Chapter 2 Working with vectores, matrices, and arrays
2.1 Data objects in R
2.1.1 Atomic vs. recursive data objects
The analysis of data in R involves creating, naming, manipulating, and operating on data objects using functions. Data in R are organized as objects and have been assigned names. We have already been introduced to several R data objects. We now make further distinctions. Every data object has a mode and length. The mode of an object describes the type of data it contains and is available by using the mode
function. An object can be of mode character, numeric, logical, list, or function.
fname <- c('Juan', 'Miguel'); mode(fname)
## [1] "character"
age <- c(34, 20); mode(age)
## [1] "numeric"
lt25 <- age<25; lt25
## [1] "logical"
mylist <- list(fname, age); mode(mylist)
## [1] "list"
mydat <- data.frame(fname, age); mode(mydat)
## [1] "list"
myfun <- function(x) {x^2}
## [1] 25
## [1] "function"
Data objects are further categorized into atomic or recursive objects. An atomic data object can only contain elements from one, and only one, of the following modes: character, numeric, or logical. Vectors, matrices, and arrays are atomic data objects. A recursive data object can contain data objects of any mode. Lists, data frames, and functions are recursive data objects. We start by reviewing atomic data objects. A vector is a collection of like elements without dimensions.6 The vector elements are all of the same mode (either character, numeric, or logical). When R returns a vector the [
indicates the position of the element displayed to its immediate right.
y <- c('Pedro', 'Paulo', 'Maria'); y # character
## [1] "Pedro" "Paulo" "Maria"
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); x # numeric
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
x < 3 # logical
A matrix is a collection of like elements organized into a 2-dimensional (tabular) data object. We can think of a matrix as a vector with a 2-dimensional structure. When R returns a matrix the [
indicates the nth row and [
indicates the mth column.
x <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
y <- matrix(x, 2, 2); y
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] "a" "c"
## [2,] "b" "d"
An array is a collection of like elements organized into a n-dimensional data object. We can think of an array as a vector with an n-dimensional structure. When R returns an array the [
indicates the nth row and [,
indicates the mth column, and so on.
x <- 1:8
y <- array(x, dim=c(2, 2, 2)); y
## , , 1
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 3
## [2,] 2 4
## , , 2
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 5 7
## [2,] 6 8
If we try to include elements of different modes in an atomic data object, R will coerce the data object into a single mode based on the following hierarchy: character \(>\) numeric \(>\) logical. In other words, if an atomic data object contains any character element, all the elements are coerced to character.
c('hello', 4.56, FALSE)
## [1] "hello" "4.56" "FALSE"
c(4.56, FALSE)
## [1] 4.56 0.00
A recursive data object can contain one or more data objects where each object can be of any mode. Lists, data frames, and functions are recursive data objects. Lists and data frames are of mode list, and functions are of mode function (Table 2.1).
A list is a collection of data objects without any restrictions:
x <- c(1, 2, 3) # numeric vector
y <- c('Male', 'Female', 'Male') # character vector
z <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2) # numemric matrix
mylist <- list(x, y, z); mylist # list
## [[1]]
## [1] 1 2 3
## [[2]]
## [1] "Male" "Female" "Male"
## [[3]]
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 3
## [2,] 2 4
A data frame is a list with a 2-dimensional (tabular) structure. Epidemiologists are very experienced working with data frames where each row usually represents data collected on individual subjects (also called records or observations) and columns represent fields for each type of data collected (also called variables).
subjno <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
age <- c(34, 56, 45, 23)
sex <- c('Male', 'Male', 'Female', 'Male')
case <- c('Yes', 'No', 'No', 'Yes')
mydat <- data.frame(subjno, age, sex, case); mydat
## subjno age sex case
## 1 1 34 Male Yes
## 2 2 56 Male No
## 3 3 45 Female No
## 4 4 23 Male Yes
## [1] "list"
2.1.2 Assessing the structure of data objects
Data object | Possible mode | Default class |
Atomic | ||
vector | character, numeric, logical | NULL |
matrix | character, numeric, logical | NULL |
array | character, numeric, logical | NULL |
Recursive | ||
list | list | NULL |
data frame | list | data frame |
function | function | NULL |
Summarized in Table 2.1 are the key attributes of atomic and recursive data objects. Data objects can also have class attributes. Class attributes are just a way of letting R know that an object is ‘special,’ allowing R to use specific methods designed for that class of objects (e.g., print
, plot
, and summary
methods). The class
function displays the class if it exists. For our purposes, we do not need to know any more about classes.
Frequently, we need to assess the structure of data objects. We already know that all data objects have a mode and length attribute. For example, let’s explore the infert data set that comes with R. The infert
data comes from a matched case-control study evaluating the occurrence of female infertility after spontaneous and induced abortion.
data(infert) # loads data
## [1] "list"
## [1] 8
At this point we know that the data object named ‘infert’ is a list of length 8. To get more detailed information about the structure of infert
use the str
function (str
comes from ’str’ucture).
## 'data.frame': 248 obs. of 8 variables:
## $ education : Factor w/ 3 levels "0-5yrs","6-11yrs",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ age : num 26 42 39 34 35 36 23 32 21 28 ...
## $ parity : num 6 1 6 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 ...
## $ induced : num 1 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ case : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ spontaneous : num 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 ...
## $ stratum : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ pooled.stratum: num 3 1 4 2 32 36 6 22 5 19 ...
Great! This is better. We now know that infert
is a data frame with 248 observations and 8 variables. The variable names and data types are displayed along with their first few values. In this case, we now have sufficient information to start manipulating and analyzing the infert data set.
Additionally, we can extract more detailed structural information that becomes useful when we want to extract data from an object for further manipulation or analysis (Table 2.2). We will see extensive use of this when we start programming in R.
To get practice calling data from the console, enter data()
to display the available data sets in R. Then enter data(
to load a dataset. Study the examples in Table 2.2 and spend a few minutes exploring the structure of the data sets we have loaded. To display detailed information about a specific data set use ?
data_set at the command prompt (e.g., ?infert
Function | Description | Try these examples |
Returns summary objects | ||
str |
Displays summary of data object structure | str(infert) |
attributes |
Returns list with data object attributes | attributes(infert) |
Returns specific information | ||
mode |
Returns mode of object | mode(infert) |
class |
Returns class of object, if it exists | class(infert) |
length |
Returns length of object | length(infert) |
dim |
Returns vector with object dimensions, if applicable | dim(infert) |
nrow |
Returns number of rows, if applicable | nrow(infert) |
ncol |
Returns number of columns, if applicable | ncol(infert) |
dimnames |
Returns list containing vectors of names for each dimension, if applicable | dimnames(infert) |
rownames |
Returns vector of row names of a matrix-like object | rownames(infert) |
colnames |
Returns vector of column names of a matrix-like object | colnames(infert) |
names |
Returns vector of names for the list (for a data frame returns field names) | names(infert) |
row.names |
Returns vector of row names for a data frame | row.names(infert) |
2.2 A vector is a collection of like elements
2.2.1 Understanding vectors
A vector is a collection of like elements (i.e., the elements all have the same mode). There are many ways to create vectors (see Table 2.5). The most common way of creating a vector is using the c
chol <- c(136, 219, 176, 214, 164); chol # numeric
## [1] 136 219 176 214 164
fn <- c('Mateo', 'Mark', 'Luke', 'Juan'); fn # character
## [1] "Mateo" "Mark" "Luke" "Juan"
z <- c(T, T, F, T, F); z # logical
A single element is also a vector; that is, a vector of length = 1. Try, for example, is.vector('Zoe')
. In mathematics, a single number is called a scalar; in R, it is a numeric vector of length = 1. When we execute a math operation between a scalar and a vector, in the background, the scalar expands to the same length as the vector in order to execute a vectorized operation. For example, these two calculation are equivalent:
x1 <- 5; y1 <- c(10, 20, 30)
x2 <- c(5, 5, 5); y2 <- c(10, 20, 30)
x1 * y1
## [1] 50 100 150
x2 * y2
## [1] 50 100 150
A note of caution: when vector lengths differ, the shorter vector will recyle its elements to enable a vectorized operation. For example,
x <- c(3, 5); y = c(10, 20, 30, 40)
z <- x * y # multipy vectors with different lengths
cbind(x, y, z) # display results
## x y z
## [1,] 3 10 30
## [2,] 5 20 100
## [3,] 3 30 90
## [4,] 5 40 200
In effect, x
expanded from c(3, 5)
to c(3, 5, 3, 5)
in order to execute a vectorized operation. This expansion of x
is not apparent from the math operation; that is, no warning was produced. Therefore, be aware: math operations with vectors of different lengths may not produce a warning. Boolean operations on vectors
In R, we use relational and logical operators (Table 2.3) and (Table 2.4) to conduct Boolean queries. Boolean operations is a methodological workhorse of data analysis. For example, suppose we have a vector of female movie stars and a corresponding vector of their ages (as of January 16, 2004), and we want to select a subset of actors based on age criteria. Let’s select the actors who are in their 30s. This is done using logical vectors that are created by using relational operators (<
, >
, <=
, >=
, ==
, !=
). Study the following example:
movie.stars <- c('Rebecca De Mornay', 'Elisabeth Shue', 'Amanda Peet',
'Jennifer Lopez', 'Winona Ryder', 'Catherine Zeta Jones', 'Reese Witherspoon')
ms.ages <- c(42, 40, 32, 33, 32, 34, 27)
ms.ages >= 30 # logical vector for stars with ages >=30
ms.ages < 40 # logical vector for stars with ages <40
(ms.ages >= 30) & (ms.ages < 40) # intersection of vectors
thirtysomething <- (ms.ages >= 30) & (ms.ages < 40)
movie.stars[thirtysomething] # indexing using logical
## [1] "Amanda Peet" "Jennifer Lopez" "Winona Ryder"
## [4] "Catherine Zeta Jones"
Operator | Description | Try these examples |
< |
Less than | pos <- c('p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4') |
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4) |
y <- c(5, 4, 3, 2) |
x < y |
pos[x < y] |
> |
Greater than | x > y |
pos[x > y] |
<= |
Less than or equal to | x <= y |
pos[x <= y] |
>= |
Greater than or equal to | x >= y |
pos[x >= y] |
== |
Equal to | x == y |
pos[x == y] |
!= |
Not equal to | x != y |
pos[x != y] |
Operator | Description | Try these examples |
! |
Element-wise NOT | x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4) |
x > 2 |
!(x > 2) |
pos[!(x > 2)] |
& |
Element-wise AND | (x > 1) & (x < 5) |
pos[(x > 1) & (x < 5)] |
\(\mid\) | Element-wise OR | (x <= 1) \(\mid\) (x > 4) |
pos[(x <= 1) \(\mid\) (x > 4)] |
xor |
Exclusive OR: only TRUE if one or other element is true, not both | xx <- x <= 1 |
yy <- x > 4 |
xor(xx, yy) |
To summarize: - Logical vectors are created using Boolean comparisons, - Boolean comparisons are constructed using relational and logical operators - Logical vectors are commonly used for indexing (subsetting) data objects
Before moving on, we need to be sure we understand the previous examples, then study the examples in the Table 2.3 and Table 2.4. For practice, study the examples and spend a few minutes creating simple numeric vectors, then (1) generate logical vectors using relational operators, (2) use these logical vectors to index the original numerical vector or another vector, (3) generate logical vectors using the combination of relational and logical operators, and (4) use these logical vectors to index the original numerical vector or another vector.
