Install and load mirt package

In this workshop, we will use the mirt package (Chalmers, 2012). I will mainly demonstrate how we can fit various types of confirmatory multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) models discussed in the lecture.

# install the package
# load the package
## Warning: package 'mirt' was built under R version 4.2.2
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: lattice

Binary data

The data we will use is an edited version of ‘read.math’ dataset provided by sirt package. The data has binary item responses from 664 students to 30 Mathematics items for German fourth graders. Items are classified into three domains: Arithmetic (Items 1-16), Measurement (Items 17-23), and Geometry (Items 24-30).

math <- read.table("", sep=" ")

Fit a unidimensional IRT model

We will fit an IRT model using mirt() function. This function requires at least two arguments: data and model.

  • data: a matrix or data.frame of numerical data
  • model: a numeric value indicating the number of factors to extract (exploratory; default is 1) or a mirt.model defined object
# for more details 
# Unidimensional model
twopl <- mirt(data = math, model = 1, verbose = F) # 2PL model
## Call:
## mirt(data = math, model = 1, verbose = F)
## Full-information item factor analysis with 1 factor(s).
## Converged within 1e-04 tolerance after 28 EM iterations.
## mirt version: 1.37.1 
## M-step optimizer: BFGS 
## EM acceleration: Ramsay 
## Number of rectangular quadrature: 61
## Latent density type: Gaussian 
## Log-likelihood = -11255.16
## Estimated parameters: 60 
## AIC = 22630.32
## BIC = 22900.22; SABIC = 22709.72
## G2 (1073741763) = 13906.6, p = 1
## RMSEA = 0, CFI = NaN, TLI = NaN
# Using mirt.model() 
mod <- mirt.model('F = 1-30')
twopl2 <- mirt(data = math, model = mod, verbose = F) 

# Compare the two models
anova(twopl, twopl2)  # identical
##             AIC    SABIC       HQ      BIC    logLik X2 df   p
## twopl  22630.32 22709.72 22734.91 22900.22 -11255.16          
## twopl2 22630.32 22709.72 22734.91 22900.22 -11255.16  0  0 NaN
# print item parameter estimates
coef(twopl, simplify = T) 
## $items
##        a1      d g u
## V1  0.647  2.203 0 1
## V2  0.814  0.277 0 1
## V3  1.154  0.114 0 1
## V4  1.149 -0.502 0 1
## V5  1.355  0.713 0 1
## V6  1.106  0.573 0 1
## V7  1.577 -0.905 0 1
## V8  1.672 -0.913 0 1
## V9  1.151  1.473 0 1
## V10 1.179 -0.114 0 1
## V11 1.126  0.829 0 1
## V12 1.314  0.268 0 1
## V13 1.400  1.012 0 1
## V14 1.254  1.402 0 1
## V15 1.389  0.547 0 1
## V16 1.153  0.524 0 1
## V17 1.228  1.056 0 1
## V18 1.253 -0.577 0 1
## V19 1.186  0.331 0 1
## V20 2.014 -0.563 0 1
## V21 2.252 -1.168 0 1
## V22 2.118 -0.482 0 1
## V23 2.197 -0.712 0 1
## V24 0.606 -0.016 0 1
## V25 0.860 -0.618 0 1
## V26 0.799 -0.350 0 1
## V27 0.794 -0.791 0 1
## V28 0.483 -0.747 0 1
## V29 0.726 -0.173 0 1
## V30 0.824 -1.587 0 1
## $means
## F1 
##  0 
## $cov
##    F1
## F1  1
coef(twopl2, simplify = T)
## $items
##        a1      d g u
## V1  0.647  2.203 0 1
## V2  0.814  0.277 0 1
## V3  1.154  0.114 0 1
## V4  1.149 -0.502 0 1
## V5  1.355  0.713 0 1
## V6  1.106  0.573 0 1
## V7  1.577 -0.905 0 1
## V8  1.672 -0.913 0 1
## V9  1.151  1.473 0 1
## V10 1.179 -0.114 0 1
## V11 1.126  0.829 0 1
## V12 1.314  0.268 0 1
## V13 1.400  1.012 0 1
## V14 1.254  1.402 0 1
## V15 1.389  0.547 0 1
## V16 1.153  0.524 0 1
## V17 1.228  1.056 0 1
## V18 1.253 -0.577 0 1
## V19 1.186  0.331 0 1
## V20 2.014 -0.563 0 1
## V21 2.252 -1.168 0 1
## V22 2.118 -0.482 0 1
## V23 2.197 -0.712 0 1
## V24 0.606 -0.016 0 1
## V25 0.860 -0.618 0 1
## V26 0.799 -0.350 0 1
## V27 0.794 -0.791 0 1
## V28 0.483 -0.747 0 1
## V29 0.726 -0.173 0 1
## V30 0.824 -1.587 0 1
## $means
## F 
## 0 
## $cov
##   F
## F 1
## coef(twopl, IRTpar = T, simplify = T) # traditional IRT parameterization

