Introduction to R for Data Analysis

Joshua Rosenberg


  1. Background
  2. Wrangling, Plotting, and Modeling
  3. Essential Functionality
  4. Advanced Functionality
  5. Additional Resources

Part I: Background

Why use R: Accessibility

  • R is a language

    • A script documents all your work, from data access to reporting, and can instantly be re-run at any time
  • R is free

    • As an open-source project, you can use R free of charge: no worries about subscription fees, license managers, or user limits.
  • A flexible statistical analysis toolkit

    • All of the standard data analysis tools are built right into the R language (and many others are available via “packages”)
  • Graphics and data visualization

    • One of the design principles of R was that visualization of data through charts and graphs is an essential part of the data analysis process, so it has excellent tools for creating graphics

Why use R: Community

  • Access to powerful, cutting-edge analytics

    • Leading academics and researches from around the world use R to develop the latest methods in statistics, machine learning, and predictive modeling
  • A robust, vibrant community

    • There's a wealth of community resources for R available on the Web, for help in just about every domain
  • R is effectively platform independent

    • Available Linux, Mac, and Windows
  • R is what is used by the majority of academic statisticians

    • R users come from myriad academic departments and industries

Part II: Wrangling, Plotting, and Modeling

Focus on data frames (and tidyverse)

This is code (syntax):

# install.packages("tidyverse")

df <- nycflights13::flights

Explore your data: Descriptive statistics

This is code (syntax):

df_ss <- select(df, dep_delay, arr_delay, air_time, distance, carrier)
          vars      n    mean     sd median trimmed    mad min  max range
dep_delay    1 328521   12.64  40.21     -2    3.32   5.93 -43 1301  1344
arr_delay    2 327346    6.90  44.63     -5   -1.03  20.76 -86 1272  1358
air_time     3 327346  150.69  93.69    129  140.03  75.61  20  695   675
distance     4 336776 1039.91 733.23    872  955.27 569.32  17 4983  4966
carrier*     5 336776    9.00   0.00      9    9.00   0.00   9    9     0
          skew kurtosis   se
dep_delay 4.80    43.95 0.07
arr_delay 3.72    29.23 0.08
air_time  1.07     0.86 0.16
distance  1.13     1.19 1.26
carrier*   NaN      NaN 0.00

What's going on here?

df %>%
    select(dep_delay, arr_delay, air_time, distance, carrier) %>% 
    group_by(carrier) %>% 
    summarize(dep_delay_mean = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = T))
df %>%
    select(dep_delay, arr_delay, air_time, distance, carrier) %>% 
    group_by(carrier) %>% 
    summarize(dep_delay_mean = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = T))
# A tibble: 16 × 2
   carrier dep_delay_mean
     <chr>          <dbl>
1       9E      16.725769
2       AA       8.586016
3       AS       5.804775
4       B6      13.022522
5       DL       9.264505
6       EV      19.955390
7       F9      20.215543
8       FL      18.726075
9       HA       4.900585
10      MQ      10.552041
11      OO      12.586207
12      UA      12.106073
13      US       3.782418
14      VX      12.869421
15      WN      17.711744
16      YV      18.996330

Explore your data: Plotting Distributions

df$wday <- lubridate::wday(df$time_hour, label = T)

ggplot(df, aes(x = wday, y = arr_delay)) +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Explore your data: Plotting Distributions (With Some Random Noise)

ggplot(df, aes(x = wday, y = arr_delay)) +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Explore your data: Plotting relationships

ggplot(df, aes(x = air_time, y = arr_delay)) +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Explore your data: Plotting relationships

ggplot(df, aes(x = air_time, y = arr_delay)) +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

Explore your data: Plotting relationships

ggplot(df_ss, aes(x = air_time, y = arr_delay, color = carrier)) +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Explore your data: Manipulate data (for plots)

to_plot <- df %>%
    group_by(carrier) %>% 
    summarize(dep_delay_mean = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = T),
              n = n()) %>% 
    filter(n > 10000) %>% 
  • EV: Express Jet
  • WN: Southwest Airlines
  • AA: American Airlines
  • US: US Airways

Explore your data: Manipulate data (for plots)

# A tibble: 9 × 3
  carrier dep_delay_mean     n
    <chr>          <dbl> <int>
1      EV      19.955390 54173
2      WN      17.711744 12275
3      9E      16.725769 18460
4      B6      13.022522 54635
5      UA      12.106073 58665
6      MQ      10.552041 26397
7      DL       9.264505 48110
8      AA       8.586016 32729
9      US       3.782418 20536

So, we should fly with US Airways?

