5.9 Big data considerations
As we saw in Section 5.2.2, fitting a generalized linear model involves fitting a series of linear models. Therefore, all the memory problems that appeared in Section 4.4 are inherited. Worse, computation is now more complicated because:
- Computing the likelihood requires reading all the data at once. Differently from the linear model, updating the model with a new chunk implies re-fitting with all the data due to the nonlinearity of the likelihood.
- The IRLS algorithm requires reading the data as many times as iterations.
These two peculiarities are a game-changer for the approach followed in Section 4.4: biglm::bigglm
needs to have access to the full data while performing the fitting. This can be cumbersome.
Hopefully, a neat solution is available using the ff
and ffbase
packages, which allow for efficiently “working with data stored in disk that behave (almost) as if they were in RAM”184. The function that we will employ is ffbase::bigglm.ffdf
, and requires from an object of the class ffdf
’s data frames).
The latest version of ffbase
has a bug in
that is reported in this GitHub issue.
Until that issue is solved, you will not be able to apply
with the latest package versions. A
temporary workaround is to downgrade the packages bit
, and ffbase
to the respective versions
, 2.2-14.2
, and 0.12.8
The next two chunk of code provides this fix.
# To install specific versions of packages
# Install specific package versions. It may take a while to do so, be patient
install.versions(pkgs = c("bit", "ff", "ffbase"),
versions = c("1.1-15.2", "2.2-14.2", "0.12.8"))
# After bit's version 1.1-15.2, something is off in the integration with
# ffbase; see issue in https://github.com/edwindj/ffbase/issues/61
# Alternatively, if the binaries for your OS are not available (e.g., for
# Apple M1's processors), then you will need to compile the packages from
# source... and cross your fingers!
urls <- c(
install.packages(pkgs = urls, repos = NULL, type = "source")
After the packages bit
, ff
, and ffbase
have been downgraded (or if the GitHub issue has been fixed), then you will be able to run the following code:
# Not really "big data", but for the sake of illustration
n <- 1e6
p <- 10
beta <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = p)^5
x1 <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
x1[, p] <- 2 * x1[, 1] + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1) # Add some dependence to predictors
x1[, p - 1] <- 2 - x1[, 2] + rnorm(n, sd = 0.5)
y1 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 1 / (1 + exp(-(1 + x1 %*% beta))))
x2 <- matrix(rnorm(100 * p), nrow = 100, ncol = p)
y2 <- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = 1 / (1 + exp(-(1 + x2 %*% beta))))
bigData1 <- data.frame("resp" = y1, "pred" = x1)
bigData2 <- data.frame("resp" = y2, "pred" = x2)
# Save files to disk to emulate the situation with big data
write.csv(x = bigData1, file = "bigData1.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(x = bigData2, file = "bigData2.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# Read files using ff
library(ffbase) # Imports ff
bigData1ff <- read.table.ffdf(file = "bigData1.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
bigData2ff <- read.table.ffdf(file = "bigData2.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Recall: bigData1.csv is not copied into RAM
print(object.size(bigData1), units = "MB")
print(object.size(bigData1ff), units = "KB")
# Logistic regression
# Same comments for the formula framework -- this is the hack for automatic
# inclusion of all the predictors
f <- formula(paste("resp ~", paste(names(bigData1)[-1], collapse = " + ")))
bigglmMod <- bigglm.ffdf(formula = f, data = bigData1ff, family = binomial())
# glm's call
glmMod <- glm(formula = resp ~ ., data = bigData1, family = binomial())
# Compare sizes
print(object.size(bigglmMod), units = "KB")
print(object.size(glmMod), units = "MB")
# Summaries
s1 <- summary(bigglmMod)
s2 <- summary(glmMod)
# Further information
s1$mat # Coefficients and their inferences
s1$rsq # R^2
s1$nullrss # Null deviance
# Extract coefficients
# Prediction works as usual
predict(bigglmMod, newdata = bigData2[1:5, ], type = "response")
# predict(bigglmMod, newdata = bigData2[1:5, -1]) # Error
# Update the model with training data
update(bigglmMod, moredata = bigData2)
# AIC and BIC
AIC(bigglmMod, k = 2)
AIC(bigglmMod, k = log(n))
# Delete the files in disk
file.remove(c("bigData1.csv", "bigData2.csv"))
Note that this is also a perfectly valid approach for linear
models, we just need to specify
family = gaussian()
in the call to
Model selection of biglm::bigglm
models is not so straightforward. The trick that leaps::regsubsets
employs for simplifying the model search in linear models (see Section 4.4) does not apply for generalized linear models because of the nonlinearity of the likelihood. However, there is a simple and useful hack: we can do best subset selection in the linear model associated to the last iteration of the IRLS algorithm and then refine the search by computing the exact BIC/AIC from a set of candidate models185. If we do so, we translate the model selection problem back to the linear case, plus an extra overhead of fitting several generalized linear models. Keep in mind that, albeit useful, this approach is a hacky approximation to the task of finding the best subset of predictors.
# Model selection adapted to big data generalized linear models
reg <- leaps::regsubsets(bigglmMod, nvmax = p + 1, method = "exhaustive")
# This takes the QR decomposition, which encodes the linear model associated to
# the last iteration of the IRLS algorithm. However, the reported BICs are *not*
# the true BICs of the generalized linear models, but a sufficient
# approximation to obtain a list of candidate models in a fast way
# Get the model with lowest BIC
subs <- summary(reg)
subs$which[which.min(subs$bic), ]
# Let's compute the true BICs for the p models. This implies fitting p bigglm's
bestModels <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(subs$which)) {
f <- formula(paste("resp ~", paste(names(which(subs$which[i, -1])),
collapse = " + ")))
bestModels[[i]] <- bigglm.ffdf(formula = f, data = bigData1ff,
family = binomial(), maxit = 20)
# Did not converge with the default iteration limit, maxit = 8
# The approximate BICs and the true BICs are very similar (in this example)
exactBICs <- sapply(bestModels, AIC, k = log(n))
plot(subs$bic, exactBICs, type = "o", xlab = "Exact", ylab = "Approximate")
# Pearson correlation
cor(subs$bic, exactBICs, method = "pearson")
# Order correlation
cor(subs$bic, exactBICs, method = "spearman")
# Both give the same model selection and same order
subs$which[which.min(subs$bic), ] # Approximate
subs$which[which.min(exactBICs), ] # Exact
package implements theff
vectors andffdf
data frames classes. The packageffbase
provides convenience functions for working with these non-standard classes in a more transparent way.↩︎Without actually expanding that list, as coming out with this list of candidate models is the most expensive part in best subset selection.↩︎