III. Recent Daily Booking Rate



Findings align with those of the analyst; daily booking rates fell significantly during the days prior to the snapshot. The results presented below reflect the daily booking rate for the 90 days prior to the snapshot. By reproducing the analysts result it is apparent why they would feel the need for concern with these numbers.

date total_count booked_count percent
2018-05-27 225 103 45.78
2018-05-28 252 105 41.67
2018-05-29 224 112 50
2018-05-30 254 105 41.34
2018-05-31 259 103 39.77
2018-06-01 229 101 44.1
2018-06-02 218 96 44.04
2018-06-03 213 94 44.13
2018-06-04 231 105 45.45
2018-06-05 229 106 46.29
2018-06-06 258 123 47.67
2018-06-07 218 88 40.37
2018-06-08 257 100 38.91
2018-06-09 247 103 41.7
2018-06-10 254 130 51.18
2018-06-11 255 107 41.96
2018-06-12 237 113 47.68
2018-06-13 254 111 43.7
2018-06-14 271 125 46.13
2018-06-15 241 95 39.42
2018-06-16 264 113 42.8
2018-06-17 244 103 42.21
2018-06-18 249 107 42.97
2018-06-19 243 106 43.62
2018-06-20 258 106 41.09
2018-06-21 251 104 41.43
2018-06-22 242 114 47.11
2018-06-23 237 104 43.88
2018-06-24 242 105 43.39
2018-06-25 275 107 38.91
2018-06-26 239 94 39.33
2018-06-27 279 118 42.29
2018-06-28 270 119 44.07
2018-06-29 258 111 43.02
2018-06-30 260 117 45
2018-07-01 264 112 42.42
2018-07-02 271 116 42.8
2018-07-03 261 125 47.89
2018-07-04 256 120 46.88
2018-07-05 260 114 43.85
2018-07-06 267 114 42.7
2018-07-07 255 113 44.31
2018-07-08 295 136 46.1
2018-07-09 285 138 48.42
2018-07-10 272 113 41.54
2018-07-11 275 108 39.27
2018-07-12 242 93 38.43
2018-07-13 287 139 48.43
2018-07-14 284 118 41.55
2018-07-15 278 110 39.57
2018-07-16 282 139 49.29
2018-07-17 303 135 44.55
2018-07-18 290 117 40.34
2018-07-19 277 124 44.77
2018-07-20 284 127 44.72
2018-07-21 271 131 48.34
2018-07-22 290 138 47.59
2018-07-23 281 140 49.82
2018-07-24 269 121 44.98
2018-07-25 291 134 46.05
2018-07-26 283 112 39.58
2018-07-27 285 124 43.51
2018-07-28 310 118 38.06
2018-07-29 267 83 31.09
2018-07-30 304 57 18.75
2018-07-31 306 38 12.42
2018-08-01 284 14 4.93


Below the decrease in daily booking rates is shown, the analyst was correct with the discovery of a significant downfall towards the end of the snapshot period.


The table below highlights the dates included in the downfall of the daily booking rate. In order to find answers as to why this fall has occurred the focus on these dates is crucial as to why the numbers are so low for this timeframe. The fall begins July 28th with 38.06% and continues through the final day of the snapshot August 2nd with a daily booking rate of only 4.93%.
date total_count booked_count percent
2018-07-28 310 118 38.06
2018-07-29 267 83 31.09
2018-07-30 304 57 18.75
2018-07-31 306 38 12.42
2018-08-01 284 14 4.93


Upon review, the data is actually what we would expect to see given the date of the snapshot end. Historically, booked dates occur up to 3-5 days after the conversation; therefore, a conversation started on August 1st would not have all of its bookings appear in a snapshot that ends on August 2nd (due to most of the booked dates being closer to August 3rd- 5th). The following tab shows the trend of bookings after a conversation is initiated with the average time between conversation and booked date being 3.73 days. This explains why the numbers appear to be a downward trend, upon deeper review we can see there is no reason for concern and the data is as to be expected.

