A.13 COVID-19 Datasets about Australia
Many data sets about COVID-19 in Australia can be found at: https://www.covid19data.com.au/
Daily cases from: https://infogram.com/1p20yj1nk2rqp7c0qq6de1r0egcrqv7e5kk?live
The full data set from: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRndBYIcNp9ZOdmKn45j0w_8RNyPpvYEstXrus_wmv4_YaetahHhO6k6VV2RVHx7rWSBw_8SUVhRRJ9/pubhtml
These data gives the daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, since the first case (27 January 2020) until 09 August 2021.
The data come from the COVID-19 in Australia public website, and, specifically, downloaded from this ‘infogram’.
The data contains four variables:
: An index useful for plotting.Date
: The data, in the format25/02/20
: The number of confirmed new cases for the given day. (Note that the values for some more recent dates are subject to change as new information comes to light.)
The data set contains 563 observations.
To download: Click here.
Figure A.12: The number of daily COIV-19 cases in Australia