
Data Science for Psychologists

by Hansjörg Neth

Data Science for Psychologists

This book provides an introduction to data science that is tailored to the needs of students in psychology, but is also suitable for students of the humanities and other biological or social sciences. This audience typically has some knowledge of statistics, but rarely an idea how data is prepared for statistical testing. By using various data types and working with many examples, we teach strategies and tools for reshaping, summarizing, and visualizing data. By keeping our eyes open for the perils of misleading representations, the book fosters fundamental skills of data literacy and cultivates reproducible research practices that enable and precede any practical use of statistics. Read more →


Cognitive Foundations

by Edited by Celeste Pilegard

Cognitive Foundations

Cognitive Foundations is a free, open, collaboratively-authored textbook. It is an introduction to cognitive psychology written at the foundational level. This collaborative OER book project represents the work of dozens of authors and collaborators. The first edition brought multiple open texts together, edited into a single book with a consistent voice and formatting. For the second edition, a team of content experts reviewed and updated the materials. Read more →


Healing: Making Sound From Within

by Jose Becerra


A study guide for the Alice A. Bailey book “Esoteric Healing,” fourth volume of the Treatise on the Seven Rays, the first three volumes being Esoteric Psychology I, Esoteric Psychology II, and Esoteric Astrology. The fifth and final volume is The Rays and the Initiations (14 advanced rules for group initiation, expanding on the 14 rules initially given in the book Initiation, Human and Solar). […] “The intertwining of the natural (the explainable) and supernatural, defined as the unexplainable, in the interpretation of suffering and disease has been at the heart of the healing professions … Read more →


Advanced Statistics I & II


The official textbook of PSY 207 and 208. […] This is the offical textbook of Psychology 207 and 208: Advanced Statistics I and II. Please don’t try to sell this book because there are about a million copyright violations in it and I’m trying to stay safely ensconced in the warm embrace of fair use. … Read more →


Insights and Analyses: A Course Companion

by Tyler R. Pritchard


Tyler R. Pritchard Report errors, recommendations, or concerns to Latest Updates: Jan 2024 Dec 2023 From the university calendar: PSYC 3950 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology III will cover advanced research methods, including survey methods, and supporting statistical concepts and techniques. Designs will include single factor designs and multi-factor designs with both random and fixed factors. Supporting statistical concepts will include analysis of variance (ANOVA) from a linear model perspective, statistical power, and multiple regression, … Read more →


Speaking: The free book (chapter)

by Vitória Piai


Speaking, the free book chapter, was conceived by V. Piai […] This book chapter emerged from my frustration with finding appropriate introductory materials on the (neuro)psychology of language production. Existing resources are not accessible, in my opinion. Peer-reviewed articles are not introductory enough, which makes them hard to use for teaching at the Bachelor’s level or for initiating students on the topic more generally. Books, including handbooks, besides being very expensive, are too big; instead of getting an introduction to the topic, you get an entire book on the topic, so you … Read more →


Quantitative Methods Using R

by Subash Parajuli

Quantitative Methods Using R

This book covers practical worked out examples which you can easily apply to your data set and also includes a discussion on how the example is working. We will cover descriptive and basic inferential statistics, including graphs, frequency distributions, central tendency, dispersion, probability, hypothesis testing, tests of mean differences, correlation, simple regression, and chi-square tests. This book is designed to facilitate graduate students of Educational Psychology to develop their knowledge and understanding of various statistical concepts and procedures in R programming as a … Read more →


R Interest Group

by Tyler R. Pritchard


This is a brief overview of our group’s content. […] This brief document will outline the ongoing topics in our Psychology Department R Interest Group. It can be used for those who missed a week or who are considering joining. … Read more →


Eagle I.O Consultant Manual

by Eagle I.O


This is the student consultant handbook for members of Eagle I.O. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is the student consultant handbook for members of Eagle I.O. Herein lie expectations, responsibilities, and strategy to keep Eagle I.O sustailable with future Montclair State University I/O Psychology … Read more →


Modern Statistical Methods for Psychology

by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Johanna Hardin, tuned by Gregory Cox

