Chapter 5 Data Transformation

The goal of this section is to continue where we started in the earlier chapter on data abstraction with dplyr to look at the more transformational functions applied to data in a database, and tidyr adds other tools like pivot tables.

  • dplyr tools:

    • joins: left_join, right_join, inner_join, full_join, semi_join, anti_join
    • set operations: intersect, union, setdiff
    • binding rows and columns: bind_cols, bind_rows
  • tidyr tools:

    • pivot tables: pivot_longer, pivot_wider

The term “data wrangling” has been used for what we’re doing with these tools, and the relevant cheat sheet used to be called that, but now they have names like “Data transformation with dplyr” and “Data tidying with tidyr”, but those could change too. See what’s current at

5.1 Data joins

To bring in variables from another data frame based on a common join field. There are multiple types of joins. Probably the most common is left_join since it starts from the data frame (or sf) you want to continue working with and bring in data from an additional source. You’ll retain all records of the first data set. For any non-matches, NA is assigned.

income <- read_csv(ex("CA/CA_MdInc.csv")) |>
   dplyr::select(trID, HHinc2016) |>
   mutate(HHinc2016 = as.numeric(HHinc2016),
          joinid = str_c("0", trID)) |>
   dplyr::select(joinid, HHinc2016)
census <- BayAreaTracts |>
   left_join(income, by = c("FIPS" = "joinid")) |>
   dplyr::select(FIPS, POP12_SQMI, POP2012, HHinc2016)
head(census |> st_set_geometry(NULL))
##          FIPS POP12_SQMI POP2012 HHinc2016
## 1 06001400100   1118.797    2976    177417
## 2 06001400200   9130.435    2100    153125
## 3 06001400300  11440.476    4805     85313
## 4 06001400400  14573.077    3789     99539
## 5 06001400500  15582.609    3584     83650
## 6 06001400600  13516.667    1622     61597

Other joins are:

  • right_join where you end up retaining all the rows of the second data set and NA is assigned to non-matches
  • inner_join where you only retain records for matches
  • full_join where records are retained for both sides, and NAs are assigned to non-matches

Right join example We need to join NCDC monthly climate data for all California weather stations to a selection of 82 stations that are in the Sierra.

  • The monthly data has 12 rows (1/month) for each station
  • The right_join gets all months for all stations, so we weed out the non-Sierra stations by removing NAs from a field only with Sierra station data
sierra <- right_join(sierraStations, CA_ClimateNormals, by="STATION") |>
   filter(! |> dplyr::select(-STATION_NA)
head(sierra |> filter(DATE == "01") |> 
   dplyr::select(NAME, ELEVATION, `MLY-TAVG-NORMAL`), n=10)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##    NAME                              ELEVATION `MLY-TAVG-NORMAL`
##    <chr>                                 <dbl>             <dbl>
##  1 GROVELAND 2, CA US                    853.                5.6
##  2 CANYON DAM, CA US                    1390.                0.2
##  3 KERN RIVER PH 3, CA US                824.                7.6
##  4 DONNER MEMORIAL ST PARK, CA US       1810.               -1.9
##  5 BOWMAN DAM, CA US                    1641.                3  
##  6 BRUSH CREEK RANGER STATION, CA US    1085.               NA  
##  7 GRANT GROVE, CA US                   2012.                1.9
##  8 LEE VINING, CA US                    2072.               -1.2
##  9 OROVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, CA US      57.9               7.7
## 10 LEMON COVE, CA US                     156.                8.6

The exact same thing, however, could be accomplished with an inner_join, and it doesn’t required removing the NAs:

sierraAlso <- inner_join(sierraStations, CA_ClimateNormals, by="STATION") |>

5.2 Set operations

Set operations compare two data frames (or vectors) to handle observations or rows that are the same for each, or not the same. The three set methods are:

  • dplyr::intersect(x,y) retains rows that appear in both x and y
  • dplyr::union(x,y) retains rows that appear in either or both of x and y
  • dplyr::setdiff(x,y) retains rows that appear in x but not in y
squares <- (1:10)^2
evens <- seq(0,100,2)
##  [1]   1   4   9  16  25  36  49  64  81 100
##  [1]   0   2   4   6   8  10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24  26  28  30  32  34  36
## [20]  38  40  42  44  46  48  50  52  54  56  58  60  62  64  66  68  70  72  74
## [39]  76  78  80  82  84  86  88  90  92  94  96  98 100
## [1]   4  16  36  64 100
##  [1]   0   1   2   4   6   8   9  10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24  25  26  28  30
## [20]  32  34  36  38  40  42  44  46  48  49  50  52  54  56  58  60  62  64  66
## [39]  68  70  72  74  76  78  80  81  82  84  86  88  90  92  94  96  98 100
## [1]  1  9 25 49 81

5.3 Binding rows and columns

These dplyr functions are similar to cbind and rbind in base R, but always create data frames. For instance, cbind usually creates matrices and makes all vectors the same class. Note that in bind_cols, the order of data in rows must be the same.

states <- bind_cols(,
## # A tibble: 6 × 11
##   abb   name     region Population Income Illiteracy `Life Exp` Murder `HS Grad`
##   <chr> <chr>    <fct>       <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 AL    Alabama  South        3615   3624        2.1       69.0   15.1      41.3
## 2 AK    Alaska   West          365   6315        1.5       69.3   11.3      66.7
## 3 AZ    Arizona  West         2212   4530        1.8       70.6    7.8      58.1
## 4 AR    Arkansas South        2110   3378        1.9       70.7   10.1      39.9
## 5 CA    Califor… West        21198   5114        1.1       71.7   10.3      62.6
## 6 CO    Colorado West         2541   4884        0.7       72.1    6.8      63.9
## # ℹ 2 more variables: Frost <dbl>, Area <dbl>

To compare, note that cbind converts numeric fields to character type when any other field is character, and character fields are converted to character integers where there are any repeats, which would require manipulating them into factors:

states <- as_tibble(cbind(, 
## # A tibble: 6 × 12
##   abb   name      region division Population Income Illiteracy `Life Exp` Murder
##   <chr> <chr>     <chr>  <chr>    <chr>      <chr>  <chr>      <chr>      <chr> 
## 1 AL    Alabama   2      4        3615       3624   2.1        69.05      15.1  
## 2 AK    Alaska    4      9        365        6315   1.5        69.31      11.3  
## 3 AZ    Arizona   4      8        2212       4530   1.8        70.55      7.8   
## 4 AR    Arkansas  2      5        2110       3378   1.9        70.66      10.1  
## 5 CA    Californ… 4      9        21198      5114   1.1        71.71      10.3  
## 6 CO    Colorado  4      8        2541       4884   0.7        72.06      6.8   
## # ℹ 3 more variables: `HS Grad` <chr>, Frost <chr>, Area <chr>

5.4 Pivoting data frames

Pivot tables are a popular tool in Excel, allowing you to transform your data to be more useful in a particular analysis. A common need to pivot is 2+ variables with the same data where the variable name should be a factor. Tidyr has pivot_wider and pivot_longer.

  • pivot_wider pivots rows into variables.
  • pivot_longer pivots variables into rows, creating factors.

5.4.1 pivot_longer

In our meadows study cross-section (JD Davis et al. 2020) created by intersecting normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values from multispectral drone imagery with surveyed elevation and vegetation types (xeric, mesic, and hydric), we have fields NDVIgrowing from a July 2019 growing season and NDVIsenescent from a September 2020 dry season, but would like “growing” and “senescent” to be factors with a single NDVI variable. This is how we used pivot_longer to accomplish this, using data from the igisci data package:

XSptsPheno <- XSptsNDVI |>
      filter(vegetation != "pine") |>    # trees removed
      pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("NDVI"), 
                   names_to = "phenology", values_to = "NDVI") |>
      mutate(phenology = str_sub(phenology, 5, str_length(phenology)))

To see what the reverse would be, we’d use pivot_wider to return to the original, but note that we’re not writing over our XSptsPheno data frame.

