R for

OOH Session #33…
…Return of the Escape from the Reach
of the Kingdom of the Planet of the APA

Open Office Hours
(July 09, 2024)

  • Recap session #32       ↔︎️
  • Focal issue:
  • Shared problem-solving

Recap of Session #32:

🛵💨 apaquarto test drive

title: "Diego uses long dashes"
shorttitle: "but only sometimes"
  - name: Jane Doe a Deer
    corresponding: true
    orcid: 0000-0000-0000-0001
    email: janedoe@generic.edu
      - name: Generic University
        department: Department of Scholarly Studies
        address: 1234 Capital St.
        city: New York
        region: NY
        country: USA
        postal-code: 12084-1234
numbered-lines: yes
abstract: "This document is a template."
keywords: [keyword1, keyword2, keyword3]
bibliography: bibliography.bib
#  apaquarto-docx: default
  apaquarto-html: default
  apaquarto-pdf: default
  apaquarto-typst: default
  #    documentmode: jou
Didn’t get this working last week 🤕 – will take another look today
Also boomer’ed these last week ✈️ – will rectify today


Many more YAML options available on the extension site

# Introduction

The origins of Utini!! [@upper1974unsuccessful]

## A new hope

### Tatoinne: The sequel


#### The Acolyte

Apparently not too good

# Method

## Participants

## Measures

## Procedure

# Results

# Discussion

## Limitations and Future Directions

## Conclusion

This is great

# References

<!-- References will auto-populate in the refs div below -->

::: {#refs}

# Appendix

# Title for Appendix
Citation format the same as rMarkdown
Leave as is – references will render automatically from this fenced div


🚧🚧 & figures & tables 🚧🚧

Session Info (July 09, 2024) Rendering:

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)

Matrix products: default

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[1] fontawesome_0.5.2

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