Predicting metabolons

‘Are we there yet?’

Sibbe Bakker

AG Walther

July 26, 2024


What are metabolons and why are they important?

Metabolism and metabolons

A compartmentalisaton mechanism.


Molecular tunnel

Surface channeling

Cluster channeling
Figure 1: Mechanisms of metabolite channelling [1].

What are these channels actually?

Direct channeling in Tryptophan synthase [4]

Surface channeling in a recombinant TCA metabolon [5]

What is this LLPS?

Formation of LLPS [6]

Various known functions of LLPS. From Alberti et al., [7]

This research

Do recent ML innovations help?

What’s the gap?

  • Protein complexes can be hard to crystallise.

  • Often the exact nature of protein complexes is often unknown.

  • Homology based approaches have met some success.

  • Try to solve it with Deep learning methods.

Why deep learning now?

  • New methods are published:
    • Alphafold 3 [8]
    • NeuralPlexer [9]
    • Combfold [10]
    • Rozettafold All atom [11]
    • AF2Complex [12]
    • MOLPC [13, 14]
  • Its important to see:
    • How they work.
    • How they are interpreted.
    • How they may be applied.

The research plan


How to assess protein interaction using Deep Learning


A short note on neural networks

Example of a neural network [15]

Protein complex prediction

AF2 architecture [16]

LLPS Assessment

LLPS prediction Theory: how is it measured? (i)

Methods to study LLPS Alberti et al., [7]

LLPS prediction Theory: how is it measured (ii) ?

Photo bleaching experiment [17]

LLPS prediction Theory: how could it be predicted? (ii)

Is it reasonable to expect good predictions?

  • Disorder is predicable.
  • Sequence properties and PPIs play a large role.
  • The specific celluar conditions are also important.

Properties of LLPS proteins [18]


The value of predictions

Protein Complex predictions

The human trifunctional protein

AF3 prediction (TM: 0.98515)

Combfold prediction (TM: 0.9767)
Figure 2: Predictions of the human tri-functional protein (6DV2)

Glycolysis – ML prediction

Combfold prediction

Subunit map
Figure 3: Combfold prediction of the Athal Glycolysis metabolon

Glycolysis — Previous homology prediction

A previous I-Tasser and docking prediction made by [19]

LLPS classifiers

DrLLPS (i)


DrLLPS (ii)

Literature annotations

Condensate Description Tissue/Cell PMIDs
Postsynaptic density “…We report the first direct comparison of the proteome of triplicate isolates of mouse and human cortical postsynaptic densities. The mouse postsynaptic density comprised 1556 proteins and the human one 1461.” Human cortex 23071613

Performance of classifiers

ROC curve for the LLPS classifiers


Take aways

What did we learn?

In summary

  • Machine learning based structure prediction:
    • Can be useful.
    • Is often fickle.
  • ML datasets should be trustworthy

How well can we trust nature?

Me quite often

What improvements can be made?

Direct contact metabolons

  • Improvements to Combfold
    • Allow for chance
    • Inference of stoichiometry.
  • Where can we get data from:
    • Infer complexes from STRING-DB or Complex portal
    • Stoichiometry maybe be found by looking for similar complexes (maybe with foldseek).

Cluster channeled metabolons (i)

  • Understanding Enzymes and LLPS
  • What is the composition of a liquid phase?
    • Maybe for our research question PPI networks are more relevant.

Cluster channeled metabolons (ii)

Example of MOBIDB entry for FUS (mobidb entry P35637)

What still needs to happen?

Reproducibility must be budgeted

Direct contact metabolons

  • When we have a structure, what can we do?
    • Infer a biological mechanism.
    • Infer a biological channel (ChannelDB)
    • Simulate channelling.

Cluster channeled metabolons

  • Is it possible to reproduce experimental findings?

  • Are channelled metabolons, such as the purinosome, conserved?


  • Take home message

  • Time for questions

  • Acknowledgements

  • AG-Walther

Take home message

In some cases, structures can be predicted.

  • Whether the investment in computation time is worth it, is a different question…

The end


Dirk Walther
The good discussions on how to work as a researcher, and providing the organisation and stipend for me to work at his department.
Erasmus organisation
Providing a stipend for me to travel to Brandenburg.
Hanne Zillmer
Usefull discussions on structural biology and advice for data analysis methods.

Further information

  • Backup slides

  • List of products

  • Used references

Backup slides

What is a TM score?

\[ f(M, N)_{ij} = \sum^M_{m=1}\sum^N_{n=1} {1 \over {1 + \left({{d_{ij}(m,n)} \over d_0}\right)^2}}\]


\[d_0 = 1.24\sqrt[3]{L - 15} - 1.8\]

Pro-Con list per tool

Tool Pros Cons
Combfold - Can be steered with biological information by the user
- No token limit
- Does not work with ligants
- Often produces clashes.
AlphaFold3 - Often accurate
- easy to use
- Works with ligants
- Nonpermissive licence.
- token limit of 5000

How does Combfold work?

Take input subunit sequences

Predict pairwise structures


Comfold limitation and interpretation

Two sameish complexes with widely different combfold scores (68 vs 90), TM score = 90.

Internship products

A zenodo record of my internship work.
Structural analysis toolkit
Snakemake implementation of TM scores using the TM, MM and USalign programmes; PLIP for protein ligand bonds; and the generation of subunit graphs with contact maps.
Combfold pipeline
A Snakemake pipeline to predict protein complexes using Combfold and AF2M.
this presentation
Made using the quarto clean theme and reveal-header.

Cited works

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