Sample Exploration
SQL Database Connection
Tables in the DB:
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_AuditC | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_CohortKey | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_DX_PatSumByDXGroup | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_DX_PatSumByICD9 | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_EnrollDataBL | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_EnrollStatusBL | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_FilterLab | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_HF_Smoke | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_ICDCode | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_LabA1C | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_Vital_BP | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | TLC_Vital_Weight | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | Dflt | tmpRawImport_TLC_NCP_Cohort01 | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | BariatricSurgCodes | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | Distances2016 | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | heightSamples | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | MOVE2017_denom | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | MOVE2017_num_weights | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | MOVE2017_numerator | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | MOVEvisits2016 | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | NationalHeightSamples | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | NationalWeightSamples | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | PregnancyCodes | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | samp | weightSamples | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | sys | trace_xe_action_map | TABLE | NA |
NCP_DCEP | sys | trace_xe_event_map | TABLE | NA |
Weight samples are held in Samp.NationalWeightSamples
Height samples are held in Samp.NationalHeightSamples
Pre-Process Data
We will be omitting the MOVE! cohort from the following analyses.
Pre-process data,
diab <- c(
"Diabetes After",
"Diabetes Before",
"Diabetes Before and After"
race_eth_facs <- c("Non-Hispanic White",
"Hispanic White",
"Non-Hispanic Black",
"Hispanic Black",
weightSamples <- weightSamples %>%
filter( %>%
select(-Pregnant) %>%
mutate_at(vars(PatientICN:PatientSID), as.character) %>%
Sta3n = factor(Sta3n),
SampleYear = factor(SampleYear),
VisitDate = as.Date(VisitDateTime, tz = "UTC", '%Y-%m-%d'),
Bariatric = factor(Bariatric,
levels = 0:1,
labels = c("No", "Yes")),
InptWeight = ifelse(, 0, InptWeight),
InptWeight = factor(InptWeight,
levels = 0:1,
labels = c("Outpatient", "Inpatient")),
Diabetic = ifelse(, 0, 1),
Diabetic = factor(Diabetic,
c("Non-Diabetic", "Diabetic")),
DiabetesTiming = as.character(DiabetesTiming),
DiabetesTiming = ifelse(,
DiabetesTiming = factor(DiabetesTiming, diab, diab),
race_eth = case_when(
Race == "WHITE" & Ethnicity == "NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO" ~ 0,
Race == "WHITE" & Ethnicity == "HISPANIC OR LATINO" ~ 1,
& Ethnicity == "NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO" ~ 2,
& Ethnicity == "HISPANIC OR LATINO" ~ 3,
( | Race == "Missing")
& ( | Ethnicity == "UNKNOWN BY PATIENT") ~ 5,
TRUE ~ 4
race_eth = factor(race_eth, 0:5, race_eth_facs)
) %>%
heightSamples <- heightSamples %>%
mutate_at(vars(PatientICN:PatientSID), as.character) %>%
inner_join(weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, VisitDateTime),
by = c("PatientICN", "VisitDateTime")) %>%
SampleYear = case_when(
lubridate::year(VisitDateTime) %in% c(2007, 2008) ~ '2008',
lubridate::year(VisitDateTime) %in% c(2015, 2016) ~ '2016'
) %>%
Overall Summaries
Number of people in each cohort, by sample year
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, SampleYear) %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
count() %>%
SampleYear | n |
2008 | 98786 |
2016 | 98958 |
How many weight measurements per person, on average?
weightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
mean = mean(n),
SD = sd(n),
median = median(n),
min = min(n),
max = max(n)
) %>%
SampleYear | mean | SD | median | min | max |
2008 | 12.29 | 15.97 | 9 | 1 | 1479 |
2016 | 12.21 | 24.85 | 8 | 1 | 4981 |
How many height measurements per person, on average?
heightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
mean = mean(n),
SD = sd(n),
median = median(n),
min = min(n),
max = max(n)
) %>%
SampleYear | mean | SD | median | min | max |
2008 | 5.60 | 5.33 | 4 | 1 | 131 |
2016 | 5.53 | 5.00 | 4 | 1 | 105 |
Weight measurements per person
weightSamples %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = n)) %>%
binwidth = 1,
color = "black",
fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1])) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Weight Samples per Person',
y = 'Frequency'
It may look like a lot of people are lacking weight samples (Weight Samples per Person = 0), but there are in fact, no people in the cohort without a weight sample; must pay attention to the scale!
Height measurements per person
heightSamples %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = n)) %>%
binwidth = 1,
color = "black",
fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1])) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Height Samples per Person',
y = 'Frequency'
Age Distribution
At time of PCP visit
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, AgeAtVisit, SampleYear) %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
mean = mean(AgeAtVisit),
sd = sd(AgeAtVisit),
median = median(AgeAtVisit),
min = min(AgeAtVisit),
max = max(AgeAtVisit)
) %>%
SampleYear | mean | sd | median | min | max |
2008 | 64.04 | 14.8 | 63.77 | 18.18 | 101.09 |
2016 | 62.95 | 15.8 | 66.19 | 19.05 | 104.15 |
Without consideration of sample year,
weightSamples %>%
janitor::tabyl(Race) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
Race | n | percent | valid_percent |
WHITE | 1738504 | 71.7% | 73.9% |
BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN | 445484 | 18.4% | 18.9% |
Missing | 96399 | 4.0% | 4.1% |
NA | 69886 | 2.9% |
AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE | 18299 | 0.8% | 0.8% |
ASIAN | 17800 | 0.7% | 0.8% |
MULTI-RACIAL | 14656 | 0.6% | 0.6% |
For our purposes, I’ll add any NA
entries as Missing
weightSamples <- weightSamples %>%
Race = fct_explicit_na(Race, na_level = "Missing"),
Race = fct_infreq(Race)
weightSamples %>%
tabyl(Race, SampleYear) %>%
adorn_percentages("col") %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
adorn_ns(position = "front") %>%
Race | 2008 | 2016 |
WHITE | 870225 (71.7%) | 868279 (71.8%) |
BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN | 207869 (17.1%) | 237615 (19.7%) |
Missing | 102163 (8.4%) | 64122 (5.3%) |
NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER | 11344 (0.9%) | 10755 (0.9%) |
AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE | 8299 (0.7%) | 10000 (0.8%) |
ASIAN | 6473 (0.5%) | 11327 (0.9%) |
MULTI-RACIAL | 8020 (0.7%) | 6636 (0.5%) |
“Missing” is the 3rd largest grouping, interesting …
These frequencies were by weight samples, now we’ll look at individual samples.
weightSamples %>%
distinct(SampleYear, PatientICN, Race) %>%
tabyl(Race, SampleYear) %>%
adorn_percentages("col") %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
adorn_ns(position = "front") %>%
Race | 2008 | 2016 |
WHITE | 71269 (72.1%) | 73200 (74.0%) |
BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN | 13501 (13.7%) | 16178 (16.3%) |
Missing | 11401 (11.5%) | 6401 (6.5%) |
AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE | 610 (0.6%) | 856 (0.9%) |
ASIAN | 601 (0.6%) | 947 (1.0%) |
MULTI-RACIAL | 544 (0.6%) | 479 (0.5%) |
“Missing” is still the 3rd largest group.
Let’s see if there are any Sta3n-differences, or maybe Sta6a differences, by frequency of “Missing”,
sta3n_race_miss <- weightSamples %>%
filter(SampleYear == "2016") %>%
distinct(PatientICN, Sta3n, Race) %>%
tabyl(Sta3n, Race) %>%
adorn_percentages() %>%
adorn_ns() %>%
select(Sta3n, Missing) %>%
separate(col = Missing, into = c("p", "N"), sep = "\\s+") %>%
p = round(as.numeric(p), 4),
N = as.integer(str_remove_all(N, "\\(|\\)")),
q = cut_interval(p, n = 10),
qth = as.integer(q)
Top 10% of Sta3n with “Missing” race, and bottom 10%
sta3n_race_miss %>%
filter(qth %in% c(1, 10)) %>%
arrange(desc(qth)) %>%
select(-qth) %>%
Sta3n | p | N | q |
438 | 0.21 | 95 | (0.205,0.227] |
501 | 0.21 | 173 | (0.205,0.227] |
504 | 0.22 | 81 | (0.205,0.227] |
570 | 0.22 | 101 | (0.205,0.227] |
756 | 0.23 | 102 | (0.205,0.227] |
442 | 0.02 | 8 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
503 | 0.01 | 7 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
509 | 0.01 | 5 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
517 | 0.02 | 6 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
523 | 0.03 | 14 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
529 | 0.01 | 2 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
540 | 0.02 | 7 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
552 | 0.01 | 6 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
556 | 0.03 | 9 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
558 | 0.02 | 19 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
580 | 0.02 | 36 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
581 | 0.02 | 9 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
585 | 0.02 | 8 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
586 | 0.02 | 10 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
590 | 0.02 | 13 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
595 | 0.02 | 11 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
603 | 0.01 | 11 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
629 | 0.02 | 10 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
632 | 0.03 | 13 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
637 | 0.02 | 15 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
646 | 0.03 | 24 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
652 | 0.02 | 14 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
660 | 0.01 | 7 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
667 | 0.02 | 12 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
676 | 0.01 | 3 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
692 | 0.02 | 4 | [0.0058,0.0279] |
Overall distribution,
tmp <- sta3n_race_miss %>%
arrange(p) %>%
mutate(Sta3n_deident = row_number())
tmp %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Sta3n_deident, y = p)) %>%
add(geom_point(aes(size = N, fill = q), pch = 21)) %>%
p > 0.15,
label_key = Sta3n
)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
axis.title = element_text(),
legend.position = "none"
)) %>%
x = 'Sta3n Deidentified',
y = 'Proportion Missing Race',
caption = "Point size relative to Sta3n numerator size;
Color Indicates Decile"
I admit this figure is bizarre, because I have the x-axis as de-identified Sta3n’s but I’m highlighting the actual Sta3n number, for those in excess of >15% missing Race.
