7 Conclusion

So which package should be used? The packages have their strengths partly in different areas.

For a work that is observed in a journal, for example, it can be assumed that interactive maps will not remain interactive. tmap and ggplot2 with ggspatial would be very suitable for this. The former can be used to create an easy-to-read map that provides essential information with very little effort. If you are willing to put a little more effort into developing a map, ggplot2 can be used to create very nice maps. However, tmap is usually sufficient.

If the graphic is to be integrated into an HTML document or similar, it makes sense to make the map interactive. tmap offers the advantage that if you know the package with only one line of code each map can be made interactive. With mapview, mapdeck and leaflet, however, maps with more functionality can be created and the syntax is also easy to learn. Of these three packages, mapview is the easiest way to create maps. Of all packages, leaflet offers the most customization and can be enhanced with additional functionality by embedding JavaScript code. For large datasets, however, mapdeck is suitable because it is able to visualize them quite quickly.

If the goal is only the exploration of one or more datasets, shiny is one of the best ways to visualize different facets of the data. The alternative of creating a new graph each time is simply not efficient enough. leaflet is very compatible with shiny and by combining the two packages, extremely attractive web apps can be created.

If this book was helpful for you and you were able to create some beautiful maps and want to thank me, you can support me by buying me a coffee.


This is of course completely optional.