The next steps for ASPAR_KR

A FAIR data solution?

Sibbe Bakker


There is now a prototype to be tested and assesment is needed.

  • This prototype is based on the FAIRDS by Nijsse, Schaap, and Koehorst (2023).
  • Quite extensive documentation has been prepared.
  • We as the ASPAR_KR team must assess.
  • The first testing session came up with questions.
  • Without knowing these questions, development cannot occur.

Screen shot of the prototype running on the bioinformatic server.


We need to discuss

  • What we want?
    • Do we even want (or need) a FAIR data solution?
    • Or do we want to just access published results, and not the underlying data?
  • Why we want it: How will the database be useful to you?
    • Will you want to do meta-analysis studies with it?
    • Do you want it to store just observations?
    • What are we willing to do for it?
      • How much time is a researcher expected to spend entering data?
      • How much time is using the database supposed to take?

To be assessed

  • We need to investigate:
    • What sort of interface people need.
    • How the interface is best explained.
  • When most people in the department are on board:
    • Prepare for ASPAR_KR conference.
    • Continue development and make the interface.
    • Write documentation.


What I need from you

  • Some reflection about our goals.
    Especially what the system will be used for by you.
  • Some more time to have these discussions.
  • Some more discussion moments in the coming weeks, so I can:
    • Know what to develop for the community.
    • Gauge the response I’ll get during the conference.

My plan

  • ASPAR_KR discussion sessions.
    • Thursday 5th of October on 14:30.
    • Wednesday 11th of October on 14:00.
  • Thursday 12th of October: Start preparing for GSS presentation.
  • Tuesday 26th of October on 11:00
    Present the system at GSS.
  • Wednesday 27th of October: Start preparation for conference.


Nijsse, Bart, Peter J Schaap, and Jasper J Koehorst. 2023. FAIR Data Station for Lightweight Metadata Management and Validation of Omics Studies.” GigaScience 12 (January): giad014.