Explore your data: Plotting Means

ggplot(to_plot, aes(x = reorder(carrier, dep_delay_mean), y = dep_delay_mean)) +
    geom_col() +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 16)) +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Model your data: Linear models

lm() syntax (as well as for other formulae in R):

y ~ x1

m1 <- lm(arr_delay ~ air_time, data = df)
lm(formula = arr_delay ~ air_time, data = df)
(Intercept)  9.43     0.15  
air_time    -0.02     0.00  
n = 327346, k = 2
residual sd = 44.61, R-Squared = 0.00

Model your data: Linear models

y ~ x1 + x2

m2 <- lm(arr_delay ~ air_time + distance, data = df)
lm(formula = arr_delay ~ air_time + distance, data = df)
(Intercept) -1.46     0.17  
air_time     0.67     0.01  
distance    -0.09     0.00  
n = 327346, k = 3
residual sd = 43.73, R-Squared = 0.04

Model your data: Linear models

Adding x1*x2 is equivalent to:

y ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2

m3 <- lm(arr_delay ~ air_time*distance, data = df)
lm(formula = arr_delay ~ air_time * distance, data = df)
(Intercept)       -0.07     0.24  
air_time           0.66     0.01  
distance          -0.09     0.00  
air_time:distance  0.00     0.00  
n = 327346, k = 4
residual sd = 43.72, R-Squared = 0.04

Model your data: Linear models

Factors are automatically dummy-coded.

Check factor levels in the output.

Can use levels(df$carrier) <- and functions from library(forcats) to change levels.

m3 <- lm(arr_delay ~ air_time*distance + carrier, data = df)

Part III: Essential Functionality


my_vector <- c(1:10)

This is the result of typing the name of “my_vector”:

 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

This finds the mean:

[1] 5.5

Base R functions

What's this thing?

- ? # this is to find out what a function does
- str() # this is to find out the 'structure' of anything
- View() # this allows you to view a data frame (think spreadsheet) or matrix
- class() # this tells you what kind of object this is

How do I pick just one part of this thing?

my_data[1, ] # just the first row of data frame
my_data[, 1] # just the first column of data frame
head(my_data) # first six rows of data frame
tail(my_data) # last six rows of data frame

Loading data (CSV)

Loading a comma separated values (CSV) file:

setwd("~/documents") # this sets the working directory
my_data <- readr::read_csv("r_introduction_data.csv") # loads a CSV and saves it to `my_data`
# A tibble: 212 × 57
     Int    StudentID Grade   Age Gender ClassTeacher SciTeacher PrevIQWST
   <int>        <chr> <int> <int>  <int>        <int>      <int>     <int>
1      1 A.J. Miranda     1    11      0            5          2        NA
2      1      Abby B.     0    10      1            0          0         0
3      0       Abby E     0    10      0            1          0         0
4      0       Abi N.     1    11      1            4          2        NA
5      1   Abigail D.     1    11      1            7          3        NA
6      0       Adam F     1    12      0            5          2        NA
7     NA      Adam L.     1    11      0            4          2        NA
8      0      Adam T.     0     9      0            1          0         0
9      1   Addison D.     1    11      1            6          3        NA
10     1    Adelle S.     1    11      1            4          2        NA
# ... with 202 more rows, and 49 more variables: PreEff1 <int>,
#   PreEff2 <int>, PreEff3 <int>, PreEff4 <int>, PreEff5 <int>,
#   PreInt1 <int>, PreInt2Rev <int>, PreInt3 <int>, PreInt4 <int>,
#   PreInt5 <int>, PreVal1 <int>, PreVal2 <int>, PreVal3 <int>,
#   PreVal4 <int>, PreVal5 <int>, PreVal6 <int>, PreVal7 <int>,
#   PreVal8 <int>, PreEff_Ave <dbl>, PreInt_Ave <dbl>, PreVal_Ave <dbl>,
#   PostEff1 <int>, PostEff2 <int>, PostEff3 <int>, PostEff4 <int>,
#   PostEff5 <int>, PostInt1 <int>, PostInt2 <int>, PostInt3 <int>,
#   PostInt4 <int>, PostInt5 <int>, PostVal1 <int>, PostVal2 <int>,
#   PostVal3 <int>, PostVal4 <int>, PostVal5 <int>, PostVal6 <int>,
#   PostVal7 <int>, PostVal8 <int>, PostMaintInt1 <int>,
#   PostMaintInt2 <int>, PostMaintInt3 <int>, PostMaintInt4 <int>,
#   PostEff_Ave <dbl>, PostInt_Ave <dbl>, PostVal_Ave <dbl>,
#   PostMaintInt_Ave <dbl>, PreAchievement <int>, PostAchievement <int>