Supporting Data

IV. Analyzing Take Rate


Gross Billings

Gross billings for each month. Gross billing is defined as the total charged to the owner (this includes all owner and service fees).
month gross_billings
2016-08-01 6874.70
2016-09-01 3303.95
2016-10-01 5396.95
2016-11-01 8692.85
2016-12-01 8754.95
2017-01-01 14369.25
2017-02-01 13678.10
2017-03-01 16725.60
2017-04-01 19650.05
2017-05-01 22184.30
2017-06-01 25953.60
2017-07-01 28120.80
2017-08-01 31419.60
2017-09-01 33403.20
2017-10-01 35808.00
2017-11-01 35301.60
2017-12-01 41694.00
2018-01-01 44108.40
2018-02-01 41865.60
2018-03-01 50127.60
2018-04-01 50133.60
2018-05-01 54199.20
2018-06-01 55066.80
2018-07-01 58752.00
2018-08-01 2488.80

Net Revenue

Net revenue for each month. Net revenue includes all fees that go directly to the company from the fees associated for the services as well as the owner fees.
month net_revenue
2016-08-01 896.70
2016-09-01 430.95
2016-10-01 705.63
2016-11-01 1135.67
2016-12-01 1146.68
2017-01-01 1875.60
2017-02-01 1793.90
2017-03-01 2189.70
2017-04-01 2579.20
2017-05-01 3220.85
2017-06-01 4346.30
2017-07-01 4699.60
2017-08-01 5248.55
2017-09-01 5598.10
2017-10-01 5993.05
2017-11-01 5906.20
2017-12-01 6972.52
2018-01-01 7389.34
2018-02-01 7011.83
2018-03-01 8411.93
2018-04-01 8383.18
2018-05-01 9090.32
2018-06-01 9211.12
2018-07-01 9840.51
2018-08-01 414.80

Take Rate

Monthly aggregate take rates. The take rate fell significantly toward the end of July, beginning of August.
month take_rate
2016-08-01 27.26087
2016-09-01 13.56522
2016-10-01 21.96522
2016-11-01 36.44348
2016-12-01 36.69565
2017-01-01 58.73913
2017-02-01 56.56522
2017-03-01 68.73913
2017-04-01 80.73913
2017-05-01 98.54529
2017-06-01 129.95833
2017-07-01 140.54167
2017-08-01 157.04167
2017-09-01 167.91667
2017-10-01 180.87500
2017-11-01 175.87500
2017-12-01 209.20000
2018-01-01 222.00000
2018-02-01 209.99167
2018-03-01 252.97500
2018-04-01 253.04167
2018-05-01 273.41667
2018-06-01 274.82500
2018-07-01 296.01667
2018-08-01 12.50000

Take Rate Trend

Trend for the take rate over the selected date range. Here we can see the significant fall.


In conclusion the take rate trend shows that a downward trend is evident, this is a direct result of the daily booking rates also falling during the same range of dates. With booking rates being low, the result of gross billings and net revenue also being low is expected; this in turn explains the trend in take rate as it is defined by those two variables.

