–what is to come?How do we move forward from the conference?
I presented the first part of my thesis at the ASPAR_KR
There was limited discussion afterwards:
Unclearity about the motivation for FAIRDS.
Minimum information working group.
Interest during the conference
Martin Weichert.
Jianhua Zhang.
Most important thing in my opinion
Agreeing on minimal information templates.
Minimum information
Working group
Developing ASPAR_KR
with Jasper
.Promoting the FAIRDS
Planning of the remainer of the thesis.
Jasper told me that his programme can only be promoted with a “big stick”.
To work with the UNLOCK programme, you must use fairds.
After using FAIRDS
people can make automated analyses.
How does this translate to our users?
Some authority could mandate the usage of FAIRDS/ASPAR_KR in collaborations.
An R
package could be developed for most common analysis use cases and solve them automatically.
Jasper Koehorst and Bart Nijsen.
Helping me contribute to FAIRDS
Mariana and Anna
Supervision during my stay at the genetics department.