Notice that the element-wise exclusive or
operator (xor
) returns TRUE
if either comparison element is TRUE
, but not if both are TRUE
. In contrast, the |
returns TRUE
if either or both comparison elements are TRUE
2.2.2 Creating vectors
Function | Description | Try these examples |
c | Concatenate a collection | x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) |
y <- c(6, 7, 8, 9, 10) |
z <- c(x, y) |
scan | Scan a collection | xx <- scan() |
1 2 3 4 5 # Press Enter twice |
yy <- scan(what = '') |
'Javier' 'Miguel' 'Martin' # Press Enter twice |
xx; yy # Display vectors |
: | Generate integer sequence | 1:10 |
10:(-4) |
seq | Generate sequence of numbers | seq(1, 5, by = 0.5) |
seq(1, 5, length = 3) |
zz <- c('a', 'b', 'c') |
seq(along = zz) |
rep | Replicate argument | rep('Juan Nieve', 3) |
rep(1:3, 4) |
rep(1:3, 3:1) |
paste | Paste character string elements | paste(c('A','B','C'),1:3,sep='') |
%% TODO add sample, rnorm, which, numeric
Vectors are created directly, or indirectly as the result of manipulating an R object. The c
function for concatenating a collection has been covered previously. Another, possibly more convenient, method for collecting elements into a vector is with the scan
> x <- scan()
1: 45 67 23 89
Read 4 items
> x
[1] 45 67 23 89
This method is convenient because we do not need to type c
, parentheses, and commas to create the vector. The vector is created after executing a newline twice.
To generate a sequence of consecutive integers use the :
## [1] -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
However, the seq
function provides more flexibility in generating sequences. Here are some examples:
seq(1, 5, by = 0.5) # specify interval
## [1] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
seq(1, 5, length = 8) # specify length
## [1] 1.000000 1.571429 2.142857 2.714286 3.285714 3.857143 4.428571 5.000000
x <- 1:8
seq(1, 5, along = x) # by length of other object
## [1] 1.000000 1.571429 2.142857 2.714286 3.285714 3.857143 4.428571 5.000000
These types of sequences are convenient for plotting mathematical equations.7 For example, suppose we wanted to plot the standard normal curve using the normal equation. For a standard normal curve \(\mu = 0\) (mean) and \(\sigma = 1\) (standard deviation)
\[\begin{equation} f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp \left\{\frac{-(x - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right\} \end{equation}\]Here is the R code to plot this equation:
mu <- 0; sigma <- 1 # set constants
x <- seq(-4, 4, .01) # generate x values to plot
fx <- (1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma^2))*exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2))
plot(x, fx, type = 'l', lwd = 2)
After assigning values to mu
and sigma
, we assigned to x
a sequence of numbers from \(-4\) to 4 by intervals of 0.01. Using the normal curve equation, for every value of \(x\) we calculated \(f(x)\), represented by the numeric vector fx
. We then used the plot
function to plot \(x\) vs. \(f(x)\). The optional argument type='l'
produces a ‘line’ and lwd=2
doubles the line width.
The rep
function is used to replicate its arguments. Study the examples that follow:
rep(5, 2) # repeat 5 2 times
## [1] 5 5
rep(1:2, 5) # repeat 1:2 5 times
## [1] 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
rep(1:2, c(5, 5)) # repeat 1 5 times; repeat 2 5 times
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
rep(1:2, rep(5, 2)) # equivalent to previous
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
rep(1:5, 5:1) # repeat 1 5 times, repeat 2 4 times,...
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5
The paste
function pastes character strings:
fname <- c('John', 'Kenneth', 'Sander')
lname <- c('Snow', 'Rothman', 'Greenland')
paste(fname, lname)
## [1] "John Snow" "Kenneth Rothman" "Sander Greenland"
paste('var', 1:7, sep='')
## [1] "var1" "var2" "var3" "var4" "var5" "var6" "var7"
Indexing (subsetting) an object often results in a vector. To preserve the dimensionality of the original object use the drop
x <- matrix(1:8, 2, 4); x
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 1 3 5 7
## [2,] 2 4 6 8
x[2, ] # index 2nd row
## [1] 2 4 6 8
x[2, , drop = FALSE] # index 2nd row; keep structure
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 2 4 6 8
Up to now we have generated vectors of known numbers or character strings. On occasion we need to generate random numbers or draw a sample from a collection of elements. First, sampling from a vector returns a vector:
sample(c('H', 'T'), size = 8, replace = T) # toss coin 8 times
## [1] "T" "H" "H" "T" "T" "T" "T" "H"
sample(1:6, size = 10, replace = TRUE) # toss die 10 times
## [1] 2 4 6 4 5 1 2 2 4 6
Second, generating random numbers from a probability distribution returns a vector:
rbinom(n = 10, size = 50, p = 0.5) # toss 50 coins 10 times
## [1] 25 22 23 19 18 19 26 25 26 26
rnorm(5) # generate 5 standard normal distribution values
## [1] 2.28897730 -0.03745504 -0.36735103 1.20308863 0.93610842
There are additional ways to create vectors. To practice creating vectors study the examples in Table 2.5 and spend a few minutes creating simple vectors. If we need help with a function remember enter ?
function_name or help(
Finally, notice that we can use vectors as arguments to functions:
sample(c('head', 'tail'), 100, replace = TRUE)
rep(1:2, rep(5, 2))
matrix(c(23, 45, 16, 17), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
2.2.3 Naming vectors
Each element of a vector can be labeled with a name at the time the vector is created or later. The first way of naming vector elements is when the vector is created:
x <- c(chol = 234, sbp = 148, dbp = 78, age = 54); x
## chol sbp dbp age
## 234 148 78 54
The second way is to create a character vector of names and then assign that vector to the numeric vector using the names
z <- c(234, 148, 78, 54); z
## [1] 234 148 78 54
names(z) <- c('chol', 'sbp', 'dbp', 'age'); z
## chol sbp dbp age
## 234 148 78 54
The names
function, without an assignment, returns the character vector of names, if it exist. This character vector can be used to name elements of other vectors.
## [1] "chol" "sbp" "dbp" "age"
z2 <- c(250, 184, 90, 45); z2
## [1] 250 184 90 45
names(z2) <- names(z); z2
## chol sbp dbp age
## 250 184 90 45
The unname
function removes the element names from a vector:
## [1] 250 184 90 45
For practice study the examples in Table 2.6 and spend a few minutes creating and naming simple vectors.
Function | Description | Try these examples |
c | Name vector elements when vector is created | x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4); x |
names | Name vector elements | y <- 1:4; y |
names(y) <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); y |
names(y) # return names, if they exist |
unname | Remove names (if they exist) | y <- unname(y) # equivalent: names(y) <- NULL |
y |
2.2.4 Indexing vectors
Indexing a vector is subsetting or extracting elements from a vector. A vector is indexed by position, by name (if it exist), or by logical value (TRUE vs FALSE). Positions are specified by positive or negative integers.
x <- c(chol = 234, sbp = 148, dbp = 78, age = 54)
x[c(2, 4)] # extract 2nd and 4th element
## sbp age
## 148 54
x[-c(2, 4)] # exclude 2nd and 4th element
## chol dbp
## 234 78
Although indexing by position is concise, indexing by name (when the names exists) is better practice in terms of documenting our code. Here is an example:
x[c('sbp', 'age')] # extract 2nd and 4th element
## sbp age
## 148 54
A logical vector indexes the positions that corresponds to the TRUEs. Here is an example:
x <= 100 | x > 200
## chol sbp dbp age
x[x <= 100 | x > 200]
## chol dbp age
## 234 78 54
Any expression that evaluates to a valid vector of integers, names, or logicals can be used to index a vector.
