- coral reefs in Bocas del Toro (or some ecosystem that we care for)
- conceptual frameworks that scientists use to understant human impact and to managers to make decisions
protagonist: the natural range of variation of reef coral communities (of some ecosystem)
- current time-averaged condition (subreccent reefs)
- Punta Caracol which condition is within the NRV
- other subrecent reefs which condition is out of the NRV,
- mid-Holocene reefs, wich provide the data to set know the NRV
- historical evidence from previous studies
- around 1960 Cramer et al 2012,
- since around 3000 years ago Aronson 2004
climax: Punta Caracol is within the NRV
- has the same ecological structure than its historical counterpart and different than other subrecent reefs
- conflict resolution (conclusion): Punta Caracol
- remains within its historical range of variation
- Punta caracol should be managed differently to other subrecent reefs
- Take back Punta Caracol to the scene, now ireversebly changed
- future models used to id bright spots should incorporate the mid-Holocene record
Title, alternatives
mid-Holocene reefs inform state now and guide management
mid-Holocene reveal reefs' state and guide management
Historical data reveals reefs' state and guide management
Historical variation informs reefs' state and management
Fossil reefs inform state now and future management
Natural variation informs reefs' state now and decisions
Let´s make reefs great again
the natural range of variation of coral reefs in Bahia Almirante (built using the historic fossil record of reef corals) indicates different strategies for management of different reefs.
The natural range of variation (built using the historic fossil record of reef corals) reveals that at least two different strategies should be used to manage coral reefs in Bahia Almirante, Caribbean Panama
The NRV of reef coral communities (protagonist) defines (resolution) ecological thresholds for coral (conflict) reefs (antagonist) in Bocas del Toro, Caribbean Panama (stage).
Reef coral communities from Punta Caracol (protagonist) fit (resolution) within the NRV for coral reefs in Bocas del Toro (scene) which means that it should be managed differently than other subrecent reefs
Abstract, alternatives
Hypothesis/idea worth sharing:
Fossil corals may reveal 'pristine' reefs and/or inform management
There may be 'pristine' ecosystem-patches, but to find them we need to know what we are looking for.
Now, Coral reefs in Bocas del Toro are different compared to what they were in 1970s (Jackson et al 2014), in 1960 (Cramer et al 2012) and since 3000 yr ago.
BUT reefs here originated aprox 7000 years ago, THEREFORE the natural range of variation is pooly understood, AND if any reef escaped human impact, we don't know what it should look like nor where it is.
The natural range of variation [accounts for the natural dynamics of ecosystems and] allows scientists to notice [the effect of] human impact on natural ecosystems, and to inform managers for them to [set decision thresholds and] take concrete action[–depending on the natural, desired and current state of ecosystems].
Coral reefs are declining worldwide, AND in Bocas del Toro (Caribbean Panama) evidence since 3000 years ago shows dramatic change in the ecological structure of reef corals BUT if any reef escaped degradation we don't know what if looks like not where it is.
- by 5000 yrs ago indigenous peoples had already settled in the region AND
- reefs developed around 7000 years ago.
The temporal window from 7000-3000 is critical to understanding the dynamics of coral reefs in natural conditions (i.e. without humans) BUT
this temporal window remains unexplored
write 2-3 sentences to describe experiments that incrementally increase the insight into the character of the protagonist of how we revealed the character of the protagonist, which increases tension
In Bocas del Toro, mid-Holocene reefs represents best the natural range of variation because
- reefs here developed since ~7000 yr ago, after sealevel stabilised around its current position AND
- there is no evidence of human settlement until 5000 yr ago.
Mid-Holocene reefs where dominated by Acropora cervicornis, WHAT OTHER TAXA WHERE MOST IMPORTANT? (show rank abundance of all mid-Holocene sites combined)
[and Acropora was generally thriving].
- _Acropora cervicornis_ was the most abundant taxa in our samples
- _Acropora palmata_ was found in the site but did not appear much in our smaples (sohw photos)
- ANECDOTE: _Acropora prolifera_ had already hybridized (show photo)
AND - subrecent reefs are generally different to mid-Holocene reefs (show rank abundance of subrecent reefs, or a result from adonis, with and without Acropora cervicornis)
describe the climax experimet, that is the strongest evidence of the hypothesis
validate the climax experiment using a separate technique. in my case, show how exactly is punta caracol similar in species composition and abundance when copmared to the mid-holocene reefs, and different to the other subrecent reefs
1-2 sentences with the protagonist back to scene, now, irreversibly changed with the problem resolved. This is, punta caracol is within the historical range of variation and needs monitoring but not action to take it to the desired state. The other reefs should be either managed with effort to take them to desired state within the NRV or a new desired state.
Outline, figures and captions
Why we need to understand the natural variation of an ecosystem (to inform its sate now and guide future decisions)
Approaches to understand natural variation
Timeline of the focal ecosystem we chose
Approach we used
CLIMAX figure: Community structure through time (MDS (p value adonis). Compare subrecent and mid Holocene generally, MDS
maybe show mds with all subrecent in one colour and all mid Holocene in another one, and the subrecent inside the pristine area in a different one
plot contour around mid-Holocene to remind the idea of historical data being like a balloon that may or may not encompass modern data
Find out:
- Validate that Punta Caracol is pristine by comparing rank abundance of species in it versus other subrecent sites and midholocene sites.
Discussion: About extrapolation to sites elsewhere. In the absence of other fossil reefs our data may be the best available source of information.
We don't focus on the causes of the differences among subrecent sites, but on the fact they are actually different when compared to the fossil record.