Dynamic contents in R Markdown with knit_child()
Generate random dataset
<- purrr::map(1:5, ~ random_data(round(runif(1, 10, 100)))) all_data
<- function(data, i) {
render_child = knitr::knit_child(
res text = xfun::read_utf8("_template.Rmd"),
envir = rlang::env(data = data, i = i),
quiet = TRUE
)cat(res, sep = '\n')
Here is a list of reports
Dataset 1
Dataset 1 has 84 rows.
Summary statistics show that the
x y
Min. :-2.4458 Min. :-2.5182
1st Qu.:-0.5999 1st Qu.:-0.8267
Median :-0.0034 Median : 0.1501
Mean :-0.0030 Mean : 0.0186
3rd Qu.: 0.6921 3rd Qu.: 0.7682
Max. : 2.3457 Max. : 2.5894
Dataset 2
Dataset 2 has 31 rows.
Summary statistics show that the
x y
Min. :-1.757 Min. :-1.8009
1st Qu.:-0.794 1st Qu.:-0.5512
Median :-0.288 Median : 0.0462
Mean :-0.254 Mean : 0.0475
3rd Qu.: 0.193 3rd Qu.: 0.8066
Max. : 3.186 Max. : 1.4467
Dataset 3
Dataset 3 has 58 rows.
Summary statistics show that the
x y
Min. :-2.3982 Min. :-2.8262
1st Qu.:-0.5439 1st Qu.:-0.6185
Median :-0.0318 Median : 0.1615
Mean : 0.0624 Mean : 0.0108
3rd Qu.: 0.7881 3rd Qu.: 0.7760
Max. : 2.7836 Max. : 2.2855
Dataset 4
Dataset 4 has 27 rows.
Summary statistics show that the
x y
Min. :-1.6920 Min. :-1.879
1st Qu.:-0.7055 1st Qu.:-0.724
Median :-0.0484 Median :-0.002
Mean :-0.0414 Mean : 0.040
3rd Qu.: 0.5737 3rd Qu.: 0.541
Max. : 2.8013 Max. : 3.484
Dataset 5
Dataset 5 has 38 rows.
Summary statistics show that the
x y
Min. :-2.672 Min. :-1.4412
1st Qu.:-0.327 1st Qu.:-0.7895
Median : 0.374 Median :-0.1989
Mean : 0.288 Mean :-0.0871
3rd Qu.: 0.891 3rd Qu.: 0.3204
Max. : 2.154 Max. : 1.6226