XSptsPheno |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = phenology, names_prefix = "NDVI", 
              values_from = NDVI)
## # A tibble: 19 × 6
##    DistNtoS elevation vegetation      geometry         NDVIgrowing NDVIsenescent
##       <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>           <chr>                  <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1      0       1510. Artemisia       c(718649.456, 4…       0.326         0.140
##  2     16.7     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4309, …       0.627         0.259
##  3     28.6     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.413, 4…       0.686         0.329
##  4     30.5     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4101, …       0.668         0.282
##  5     31.1     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4092, …       0.655         0.266
##  6     33.4     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4058, …       0.617         0.274
##  7     35.6     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4025, …       0.623         0.275
##  8     37       1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4004, …       0.589         0.242
##  9     74       1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.3448, …       0.641         0.325
## 10    101       1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.3042, …       0.558         0.312
## 11    126.      1511. Artemisia       c(718649.2672, …       0.391         0.163
## 12    137       1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.25, 43…       0.583         0.272
## 13    149.      1510. Carex           c(718649.2317, …       0.736         0.392
## 14    154.      1510. Carex           c(718649.224, 4…       0.744         0.424
## 15    175       1511. mixed graminoid c(718649.1929, …       0.455         0.204
## 16    195.      1511. mixed graminoid c(718649.1633, …       0.512         0.237
## 17    197.      1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.1597, …       0.489         0.197
## 18    201.      1511. mixed graminoid c(718649.1544, …       0.533         0.275
## 19    259.      1511. mixed graminoid c(718649.0663, …       0.505         0.193
## # A tibble: 38 × 6
##    DistNtoS elevation vegetation      geometry                   phenology  NDVI
##       <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>           <chr>                      <chr>     <dbl>
##  1      0       1510. Artemisia       c(718649.456, 4397466.714) growing   0.326
##  2      0       1510. Artemisia       c(718649.456, 4397466.714) senescent 0.140
##  3     16.7     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4309, 4397450.07… growing   0.627
##  4     16.7     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4309, 4397450.07… senescent 0.259
##  5     28.6     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.413, 4397438.222) growing   0.686
##  6     28.6     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.413, 4397438.222) senescent 0.329
##  7     30.5     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4101, 4397436.33) growing   0.668
##  8     30.5     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4101, 4397436.33) senescent 0.282
##  9     31.1     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4092, 4397435.73… growing   0.655
## 10     31.1     1510. mixed graminoid c(718649.4092, 4397435.73… senescent 0.266
## # ℹ 28 more rows

We’ll use the pivot_longer result (the one we actually assigned to XSptsPheno) to allow us to create the graph we’re after (Figure 5.1).

XSptsPheno |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(elevation, NDVI, shape=vegetation, 
                 color = phenology), size = 5) +
  geom_smooth(aes(elevation, NDVI, 
                 color = phenology), method="lm")
Color classified by phenology, data created by a pivot

FIGURE 5.1: Color classified by phenology, data created by a pivot

Pivots turn out to be commonly useful. We’ve already seen their use in the Visualization chapter, such as when we graphed runoff from the Eucalyptus/Oak study (Thompson, Davis, and Oliphant 2016), where we used a pivot_longer (Figure 5.2).

eucoakrainfallrunoffTDR |>
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("runoffL"),
               names_to = "tree", values_to = "runoffL") |>
  mutate(tree = str_sub(tree, str_length(tree)-2, str_length(tree))) |>
  ggplot() + geom_boxplot(aes(site, runoffL)) +
    facet_grid(tree ~ .)
Euc vs oak graphs created using a pivot

FIGURE 5.2: Euc vs oak graphs created using a pivot

Combining a pivot with bind_rows to create a runoff/rainfall scatterplot colored by tree

With a bit more code, we can combine pivoting with binding rows to set up a useful scatter plot (Figure 5.3).