VI. Search Engine Marketing



Count of users acquired via Google
date count
2016-08-08 1
2016-08-09 1
2016-08-10 1
2016-08-11 1
2016-08-12 1
2016-08-14 1
2016-08-20 3
2016-08-24 1
2016-08-26 1
2016-08-27 1
2016-08-28 3
2016-08-29 3
2016-08-31 2
2016-09-01 1
2016-09-02 1
2016-09-03 2
2016-09-04 4
2016-09-05 1
2016-09-06 1
2016-09-07 4
2016-09-08 3
2016-09-09 3
2016-09-12 4
2016-09-14 4
2016-09-15 1
2016-09-16 1
2016-09-19 1
2016-09-20 2
2016-09-21 1
2016-09-22 2
2016-09-23 3
2016-09-24 3
2016-09-25 2
2016-09-26 1
2016-09-27 1
2016-09-28 2
2016-09-29 4
2016-10-02 5
2016-10-03 6
2016-10-04 3
2016-10-05 3
2016-10-06 1
2016-10-07 1
2016-10-08 1
2016-10-10 2
2016-10-11 9
2016-10-12 3
2016-10-13 1
2016-10-14 2
2016-10-15 2
2016-10-16 5
2016-10-17 2
2016-10-18 6
2016-10-19 3
2016-10-20 2
2016-10-21 3
2016-10-22 4
2016-10-23 7
2016-10-24 5
2016-10-25 5
2016-10-26 10
2016-10-27 5
2016-10-28 3
2016-10-29 3
2016-10-30 5
2016-10-31 4
2016-11-01 6
2016-11-02 5
2016-11-03 4
2016-11-04 1
2016-11-05 6
2016-11-06 10
2016-11-07 6
2016-11-08 2
2016-11-09 4
2016-11-10 2
2016-11-11 6
2016-11-12 5
2016-11-13 6
2016-11-14 8
2016-11-15 1
2016-11-16 5
2016-11-17 3
2016-11-18 6
2016-11-19 2
2016-11-20 5
2016-11-21 5
2016-11-22 6
2016-11-23 4
2016-11-24 3
2016-11-25 6
2016-11-26 5
2016-11-27 6
2016-11-28 5
2016-11-29 3
2016-11-30 11
2016-12-01 7
2016-12-02 5
2016-12-03 4
2016-12-04 5
2016-12-05 8
2016-12-06 7
2016-12-07 11
2016-12-08 4
2016-12-09 8
2016-12-10 6
2016-12-11 10
2016-12-12 8
2016-12-13 6
2016-12-14 6
2016-12-15 7
2016-12-16 1
2016-12-17 8
2016-12-18 8
2016-12-19 8
2016-12-20 7
2016-12-21 6
2016-12-22 10
2016-12-23 4
2016-12-24 3
2016-12-25 7
2016-12-26 9
2016-12-27 6
2016-12-28 7
2016-12-29 6
2016-12-30 11
2016-12-31 10
2017-01-01 7
2017-01-02 4
2017-01-03 6
2017-01-04 10
2017-01-05 9
2017-01-06 4
2017-01-07 8
2017-01-08 8
2017-01-09 7
2017-01-10 16
2017-01-11 7
2017-01-12 5
2017-01-13 8
2017-01-14 2
2017-01-15 8
2017-01-16 6
2017-01-17 11
2017-01-18 10
2017-01-19 8
2017-01-20 7
2017-01-21 8
2017-01-22 7
2017-01-23 15
2017-01-24 8
2017-01-25 10
2017-01-26 9
2017-01-27 4
2017-01-28 9
2017-01-29 5
2017-01-30 7
2017-01-31 7
2017-02-01 12
2017-02-02 11
2017-02-03 7
2017-02-04 13
2017-02-05 7
2017-02-06 9
2017-02-07 5
2017-02-08 5
2017-02-09 6
2017-02-10 8
2017-02-11 6
2017-02-12 10
2017-02-13 11
2017-02-14 9
2017-02-15 10
2017-02-16 11
2017-02-17 10
2017-02-18 8
2017-02-19 4
2017-02-20 11
2017-02-21 10
2017-02-22 7
2017-02-23 14
2017-02-24 7
2017-02-25 13
2017-02-26 7
2017-02-27 10
2017-02-28 9
2017-03-01 9
2017-03-02 5
2017-03-03 7
2017-03-04 15
2017-03-05 13
2017-03-06 9
2017-03-07 12
2017-03-08 13
2017-03-09 7
2017-03-10 6
2017-03-11 12
2017-03-12 8
2017-03-13 10
2017-03-14 17
2017-03-15 22
2017-03-16 15
