MIFT Study 1 Analyses

Descriptive Statistics

  • stable:

    Table continues below
      vars n mean sd median trimmed
    whitemulti_trust_dif 1 146 0.05325 0.5419 0.05 0.04216
    White 2 146 3.141 0.5473 3.112 3.138
    Multiracial 3 146 3.087 0.5689 3.1 3.102
    Black 4 146 3.15 0.6761 3.225 3.196
    trust_survey 5 151 5.037 0.8716 5.2 5.065
    trust_therm 6 151 73.28 20.06 76 74.5
    atma 7 151 3.612 0.5222 3.565 3.593
    feel_therm 8 151 76.76 19.17 80 78.14
    authen 9 151 5.583 0.9797 5.75 5.634
    race_ess 10 151 3.769 1.243 4 3.848
    pol_or 11 151 2.98 1.749 3 2.81
    Table continues below
      mad min max range skew
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.3336 -1.625 2.075 3.7 0.5116
    White 0.4633 1.825 4.8 2.975 0.07697
    Multiracial 0.5189 1.6 4.625 3.025 -0.1833
    Black 0.5745 1.025 4.825 3.8 -0.6243
    trust_survey 0.8896 2.1 7 4.9 -0.4747
    trust_therm 20.76 0 100 100 -0.6336
    atma 0.5157 1.913 5 3.087 0.2233
    feel_therm 22.24 0 100 100 -0.7478
    authen 1.112 2.25 7 4.75 -0.511
    race_ess 0.9266 1 6.75 5.75 -0.5577
    pol_or 1.483 1 7 6 0.5573
      kurtosis se
    whitemulti_trust_dif 2.798 0.04485
    White 0.2952 0.04529
    Multiracial 0.2146 0.04708
    Black 0.7151 0.05595
    trust_survey 0.1179 0.07093
    trust_therm -0.03012 1.632
    atma 0.2634 0.0425
    feel_therm 0.3403 1.56
    authen -0.03323 0.07973
    race_ess -0.1913 0.1011
    pol_or -0.7237 0.1423
  • fluid:

    Table continues below
      vars n mean sd median trimmed
    whitemulti_trust_dif 1 154 0.1278 0.4958 0.05 0.1063
    White 2 154 3.064 0.4963 3.05 3.068
    Multiracial 3 154 2.936 0.478 3 2.954
    Black 4 154 3.049 0.574 3.075 3.07
    trust_survey 5 155 5.018 0.812 5.1 5.027
    trust_therm 6 155 71.58 18.59 75 71.42
    atma 7 155 3.501 0.5045 3.478 3.494
    feel_therm 8 155 74.77 18.47 78 75.08
    authen 9 155 5.427 0.9816 5.5 5.458
    race_ess 10 155 3.785 1.221 4 3.852
    pol_or 11 155 2.832 1.662 3 2.664
    Table continues below
      mad min max range skew kurtosis
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.3706 -1.85 2.05 3.9 0.3656 2.715
    White 0.4077 1.1 4.35 3.25 -0.2923 1.284
    Multiracial 0.3892 1.2 4 2.8 -0.4798 0.9474
    Black 0.5004 1.325 4.7 3.375 -0.4137 0.3793
    trust_survey 0.7413 1.5 7 5.5 -0.5865 1.207
    trust_therm 25.2 23 100 77 -0.1419 -1.028
    atma 0.5157 2.174 4.783 2.609 0.0696 -0.1526
    feel_therm 23.72 26 100 74 -0.2102 -1.151
    authen 1.112 2.5 7 4.5 -0.4217 -0.1535
    race_ess 1.112 1 6.875 5.875 -0.4488 -0.2572
    pol_or 1.483 1 7 6 0.5264 -0.7724
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.03996
    White 0.03999
    Multiracial 0.03852
    Black 0.04625
    trust_survey 0.06522
    trust_therm 1.493
    atma 0.04052
    feel_therm 1.483
    authen 0.07884
    race_ess 0.0981
    pol_or 0.1335

GEE Model for Speeded Trust Task

From preregistration:

For the speeded trust task, we will fit a GEE regression model with trustworthiness ratings for each target face as the outcome and target race (within subjects—will be dummy coded with White as the comparison group), condition (between subjects), and their interactions as predictors.