(samp1 <- sample(1:4, 8, replace = TRUE))
## [1] 3 4 1 4 4 1 1 2
## dbp age chol age age chol chol sbp
## 78 54 234 54 54 234 234 148
(samp2 <- sample(names(x), 8, replace = TRUE))
## [1] "sbp" "dbp" "sbp" "age" "chol" "sbp" "chol" "chol"
## sbp dbp sbp age chol sbp chol chol
## 148 78 148 54 234 148 234 234
Notice that when we indexed by position or name we indexed the same position repeatly. This will not work with logical vectors. In the example that follows NA means ‘not available.’
(samp3 <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 8, replace = TRUE))
## chol sbp <NA> <NA>
## 234 148 NA NA
We have already seen that a vector can be indexed based on the characteristics of another vector.
kid <- c('Tomasito', 'Irene', 'Luisito', 'Angelita', 'Tomas')
age <- c(8, NA, 7, 4, NA)
age <= 7 # produces logical vector
kid[age <= 7] # index 'kid' using 'age'
## [1] NA "Luisito" "Angelita" NA
kid[!] # remove missing values
## [1] "Tomasito" "Luisito" "Angelita"
kid[age<=7 & !]
## [1] "Luisito" "Angelita"
In this example, NA
represents missing data. The
function returns a logical vector with s at NA positions. To generate a logical vector to index values that are not missing use !
For practice study the examples in Table 2.7 and spend a few minutes creating, naming, and indexing simple vectors.
Indexing | Try these examples |
By position | x <- c(chol = 234, sbp = 148, dbp = 78) |
x[2] # positions to include |
x[c(2, 3)] |
x[-c(1, 3)] # positions to exclude |
x[which(x<100)] |
By name (if exists) | x['sbp'] |
x[c('sbp', 'dbp')] |
By logical | x < 100 |
x[x < 100] |
(x < 150) & (x > 70) |
bp <- (x < 150) & (x > 70) |
x[bp] |
Unique values | samp <- sample(1:5, 25, replace = TRUE) |
unique(samp) |
Duplicated values | duplicated(samp) # generates logical |
samp[duplicated(samp)] | The which
A Boolean operation that returns a logical vector contains TRUE
values where the condition is true. To identify the position of each TRUE
value we use the which
function. For example, using the same data above:
which(age <= 7) # which positions meet condition
## [1] 3 4
kid[which(age <= 7)]
## [1] "Luisito" "Angelita"
Notice that is was unnecessary to remove the missing values.
2.2.5 Replacing vector elements (by indexing and assignment)
If a vector element can be indexed, it can be replaced. Therefore, to replace vector elements we combine indexing and assignment. Any elements of a vector that can be indexed can be replaced. Replacing vector elements is one method of recoding a variable. In this example, we recode a vector of ages into age categories:
age <- sample(0:100, 1000, replace = TRUE) # create vector
agecat <- age # copy vector
agecat[age<15] <- '<15'
agecat[age>=15 & age<25] <- '15-24'
agecat[age>=25 & age<45] <- '25-44'
agecat[age>=45 & age<65] <- '45-64'
agecat[age>=65] <- '65+'
## agecat
## <15 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+
## 159 114 217 196 314
First, we made a copy of the numeric vector age
and named it agecat
. Then, we replaced elements of agecat
with character strings for each age category, creating a character vector.
For practice study the examples in Table 2.8 and spend a few minutes replacing vector elements.
Replacing | Try these examples |
By position | x <- c(chol = 234, sbp = 148, dbp = 78) |
x[1] |
x[1] <- 250; x |
By name (if exists) | x['sbp'] |
x['sbp'] <- 150; x |
By logical | x[x<100] |
x[x<100] <- NA; x |
2.2.6 Operating on vectors Operating on vectors is very common in epidemiology and statistics.
In this section we cover common operations on single vectors (Table 2.9) and multiple vectors (Table 2.10). Operating on single vectors
Function | Description | Function | Description | |
sum |
summation | range |
range | |
cumsum |
cumulative sum | rev |
reverse order | |
diff |
x[i+1]-x[i] |
order |
order | |
prod |
product | sort |
sort | |
cumprod |
cumulative product | rank |
rank | |
mean |
mean | sample |
random sample | |
median |
median | quantile |
percentile | |
min |
minimum | var |
variance, covariance | |
max |
maximum | sd |
standard deviation |
First, we focus on operating on single numeric vectors (Table 2.9). This also gives us the opportunity to see how common mathematical notation is translated into simple R code.
To sum elements of a numeric vector \(x\) of length \(n\), (\(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i}\)), use the sum
x <- rnorm(100) # generate random standard normal values
## [1] -8.894035
To calculate a cumulative sum of a numeric vector \(x\) of length \(n\), (\(\sum_{i=1}^{k}{x_i}\), for \(k=1,\ldots,n\)), use the cumsum
function which returns a vector:
x <- rep(2, 10); x # generate sequence of 2's; calculate cumulative sum
## [1] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
## [1] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
To multiply elements of a numeric vector \(x\) of length \(n\), (\(\prod_{i=1}^{n}{x_i}\)), use the prod
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
## [1] 40320
To calculate the cumulative product of a numeric vector \(x\) of length \(n\), (\(\prod_{i=1}^{k}{x_i}\), for \(k=1,\ldots,n\)), use the cumprod
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
## [1] 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320
To calculate the mean of a numeric vector \(x\) of length \(n\), (\(\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i}\)), use the sum
and length
functions, or use the mean
x <- rnorm(100)
## [1] 0.1444784
## [1] 0.1444784
To calculate the sample variance of a numeric vector \(x\) of length \(n\), use the sum
, mean
, and length
functions, or, more directly, use the var
x <- rnorm(100)
## [1] 1.1538
var(x) # equivalent
## [1] 1.1538
This example illustrates how we can implement a formula in R using several functions that operate on single vectors (sum
, mean
, and length
). The var
function, while available for convenience, is not necessary to calculate the sample variance.
When the var
function is applied to two numeric vectors, \(x\) and \(y\), both of length \(n\), the sample covariance is calculated:
x <- rnorm(100); y <- rnorm(100)
sum((x - mean(x)) * (y - mean(y)))/(length(x) - 1)
## [1] -0.0935714
var(x, y) # equivalent
## [1] -0.0935714
The sample standard deviation, of course, is just the square root of the sample variance (or use the sd
## [1] 0.9485411
## [1] 0.9485411
To sort a numeric or character vector use the sort
ages <- c(8, 4, 7)
## [1] 4 7 8
However, to sort one vector based on the ordering of another vector use the order
ages <- c(8, 4, 7)
subjects <- c('Tomas', 'Angela', 'Luis')
## [1] "Angela" "Luis" "Tomas"
order(ages) # 'order' returns positional integers for sorting
## [1] 2 3 1
Notice that the order
function does not return the data, but rather indexing integers in new positions for sorting the vector age or another vector. For example, order(ages)
returned the integer vector c(2, 3, 1)
which means ‘move the 2nd element ($ age = 4 \() to the first position, move the 3rd element (\)age = 7\() to the second position, and move the 1st element (\)age = 8$) to the third position.’ Verify that sort(ages)
and ages[order(ages)]
are equivalent.
To sort a vector in reverse order combine the rev
and sort
x <- c(12, 3, 14, 3, 5, 1)
## [1] 1 3 3 5 12 14
## [1] 14 12 5 3 3 1
In contrast to the sort
function, the rank
function gives each element of a vector a rank score but does not sort the vector.
x <- c(12, 3, 14, 3, 5, 1)
## [1] 5.0 2.5 6.0 2.5 4.0 1.0
The median of a numeric vector is that value which puts 50% of the values below and 50% of the values above, in other words, the 50% percentile (or 0.5 quantile). For example, the median of c(4, 3, 1, 2, 5)
is 3. For a vector of even length, the middle values are averaged: the median of c(4, 3, 1, 2)
is 2.5. To get the median value of a numeric vector use the median
or quantile
ages <- c(23, 45, 67, 33, 20, 77)
## [1] 39
quantile(ages, 0.5)
## 50%
## 39
To return the minimum value of a vector use the min
function; for the maximum value use the max
function. To get both the minimum and maximum values use the range
ages <- c(23, 45, 67, 33, 20, 77)
## [1] 20
sort(ages)[1] # equivalent
## [1] 20
## [1] 77
sort(ages)[length(ages)] # equivalent
## [1] 77
## [1] 20 77
c(min(ages), max(ages)) # equivalent
## [1] 20 77
To sample from a vector of length \(n\), with each element having a default sampling probability of \(1/n\), use the sample
function. Sampling can be with or without replacement (default). If the sample size is greater than the length of the vector, then sampling must occur with replacement.
coin <- c("H", "T")
sample(coin, size = 10, replace = TRUE)
## [1] "T" "T" "H" "H" "T" "H" "T" "T" "T" "T"
sample(1:100, 15)
## [1] 7 53 58 70 74 41 94 39 26 25 18 91 49 86 38 Operating on multiple vectors
Function | Description |
c |
Concatenates into vectors |
append |
Appends a vector to another vector |
cbind |
Column-bind vectors or matrices |
rbind |
Row-bind vectors or matrices |
table |
Creates contingency table from 2 or more vectors |
xtabs |
Creates contingency table from 2 or more factors in a data frame |
ftable |
Creates flat contingency table from 2 or more vectors |
outer |
Outer product |
tapply |
Applies a function to strata of a vector |
< , > , <= , >= , == , != |
Relational operators |
! , | , xor |
Logical operators |
Next, we review selected functions that work with one or more vectors. Some of these functions manipulate vectors and others facilitate numerical operations.