Loading data (Tab-delimited, Excel, and SPSS)

Examples of loading data for different sorts of files

read.delim("filename.txt") # Tab-delimited
readxl::read_excel("filename.xlsx") # Excel
haven::read_sav("filename.sav") # SPSS

Calculating summary statistics

my_data %>% count(SciTeacher) # counts frequencies and creates a table
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  SciTeacher     n
       <int> <int>
1          0    53
2          1    55
3          2    53
4          3    51
my_data_ss <- select(my_data, contains("_Ave")) # this selects any variables containing "Ave"
summary(my_data_ss) # creates summary statistics for continuous variables 
   PreEff_Ave      PreInt_Ave      PreVal_Ave     PostEff_Ave   
 Min.   :2.200   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.875   Min.   :1.200  
 1st Qu.:5.000   1st Qu.:4.800   1st Qu.:5.125   1st Qu.:4.800  
 Median :5.600   Median :6.200   Median :6.125   Median :5.600  
 Mean   :5.466   Mean   :5.739   Mean   :5.780   Mean   :5.354  
 3rd Qu.:6.200   3rd Qu.:6.800   3rd Qu.:6.625   3rd Qu.:6.200  
 Max.   :7.000   Max.   :7.000   Max.   :7.000   Max.   :7.000  
                                                 NA's   :16     
  PostInt_Ave     PostVal_Ave    PostMaintInt_Ave
 Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.500   Min.   :1.00    
 1st Qu.:4.400   1st Qu.:4.875   1st Qu.:3.50    
 Median :5.800   Median :6.250   Median :5.00    
 Mean   :5.394   Mean   :5.691   Mean   :4.72    
 3rd Qu.:6.600   3rd Qu.:6.750   3rd Qu.:6.00    
 Max.   :7.000   Max.   :7.000   Max.   :7.00    
 NA's   :16      NA's   :16      NA's   :18      

dplyr for data manipulation

dplyr::select(my_data, PreAchievement, PostAchievement) # Select only certain columns

dplyr::filter(my_data, PreAchievement >= 3) # select only certain rows

dplyr::arrange(my_data, PostAchievement) # arrange data by a variable

dplyr is often used in “pipes”:

my_data %>% 
    filter(PreAchievement >= 3) %>% 
    group_by(SciTeacher) %>% 
    summarize(SciTeacher_mean = mean(SciTeacher))

tidyr for reshaping and tidying data

Example from tidyr documentation

stocks <- data_frame(
  time = as.Date('2009-01-01') + 0:9,
  X = rnorm(10, 0, 1),
  Y = rnorm(10, 0, 2),
  Z = rnorm(10, 0, 4)

# A tibble: 10 × 4
         time           X          Y          Z
       <date>       <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
1  2009-01-01 -1.83043170 -0.3429587 -3.0346175
2  2009-01-02 -0.03840373 -1.2165466 -5.0420255
3  2009-01-03 -0.31792713 -3.5256832 -5.6039987
4  2009-01-04 -0.04249702 -0.4144008 -4.9044614
5  2009-01-05  0.67440794 -0.8861785  5.1264533
6  2009-01-06  0.16987496  5.0971920  4.6215798
7  2009-01-07 -0.98131256 -0.9293778 -4.7451135
8  2009-01-08  0.48264218 -0.1996061  0.9067443
9  2009-01-09 -0.07346683  1.6549908 -5.3301054
10 2009-01-10 -0.23915841 -1.0623524  5.9200525