# model fit indices
##             M2  df p     RMSEA    RMSEA_5  RMSEA_95      SRMSR       TLI
## stats 3233.658 405 0 0.1026375 0.09929226 0.1058587 0.08631215 0.7685396
##             CFI
## stats 0.7845024
##             M2  df p     RMSEA    RMSEA_5  RMSEA_95      SRMSR       TLI
## stats 3233.658 405 0 0.1026375 0.09929226 0.1058587 0.08631215 0.7685396
##             CFI
## stats 0.7845024

To fit other types of IRT models, we can use the itemtype argument to specify the model we hope to fit. See help(mirt) for more details.

# Rasch model
Rasch <- mirt(data = math, model = 1, itemtype = "Rasch", verbose = F)
coef(Rasch, simplify = T)
## $items
##     a1      d g u
## V1   1  2.511 0 1
## V2   1  0.307 0 1
## V3   1  0.122 0 1
## V4   1 -0.500 0 1
## V5   1  0.688 0 1
## V6   1  0.590 0 1
## V7   1 -0.789 0 1
## V8   1 -0.773 0 1
## V9   1  1.485 0 1
## V10  1 -0.106 0 1
## V11  1  0.846 0 1
## V12  1  0.268 0 1
## V13  1  0.957 0 1
## V14  1  1.373 0 1
## V15  1  0.526 0 1
## V16  1  0.534 0 1
## V17  1  1.045 0 1
## V18  1 -0.555 0 1
## V19  1  0.338 0 1
## V20  1 -0.414 0 1
## V21  1 -0.830 0 1
## V22  1 -0.336 0 1
## V23  1 -0.500 0 1
## V24  1 -0.023 0 1
## V25  1 -0.675 0 1
## V26  1 -0.391 0 1
## V27  1 -0.881 0 1
## V28  1 -0.898 0 1
## V29  1 -0.198 0 1
## V30  1 -1.744 0 1
## $means
## F1 
##  0 
## $cov
##       F1
## F1 1.347
anova(Rasch, twopl)
##            AIC    SABIC       HQ      BIC    logLik      X2 df p
## Rasch 22791.88 22832.90 22845.91 22931.33 -11364.94             
## twopl 22630.32 22709.72 22734.91 22900.22 -11255.16 219.555 29 0

