Chapter 9 Algorithm to fit HBART (stump)

Algorithm type: Metropolis within GIBBS for a hierachical BART model

Reason: We have closed posteriors for most parameters, but not for the tree structure

Data: Target variable \(y\), groups \(j = 1,\dots, J\)

Result: Posterior distributions for all parameters


Hyper-parameters values for \(\alpha, \beta, k_2\);

Number of groups \(J\);

Number of trees P;

Total number of nodes \(N_p\)

Number of observations \(N =\sum_{j = 1}^{J} n_j\);

Number of iterations I;

  • define \(\mu_{\mu} = 0\), \(\mu^{0}\), \(\tau^{0}\), and \(\mu_j^{0}, j = 1,\dots, J\), \(k_1^0\), as the initial parameter values

  • for i from 1 to I do:

    • for p from 1 to P do:

    • sample \(\mu_p\) from the posterior \(N(\frac{\mathbf{1}^{T} \Psi^{-1} R_p }{\mathbf{1}^{T} \Psi^{-1} \mathbf{1} + (k_2/P)^{-1}}, \tau^{-1} (\mathbf{1}^{T} \Psi^{-1} \mathbf{1} + (k_2/P)^{-1}))\)

      • for j in 1:J do:
        • sample \(\mu_{jp}\) from the posterior \(MVN(\frac{P \mu /k_1 + \bar R_{pj} n_j}{(n_j + P/k_1)}, \tau^{-1} (n_j + P/k_1))\)
      • end
    • set \(R_{ijp} = Y_{ij} - \sum_{t = 1}^{p} \mu_{jt}\), or, in other words, the residuals for tree \(p\) are the vector \(y\) minus the sum of the \(\mu_{jp}\) values up to tree p

    • end

  • Define \(\hat f_{ij}\) as the current overall prediction for observation \(R_{ij}\), which will be \(\sum_{p \neq pp}^{P} \mu_{jp}\), where pp represents the current tree index.

  • sample \(\tau\) from the posterior \(Ga(\frac{N + J N_p + N_p}{2} + \alpha, \frac{\sum_{i= 1}^{N}(y_i - \hat f_i)^2}{2} + \frac{P \sum_{j, l, p}(\mu_{j, l, p} - \mu_{l, p})^2}{2 k_1} + \frac{P \sum_{l, p}\mu_{l, p}^2}{2 k_2} + \beta)\)

  • sample \(k_1\) from a Uniform(0, u)

    • calculate p_old as the conditional distribution for the current \(k_1\)

    • calculate p_new as the conditional distribution for the newly sampled \(k_1\)

    • sample U from a Unif(0, 1)

    • if (a > u) accept the new \(k_1\); else keep the current \(k_1\)

  • end