What I’m seeing is that “missingness” is proportional to Sta3n size.
Let’s do this by Sta6a,
sta6a_race_miss <- weightSamples %>%
filter(SampleYear == "2016") %>%
distinct(PatientICN, Sta6a, Race) %>%
tabyl(Sta6a, Race) %>%
adorn_percentages() %>%
adorn_ns() %>%
select(Sta6a, Missing) %>%
separate(col = Missing, into = c("p", "N"), sep = "\\s+") %>%
p = round(as.numeric(p), 4),
N = as.integer(str_remove_all(N, "\\(|\\)")),
q = cut_interval(p, n = 10),
qth = as.integer(q)
Top 10% of Sta6a with “Missing” race, and bottom 10%
sta6a_race_miss %>%
filter(qth %in% c(1, 10)) %>%
arrange(desc(qth)) %>%
select(-qth) %>%
Sta6a | p | N | q |
501G2 | 0.63 | 12 | (0.568,0.632] |
358 | 0.06 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
402 | 0.04 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
402GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
402GC | 0.05 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
402GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
402GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
402HB | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
402HC | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
402HL | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
402QA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
402QB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
405 | 0.04 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
405GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
405GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
405HA | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
405HC | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
436 | 0.04 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
436GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
436GK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
436GM | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
437GD | 0.06 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
437GE | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
442 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
442BU | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
442GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
442GC | 0.04 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
442GD | 0.04 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
442HK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
442QA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
442QB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
459 | 0.05 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
459GB | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
459GC | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
459GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
459GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
459GG | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
460 | 0.05 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
460GA | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
460HG | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
460HK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
463 | 0.04 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
463GB | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
501GB | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
502 | 0.04 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
502GA | 0.06 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
502GB | 0.04 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
502GE | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
502GF | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
503 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
503GA | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
503GB | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
503GC | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
503GD | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
503GE | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
504HB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
508 | 0.04 | 13 | [0,0.0632] |
508GA | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
508GE | 0.06 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
508GF | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
508GG | 0.03 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
508GH | 0.04 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
508GI | 0.04 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
508GK | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
508QF | 0.05 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
509 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
509A0 | 0.01 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
509GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
509GB | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
512 | 0.02 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
512A5 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
512GC | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
512GD | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
512GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
512GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
512GG | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
515 | 0.06 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
515BY | 0.05 | 14 | [0,0.0632] |
515GA | 0.04 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
516 | 0.04 | 22 | [0,0.0632] |
516GA | 0.05 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
516GF | 0.04 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
517 | 0.03 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
517GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
517QA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
518GE | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
519GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
519HD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
520 | 0.04 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
520BZ | 0.05 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
521 | 0.06 | 19 | [0,0.0632] |
521GA | 0.06 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
521GE | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
521GH | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
521GI | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
521GJ | 0.06 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
523 | 0.03 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
523A4 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
523A5 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
523BY | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
523BZ | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
523GC | 0.05 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
523GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
526GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528 | 0.01 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
528A4 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528A5 | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
528A6 | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
528A7 | 0.04 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
528A8 | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
528G3 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528G4 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528G6 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528G7 | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
528G8 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528GB | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
528GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528GE | 0.02 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
528GL | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
528GO | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
528GP | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
528GQ | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
528GR | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
528GV | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528GX | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
528GY | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
528GZ | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
529 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
529GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
529GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
529GC | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
529GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
529GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
534GD | 0.06 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
534QA | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
537 | 0.05 | 14 | [0,0.0632] |
537BY | 0.04 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
537GA | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
537GD | 0.04 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
537HA | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
538 | 0.05 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
538GA | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
538GB | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
538GD | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
538GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
539 | 0.04 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
539GA | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
539GB | 0.04 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
539GC | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
539GD | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
539GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
539QA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
540 | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
540GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
540GB | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
540GC | 0.05 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
540GD | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
540HK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
541 | 0.05 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
541BY | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
541BZ | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
541GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
541GC | 0.04 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
541GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
541GE | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
541GG | 0.03 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
541GH | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
541GI | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
541GJ | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
541GK | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
542 | 0.04 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
542GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
544 | 0.02 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
544BZ | 0.04 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
544GB | 0.05 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
544GC | 0.04 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
544GD | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
544GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
544GF | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
544GG | 0.05 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
546 | 0.04 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
546BZ | 0.04 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
546GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
546GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
546GH | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
548GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
548GB | 0.02 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
548GC | 0.03 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
548GE | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
548GF | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
549 | 0.05 | 39 | [0,0.0632] |
549BY | 0.05 | 28 | [0,0.0632] |
549GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
549GF | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
549GH | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
549QC | 0.04 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
550 | 0.03 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
550GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
550GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
550GD | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
552 | 0.02 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
552GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
552GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
552GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
552GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
553 | 0.03 | 13 | [0,0.0632] |
553GB | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
554GI | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
556 | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
556GA | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
556GC | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
557 | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
557GA | 0.05 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
557GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
557GE | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
557HA | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
558 | 0.02 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
558GA | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
558GB | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
558GC | 0.04 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
561A4 | 0.06 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
561BZ | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
561GF | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
561GH | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
561GI | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
562 | 0.04 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
562GA | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
562GB | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
562GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
562GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
562GE | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
564 | 0.04 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
564BY | 0.05 | 13 | [0,0.0632] |
564GB | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
564GC | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
564GE | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
565 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
565GA | 0.05 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
565GC | 0.03 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
565GE | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
565GG | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
565GL | 0.03 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
568 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
568A4 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
568GA | 0.05 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
568GB | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
568HA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
568HB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
568HF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
568HJ | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
568HM | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
573A4 | 0.03 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
573GD | 0.03 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
573GE | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
573GF | 0.05 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
573GI | 0.06 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
573GJ | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
573GK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
573GL | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
573GM | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
573QJ | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
575GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
578 | 0.04 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
578GA | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
578GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
578GF | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
580 | 0.03 | 20 | [0,0.0632] |
580BY | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
580BZ | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
580GC | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
580GD | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
580GE | 0.04 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
580GF | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
580GG | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
580GH | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
581 | 0.03 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
581GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
581GB | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
583 | 0.05 | 31 | [0,0.0632] |
583GC | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
583GF | 0.06 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
585 | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
585GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
585GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
585GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
585HA | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
586 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
586GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
586GB | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
586GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
586GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
586GF | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
586GG | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
589A4 | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
589A5 | 0.03 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
589A6 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589A7 | 0.03 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
589G2 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589G3 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589G4 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589G7 | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
589G8 | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
589GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GD | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
589GE | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
589GF | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
589GH | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GI | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GJ | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GM | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GN | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GP | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GR | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
589GU | 0.06 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
589GV | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589GW | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
589GX | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
589GY | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
589HK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589JA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589JE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
589JF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
590 | 0.03 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
590GB | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
590GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
590GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
593 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
593GE | 0.04 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
593GH | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
595 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
595GA | 0.02 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