We can also estimate standard errors of the parameters estimates by including SE = T. <- mirt(data = math, model = 1, SE = T, verbose = F)
coef(, printSE = T)
## $V1
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.647 2.203     -999      999
## SE  0.136 0.142       NA       NA
## $V2
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.814 0.277     -999      999
## SE  0.107 0.090       NA       NA
## $V3
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.154 0.114     -999      999
## SE  0.128 0.098       NA       NA
## $V4
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.149 -0.502     -999      999
## SE  0.131  0.101       NA       NA
## $V5
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.355 0.713     -999      999
## SE  0.145 0.110       NA       NA
## $V6
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.106 0.573     -999      999
## SE  0.127 0.100       NA       NA
## $V7
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.577 -0.905     -999      999
## SE  0.168  0.123       NA       NA
## $V8
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.672 -0.913     -999      999
## SE  0.178  0.127       NA       NA
## $V9
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.151 1.473     -999      999
## SE  0.135 0.124       NA       NA
## $V10
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.179 -0.114     -999      999
## SE  0.130  0.099       NA       NA
## $V11
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.126 0.829     -999      999
## SE  0.127 0.105       NA       NA
## $V12
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.314 0.268     -999      999
## SE  0.139 0.104       NA       NA
## $V13
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.400 1.012     -999      999
## SE  0.149 0.118       NA       NA
## $V14
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.254 1.402     -999      999
## SE  0.143 0.125       NA       NA
## $V15
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.389 0.547     -999      999
## SE  0.146 0.109       NA       NA
## $V16
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.153 0.524     -999      999
## SE  0.128 0.101       NA       NA
## $V17
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.228 1.056     -999      999
## SE  0.135 0.113       NA       NA
## $V18
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.253 -0.577     -999      999
## SE  0.138  0.106       NA       NA
## $V19
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 1.186 0.331     -999      999
## SE  0.129 0.100       NA       NA
## $V20
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 2.014 -0.563     -999      999
## SE  0.224  0.134       NA       NA
## $V21
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 2.252 -1.168     -999      999
## SE  0.259  0.162       NA       NA
## $V22
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 2.118 -0.482     -999      999
## SE  0.235  0.136       NA       NA
## $V23
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 2.197 -0.712     -999      999
## SE  0.249  0.145       NA       NA
## $V24
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.606 -0.016     -999      999
## SE  0.097  0.084       NA       NA
## $V25
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.860 -0.618     -999      999
## SE  0.114  0.095       NA       NA
## $V26
##        a1     d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.799 -0.35     -999      999
## SE  0.108  0.09       NA       NA
## $V27
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.794 -0.791     -999      999
## SE  0.113  0.096       NA       NA
## $V28
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.483 -0.747     -999      999
## SE  0.098  0.088       NA       NA
## $V29
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.726 -0.173     -999      999
## SE  0.103  0.087       NA       NA
## $V30
##        a1      d logit(g) logit(u)
## par 0.824 -1.587     -999      999
## SE  0.130  0.119       NA       NA
## $GroupPars
##     MEAN_1 COV_11
## par      0      1
## SE      NA     NA

Simple-structure MIRT model

Items 1-16, Items 17-23, and Items 24-30 are each related to different domains of mathematics. Based on this information, we will specify the loading patterns and fit a simple-structure MIRT model.

ss.mod <- mirt.model('F1 = 1-16
                        F2 = 17-23
                        F3 = 24-30
                       COV = F1*F2*F3') # allow all possible correlations among the three factors <- mirt(math, ss.mod, method = "MHRM", verbose = F) # Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro (MH-RM) algorithm can effectively handle high-dimensional estimation

As demonstrated above, mirt.model() allows us to define the relationship between items and factors. We can also determine which covariance parameters to estimate by specifying COV and add equality constraints, priors, etc. For example:

model <- mirt.model(' F1 = 1-5, 7
                      F2 = 6, 8-10
                      F3 = 11-15
                      COV = F1*F3, F2*F3
                      CONSTRAIN = (1-5, 7, a1), (6, 8-10, d)
                      PRIOR = (1-3, d, norm, 0, 1)')

To examine the item parameter estimates and fit of the model:

coef(, simplify=T)
## $items
##        a1    a2    a3      d g u
## V1  0.751 0.000 0.000  2.250 0 1
## V2  0.976 0.000 0.000  0.281 0 1
## V3  1.237 0.000 0.000  0.107 0 1
## V4  1.292 0.000 0.000 -0.538 0 1
## V5  1.714 0.000 0.000  0.776 0 1
## V6  1.462 0.000 0.000  0.620 0 1
## V7  1.873 0.000 0.000 -1.012 0 1
## V8  2.196 0.000 0.000 -1.097 0 1
## V9  1.184 0.000 0.000  1.481 0 1
## V10 1.365 0.000 0.000 -0.135 0 1
## V11 1.226 0.000 0.000  0.845 0 1
## V12 1.433 0.000 0.000  0.266 0 1
## V13 1.707 0.000 0.000  1.094 0 1
## V14 1.495 0.000 0.000  1.495 0 1
## V15 1.598 0.000 0.000  0.568 0 1
## V16 1.203 0.000 0.000  0.524 0 1
## V17 0.000 1.130 0.000  1.024 0 1
## V18 0.000 0.984 0.000 -0.533 0 1
## V19 0.000 1.012 0.000  0.314 0 1
## V20 0.000 4.467 0.000 -1.150 0 1
## V21 0.000 4.686 0.000 -2.160 0 1
## V22 0.000 4.793 0.000 -1.045 0 1
## V23 0.000 5.082 0.000 -1.518 0 1
## V24 0.000 0.000 1.831 -0.046 0 1
## V25 0.000 0.000 1.978 -0.892 0 1
## V26 0.000 0.000 2.195 -0.562 0 1
## V27 0.000 0.000 2.019 -1.171 0 1
## V28 0.000 0.000 0.913 -0.842 0 1
## V29 0.000 0.000 1.172 -0.208 0 1
## V30 0.000 0.000 1.289 -1.828 0 1
## $means
## F1 F2 F3 
##  0  0  0 
## $cov
##       F1    F2    F3
## F1 1.000 0.632 0.418
## F2 0.632 1.000 0.423
## F3 0.418 0.423 1.000
##             M2  df p      RMSEA   RMSEA_5   RMSEA_95      SRMSR       TLI
## stats 1369.074 402 0 0.06023654 0.0567092 0.06370648 0.06387498 0.9202768
##             CFI
## stats 0.9263247
anova(twopl, # compare model fit with 2PL model
##             AIC    SABIC       HQ      BIC    logLik       X2 df p
## twopl  22630.32 22709.72 22734.91 22900.22 -11255.16              
## 21631.57 21714.93 21741.38 21914.96 -10752.78 1004.757  3 0

