitfeldt


Emil Hvitfeldt This book aims to be a complement to the 2nd edition An Introduction to Statistical Learning book with translations of the labs into using the tidymodels set of packages. The labs will be mirrored quite closely to stay true to the original material. All listed changes will be relative to the 1st edition. This book was written in RStudio using Quarto. The website is hosted via GitHub Pages, and the complete source is available on GitHub. This version of the book was built with R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) and Quarto version 1.4.104 and the following … Read more →


Mixed Models with R

by Michael Clark

Mixed Models with R

This is an introduction to using mixed models in R. It covers the most common techniques employed, with demonstration primarily via the lme4 package. Discussion includes extensions into generalized mixed models, Bayesian approaches, and realms beyond. […] Michael Clark … Read more →


mixOmics vignette


mixOmics vignette

Vignette for the R package mixOmics […] If you are following our online course, the following vignette will be useful as a complementary learning tool. This vignette also covers the essential use cases of various methods in this package for the general mixOmcis user. The below methods will be covered: As outlined in 1.3, this is not an exhaustive list of all the methods found within mixOmics. More information can be found at our website and you can ask questions via our discourse … Read more →


Modern Data Visualization with R

by Robert Kabacoff

Modern Data Visualization with R

This is an illustrated guide for creating data visualizations in R. […] This is the online version of “Modern Data Visualization with R”, published by CRC Press. A print version is also available from Amazon. R is an amazing platform for data analysis, capable of creating almost any type of graph. This book helps you create the most popular visualizations - from quick and dirty plots to publication-ready graphs. The text relies heavily on the ggplot2 package for graphics, but other approaches are covered as well. My goal is make this book as helpful and user-friendly as possible. Any … Read more →


Offensive Programming Book

by Fabien GELINEAU

Offensive Programming Book

wyz.code.offensiveProgramming package related documentation […] This is the website dedicated to offensive programming. This digital book will teach you how to put offensive programming in action with R. This website is and will remain free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. This book version is 1.2.2 and it relates to following R package versions, available on CRAN The book is written in RMarkdown with bookdown. You may get access to the source for contributions. The book is for the moment just resulting of my efforts. Hope it … Read more →



by David Gohel


A book on the use of the packages of officeverse, a set of packages for producing Office reports with the R language. […] This book deals with reporting from R with the packages ‘officer’, ‘officedown’, ‘flextable’, ‘rvg’ and ‘mschart’. These packages are available from CRAN or from github in their development version. These packages have been developed to facilitate the production of Word documents and PowerPoint presentations from and with R. It was written specifically to offer a competitive solution to SAS ODS for tabular and graphical reporting. ‘officer’ is written to generate Word or … Read more →


R Packages (2e)

by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan

R Packages (2e)

Learn how to create a package, the fundamental unit of shareable, reusable, and reproducible R code. Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan Welcome to the online version of the 2nd edition of “R Packages” by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan. Packages are the fundamental units of reproducible R code. They include reusable R functions, the documentation that describes how to use them, and sample data. In this book you’ll learn how to turn your code into packages that others can easily download and use. Writing a package can seem overwhelming at first. So start with the basics and improve it over … Read more →


rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review

by rOpenSci software review editorial team (current and alumni): Brooke Anderson, Scott Chamberlain, Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, Jeff Hollister, Anna Krystalli, Mauro Lepore, Lincoln Mullen, Mark Padgham, Karthik Ram, Emily Riederer, Noam Ross, Maëlle Salmon, Adam Sparks, Melina Vidoni


Guide for package authors, maintainers, reviewers and editors in rOpenSci software peer-review system. This book is a guide for authors, maintainers, reviewers and editors of rOpenSci. The first section of the book contains our guidelines for creating and testing R packages. The second section is dedicated to rOpenSci’s software peer review process: what it is, our policies, and specific guides for authors, editors and reviewers throughout the process. The third and last section features our best practice for nurturing your package once it has been onboarded: how to collaborate with other developers, how to document releases, how to promote your package and how to leverage GitHub as a development platform. The third section also features a chapter for anyone wishing to start contributing to rOpenSci packages. Read more →


rOpenSci Statistical Software Peer Review

by Mark Padgham and Noam Ross


Documentation of rOpenSci’s project on expanding software peer review to include statistical software. Mark Padgham and Noam Ross Welcome to rOpenSci’s system for peer-review of statistical software in R packages and beyond. This system extends our existing system for software peer review, through expanding the scope to include explicitly statistical software. As such, it is a direct extension of rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review. This book provides guidelines for authors on how to develop statistical software, and for editors and reviewers on our processes for peer … Read more →


Spreadsheet Munging Strategies

by Duncan Garmonsway


Spreadsheet Munging Strategies […] This is a work-in-progress book about getting data out of spreadsheets, no matter how peculiar. The book is designed primarily for R users who have to extract data from spreadsheets and who are already familiar with the tidyverse. It has a cookbook structure, and can be used as a reference, but readers who begin in the middle might have to work backwards from time to time. R packages that feature heavily are Tidyxl and unpivotr are much more complicated than readxl, and that’s the point. Tidyxl and unpivotr give you more power and complexity when you need it. … Read more →


Tidy Modeling with R

by Max Kuhn and Julia Silge

Tidy Modeling with R

The tidymodels framework is a collection of R packages for modeling and machine learning using tidyverse principles. This book provides a thorough introduction to how to use tidymodels, and an outline of good methodology and statistical practice for phases of the modeling process. […] Welcome to Tidy Modeling with R! This book is a guide to using a collection of software in the R programming language for model building called tidymodels, and it has two main goals: First and foremost, this book provides a practical introduction to how to use these specific R packages to create models. We … Read more →