In addition to creating vectors, the c
function can be used to append vectors.
x <- 6:10
y <- 20:24
c(x, y)
## [1] 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 22 23 24
The append
function also appends vectors; however, one can specify at which position.
append(x, y)
## [1] 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 22 23 24
append(x, y, after = 2)
## [1] 6 7 20 21 22 23 24 8 9 10
In contrast, the cbind
and rbind
functions concatenate vectors into a matrix. During the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, a patient with SARS potentially exposed 111 passengers on board an airline flight. Of the 23 passengers that sat ‘close’ to the index case, 8 developed SARS; among the 88 passengers that did not sit ‘close’ to the index case, only 10 developed SARS [@Olsen2003_pmid14681507]
. Now, we can bind 2 vectors to create a \(2 \times 2\) table (matrix).
case <- c(exposed = 8, unexposed = 10)
noncase <- c(exposed = 15, unexposed = 78)
cbind(case, noncase)
## case noncase
## exposed 8 15
## unexposed 10 78
rbind(case, noncase)
## exposed unexposed
## case 8 10
## noncase 15 78
For the example that follows, let’s recreate the SARS data as two character vectors.
outcome <- c(rep("case", 8 + 10), rep("noncase", 15 + 78))
tmp <- c("exposed", "unexposed")
exposure <- c(rep(tmp, c(8, 10)), rep(tmp, c(15, 78)))
cbind(exposure, outcome)[1:4, ] # display 4 rows
## exposure outcome
## [1,] "exposed" "case"
## [2,] "exposed" "case"
## [3,] "exposed" "case"
## [4,] "exposed" "case"
Now, use the table
function to cross-tabulate one or more vectors.
table(outcome, exposure)
## exposure
## outcome exposed unexposed
## case 8 10
## noncase 15 78
The ftable
function creates a flat contingency table from one or more vectors.
ftable(outcome, exposure)
## exposure exposed unexposed
## outcome
## case 8 10
## noncase 15 78
This will come in handy later when we want to display a 3 or more dimensional table as a ‘flat’ 2-dimensional table.
The outer
function applies a function to every combination of elements from two vectors. For example, create a multiplication table for the numbers 1 to 5.
outer(1:5, 1:5, '*')
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] 1 2 3 4 5
## [2,] 2 4 6 8 10
## [3,] 3 6 9 12 15
## [4,] 4 8 12 16 20
## [5,] 5 10 15 20 25
The tapply
function applies a function to strata of a vector that is defined by one or more ‘indexing’ vectors. For example, to calculate the mean age of females and males:
age <- c(23, 45, 67, 88, 22, 34, 80, 55, 21, 48)
sex <- c("M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F")
tapply(X = age, INDEX = sex, FUN = mean)
## F M
## 54.0 42.6
tapply(age, sex, sum)/tapply(age, sex, length) # equivalent using tapply twice
## F M
## 54.0 42.6
The tapply
function is an important and versatile function because it allows us to apply any function that can be applied to a vector, to be applied to strata of a vector. Moveover, we can use our user-created functions as well.
2.3 A matrix is a 2-dimensional table of like elements
2.3.1 Understanding matrices
A matrix is a 2-dimensional table of like elements. Matrix elements can be either numeric, character, or logical. Contingency tables in epidemiology are represented in R as numeric matrices or arrays. An array is the generalization of matrices to 3 or more dimensions (commonly known as stratified tables). We cover arrays later, for now we will focus on 2-dimensional tables.
Consider the \(2\times 2\) table of crude data in Table 2.11 (Rothman 2012). In this randomized clinical trial (RCT), diabetic subjects were randomly assigned to receive either tolbutamide, an oral hypoglycemic drug, or placebo. Because this was a prospective study we can calculate risks, odds, a risk ratio, and an odds ratio. We will do this using R as a calculator.
Treatment | ||
Outcome status | Tolbutamide | Placebo |
Deaths | 30 | 21 |
Survivors | 174 | 184 |
dat <- matrix(c(30, 174, 21, 184), 2, 2)
rownames(dat) <- c('Deaths', 'Survivors')
colnames(dat) <- c('Tolbutamide', 'Placebo')
coltot <- apply(dat, 2, sum) #column totals
risks <- dat['Deaths', ]/coltot
risk.ratio <- risks/risks[2] #risk ratio
odds <- risks/(1 - risks)
odds.ratio <- odds/odds[2] #odds ratio
dat # display results
## Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
rbind(risks, risk.ratio, odds, odds.ratio)
## Tolbutamide Placebo
## risks 0.1470588 0.1024390
## risk.ratio 1.4355742 1.0000000
## odds 0.1724138 0.1141304
## odds.ratio 1.5106732 1.0000000
Now let’s review each line briefly to understand the analysis in more detail.
rownames(dat) <- c('Deaths', 'Survivors')
colnames(dat) <- c('Tolbutamide', 'Placebo')
We used the rownames
and the colnames
functions to assign row and column names to the matrix dat
. The row names and the column names are both character vectors.
coltot <- apply(dat, 2, sum) #column totals
We used the apply
function to sum the columns; it is a versatile function for applying any function to matrices or arrays. The second argument is the MARGIN
option: in this case, MARGIN=2
, meaning apply the sum
function to the columns. To sum the rows, set MARGIN=1
odds <- risks/(1-risks)
odds.ratio <- odds/odds[2] #odds ratio
Using the definition of the odds, we calculated the odds of death for each treatment group. Then we calculated the odds ratios using the placebo group as the reference.
rbind(risks, risk.ratio, odds, odds.ratio)
Finally, we display the dat
table we created. We also created a table of results by row binding the vectors using the rbind
In the sections that follow we will cover the necessary concepts to make the previous analysis routine.
2.3.2 Creating matrices
%% Creating matrices
There are several ways to create matrices (Table 2.12). In general, we create or use matrices in the following ways:
- Contingency tables (cross tabulations)
- Spreadsheet calculations and display
- Collecting results into tabular form
- Results of 2-variable equations
Function | Description | Try these examples |
cbind |
Column-bind vectors or matrices | x <- 1:3 |
y <- 3:1 |
z <- cbind(x, y); z |
rbind |
Row-bind vectors or matrices | z2 <- rbind(x, y); z2 |
matrix |
Generates matrix | matrix(1:4, nrow=2, ncol=2) |
dim |
Assign dimensions to a data object | mtx2 <- 1:4; mtx2 |
dim(mtx2) <- c(2, 2); mtx2 |
array |
Generates matrix when array is 2-D | array(1:4, dim = c(2, 2)) |
table |
Creates contingency table | table(infert$educ, infert$case) |
xtabs |
Creates contingency table using formula interface | xtabs(~education + case, data = infert) |
ftable |
Creates flat contingency table | ftable(infert$educ, infert$spont, infert$case) |
as.matrix |
Coerces object into a matrix | 1:3 |
as.matrix(1:3) |
outer |
Outer product of two vectors | outer(1:5, 1:5, '*') |
x[row, , ] |
Indexing an array can return a matrix | x <- array(1:8, c(2, 2, 2)) |
x[ ,col, ] |
x[1, , ] |
x[ , ,dep] |
x[ ,1, ] |
x[ , ,1] | Contingency tables (cross tabulations)
In the previous section we used the matrix
function to create the \(2 \times 2\) table for the UGDP clinical trial:
dat <- matrix(c(30, 174, 21, 184), 2, 2)
rownames(dat) <- c('Deaths', 'Survivors')
colnames(dat) <- c('Tolbutamide', 'Placebo'); dat
## Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
Alternatively, we can create a 2-way contingency table using the table
function with fields from a data set;
dat2 <- read.table('~/git/phds/data/ugdp.txt', header = TRUE, sep = ',')
names(dat2) # display field names
## [1] "Status" "Treatment" "Agegrp"
table(dat2$Status, dat2$Treatment)
## Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 21 30
## Survivor 184 174
Alternatively, the xtabs
function cross tabulates using a formula interface. An advantage of this function is that the field names are included.
xtabs(~Status + Treatment, data = dat2)
## Treatment
## Status Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 21 30
## Survivor 184 174
Finally, a multi-dimensional contingency table can be presented as a 2-dimensional flat contingency table using the ftable
function. Here we stratify the above table by the variable Agegrp
xtab3way <- xtabs(~Status + Treatment + Agegrp, data=dat2)
xtab3way # xtabs produces an array
## , , Agegrp = <55
## Treatment
## Status Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 5 8
## Survivor 115 98
## , , Agegrp = 55+
## Treatment
## Status Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 16 22
## Survivor 69 76
ftable(xtab3way) # convert to flat table
## Agegrp <55 55+
## Status Treatment
## Death Placebo 5 16
## Tolbutamide 8 22
## Survivor Placebo 115 69
## Tolbutamide 98 76
However, notice that ftable
, while preserving the order of the variables, does provide the equivalent, namely, Status
vs. Treatment
, by Agegrp
. We can fix this by reversing the order of the variables within the xtabs
ftable(xtabs(~Agegrp + Status + Treatment, data=dat2))
## Treatment Placebo Tolbutamide
## Agegrp Status
## <55 Death 5 8
## Survivor 115 98
## 55+ Death 16 22
## Survivor 69 76
%%% TODO create exercise about structure of ftable Spreadsheet calculations and display
Matrices are commonly used to display spreadsheet-like calculations. In fact, a very efficient way to learn R is to use it as our spreadsheet. For example, assuming the rate of seasonal influenza infection is 10 infections per 100 person-years, let’s calculate the individual cumulative risk of influenza infection at the end of 1, 5, and 10 years. Assuming no competing risk, we can use the exponential formula:
\[\begin{equation} R(0, t) = 1 - e^{-\lambda t} \end{equation}\]where , \(\lambda\) = infection rate, and \(t\) = time.