Bifactor MIRT model

High correlations among the three factors indicate that there might be a general factor influencing all items. Here we will fit a bifactor MIRT model that incoporates a general factor as well as the specific factors.

bif.mod <- mirt.model('F0 = 1-30
                       F1 = 1-16
                       F2 = 17-23
                       F3 = 24-30') # no correlation among factors <- mirt(math, bif.mod, method = "MHRM", verbose = F)
coef(, simplify=T)
## $items
##        a1     a2    a3    a4      d g u
## V1  0.676  0.446 0.000 0.000  2.296 0 1
## V2  0.867  0.470 0.000 0.000  0.298 0 1
## V3  1.128  0.494 0.000 0.000  0.128 0 1
## V4  1.190  0.772 0.000 0.000 -0.546 0 1
## V5  1.874  1.387 0.000 0.000  0.972 0 1
## V6  1.584  1.450 0.000 0.000  0.795 0 1
## V7  1.956  1.315 0.000 0.000 -1.160 0 1
## V8  2.314  1.382 0.000 0.000 -1.253 0 1
## V9  1.181 -0.025 0.000 0.000  1.510 0 1
## V10 1.370  0.024 0.000 0.000 -0.112 0 1
## V11 1.189  0.047 0.000 0.000  0.863 0 1
## V12 1.526 -0.198 0.000 0.000  0.303 0 1
## V13 2.192 -0.735 0.000 0.000  1.350 0 1
## V14 2.350 -1.357 0.000 0.000  2.177 0 1
## V15 2.268 -0.920 0.000 0.000  0.763 0 1
## V16 1.425 -0.527 0.000 0.000  0.605 0 1
## V17 1.171  0.000 0.411 0.000  1.079 0 1
## V18 1.236  0.000 0.286 0.000 -0.572 0 1
## V19 1.085  0.000 0.343 0.000  0.341 0 1
## V20 2.306  0.000 3.864 0.000 -1.115 0 1
## V21 2.488  0.000 3.657 0.000 -2.059 0 1
## V22 2.486  0.000 4.065 0.000 -0.984 0 1
## V23 2.686  0.000 4.358 0.000 -1.496 0 1
## V24 0.501  0.000 0.000 2.116 -0.046 0 1
## V25 0.921  0.000 0.000 1.705 -0.861 0 1
## V26 0.856  0.000 0.000 2.015 -0.543 0 1
## V27 0.841  0.000 0.000 1.885 -1.174 0 1
## V28 0.419  0.000 0.000 0.734 -0.817 0 1
## V29 0.691  0.000 0.000 0.872 -0.187 0 1
## V30 0.699  0.000 0.000 0.978 -1.773 0 1
## $means
## F0 F1 F2 F3 
##  0  0  0  0 
## $cov
##    F0 F1 F2 F3
## F0  1  0  0  0
## F1  0  1  0  0
## F2  0  0  1  0
## F3  0  0  0  1
M2(, QMC = T) # QMC=T is useful for high dimensional models
##             M2  df p      RMSEA    RMSEA_5   RMSEA_95      SRMSR       TLI
## stats 712.9979 375 0 0.03687097 0.03271299 0.04094008 0.04450582 0.9701301
##             CFI
## stats 0.9742501
anova(, # compare model fit with SS model; note that the bifactor and SS models may not be nested 
##              AIC    SABIC       HQ      BIC    logLik      X2 df p
##  21631.57 21714.93 21741.38 21914.96 -10752.78             
## 21262.28 21381.37 21419.15 21667.12 -10541.14 423.288 27 0
# person trait estimates
scores <- fscores(, QMC = T) # EAP estimate (default)
##              F0         F1           F2          F3
## [1,]  0.6854651 -0.6170275 -0.057392681  0.22762860
## [2,]  1.9940210  0.3673618  0.589653492  0.54422506
## [3,]  0.3322499 -0.3040698  1.140201671 -0.02785661
## [4,]  0.5497792  0.7136597 -0.008131884  0.75932158
## [5,] -0.8706914 -0.9228804 -0.709613945 -0.94009512
## [6,] -1.7023432  0.6250598 -0.467668323  0.45828490


