LBCN cartera consumo (Otros consumo)



1 Timeline

2 Rates of new loans

Sample: we start by keeping borrowers that were active (had some outstanding loan) in December 2020 and that had no defaults at the time. Our sample consists of new loans granted to these borrowers between March 2021 and June 2022 (two quarter before and two quarters after the law was enacted).

Dependendent variable: Rate of new loans minus the policy rate.


  • Bank def. = Bank new is a dummy for whether the bank with which the person was defaulting is the same bank that grants the new loan.
  • Bank act. = Bank new is a dummy for whether the bank with which the person was active in December 2020 is the same bank that grants the new loan.
  • After is a dummy for quarters after the law is enacted.
  • Amount of the loan in millions of pesos
  • Maturity of the loan in months
  • Prob. of default is the probability of deafult ex-ante calculated by the bank issuing the loan.

Rates of new loans before and after the blank slate law, as a function of whether the borrower had an old bad credit report.

We remove from the sample borrowers whose bank in Dec 2020 is the same bank issuing the new loan.

                              Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5       
Constant                           18.97 ***                                                                
Bank def. = Bank new                0.17 ***        0.01            0.17 ***        0.01            0.01    
                                   (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.11)   
After                              -0.28 ***       -0.48 ***                                                
                                   (0.01)          (0.01)                                                   
Amount(mill. COP)                  -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.03 ***
                                   (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.01)   
Maturity(months)                   -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.03 *  
                                   (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.01)   
Prob. default                       0.02 ***        0.01 ***        0.02 ***        0.01 ***        0.01 ** 
                                   (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)   
(Bank def. = Bank new)xAfter       -0.06 ***       -0.05 ***       -0.05 ***       -0.05 ***       -0.05    
                                   (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.13)   
R^2                                 0.27                                                                    
Adj. R^2                            0.27                                                                    
Num. obs.                     4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642       
R^2 (full model)                                    0.42            0.27            0.42            0.42    
R^2 (proj model)                                    0.18            0.27            0.18            0.18    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                               0.42            0.27            0.42            0.42    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                               0.18            0.27            0.18            0.18    
Num. groups: bank                                  38                              38              38       
Num. groups: date_info                                              4               4               4       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

Adding a dummy for when the bank with which the borrower defaulted, with which the borrower was active in December 2021 and the bank issuing the new loan are the same.

                                      Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5       
Constant                                   18.93 ***                                                                
Bank def. = Bank new                        0.15 ***        0.03 ***        0.15 ***        0.03 **         0.03    
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.08)   
After                                       0.16 ***       -0.11 ***        0.16 ***       -0.11 ***       -0.11    
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.18)   
Amount(mill. COP)                          -0.24 ***       -0.44 ***                                                
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)                                                   
Maturity(months)                           -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.03 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.01)   
Prob. default                              -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.03 *  
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.01)   
(Bank def.=Bank new)xAfter                  0.02 ***        0.01 ***        0.02 ***        0.01 ***        0.01 ** 
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)   
Bank act.=Bank new                         -0.03           -0.01           -0.02           -0.01           -0.01    
                                           (0.02)          (0.02)          (0.02)          (0.02)          (0.17)   
Bank def.=Bank act.=Bank new               -0.12 ***       -0.14 ***       -0.12 ***       -0.13 ***       -0.13    
                                           (0.02)          (0.01)          (0.02)          (0.01)          (0.11)   
(Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter                 -0.16 ***       -0.19 ***       -0.15 ***       -0.18 ***       -0.18    
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.25)   
(Bank def.=Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter        0.22 ***        0.30 ***        0.22 ***        0.30 ***        0.30 *  
                                           (0.03)          (0.02)          (0.03)          (0.02)          (0.12)   
R^2                                         0.27                                                                    
Adj. R^2                                    0.27                                                                    
Num. obs.                             4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642       
R^2 (full model)                                            0.42            0.27            0.42            0.42    
R^2 (proj model)                                            0.18            0.27            0.18            0.18    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                                       0.42            0.27            0.42            0.42    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                                       0.18            0.27            0.18            0.18    
Num. groups: bank                                          38                              38              38       
Num. groups: date_info                                                      4               4               4       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

We add more controls in Section 7.1.

