1 Spawner surveys for the Broughton area

The figures below show the observed number of spawners observed in water-bodies over time. The data originates from the New Salmon Escapement Database (NuSEDS) and was downloaded the 2025/01/03. We filtered the data to only display time series that met the following criteria: (1) at least 15 data points, (2) the most recent data point no older than 2013, and (3) a maximum count of at least 100 fish.

Populations are displayed according to the latitude and longitude of their streams. Numbers in brackets in the top right corner of the time series plots corresponds to the numbers of the survey locations shown in the maps.

The interactive versions of these spawner survey charts including exact counts and information on survey method and data quality can be viewed here.

1.1 Chinook

Observed count spawner surveys Chinook map.

Observed count spawner surveys Chinook.

1.2 Chum

Observed count spawner surveys Chum map.

Observed count spawner surveys Chum.

Observed count spawner surveys Chum.

1.3 Coho

Observed count spawner surveys Coho map.

Observed count spawner surveys Coho.

Observed count spawner surveys Coho.

Observed count spawner surveys Coho.

1.4 Pink

Observed count spawner surveys Pink map.

Observed count spawner surveys PKE.

Observed count spawner surveys PKE.

1.5 Sockeye

Observed count spawner surveys Sockeye map.

Observed count spawner surveys Sockeye.

2 CUs that have spawner surveys in area 12

2.1 Biological status

The figure below shows the biological status for all the CUs in Area 12. Species-specific maps and status are presented in the following subsections. The numbers in the maps are the CUIDs, the colour of the CUs’ polygons correspond to their biological status. Time series, current spawner abundance and corresponding biological status are only shown for the four pink CUs whose status is assessed.

The interactive versions of these information can be viewed here.

Biological status all CUs.

2.1.1 Chinook

CU boundary Chinook map.

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Southern Mainland-Southern Fjords (Fall x-1) 326 data-deficient (2017) Not assessed Data Deficient (2018)
East Vancouver Island-North (Fall x-1) 327 data-deficient (2018) Red (2012) Not at risk (2018)

2.1.2 Chum

CU boundary Chum map.

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Southern Coastal Streams 900 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Loughborough 902 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Northeast Vancouver Island 903 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Upper Knight 979 data-deficient (2003) Not assessed Not assessed

2.1.3 Coho

CU boundary Coho map.

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Southern Coastal Streams-Queen Charlotte Strait-Johnstone Strait-Southern Fjords 909 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
East Vancouver Island-Johnstone Strait-Southern Fjords 911 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Nahwitti Lowland 912 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed

2.1.4 Pink

CU boundary Pink even map.

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Southern Fjords (even) 920 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed

CU boundary Pink odd map.

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Homathko-Klinaklini-Smith-Rivers-Bella Coola-Dean (odd) 610 good (2021) Not assessed Not assessed
East Vancouver Island-Johnstone Strait (odd) 923 good (2019) Not assessed Not assessed
Nahwitti (odd) 924 poor (2019) Not assessed Not assessed
Southern Fjords (odd) 926 poor (2019) Not assessed Not assessed

Below are the estimated spawner abundance (grey line) and rolling average over the generation (black line) for the CUs with an assessed status. The upper and lower benchmarks are represented by the horizontal green and red lines, respectively. Vertical green and red segments on the right show the benchmarks’ 95% credible intervals. The CU’s current spawner abundance is shown by the horizontal segment on the right whose colour corresponds to the CU’s biostatus. The latter was determined with the Hierarchical Bayesian Spawner Recruit Ricker modelling approach (HBSRM) (cf. Technical Report for details). The species, CU name and CUID are displayed in the top of each plot.

Biological status CU 610.

Biological status CU 923.

Biological status CU 924.

Biological status CU 926.

2.1.5 Sockeye

CU boundary Sockeye lake map.

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Fulmore 927 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Kakweiken 929 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Mackenzie 931 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Ida-Bonanza 937 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Nimpkish 939 data-deficient (2017) Not assessed Not assessed
Quatse 941 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed

CU boundary Sockeye river map.

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Southern Fjords (river-type) 971 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
East Vancouver Island & Georgia Strait (river-type) 973 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed

2.3 Recruits per spawner

The interactive versions of these information can be viewed here.

Recruits per spawner all CUs.

3 CUs using Straight of Georgia & Southern Fjords MAZs

3.1 Biological status

The numbers inside each rectangle are the CUIDs.

Biostatus all CUs 3.