  • The comparison group is White faces in the stable condition. The intercept is 3.1 on a scale from 1 to 5 (3 midpoint) with a higher score indicating greater trust.
  • Main effects
    • There is a main effect of condition such that participants in the fluid condition report slightly less trust overall than participants in the stable condition.
    • There is also a main effect of the Multiracial dummy code such that participants in both conditions report slightly less trust for Multiracial faces relative to White faces.
    • There is also a main effect of the Black dummy code such that participants in both conditions report slightly less trust for Black faces relative to White faces.
  • All of these main effects are qualified by significant interactions.
    • There is an interaction between condition and the Multiracial dummy code such that participants show lower trust for multiracial people in the fluid condition relative to the stable condition. There is no significant difference between conditions when faces are not multiracial.
    • There is an interaction between condition and the Black dummy code such that people in the fluid condition show less trust for faces that are not Black than participants in the stable condition. There is no significant difference between conditions when faces are Black. This one doesn’t really make much sense to me and I think it may be driven by multiracial faces, especially as the means really aren’t that difference compared to the Black faces.
##           (Intercept)            condition1            race_multi 
##            3.10326101           -0.03913764           -0.09031568 
##            race_black condition1:race_multi condition1:race_black 
##           -0.00340361           -0.03744406           -0.01201847
Estimates for the speeded trust model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value NA
(Intercept) 3.1033 0.0100 310.8978 0.0299 103.8124
condition1 -0.0391 0.0100 -3.9210 0.0299 -1.3093
race_multi -0.0903 0.0141 -6.3980 0.0297 -3.0382
race_black -0.0034 0.0141 -0.2411 0.0451 -0.0754
condition1:race_multi -0.0374 0.0141 -2.6526 0.0297 -1.2596
condition1:race_black -0.0120 0.0141 -0.8514 0.0451 -0.2663
Emmeans for condition * race_multi
condition race_multi emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
stable 0 3.1467 0.0366 Inf 3.0750 3.2184
fluid 0 3.0564 0.0314 Inf 2.9948 3.1180
stable 1 3.0938 0.0631 Inf 2.9702 3.2175
fluid 1 2.9287 0.0534 Inf 2.8241 3.0332
Post hoc tests for condition * race_multi
contrast race_multi estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
fluid - stable 0 -0.0903 0.0482 Inf -1.8719 0.0612
fluid - stable 1 -0.1652 0.0826 Inf -1.9994 0.0456
Emmeans for condition * race_black
condition race_black emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
stable 0 3.1160 0.0397 Inf 3.0381 3.1938
fluid 0 3.0002 0.0337 Inf 2.9342 3.0663
stable 1 3.1246 0.0714 Inf 2.9846 3.2645
fluid 1 2.9848 0.0604 Inf 2.8665 3.1032
Post hoc tests for condition * race_black
contrast race_black estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
fluid - stable 0 -0.1157 0.0521 Inf -2.2215 0.0263
fluid - stable 1 -0.1398 0.0935 Inf -1.4945 0.1351

T-tests for main dependent variables for differences between conditions

From preregistration:

For each of the five other dependent variables (listed below), we will run independent samples T-tests to determine if there is any difference between participants who read the fluidity article and participants who read the stability article.

Trust Survey


There is not a significant difference in explicit trust on the trust survey between conditions.

Trust survey by condition (continued below)
Test statistic df P value Alternative hypothesis
0.1974 301.2 0.8436 two.sided
mean in group stable mean in group fluid
5.037 5.018

Trust Thermometer


There is not a significant difference in explicit trust on the trust thermometer between conditions.

Trust thermometer by condition (continued below)
Test statistic df P value Alternative hypothesis
0.7674 300.9 0.4434 two.sided
mean in group stable mean in group fluid
73.28 71.58

Attitudes towards multiracial adults


There is not a significant difference in attitudes towards multiracial adults between conditions. Though it is worth noting that there is a marginal difference in line with our hypothesis (more negative attitudes in stable condition).

Attitudes towards multiracial adults by condition (continued below)
Test statistic df P value Alternative hypothesis
1.879 302.9 0.06126 two.sided
mean in group stable mean in group fluid
3.612 3.501

Feeling thermometer


There is not a significant difference in feelings towards multiracial people on the feeling thermometer between conditions.

Feeling thermometer by condition (continued below)
Test statistic df P value Alternative hypothesis
0.9231 302.8 0.3567 two.sided
mean in group stable mean in group fluid
76.76 74.77



There is not a significant difference in perceived authenticity of multiracial people between conditions.

Authenticity by condition (continued below)
Test statistic df P value Alternative hypothesis
1.386 303.8 0.1669 two.sided
mean in group stable mean in group fluid
5.583 5.427

Exploratory Analyses.

From Preregistration:

“We will run an exploratory independent samples T-test to determine if there is any difference in race essentialism between participants who read the fluidity article and participants who read the stability article. If we find that there are no differences in race essentialism between conditions, we will examine whether race essentialism moderates the relationship between which article participants read and each of the six dependent variables.”