runoffPivot <- eucoakrainfallrunoffTDR |>
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("runoffL"),
               names_to = "tree", values_to = "runoffL") |>
  mutate(tree = str_sub(tree, str_length(tree)-2, str_length(tree)),
         Date = as.Date(date, "%m/%d/%Y"))
euc <- runoffPivot |>
  filter(tree == "euc") |>
  mutate(rain_subcanopy = rain_euc,
         slope = slope_euc,    aspect = aspect_euc,
         surface_tension = surface_tension_euc,
         runoff_rainfall_ratio = runoff_rainfall_ratio_euc) |>
  dplyr::select(site, `site #`, tree, Date, month, rain_mm, 
         rain_subcanopy, slope, aspect, runoffL,     
         surface_tension, runoff_rainfall_ratio)
oak <- runoffPivot |>
  filter(tree == "oak") |>
  mutate(rain_subcanopy = rain_oak,
         slope = slope_oak, aspect = aspect_oak,
         surface_tension = surface_tension_oak,
         runoff_rainfall_ratio = runoff_rainfall_ratio_oak) |>
  dplyr::select(site, `site #`, tree, Date, month, rain_mm, 
         rain_subcanopy, slope, aspect, runoffL, 
         surface_tension, runoff_rainfall_ratio)
bind_rows(euc, oak) |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = rain_mm, y = runoffL, color = tree)) +
  geom_smooth(mapping = aes(x = rain_mm, y= runoffL, color = tree), 
              method = "lm") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("seagreen4", "orange3"))
Runoff/rainfall scatterplot colored by tree, created by pivot and binding rows

FIGURE 5.3: Runoff/rainfall scatterplot colored by tree, created by pivot and binding rows

5.4.2 pivot_wider

The opposite of pivot_longer, pivot_wider is less commonly used for tidying data, but can be useful for creating tables of that desired format. An environmental application of pivot_wider can be found in vignette("pivot") (modified below) for studying fish detected by automatic monitors, with fish_encounters data contributed by Johnston and Rudis (n.d.) . This pivot makes it easier to see fish encounters by station. See Johnston and Rudis (n.d.) and vignette("pivot") for more information on the dataset and how the pivot provides this view.

fish_encounters <- read_csv(ex("fishdata.csv"))
## # A tibble: 209 × 3
##    TagID Station value
##    <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
##  1  4842 Release     1
##  2  4843 Release     1
##  3  4844 Release     1
##  4  4845 Release     1
##  5  4847 Release     1
##  6  4848 Release     1
##  7  4849 Release     1
##  8  4850 Release     1
##  9  4851 Release     1
## 10  4854 Release     1
## # ℹ 199 more rows
fishEncountersWide <- fish_encounters |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Station, values_from = value, values_fill = 0)
## # A tibble: 19 × 12
##    TagID Release I80_1 Lisbon  Rstr Base_TD   BCE   BCW  BCE2  BCW2   MAE   MAW
##    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  4842       1     1      1     1       1     1     1     1     1     1     1
##  2  4843       1     1      1     1       1     1     1     1     1     1     1
##  3  4844       1     1      1     1       1     1     1     1     1     1     1
##  4  4845       1     1      1     1       1     0     0     0     0     0     0
##  5  4847       1     1      1     0       0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##  6  4848       1     1      1     1       0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##  7  4849       1     1      0     0       0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##  8  4850       1     1      0     1       1     1     1     0     0     0     0
##  9  4851       1     1      0     0       0     0     0     0     0     0     0
## 10  4854       1     1      0     0       0     0     0     0     0     0     0
## 11  4855       1     1      1     1       1     0     0     0     0     0     0
## 12  4857       1     1      1     1       1     1     1     1     1     0     0
## 13  4858       1     1      1     1       1     1     1     1     1     1     1
## 14  4859       1     1      1     1       1     0     0     0     0     0     0
## 15  4861       1     1      1     1       1     1     1     1     1     1     1
## 16  4862       1     1      1     1       1     1     1     1     1     0     0
## 17  4863       1     1      0     0       0     0     0     0     0     0     0
## 18  4864       1     1      0     0       0     0     0     0     0     0     0
## 19  4865       1     1      1     0       0     0     0     0     0     0     0

5.5 Combining transformation methods to create a free_y faceted graph

Creating parallel multi-parameter graphs over a time series can be challenging. We need to link the graphs with a common x axis, but we may need to vary the scaling on the y axis, unlike the faceted graph of grouped data we looked at in the visualization chapter. We’ll look at time series in a later chapter, but this is a good time to explore the use of a pivot_longer to set up the data for a graph like this, and at the same time to expand upon our visualization toolkit.