2.1 Rates of new loans to new borrowers and old borrowers with previous bad reports

Here we plot the rates of new loans before and after the law for two types of borrowers. Borrowers that had never borrowed before (New) and active borrowers that had defaulted some time before December 2020 (Old/bad report).

Let’s A, B and C stand for the banks with which the borrower defaulted, was active in December 2020 and got a new loan respectively:

                                 Model 1        Model 2        Model 3        Model 4        Model 5      
Constant                             19.81 ***      20.09 ***      20.13 ***      20.12 ***      20.07 ***
                                     (0.03)         (0.03)         (0.03)         (0.03)         (0.03)   
Old/bad report                        0.30 ***                                                            
After                                 0.90 ***       0.48 ***       0.42 ***       0.42 ***       0.51 ***
                                     (0.03)         (0.03)         (0.03)         (0.03)         (0.03)   
Amount(mill. Pesos)                  -0.06 ***      -0.06 ***      -0.06 ***      -0.06 ***      -0.06 ***
                                     (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)   
Maturity(months)                     -0.02 ***      -0.03 ***      -0.03 ***      -0.03 ***      -0.03 ***
                                     (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)   
Prob. default                         0.01 ***       0.01 ***       0.00 ***       0.00           0.00 ***
                                     (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)         (0.00)   
Old/bad report x After               -1.96 ***                                                            
Old/bad report: B=C                                 -0.01                                        -0.13    
                                                    (0.07)                                       (0.07)   
(Old/bad report: B=C) x After                       -1.59 ***                                    -1.65 ***
                                                    (0.09)                                       (0.09)   
Old/bad report: A=B                                                 0.51 ***                              
(Old/bad report: A=B) x After                                      -1.18 ***                              
Old/bad report: A=C                                                                1.10 ***       0.83 ***
                                                                                  (0.12)         (0.15)   
(Old/bad report: A=C) x After                                                     -1.30 ***      -1.32 ***
                                                                                  (0.16)         (0.20)   
Old/bad report: A=B=C                                                                             0.69 ** 
(Old/bad report: A=B=C) x After                                                                   1.51 ***
R^2                                   0.16           0.16           0.15           0.15           0.16    
Adj. R^2                              0.16           0.16           0.15           0.15           0.16    
Num. obs.                        242082         242082         242082         242082         242082       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

3 Amount of new loans

                              Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5       
Constant                           68.71 ***                                                                
Bank def. = Bank new               -4.25 ***       -3.43 ***       -4.24 ***       -3.43 ***       -3.43 ***
                                   (0.07)          (0.07)          (0.07)          (0.07)          (0.55)   
After                              -4.83 ***       -4.28 ***                                                
                                   (0.05)          (0.05)                                                   
Rate                               -3.01 ***       -2.82 ***       -3.01 ***       -2.82 ***       -2.82 ***
                                   (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.51)   
Maturity(months)                    0.23 ***        0.20 ***        0.23 ***        0.20 ***        0.20    
                                   (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.10)   
Prob. default                      -0.06 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.06 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.04    
                                   (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.03)   
(Bank def. = Bank new)xAfter        2.27 ***        2.00 ***        2.27 ***        1.99 ***        1.99 *  
                                   (0.10)          (0.10)          (0.10)          (0.10)          (0.79)   
R^2                                 0.25                                                                    
Adj. R^2                            0.25                                                                    
Num. obs.                     4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642       
R^2 (full model)                                    0.28            0.25            0.28            0.28    
R^2 (proj model)                                    0.16            0.24            0.16            0.16    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                               0.28            0.25            0.28            0.28    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                               0.16            0.24            0.16            0.16    
Num. groups: bank                                  38                              38              38       
Num. groups: date_info                                              4               4               4       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

Adding a dummy for when the bank with which the borrower defaulted, with which the borrower was active in December 2021 and the bank issuing the new loan are the same