Race Essentialism



There is not a significant difference in race essentialism between conditions Thus, we will move forward to examine whether race essentialism moderates the relationship between condition and the dependent variables.

Race essentialism by condition (continued below)
Test statistic df P value Alternative hypothesis
-0.111 303.4 0.9117 two.sided
mean in group stable mean in group fluid
3.769 3.785

Speeded trust task by condition + race essentialism as moderator

From preregistration:

“For the speeded trust task, we will first calculate a White/Multiracial trust difference score by subtracting participant’s average trust ratings for all multiracial targets from participant’s average trust ratings for all White targets, with a higher number indicating greater trust towards White targets relative to multiracial targets. We then will fit a linear regression model with the White/Multiracial trust difference score as the outcome and condition, race essentialism, and the interaction term between the two as predictors. If we find that the interactions is significant, we will conduct simple slopes analysis to probe the interaction.”


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition. Confused by this as there is when analyzed with the GEE.
    • There is a main effect of race essentialism such that participants who are more essentialist about race show greater trust towards White targets relative to Multiracial targets.
  • Interaction
    • There is no significant interaction. In other words, race essentialism does not moderate the relationship between condition and trust.
Estimates for the speeded trust model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -0.2206 0.0947 -2.3306 0.0204
condition1 0.0685 0.0947 0.7242 0.4695
race_ess 0.0827 0.0239 3.4603 0.0006
condition1:race_ess -0.0087 0.0239 -0.3633 0.7166
Summary for the speeded trust model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0442 0.0345 0.5102 4.5639 0.0038 3 -221.784 453.567 472.086 77.0506 296 300

Other main DVs by condition + race essentialism as moderator

From preregistration:

“For each of the five other dependent variables, we will fit an individual linear regression model including condition, race essentialism, and the interaction term between the two as predictors. If we find a significant interaction between condition and race essentialism for any of the models, we will conduct simple slopes analysis for that model to probe the interaction.”

Trust survey


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition.
    • There is a main effect of race essentialism such that participants who are more essentialist about race show less trust towards multiracial people.
  • Interaction
    • There is no significant interaction. In other words, race essentialism does not moderate the relationship between condition and trust.
Estimates for the trust survey model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 5.4446 0.1536 35.4380 0.0000
condition1 0.2001 0.1536 1.3027 0.1937
race_ess -0.1103 0.0387 -2.8512 0.0047
condition1:race_ess -0.0553 0.0387 -1.4291 0.1540
Summary for the trust survey model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0326 0.023 0.8309 3.3925 0.0183 3 -375.499 760.999 779.617 208.503 302 306

Trust Thermometer


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition.
    • There is a main effect of race essentialism such that participants who are more essentialist about race show less trust towards multiracial people.
  • Interaction
    • There is no significant interaction. In other words, race essentialism does not moderate the relationship between condition and trust.
Estimates for the trust thermometer model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 79.6541 3.5516 22.4277 0.0000
condition1 2.8688 3.5516 0.8078 0.4199
race_ess -1.9109 0.8943 -2.1368 0.0334
condition1:race_ess -0.9803 0.8943 -1.0963 0.2738
Summary for the trust thermometer model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0206 0.0108 19.2079 2.1151 0.0983 3 -1336.51 2683.02 2701.64 111421 302 306

Attitudes towards multiracial adults


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition.
    • There is no main effect of race essentialism. It is worth noting that this is marginal such that participants who are more essentialist about race show more negative attitudes towards multiracial people.
  • Interaction
    • There is no significant interaction. In other words, race essentialism does not moderate the relationship between condition and attitudes towards multiracial adults.
Estimates for the attitudes towards multiracial adults model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 3.7325 0.0946 39.4506 0.0000
condition1 -0.0248 0.0946 -0.2622 0.7933
race_ess -0.0466 0.0238 -1.9567 0.0513
condition1:race_ess -0.0079 0.0238 -0.3332 0.7392
Summary for the attitudes towards multiracial adults model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0242 0.0145 0.5117 2.4964 0.0599 3 -227.151 464.303 482.92 79.0719 302 306