gather() for reshaping from "wide" to "long" format

gather(stocks, stock, price, -time)
# A tibble: 30 × 3
         time stock       price
       <date> <chr>       <dbl>
1  2009-01-01     X -1.83043170
2  2009-01-02     X -0.03840373
3  2009-01-03     X -0.31792713
4  2009-01-04     X -0.04249702
5  2009-01-05     X  0.67440794
6  2009-01-06     X  0.16987496
7  2009-01-07     X -0.98131256
8  2009-01-08     X  0.48264218
9  2009-01-09     X -0.07346683
10 2009-01-10     X -0.23915841
# ... with 20 more rows

spread() for reshaping from "long"" to "wide" format

stocks_long <- gather(stocks, stock, price, -time)
spread(stocks_long, stock, price)
# A tibble: 10 × 4
         time           X          Y          Z
*      <date>       <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
1  2009-01-01 -1.83043170 -0.3429587 -3.0346175
2  2009-01-02 -0.03840373 -1.2165466 -5.0420255
3  2009-01-03 -0.31792713 -3.5256832 -5.6039987
4  2009-01-04 -0.04249702 -0.4144008 -4.9044614
5  2009-01-05  0.67440794 -0.8861785  5.1264533
6  2009-01-06  0.16987496  5.0971920  4.6215798
7  2009-01-07 -0.98131256 -0.9293778 -4.7451135
8  2009-01-08  0.48264218 -0.1996061  0.9067443
9  2009-01-09 -0.07346683  1.6549908 -5.3301054
10 2009-01-10 -0.23915841 -1.0623524  5.9200525

Part IV: Advanced functionality


  • Linear mixed models modeling: lme4, nlme
  • Latent variable modeling: lavaan, OpenMx
  • Social Network Analysis: igraph, statnet
  • Text analysis: quanteda, tidytext

Linear mixed effects (multi-level) models


model_1 <- lme(engagement ~ challenge + percomp + (1 | program_ID), data = df)


Structural equation modeling


model <- '
  # measurement model
    ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
    dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4
    dem65 =~ y5 + y6 + y7 + y8
  # regressions
    dem60 ~ ind60
    dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60
  # residual correlations
    y1 ~~ y5
    y2 ~~ y4 + y6
    y3 ~~ y7
    y4 ~~ y8
    y6 ~~ y8

fit <- sem(model, data = PoliticalDemocracy)
summary(fit, standardized = TRUE, fit.measures = T)

Social network analysis

g <- graph.edgelist(edgematrix) # loads two column matrix with ties
V(g)$size = log(degree(g)) # changes size of vertices 
V(g)$label <- NA # removes vertex names
V(g)$color[year_1_cohort_bool] <- "blue" # changes vertex color based on logical index
l <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g) # selects layout
E(g)$weight <- 1 # weights each edge equal to 1
g <- simplify(g, edge.attr.comb = list(weight = "sum")) # sums edgeweights for equivalent ties

plot(g, layout = l,
     edge.width = E(g)weight)

Text analysis

my_corpus <- corpus(inaugTexts)
summary(my_corpus, n = 3)
Corpus consisting of 58 documents, showing 3 documents.

            Text Types Tokens Sentences
 1789-Washington   626   1540        23
 1793-Washington    96    147         4
      1797-Adams   826   2584        37

Source:  /Users/joshuarosenberg/Dropbox/1_Research/R_Presentation/* on x86_64 by joshuarosenberg
Created: Fri Apr 14 09:59:07 2017
my_dfm <- dfm(my_corpus, ignoredFeatures = stopwords("english"))

What are some other things we can do?

library(matchit) # propensity score matching
library(mgcv) # generalized additive models
library(modelr) # helper functions for modeling
library(rvest) # web scraping
library(caret) # machine learning framework

Part V: Additional resources

Rmarkdown & knitr

  • Rmarkdown documents are documents that include plain text that can be styled with very simple syntax as well as executable R code

  • This presentation was made from an R markdown document

  • R markdown documents can be turned into nice-looking PDF, word, and html files

  • Makes sharing results extremely easy


  • Create web applications using R scripts and analysis

  • Host them at

  • Allow others to manipulate and interact with your analysis

  • Example


  • Devtools make it easy to develop packages in R

  • Use a package to group together common functions

  • Share via GitHub or CRAN (i.e., make package available via install.packages())

  • Example

Additional resources

Thank you!

Joshua Rosenberg

Some of this presentation was adapted from an earlier presentation with Alex Lishinski