The data is a modified version of the ‘SAT12’ dataset obtained from mirt package (Chalmers, 2012). The data contains binary item responses from 600 examinees to 32 items of a grade 12 science assessment test (SAT). This data has three clusters of items (Items 1-13, Items 14-20, and Items 21-32) measuring different topics of science. The original item response pattern was scored by using the scoring key of [1,4,5,2,3,1,2,1,3,1,2,4,2,1,5,3,4,4,1,4,3,3,4,1,3,5,1,3,1,5,4,3].

SAT <- read.table("", sep=",")
  1. Fit a simple structure MIRT model based on the domain-related classification of the items
    1-1. Evaluate the model fit statistics
    1-2. Obtain the item parameter estimates

  2. Fit a bifactor MIRT model
    1-1. Evaluate the model fit statistics
    1-2. Compare the model fit to that of the simple-structure model
    1-3. Obtain the item parameter estimates

Categorical data

The data we will use is a subset of the data collected from a survey from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 (for Grade 8). The dataset contains item responses from 1,000 randomly sampled respondents from the U.S. administration of the 9 items for the Mathematics Self-Efficacy scale. Each item was rated using four response categories: disagree a lot, disagree a little, agree a little, and agree a lot.

mathse <- read.table("", sep=",")
##   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
## 1  4  1  4  4  4  2  4  4  4
## 2  4  4  4  4  4  4  2  4  3
## 3  4  4  3  4  3  4  3  3  1
## 4  4  4  3  4  2  4  4  4  4
## 5  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
## 6  4  4  2  3  2  2  2  2  2

Generalized partial credit model (GPCM) <- mirt(mathse, 1, itemtype = "gpcm", verbose = F)
coef(, simplify = T)
## $items
##       a1 ak0 ak1 ak2 ak3 d0    d1    d2    d3
## V1 2.188   0   1   2   3  0 3.686 6.238 5.929
## V2 1.562   0   1   2   3  0 1.778 2.511 2.029
## V3 2.881   0   1   2   3  0 2.168 2.785 1.344
## V4 2.038   0   1   2   3  0 2.928 4.096 2.997
## V5 0.828   0   1   2   3  0 1.405 1.721 1.583
## V6 1.888   0   1   2   3  0 1.949 2.549 0.781
## V7 0.766   0   1   2   3  0 0.811 1.082 0.364
## V8 2.519   0   1   2   3  0 1.941 2.934 2.678
## V9 1.736   0   1   2   3  0 1.730 1.844 0.825
## $means
## F1 
##  0 
## $cov
##    F1
## F1  1
gpcm.mod <- mirt.model('SE = 1-9')
gpcm.fit2 <- mirt(mathse, gpcm.mod, itemtype = "gpcm", verbose = F)
## Call:
## mirt(data = mathse, model = gpcm.mod, itemtype = "gpcm", verbose = F)
## Full-information item factor analysis with 1 factor(s).
## Converged within 1e-04 tolerance after 79 EM iterations.
## mirt version: 1.37.1 
## M-step optimizer: BFGS 
## EM acceleration: Ramsay 
## Number of rectangular quadrature: 61
## Latent density type: Gaussian 
## Log-likelihood = -9584.187
## Estimated parameters: 36 
## AIC = 19240.37
## BIC = 19417.05; SABIC = 19302.71
## G2 (262107) = 6529.66, p = 1
## RMSEA = 0, CFI = NaN, TLI = NaN
coef(gpcm.fit2, simplify = T)
## $items
##       a1 ak0 ak1 ak2 ak3 d0    d1    d2    d3
## V1 2.188   0   1   2   3  0 3.686 6.238 5.929
## V2 1.562   0   1   2   3  0 1.778 2.511 2.029
## V3 2.881   0   1   2   3  0 2.168 2.785 1.344
## V4 2.038   0   1   2   3  0 2.928 4.096 2.997
## V5 0.828   0   1   2   3  0 1.405 1.721 1.583
## V6 1.888   0   1   2   3  0 1.949 2.549 0.781
## V7 0.766   0   1   2   3  0 0.811 1.082 0.364
## V8 2.519   0   1   2   3  0 1.941 2.934 2.678
## V9 1.736   0   1   2   3  0 1.730 1.844 0.825
## $means
## SE 
##  0 
## $cov
##    SE
## SE  1