595GC | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
595GD | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
595GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
596 | 0.03 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
596GA | 0.06 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
596GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
596GD | 0.06 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
598 | 0.06 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
598A0 | 0.01 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
598GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
598GF | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
598GG | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
603 | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
603GA | 0.04 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
603GB | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
603GC | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
603GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
603GE | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
603GF | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
603GG | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
603GH | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
607 | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
607GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
607GE | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
607HA | 0.06 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
608GA | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
608GC | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
608HA | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
610A4 | 0.03 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
612B4 | 0.05 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
612GF | 0.03 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
613 | 0.05 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
613GA | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
613GB | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
613GC | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
613GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
613GG | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
614 | 0.04 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
614GE | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
614GF | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
614GG | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
618GD | 0.05 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
618GJ | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
618QA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
619A4 | 0.02 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
619GA | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
619GB | 0.05 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
619GD | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
619GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
619GF | 0.03 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
619QB | 0.03 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
620 | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
620A4 | 0.05 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
620GA | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
620GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
620GD | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
620GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
620GG | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
620GH | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
621 | 0.04 | 19 | [0,0.0632] |
621BU | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
621BY | 0.01 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
621GA | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
621GG | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
621GI | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
621GK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
623 | 0.04 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
623GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
623GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
626 | 0.06 | 21 | [0,0.0632] |
626GE | 0.05 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
626GF | 0.01 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
626GN | 0.05 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
626GO | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
626QB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
629 | 0.02 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
629BY | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
629GA | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
629GB | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
629GC | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
629GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
629GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
629GF | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
630GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
631 | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
631GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
631GD | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
631GE | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
632 | 0.03 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
632GA | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
632HA | 0.06 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
632HB | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
632HC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
632HD | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
635 | 0.04 | 14 | [0,0.0632] |
635GB | 0.05 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
635GD | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
635GE | 0.05 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
635GG | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
635HB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
635QB | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
636 | 0.02 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
636A4 | 0.05 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
636A5 | 0.02 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
636A6 | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
636A8 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
636BU | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
636GA | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
636GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
636GD | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
636GF | 0.06 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
636GG | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
636GK | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
636GL | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
636GM | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
636GP | 0.06 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
636GQ | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
636GR | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
636GS | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
637 | 0.01 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
637GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
637GB | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
637GC | 0.05 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
640BY | 0.06 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
642 | 0.05 | 17 | [0,0.0632] |
642GD | 0.04 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
644BY | 0.05 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
644GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
646 | 0.02 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
646A4 | 0.00 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
646GA | 0.06 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
646GB | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
646GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
646GE | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
648GD | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
649GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
649GD | 0.05 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
649QC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
650 | 0.02 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
652 | 0.01 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
652GA | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
652GB | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
652GE | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
652GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
653 | 0.04 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
653BY | 0.06 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
654 | 0.04 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
654GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
654GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
654GD | 0.04 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
655GA | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
655GB | 0.05 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
655GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
655GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
655GG | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
655GH | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
655GI | 0.06 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
657 | 0.01 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
657A0 | 0.03 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
657A4 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
657A5 | 0.05 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
657GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
657GB | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
657GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
657GG | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
657GH | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
657GI | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
657GJ | 0.06 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
657GL | 0.05 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
657GN | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
657GQ | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
657GT | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
657GV | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
658GC | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
659 | 0.03 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
659BY | 0.03 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
659BZ | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
659GA | 0.03 | 9 | [0,0.0632] |
660 | 0.01 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
660GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
660GB | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
660GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
660GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
660GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
660GG | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
660GJ | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
660GK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
663 | 0.05 | 15 | [0,0.0632] |
663GC | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
664GB | 0.05 | 10 | [0,0.0632] |
664GD | 0.05 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
666 | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
666GB | 0.03 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
666GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
666GF | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
667 | 0.03 | 7 | [0,0.0632] |
667GA | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
667GB | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
667GC | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
667QA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
671A4 | 0.05 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
671GO | 0.06 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
671GP | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
672 | 0.02 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
672B0 | 0.06 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
672GA | 0.05 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
672GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
672GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
672GD | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
672QC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
673 | 0.04 | 23 | [0,0.0632] |
673BZ | 0.05 | 11 | [0,0.0632] |
673GB | 0.04 | 8 | [0,0.0632] |
673GC | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
673GF | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
674A4 | 0.03 | 5 | [0,0.0632] |
674BY | 0.06 | 20 | [0,0.0632] |
674GA | 0.06 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
674GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
674GD | 0.03 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
675GA | 0.05 | 23 | [0,0.0632] |
675GE | 0.05 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
676 | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
676GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
676GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
676GD | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
676GE | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
678GC | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
678GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
678GE | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
678GF | 0.02 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
678GG | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
679 | 0.06 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
679HK | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
687 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
687GA | 0.04 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
687GB | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
687HA | 0.05 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
688GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
689 | 0.04 | 12 | [0,0.0632] |
689GC | 0.06 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
689GD | 0.05 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
689GE | 0.06 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
689HC | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
689PA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
692 | 0.01 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
692GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
693 | 0.01 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
693B4 | 0.02 | 3 | [0,0.0632] |
693GA | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
693GC | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
693GG | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
695 | 0.03 | 13 | [0,0.0632] |
695BY | 0.02 | 4 | [0,0.0632] |
695GD | 0.04 | 6 | [0,0.0632] |
740GD | 0.02 | 1 | [0,0.0632] |
757GA | 0.03 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
757GB | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
757GC | 0.04 | 2 | [0,0.0632] |
757GD | 0.00 | 0 | [0,0.0632] |
Looks like there is only one in the top 10% (0.568,0.632], and that’s 501G2. The distribution of missing proportion looks highly skewed, let’s examine:
sta6a_race_miss %>%
ggplot(aes(x = p)) %>%
add(geom_histogram(aes(fill = q), bins = 100)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
axis.title = element_text(),
legend.position = "none"
)) %>%
add(scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1", direction = -1)) %>%
x = "Proportion Missing Race",
y = "Frequency"
Let’s see if there any similarities for those missing race > 15%
sta6a_race_miss %>%
filter(p >= 0.15) %>%
weightSamples %>%
distinct(Sta3n, Sta6a),
by = "Sta6a"
) %>%
arrange(p) %>%
mutate(Sta6a_deident = row_number()) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Sta6a_deident, y = p)) %>%
add(geom_point(aes(fill = Sta3n, size = N), pch = 21)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
axis.title = element_text(),
legend.position = "none"
)) %>%
y = "Proportion Missing Race",
x = "Sta6a Deidentified",
caption = "Point color represents parent Sta3n"
I see no patterns in terms of Sta3n dependence, the orange Sta3n may be fully represented here. There does seem to be a sharp inflection point at the 30% missingness point.
Next I would like to see if there is an association between number of weight samples collected, and race.
weightSamples %>%
filter(SampleYear == "2016") %>%
group_by(Race) %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
mean = mean(n),
SD = sd(n),
median = median(n),
min = min(n),
max = max(n)
) %>%
Race | mean | SD | median | min | max |
WHITE | 11.86 | 25.47 | 8 | 1 | 4981 |
BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN | 14.69 | 22.65 | 10 | 1 | 1262 |
Missing | 10.02 | 19.06 | 6 | 1 | 848 |
NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER | 11.99 | 11.58 | 8 | 1 | 94 |
AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE | 11.68 | 11.49 | 8 | 1 | 105 |
ASIAN | 11.96 | 52.13 | 7 | 1 | 1199 |
MULTI-RACIAL | 13.85 | 12.29 | 10 | 1 | 102 |
Now, let’s do the same for the combination of race and ethnicity,
weightSamples %>%
filter(SampleYear == "2016") %>%
group_by(race_eth) %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
mean = mean(n),
SD = sd(n),
median = median(n),
min = min(n),
max = max(n)
) %>%
race_eth | mean | SD | median | min | max |
Non-Hispanic White | 11.76 | 25.42 | 8 | 1 | 4981 |
Hispanic White | 13.65 | 28.04 | 9 | 1 | 1259 |
Non-Hispanic Black | 14.71 | 22.88 | 10 | 1 | 1262 |
Hispanic Black | 15.64 | 15.90 | 11 | 1 | 135 |
Other | 11.15 | 23.44 | 7 | 1 | 1199 |
Unknown | 7.44 | 9.56 | 4 | 1 | 134 |
Total number of weight samples by Sex and Sample Year
weightSamples %>%
janitor::tabyl(Gender, SampleYear) %>%
adorn_percentages("col") %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
adorn_ns() %>%
Gender | 2008 | 2016 |
F | 5.5% (67199) | 6.6% (79952) |
M | 94.5% (1147194) | 93.4% (1128782) |
How many people per sex?
weightSamples %>%
distinct(SampleYear, PatientICN, Gender) %>%
tabyl(Gender, SampleYear) %>%
adorn_percentages("col") %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
adorn_ns(position = "front") %>%
Gender | 2008 | 2016 |
F | 4849 (4.9%) | 6200 (6.3%) |
M | 93937 (95.1%) | 92758 (93.7%) |
Association between number of weight samples collected, and Sex/Gender, by Cohort Year,
weightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear, Gender) %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
mean = mean(n),
SD = sd(n),
median = median(n),
min = min(n),
max = max(n)
) %>%
SampleYear | Gender | mean | SD | median | min | max |
2008 | F | 13.86 | 15.25 | 10 | 1 | 353 |
2008 | M | 12.21 | 16.00 | 9 | 1 | 1479 |
2016 | F | 12.90 | 12.78 | 9 | 1 | 282 |
2016 | M | 12.17 | 25.46 | 8 | 1 | 4981 |
weightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear, Gender) %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Gender, y = n)) %>%
add(geom_violin(fill = "maroon")) %>%
add(facet_wrap(vars(SampleYear), ncol = 1)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
Removing the outlier,
weightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear, Gender) %>%
count(PatientICN) %>%
filter(n < 1000) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Gender, y = n)) %>%
add(geom_boxplot(fill = "maroon")) %>%
add(facet_wrap(vars(SampleYear), ncol = 1)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
All weight in lbs. by sex and sample year
weightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear, Gender) %>%
mean = mean(Weight),
SD = sd(Weight),
median = median(Weight),
min = min(Weight),
max = max(Weight)
) %>%
SampleYear | Gender | mean | SD | median | min | max |
2008 | F | 181.85 | 47.15 | 176.9 | 0 | 1475.70 |
2008 | M | 203.88 | 47.40 | 198.0 | 0 | 2423.35 |
2016 | F | 184.65 | 44.50 | 180.7 | 0 | 1479.90 |
2016 | M | 209.19 | 48.41 | 203.6 | 0 | 1486.20 |
Both Males and Females have implausible minimum and maximum weight values.
weightSamples %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Gender, y = Weight)) %>%
add(geom_boxplot(fill = "maroon")) %>%
add(facet_wrap(vars(SampleYear), ncol = 1)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
And similar distributions of “outlier” weights.