lamb <- 10/100
years <- c(1, 5, 10)
risk <- 1 - exp(-lamb*years)
cbind(rate = lamb, years, cumulative.risk = risk) # display
## rate years cumulative.risk
## [1,] 0.1 1 0.09516258
## [2,] 0.1 5 0.39346934
## [3,] 0.1 10 0.63212056
Therefore, the cumulative risk of influenza infection after 1, 5, and 10 years is 9.5%, 39%, and 63%, respectively. Collecting results into tabular form
A 2-way contingency table from the table
or xtabs
functions does not have margin totals. However, we can construct a numeric matrix that includes the totals. Using the UGDP data again,
dat2 <- read.table('~/git/phds/data/ugdp.txt', header = TRUE, sep = ',')
tab2 <- xtabs(~Status + Treatment, data = dat2)
rowt <- tab2[, 1] + tab2[, 2]
tab2a <- cbind(tab2, Total = rowt)
colt <- tab2a[1, ] + tab2a[2, ]
tab2b <- rbind(tab2a, Total = colt)
## Placebo Tolbutamide Total
## Death 21 30 51
## Survivor 184 174 358
## Total 205 204 409
This table (tab2b
) is primarily for display purposes. Results of 2-variable equations
When we have an equation with 2 variables, we can use a matrix to display the answers for every combination of values contained in both variables. For example, consider this equation:
\[\begin{equation} z = x y \end{equation}\]And suppose $ x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } $ and $ y = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10 } $.
Here’s the long way to create a matrix for this equation:
x <- 1:5; y <- 6:10
z <- matrix(NA, 5, 5) #create empty matrix of missing values
for(i in 1:5){
for(j in 1:5){
z[i, j] <- x[i]*y[j]
rownames(z) <- x; colnames(z) <- y; z
## 6 7 8 9 10
## 1 6 7 8 9 10
## 2 12 14 16 18 20
## 3 18 21 24 27 30
## 4 24 28 32 36 40
## 5 30 35 40 45 50
Okay, but the outer
function is much better for this task:
x <- 1:5; y <- 6:10
z <- outer(x, y, '*')
rownames(z) <- x; colnames(z) <- y
## 6 7 8 9 10
## 1 6 7 8 9 10
## 2 12 14 16 18 20
## 3 18 21 24 27 30
## 4 24 28 32 36 40
## 5 30 35 40 45 50
In fact, the outer
function can be used to calculate the ‘surface’ for any 2-variable equation (more on this later).
2.3.3 Naming matrix components
%% Jewell 2004, p. 83
We have already seen several examples of naming components of a matrix. Table 2.13 summarizes the common ways of naming matrix components. The components of a matrix can be named at the time the matrix is created, or they can be named later. For a matrix, we can provide the row names, column names, and field names.
Function | Try these examples |
matrix | # name rows and columns only |
dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2, |
dimnames = list(c('Type A', 'Type B'), c('Yes', 'No'))) |
# name rows, columns, and fields |
dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2 , |
dimnames = list(Behavior = c('Type A', 'Type B'), |
'Heart attack' = c('Yes', 'No'))) |
rownames | dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2) |
rownames(dat) <- c('Type A', 'Type B') |
colnames | colnames(dat) <- c('Yes', 'No') # col names |
dimnames | # name rows and columns only |
dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2) |
dimnames(dat) <- list(c('Type A', 'Type B'), c('Yes', 'No')) |
# name rows, columns, and fields |
dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2) |
dimnames(dat) <- list(Behavior = c('Type A', 'Type B'), |
'Heart attack' = c('Yes', 'No')) |
names | # add field to row \& col names |
`dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2, |
dimnames = list(c('Type A', 'Type B'), c('Yes', 'No'))) |
names(dimnames(dat)) <- c('Behavior', 'Heart attack') |
For example, the UGDP clinical trial \(2 \times 2\) table can be created de novo:
ugdp2x2 <- matrix(c(30, 174, 21, 184), 2, 2, dimnames = list(Outcome = c('Deaths', 'Survivors'),
Treatment = c('Tolbutamide', 'Placebo')))
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
In the ‘Treatment’ field, the possible values, ‘Tolbutamide’ and ‘Placebo,’ are the column names. Similarly, in the ‘Status’ field, the possible values, ‘Death’ and ‘Survivor,’ are the row names.
If a matrix does not have field names, we can add them after the fact, but we must use the names
and dimnames
functions together. Having field names is necessary if the row and column names are not self-explanatory, as this example illustrates.
y <- matrix(c(30, 174, 21, 184), 2, 2)
rownames(y) <- c('Yes', 'No'); colnames(y) <- c('Yes', 'No')
y # labels not informative; add field names next
## Yes No
## Yes 30 21
## No 174 184
names(dimnames(y)) <- c('Death', 'Tolbutamide'); y
## Tolbutamide
## Death Yes No
## Yes 30 21
## No 174 184
Study and test the examples in Table 2.13.
2.3.4 Indexing a matrix
Similar to vectors, a matrix can be indexed by position, by name, or by logical. Study and practice the examples in (Table 2.14). An important skill to master is indexing rows of a matrix using logical vectors.
Indexing | Try these examples |
By position | dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2) |
dimnames(dat) <- list(Behavior = c('Type A', 'Type B'), |
'Heart attack' = c('Yes', 'No')) |
dat[1, ] |
dat[1,2] |
dat[2, , drop = FALSE] |
By name (if exists) | dat['Type A', ] |
dat['Type A', 'Type B'] |
dat['Type B', , drop = FALSE] |
By logical | dat[, 1] > 100 |
dat[dat[, 1] > 100, ] |
dat[dat[, 1] > 100, , drop = FALSE] |
Consider the following matrix of data, and suppose I want to select the rows for subjects age less than 60 and systolic blood pressure less than 140.
age <- c(45, 56, 73, 44, 65)
chol <- c(145, 168, 240, 144, 210)
sbp <- c(124, 144, 150, 134, 112)
dat <- cbind(age, chol, sbp); dat
## age chol sbp
## [1,] 45 145 124
## [2,] 56 168 144
## [3,] 73 240 150
## [4,] 44 144 134
## [5,] 65 210 112
dat[, 'age'] < 60
dat[, 'sbp'] < 140
tmp <- dat[, 'age'] < 60 & dat[, 'sbp'] < 140; tmp
dat[tmp, ] # index rows using logical vector 'tmp'
## age chol sbp
## [1,] 45 145 124
## [2,] 44 144 134
Notice that the tmp
logical vector is the intersection of the logical vectors separated by the logical operator &
2.3.5 Replacing matrix elements
Remember, replacing matrix elements is just indexing plus assignment: anything that can be indexed can be replaced. Study and practice the examples in (Table 2.15).
Replacing | Try these examples |
By position | dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2) |
dimnames(dat) <- list(c('Type A','Type B'), c('Yes','No')) |
dat[1, ] <- 99; dat |
By name (if exists) | dat['Type A', ] <- c(178, 1411); dat |
By logical | qq <- dat[, 1] < 100 # logic vector |
dat[qq, ] <- 99; dat |
dat[dat[, 1] < 100, ] <- c(79, 1486); dat |
2.3.6 Operating on a matrix
In epidemiology books, authors have preferences for displaying contingency tables. Software packages have default displays for contingency tables. In practice, we may need to manipulate a contingency table to facilitate further analysis. Consider the following 2-way table:
tab <- matrix(c(30, 174, 21, 184), 2, 2, dimnames = list(Outcome = c('Deaths', 'Survivors'),
Treatment = c('Tolbutamide', 'Placebo'))); tab
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
We can transpose the matrix using the t
## Outcome
## Treatment Deaths Survivors
## Tolbutamide 30 174
## Placebo 21 184
We can reverse the order of the rows and/or columns.
tab[2:1, ] # reverse rows
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Survivors 174 184
## Deaths 30 21
tab[,2:1] # reverse columns
## Treatment
## Outcome Placebo Tolbutamide
## Deaths 21 30
## Survivors 184 174
tab[2:1, 2:1] # reverse rows and columns
## Treatment
## Outcome Placebo Tolbutamide
## Survivors 184 174
## Deaths 21 30
In short, we need to be able to manipulate and execute operations on a matrix. Table 2.16 summarizes key functions (apply
and sweep
) for passing other functions to execute operations on a matrix. Table 2.17 summarizes additional convenience functions for operating on a matrix.
Function | Description | Try these examples |
t | Transpose matrix | dat <- matrix(c(178, 79, 1411, 1486), 2, 2) |
t(dat) |
apply | Apply a function to margins of a matrix | apply(X = dat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) |
apply(dat, 1, FUN=sum) |
apply(dat, 1, mean) |
apply(dat, 2, cumprod) |
sweep | Sweeping out a summary statistic | rsum <- apply(dat, 1, sum) |
rdist <- sweep(dat, 1, rsum, '/') |
rdist |
csum <- apply(dat, 2, sum) |
cdist <- sweep(dat, 2, csum, '/') |
cdist |
Function | Description | Try these examples |
margin.table , |
For array tables, get marginals | dat <- matrix(5:8, 2, 2) |
rowSums , |
margin.table(dat) |
colSums |
margin.table(dat, 1) |
rowSums(dat) # equivalent |
apply(dat, 1, sum) # equivalent |
margin.table(dat, 2) |
colSums(dat) # equivalent |
apply(dat, 2, sum) # equivalent |
addmargins |
Marginal totals | addmargins(dat) |
rowMeans , |
For array tables, get marginal means | rowMeans(dat) |
colMeans |
apply(dat, 1, mean) # equivalent |
colMeans(dat) |
apply(dat, 2, mean) # equivalent |
prop.table |
For array tables, get marginal distributions | prop.table(dat) |
dat/sum(dat) # equivalent |
prop.table(dat, 1) |
sweep(dat, 1, apply(y,1,sum), '/') |
prop.table(dat, 2) |
sweep(y, 2, apply(y, 2, sum), '/') | The apply
The apply
function is an important and versatile function for conducting operations on rows or columns of a matrix, including user-created functions. The same functions that are used to conduct operations on single vectors (Table 2.9) can be applied to rows or columns of a matrix.
