Typical CVs are only one or two pages. So this page acts as an overview of everything. Each respective tab of this website provides more detail to explain what I have learnt from each item listed on this page
Having lived around the world, I learned the importance of culture and thus context. I realised context dictates the beneficial use of information and data, even in the scientific world. I would like to use my knowledge and critical thinking in life science and psychology to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that allow scientific findings to be valuable, and produce innovative research and findings.
Languages: English (Native), French (conversationally fluent), German (Beginner)
February 2024-TBC
September 2021 - September 2023 Classes include: Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Data Skills for Reproducible Research, Current Research Topics in Neuroscience and Psychology, Current Trends and Challenges in Biomedical Research, Cognitive Brain Imaging Methods, Neuroscience Animal Models of Neuroscience.
September 2017 -July 2021, Dissertation: GDNF in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, Classes include: Toxicology, Drug Design and Development, Experimental Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Psychopharmacology
September 2015 - July 2017, HL: Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, SL: English Language and Literature, German B, Mathematics, Extended Essay: To what extent can brain imaging be used in the valid and reliable diagnosis of schizophrenia?, Awards: Model United Nations Award, Honour Roll for High Achievement
August 2023 - December 2023 While strictly abiding by ICH GCP E6 guidelines, I have begun working in data management. This involves primarily verifying the accuracy of data within a team, through reports, edit checks and validation checks. This enables me to gain a strong understanding of the clinical trials process, and everything that happens behind the scenes to allow for important medicines to be made safe and accessible to the public.
October 2020 - August 2023 Writing articles and creating accompanying artwork on the topic of Wellness and Identity to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ and disability issues.
September 2015 - August 2023 Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Psychology; Age levels: 10-22. By following appropriate curricula students have freedom to choose their topics and ask questions, then reviewing content to oversee learning.
October 2021 - June 2023 Creating films and programmes to entertain and educate the general public on science and help in other Producerships. Current projects include a studio on the neuroscience of memory, and a short film on researchers and life beyond their reserch.
August 2020 - July 2021 Running the Wellness team of 6 people by organising and overseeing projects designed to improve team health and health awareness of the overall KEEN UCL team of 40 people, such as a mental health awareness series discussing conditions including OCD, EUPD, Depression, Anxiety.
August 2020 - July 2021 Liasing the Disabled Students’ Network and the LGBTQ+ Students’ Network, and involvement in committee activities, such as arranging socials, and Disabled Students’ Network lead social media artist.
October 2020 - February 2021 Raising and discussing issues that have been reported by students and adequate adjustments in university policy to encourage effective change.