By Sta3n
weightSamples %>%
tabyl(Sta3n) %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
arrange(desc(percent)) %>%
Sta3n | n | percent |
528 | 56881 | 2.3% |
541 | 53921 | 2.2% |
589 | 52707 | 2.2% |
516 | 50372 | 2.1% |
573 | 51013 | 2.1% |
549 | 45440 | 1.9% |
580 | 45190 | 1.9% |
636 | 47227 | 1.9% |
657 | 44990 | 1.9% |
672 | 38494 | 1.6% |
673 | 38711 | 1.6% |
671 | 35408 | 1.5% |
691 | 36344 | 1.5% |
508 | 34916 | 1.4% |
674 | 33385 | 1.4% |
612 | 30388 | 1.3% |
554 | 28104 | 1.2% |
644 | 29386 | 1.2% |
663 | 28535 | 1.2% |
695 | 28249 | 1.2% |
521 | 27573 | 1.1% |
537 | 25579 | 1.1% |
558 | 25933 | 1.1% |
593 | 27322 | 1.1% |
618 | 26092 | 1.1% |
626 | 27005 | 1.1% |
501 | 24199 | 1.0% |
546 | 23980 | 1.0% |
548 | 23035 | 1.0% |
561 | 24788 | 1.0% |
586 | 23629 | 1.0% |
652 | 23530 | 1.0% |
659 | 23088 | 1.0% |
678 | 24530 | 1.0% |
534 | 20881 | 0.9% |
564 | 22035 | 0.9% |
578 | 22697 | 0.9% |
605 | 21139 | 0.9% |
614 | 20809 | 0.9% |
630 | 20928 | 0.9% |
635 | 21014 | 0.9% |
640 | 21702 | 0.9% |
648 | 22815 | 0.9% |
689 | 22498 | 0.9% |
402 | 18290 | 0.8% |
512 | 19902 | 0.8% |
520 | 19286 | 0.8% |
523 | 19365 | 0.8% |
544 | 20143 | 0.8% |
565 | 20296 | 0.8% |
583 | 20377 | 0.8% |
598 | 20047 | 0.8% |
600 | 18812 | 0.8% |
603 | 18758 | 0.8% |
621 | 18688 | 0.8% |
629 | 19817 | 0.8% |
664 | 19776 | 0.8% |
675 | 19001 | 0.8% |
539 | 15870 | 0.7% |
552 | 17003 | 0.7% |
570 | 16611 | 0.7% |
595 | 17779 | 0.7% |
596 | 16656 | 0.7% |
619 | 17616 | 0.7% |
646 | 17584 | 0.7% |
658 | 16001 | 0.7% |
667 | 17058 | 0.7% |
688 | 16352 | 0.7% |
506 | 14142 | 0.6% |
553 | 14955 | 0.6% |
581 | 13357 | 0.6% |
590 | 13396 | 0.6% |
610 | 14076 | 0.6% |
632 | 14182 | 0.6% |
642 | 15087 | 0.6% |
662 | 15484 | 0.6% |
693 | 15502 | 0.6% |
436 | 12086 | 0.5% |
437 | 12091 | 0.5% |
438 | 11401 | 0.5% |
504 | 11365 | 0.5% |
509 | 13169 | 0.5% |
526 | 11339 | 0.5% |
550 | 11149 | 0.5% |
556 | 11384 | 0.5% |
557 | 12827 | 0.5% |
607 | 12426 | 0.5% |
613 | 12603 | 0.5% |
623 | 12703 | 0.5% |
637 | 13133 | 0.5% |
650 | 11432 | 0.5% |
654 | 12902 | 0.5% |
655 | 13110 | 0.5% |
656 | 11449 | 0.5% |
660 | 13285 | 0.5% |
668 | 10951 | 0.5% |
757 | 12660 | 0.5% |
405 | 9189 | 0.4% |
459 | 9244 | 0.4% |
502 | 10591 | 0.4% |
515 | 10853 | 0.4% |
531 | 9849 | 0.4% |
538 | 9867 | 0.4% |
540 | 8745 | 0.4% |
653 | 9249 | 0.4% |
756 | 8952 | 0.4% |
442 | 6101 | 0.3% |
460 | 7849 | 0.3% |
503 | 7858 | 0.3% |
517 | 7667 | 0.3% |
562 | 7968 | 0.3% |
568 | 7763 | 0.3% |
585 | 8069 | 0.3% |
608 | 7816 | 0.3% |
620 | 7697 | 0.3% |
631 | 6634 | 0.3% |
649 | 6811 | 0.3% |
676 | 8254 | 0.3% |
463 | 4559 | 0.2% |
518 | 4112 | 0.2% |
519 | 6035 | 0.2% |
529 | 5561 | 0.2% |
542 | 5623 | 0.2% |
575 | 4934 | 0.2% |
666 | 4625 | 0.2% |
679 | 4680 | 0.2% |
687 | 4998 | 0.2% |
740 | 6001 | 0.2% |
692 | 2688 | 0.1% |
358 | 1089 | 0.0% |
Sta3n by person
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, Sta3n) %>%
tabyl(Sta3n) %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
arrange(desc(percent)) %>%
Sta3n | n | percent |
528 | 4488 | 2.3% |
573 | 4556 | 2.3% |
589 | 4547 | 2.3% |
636 | 4334 | 2.2% |
549 | 3761 | 1.9% |
516 | 3546 | 1.8% |
541 | 3496 | 1.8% |
657 | 3640 | 1.8% |
580 | 3182 | 1.6% |
673 | 3058 | 1.6% |
508 | 2628 | 1.3% |
544 | 2524 | 1.3% |
626 | 2555 | 1.3% |
674 | 2578 | 1.3% |
691 | 2627 | 1.3% |
612 | 2417 | 1.2% |
618 | 2351 | 1.2% |
644 | 2286 | 1.2% |
671 | 2369 | 1.2% |
672 | 2331 | 1.2% |
548 | 2167 | 1.1% |
554 | 2247 | 1.1% |
605 | 2179 | 1.1% |
659 | 2177 | 1.1% |
663 | 2114 | 1.1% |
520 | 1895 | 1.0% |
565 | 1967 | 1.0% |
621 | 1870 | 1.0% |
648 | 2050 | 1.0% |
664 | 2054 | 1.0% |
695 | 1897 | 1.0% |
521 | 1752 | 0.9% |
534 | 1843 | 0.9% |
561 | 1834 | 0.9% |
564 | 1814 | 0.9% |
578 | 1754 | 0.9% |
583 | 1686 | 0.9% |
598 | 1694 | 0.9% |
635 | 1727 | 0.9% |
640 | 1830 | 0.9% |
646 | 1801 | 0.9% |
689 | 1838 | 0.9% |
501 | 1520 | 0.8% |
512 | 1579 | 0.8% |
546 | 1512 | 0.8% |
558 | 1648 | 0.8% |
586 | 1549 | 0.8% |
593 | 1500 | 0.8% |
595 | 1531 | 0.8% |
603 | 1505 | 0.8% |
610 | 1491 | 0.8% |
614 | 1476 | 0.8% |
652 | 1495 | 0.8% |
675 | 1619 | 0.8% |
678 | 1589 | 0.8% |
402 | 1400 | 0.7% |
506 | 1308 | 0.7% |
515 | 1355 | 0.7% |
523 | 1283 | 0.7% |
537 | 1345 | 0.7% |
600 | 1463 | 0.7% |
619 | 1392 | 0.7% |
642 | 1446 | 0.7% |
660 | 1309 | 0.7% |
688 | 1285 | 0.7% |
693 | 1383 | 0.7% |
436 | 1189 | 0.6% |
437 | 1085 | 0.6% |
509 | 1096 | 0.6% |
539 | 1169 | 0.6% |
550 | 1177 | 0.6% |
552 | 1130 | 0.6% |
553 | 1244 | 0.6% |
557 | 1162 | 0.6% |
590 | 1218 | 0.6% |
596 | 1203 | 0.6% |
613 | 1132 | 0.6% |
623 | 1215 | 0.6% |
629 | 1266 | 0.6% |
630 | 1235 | 0.6% |
632 | 1094 | 0.6% |
637 | 1253 | 0.6% |
656 | 1142 | 0.6% |
658 | 1222 | 0.6% |
667 | 1211 | 0.6% |
757 | 1161 | 0.6% |
405 | 892 | 0.5% |
438 | 966 | 0.5% |
459 | 902 | 0.5% |
502 | 971 | 0.5% |
503 | 977 | 0.5% |
531 | 949 | 0.5% |
581 | 962 | 0.5% |
607 | 1062 | 0.5% |
650 | 1077 | 0.5% |
654 | 1015 | 0.5% |
655 | 1031 | 0.5% |
662 | 1009 | 0.5% |
668 | 934 | 0.5% |
460 | 877 | 0.4% |
504 | 830 | 0.4% |
540 | 711 | 0.4% |
556 | 766 | 0.4% |
562 | 804 | 0.4% |
568 | 693 | 0.4% |
570 | 876 | 0.4% |
585 | 711 | 0.4% |
608 | 815 | 0.4% |
620 | 718 | 0.4% |
649 | 756 | 0.4% |
653 | 808 | 0.4% |
676 | 862 | 0.4% |
756 | 876 | 0.4% |
442 | 568 | 0.3% |
463 | 532 | 0.3% |
518 | 542 | 0.3% |