Feeling thermometer


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition.
    • There is no main effect of race essentialism. Though again perhaps can be considered marginal such that participants who are more essentialist about race show more negative attitudes towards multiracial people.
  • Interaction
    • There is no significant interaction. In other words, race essentialism does not moderate the relationship between condition and attitudes.
Estimates for the feeling thermometer model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 81.6797 3.4611 23.5993 0.0000
condition1 3.7944 3.4611 1.0963 0.2738
race_ess -1.5627 0.8715 -1.7931 0.0740
condition1:race_ess -1.2645 0.8715 -1.4510 0.1478
Summary for the feeling thermometer model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.02 0.0103 18.7185 2.0536 0.1064 3 -1328.61 2667.23 2685.84 105816 302 306



  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition.
    • There is a main effect of race essentialism such that participants who are more essentialist about race perceive multiracial people as less authentic.
  • Interaction
    • There is no significant interaction. In other words, race essentialism does not moderate the relationship between condition and authenticity.
Estimates for the authenticity model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 6.2849 0.1755 35.8046 0.0000
condition1 0.0525 0.1755 0.2994 0.7649
race_ess -0.2064 0.0442 -4.6700 0.0000
condition1:race_ess -0.0341 0.0442 -0.7705 0.4416
Summary for the authenticity model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0748 0.0656 0.9493 8.1404 0 3 -416.272 842.543 861.161 272.173 302 306

Race & political orientation

From preregistration:

Additionally, we will conduct exploratory analyses to examine whether participants’ responses vary by participant race and political orientation..

Personally I would not read into the participant race effects too much due to the small Ns in some cells.

Participant Race
White Black Latine Asian Other
232 32 16 18 7

Speeded trust task by condition + participant race and political orientation as moderators

From preregistration:

For the speeded trust task, we will again use the White/Multiracial trust difference score as described above. We then will fit a linear regression model with the White/Multiracial trust difference score as the outcome and condition, participant race, political orientation, and the two two-way interaction terms between condition, and participant race/political orientation (i.e., condition X participant race, condition X political orientation) as predictors. If we find that any of the interactions are significant, we will conduct simple slopes analysis to probe the interaction.


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition
    • There are no main effects of participant race
    • There is a main effect of political orientation such that participants that are more conservative show greater trust for white faces relative to multiracial faces.
  • Interactions
    • There are no interactions between participant race and condition
    • There is no interaction between condition and political orientation.
White, Black, Latine, Asian and Other
Estimates for the speeded trust model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -0.1430 0.0784 -1.8250 0.0690
condition1 0.0773 0.0784 0.9870 0.3245
race_factor1 -0.0581 0.0477 -1.2164 0.2248
race_factor2 0.0310 0.0463 0.6702 0.5033
race_factor3 0.0303 0.0333 0.9096 0.3638
race_factor4 -0.0287 0.0437 -0.6549 0.5130
pol_or 0.0776 0.0174 4.4572 0.0000
condition1:race_factor1 0.0002 0.0477 0.0045 0.9964
condition1:race_factor2 0.0638 0.0463 1.3782 0.1692
condition1:race_factor3 -0.0467 0.0333 -1.4008 0.1624
condition1:race_factor4 -0.0292 0.0437 -0.6674 0.5050
condition1:pol_or -0.0160 0.0174 -0.9203 0.3582
Summary for the speeded trust model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0932 0.0585 0.504 2.6823 0.0027 11 -213.268 452.537 500.642 72.9016 287 299

Other main DVs by condition + participant race and political orientation as moderators

From preregistration:

For each of the five other dependent variables, we will fit an individual linear regression model including condition, participant race, political orientation, and the two-way interaction terms between condition and each demographic variable (i.e., condition X participant race, condition X political orientation) as predictors. If we find a significant effect for either of the interaction terms for any of the models, we will conduct simple slopes analysis for that model to probe the interaction.

Trust survey


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition
    • There are no main effects of participant race aside from Black participants. Black participants show lower trust for multiracial people.
    • There is a main effect of political orientation such that participants that are more conservative show lower trust for multiracial people.
  • Interactions
    • There are no interactions between participant race and condition
    • There is no interaction between condition and political orientation
White, Black, Latine, Asian and Other
Estimates for the trust survey model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 5.1332 0.1270 40.4117 0.0000
condition1 -0.0243 0.1270 -0.1914 0.8484
race_factor1 -0.1721 0.0777 -2.2151 0.0275
race_factor2 -0.0324 0.0755 -0.4286 0.6686
race_factor3 -0.0821 0.0543 -1.5104 0.1320
race_factor4 0.0447 0.0713 0.6273 0.5310
pol_or -0.0920 0.0280 -3.2858 0.0011
condition1:race_factor1 -0.1258 0.0777 -1.6185 0.1066
condition1:race_factor2 0.0092 0.0755 0.1219 0.9030
condition1:race_factor3 0.0905 0.0543 1.6649 0.0970
condition1:race_factor4 0.0122 0.0713 0.1718 0.8637
condition1:pol_or 0.0055 0.0280 0.1967 0.8442
Summary for the trust survey model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0822 0.0477 0.8216 2.3858 0.0077 11 -366.733 759.466 807.83 197.797 293 305