To calculate the row or column totals use the apply
with the sum
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
apply(tab, 1, sum) # row totals
## Deaths Survivors
## 51 358
apply(tab, 2, sum) # column totals
## Tolbutamide Placebo
## 204 205
These operations can be used to calculate marginal totals and have them combined with the original table into one table.
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
rtot <- apply(tab, 1, sum) # row totals
tab2 <- cbind(tab, Total = rtot); tab2
## Tolbutamide Placebo Total
## Deaths 30 21 51
## Survivors 174 184 358
ctot <- apply(tab2, 2, sum) # column totals
rbind(tab2, Total = ctot)
## Tolbutamide Placebo Total
## Deaths 30 21 51
## Survivors 174 184 358
## Total 204 205 409
For convenience, R provides some functions for calculating marginal totals, and calculating row or column means (margin.table
, rowSums
, colSums
, rowMeans
, and colMeans
). However, these functions just use the apply
Here’s an alternative method to calculate marginal totals:
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
tab2 <- cbind(tab, Total = rowSums(tab))
rbind(tab2, Total = colSums(tab2))
## Tolbutamide Placebo Total
## Deaths 30 21 51
## Survivors 174 184 358
## Total 204 205 409
For convenience, the addmargins
function calculates and displays the marginals totals with the original data in one step.
tab <- matrix(c(30, 174, 21, 184), 2, 2, dimnames = list(Outcome = c('Deaths', 'Survivors'),
Treatment = c('Tolbutamide', 'Placebo')))
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo Sum
## Deaths 30 21 51
## Survivors 174 184 358
## Sum 204 205 409
The power of the apply
function comes from our ability to pass many functions (including our own) to it. For practice, combine the apply
function with functions from Table 2.9 to conduct operations on rows and columns of a matrix. The sweep
The sweep
function is another important and versatile function for conducting operations across rows or columns of a matrix. This function ‘sweeps’ (operates on) a row or column of a matrix using some function and a value (usually derived from the row or column values). To understand this, we consider an example involving a single vector. For a given integer vector x
, to convert the values of x
into proportions involves two steps:
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
sumx <- sum(x) # Step 1 summation
x/sumx # Step 2 division (the 'sweep')
## [1] 0.06666667 0.13333333 0.20000000 0.26666667 0.33333333
To apply this equivalent operation across rows or columns of a matrix requires the sweep
For example, to calculate the row and column distributions of a 2-way table we combine the apply
(step 1) and the sweep
(step 2) functions:
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 30 21
## Survivors 174 184
rtot <- apply(tab, 1, sum) # row totals
tab.rowdist <- sweep(tab, 1, rtot, '/'); tab.rowdist
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 0.5882353 0.4117647
## Survivors 0.4860335 0.5139665
ctot <- apply(tab, 2, sum) # column totals
tab.coldist <- sweep(tab, 2, ctot, '/'); tab.coldist
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 0.1470588 0.102439
## Survivors 0.8529412 0.897561
Because R is a true programming language, these can be combined into single steps:
sweep(tab, 1, apply(tab, 1, sum), '/') #row distribution
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 0.5882353 0.4117647
## Survivors 0.4860335 0.5139665
sweep(tab, 2, apply(tab, 2, sum), '/') #column distribution
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 0.1470588 0.102439
## Survivors 0.8529412 0.897561
For convenience, R provides prop.table
. However, this function just uses the apply
and sweep
%% TODO consider demo of prop.table
2.4 An array is a n-dimensional table of like elements
While a matrix is a 2-dimensional table of like elements, an array is the generalization of matrices to \(n\)-dimensions. Stratified contingency tables in epidemiology are represented as array data objects in R. For example, the randomized clinical trial previously shown comparing the number deaths among diabetic subjects that received tolbutamide vs. placebo is now also stratified by age group (Table 2.18):
2.4.1 Understanding arrays
Age<55 | Age>=55 | Combined | ||||||
TOLB | Placebo | TOLB | Placebo | TOLB | Placebo | |||
Deaths | 8 | 5 | 22 | 16 | 30 | 21 | ||
Survivors | 98 | 115 | 76 | 69 | 174 | 184 | ||
Total | 106 | 120 | 98 | 85 | 204 | 205 |
This is 3-dimensional array: outcome status vs. treatment status vs. age group. Let’s see how we can represent this data in R.
tdat <- c(8, 98, 5, 115, 22, 76, 16, 69)
tdat <- array(tdat, c(2, 2, 2))
dimnames(tdat) <- list(Outcome = c('Deaths', 'Survivors'),
Treatment = c('Tolbutamide', 'Placebo'),
'Age group' = c('Age<55', 'Age>=55')); tdat
## , , Age group = Age<55
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 8 5
## Survivors 98 115
## , , Age group = Age>=55
## Treatment
## Outcome Tolbutamide Placebo
## Deaths 22 16
## Survivors 76 69
R displays the first stratum (tdat[,,1]
) then the second stratum (tdat[,,2]
). Our goal now is to understand how to generate and operate on these types of arrays. Before we can do this we need to thoroughly understand the structure of arrays.
Let’s study a 4-dimensional array. Displayed in Table 2.19 is the year 2000 population estimates for Alameda and San Francisco Counties by age, ethnicity, and sex. The first dimension is age category, the second dimension is ethnicity, the third dimension is sex, and the fourth dimension is county. Learning how to visualize this 4-dimensional sturcture in R will enable us to visualize arrays of any number of dimensions.
County, Sex, & Age | White | Black | AsianPI | Latino | Multirace | AmerInd |
Alameda Female, Age | ||||||
<=19 | 58,160 | 31,765 | 40,653 | 49,738 | 10,120 | 839 |
20–44 | 112,326 | 44,437 | 72,923 | 58,553 | 7,658 | 1,401 |
45–64 | 82,205 | 24,948 | 33,236 | 18,534 | 2,922 | 822 |
65+ | 49,762 | 12,834 | 16,004 | 7,548 | 1,014 | 246 |
Alameda Male, Age | ||||||
<=19 | 61,446 | 32,277 | 42,922 | 53,097 | 10,102 | 828 |
20–44 | 115,745 | 36,976 | 69,053 | 69,233 | 6,795 | 1,263 |
45–64 | 81,332 | 20,737 | 29,841 | 17,402 | 2,506 | 687 |
65+ | 33,994 | 8,087 | 11,855 | 5,416 | 711 | 156 |
SF Female, Age | ||||||
<=$19 | 14355 | 6986 | 23265 | 13251 | 2940 | 173 |
20–44 | 85766 | 10284 | 52479 | 23458 | 3656 | 526 |
45–64 | 35617 | 6890 | 31478 | 9184 | 1144 | 282 |
65+ | 27215 | 5172 | 23044 | 5773 | 554 | 121 |
SF Male, Age | ||||||
<=19 | 14881 | 6959 | 24541 | 14480 | 2851 | 165 |
20–44 | 105798 | 11111 | 48379 | 31605 | 3766 | 782 |
45–64 | 43694 | 7352 | 26404 | 8674 | 1220 | 354 |
65+ | 20072 | 3329 | 17190 | 3428 | 450 | 76 |

Figure 2.1: Schematic representation of a 4-dimensional array (Year 2000 population estimates by age, race, sex, and county)
Displayed in Figure 2.1 is a schematic representation of the 4-dimensional array of population estimates in Table 2.19. The left cube represents the population estimates by age, race, and sex (dimensions 1, 2, and 3) for Alameda County (first component of dimension 4). The right cube represents the population estimates by age, race, and sex (dimensions 1, 2, and 3) for San Francisco County (second component of dimension 4). We see, then, that it is possible to visualize data arrays in more than three dimensions.

Figure 2.2: Schematic representation of a theoretical 5-dimensional array (possibly population estimates by age (1), race (2), sex (3), party affiliation (4), and state (5)). From this diagram, we can infer that the field ‘state’ has 3 levels, and the field ‘party affiliation’ has 2 levels; however, it is not apparent how many age levels, race levels, and sex levels have been created. Although not displayed, age levels would be represented by row names (along 1st dimension), race levels would be represented by column names (along 2nd dimension), and sex levels would be represented by depth names (along 3rd dimension).
