Chapter 1 Introduction
The first edition of the IGI consisted of three pillars, namely economy, living conditions and equality (Barnat et al., n.d.) and was composed of 21 indicators, including one environmental indicator (carbon dioxide - CO\(_2\) emissions under pillar 2). This new, expanded IGI includes more equality metrics addressing gender inequality more broadly, and includes a new separate pillar dedicated to environmental issues. These were highlighted as potential development areas of the original index, and can now be addressed also due to progress with data availability for countries.
Current edition
The current edition of the IGI is comprised of four pillars and 27 indicators. Indicators were selected as for the SDG Pulse 2022, however taking into account updated data sources.
Number of countries: 134 economies
Number of pillars: 4 pillars
Number of indicators: 27 indicators
Years coverage:
- Data collected, imputed and forecasted for the period 2000-2024
- Index compiled only for one year - 2023
Pillar 1 – Economic growth
Pillar 2 - Living conditions
Pillar 3 – Equality
Pillar 4 - Environment
Table with pillars and indicators
Note: Names of indicators are taken as from their original sources
Pillar 1 | Economic growth |
Indicator 1.1 | GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $) |
Indicator 1.2 | Adjusted net national income per capita (constant 2015 US $) |
Indicator 1.3 | Labour productivity - GDP per person employed (constant 2021 PPP USD) |
Indicator 1.4 | Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) |
Indicator 1.5 | Electricity consumption/population (kWh per capita) |
Indicator 1.6 | Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) |
Pillar 2 | Living conditions |
Indicator 2.1 | Logistics performance index: Overall (1=low to 5=high) |
Indicator 2.2 | Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions per 100 people, units |
Indicator 2.3 | Under-five mortality rate (deaths per 1.000 live births) |
Indicator 2.4 | People using safely managed drinking water services (% of population) |
Indicator 2.5 | Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, both sexes (%) |
Indicator 2.6 | Coverage of essential health services |
Indicator 2.7 | Proportion of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider |
Pillar 3 | Equality |
Indicator 3.1 | Income concentration ratio (Gini index), units |
Indicator 3.2 | Poverty headcount ratio at $3.65 a day (2017 PPP) (% of population) |
Indicator 3.3 | Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA) |
Indicator 3.4 | Ratio of female to male employment-to-population ratio (%) (modeled ILO estimate) |
Indicator 3.5 | Ratio of youth to adult employment-to-population ratio (modeled ILO estimate) |
Indicator 3.6 | Gender parity in the number of seats held by women and men in national parliaments |
Indicator 3.7 | Ratio of female to male labour force participation rate (%) (ILO modeled estimate) |
Indicator 3.8 | Ratio of female age of first marriage to male age of first marriage |
Indicator 3.9 | Ratio of the share of wage and salaried workers in women’s employment to men’s employment |
Indicator 3.10 | Share of women’s service employment to total employment, raised to the power of the inverse of the Palma ratio |
Pillar 4 | Environment |
Indicator 4.1 | Carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP PPP (kilogrammes of CO2 per constant 2017 United States dollars) |
Indicator 4.2 | Energy intensity level of primary energy (megajoules per constant 2017 purchasing power parity GDP) |
Indicator 4.3 | Water Use Efficiency (United States dollars per cubic meter) |
Indicator 4.4 | Terrestrial biodiversity area as % total protected areas |
Previous editions
2023: Release before the SDG Summit 2023
The 2023 edition of the IGI was comprised of four pillars and 27 indicators. Indicators were selected as for the SDG Pulse 2022, however updated for new available data series such as when constant prices were rebased (GDP, poverty etc.).
Number of countries: 129 economies
Number of pillars: 4 pillars
Number of indicators: 27 indicators
Years coverage:
- Data collected, imputed and forecasted for the period 2000-2023
- Index compiled only for one year - 2021
Pillar 1 – Economic growth
Pillar 2 - Living conditions
Pillar 3 – Equality
Pillar 4 - Environment
2022: SDG Pulse
In the version developed in 2022 (UNCTAD 2022), the IGI consists of 27 baseline indicators, grouped in 4 pillars (economic growth, living conditions, equality and environment), building on the previous version of IGI (Barnat et al., n.d.).
The SDG Pulse 2022 chapter is available at:
Number of countries: 96 countries
Number of pillars: 4 pillars
Number of indicators: 27 indicators
Years coverage: 2009 and 2020
Pillar 1 – Economic growth
Pillar 2 - Living conditions
Pillar 3 – Equality
Pillar 4 - Environment
2019: Inclusive growth of the Eurasian Economic Union Member States
The first iteration of IGI consisted of three pillars, namely economy, living conditions and equality (UNCTAD and EEC 2019). It was composed of 21 indicators, including one environmental indicator (carbon dioxide - CO\(_2\) emissions under pillar 2).
All countries with complete information for at least one pillar’s indicators were included in the calculations. Consequently, analyses were based on data from 167, 131 and 90 countries for the first, the second and the third pillars, respectively. However, the final index was computed only for the 86 states with complete data available for all three pillars.
Number of countries: 86 countries
Number of pillars: 3 pillars
Number of indicators: 21 indicators
Years coverage: 2019
Pillar 1 – Economic, composed of GDP and national income per capita, power consumption, employment and trade
Pillar 2 - Living conditions, composed of social and health conditions, logistics and finance, natural environment
Pillar 3 – Inequality, composed of measures of inequality in labour participation, income, school enrolment and political participation.