Chapter 3 Description of the environmental covariates used
3.1 Introduction
The table below details the covariates that we extract.
code | type | short_name | long_name | unit | temporality | data_sources |
TND_M | Temperature | Daily minimum temperature (source : MODIS) | Average daily minimum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | MOD11A1.v006 MYD11A1.v006 MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006 |
TMD_M | Temperature | Daily maximum temperature (source : MODIS) | Average daily maximum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | MOD11A1.v006 MYD11A1.v006 MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006 |
TNW_M | Temperature | Weekly minimum temperature (source : MODIS) | Average 8-days minimum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006 |
TMW_M | Temperature | Weekly maximum temperature (source : MODIS) | Average 8-days maximum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | MOD11A2.v006 MYD11A2.v006 |
TND_V | Temperature | Daily minimum temperature (source : VNP) | Average daily minimum land surface temperature (source : VNP) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | VNP21A1D.v001 VNP21A2.v001 |
TMD_V | Temperature | Daily maximum temperature (source : VNP) | Average daily maximum land surface temperature (source : VNP) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | VNP21A1N.v001 VNP21A2.v001 |
TNW_V | Temperature | Weekly minimum temperature (source : VNP) | Average 8-days minimum land surface temperature (source : VNP) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | VNP21A2.v001 |
TMW_V | Temperature | Weekly maximum temperature (source : VNP) | Average 8-days maximum land surface temperature (source : VNP) | celcius degrees | 40 days before the HLC night | VNP21A2.v001 |
RFD_T | Precipitation | Daily rainfall (source: TAMSAT) | Average daily total precipitation (source : TAMSAT) | mm | 40 days before the HLC night | TAMSAT |
RFD_G | Precipitation | Daily rainfall (source: GPM) | Average daily total precipitation (source : GPM) | mm | 40 days before the HLC night | GPM_3IMERGDF |
SMO | Soil moisture | 3-days soil moisture | Average 3-days soil moisture | mm3/mm3 | 40 days before the HLC night | SPL3SMP_E |
EVT | Evapotranspiration | Evapotranspiration | Average 8-days evapotranspiration | kg/m�/8day | 40 days before the HLC night | MOD16A2.v006 MYD16A2.v006 |
VNI | Vegetation | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | Average 8-days Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | unitless | 40 days before the HLC night | MOD13Q1.v006 MYD13Q1.v006 |
VEI | Vegetation | Enhanced Vegetation Index | Average 8-days Enhanced Vegetation Index | unitless | 40 days before the HLC night | MOD13Q1.v006 MYD13Q1.v006 |
RFH | Precipitation | Half-houly rainfall | Proportion of half-hours with positive precipitation for the whole duration of the HLC | % | HLC night | GPM_3IMERGHH |
WDR | Wind | Wind direction | Mean of wind direction during the HLC night | degrees (0 to 360) | HLC night | ERA5 |
WSP | Wind | Wind speed | Mean of wind speed during the HLC night | m/s | HLC night | ERA5 |
LMN | Light/Moon | Apparent magnitude of the Moon | Apparent magnitude of the Moon on the HLC night | unitless | HLC night | MIRIADE |
LNL | Light/Settlements | Nightly radiance | Monthly average radiance on the HLC night | NanoWatt/cm2/sr | HLC night | VIIRS DNB |
TEL | Topography | Elevation | Mean elevation | meters above the see | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
TSL | Topography | Slope | Mean slope | % | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
TAS | Topography | Aspect | Mean aspect | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 | |
TCI | Topography | Terrain Classification Index | Mean Terrain Classification Index | unitless | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
TWI | Topography | Topographic Wetness Index | Mean Topographic Wetness Index | unitless | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
WAC | Water | Accumulation | Mean accumulation | ha | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
WAD | Water | Average distance to hydrographic network | Average distance to hydrographic network | m | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
WMD | Water | Distance to closest hydrographic network | Distance to closest hydrographic network | m | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
WLS | Water | Total length of the hydrographic network | Total length of the hydrographic network | m | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 |
WAL | Water | Accumulation / distance to sampling point | Accumulation / distance to sampling point | No temporality | SRTMGL1_v003 | |
POP | Population | Population (source : REACT) | Population (census/ground data) | person | No temporality | Own surveys |
POH | Population | Population (source : HRSL) | Population (modelled data) | person | No temporality | HRSL |
BDE | Built-up | Distance to the edge of the village | Distance to the nearest edge of the village | m | No temporality | Own surveys |
BCH | Built-up | Degree of clustering of the households in the village | Degree of clustering or ordering of the households | NA | No temporality | Own surveys |
HYS | Pedology | Proportion of hydromorphic soils | Proportion of hydromorphic soils | % | No temporality | IRD |
LSM | Land cover | Landscape metrics | Set of landscape metrics calculated over 6 different land cover layers | various units depending on the metric | No temporality | Own very high resolution land cover maps Moderate dynamic land cover 100m S2 prototype Land Cover 20m map of Africa 2016 |
The R script to import, tidy and transform the data is located here : - raw R Markdown : - Web version :
3.2 Temperature
- How does temperature influence the presence/abundance/resistance of mosquitoes ?