Modern Statistical Methods for Psychology

This is the website for Modern Statistical Methods for Psychology, a modified version of Introduction to Modern Statistics, First Edition by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Johanna Hardin, as modified by Gregory Cox. The original Introduction to Modern Statistics is a textbook from the OpenIntro project. — Version date of this modification: May 24, 2022. The original version of the Introduction to Modern Statistics textbook and its supplements, including slides, labs, and interactive tutorials, may be downloaded for free This textbook is itself a derivative of OpenIntro … Read more →



by Jonas Rafi


Lär dig göra independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, one sample t-test, ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, factorial ANOVA, mixed ANOVA, linear regression, och logistic regression i jamovi. jamoviguiden innehåller även avsnitt om csv-filer och skalnivåer. […] Syftet med jamoviguiden är att tillhandahålla snabbstartsguider över vanliga procedurer i jamovi. För dig som söker en grundläggade introduktion till både statistik och jamovi rekommenderar jag gratisboken Learning statistics with jamovi av Danielle J. Navarro och David R. Foxcroft. jonas.rafi Detta verk … Read more →


Step by Step I: Linear Models

by Sérgio Moreira


My Coding Index assembles and organizes in one place all the relevant code and online resources I have been using to teach RStudio and in my professional practice. This file is a working document and will be regularly updated with reviews and new contents. […] Step by Step I assembles in one place the tutorials I have been using to teach and apply to practice simple, multiple and hierarchical linear models. This file is a working document and will be regularly updated with reviews and new contents. My name is Sérgio. I have a PhD in Social Psychology, I am a consultant on social issues in … Read more →


My Coding Index

by Sérgio Moreira


My Coding Index assembles and organizes in one place all the relevant code and online resources I have been using to teach RStudio and in my professional practice. This file is a working document and will be regularly updated with reviews and new contents. My name is Sérgio. I have a PhD in Social Psychology, I am a consultant on social issues in major development induced projects, and I teach Applied Psychology and Research Methods at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Lisbon, and Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics. I am interested in Social Impact Assessment, … Read more →


MSU I.O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

by Eagle I.O

MSU I.O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

This is a Users Manual for the Montclair State University I-O Psychology student mentorship program. The intended users are: 1) mentors, 2) protege’s, 3) Eagle I-O consultants, and 4) MSU I-O program faculty members. […] This manual was written in Bookdown using the GitBook … Read more →


Understanding the Whole Child: Prenatal Development through Adolescence

by Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, & Dawn Rymond


This developmental psychology textbook is about physical, cognitive, and social development during childhood and adolescence. Bookdown adaptation by C. Nathalie Yuen. […] An Open Educational Resources Publication by College of the Canyons Authored and compiled by Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, & Dawn Rymond Editor: Alexa Johnson Cover Image: Photo by Rene Bernal on Unsplash Bookdown adaptation: C. Nathalie Yuen This is a derivative of Version 1.2 This textbook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. July 22, 2021 2019 - Version … Read more →


Work Portfolio

by Christine Griffith


This is Christine Griffith’s work potfolio for an Organizational Strategist position at Korn Ferry. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] This portfolio represents my work and achievements throughout my college career in the Industrial/Organizational Psychology Graduate Program at Montclair State University. As a highly driven and dynamic Organizational Strategist Professional, I am eager to apply a strong passion for empowering organizations to grow, unlock their potential, and enhance performance to improve the bottom line of Korn Ferry. My portfolio includes the … Read more →


Eagle I.O Website Playground

by kulasj


This is a sandbox template to play with Eagle I.O website development ideas, forked from Matt Crump’s Research Lab. We are a student-led consulting group within the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program at Montclair State University, founded in 2019. We look at ourselves as hard-working, driven students who wish to strengthen MSU’s I/O Psych program, as well as learn outside of the classroom to build upon our skills and knowledge. We pride ourselves on strong involvement in local and national I/O groups, namely METRO and SIOP. For more information about the roles and responsibilities … Read more →


MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

by authored by the Industrial and Organizational Program faculty

MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

This is the policy manual for the Montclair State University PhD program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The output format for this manual is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is the policy manual for the Montclair State University PhD program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, last updated … Read more →


Abnormal Psychology, Fall 2020

by Brian Holt


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package for abnormal psychology […] This document is a schedule of readings for Abnormal Psychology, North Seattle College. Generally, the pattern of this document will provide you a weekly list of things to read and do. I would recommend not printing the entire book as it is a work in progress. It is probably safe to print weekly chapters/sections. Note on blue boxes These blue boxes can be skipped. They are much like a footnote, a comment. Something trivial but maybe … Read more →


MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

by Industrial and Organizational Program Faculty

MSU PhD Roles and Policy Manual

This is the policy manual for the Montclair State University PhD program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The output format for this manual is bookdown::gitbook. […] As the I/O Doctoral Program goes live, we are in need of a handbook detailing all the key procedures and policies for the I/O doctoral and MA program experience. The goal is to have a final draft of the handbook by December 1st 2020, or the deadline for our first official doctoral application cycle. We need to have formal procedures for the following areas: (1) Doctoral Student Selection, Chapter 2, (2) I/O Program … Read more →


Engaging Multiple Personalities

by David Yeung


Engaging Multiple Personalities. Volume 4: The Collected Blog Posts. […] Copyright © 2020 by David Yeung All rights reserved ISBN: 9798628359129 BISAC: Psychology / Psychopathology / Dissociative Identity … Read more →


Data Analysis for Psychology in R (dapR1) - Labs

by Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh


This is the page that contains the course labs materials […] Data Analysis for Psychology in R 1 (dapR1) is your first step on the road to being a data, programming and applied statistics guru! This course provides a introduction to data, R and statistics. It is designed to work slowly through conceptual content that form the basis of understanding and working with data to perform statistical testing. At the same time, we will be introducing you to basic programming in R, covering the fundamentals of working with data, visualization and simple statistical tests. The overall aim of the … Read more →


MSU I-O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

by Eagle I-O

MSU I-O Student Mentorship Program User Manual

This is a Users Manual for the Montclair State University I-O Psychology student mentorship program. The intended users are: 1) mentors, 2) protege’s, 3) Eagle I-O consultants, and 4) MSU I-O program faculty members. […] This manual was written in Bookdown using the GitBook … Read more →


Introductory Resources: Statistics and R

by Statistics Team, PPLS


This is the main page of the course and contains the materials to help you going with R […] This course is designed for those who will be joining a third year Research Methods and Statistics (RMS) course and covers a number of introductions to topics which are core to statistical analysis in psychology and beyond. You will find here an introduction to R as a tool to analyse data, visualize it and to use it for a very very basic analysis of the relationships in your data. It will further revise some of the most commonly used statistical tests and provide you with a guidance how to set up and … Read more →


Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.6.1)

by Danielle Navarro (bookdown translation: Emily Kothe)


Learning Statistics with R covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology students, focusing on the use of the R statistical software. The book discusses how to get started in R as well as giving an introduction to data manipulation and writing scripts. From a statistical perspective, the book discusses descriptive statistics and graphing first, followed by chapters on probability theory, sampling and estimation, and null hypothesis testing. After introducing the theory, the book covers the analysis of contingency tables, t-tests, … Read more →


Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.6.1)

by DJ Navarro


Learning Statistics with R covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology students, focusing on the use of the R statistical software. […] Learning Statistics with R covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology students, focusing on the use of the R statistical software. The book discusses how to get started in R as well as giving an introduction to data manipulation and writing scripts. From a statistical perspective, the book discusses descriptive statistics and … Read more →


Writing papers with R and friends

by Tormod Bøe


This is a guide on how to write scientific papers from R. Mostly written for myself by myself […] A scientific paper consists of many pieces, traditionally, at least in psychology, some regular components … Read more →


A Practical Extension of Introductory Statistics in Psychology using R

by Ekarin E. Pongpipat, Giuseppe G. Miranda, & Matthew J. Kmiecik


This book aims to provide a practical extension of introductory statistics typically taught in psychology into the general linear model (GLM) using R. […] Typically, introductory univariate statistics courses in psychology cover the following inferential analyses (plus or minus a few more analyses): These conventions may be useful for quickly talking about a particular statistical analysis with others; however, thinking of these analyses as derivatives (or special cases) of the GLM (i.e., ordinary least squares [OLS] regression) lends itself to understanding more advanced statistical … Read more →


From Attention to Distraction

by Alex O. Holcombe

From Attention to Distraction

A short textbook on the psychology of attention, mostly visual attention, written for PSYC2016 at the University of Sydney. It uses a principles-based approach with an emphasis on demonstration of the phenomena covered using visual demonstrations: images and animations. […] This mini-textbook on attention was written for PSYC2016 students at the University of Sydney, but may be suitable for others too. Please let me know about any typos or unclear bits! You can contact me (he/him) via email (, Mastodon, BlueSky, or LinkedIn. … Read more →