519 | 592 | 0.3% |
526 | 630 | 0.3% |
529 | 667 | 0.3% |
538 | 685 | 0.3% |
542 | 562 | 0.3% |
631 | 640 | 0.3% |
687 | 607 | 0.3% |
740 | 538 | 0.3% |
517 | 486 | 0.2% |
575 | 385 | 0.2% |
666 | 398 | 0.2% |
679 | 446 | 0.2% |
692 | 463 | 0.2% |
358 | 149 | 0.1% |
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, Sta3n) %>%
group_by(Sta3n) %>%
count() %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(n) %>%
mutate(Sta3n = factor(Sta3n, Sta3n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Sta3n, y = n)) %>%
add(geom_segment(aes(x = Sta3n, xend = Sta3n, y = 0, yend = n),
color = "grey")) %>%
add(geom_point(color = "black",
fill = "purple",
pch = 21,
size = 1.5,
alpha = 0.5)) %>%
add(theme_classic(10)) %>%
add(coord_flip()) %>%
y = "Number of Pts. in Sample",
x = "Sta3n"
Sta3n by person and sample year
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, SampleYear, Sta3n) %>%
multTable(rc = "row", Sta3n, SampleYear) %>%
Sta3n | 2008 | 2016 |
358 | 40.3% (60) | 59.7% (89) |
402 | 51.3% (722) | 48.7% (686) |
405 | 54.9% (491) | 45.1% (403) |
436 | 48.7% (582) | 51.3% (612) |
437 | 48.6% (530) | 51.4% (561) |
438 | 53.7% (522) | 46.3% (450) |
442 | 41.4% (237) | 58.6% (335) |
459 | 46.2% (419) | 53.8% (487) |
460 | 50.5% (445) | 49.5% (436) |
463 | 48.0% (257) | 52.0% (278) |
501 | 47.2% (722) | 52.8% (808) |
502 | 51.2% (500) | 48.8% (476) |
503 | 51.2% (504) | 48.8% (480) |
504 | 56.3% (469) | 43.7% (364) |
506 | 42.0% (551) | 58.0% (762) |
508 | 42.4% (1118) | 57.6% (1518) |
509 | 51.5% (565) | 48.5% (532) |
512 | 53.8% (853) | 46.2% (733) |
515 | 49.3% (671) | 50.7% (689) |
516 | 51.3% (1823) | 48.7% (1730) |
517 | 49.8% (242) | 50.2% (244) |
518 | 54.0% (293) | 46.0% (250) |
519 | 54.0% (321) | 46.0% (273) |
520 | 52.2% (990) | 47.8% (906) |
521 | 49.9% (880) | 50.1% (882) |
523 | 58.1% (751) | 41.9% (541) |
526 | 52.8% (335) | 47.2% (300) |
528 | 52.7% (2377) | 47.3% (2137) |
529 | 48.9% (328) | 51.1% (343) |
531 | 44.9% (428) | 55.1% (526) |
534 | 43.7% (809) | 56.3% (1043) |
537 | 54.9% (742) | 45.1% (610) |
538 | 54.1% (373) | 45.9% (316) |
539 | 47.1% (553) | 52.9% (620) |
540 | 55.6% (398) | 44.4% (318) |
541 | 50.0% (1759) | 50.0% (1756) |
542 | 57.7% (325) | 42.3% (238) |
544 | 47.6% (1210) | 52.4% (1331) |
546 | 53.3% (810) | 46.7% (710) |
548 | 55.6% (1210) | 44.4% (968) |
549 | 48.1% (1818) | 51.9% (1964) |
550 | 52.3% (617) | 47.7% (563) |
552 | 50.6% (573) | 49.4% (559) |
553 | 51.4% (643) | 48.6% (608) |
554 | 45.2% (1023) | 54.8% (1238) |
556 | 55.4% (426) | 44.6% (343) |
557 | 51.2% (596) | 48.8% (568) |
558 | 45.9% (760) | 54.1% (895) |
561 | 56.0% (1031) | 44.0% (810) |
562 | 50.9% (411) | 49.1% (397) |
564 | 50.8% (927) | 49.2% (899) |
565 | 46.0% (907) | 54.0% (1066) |
568 | 54.9% (383) | 45.1% (314) |
570 | 47.1% (415) | 52.9% (466) |
573 | 52.4% (2399) | 47.6% (2177) |
575 | 50.0% (194) | 50.0% (194) |
578 | 52.4% (923) | 47.6% (839) |
580 | 49.9% (1598) | 50.1% (1603) |
581 | 56.3% (543) | 43.7% (422) |
583 | 49.4% (841) | 50.6% (861) |
585 | 51.0% (364) | 49.0% (350) |
586 | 57.5% (894) | 42.5% (662) |
589 | 51.4% (2348) | 48.6% (2217) |
590 | 45.3% (554) | 54.7% (669) |
593 | 47.0% (708) | 53.0% (799) |
595 | 55.2% (849) | 44.8% (688) |
596 | 52.3% (633) | 47.7% (577) |
598 | 51.9% (885) | 48.1% (821) |
600 | 48.3% (708) | 51.7% (759) |
603 | 51.1% (775) | 48.9% (742) |
605 | 49.9% (1093) | 50.1% (1097) |
607 | 53.0% (565) | 47.0% (501) |
608 | 48.0% (393) | 52.0% (425) |
610 | 52.2% (784) | 47.8% (717) |
612 | 48.6% (1178) | 51.4% (1247) |
613 | 52.4% (598) | 47.6% (544) |
614 | 49.8% (739) | 50.2% (744) |
618 | 45.8% (1080) | 54.2% (1279) |
619 | 46.7% (653) | 53.3% (744) |
620 | 56.9% (409) | 43.1% (310) |
621 | 50.9% (956) | 49.1% (923) |
623 | 50.9% (621) | 49.1% (599) |
626 | 46.8% (1203) | 53.2% (1368) |
629 | 48.7% (621) | 51.3% (653) |
630 | 55.2% (684) | 44.8% (555) |
631 | 38.3% (247) | 61.7% (398) |
632 | 54.9% (602) | 45.1% (494) |
635 | 52.9% (920) | 47.1% (820) |
636 | 52.3% (2279) | 47.7% (2077) |
637 | 44.8% (566) | 55.2% (697) |
640 | 49.6% (913) | 50.4% (928) |
642 | 53.8% (781) | 46.2% (671) |
644 | 45.2% (1037) | 54.8% (1257) |
646 | 50.4% (912) | 49.6% (899) |
648 | 44.9% (924) | 55.1% (1136) |
649 | 51.2% (389) | 48.8% (371) |
650 | 54.8% (594) | 45.2% (490) |
652 | 42.8% (646) | 57.2% (863) |
653 | 48.8% (396) | 51.2% (416) |
654 | 50.3% (514) | 49.7% (507) |
655 | 47.3% (490) | 52.7% (545) |
656 | 51.1% (588) | 48.9% (563) |
657 | 51.6% (1891) | 48.4% (1777) |
658 | 50.5% (619) | 49.5% (606) |
659 | 50.1% (1096) | 49.9% (1092) |
660 | 50.6% (666) | 49.4% (650) |
662 | 50.6% (512) | 49.4% (500) |
663 | 44.8% (951) | 55.2% (1171) |
664 | 49.4% (1020) | 50.6% (1046) |
666 | 49.6% (199) | 50.4% (202) |
667 | 55.6% (677) | 44.4% (540) |
668 | 46.3% (434) | 53.7% (504) |
671 | 48.6% (1154) | 51.4% (1222) |
672 | 55.3% (1295) | 44.7% (1045) |
673 | 61.0% (1873) | 39.0% (1197) |
674 | 47.7% (1236) | 52.3% (1353) |
675 | 0.0% (0) | 100.0% (1619) |
676 | 54.6% (474) | 45.4% (394) |
678 | 53.0% (846) | 47.0% (749) |
679 | 50.7% (228) | 49.3% (222) |
687 | 48.5% (295) | 51.5% (313) |
688 | 44.7% (575) | 55.3% (712) |
689 | 54.6% (1012) | 45.4% (841) |
691 | 53.3% (1406) | 46.7% (1233) |
692 | 57.1% (266) | 42.9% (200) |
693 | 57.2% (796) | 42.8% (595) |
695 | 51.7% (988) | 48.3% (923) |