To convince ourselves further, displayed in Figure 2.2 is a theorectical 5-dimensional data array. Suppose this 5-D array contained data on age (‘Young’, ‘Old’), ethnicity (‘White’, ‘Nonwhite’), sex (‘Male’, ‘Female’), party affiliation (‘Democrat’, ‘Republican’), and state (‘California’, ‘Washington State’, ‘Florida’). For practice, using fictitious data, try the following R code and study the output:
tab5 <- array(1:48, dim = c(2,2,2,2,3))
dn1 <- c('Young', 'Old')
dn2 <- c('White', 'Nonwhite')
dn3 <- c('Male', 'Female')
dn4 <- c('Democrat', 'Republican')
dn5 <- c('California', 'Washington State', 'Florida')
dimnames(tab5) <- list(Age = dn1, Race = dn2, Sex = dn3, Party=dn4, State=dn5)
2.4.2 Creating arrays
In R, arrays are most often produced with the array
, table
, or xtabs
functions (Table 2.20). As in the previous example, the array
function works much like the matrix
function except the array
function can specify 1 or more dimensions, and the matrix
function only works with 2 dimensions.
array(1, dim = 1)
## [1] 1
array(1, dim = c(1, 1))
## [,1]
## [1,] 1
array(1, dim = c(1, 1, 1))
## , , 1
## [,1]
## [1,] 1
Function | Description | Try these examples |
array |
Reshapes vector into an array | aa <- array(1:12, dim = c(2, 3, 2)); aa |
table |
Creates n-dimensional contingency table from n vectors | data(infert) # load infert data set |
table(infert$educ, infert$spont, infert$case) |
xtabs |
Creates a contingency table from data frames using formula interface | xtabs(\~{}education + case + parity, data = infert) |
as.table |
Creates n-dimensional contingency table from \(n\)-dimensional ftable | ft <- ftable(infert$educ, infert$spont, infert$case); ft |
as.table(ft) |
dim |
Assign dimensions to a data object | x <- 1:12; x |
dim(x) <- c(2, 3, 2); x |
The table
and xtabs
functions cross tabulate two or more categorical vectors, except that xtabs
only works with data frames. In R, categorical data are represented by character vectors or factors.9 First, we cross tabulate character vectors using table
and xtabs
## read data 'as is' (no factors created)
udat1 <- read.csv('~/git/phds/data/ugdp.txt', = TRUE)
## 'data.frame': 409 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ Status : chr "Death" "Death" "Death" "Death" ...
## $ Treatment: chr "Tolbutamide" "Tolbutamide" "Tolbutamide" "Tolbutamide" ...
## $ Agegrp : chr "<55" "<55" "<55" "<55" ...
table(udat1$Status, udat1$Treatment, udat1$Agegrp)
## , , = <55
## Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 5 8
## Survivor 115 98
## , , = 55+
## Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 16 22
## Survivor 69 76
The as~is
option assured that character vectors were not converted to factors, which is the default. Notice that the table
function produced an array with no field names (i.e., Status, Treatment, Agegrp). This is not ideal. A better option is to use xtabs
, which uses a formula interface (~ V1 + V2
xtabs(~ Status + Treatment + Agegrp, data = udat1)
## , , Agegrp = <55
## Treatment
## Status Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 5 8
## Survivor 115 98
## , , Agegrp = 55+
## Treatment
## Status Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 16 22
## Survivor 69 76
Notice that xtabs
includes the field names. For practice with cross tabulating factors, repeat the above expressions with read in the data setting option as is
Although table
does not generate the field names, they can be added manually:
table(Outcome = udat1$Status, Therapy = udat1$Treatment, Age = udat1$Agegrp)
## , , Age = <55
## Therapy
## Outcome Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 5 8
## Survivor 115 98
## , , Age = 55+
## Therapy
## Outcome Placebo Tolbutamide
## Death 16 22
## Survivor 69 76
Recall that the ftable
function creates a flat contingency from categorical vectors. The as.table
function converts the flat contingency table back into a multidimensional array.
ftab <- ftable(Age = udat1$Agegrp, Therapy = udat1$Treatment, Outcome = udat1$Status); ftab
## Outcome Death Survivor
## Age Therapy
## <55 Placebo 5 115
## Tolbutamide 8 98
## 55+ Placebo 16 69
## Tolbutamide 22 76
## , , Outcome = Death
## Therapy
## Age Placebo Tolbutamide
## <55 5 8
## 55+ 16 22
## , , Outcome = Survivor
## Therapy
## Age Placebo Tolbutamide
## <55 115 98
## 55+ 69 76
2.4.3 Naming arrays
Naming components of an array is an extension of naming components of a matrix (Table 2.13). Study and implement the examples in Table 2.21.
%% Jewell 2004, p. 124
Function | Comments | Try these examples |
array | Create labels for | x <- c(140, 11, 280, 56, 207, 9, 275, 32) |
values of each | rn <- c('>=1 cups per day', '0 cups per day') |
dimension | cn <- c('Cases', 'Controls') |
dn <- c('Females', 'Males') |
x <- array(x, dim = c(2, 2, 2), |
dimnames = list(Coffee = rn, |
Outcome = cn, Gender = dn)); x |
dimnames | Create labels for | x <- c(140, 11, 280, 56, 207, 9, 275, 32) |
values of each | rn <- c('>=1 cups per day', '0 cups per day') |
dimension | cn <- c('Cases', 'Controls') |
dn <- c('Females', 'Males') |
x <- array(x, dim = c(2, 2, 2)) |
dimnames(x) <- list(Coffee = rn, Outcome = cn, |
Gender = dn); x |
names | Create labels for | x <- c(140, 11, 280, 56, 207, 9, 275, 32) |
values of each | rn <- c('>=1 cups per day', '0 cups per day') |
dimension | cn <- c('Cases', 'Controls') |
dn <- c('Females', 'Males') |
x <- array(x, dim = c(2, 2, 2)) |
dimnames(x) <- list(rn, cn, dn) |
x # display w/o field names |
names(dimnames(x))<-c('Coffee', 'Case status', 'Sex') |
x # display w/ field names |
2.4.4 Indexing arrays
Indexing an array is an extension of indexing a matrix (Table 2.14). Study and implement the examples in (Table 2.22).
Indexing | Try these examples |
By position | x[1, , ] |
x[ ,2 , ] |
By name (if exists) | x[ , , 'Males'] |
x[ ,'Controls', 'Females'] |
By logical vector | zz <- x[ ,1,1]>50; zz |
x[zz, , ] |
2.4.5 Replacing array elements
Replacing elements of an array is an extension of replacing elements of a matrix (Table 2.15). Study and implement the examples in (Table 2.23).
Replacing | Try these examples |
By position | # use x from Table 2.21 |
x[1, 1, 1] <- NA |
x |
By name (if exists) | x[ ,'Controls', 'Females'] <- 99; x |
By logical | x > 200 |
x[x > 200] <- 999 |
x |
2.4.6 Operating on an array
With the exception of the aperm
function, operating on an array (Table 2.24) is an extension of operating on a matrix (Table 2.16). The second group of functions, such as margin.table
, are shortcuts provided for convenience. In other words, these operations are easily accomplished using apply
and/or sweep
%% x <- c(140, 11, 280, 56, 207, 9, 275, 32) %% x <- array(x, dim = c(2, 2, 2)) %% rn <- c(‘>=1 cups per day’, ‘0 cups per day’) %% cn <- c(‘Cases’, ‘Controls’) %% dn <- c(‘Females’, ‘Males’) %% dimnames(x) <- list(Coffee = rn, Outcome = cn, Gender = dn) %% x %% aperm(x, c(3, 2, 1))
Function | Description |
aperm |
Transpose an array by permuting its dimensions and optionally resizing it |
apply |
Apply a function to the margins of an array |
sweep |
Return an array obtained from an input array by sweeping out a summary statistic |
The following short-cuts use apply and/or sweep functions |
margin.table |
For a contingency table in array form, sum of table entries for a given index |
rowSums |
Sum across rows of an array |
colSums |
Sum down columns of an array |
addmargins |
Calculate and display marginal totals of an array |
rowMeans |
Calculate means across rows of an array |
colMeans |
Calculate means down columns of an array |
prop.table |
Generates distribution for dimensions that are summed in the margins |
%%% TODO complete syphilis table 2013-10-30
Age (yrs) | Sex | White | Black | Other | Total |
<=19 |
Male | 90 | 1,443 | 217 | 1,750 |
Female | 267 | 2,422 | 169 | 2,858 | |
Total | 357 | 3,865 | 386 | 4,608 | |
20–29 | Male | 957 | 8,180 | 1,287 | 10,424 |
Female | 908 | 8,093 | 590 | 9,591 | |
Total | 1,865 | 16,273 | 1,877 | 20,015 | |
30–44 | Male | 1,218 | 8,311 | 1,012 | 10,541 |
Female | 559 | 4,133 | 316 | 5,008 | |
Total | 1,777 | 12,444 | 1,328 | 15,549 | |
45+ | Male | 539 | 2,442 | 310 | 3,291 |
Female | 79 | 484 | 55 | 618 | |
Total | 618 | 2,926 | 365 | 3,909 | |
Total (by sex & ethnicity) | Male | 2,804 | 20,376 | 2,826 | 26,006 |
Female | 1,813 | 15,132 | 1,130 | 18,075 | |
Total (by ethnicity) | 4617 | 35508 | 3956 | 44081 |
Consider the number of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United State, 1989, stratified by sex, ethnicity, and age (Table 2.25). This table contains the marginal and joint distribution of cases. Let’s read in the original data and reproduce the table results.
sdat5 <- read.csv('~/git/phds/data/syphilis89d.txt')
str(sdat5) # structure of data frame
## 'data.frame': 44081 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ Race: Factor w/ 3 levels "Black","Other",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
## $ Age : Factor w/ 4 levels "<=19","20-29",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
lapply(sdat5, levels) # levels for each variable
## $Sex
## [1] "Female" "Male"
## $Race
## [1] "Black" "Other" "White"
## $Age
## [1] "<=19" "20-29" "30-44" "45+"
In R, categorical data are converted into factors. The possible values for each factor are called levels. We used lapply
to pass the levels
function and display the levels for each factor. In order to match the table display we need to reorder the levels for Sex and Race, and we recode Age into four levels.
sdat5$Sex <- factor(sdat5$Sex, levels = c('Male', 'Female'))
sdat5$Race <- factor(sdat5$Race, levels = c('White', 'Black', 'Other'))
lapply(sdat5, levels) # verify
## $Sex
## [1] "Male" "Female"
## $Race
## [1] "White" "Black" "Other"
## $Age
## [1] "<=19" "20-29" "30-44" "45+"
We used the factor
function and the levels
option to reorder the levels. Now we are ready to create an array and calculate the marginal totals to replicate Table 2.25.
