Chapter 1 Introduction

Hi all! Welcome to our page. We are team ChairForce. Our team consists of Aubrey, John, Nikhila, Trent, and Jeremiah who you can learn more about in the “About Us” section on the next page. We are all currently Masters of Business Analytics students here at Michigan Ross hoping to help out fellow students and future business leaders with our project.

There is so much more out there than just ChatGPT that may help you reach your career and personal goals. Our goal is to provide you with information on AI platforms that you may not be familiar with already. The AI ecosystem is evolving, with new tools featuring customizable abilities, different approaches to solving problems, and a variety of reactive machine learning. This page will serve to teach you about how you can be leveraging emerging AI technologies.

About Us

Aubrey Fitts

Hi, my name is Aubrey Fitts and I’m from Winter Park, Florida. I just finished my undergrad at Michigan Ross, focusing in Strategy and Marketing with a minor in entrepreneurship. I worked in the Fintech space last summer and my team loved helped start-ups formalize their payment processing system. I’m excited to look into newer, little-known AI platforms that are still in their beginning stages. During my undergrad at Michigan, a lot of my time was spent as a member of the Varsity Rowing team racking up a ton of meters on the lake as well as minutes indoor training with my teammates. I also enjoyed being a part of a professional business fraternity and being an analyst in a marketing club. In Ann Arbor, I love sitting on my porch with friends (when the weather allows it) and also spend a lot of time at a coffee shop on my street, Argus Farm Stop.

John Florence

Hello! My name is John Florence and I grew up right here in Ann Arbor. I graduated from UM in April 2023 with my BS in Economics and a minor in German Language. I worked in analytics with a tech startup in Florida last summer optimizing business processes. I’m very interested to research how AI tools will change and improve jobs like these as well as the business student experience here at Ross. In my free time, I love running, reading (any other Tolkien fans out there?), and playing the piano.

Nikhila Bulusu

Hi, my name is Nikhila Bulusu and I’m from Dallas, TX! I graduated from Texas A&M University (whoop!) with a BBA in Marketing- analytics & consulting and a minor in Public Health this past May. I was born and raised in Texas and this is my first time moving somewhere cold, so stay tuned to see how I survive in the snow. While I was at A&M, I was involved with a lot of on-campus activities including a women’s org centered around serving the College Station community and a consulting club where we worked primarily with nonprofits. During my junior year, I was lucky enough to study abroad for 6 months in Madrid, Spain where I learned about international business and marketing while traveling across Europe in my free time! Some of my hobbies include watching movies (I’m a huge marvel fan), reading, and hanging out with my dog Nemo :)

Trent Hughes

Hi, my name is Trent Hughes and I was born and raised in Walled Lake, Michigan. In May, I graduated from Michigan State University with a major in Finance, minor in Information Technology, and a focus on digital techniques within finance. While it was been strange to explain my transition to my school’s rival, the actual process has been incredibly smooth and I’m now proud to call myself a Wolverine. In my free time, I love playing video games, watching shows / movies, working with numbers, and participating in school clubs.

Jeremiah Jackson

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Jackson. I was born in Detroit, MI. I studied Supply Chain Management at Wayne State University graduating in 2022. From there, I went on to complete my MBA in 2023 with a concentration in Supply Chain Management. We focused on modeling and developing efficiencies within Supply Chain environments through data-driven insights, remedying bottlenecks, and transitioning to a more advanced scheme regarding communication, ie; blockchain.