740 | 0.0% (0) | 100.0% (538) |
756 | 48.9% (430) | 51.1% (449) |
757 | 47.2% (551) | 52.8% (616) |
By Sta6a
weightSamples %>%
tabyl(Sta6a) %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
arrange(desc(percent)) %>%
Sta6a | n | percent |
580 | 25896 | 1.1% |
549 | 24649 | 1.0% |
672 | 23379 | 1.0% |
516 | 22071 | 0.9% |
652 | 19348 | 0.8% |
673 | 18963 | 0.8% |
501 | 16058 | 0.7% |
583 | 17062 | 0.7% |
586 | 15912 | 0.7% |
618 | 16242 | 0.7% |
695 | 16179 | 0.7% |
521 | 13752 | 0.6% |
537 | 13578 | 0.6% |
548 | 14932 | 0.6% |
558 | 14214 | 0.6% |
570 | 13442 | 0.6% |
578 | 14320 | 0.6% |
600 | 14308 | 0.6% |
644 | 15349 | 0.6% |
678 | 13943 | 0.6% |
508 | 11145 | 0.5% |
546 | 11970 | 0.5% |
552 | 11577 | 0.5% |
553 | 12605 | 0.5% |
554 | 11889 | 0.5% |
589 | 11218 | 0.5% |
605 | 13284 | 0.5% |
621 | 12607 | 0.5% |
635 | 12800 | 0.5% |
657 | 10967 | 0.5% |
658 | 11084 | 0.5% |
663 | 11930 | 0.5% |
674 | 12684 | 0.5% |
688 | 12354 | 0.5% |
691 | 12356 | 0.5% |
402 | 8789 | 0.4% |
509A0 | 10829 | 0.4% |
512 | 9960 | 0.4% |
516BZ | 9704 | 0.4% |
526 | 9663 | 0.4% |
534 | 9219 | 0.4% |
541 | 10799 | 0.4% |
544 | 8655 | 0.4% |
549BY | 9415 | 0.4% |
564 | 9198 | 0.4% |
573 | 10644 | 0.4% |
589A4 | 8746 | 0.4% |
590 | 10488 | 0.4% |
593 | 10805 | 0.4% |
598A0 | 9092 | 0.4% |
612A4 | 9331 | 0.4% |
626 | 9953 | 0.4% |
630 | 10048 | 0.4% |
632 | 9856 | 0.4% |
636 | 9961 | 0.4% |
637 | 10764 | 0.4% |
642 | 9793 | 0.4% |
654 | 9694 | 0.4% |
656 | 8680 | 0.4% |
659 | 10897 | 0.4% |
663A4 | 9975 | 0.4% |
667 | 9494 | 0.4% |
668 | 8884 | 0.4% |
671 | 10495 | 0.4% |
671BY | 9704 | 0.4% |
689 | 10750 | 0.4% |
437 | 7180 | 0.3% |
438 | 7963 | 0.3% |
504 | 7059 | 0.3% |
506 | 7647 | 0.3% |
508QF | 6239 | 0.3% |
517 | 7241 | 0.3% |
520 | 6653 | 0.3% |
528 | 7992 | 0.3% |
528A7 | 7952 | 0.3% |
531 | 8079 | 0.3% |
539 | 7432 | 0.3% |
541GG | 6468 | 0.3% |
546BZ | 6332 | 0.3% |
556 | 8062 | 0.3% |
557 | 7949 | 0.3% |
561 | 6838 | 0.3% |
561A4 | 6499 | 0.3% |
564BY | 6384 | 0.3% |
565 | 7677 | 0.3% |
565GL | 6890 | 0.3% |
573BY | 8238 | 0.3% |
581 | 8439 | 0.3% |
589A5 | 7471 | 0.3% |
595 | 7780 | 0.3% |
596 | 8419 | 0.3% |
607 | 6858 | 0.3% |
610A4 | 6373 | 0.3% |
614 | 7031 | 0.3% |
623 | 6159 | 0.3% |
629 | 7525 | 0.3% |
630A4 | 8218 | 0.3% |
636A6 | 8076 | 0.3% |
640 | 6387 | 0.3% |
648 | 6265 | 0.3% |
650 | 8272 | 0.3% |
655 | 8008 | 0.3% |
659BY | 6566 | 0.3% |
660 | 7619 | 0.3% |
662 | 8456 | 0.3% |
664 | 7012 | 0.3% |
664BY | 6195 | 0.3% |
673BZ | 6241 | 0.3% |
674BY | 8177 | 0.3% |
689A4 | 7142 | 0.3% |
691A4 | 8265 | 0.3% |
693 | 8150 | 0.3% |
695BY | 6099 | 0.3% |
756 | 7114 | 0.3% |
757 | 8053 | 0.3% |
405 | 5235 | 0.2% |
459 | 5146 | 0.2% |
460 | 4527 | 0.2% |
502 | 5642 | 0.2% |
503 | 3798 | 0.2% |
506GA | 4577 | 0.2% |
508GA | 4917 | 0.2% |
515 | 4220 | 0.2% |
515BY | 3910 | 0.2% |
516GA | 3644 | 0.2% |
516GE | 3795 | 0.2% |
520BZ | 5923 | 0.2% |
521GA | 3831 | 0.2% |
523 | 4073 | 0.2% |
523A5 | 5046 | 0.2% |
528A8 | 5229 | 0.2% |
528GE | 3647 | 0.2% |
529 | 3671 | 0.2% |
537BY | 5203 | 0.2% |
537GD | 4655 | 0.2% |
538 | 5722 | 0.2% |
540 | 5995 | 0.2% |
541BY | 5391 | 0.2% |
541BZ | 4808 | 0.2% |
541GD | 4005 | 0.2% |
542 | 3705 | 0.2% |
544BZ | 3639 | 0.2% |
549A4 | 4982 | 0.2% |
550 | 4740 | 0.2% |
554GE | 4855 | 0.2% |
558GA | 5019 | 0.2% |
558GB | 4753 | 0.2% |
561BZ | 4085 | 0.2% |
562 | 4719 | 0.2% |
564GB | 4090 | 0.2% |
573A4 | 5818 | 0.2% |
573GD | 3979 | 0.2% |
573GF | 5153 | 0.2% |
575 | 4432 | 0.2% |
580BY | 4063 | 0.2% |
585 | 4442 | 0.2% |
589A7 | 6040 | 0.2% |
593GD | 4582 | 0.2% |
595GA | 3803 | 0.2% |
596A4 | 4707 | 0.2% |
603GB | 3942 | 0.2% |
603GC | 4137 | 0.2% |
603GE | 4296 | 0.2% |
608 | 5530 | 0.2% |
612B4 | 5353 | 0.2% |
612GF | 3812 | 0.2% |
612GH | 3896 | 0.2% |
613 | 5306 | 0.2% |
614GF | 5023 | 0.2% |
619 | 3850 | 0.2% |
619A4 | 5739 | 0.2% |
623BY | 5634 | 0.2% |
626A4 | 5673 | 0.2% |
626GF | 4202 | 0.2% |
629BY | 5138 | 0.2% |
636A8 | 5788 | 0.2% |
644BY | 5231 | 0.2% |
646 | 5637 | 0.2% |
646A4 | 3748 | 0.2% |
648A4 | 5771 | 0.2% |
649 | 4245 | 0.2% |
653 | 4317 | 0.2% |
657A0 | 4909 | 0.2% |
657A5 | 4820 | 0.2% |
657GJ | 4659 | 0.2% |
659GA | 4046 | 0.2% |
672B0 | 5399 | 0.2% |
672BZ | 4782 | 0.2% |
673GA | 3635 | 0.2% |
674A4 | 5475 | 0.2% |
675GA | 5724 | 0.2% |
675GG | 4182 | 0.2% |
676 | 3679 | 0.2% |
679 | 4539 | 0.2% |
691GE | 3992 | 0.2% |
Missing | 2447 | 0.1% |
402GD | 2109 | 0.1% |
402HB | 3201 | 0.1% |
405HA | 1474 | 0.1% |
436 | 3260 | 0.1% |
436GB | 1307 | 0.1% |
436GC | 1643 | 0.1% |
436GF | 1598 | 0.1% |
436GH | 2030 | 0.1% |
437GB | 1403 | 0.1% |
438GC | 1266 | 0.1% |
442 | 3535 | 0.1% |
442GC | 1267 | 0.1% |
463 | 3138 | 0.1% |
502GA | 1429 | 0.1% |
502GB | 2532 | 0.1% |
503GA | 1265 | 0.1% |
503GB | 1217 | 0.1% |
504BY | 3358 | 0.1% |
508GE | 2315 | 0.1% |
508GF | 2707 | 0.1% |
508GG | 1711 | 0.1% |
508GH | 3221 | 0.1% |
508GI | 1213 | 0.1% |
509GA | 1303 | 0.1% |
512A5 | 2285 | 0.1% |
512GA | 1367 | 0.1% |
512GC | 1862 | 0.1% |
512GD | 2156 | 0.1% |
516GC | 2900 | 0.1% |
516GD | 2988 | 0.1% |
516GF | 2781 | 0.1% |
516GH | 1468 | 0.1% |
518 | 2623 | 0.1% |
519 | 2235 | 0.1% |
519HC | 1363 | 0.1% |
520GA | 3505 | 0.1% |
520GB | 1921 | 0.1% |
520GC | 1284 | 0.1% |
521GC | 1300 | 0.1% |
521GD | 2586 | 0.1% |
521GE | 1516 | 0.1% |
523A4 | 3217 | 0.1% |
523BY | 1632 | 0.1% |
523BZ | 3133 | 0.1% |
528A4 | 1662 | 0.1% |
