2 Data Generation

2.1 BAM slicing

The relevant reads can be extracted for efficient analysis on a subset of genes. STAR and samtools enable output sorted alignments to Aligned.out.sort.bam file. For simple explanation of data generating steps, suppose that we only consider a case of gene KEAP1 and 5 samples in the bamfiles folder.

A comprehensive gene annotation file (GTF) gencode.v36.annotation.gtf can be downloaded at GENCODE. gtftools is able to save gene coordination and ID mappings in bed format as gencode.v36.genes.bed from the GTF file, and then genomic region for KEAP1 be obtained as genic_region.bed.

genome_region=`grep -P $genename"\t" $bedfile | cut -f5`

awk -v gene="$genename" -F'\t' '$7 == gene {print $1, $2, $3}' OFS='\t' "$bedfile" > $geneDir/bamslice/genic_region.bed

samtools and BEDTools are required, and inputs to get a sliced BAM for the specific gene and sample are given:

  • Gene of interest
  • Genomic coordinates to extract reads
  • Input directory for BAM files
  • Output directory for sliced BAM files
  • Prefix for output BAM files

We define 3 cases to select reads within genome region of a gene:

  • *_contained.bam: both paired reads are in the genome region (black line)
  • *_overlap_Sonly.bam: one of paired reads overlaps with the start genomic position (red line)
  • *_overlap_Eonly.bam: one of paired reads overlaps with the end genomic position (green line)

samtools can extract paired-end reads in *_1.bam and *_2.bam from BAM files and merge as *_temp.bam. Based on overlap with the gene, intersectBed from BEDTools identifies reads and start and end positions of the gene are created in *_genes_S.bed and *_genes_E.bed.

samtools view -b -f 147 ${ibampath} $genome_region > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_1.bam
samtools view -b -f 99 ${ibampath} $genome_region > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_2.bam
samtools merge -f $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_temp.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_1.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_2.bam

intersectBed -a $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_temp.bam -b $bamsliceDir/genic_region.bed > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap.bam
intersectBed -a $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_temp.bam -b $bamsliceDir/genic_region.bed -f 1.0 > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_contained.bam

awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$2}' $bamsliceDir/genic_region.bed > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_S.bed
awk '{print $1"\t"$3"\t"$3}' $bamsliceDir/genic_region.bed > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_E.bed

After identifying reads overlapping only the start or end of gene, we can merge with reads fully contained within the gene to make a preliminary BAM file as *_pre.bam. The final files are a sorted BAM file *.bam and a BAM index file *.bam.bai, and removing all intermediate files are recommended to optimize storage.

intersectBed -a $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap.bam -b $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_S.bed | intersectBed -a stdin -b $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_E.bed -v > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap_Sonly.bam
intersectBed -a $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap.bam -b $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_E.bed | intersectBed -a stdin -b $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_S.bed -v > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap_Eonly.bam

samtools merge -o $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_pre.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_contained.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap_Sonly.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap_Eonly.bam
samtools sort $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_pre.bam > $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}.bam
samtools index $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}.bam.bai

rm $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_1.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_2.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_temp.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_contained.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_pre.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_S.bed $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_genes_E.bed $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap_Sonly.bam $bamsliceDir/${ibamslice}_overlap_Eonly.bam

2.2 Pileup

SCISSOR package1 can be applied to generate pileup from BAM file, region info, and coverage plots based on its tutorial. From the GTF file, build_gaf function creates a region info file named SCISSOR_gaf.txt and shows the full path of the file. The file contains regions by gene_name and gene_id.


For instance, we can make pileup and compare coverage plots of part_intron and only_exon using gene KEAP1 and the 5 samples. If 5 sliced BAM files are saved in the bamslice folder, the full file path of them can be set as BAMfiles. gen_pileup function saves pileup, regions, and Ranges for Gene, which become inputs to plot pileup figures.

BAMfiles <- list.files(path=paste0("../bamslice"), pattern="\\.sort.bam$", full.names=TRUE)
caseIDs <- substr(basename(BAMfiles), start=6, stop=22)

# part_intron
plot_pileup(Pileup=log10(pileup+1), case=caseIDs, Ranges=Ranges, logcount=1, main="part_intron")

# only_exon
pileupData = build_pileup(Pileup=pileup, case=caseIDs, regions=regions, inputType="part_intron", outputType="only_exon")
geneRanges = get_Ranges(Gene=Ranges$Gene, regions=regions, outputType="only_exon")
plot_pileup(Pileup=log10(pileupData+1), case=caseIDs, Ranges=geneRanges, logcount=1, main="only_exon")

The only_exon figure has 10 exons after filtering introns from part_intron. The start and end positions for exon (e) and intronic part (ip) per exon are matched with the pileup plot and we only consider exon to measure sample quality.

##        ip.start  e.start    e.end   ip.end
## exon1  10503558 10503558 10503241 10503187
## exon2  10503186 10503186 10503093 10502897
## exon3  10502896 10502896 10502697 10502688
## exon4  10502687 10502687 10502388 10502039
## exon5  10500429 10500080 10499395 10499046
## exon6  10493066 10492717 10492573 10492263
## exon7  10492262 10492262 10491577 10491228
## exon8  10490202 10489853 10489648 10489436
## exon9  10489435 10489435 10489192 10488843
## exon10 10487167 10486818 10486125 10486125

  1. Choi, H.Y., Jo, H., Zhao, X. et al. SCISSOR: a framework for identifying structural changes in RNA transcripts. Nat Commun 12, 286 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20593-3↩︎