Trust Thermometer


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition
    • There are no main effects of participant race aside from Asian participants. Asian participants show lower trust for multiracial people.
    • There is a main effect of political orientation such that participants that are more conservative show less trust for multiracial people.
  • Interactions
    • There are no interactions between participant race and condition aside from asian participants who showed lower trust than White participants for multiracial people only in the stable condition.
    • There is no interaction between condition and political orientation
White, Black, Latine, Asian and Other
Estimates for the trust thermometer model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 74.2402 2.9416 25.2379 0.0000
condition1 0.4594 2.9416 0.1562 0.8760
race_factor1 -1.0616 1.7996 -0.5899 0.5557
race_factor2 -0.2552 1.7482 -0.1460 0.8840
race_factor3 -2.9791 1.2583 -2.3675 0.0186
race_factor4 0.3931 1.6506 0.2381 0.8120
pol_or -1.6707 0.6482 -2.5776 0.0104
condition1:race_factor1 -1.4529 1.7996 -0.8073 0.4201
condition1:race_factor2 -0.6656 1.7482 -0.3807 0.7037
condition1:race_factor3 2.6777 1.2583 2.1280 0.0342
condition1:race_factor4 1.1631 1.6506 0.7046 0.4816
condition1:pol_or 0.0695 0.6482 0.1072 0.9147
Summary for the trust thermometer model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0612 0.026 19.0276 1.7373 0.0649 11 -1325.15 2676.3 2724.67 106080 293 305
Emmeans for condition * race_asian
condition race_factor emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
stable White 74.3566 1.7637 293 70.8855 77.8278
fluid White 72.2338 1.7764 293 68.7376 75.7300
stable Black 75.1391 4.9130 293 65.4699 84.8084
fluid Black 67.2048 4.6219 293 58.1084 76.3012
stable Latine 75.9790 6.0503 293 64.0714 87.8867
fluid Latine 66.9571 7.7710 293 51.6629 82.2512
stable Asian 52.5311 7.1937 293 38.3732 66.6891
fluid Asian 67.5931 5.7588 293 56.2592 78.9269
stable Other 65.6515 13.5874 293 38.9101 92.3928
fluid Other 76.2777 8.5139 293 59.5216 93.0339
Post hoc tests for condition * race_asian
contrast condition estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Black - White stable 0.7825 5.2208 293 0.1499 0.9999
Latine - White stable 1.6224 6.3150 293 0.2569 0.9990
Latine - Black stable 0.8399 7.7913 293 0.1078 1.0000
Asian - White stable -21.8255 7.4097 293 -2.9455 0.0285
Asian - Black stable -22.6080 8.7107 293 -2.5954 0.0738
Asian - Latine stable -23.4479 9.3884 293 -2.4975 0.0940
Other - White stable -8.7052 13.6838 293 -0.6362 0.9691
Other - Black stable -9.4877 14.4525 293 -0.6565 0.9653
Other - Latine stable -10.3276 14.9542 293 -0.6906 0.9584
Other - Asian stable 13.1203 15.3951 293 0.8522 0.9138
Black - White fluid -5.0290 4.9560 293 -1.0147 0.8485
Latine - White fluid -5.2767 7.9691 293 -0.6621 0.9642
Latine - Black fluid -0.2477 9.0478 293 -0.0274 1.0000
Asian - White fluid -4.6407 6.0194 293 -0.7710 0.9388
Asian - Black fluid 0.3883 7.4014 293 0.0525 1.0000
Asian - Latine fluid 0.6360 9.6610 293 0.0658 1.0000
Other - White fluid 4.0440 8.7000 293 0.4648 0.9904
Other - Black fluid 9.0730 9.6802 293 0.9373 0.8822
Other - Latine fluid 9.3207 11.5324 293 0.8082 0.9280
Other - Asian fluid 8.6847 10.2921 293 0.8438 0.9167