528A5 | 3016 | 0.1% |
528A6 | 2864 | 0.1% |
528G9 | 1214 | 0.1% |
528GM | 3034 | 0.1% |
528GN | 1795 | 0.1% |
528GO | 1907 | 0.1% |
528GQ | 1406 | 0.1% |
528GT | 1592 | 0.1% |
534BY | 2984 | 0.1% |
534GB | 2746 | 0.1% |
534GC | 1407 | 0.1% |
534GD | 3098 | 0.1% |
537HA | 1241 | 0.1% |
538GB | 1497 | 0.1% |
539GA | 1382 | 0.1% |
539GB | 2248 | 0.1% |
539GC | 1447 | 0.1% |
539GD | 1394 | 0.1% |
539GE | 1375 | 0.1% |
540GB | 1219 | 0.1% |
541A0 | 2598 | 0.1% |
541GB | 3445 | 0.1% |
541GC | 2161 | 0.1% |
541GE | 2007 | 0.1% |
541GF | 3257 | 0.1% |
541GH | 1412 | 0.1% |
541GI | 1958 | 0.1% |
541GJ | 1495 | 0.1% |
541GK | 1838 | 0.1% |
541GL | 2249 | 0.1% |
544GB | 2062 | 0.1% |
544GC | 1828 | 0.1% |
544GD | 1467 | 0.1% |
546GD | 1335 | 0.1% |
548GA | 1343 | 0.1% |
548GB | 2176 | 0.1% |
548GC | 1869 | 0.1% |
549GD | 1720 | 0.1% |
550BY | 2740 | 0.1% |
550GA | 1215 | 0.1% |
550GD | 1512 | 0.1% |
552GA | 1308 | 0.1% |
552GB | 1580 | 0.1% |
552GC | 1329 | 0.1% |
554GB | 3255 | 0.1% |
554GC | 3480 | 0.1% |
554GD | 2122 | 0.1% |
556GC | 1426 | 0.1% |
557GA | 2353 | 0.1% |
557GB | 1609 | 0.1% |
558GC | 1940 | 0.1% |
561GD | 2395 | 0.1% |
565GA | 1381 | 0.1% |
565GC | 2090 | 0.1% |
568 | 3124 | 0.1% |
568A4 | 1689 | 0.1% |
568GA | 1484 | 0.1% |
570GB | 1712 | 0.1% |
573BZ | 3300 | 0.1% |
573GA | 1273 | 0.1% |
573GE | 1955 | 0.1% |
573GG | 2444 | 0.1% |
573GH | 1254 | 0.1% |
573GI | 3273 | 0.1% |
578GA | 1751 | 0.1% |
578GG | 2286 | 0.1% |
580BZ | 3275 | 0.1% |
580GC | 2957 | 0.1% |
580GD | 3412 | 0.1% |
580GE | 1606 | 0.1% |
580GG | 1318 | 0.1% |
580GH | 1935 | 0.1% |
581GA | 2040 | 0.1% |
581GB | 2691 | 0.1% |
583GA | 1700 | 0.1% |
586GB | 1351 | 0.1% |
586GD | 2351 | 0.1% |
589A6 | 3422 | 0.1% |
590GB | 1935 | 0.1% |
593GB | 1539 | 0.1% |
593GC | 1677 | 0.1% |
593GE | 2929 | 0.1% |
593GF | 2652 | 0.1% |
593GG | 2878 | 0.1% |
595GC | 1660 | 0.1% |
595GD | 1648 | 0.1% |
595GE | 2277 | 0.1% |
596GA | 1891 | 0.1% |
598 | 3249 | 0.1% |
598GA | 1571 | 0.1% |
598GC | 2120 | 0.1% |
600GB | 1332 | 0.1% |
603 | 1291 | 0.1% |
603GA | 2216 | 0.1% |
605GA | 1736 | 0.1% |
605GB | 1609 | 0.1% |
605GC | 2110 | 0.1% |
605GE | 1273 | 0.1% |
607HA | 2439 | 0.1% |
610 | 3123 | 0.1% |
610GA | 2083 | 0.1% |
610GB | 1239 | 0.1% |
612BY | 3479 | 0.1% |
612GG | 2187 | 0.1% |
613GA | 1562 | 0.1% |
613GB | 1689 | 0.1% |
613GC | 1721 | 0.1% |
613GF | 1245 | 0.1% |
614GA | 1401 | 0.1% |
614GB | 1251 | 0.1% |
614GE | 3601 | 0.1% |
618BY | 2324 | 0.1% |
618GD | 1287 | 0.1% |
619GB | 1831 | 0.1% |
619GF | 2845 | 0.1% |
619QB | 2006 | 0.1% |
620 | 1704 | 0.1% |
620A4 | 2487 | 0.1% |
621BY | 2979 | 0.1% |
626GE | 1905 | 0.1% |
629GA | 1765 | 0.1% |
629GB | 1886 | 0.1% |
629GC | 1856 | 0.1% |
629GD | 1321 | 0.1% |
630A5 | 1537 | 0.1% |
631 | 2264 | 0.1% |
631BY | 2120 | 0.1% |
632GA | 1895 | 0.1% |
632HD | 1265 | 0.1% |
635GA | 2910 | 0.1% |
635GB | 1563 | 0.1% |
635QB | 1788 | 0.1% |
636A4 | 3484 | 0.1% |
636A5 | 3327 | 0.1% |
636GC | 1579 | 0.1% |
636GF | 3199 | 0.1% |
636GH | 1505 | 0.1% |
636GI | 1377 | 0.1% |
636GK | 1724 | 0.1% |
640A4 | 2010 | 0.1% |
640BY | 3257 | 0.1% |
640HA | 2264 | 0.1% |
640HB | 2350 | 0.1% |
640HC | 3281 | 0.1% |
642GA | 1432 | 0.1% |
642GC | 2323 | 0.1% |
642GD | 1534 | 0.1% |
644GA | 3195 | 0.1% |
644GB | 1370 | 0.1% |
644GE | 2873 | 0.1% |
646GA | 1515 | 0.1% |
646GB | 2066 | 0.1% |
646GC | 1417 | 0.1% |
646GD | 1253 | 0.1% |
648GA | 1632 | 0.1% |
648GB | 2650 | 0.1% |
648GE | 2838 | 0.1% |
648GF | 1630 | 0.1% |
648GG | 1573 | 0.1% |
650GB | 1304 | 0.1% |
652GA | 2446 | 0.1% |
653BY | 3108 | 0.1% |
653GA | 1230 | 0.1% |
656GA | 1851 | 0.1% |
657A4 | 3364 | 0.1% |
657GA | 1413 | 0.1% |
657GB | 1743 | 0.1% |
657GD | 1372 | 0.1% |
657GH | 1436 | 0.1% |
657GI | 1256 | 0.1% |
657GL | 1797 | 0.1% |
658GB | 2512 | 0.1% |
659BZ | 1415 | 0.1% |
660GA | 1551 | 0.1% |
662GA | 2328 | 0.1% |
662GC | 1689 | 0.1% |
663GA | 2919 | 0.1% |
663GB | 1526 | 0.1% |
663GC | 1470 | 0.1% |
664GB | 2626 | 0.1% |
664GC | 1679 | 0.1% |
664GD | 1779 | 0.1% |
666 | 2171 | 0.1% |
667GA | 2984 | 0.1% |
667GB | 2281 | 0.1% |
667GC | 2293 | 0.1% |
668GB | 1428 | 0.1% |
671A4 | 3539 | 0.1% |
671GB | 1243 | 0.1% |
671GF | 1930 | 0.1% |
671GK | 2846 | 0.1% |
671GO | 2841 | 0.1% |
672GC | 2196 | 0.1% |
673BY | 2129 | 0.1% |
673GB | 3446 | 0.1% |
673GC | 2515 | 0.1% |
673GF | 1289 | 0.1% |
674GA | 1314 | 0.1% |
674GB | 1486 | 0.1% |
674GC | 2124 | 0.1% |
674GD | 1911 | 0.1% |
675 | 3057 | 0.1% |
675GB | 3291 | 0.1% |
676GA | 1289 | 0.1% |
676GC | 1793 | 0.1% |
678GA | 2344 | 0.1% |
678GB | 1296 | 0.1% |
678GC | 1430 | 0.1% |
678GF | 2851 | 0.1% |
678GG | 1213 | 0.1% |
687 | 2172 | 0.1% |
688GA | 1238 | 0.1% |
689HC | 1548 | 0.1% |
691GB | 1418 | 0.1% |
691GD | 2960 | 0.1% |
691GG | 1359 | 0.1% |
691GL | 1385 | 0.1% |
691GM | 2167 | 0.1% |
692 | 2133 | 0.1% |
693B4 | 3375 | 0.1% |
693GA | 1309 | 0.1% |
695GA | 2039 | 0.1% |
695GC | 1508 | 0.1% |
695GD | 2424 | 0.1% |
740GA | 1249 | 0.1% |
740GB | 2163 | 0.1% |
740GC | 1437 | 0.1% |
757GA | 1706 | 0.1% |
358 | 1089 | 0.0% |
402GA | 881 | 0.0% |
402GB | 440 | 0.0% |
402GC | 881 | 0.0% |
402GE | 891 | 0.0% |
402GF | 278 | 0.0% |
402HC | 589 | 0.0% |
402HL | 110 | 0.0% |
402QA | 70 | 0.0% |
402QB | 51 | 0.0% |
405GA | 646 | 0.0% |
405GC | 200 | 0.0% |
405HC | 834 | 0.0% |
405HE | 168 | 0.0% |
405HF | 632 | 0.0% |
436GA | 280 | 0.0% |
436GD | 628 | 0.0% |