If the items are measuring different dimensions, we can include additional factors. Suppose we have another dataset that has responses to 25 personality self-report items measuring 5 different subdimensions: Agreeableness(Items 1-5), Conscientiousness(Items 6-10), Extraversion(Items 11-15), Neuroticism(Items 16-20), and Opennness(Items 21-25). In such a case, we can add more dimensions and specify the factor loadings as we have done for the simple structure MIRT model example above.

ss.bfi <- mirt.model('A = 1-5
                     C = 6-10
                     E = 11-15
                     N = 16-20
                     O = 21-25
                     COV = A*C*E*N*O') <- mirt(bfi, ss.bfi, itemtype = "gpcm", method = "QMCEM")

Multidimensional nominal response model (MNRM)

The nominal response model is more flexible compared to GPCM as we can specify the scoring coefficients (i.e., the relationship between an item and a factor). If the scoring function is specified as \((0, 1, 2, ..., K-1)\) where \(K\) is the number of response categories, the MNRM is identical to the GPCM. If the factors/traits need to be scored differently for each category, the scoring function should be specified using the gpcm_mats argument.

Let’s say we hypothesize that both the math self-efficacy trait and the extreme response style (ERS) can influence the item responses. Then we need to model both dimensions (self-efficacy and ERS) by specifying the scoring functions for each dimension because the two factors have different relationships with item categories.

# create a list of scoring functions
ers.sf <- list()  # a list of matrices 
for (i in 1:9){
  ers.sf[[i]] <- matrix(c(0, 1, 2, 3, 
                          1, 0, 0, 1), 4, 2) # K by D matrix

ers.mod <- mirt.model('SE = 1-9
                      ERS = 1-9
                      COV = SE*ERS') <- mirt(mathse, ers.mod, itemtype = "gpcm", gpcm_mats = ers.sf, verbose = F)
## Call:
## mirt(data = mathse, model = ers.mod, itemtype = "gpcm", gpcm_mats = ers.sf, 
##     verbose = F)
## Full-information item factor analysis with 2 factor(s).
## Converged within 1e-04 tolerance after 162 EM iterations.
## mirt version: 1.37.1 
## M-step optimizer: BFGS 
## EM acceleration: Ramsay 
## Number of rectangular quadrature: 31
## Latent density type: Gaussian 
## Log-likelihood = -9174.408
## Estimated parameters: 46 
## AIC = 18440.82
## BIC = 18666.57; SABIC = 18520.47
## G2 (262097) = 5710.11, p = 1
## RMSEA = 0, CFI = NaN, TLI = NaN
coef(, simplify = T)
## $items
##       a1    a2 ak0_1 ak1_1 ak2_1 ak3_1 ak0_2 ak1_2 ak2_2 ak3_2 d0    d1    d2
## V1 2.161 1.150     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 3.961 6.528
## V2 1.485 1.459     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 1.987 2.641
## V3 2.536 2.038     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 2.232 2.707
## V4 1.991 2.322     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 3.694 4.782
## V5 0.780 1.077     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 1.523 1.786
## V6 1.654 2.196     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 2.306 2.813
## V7 0.711 1.197     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 0.929 1.167
## V8 2.389 2.097     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 2.053 2.937
## V9 1.552 1.773     0     1     2     3     1     0     0     1  0 1.914 1.916
##       d3
## V1 6.165
## V2 2.185
## V3 1.401
## V4 3.501
## V5 1.659
## V6 0.951
## V7 0.421
## V8 2.867
## V9 0.963
## $means
##  SE ERS 
##   0   0 
## $cov
##        SE   ERS
## SE   1.00 -0.07
## ERS -0.07  1.00

Item response tree (IRTree) model

We will now discuss how we can fit an IRTree model to the data. Let’s say our hypothesized tree structure look like the figure below.