2017-03-17 10
2017-03-18 10
2017-03-19 12
2017-03-20 12
2017-03-21 8
2017-03-22 13
2017-03-23 13
2017-03-24 11
2017-03-25 9
2017-03-26 15
2017-03-27 3
2017-03-28 10
2017-03-29 10
2017-03-30 11
2017-03-31 6
2017-04-01 10
2017-04-02 9
2017-04-03 16
2017-04-04 17
2017-04-05 13
2017-04-06 13
2017-04-07 6
2017-04-08 7
2017-04-09 13
2017-04-10 13
2017-04-11 11
2017-04-12 12
2017-04-13 6
2017-04-14 10
2017-04-15 6
2017-04-16 19
2017-04-17 18
2017-04-18 14
2017-04-19 9
2017-04-20 5
2017-04-21 7
2017-04-22 17
2017-04-23 11
2017-04-24 16
2017-04-25 12
2017-04-26 4
2017-04-27 7
2017-04-28 15
2017-04-29 7
2017-04-30 15
2017-05-01 16
2017-05-02 20
2017-05-03 12
2017-05-04 10
2017-05-05 10
2017-05-06 13
2017-05-07 12
2017-05-08 18
2017-05-09 12
2017-05-10 10
2017-05-11 27
2017-05-12 17
2017-05-13 12
2017-05-14 13
2017-05-15 14
2017-05-16 9
2017-05-17 15
2017-05-18 11
2017-05-19 12
2017-05-20 8
2017-05-21 11
2017-05-22 11
2017-05-23 11
2017-05-24 9
2017-05-25 12
2017-05-26 9
2017-05-27 20
2017-05-28 13
2017-05-29 12
2017-05-30 14
2017-05-31 12
2017-06-01 12
2017-06-02 19
2017-06-03 14
2017-06-04 15
2017-06-05 16
2017-06-06 16
2017-06-07 13
2017-06-08 7
2017-06-09 17
2017-06-10 14
2017-06-11 15
2017-06-12 17
2017-06-13 8
2017-06-14 14
2017-06-15 19
2017-06-16 18
2017-06-17 10
2017-06-18 17
2017-06-19 18
2017-06-20 19
2017-06-21 13
2017-06-22 14
2017-06-23 11
2017-06-24 14
2017-06-25 18
2017-06-26 15
2017-06-27 17
2017-06-28 16
2017-06-29 9
2017-06-30 20
2017-07-01 13
2017-07-02 16
2017-07-03 17
2017-07-04 13
2017-07-05 18
2017-07-06 18
2017-07-07 11
2017-07-08 13
2017-07-09 20
2017-07-10 10
2017-07-11 10
2017-07-12 18
2017-07-13 17
2017-07-14 15
2017-07-15 16
2017-07-16 12
2017-07-17 16
2017-07-18 12
2017-07-19 14
2017-07-20 17
2017-07-21 24
2017-07-22 21
2017-07-23 21
2017-07-24 17
2017-07-25 16
2017-07-26 17
2017-07-27 19
2017-07-28 16
2017-07-29 17
2017-07-30 21
2017-07-31 19
2017-08-01 11
2017-08-02 18
2017-08-03 12
2017-08-04 13
2017-08-05 18
2017-08-06 24
2017-08-07 20
2017-08-08 21
2017-08-09 12
2017-08-10 21
2017-08-11 22
2017-08-12 18
2017-08-13 16
2017-08-14 19
2017-08-15 18
2017-08-16 14
2017-08-17 20
2017-08-18 14
2017-08-19 14
2017-08-20 17
2017-08-21 14
2017-08-22 17
2017-08-23 17
2017-08-24 29
2017-08-25 23
2017-08-26 15
2017-08-27 24
2017-08-28 29
2017-08-29 19
2017-08-30 21
2017-08-31 18
2017-09-01 16
2017-09-02 13
2017-09-03 20
2017-09-04 26
2017-09-05 18
2017-09-06 23
2017-09-07 14
2017-09-08 14
2017-09-09 14
2017-09-10 22
2017-09-11 27
2017-09-12 15
2017-09-13 15
2017-09-14 17
2017-09-15 18
2017-09-16 29
2017-09-17 20
2017-09-18 15
2017-09-19 19
2017-09-20 24
2017-09-21 15
2017-09-22 23
2017-09-23 18
2017-09-24 21
2017-09-25 25
2017-09-26 23
2017-09-27 24
2017-09-28 19
2017-09-29 18
2017-09-30 22