                                      Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5       
Constant                                   69.60 ***                                                                
Bank def. = Bank new                       -2.45 ***       -2.07 ***       -2.44 ***       -2.06 ***       -2.06 ***
                                           (0.09)          (0.09)          (0.09)          (0.09)          (0.56)   
Bank act.=Bank new                         -4.38 ***       -2.12 ***       -4.38 ***       -2.12 ***       -2.12    
                                           (0.08)          (0.08)          (0.08)          (0.08)          (1.17)   
After                                      -5.62 ***       -4.93 ***                                                
                                           (0.05)          (0.05)                                                   
Rate                                       -3.01 ***       -2.82 ***       -3.01 ***       -2.82 ***       -2.82 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.51)   
Maturity(months)                            0.23 ***        0.20 ***        0.23 ***        0.20 ***        0.20    
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.10)   
Prob. default                              -0.06 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.06 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.04    
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.03)   
Bank def.=Bank new=Bank act.               -2.20 ***       -2.32 ***       -2.21 ***       -2.33 ***       -2.33 *  
                                           (0.15)          (0.15)          (0.15)          (0.15)          (0.95)   
(Bank def.=Bank new)xAfter                  2.04 ***        1.65 ***        2.03 ***        1.64 ***        1.64 *  
                                           (0.13)          (0.13)          (0.13)          (0.13)          (0.66)   
(Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter                  3.62 ***        3.12 ***        3.62 ***        3.11 ***        3.11    
                                           (0.12)          (0.12)          (0.12)          (0.12)          (1.97)   
(Bank def.=Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter       -0.92 ***       -0.59 **        -0.91 ***       -0.58 **        -0.58    
                                           (0.22)          (0.22)          (0.22)          (0.22)          (0.86)   
R^2                                         0.25                                                                    
Adj. R^2                                    0.25                                                                    
Num. obs.                             4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642       
R^2 (full model)                                            0.28            0.25            0.28            0.28    
R^2 (proj model)                                            0.16            0.25            0.16            0.16    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                                       0.28            0.25            0.28            0.28    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                                       0.16            0.25            0.16            0.16    
Num. groups: bank                                          38                              38              38       
Num. groups: date_info                                                      4               4               4       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

A regression with more controls in Section 7.2

4 Maturity of new loans

For an equivalent regression with a dummy see Section 7.3

                            Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5       
Constant                         92.00 ***                                                                
Bank def. = Bank new             -0.97 ***       -0.28 ***       -0.98 ***       -0.28 ***       -0.28    
                                 (0.07)          (0.06)          (0.07)          (0.06)          (0.47)   
After                            -0.54 ***       -0.11 **                                                 
                                 (0.05)          (0.04)                                                   
Rate                             -2.29 ***       -1.90 ***       -2.30 ***       -1.91 ***       -1.91 ***
                                 (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.44)   
Amount(mill. Pesos)               0.21 ***        0.16 ***        0.21 ***        0.16 ***        0.16 ***
                                 (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.04)   
Prob. default                     0.12 ***        0.18 ***        0.12 ***        0.18 ***        0.18 ***
                                 (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.05)   
(Bank def.=Bank new)xAfter       -0.40 ***       -0.12           -0.37 ***       -0.10           -0.10    
                                 (0.10)          (0.09)          (0.10)          (0.09)          (0.81)   
R^2                               0.20                                                                    
Adj. R^2                          0.20                                                                    
Num. obs.                   4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642       
R^2 (full model)                                  0.32            0.20            0.32            0.32    
R^2 (proj model)                                  0.12            0.20            0.12            0.12    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                             0.32            0.20            0.32            0.32    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                             0.12            0.20            0.12            0.12    
Num. groups: bank                                38                              38              38       
Num. groups: date_info                                            4               4               4       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

Adding a dummy for when the bank with which the borrower defaulted, with which the borrower was active in December 2021 and the bank issuing the new loan are the same