sdat <- xtabs(~Sex+Race+Age, data=sdat5) # array
## , , Age = <=19
## Race
## Sex White Black Other
## Male 90 1443 217
## Female 267 2422 169
## , , Age = 20-29
## Race
## Sex White Black Other
## Male 957 8180 1287
## Female 908 8093 590
## , , Age = 30-44
## Race
## Sex White Black Other
## Male 1218 8311 1012
## Female 559 4133 316
## , , Age = 45+
## Race
## Sex White Black Other
## Male 539 2442 310
## Female 79 484 55
To get marginal totals for one dimension, use the apply
function and specify the dimension for stratifying the results.
sum(sdat) #total
## [1] 44081
apply(sdat, 1, sum) # by sex
## Male Female
## 26006 18075
apply(sdat, 2, sum) # by race
## White Black Other
## 4617 35508 3956
apply(sdat, 3, sum) # by age
## <=19 20-29 30-44 45+
## 4608 20015 15549 3909
To get the joint marginal totals for 2 or more dimensions, use the apply
function and specify the dimensions for stratifying the results. This means that the function that is passed to apply
is applied across the other, non-stratified dimensions.
apply(sdat, c(1, 2), sum) # by sex and race
## Race
## Sex White Black Other
## Male 2804 20376 2826
## Female 1813 15132 1130
apply(sdat, c(1, 3), sum) # by sex and age
## Age
## Sex <=19 20-29 30-44 45+
## Male 1750 10424 10541 3291
## Female 2858 9591 5008 618
apply(sdat, c(3, 2), sum) # by age and race
## Race
## Age White Black Other
## <=19 357 3865 386
## 20-29 1865 16273 1877
## 30-44 1777 12444 1328
## 45+ 618 2926 365
In R, arrays are displayed by the 1st and 2nd dimensions, stratified by the remaining dimensions. To change the order of the dimensions, and hence the display, use the aperm
function. For example, the syphilis case data is most efficiently displayed when it is stratified by race, age, and sex:
sdat.ras <- aperm(sdat, c(2, 3, 1)); sdat.ras
## , , Sex = Male
## Age
## Race <=19 20-29 30-44 45+
## White 90 957 1218 539
## Black 1443 8180 8311 2442
## Other 217 1287 1012 310
## , , Sex = Female
## Age
## Race <=19 20-29 30-44 45+
## White 267 908 559 79
## Black 2422 8093 4133 484
## Other 169 590 316 55
Using aperm
we moved the 2nd dimension (race) into the first position, the 3rd dimension (age) into the second position, and the 1st dimension (sex) into the third position.
Another method for changing the display of an array is to convert it into a flat contingency table using the ftable
function. For example, to display Table 2.25 as a flat contingency table in R (but without the marginal totals), we use the following code:
sdat.asr <- aperm(sdat, c(3,1,2)) # arrange age, sex, race
ftable(sdat.asr) # convert 2-D flat table
## Race White Black Other
## Age Sex
## <=19 Male 90 1443 217
## Female 267 2422 169
## 20-29 Male 957 8180 1287
## Female 908 8093 590
## 30-44 Male 1218 8311 1012
## Female 559 4133 316
## 45+ Male 539 2442 310
## Female 79 484 55
This ftable
object can be treated as a matrix, but it cannot be transposed. Also, notice that we can combine the ftable
with addmargins
## Race White Black Other Sum
## Age Sex
## <=19 Male 90 1443 217 1750
## Female 267 2422 169 2858
## Sum 357 3865 386 4608
## 20-29 Male 957 8180 1287 10424
## Female 908 8093 590 9591
## Sum 1865 16273 1877 20015
## 30-44 Male 1218 8311 1012 10541
## Female 559 4133 316 5008
## Sum 1777 12444 1328 15549
## 45+ Male 539 2442 310 3291
## Female 79 484 55 618
## Sum 618 2926 365 3909
## Sum Male 2804 20376 2826 26006
## Female 1813 15132 1130 18075
## Sum 4617 35508 3956 44081
To share the U.S. syphilis data in a universal format, we could create a text file with the data in a tabular form. However, the original, individual-level data set has over 40,000 observations. Instead, it would be more convenient to create a group-level, tabular data set using the
function on the data array object.
sdat.df <-
## 'data.frame': 24 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "Male","Female": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
## $ Race: Factor w/ 3 levels "White","Black",..: 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 ...
## $ Age : Factor w/ 4 levels "<=19","20-29",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ Freq: int 90 267 1443 2422 217 169 957 908 8180 8093 ...
sdat.df[1:8, ]
## Sex Race Age Freq
## 1 Male White <=19 90
## 2 Female White <=19 267
## 3 Male Black <=19 1443
## 4 Female Black <=19 2422
## 5 Male Other <=19 217
## 6 Female Other <=19 169
## 7 Male White 20-29 957
## 8 Female White 20-29 908
The group-level data frame is practical only if all the fields are categorical data, as is the case here. For additional practice, study and implement the examples in Table 2.24.
2.5 Exercises
From RStudio main menu, selet ‘File’ > ‘New Project’ > ‘New Directory’ > ‘Empty Project’. Name the new directory ph251d-homework
. Use R to display the file path to the work directory?
Recreate Table 2.26 using any combination of the matrix
, cbind
, rbind
, dimnames
, or names
Vital Status | Smoking | |
Yes | No | |
Dead | 139 | 230 |
Alive | 443 | 502 | Solution
tab <- matrix(c(139, 443, 230, 502), nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list("Vital Status" = c("Dead", "Alive"),
Smoking = c("Yes", "No"))); tab
#### equivalent
tab <- matrix(c(139, 443, 230, 502), 2, 2)
dimnames(tab) <- list("Vital Status" = c("Dead", "Alive"),
Smoking = c("Yes", "No")); tab
#### equivalent
tab <- matrix(c(139, 443, 230, 502), 2, 2)
rownames(tab) <- c("Dead", "Alive")
colnames(tab) <- c("Yes", "No")
names(dimnames(tab)) <- c("Vital Status", "Smoking"); tab
Starting with the 2x2 matrix object we created in Table 2.26, using any combination of apply
, cbind
, rbind
, names
, and dimnames
functions, recreate the Table 2.27.
Vital Status | Smoking | ||
Yes | No | Total | |
Dead | 139 | 230 | 329 |
Alive | 443 | 502 | 945 |
Total | 582 | 732 | 1314 | Solution
Using the tab
object from previous solution, study and practice the following R code to recreate Table 2.27.
rowt <- apply(tab, 1, sum)
tab2 <- cbind(tab, Total = rowt)
colt <- apply(tab2, 2, sum)
tab2 <- rbind(tab2, Total = colt)
names(dimnames(tab2)) <- c("Vital Status", "Smoking"); tab2
Using the \(2 \times 2\) data from Table 2.26, use the sweep
and apply
functions to calculate row marginal, column marginal, and joint distributions (i.e., three tables). Solution
Study and execute the following R code:
rowt <- apply(tab, 1, sum) # row distrib
rowd <- sweep(tab, 1, rowt, "/"); rowd
colt <- apply(tab, 2, sum) # col distrib
cold <- sweep(tab, 2, colt, "/"); cold
jtd <- tab/sum(tab); jtd # joint distrib
distr <- list(row.distribution = rowd, col.distribution = cold,
joint.distribution = jtd); distr
Using the data from the previous problems, recreate Table 2.28 and interpret the results.
Smoking | ||
Yes | No | |
Risk | 0.24 | 0.31 |
Risk Ratio | 0.76 | 1.00 |
Odds | 0.31 | 0.46 |
Odds Ratio | 0.68 | 1.00 | Solution
Using the tab2
object from previous solution, study and practice the following R code to recreate Table 2.28. Note that the column distributions could also have been used.
risk = tab2[1, 1:2]/tab2[3, 1:2]
risk.ratio <- risk/risk[2]
odds <- risk/(1 - risk)
odds.ratio <- odds/odds[2]
rbind(risk, risk.ratio, odds, odds.ratio) # no rounding
round(rbind(risk, risk.ratio, odds, odds.ratio), 2)
Interpretation: The risk of death among non-smokers is higher than the risk of death among smokers, suggesting that there may be some confounding.
Read in the Whickham, England data using the R code below. Stratified by age category, calculate the risk of death comparing smokers to nonsmokers. Show your results. What is your interpretation.
whickdat = read.table("~/git/phds/data/whickham.txt", sep = ",", header = TRUE)
xtabs(~Vital.Status + Age + Smoking, data = wdat) Solution
Implement the analysis below:
wdat = read.csv("~/git/phds/data/whickham.txt", header = TRUE)
wdat.vas = xtabs(~Vital.Status + Age + Smoking, data = wdat)
wdat.tot.vas = apply(wdat.vas, c(2, 3), sum)
wdat.risk.vas = sweep(wdat.vas, c(2, 3), wdat.tot.vas, "/")
round(wdat.risk.vas, 2)
Interpretation: The risk of death is not larger in non-smokers, in fact it is larger among smokers in older age groups..
Rothman, Kenneth. 2012. Epidemiology : An Introduction. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
In other programming languages, vectors are either row vectors or column vectors. R does not make this distinction until it is necessary.↩
See also the
function for graphing mathematical equations.↩More specifically,
, andcolMeans
are optimized for speed.↩For now, consider factors as character vectors where the possible values (called levels) have been specified. We cover factors later.↩