Covariates extracted:
TND_M : Average daily minimum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) ( celcius degrees )
TMD_M : Average daily maximum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) ( celcius degrees )
TNW_M : Average 8-days minimum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) ( celcius degrees )
TMW_M : Average 8-days maximum land surface temperature (source : MODIS) ( celcius degrees )
TND_V : Average daily minimum land surface temperature (source : VNP) ( celcius degrees )
TMD_V : Average daily maximum land surface temperature (source : VNP) ( celcius degrees )
TNW_V : Average 8-days minimum land surface temperature (source : VNP) ( celcius degrees )
TMW_V : Average 8-days maximum land surface temperature (source : VNP) ( celcius degrees )
Where do the data come from ?
Temperature, as well as vegetation and evapotranspiration data (see related sections below), are all extracted from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite’s instrument products. MODIS is an instrument aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua Earth observation satellites, launched respectively in 1999 and 2002. The satellites are acquiring data of the entire Earth’s surface in 36 spectral bands every 1 to 2 days. Overall, MODIS enables to acquire very valuable information on the Earth’s global dynamics and processes.
MODIS’s raw observations are automatically processed by various algorithms to generate high-level products, directly usable by the various scientific communities (oceanography, biology, atmospheric science, etc.). MODIS high-level products include, for instance, surface reflectance, land and sea surface temperature, snow cover, ocean’s chlorophyll-a concentration, etc. The spatial and temporal resolutions depend on the product. All MODIS data are open and free of charge. For our study we use 3 MODIS products :
- MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity : Land surface temperature at 1km/1day and 1km/8days resolutions ;
- MODIS Vegetation Index Products (NDVI and EVI) : NDVI and EVI indices at 250m/8days resolution ;
- MODIS Evapotranspiration : Evapotranspiration at 500m/8days resolution.
3.3 Vegetation
- How does vegetation influence the presence/abundance/resistance of mosquitoes ?
Covariates extracted:
VNI : Average 8-days Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ( unitless )
VEI : Average 8-days Enhanced Vegetation Index ( unitless )
Where do the data come from ?
Vegetation data come from the MODIS collection. See section Temperature for additional information.
3.4 Evapotranspiration
- How does evapotranspiration influence the presence/abundance/resistance of mosquitoes ?
Covariates extracted:
- EVT : Average 8-days evapotranspiration ( kg/m�/8day )
Where do the data come from ?
Evapotranspiration data come from the MODIS collection. See section Temperature for additional information.
3.5 Precipitation
- How do precipitation influence the presence/abundance/resistance of mosquitoes ?
Covariates extracted:
RFD_T : Average daily total precipitation (source : TAMSAT) ( mm )
RFD_G : Average daily total precipitation (source : GPM) ( mm )
RFH : Proportion of half-hours with positive precipitation for the whole duration of the HLC ( % )
Where do the data come from ?
from the GPM official website :
The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is an international network of satellites that provide the next-generation global observations of rain and snow. Building upon the success of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), the GPM concept centers on the deployment of a “Core” satellite carrying an advanced radar / radiometer system to measure precipitation from space and serve as a reference standard to unify precipitation measurements from a constellation of research and operational satellites.
Initiated by NASA and the JAXA, the GPM mission is an international project comprising a constellation of satellites belonging to a many international space agencies worldwide. At its finer spatio-temporal resolution, it provides rainfall estimates at a 0.1° / half-hourly resolutions for the whole globe in near real time (4 hours latency from satellite acquisition in “early run”). The estimates are further consolidated as more data arrive (“final run”), to create research-level products.
GPM data are generated at various temporal resolutions (half-hour, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 1 month). All the products are open. To get additional information on the GPM data, go to
For our study, we use two GPM “final run” collections : the daily precipitations (GPM_3IMERGDF.06) 40 days before the catch, and the half-hourly precipitations (GPM_3IMERGHH.06) for the night of catch.