                                      Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5       
Constant                                   92.49 ***                                                                
Bank def. = Bank new                       -1.51 ***       -0.81 ***       -1.53 ***       -0.81 ***       -0.81    
                                           (0.09)          (0.08)          (0.09)          (0.08)          (0.59)   
Bank act.=Bank new                         -2.50 ***        1.10 ***       -2.50 ***        1.10 ***        1.10    
                                           (0.08)          (0.07)          (0.08)          (0.07)          (1.56)   
After                                       0.01            0.31 ***                                                
                                           (0.05)          (0.05)                                                   
Rate                                       -2.29 ***       -1.90 ***       -2.29 ***       -1.91 ***       -1.91 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.44)   
Amoun(mill. Pesos)                          0.20 ***        0.16 ***        0.20 ***        0.16 ***        0.16 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.04)   
Prob. default                               0.12 ***        0.18 ***        0.12 ***        0.18 ***        0.18 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.05)   
Bank def.=Bank new=Bank act.                2.51 ***        0.76 ***        2.52 ***        0.77 ***        0.77    
                                           (0.14)          (0.13)          (0.14)          (0.13)          (0.94)   
(Bank def.=Bank new)xAfter                 -0.13           -0.06           -0.10           -0.04           -0.04    
                                           (0.13)          (0.12)          (0.13)          (0.12)          (0.47)   
(Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter                 -3.06 ***       -2.06 ***       -3.04 ***       -2.05 ***       -2.05    
                                           (0.11)          (0.11)          (0.11)          (0.11)          (3.07)   
(Bank def.=Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter        1.21 ***        0.86 ***        1.18 ***        0.85 ***        0.85    
                                           (0.21)          (0.19)          (0.21)          (0.19)          (0.54)   
R^2                                         0.21                                                                    
Adj. R^2                                    0.21                                                                    
Num. obs.                             4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642       
R^2 (full model)                                            0.32            0.21            0.32            0.32    
R^2 (proj model)                                            0.12            0.21            0.12            0.12    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                                       0.32            0.21            0.32            0.32    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                                       0.12            0.21            0.12            0.12    
Num. groups: bank                                          38                              38              38       
Num. groups: date_info                                                      4               4               4       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

A regression with more controls in Section 7.3.

5 Probability of default of new loans

For an equivalent regression with a dummy see Section 7.4

                         Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5      
(Intercept)                    2.20 ***                                                               
same_mora_new                  0.93 ***        0.86 ***        0.91 ***        0.84 ***        0.84   
                              (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.51)  
after                         -0.51 ***       -0.50 ***                                               
                              (0.02)          (0.02)                                                  
rate                           0.14 ***        0.12 ***        0.14 ***        0.12 ***        0.12 **
                              (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.04)  
saldo                         -0.01 ***       -0.00 ***       -0.01 ***       -0.00 ***       -0.00   
                              (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)  
PLAZO_MESES_DEL_CREDITO        0.01 ***        0.02 ***        0.01 ***        0.02 ***        0.02   
                              (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.02)  
same_mora_new:after           -0.07           -0.06           -0.05           -0.04           -0.04   
                              (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.35)  
R^2                            0.01                                                                   
Adj. R^2                       0.01                                                                   
Num. obs.                2983677         2983677         2983677         2983677         2983677      
R^2 (full model)                               0.03            0.01            0.03            0.03   
R^2 (proj model)                               0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00   
Adj. R^2 (full model)                          0.03            0.01            0.03            0.03   
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                          0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00   
Num. groups: bank                             38                              38              38      
Num. groups: date_info                                         4               4               4      
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

6 Probability of collateral

                                Model 1           Model 2           Model 3           Model 4           Model 5      
(Intercept)                           0.0577 ***                                                                     
same_mora_new                         0.0012 ***        0.0016 ***        0.0011 ***        0.0015 ***        0.0015 
                                     (0.0003)          (0.0002)          (0.0003)          (0.0002)          (0.0019)
after                                -0.0083 ***       -0.0114 ***                                                   
                                     (0.0002)          (0.0001)                                                      
rate                                 -0.0012 ***       -0.0010 ***       -0.0012 ***       -0.0010 ***       -0.0010 
                                     (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0008)
saldo                                -0.0001 ***        0.0000 ***       -0.0001 ***        0.0000 ***        0.0000 
                                     (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0001)
PLAZO_MESES_DEL_CREDITO              -0.0002 ***       -0.0002 ***       -0.0002 ***       -0.0002 ***       -0.0002 
                                     (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0001)
PROBABILIDAD_DE_INCUMPLIMIENTO        0.0001 ***        0.0000 ***        0.0001 ***        0.0000 ***        0.0000 
                                     (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)          (0.0000)
same_mora_new:after                  -0.0009 *          0.0011 ***       -0.0007            0.0013 ***        0.0013 
                                     (0.0004)          (0.0003)          (0.0004)          (0.0003)          (0.0029)
R^2                                   0.0080                                                                         
Adj. R^2                              0.0080                                                                         
Num. obs.                       2983677           2983677           2983677           2983677           2983677      
R^2 (full model)                                        0.3412            0.0088            0.3417            0.3417 
R^2 (proj model)                                        0.0075            0.0072            0.0050            0.0050 
Adj. R^2 (full model)                                   0.3411            0.0088            0.3417            0.3417 
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                                   0.0075            0.0072            0.0050            0.0050 
Num. groups: bank                                      38                                  38                38      
Num. groups: date_info                                                    4                 4                 4      
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