2017-10-01 24
2017-10-02 14
2017-10-03 19
2017-10-04 31
2017-10-05 20
2017-10-06 22
2017-10-07 25
2017-10-08 20
2017-10-09 18
2017-10-10 14
2017-10-11 18
2017-10-12 17
2017-10-13 24
2017-10-14 12
2017-10-15 25
2017-10-16 20
2017-10-17 20
2017-10-18 11
2017-10-19 22
2017-10-20 18
2017-10-21 22
2017-10-22 19
2017-10-23 23
2017-10-24 20
2017-10-25 13
2017-10-26 26
2017-10-27 15
2017-10-28 18
2017-10-29 21
2017-10-30 13
2017-10-31 26
2017-11-01 15
2017-11-02 16
2017-11-03 12
2017-11-04 17
2017-11-05 16
2017-11-06 31
2017-11-07 19
2017-11-08 18
2017-11-09 22
2017-11-10 25
2017-11-11 19
2017-11-12 31
2017-11-13 29
2017-11-14 16
2017-11-15 18
2017-11-16 18
2017-11-17 20
2017-11-18 24
2017-11-19 27
2017-11-20 15
2017-11-21 19
2017-11-22 23
2017-11-23 23
2017-11-24 18
2017-11-25 17
2017-11-26 24
2017-11-27 19
2017-11-28 28
2017-11-29 23
2017-11-30 23
2017-12-01 23
2017-12-02 23
2017-12-03 20
2017-12-04 26
2017-12-05 26
2017-12-06 20
2017-12-07 24
2017-12-08 29
2017-12-09 31
2017-12-10 31
2017-12-11 28
2017-12-12 22
2017-12-13 25
2017-12-14 20
2017-12-15 26
2017-12-16 27
2017-12-17 28
2017-12-18 21
2017-12-19 30
2017-12-20 19
2017-12-21 30
2017-12-22 24
2017-12-23 23
2017-12-24 30
2017-12-25 28
2017-12-26 25
2017-12-27 30
2017-12-28 21
2017-12-29 25
2017-12-30 21
2017-12-31 32
2018-01-01 28
2018-01-02 27
2018-01-03 28
2018-01-04 27
2018-01-05 22
2018-01-06 28
2018-01-07 19
2018-01-08 33
2018-01-09 16
2018-01-10 24
2018-01-11 19
2018-01-12 25
2018-01-13 31
2018-01-14 24
2018-01-15 25
2018-01-16 29
2018-01-17 41
2018-01-18 35
2018-01-19 23
2018-01-20 25
2018-01-21 18
2018-01-22 33
2018-01-23 30
2018-01-24 24
2018-01-25 23
2018-01-26 30
2018-01-27 24
2018-01-28 28
2018-01-29 30
2018-01-30 20
2018-01-31 29
2018-02-01 22
2018-02-02 30
2018-02-03 26
2018-02-04 32
2018-02-05 28
2018-02-06 31
2018-02-07 16
2018-02-08 24
2018-02-09 23
2018-02-10 24
2018-02-11 30
2018-02-12 32
2018-02-13 22
2018-02-14 21
2018-02-15 30
2018-02-16 21
2018-02-17 27
2018-02-18 36
2018-02-19 21
2018-02-20 27
2018-02-21 23
2018-02-22 33
2018-02-23 26
2018-02-24 31
2018-02-25 32
2018-02-26 33
2018-02-27 22
2018-02-28 14
2018-03-01 24
2018-03-02 37
2018-03-03 25
2018-03-04 28
2018-03-05 29
2018-03-06 22
2018-03-07 28
2018-03-08 29
2018-03-09 33
2018-03-10 39
2018-03-11 24
2018-03-12 30
2018-03-13 35
2018-03-14 27
2018-03-15 25
2018-03-16 33
2018-03-17 27
2018-03-18 26
2018-03-19 29
2018-03-20 27
2018-03-21 25
2018-03-22 31
2018-03-23 27
2018-03-24 29
2018-03-25 36
2018-03-26 27
2018-03-27 31
2018-03-28 16
2018-03-29 32
2018-03-30 26
2018-03-31 18
2018-04-01 34
2018-04-02 29
2018-04-03 34
2018-04-04 28
2018-04-05 25
2018-04-06 35
2018-04-07 25
2018-04-08 22
2018-04-09 32
2018-04-10 27
2018-04-11 22
2018-04-12 24
2018-04-13 28
2018-04-14 32