3.1.1 Chinook

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
1 Fraser Boundary Bay (Fall 4-1) 302 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Threatened (2018)
2 Fraser Lower Fraser River (Fall 4-1) 303 not-assessed (2023) Green (2012) Threatened (2015)
3 Fraser Lower Fraser River (Spring 5-2) 304 not-assessed (2023) Not assessed Special Concern (2015)
4 Fraser Lower Fraser River-Upper Pitt (Summer 5-2) 305 poor (2023) Data Deficient (2012) Endangered (2015)
5 Fraser Lower Fraser River (Summer 5-2) 306 not-assessed (2023) Data Deficient (2012) Threatened (2015)
6 Fraser Lower Fraser River-Maria Slough (Summer 4-1) 307 poor (2023) Not assessed Endangered (2018)
7 Fraser Fraser Canyon-Nahatlatch (Spring 5-2) 308 not-assessed (2023) Data Deficient (2012) Endangered (2015)
8 Fraser Middle Fraser River-Portage (Fall 5-2) 309 poor (2023) Red (2012) Endangered (2015)
9 Fraser Middle Fraser River (Spring 5-2) 310 poor (2023) Red (2012) Threatened (2015)
10 Fraser Middle Fraser River (Summer 5-2) 311 not-assessed (2023) Amber (2012) Threatened (2015)
11 Fraser Upper Fraser River (Spring 5-2) 312 poor (2023) Red (2012) Endangered (2015)
12 Fraser South Thompson River (Summer 4-1) 313 not-assessed (2023) Green (2012) Not at risk (2015)
13 Fraser South Thompson River (Summer 5-2) 314 not-assessed (2023) Red_amber (2012) Endangered (2018)
14 Fraser Shuswap River (Summer 4-1) 315 not-assessed (2023) Not assessed Not at risk (2015)
15 Fraser South Thompson River-Bessette Creek (Summer 4-2) 316 not-assessed (2023) Red (2012) Endangered (2015)
16 Fraser Lower Thompson River (Spring 4-2) 317 not-assessed (2023) Red (2012) Endangered (2018)
17 Fraser North Thompson River (Spring 5-2) 318 not-assessed (2023) Red (2012) Endangered (2015)
18 Fraser North Thompson River (Summer 5-2) 319 not-assessed (2023) Red (2012) Endangered (2015)
20 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Southern Mainland-Georgia Strait (Fall x-1) 320 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Data Deficient (2018)
21 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Goldstream (Fall x-1) 321 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Special Concern (2018)
22 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Cowichan and Koksilah (Fall x-1) 322 not-assessed (2018) Not assessed Special Concern (2018)
23 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Nanaimo (Spring x-2) 323 data-deficient Data Deficient (2012) Endangered (2015)
24 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Nanaimo and Chemainus (Fall x-1) 324 not-assessed (2018) Not assessed Special Concern (2018)
25 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Qualicum and Puntledge (Fall x-1) 325 not-assessed (2018) Not assessed Special Concern (2018)
26 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Southern Mainland-Southern Fjords (Fall x-1) 326 data-deficient (2017) Not assessed Data Deficient (2018)
27 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-North (Fall x-1) 327 data-deficient (2018) Red (2012) Not at risk (2018)
28 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Homathko (Summer x-x) 331 data-deficient Data Deficient (2012) Data Deficient (2015)
29 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Klinaklini (Summer 5-2) 332 data-deficient Data Deficient (2012) Data Deficient (2015)
19 Fraser South Thompson-Adams River Upper 333 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
30 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Georgia Strait (Summer 4-1) 334 poor (2018) Not assessed Endangered (2018)

3.1.2 Chum

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Fraser Lower Fraser 701 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Southern Coastal Streams 900 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Bute Inlet 901 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Loughborough 902 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Northeast Vancouver Island 903 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Georgia Strait 904 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Howe Sound-Burrard Inlet 905 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Upper Knight 979 data-deficient (2003) Not assessed Not assessed

3.1.3 Coho

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Fraser Lillooet 704 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Fraser Fraser Canyon 705 not-assessed (2022) Amber (2011) Threatened (2015)
Fraser Lower Thompson 707 not-assessed (2022) Amber_green (2011) Threatened (2015)
Fraser South Thompson 708 not-assessed (2022) Amber (2011) Threatened (2015)
Fraser North Thompson 709 not-assessed (2022) Amber_green (2011) Threatened (2015)
Fraser Interior Fraser 749 not-assessed (2022) Amber (2011) Threatened (2015)
Fraser Lower Fraser 750 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Fraser Boundary Bay 906 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Howe Sound-Burrard Inlet 907 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Georgia Strait Mainland 908 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Southern Coastal Streams-Queen Charlotte Strait-Johnstone Strait-Southern Fjords 909 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Georgia Strait 910 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Johnstone Strait-Southern Fjords 911 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Nahwitti Lowland 912 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Homathko-Klinaklini Rivers 916 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed

3.1.4 Pink

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
1 Central Coast Homathko-Klinaklini-Smith-Rivers-Bella Coola-Dean (odd) 610 good (2021) Not assessed Not assessed
2 Fraser Fraser River (odd) 710 good (2023) Not assessed Not assessed
8 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Georgia Strait (even) 917 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
9 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Southern Fjords (even) 920 data-deficient (2018) Not assessed Not assessed
3 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Howe Sound-Burrard Inlet (odd) 921 good (2019) Not assessed Not assessed
4 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Georgia Strait (odd) 922 good (2019) Not assessed Not assessed
5 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island-Johnstone Strait (odd) 923 good (2019) Not assessed Not assessed
6 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Nahwitti (odd) 924 poor (2019) Not assessed Not assessed
7 Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Southern Fjords (odd) 926 poor (2019) Not assessed Not assessed

3.1.5 Sockeye

Name of the conservation units, their cuid and biological status in the PSE, at DFO and COSEWIC.
Skeena Nilkitkwa 186 poor (2023) Not assessed Not assessed
Fraser Chilliwack-Early Summer (cyclic) 711 not-assessed (2022) Amber_green (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Cultus-Late 712 poor (2022) Red (2014) Endangered (2015)
Fraser Harrison-Downstream Migrating-Late 713 poor (2022) Amber_green (2014) Special Concern (2015)
Fraser Harrison-Upstream Migrating-Late 714 poor (2022) Red (2014) Endangered (2015)
Fraser Pitt-Early Summer 715 fair (2022) Green (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Lillooet-Harrison-Late 716 poor (2022) Amber (2014) Special Concern (2015)
Fraser Nahatlatch-Early Summer 718 fair (2022) Amber (2014) Special Concern (2015)
Fraser Anderson-Seton-Early Summer 719 fair (2022) Amber_green (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Chilko-Early Summer 720 data-deficient (1989) Green (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Chilko-Summer 721 fair (2022) Green (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Francois-Fraser-Summer 725 fair (2022) Amber_green (2014) Special Concern (2015)
Fraser Nadina-Francois-Early Summer 727 good (2022) Amber_green (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Quesnel-Summer (cyclic) 728 not-assessed (2022) Red_amber (2014) Endangered (2015)
Fraser Seton-Late (de novo) 729 poor (2022) Red (2014) Endangered (2021)
Fraser Takla-Trembleur-Stuart-Summer (cyclic) 731 not-assessed (2022) Red_amber (2014) Endangered (2015)
Fraser Takla-Trembleur-Early Stuart (cyclic) 732 not-assessed (2022) Red (2014) Endangered (2015)
Fraser Taseko-Early Summer 734 fair (2022) Red (2014) Endangered (2015)
Fraser Bowron-Early Summer 735 poor (2022) Red (2014) Endangered (2015)
Fraser Shuswap-Early Summer (cyclic) 738 not-assessed (2022) Amber (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Shuswap-Late (cyclic) 739 not-assessed (2022) Amber_green (2014) Not at risk (2015)
Fraser Kamloops-Early Summer 740 poor (2022) Amber (2014) Special Concern (2015)
Fraser North Barriere-Early Summer (de novo) 752 poor (2022) Red (2014) Threatened (2021)
Fraser Fraser-Early Summer 753 data-deficient Not assessed Endangered (2021)
Fraser Alouette-Early Summer 756 data-deficient Not assessed Special Concern (2021)
Fraser Adams-Early Summer 760 extinct Not assessed Extinct (2021)
Fraser Momich-Early Summer 761 data-deficient Not assessed Endangered (2021)
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Fulmore 927 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Heydon 928 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Kakweiken 929 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Loose 930 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Mackenzie 931 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Phillips 932 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Sakinaw 933 poor (2018) Not assessed Endangered (2012)
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Tzoonie 935 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Ida-Bonanza 937 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Nahwitti 938 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Nimpkish 939 data-deficient (2017) Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Quatse 941 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Shushartie 943 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets Southern Fjords (river-type) 971 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed
Vancouver Island & Mainland Inlets East Vancouver Island & Georgia Strait (river-type) 973 data-deficient Not assessed Not assessed