To fit an IRTree model, we first need to recode the item responses based on the tree structure (i.e., create pseudo-item decisions).

# import 'dendrify2' function from 'flirt' package (Jeon et al., 2014)

mapping <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 
                    1, 0, NA, NA, 
                    NA, NA, 0, 1), 4, 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    0    1   NA
## [2,]    0    0   NA
## [3,]    1   NA    0
## [4,]    1   NA    1
pseudo <- dendrify2(mathse, mapping, wide=T)[-1]
##   value.i1:node1 value.i2:node1 value.i3:node1 value.i4:node1 value.i5:node1
## 1              1              0              1              1              1
## 2              1              1              1              1              1
## 3              1              1              1              1              1
## 4              1              1              1              1              0
## 5              0              0              0              0              0
## 6              1              1              0              1              0
##   value.i6:node1 value.i7:node1 value.i8:node1 value.i9:node1 value.i1:node2
## 1              0              1              1              1             NA
## 2              1              0              1              1             NA
## 3              1              1              1              0             NA
## 4              1              1              1              1             NA
## 5              0              0              0              0              1
## 6              0              0              0              0             NA
##   value.i2:node2 value.i3:node2 value.i4:node2 value.i5:node2 value.i6:node2
## 1              1             NA             NA             NA              0
## 2             NA             NA             NA             NA             NA
## 3             NA             NA             NA             NA             NA
## 4             NA             NA             NA              0             NA
## 5              1              1              1              1              1
## 6             NA              0             NA              0              0
##   value.i7:node2 value.i8:node2 value.i9:node2 value.i1:node3 value.i2:node3
## 1             NA             NA             NA              1             NA
## 2              0             NA             NA              1              1
## 3             NA             NA              1              1              1
## 4             NA             NA             NA              1              1
## 5              1              1              1             NA             NA
## 6              0              0              0              1              1
##   value.i3:node3 value.i4:node3 value.i5:node3 value.i6:node3 value.i7:node3
## 1              1              1              1             NA              1
## 2              1              1              1              1             NA
## 3              0              1              0              1              0
## 4              0              1             NA              1              1
## 5             NA             NA             NA             NA             NA
## 6             NA              0             NA             NA             NA
##   value.i8:node3 value.i9:node3
## 1              1              1
## 2              1              0
## 3              0             NA
## 4              1              1
## 5             NA             NA
## 6             NA             NA


How would you recode the item responses based on the tree structure shown below?