5.5.2 Flux tower data

While the above graphic comes from summary data, and it’s certainly not big data, when we’re collecting data using an electronic data logger, we can develop quite big datasets. Even data already summarized from sub-second intervals to half hour values can be pretty voluminous so it will be useful to be able to abstract the signal more clearly using further grouped summaries.

We’ll look at this data set in more depth in the time series chapter, but here’s a quick introduction. To look at micrometeorological changes related to phenological changes in vegetation from seasonal hydrologic changes from snowmelt through summer drying, we captured an array of variables at a flux tower in Loney Meadow in the South Yuba River watershed of the northern Sierra during the 2016 season (Figure 5.5).

Flux tower installed at Loney Meadow, 2016. Photo credit: Darren Blackburn

FIGURE 5.5: Flux tower installed at Loney Meadow, 2016. Photo credit: Darren Blackburn

A spreadsheet of 30-minute summaries from 17 May to 6 September can be found in the igisci extdata folder as “meadows/LoneyMeadow_30minCO2fluxes_Geog604.xls”, and among other parameters includes data on CO2 flux, net radiation (Qnet), air temperature (Tair), and relative humidity (RH). There’s clearly a lot more we can do with these data (see Blackburn, Oliphant, and Davis (2021)), but we’ll look at this selection of parameters to see how we can use a pivot to create a multi-parameter graph.

First, we’ll read in the data and simplify some of the variables. Since the second row of data contains measurement units, we needed to wrangle the data a bit to capture the variable names then add those back after removing the first two rows:

library(readxl); library(tidyverse); library(lubridate); library(igisci)
vnames <- read_xls(ex("meadows/LoneyMeadow_30minCO2fluxes_Geog604.xls"),
                   n_max=0) |> names()
vunits <- read_xls(ex("meadows/LoneyMeadow_30minCO2fluxes_Geog604.xls"), 
                   n_max=0, skip=1) |> names()
Loney <- read_xls(ex("meadows/LoneyMeadow_30minCO2fluxes_Geog604.xls"), 
                  skip=2, col_names=vnames) |>
         rename(YDay = `Day of Year`, CO2flux = `CO2 Flux`)

The time unit we’ll want to use for time series is going to be days, and we can also then look at the data over time, and a group_by summarization by days will give us a generalized picture of changes over the collection period reflecting phenological changes from first exposure after snowmelt through the maximum growth period and through the major senescence period of late summer. We’ll create the data to graph by using a group_by summarize to create a daily picture of a selection of four micrometeorological parameters:

LoneyDaily <- Loney |>
  group_by(YDay) |>
  summarize(CO2flux = mean(CO2flux),
            Qnet = mean(Qnet),
            Tair = mean(Tair),
            RH = mean(RH))

Note that YDay is essentially an integer variable. While typeof(Loney$YDay) will return "double", there are only integer numeric values, so they will work to define groups – for summary values for each given day. In fact, there’s no requirement that groups defined by a numeric value be an integer; there just need to be multiple instances of that value. In the time series chapter, we’ll group flux-tower micrometeorological values (like temperature) by half-hour periods over the day (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, …, 23.5), with a season of days providing values to summarize by those periods.

Then from this daily data frame, we pivot_longer to store all of the parameter names in a parameter variable and all parameter values in a value variable:

LoneyDailyLong <- LoneyDaily |>
  pivot_longer(cols = CO2flux:RH,
               values_to="value") |>
  filter(parameter %in% c("CO2flux", "Qnet", "Tair", "RH"))

Now we have what we need to create a multi-parameter graph using facet_grid – note the scales = “free_y” setting to allow each variable’s y axis to correspond to its value range (Figure 5.6).

p <- ggplot(data = LoneyDailyLong, aes(x=YDay, y=value)) + 
p + facet_grid(parameter ~ ., scales = "free_y")
free-y facet graph supported by pivot (note the y axis scaling varies among variables)

FIGURE 5.6: free-y facet graph supported by pivot (note the y axis scaling varies among variables)

The need to create a similar graph from soil CO2 data inspired me years ago to learn how to program Excel. It was otherwise impossible to get Excel to make all the x scales the same, so I learned how to force it with code…

5.6 Exercise: Transformation

by Josh von Nonn (2021)

The impetus behind this exercise came from the movie Dark Waters (, inspired by a true story of negligent chemical waste disposal by Dupont.