7 Appendix

7.1 Rates of new loans

                                      Model 1         Model 2         Model 3       
Bank def. = Bank new                        0.12            0.12            0.10    
                                           (0.07)          (0.07)          (0.09)   
Bank act.=Bank new                          0.03            0.02            0.00    
                                           (0.17)          (0.17)          (0.13)   
Amount(mill. COP)                          -0.03 ***       -0.04 ***       -0.04 ***
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)   
Lenders                                     0.18 **         0.13 **         0.14 ** 
                                           (0.05)          (0.04)          (0.05)   
Length rel.                                -0.00           -0.00           -0.01    
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)   
Maturity(months)                           -0.03 *         -0.03 *         -0.02 *  
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.01)   
Prob. default                               0.01 **         0.01 **         0.01    
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)   
Bank def.=Bank new=Bank act.                0.04            0.03            0.05    
                                           (0.13)          (0.13)          (0.11)   
(Bank def.=Bank new)xAfter                 -0.13           -0.13           -0.17    
                                           (0.10)          (0.10)          (0.10)   
(Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter                 -0.19           -0.18           -0.14    
                                           (0.25)          (0.25)          (0.13)   
(Bank def.=Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter        0.28 *          0.29 *          0.28 *  
                                           (0.12)          (0.12)          (0.11)   
Total debt                                                  0.00 **         0.00 *  
                                                           (0.00)          (0.00)   
Total days delinquent                                                       0.00    
Num. obs.                             4002642         4002642         2311979       
R^2 (full model)                            0.43            0.43            0.37    
R^2 (proj model)                            0.18            0.18            0.17    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                       0.43            0.43            0.37    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                       0.18            0.18            0.17    
Num. groups: bank                          38              38              38       
Num. groups: date_info                      4               4               4       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

7.2 Amount of new loans

                                      Model 1         Model 2         Model 3       
Bank def. = Bank new                       -2.34 ***       -1.20 ***       -0.85 *  
                                           (0.09)          (0.07)          (0.33)   
Bank act.=Bank new                         -3.22 ***       -1.50 ***       -0.10    
                                           (0.08)          (0.07)          (0.29)   
Rate                                       -3.01 ***       -2.09 ***       -1.89 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.45)   
Maturity(months)                            0.23 ***        0.17 ***        0.16 *  
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.06)   
Prob. default                              -0.08 ***       -0.03 ***       -0.01    
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.02)   
Lenders                                     3.06 ***       -3.20 ***       -2.86 ***
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.78)   
Length rel.                                 0.23 ***        0.02 ***        0.01    
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.02)   
Bank def.=Bank new=Bank act.                0.60 ***       -0.62 ***       -1.42 *  
                                           (0.15)          (0.12)          (0.61)   
(Bank def.=Bank new)xAfter                  1.01 ***        1.07 ***        0.32    
                                           (0.13)          (0.11)          (0.39)   
(Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter                  2.34 ***        2.25 ***       -0.03    
                                           (0.12)          (0.10)          (0.31)   
(Bank def.=Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter       -0.11            0.43 *          0.87    
                                           (0.22)          (0.18)          (0.62)   
Total debt                                                  0.25 ***        0.24 ***
                                                           (0.00)          (0.04)   
Total days delinquent                                                      -0.02 ***
Num. obs.                             4002642         4002642         2311979       
R^2 (full model)                            0.26            0.52            0.49    
R^2 (proj model)                            0.26            0.44            0.44    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                       0.26            0.52            0.49    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                       0.26            0.44            0.44    
Num. groups: date_info                      4               4               4       
Num. groups: bank                                          38              38       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