erstree <- mirt.model('F1 = 1-9
                    F2 = 10-18
                    F3 = 19-27
                    COV = F2*F3') <- mirt(pseudo, erstree, itemtype = "2PL", method = "MHRM", verbose = F)
## Call:
## mirt(data = pseudo, model = erstree, itemtype = "2PL", method = "MHRM", 
##     verbose = F)
## Full-information item factor analysis with 3 factor(s).
## Converged within 0.001 tolerance after 267 MHRM iterations.
## mirt version: 1.37.1 
## M-step optimizer: NR1 
## Latent density type: Gaussian 
## Average MH acceptance ratio(s): 0.344 
## Log-likelihood = -9433.887, SE = 0.04
## Estimated parameters: 55 
## AIC = 18977.77
## BIC = 19247.7; SABIC = 19073.02
coef(, simplify = T)
## $items
##                   a1    a2    a3      d g u
## value.i1:node1 2.658 0.000 0.000  2.979 0 1
## value.i2:node1 2.233 0.000 0.000  1.022 0 1
## value.i3:node1 3.312 0.000 0.000  0.581 0 1
## value.i4:node1 2.735 0.000 0.000  1.488 0 1
## value.i5:node1 1.409 0.000 0.000  0.736 0 1
## value.i6:node1 2.528 0.000 0.000  0.601 0 1
## value.i7:node1 1.272 0.000 0.000  0.291 0 1
## value.i8:node1 3.549 0.000 0.000  1.339 0 1
## value.i9:node1 2.397 0.000 0.000  0.218 0 1
## value.i1:node2 0.000 1.454 0.000 -1.759 0 1
## value.i2:node2 0.000 2.153 0.000 -0.722 0 1
## value.i3:node2 0.000 2.460 0.000  0.046 0 1
## value.i4:node2 0.000 3.119 0.000 -2.092 0 1
## value.i5:node2 0.000 1.213 0.000 -0.970 0 1
## value.i6:node2 0.000 2.455 0.000 -0.694 0 1
## value.i7:node2 0.000 1.218 0.000 -0.411 0 1
## value.i8:node2 0.000 2.834 0.000  0.171 0 1
## value.i9:node2 0.000 3.490 0.000 -0.812 0 1
## value.i1:node3 0.000 0.000 1.916  0.229 0 1
## value.i2:node3 0.000 0.000 1.988  0.002 0 1
## value.i3:node3 0.000 0.000 3.467 -0.349 0 1
## value.i4:node3 0.000 0.000 2.738 -0.652 0 1
## value.i5:node3 0.000 0.000 1.204  0.085 0 1
## value.i6:node3 0.000 0.000 2.518 -1.504 0 1
## value.i7:node3 0.000 0.000 1.387 -0.672 0 1
## value.i8:node3 0.000 0.000 3.737  1.115 0 1
## value.i9:node3 0.000 0.000 1.787 -0.340 0 1
## $means
## F1 F2 F3 
##  0  0  0 
## $cov
##    F1    F2    F3
## F1  1 0.000 0.000
## F2  0 1.000 0.672
## F3  0 0.672 1.000
# Assume that the factors underlying the second and third nodes are the same
erstree2 <- mirt.model('SE = 1-9
                    ERS = 10-27') <- mirt(pseudo, erstree2, itemtype = "2PL", method = "MHRM", verbose = F)
## Call:
## mirt(data = pseudo, model = erstree2, itemtype = "2PL", method = "MHRM", 
##     verbose = F)
## Full-information item factor analysis with 2 factor(s).
## Converged within 0.001 tolerance after 203 MHRM iterations.
## mirt version: 1.37.1 
## M-step optimizer: NR1 
## Latent density type: Gaussian 
## Average MH acceptance ratio(s): 0.336 
## Log-likelihood = -9485.45, SE = 0.04
## Estimated parameters: 54 
## AIC = 19078.9
## BIC = 19343.92; SABIC = 19172.41
coef(, simplify = T)
## $items
##                   a1    a2      d g u
## value.i1:node1 2.659 0.000  2.970 0 1
## value.i2:node1 2.203 0.000  1.003 0 1
## value.i3:node1 3.316 0.000  0.567 0 1
## value.i4:node1 2.753 0.000  1.484 0 1
## value.i5:node1 1.397 0.000  0.726 0 1
## value.i6:node1 2.539 0.000  0.591 0 1
## value.i7:node1 1.260 0.000  0.284 0 1
## value.i8:node1 3.479 0.000  1.302 0 1
## value.i9:node1 2.376 0.000  0.205 0 1
## value.i1:node2 0.000 1.388 -1.535 0 1
## value.i2:node2 0.000 1.944 -0.420 0 1
## value.i3:node2 0.000 2.149  0.307 0 1
## value.i4:node2 0.000 2.873 -1.538 0 1
## value.i5:node2 0.000 1.075 -0.847 0 1
## value.i6:node2 0.000 2.095 -0.334 0 1
## value.i7:node2 0.000 1.065 -0.311 0 1
## value.i8:node2 0.000 2.503  0.488 0 1
## value.i9:node2 0.000 2.403 -0.424 0 1
## value.i1:node3 0.000 1.559  0.227 0 1
## value.i2:node3 0.000 1.736  0.084 0 1
## value.i3:node3 0.000 3.274 -0.137 0 1
## value.i4:node3 0.000 2.570 -0.487 0 1
## value.i5:node3 0.000 1.116  0.111 0 1
## value.i6:node3 0.000 2.440 -1.337 0 1
## value.i7:node3 0.000 1.324 -0.603 0 1
## value.i8:node3 0.000 3.377  1.209 0 1
## value.i9:node3 0.000 1.712 -0.246 0 1
## $means
##  SE ERS 
##   0   0 
## $cov
##     SE ERS
## SE   1   0
## ERS  0   1