Attitudes towards multiracial adults


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition
    • There are no main effects of participant race aside from Black participants. Black participants show more negative attitudes towards multiracial people than White participants.
    • There is no main effect of political orientation.
  • Interactions
    • There are no interactions between participant race and condition aside from asian participants but when I probed this literally nothing was significant.
    • There is no interaction between condition and political orientation
White, Black, Latine, Asian and Other
Estimates for the attitudes towards multiracial adults model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 3.4602 0.0784 44.1449 0.0000
condition1 -0.0220 0.0784 -0.2801 0.7796
race_factor1 -0.1103 0.0480 -2.3007 0.0221
race_factor2 -0.0529 0.0466 -1.1360 0.2569
race_factor3 -0.0139 0.0335 -0.4131 0.6799
race_factor4 -0.0176 0.0440 -0.4005 0.6891
pol_or -0.0164 0.0173 -0.9524 0.3417
condition1:race_factor1 -0.0217 0.0480 -0.4526 0.6512
condition1:race_factor2 -0.0562 0.0466 -1.2062 0.2287
condition1:race_factor3 0.0742 0.0335 2.2143 0.0276
condition1:race_factor4 0.0538 0.0440 1.2230 0.2223
condition1:pol_or 0.0055 0.0173 0.3165 0.7518
Summary for the attitudes towards multiracial adults model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0664 0.0313 0.507 1.893 0.0399 11 -219.494 464.989 513.353 75.3197 293 305

Feeling thermometer


  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition
    • There are no main effects of participant race aside from Asian participants. Asian participants show more negative attitudes towards multiracial people than White participants.
    • There is a main effect of political orientation such that participants that are more conservative show more negative feelings towards multiracial people.
  • Interactions
    • There are no interactions between participant race and condition.
    • There is no interaction between condition and political orientation
White, Black, Latine, Asian and Other
Estimates for the feeling thermometer model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 79.0028 2.8549 27.6727 0.0000
condition1 -0.3247 2.8549 -0.1137 0.9095
race_factor1 -1.7866 1.7466 -1.0229 0.3072
race_factor2 0.4398 1.6967 0.2592 0.7956
race_factor3 -2.7363 1.2212 -2.2406 0.0258
race_factor4 0.2800 1.6020 0.1748 0.8614
pol_or -2.0408 0.6291 -3.2443 0.0013
condition1:race_factor1 -0.7898 1.7466 -0.4522 0.6515
condition1:race_factor2 -1.0373 1.6967 -0.6114 0.5414
condition1:race_factor3 2.0191 1.2212 1.6533 0.0993
condition1:race_factor4 0.7897 1.6020 0.4930 0.6224
condition1:pol_or 0.1168 0.6291 0.1858 0.8528
Summary for the feeling thermometer model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0684 0.0334 18.4667 1.9562 0.0325 11 -1316.03 2658.05 2706.41 99918.4 293 305



  • Main Effects
    • There is no main effect of condition
    • There are no main effects of participant race aside from Black participants. Black participants perceive multiracial people as less authentic than White participants.
    • There is a main effect of political orientation such that participants that are more conservative perceive multiracial people as less authentic.
  • Interactions
    • There are no interactions between participant race and condition.
    • There is no interaction between condition and political orientation
White, Black, Latine, Asian and Other
Estimates for the authenticity model
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 5.7121 0.1443 39.5772 0.0000
condition1 -0.1069 0.1443 -0.7407 0.4595
race_factor1 -0.2993 0.0883 -3.3892 0.0008
race_factor2 0.0247 0.0858 0.2879 0.7736
race_factor3 -0.0586 0.0617 -0.9484 0.3437
race_factor4 0.0384 0.0810 0.4741 0.6358
pol_or -0.1398 0.0318 -4.3975 0.0000
condition1:race_factor1 -0.0511 0.0883 -0.5784 0.5635
condition1:race_factor2 -0.0794 0.0858 -0.9263 0.3551
condition1:race_factor3 0.0457 0.0617 0.7404 0.4597
condition1:race_factor4 0.1068 0.0810 1.3188 0.1883
condition1:pol_or 0.0192 0.0318 0.6045 0.5460
Summary for the authenticity model
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.1253 0.0924 0.9336 3.8145 0 11 -405.691 837.381 885.745 255.367 293 305

Additional Exploratory Descriptives looking at main Dvs by participant race

  • White:

    Table continues below
      vars n mean sd median trimmed
    whitemulti_trust_dif 1 226 0.1077 0.5365 0.075 0.0886
    White 2 226 3.148 0.5205 3.125 3.148
    Multiracial 3 226 3.04 0.5316 3.037 3.045
    Black 4 226 3.135 0.6417 3.2 3.169
    trust_survey 5 232 5.105 0.8172 5.2 5.121
    trust_therm 6 232 73.25 18.95 76 73.77
    atma 7 232 3.607 0.5245 3.609 3.598
    feel_therm 8 232 76.83 18.38 80 77.86
    authen 9 232 5.596 0.953 5.75 5.644
    race_ess 10 232 3.741 1.281 4 3.823
    pol_or 11 232 2.927 1.728 3 2.763
    Table continues below
      mad min max range skew kurtosis
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.3706 -1.85 2.075 3.925 0.4381 2.901
    White 0.4077 1.1 4.8 3.7 -0.155 1.143
    Multiracial 0.4448 1.2 4.625 3.425 -0.1496 0.5699
    Black 0.5745 1.025 4.825 3.8 -0.5228 0.5749
    trust_survey 0.7413 2.1 7 4.9 -0.4199 0.1667
    trust_therm 21.5 0 100 100 -0.4864 -0.2401
    atma 0.5157 1.913 5 3.087 0.01722 0.1945
    feel_therm 20.76 0 100 100 -0.6292 0.08296
    authen 1.112 2.75 7 4.25 -0.4604 -0.2884
    race_ess 1.112 1 6.875 5.875 -0.5069 -0.2993
    pol_or 1.483 1 7 6 0.5286 -0.8524
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.03569
    White 0.03462
    Multiracial 0.03536
    Black 0.04269
    trust_survey 0.05365
    trust_therm 1.244
    atma 0.03444
    feel_therm 1.206
    authen 0.06257
    race_ess 0.0841
    pol_or 0.1134
  • Black:

    Table continues below
      vars n mean sd median trimmed
    whitemulti_trust_dif 1 32 0.001562 0.3868 0 0.005769
    White 2 32 2.998 0.4684 3 2.972
    Multiracial 3 32 2.996 0.482 3 3.011
    Black 4 32 3.166 0.4591 3.088 3.149
    trust_survey 5 32 4.737 0.9431 5 4.823
    trust_therm 6 32 70.72 20.76 73 71.27
    atma 7 32 3.379 0.423 3.326 3.336
    feel_therm 8 32 72.91 20.99 72.5 73.19
    authen 9 32 4.977 1.082 5 5.058
    race_ess 10 32 4.262 0.9144 4.375 4.303
    pol_or 11 32 3.031 1.732 3 2.846
    Table continues below
      mad min max range skew
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.2965 -0.9 1.05 1.95 0.1138
    White 0.4262 2.025 4.4 2.375 0.6275
    Multiracial 0.3521 1.55 4.2 2.65 -0.3706
    Black 0.3706 2.2 4.375 2.175 0.5086
    trust_survey 0.8154 1.5 6.2 4.7 -1.304
    trust_therm 29.65 30 100 70 -0.2279
    atma 0.419 2.826 4.304 1.478 0.7558
    feel_therm 32.62 35 100 65 -0.03147
    authen 0.7413 2.25 6.75 4.5 -0.6458
    race_ess 0.556 2 6 4 -0.4361
    pol_or 1.483 1 7 6 0.5673
      kurtosis se
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.84 0.06837
    White 0.9494 0.0828
    Multiracial 1.783 0.08521
    Black 0.1777 0.08116
    trust_survey 2.369 0.1667
    trust_therm -1.184 3.67
    atma -0.4342 0.07478
    feel_therm -1.575 3.711
    authen 0.2267 0.1913
    race_ess 0.3281 0.1616
    pol_or -0.4265 0.3061
  • Latine:

    Table continues below
      vars n mean sd median trimmed
    whitemulti_trust_dif 1 16 0.0375 0.6044 0 0.03036
    White 2 16 2.83 0.5192 2.975 2.85
    Multiracial 3 16 2.792 0.3637 2.775 2.796
    Black 4 16 2.889 0.5585 3 2.943
    trust_survey 5 16 4.912 0.7873 5.05 4.929
    trust_therm 6 16 73.5 20.67 78 74.43
    atma 7 16 3.41 0.5902 3.391 3.379
    feel_therm 8 16 78.75 18.67 82.5 79.29
    authen 9 16 5.547 1.022 5.625 5.571
    race_ess 10 16 3.602 1.111 3.688 3.607
    pol_or 11 16 2.375 1.544 2 2.214
    Table continues below
      mad min max range skew
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.2595 -1.275 1.45 2.725 -0.02441
    White 0.5004 1.825 3.55 1.725 -0.479
    Multiracial 0.4262 2.1 3.425 1.325 -0.1171
    Black 0.5004 1.375 3.65 2.275 -0.9438
    trust_survey 1.112 3.6 6 2.4 -0.1166
    trust_therm 25.95 34 100 66 -0.3034
    atma 0.5479 2.435 4.826 2.391 0.4591
    feel_therm 25.2 50 100 50 -0.3485
    authen 0.7413 3.75 7 3.25 -0.2199
    race_ess 0.834 1.5 5.625 4.125 0.0484
    pol_or 1.483 1 6 5 0.7294
      kurtosis se
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.7412 0.1511
    White -1.127 0.1298
    Multiracial -1.06 0.09094
    Black 0.9455 0.1396
    trust_survey -1.425 0.1968
    trust_therm -1.298 5.167
    atma -0.04476 0.1475
    feel_therm -1.409 4.668
    authen -0.9538 0.2554
    race_ess -0.6152 0.2777
    pol_or -0.5891 0.386
  • Asian:

    Table continues below
      vars n mean sd median trimmed
    whitemulti_trust_dif 1 18 0.1569 0.5015 0 0.1344
    White 2 18 3.065 0.5423 2.95 3.062
    Multiracial 3 18 2.908 0.6143 2.975 2.939
    Black 4 18 2.785 0.6276 2.875 2.812
    trust_survey 5 18 4.667 0.7639 4.6 4.706
    trust_therm 6 18 62.39 18.42 63 62.31
    atma 7 18 3.43 0.4358 3.457 3.416
    feel_therm 8 18 66.56 18.37 67.5 66.56
    authen 9 18 5.139 0.8054 5 5.141
    race_ess 10 18 3.549 1.141 3.688 3.539
    pol_or 11 18 2.5 1.425 2 2.438
    Table continues below
      mad min max range skew
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.3892 -0.6 1.275 1.875 0.5292
    White 0.4448 2.025 4.15 2.125 0.2427
    Multiracial 0.7042 1.675 3.65 1.975 -0.5556
    Black 0.6116 1.45 3.675 2.225 -0.6914
    trust_survey 0.8896 3.1 5.6 2.5 -0.1829
    trust_therm 19.27 26 100 74 0.09683
    atma 0.3545 2.696 4.391 1.696 0.3104
    feel_therm 22.98 33 100 67 -0.02402
    authen 0.7413 3.75 6.5 2.75 0.06121
    race_ess 1.297 1.625 5.625 4 -0.04313
    pol_or 1.483 1 5 4 0.4035
      kurtosis se
    whitemulti_trust_dif -0.6405 0.1182
    White -0.7601 0.1278
    Multiracial -1.018 0.1448
    Black -0.3524 0.1479
    trust_survey -1.26 0.1801
    trust_therm -0.5888 4.341
    atma -0.436 0.1027
    feel_therm -1.157 4.33
    authen -1.187 0.1898
    race_ess -1.296 0.2689
    pol_or -1.326 0.3358
  • Other:

    Table continues below
      vars n mean sd
    whitemulti_trust_dif 1 7 -0.00000000000000008128 0.3503
    White 2 7 2.807 0.587
    Multiracial 3 7 2.807 0.6932
    Black 4 7 2.825 0.7388
    trust_survey 5 7 4.986 1.139
    trust_therm 6 7 71.86 20.13
    atma 7 7 3.416 0.3558
    feel_therm 8 7 73.86 20.06
    authen 9 7 5.5 0.9895
    race_ess 10 7 3.714 1.038
    pol_or 11 7 3.714 1.799
    Table continues below
      median trimmed mad min
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.05 -0.0000000000000000793 0.4077 -0.625
    White 2.675 2.807 0.2224 1.95
    Multiracial 3.075 2.807 0.6301 1.6
    Black 3.15 2.825 0.7784 1.85
    trust_survey 5 4.986 1.483 3.3
    trust_therm 72 71.86 19.27 39
    atma 3.478 3.416 0.3223 2.739
    feel_therm 80 73.86 22.24 45
    authen 5.75 5.5 0.3706 4
    race_ess 3.75 3.714 0.3706 1.75
    pol_or 4 3.714 1.483 1
      max range skew kurtosis se
    whitemulti_trust_dif 0.35 0.975 -0.6325 -1.222 0.1324
    White 3.6 1.65 0.1705 -1.497 0.2219
    Multiracial 3.5 1.9 -0.549 -1.366 0.262
    Black 3.675 1.825 -0.3027 -1.836 0.2792
    trust_survey 6.4 3.1 -0.06522 -1.641 0.4306
    trust_therm 100 61 -0.2121 -1.361 7.608
    atma 3.826 1.087 -0.7171 -0.8049 0.1345
    feel_therm 100 55 -0.196 -1.748 7.583
    authen 7 3 -0.1244 -1.332 0.374
    race_ess 5.125 3.375 -0.5728 -0.6523 0.3922
    pol_or 7 6 0.3633 -0.6652 0.6801