7.3 Maturity of new loans

                                      Model 1         Model 2         Model 3       
Bank def. = Bank new                       -0.75 ***        0.06            0.13    
                                           (0.09)          (0.08)          (0.42)   
Bank act.=Bank new                         -1.68 ***        2.21 ***        2.21 ** 
                                           (0.08)          (0.08)          (0.73)   
Rate                                       -2.29 ***       -1.87 ***       -1.42 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.37)   
Amoun(mill. Pesos)                          0.21 ***        0.20 ***        0.23 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.05)   
Prob. default                               0.13 ***        0.18 ***        0.19 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.04)   
Lenders                                     0.37 ***        0.99 ***        0.86 *  
                                           (0.01)          (0.01)          (0.38)   
Length rel.                                -0.12 ***       -0.14 ***       -0.19 ***
                                           (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.04)   
Bank def.=Bank new=Bank act.                1.95 ***       -0.01           -0.22    
                                           (0.14)          (0.13)          (0.53)   
(Bank def.=Bank new)xAfter                  0.27 *          0.34 **        -0.15    
                                           (0.13)          (0.12)          (0.74)   
(Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter                 -2.67 ***       -1.69 ***       -0.85    
                                           (0.11)          (0.11)          (1.17)   
(Bank def.=Bank act.=Bank new)xAfter        0.77 ***        0.28            0.83    
                                           (0.21)          (0.19)          (0.76)   
Total debt                                                 -0.03 ***       -0.04 ***
                                                           (0.00)          (0.01)   
Total days delinquent                                                       0.01    
Num. obs.                             4002642         4002642         2311979       
R^2 (full model)                            0.21            0.33            0.28    
R^2 (proj model)                            0.21            0.13            0.11    
Adj. R^2 (full model)                       0.21            0.33            0.28    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                       0.21            0.13            0.11    
Num. groups: date_info                      4               4               4       
Num. groups: bank                                          38              38       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

7.4 Probability of default of new loans

                                  Model 1         Model 2         Model 3         Model 4         Model 5     
(Intercept)                             1.87 ***                                                              
same_mora_new                           0.94 ***        0.86 ***        0.93 ***        0.85 ***        0.85  
                                       (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.52) 
same_dec_new                           -0.78 ***       -1.09 ***       -0.78 ***       -1.08 ***       -1.08  
                                       (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.03)          (0.75) 
after                                  -0.51 ***       -0.51 ***                                              
                                       (0.02)          (0.02)                                                 
rate                                    0.14 ***        0.12 ***        0.14 ***        0.12 ***        0.12 *
                                       (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.05) 
saldo                                  -0.01 ***       -0.00 ***       -0.01 ***       -0.00 ***       -0.00  
                                       (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00) 
PLAZO_MESES_DEL_CREDITO                 0.01 ***        0.02 ***        0.01 ***        0.02 ***        0.02  
                                       (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.00)          (0.02) 
same_mora_new:same_dec_new             -1.14 ***       -1.04 ***       -1.13 ***       -1.03 ***       -1.03 *
                                       (0.05)          (0.05)          (0.05)          (0.05)          (0.45) 
same_mora_new:after                    -0.08           -0.07           -0.06           -0.06           -0.06  
                                       (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.37) 
same_dec_new:after                      1.96 ***        1.87 ***        1.96 ***        1.87 ***        1.87 *
                                       (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.04)          (0.80) 
same_mora_new:same_dec_new:after       -0.04           -0.08           -0.05           -0.09           -0.09  
                                       (0.07)          (0.07)          (0.07)          (0.07)          (0.28) 
R^2                                     0.01                                                                  
Adj. R^2                                0.01                                                                  
Num. obs.                         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642         4002642     
R^2 (full model)                                        0.03            0.01            0.03            0.03  
R^2 (proj model)                                        0.01            0.01            0.01            0.01  
Adj. R^2 (full model)                                   0.03            0.01            0.03            0.03  
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                                   0.01            0.01            0.01            0.01  
Num. groups: bank                                      38                              38              38     
Num. groups: date_info                                                  4               4               4     
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05