First create a new RStudio project, named GAMA and save this .Rmd file there, and create a folder GAMA_water_data in the project folder; the path to the data can then be specified as "GAMA_water_data/gama_pfas_statewide_v2.txt" assuming that the latter name matches what is unzipped from your download. Change to match the actual name if it differs.

Then download from the California Water Boards, GAMA groundwater website:

Then select “Statewide Downloads” then “Statewide PFOS Data” and extract the zip file into the GAMA_water_data folder. This is a large txt file so if you open it with notepad it may take some time to load. Notice that this is a space delimited file.

Note that this data structure is similar to what was discussed in the introductory chapter in how you should use RStudio projects to organize your data, allowing relative paths to your data, such as “GAMA_water_data/gama_pfas_statewide_v2.txt”, which will work wherever you copy your project folder. An absolute path to somewhere on your computer in contrast won’t work for anyone else trying to run your code; absolute paths should only be used for servers that other users have access to and URLs on the web.

Required packages:

  1. Read in the downloaded file "gama_pfas_statewide_v2.txt" and call it cal_pfas and have a look at the data set. You can select it from the Environment pane or use view(cal_pfas).

  2. Before we clean up this data, let’s preserve the locations of all the wells. Create a new data frame, cal_pfas_loc, retaining the well id and geographic coordinate variables (see 3.4.1) from the fields starting with GM, and remove all the duplicate wells (see 3.3).

## 'data.frame':    2953 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ GM_WELL_ID  : chr  "3710702-080" "1500374-003" "1910038-043" "1510026-005" ...
##  $ GM_LATITUDE : num  33.3 35.1 34.1 35.6 34 ...
##  $ GM_LONGITUDE: num  -117 -119 -118 -118 -118 ...
  1. Now to trim down the data. Create a new data frame, cal_pfas_trim; add a new DATE variable using the associated function (see 3.6) to read this from the GM sample collection date. Also from the GM fields, retain the date variable you just created, plus well id, chemical VVL, and the numerical result variables, and finally sort (see 3.4.7) by the well id.

The resulting data frame should have the following structure:

## 'data.frame':    139907 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ GM_WELL_ID     : chr  "0105020-001" "0105020-001" "0105020-001" "0105020-001" ...
##  $ GM_RESULT      : num  8.8 2.9 3.1 3 3.9 2.8 8.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 ...
##  $ DATE           : Date, format: "2019-06-26" "2019-12-11" ...
  1. Use the method in 5.4.2 to create new columns from the chemical names and values from the result column and store the new data frame as cal_pfas_wide.

    Notice the warnings. While we get a lot of warnings in R that are safely ignored (after you’re used to those that are), we need to watch out for things that are going to give us results we don’t want. Some of the wells have multiple samples on the same day so they will be put into a list (see this in the Environment tab). So we’ll want to derive average values for those, so rerun the pivot but include the argument values_fn = mean. This will return only the average of all the samples.

    Once the pivot is working correctly, keep the variables GM_WELL_ID,DATE,PFOS,PFOA and create a new one, SUMPFS, that is the sum of PFOS and PFOA. See 3.4.1.

The result:

## # A tibble: 7,949 × 5
##    <chr>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 0105020-001 2019-06-26   8.8   8.8   17.6
##  2 0105020-001 2019-12-11   5.7   1.8    7.5
##  3 0105020-001 2020-05-18   6.2   1.7    7.9
##  4 0105020-001 2020-07-29   4.3   1.7    6  
##  5 0105020-001 2020-11-23   5.7   1.7    7.4
##  6 0105020-001 2021-03-01   4.4   1.8    6.2
##  7 0110001-008 2020-07-09  12     2.5   14.5
##  8 0110001-008 2020-09-15  12     2.8   14.8
##  9 0110001-008 2020-11-09  12     3     15  
## 10 0110001-008 2021-02-08  12     2.7   14.7
## # ℹ 7,939 more rows