2018-04-15 36
2018-04-16 24
2018-04-17 23
2018-04-18 22
2018-04-19 30
2018-04-20 24
2018-04-21 29
2018-04-22 31
2018-04-23 39
2018-04-24 27
2018-04-25 39
2018-04-26 28
2018-04-27 30
2018-04-28 30
2018-04-29 40
2018-04-30 28
2018-05-01 36
2018-05-02 40
2018-05-03 39
2018-05-04 24
2018-05-05 47
2018-05-06 22
2018-05-07 37
2018-05-08 32
2018-05-09 37
2018-05-10 27
2018-05-11 23
2018-05-12 34
2018-05-13 34
2018-05-14 27
2018-05-15 31
2018-05-16 38
2018-05-17 32
2018-05-18 26
2018-05-19 45
2018-05-20 33
2018-05-21 40
2018-05-22 47
2018-05-23 46
2018-05-24 37
2018-05-25 33
2018-05-26 36
2018-05-27 56
2018-05-28 43
2018-05-29 46
2018-05-30 47
2018-05-31 40
2018-06-01 42
2018-06-02 35
2018-06-03 40
2018-06-04 47
2018-06-05 55
2018-06-06 47
2018-06-07 44
2018-06-08 48
2018-06-09 37
2018-06-10 51
2018-06-11 57
2018-06-12 44
2018-06-13 44
2018-06-14 43
2018-06-15 52
2018-06-16 46
2018-06-17 55
2018-06-18 39
2018-06-19 59
2018-06-20 60
2018-06-21 51
2018-06-22 41
2018-06-23 52
2018-06-24 52
2018-06-25 48
2018-06-26 51
2018-06-27 61
2018-06-28 62
2018-06-29 53
2018-06-30 73
2018-07-01 62
2018-07-02 74
2018-07-03 56
2018-07-04 55
2018-07-05 67
2018-07-06 52
2018-07-07 52
2018-07-08 44
2018-07-09 58
2018-07-10 73
2018-07-11 60
2018-07-12 70
2018-07-13 60
2018-07-14 73
2018-07-15 64
2018-07-16 50
2018-07-17 70
2018-07-18 69
2018-07-19 67
2018-07-20 76
2018-07-21 64
2018-07-22 51
2018-07-23 58
2018-07-24 67
2018-07-25 73
2018-07-26 69
2018-07-27 67
2018-07-28 73
2018-07-29 65
2018-07-30 86
2018-07-31 87
2018-08-01 83


The graph shows an upward trend which starts right after the increased their bidding for Google from 2nd position to 1st.


4604 total user acquired accounts via Google advertising since bidding for 1st position (2018-05-04 through 2018-08-01)

$45 average cost per account since the bidding for first place began on 2018-05-04

If the company did not change its bidding strategy, it would have acquired a total of 1323 accounts during the time frame (2018-05-04 through 2018-08-01) with a marketing spend of $39,690 this is compared to the 4604 users that were acquired with a marketing spend of $207,180. By bidding for the 1st position for the last five months they were able to acquire an additional 3,281 accounts for an increase cost of $49,215. The marginal cost per account for the additional accounts was $15.

45$ per account for 1st (15$ higher); ($207,180(spent) / 4604(users)) Timeframe: 5-4-18 - 8-1-18 (87 days) 4604 total users. 4604 * 45 = $207,180 spent

30$ per account for 2nd ($289,740(spent) / 9658(users) Timeframe: 2016-08-08 - 2018-05-03 (635 days) 9658 total users. 9658 * 30 = $289,740 spent

Marginal Cost = (Change in Costs) / (Change in Quantity) Marginal Cost $49,215 / 3281= $15