The US EPA has established a lifetime Health Advisory Level (HAL) for PFOA and PFOS of 70 ng/L. When both PFOA and PFOS are found in drinking water, the combined concentrations of PFOA and PFOS should be compared with the 70 ng/L HAL. From the GROUNDWATER INFORMATION SHEET for PFOA (website:

  1. For the sake of creating an interesting time series plot, let’s take the data frame you just created, filter data for wells that have a SUMPFS greater than 70 and that have more than 10 sampling dates (see 3.4.6; how many well ids do you have?). Start by creating a new data frame- cal_pfas_index from the pivoted data frame. Hint: one way to do this is to first filter, then count, then filter for a sufficient count. See 3.4.2 and 3.4.6. The resulting data frame downloaded in 2021 had 11 observations and 2 variables.

The result:

## # A tibble: 11 × 2
##    GM_WELL_ID      n
##    <chr>       <int>
##  1 1010007-204    13
##  2 3310037-021    12
##  3 3310037-024    12
##  4 3310037-027    14
##  5 3310037-030    13
##  6 3310037-031    13
##  7 3310037-032    13
##  8 3310037-033    13
##  9 3410010-010    39
## 10 3710702-021    12
## 11 3710702-022    12
  1. Create a new data frame, cal_pfas_max to locate the well with the most sampling dates (n). See 3.4.3, where we found the most massive female penguins, for a relevant method.
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   GM_WELL_ID      n
##   <chr>       <int>
## 1 3410010-010    39
  1. Now let’s pull all the data on that well by joining the max indexed well with cal_pfas_wide, remove n (3.4.1), and call the new data frame cal_pfas_join.
## # A tibble: 46 × 5
##    <chr>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 3410010-010 2019-08-14  86.3  13.9  100. 
##  2 3410010-010 2019-10-16 101    15.9  117. 
##  3 3410010-010 2019-11-04  94.1  15.5  110. 
##  4 3410010-010 2020-08-19  18.5   5     23.5
##  5 3410010-010 2020-09-15  26     5.8   31.8
##  6 3410010-010 2020-10-13  22.2   6.8   29  
##  7 3410010-010 2017-09-19 130     0    130  
##  8 3410010-010 2020-12-29  21.8   7     28.8
##  9 3410010-010 2017-09-20 120     0    120  
## 10 3410010-010 2021-01-19  18.8   6.7   25.5
## # ℹ 36 more rows
  1. Create a new data frame, cal_pfs_long and pivot_longer the cal_pfs_join data, creating new columns: "Chemical" and "ngl".
## # A tibble: 138 × 4
##    GM_WELL_ID  DATE       Chemical   ngl
##    <chr>       <date>     <chr>    <dbl>
##  1 3410010-010 2019-08-14 PFOS      86.3
##  2 3410010-010 2019-08-14 PFOA      13.9
##  3 3410010-010 2019-08-14 SUMPFS   100. 
##  4 3410010-010 2019-10-16 PFOS     101  
##  5 3410010-010 2019-10-16 PFOA      15.9
##  6 3410010-010 2019-10-16 SUMPFS   117. 
##  7 3410010-010 2019-11-04 PFOS      94.1
##  8 3410010-010 2019-11-04 PFOA      15.5
##  9 3410010-010 2019-11-04 SUMPFS   110. 
## 10 3410010-010 2020-08-19 PFOS      18.5
## # ℹ 128 more rows
  1. Plot the well using the wide data from cal_pfs_join , to create the graph shown here (see and 4.7), plotting the three variables (PFOS,PFOA,SUMPFS) with different colored lines of your choice. Add a horizontal reference line (geom_hline(yintercept = 70)) for the HAL limit at 70. Note that the axis labels have been clarified (see 4.7).

  1. Plot the well using the long data from cal_pfs_long using DATE on the x axis and ngl on the y axis. Distinguish the chemicals by setting the line color to Chemical in the aesthetics. As before, add the horizontal reference at 70 and improve the axis labels, but also tweak where the legend goes (see 4.7).


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