436GI | 161 | 0.0% |
436GJ | 389 | 0.0% |
436GK | 234 | 0.0% |
436GL | 246 | 0.0% |
436GM | 171 | 0.0% |
436HC | 139 | 0.0% |
437GA | 413 | 0.0% |
437GC | 541 | 0.0% |
437GD | 804 | 0.0% |
437GE | 697 | 0.0% |
437GF | 275 | 0.0% |
437GI | 778 | 0.0% |
438GA | 724 | 0.0% |
438GD | 914 | 0.0% |
438GE | 128 | 0.0% |
438GF | 406 | 0.0% |
442BU | 13 | 0.0% |
442GB | 106 | 0.0% |
442GD | 1040 | 0.0% |
442HK | 45 | 0.0% |
442QA | 62 | 0.0% |
442QB | 33 | 0.0% |
459GA | 690 | 0.0% |
459GB | 607 | 0.0% |
459GC | 425 | 0.0% |
459GD | 348 | 0.0% |
459GE | 872 | 0.0% |
459GF | 436 | 0.0% |
459GG | 720 | 0.0% |
460GA | 928 | 0.0% |
460GC | 674 | 0.0% |
460GD | 286 | 0.0% |
460HE | 752 | 0.0% |
460HG | 648 | 0.0% |
460HK | 34 | 0.0% |
463GA | 560 | 0.0% |
463GB | 640 | 0.0% |
463GC | 221 | 0.0% |
463GE | 0 | 0.0% |
501G2 | 343 | 0.0% |
501GA | 813 | 0.0% |
501GB | 843 | 0.0% |
501GC | 501 | 0.0% |
501GD | 628 | 0.0% |
501GE | 670 | 0.0% |
501GH | 637 | 0.0% |
501GI | 572 | 0.0% |
501GJ | 693 | 0.0% |
501GK | 869 | 0.0% |
501GM | 753 | 0.0% |
501HB | 414 | 0.0% |
502GE | 327 | 0.0% |
502GF | 506 | 0.0% |
502GG | 155 | 0.0% |
503GC | 1120 | 0.0% |
503GD | 195 | 0.0% |
503GE | 263 | 0.0% |
504BZ | 704 | 0.0% |
504GA | 160 | 0.0% |
504HB | 84 | 0.0% |
506GB | 832 | 0.0% |
506GC | 1086 | 0.0% |
508GJ | 636 | 0.0% |
508GK | 812 | 0.0% |
509 | 155 | 0.0% |
509GB | 882 | 0.0% |
512GE | 504 | 0.0% |
512GF | 1069 | 0.0% |
512GG | 699 | 0.0% |
512QA | 0 | 0.0% |
515GA | 1040 | 0.0% |
515GB | 1139 | 0.0% |
515GC | 544 | 0.0% |
516GB | 1021 | 0.0% |
517GB | 243 | 0.0% |
517QA | 183 | 0.0% |
518GA | 466 | 0.0% |
518GB | 523 | 0.0% |
518GE | 197 | 0.0% |
518GG | 216 | 0.0% |
519GA | 1153 | 0.0% |
519GB | 374 | 0.0% |
519GD | 33 | 0.0% |
519HD | 15 | 0.0% |
519HF | 862 | 0.0% |
521GB | 513 | 0.0% |
521GF | 969 | 0.0% |
521GG | 920 | 0.0% |
521GH | 610 | 0.0% |
521GI | 1142 | 0.0% |
521GJ | 434 | 0.0% |
523GA | 548 | 0.0% |
523GB | 990 | 0.0% |
523GC | 490 | 0.0% |
523GD | 169 | 0.0% |
526GA | 778 | 0.0% |
526GB | 393 | 0.0% |
526GC | 257 | 0.0% |
526GD | 248 | 0.0% |
528G1 | 136 | 0.0% |
528G2 | 221 | 0.0% |
528G3 | 605 | 0.0% |
528G4 | 895 | 0.0% |
528G5 | 665 | 0.0% |
528G6 | 508 | 0.0% |
528G7 | 681 | 0.0% |
528G8 | 390 | 0.0% |
528GB | 789 | 0.0% |
528GC | 729 | 0.0% |
528GD | 721 | 0.0% |
528GK | 481 | 0.0% |
528GL | 898 | 0.0% |
528GP | 755 | 0.0% |
528GR | 860 | 0.0% |
528GV | 786 | 0.0% |
528GW | 714 | 0.0% |
528GX | 700 | 0.0% |
528GY | 980 | 0.0% |
528GZ | 940 | 0.0% |
528J1 | 117 | 0.0% |
529GA | 552 | 0.0% |
529GB | 364 | 0.0% |
529GC | 272 | 0.0% |
529GD | 304 | 0.0% |
529GF | 398 | 0.0% |
531GE | 1007 | 0.0% |
531GG | 763 | 0.0% |
534GE | 889 | 0.0% |
534GF | 0 | 0.0% |
534QA | 275 | 0.0% |
537GA | 902 | 0.0% |
538GA | 722 | 0.0% |
538GC | 626 | 0.0% |
538GD | 802 | 0.0% |
538GE | 498 | 0.0% |
539GF | 574 | 0.0% |
539QA | 18 | 0.0% |
540GA | 573 | 0.0% |
540GC | 518 | 0.0% |
540GD | 413 | 0.0% |
540HK | 27 | 0.0% |
542GA | 1039 | 0.0% |
542GE | 879 | 0.0% |
544GE | 632 | 0.0% |
544GF | 1062 | 0.0% |
544GG | 798 | 0.0% |
546GA | 47 | 0.0% |
546GB | 844 | 0.0% |
546GC | 1074 | 0.0% |
546GE | 580 | 0.0% |
546GF | 1188 | 0.0% |
546GG | 101 | 0.0% |
546GH | 509 | 0.0% |
548GD | 865 | 0.0% |
548GE | 1070 | 0.0% |
548GF | 780 | 0.0% |
548QA | 0 | 0.0% |
549GA | 785 | 0.0% |
549GC | 518 | 0.0% |
549GE | 704 | 0.0% |
549GF | 577 | 0.0% |
549GH | 493 | 0.0% |
549GJ | 652 | 0.0% |
549GL | 58 | 0.0% |
549HA | 155 | 0.0% |
549QC | 732 | 0.0% |
550GC | 686 | 0.0% |
550GF | 256 | 0.0% |
552GD | 1209 | 0.0% |
553GA | 1190 | 0.0% |
553GB | 1160 | 0.0% |
554A5 | 1089 | 0.0% |
554GF | 480 | 0.0% |
554GG | 560 | 0.0% |
554GH | 249 | 0.0% |
554GI | 125 | 0.0% |
556GA | 746 | 0.0% |
556GD | 1150 | 0.0% |
557GC | 213 | 0.0% |
557GE | 300 | 0.0% |
557GF | 43 | 0.0% |
557HA | 360 | 0.0% |
561GA | 707 | 0.0% |
561GB | 548 | 0.0% |
561GE | 613 | 0.0% |
561GF | 686 | 0.0% |
561GG | 76 | 0.0% |
561GH | 802 | 0.0% |
561GI | 889 | 0.0% |
561GJ | 650 | 0.0% |
562GA | 921 | 0.0% |
562GB | 765 | 0.0% |
562GC | 425 | 0.0% |
562GD | 515 | 0.0% |
562GE | 623 | 0.0% |
564GA | 929 | 0.0% |
564GC | 818 | 0.0% |
564GD | 65 | 0.0% |
564GE | 551 | 0.0% |
565GD | 577 | 0.0% |
565GE | 669 | 0.0% |
565GF | 303 | 0.0% |
565GG | 136 | 0.0% |
568GB | 315 | 0.0% |
568HA | 33 | 0.0% |
568HB | 100 | 0.0% |
568HC | 100 | 0.0% |
568HF | 20 | 0.0% |
568HH | 391 | 0.0% |
568HJ | 158 | 0.0% |
568HM | 49 | 0.0% |
568HP | 300 | 0.0% |
570GA | 1105 | 0.0% |
570GC | 352 | 0.0% |
573GJ | 557 | 0.0% |
573GK | 953 | 0.0% |
573GL | 511 | 0.0% |
573GM | 412 | 0.0% |
573GN | 238 | 0.0% |
573QJ | 1011 | 0.0% |
575GA | 435 | 0.0% |
575GB | 67 | 0.0% |
578GC | 984 | 0.0% |
578GD | 1114 | 0.0% |
578GE | 1144 | 0.0% |
578GF | 1098 | 0.0% |
580GF | 728 | 0.0% |
581GD | 62 | 0.0% |
581GE | 125 | 0.0% |
583GB | 1107 | 0.0% |
583GC | 419 | 0.0% |
583GF | 89 | 0.0% |
585GA | 441 | 0.0% |
585GB | 1037 | 0.0% |
585GC | 605 | 0.0% |
585GD | 419 | 0.0% |
585HA | 741 | 0.0% |
585HB | 384 | 0.0% |
586GA | 959 | 0.0% |
586GC | 1041 | 0.0% |
586GE | 1006 | 0.0% |
586GF | 645 | 0.0% |
586GG | 364 | 0.0% |
589BU | 0 | 0.0% |
589G1 | 874 | 0.0% |
589G2 | 379 | 0.0% |
589G3 | 24 | 0.0% |
589G4 | 591 | 0.0% |
589G5 | 537 | 0.0% |
589G7 | 364 | 0.0% |
589G8 | 713 | 0.0% |
589GB | 770 | 0.0% |
589GC | 549 | 0.0% |
589GD | 746 | 0.0% |
589GE | 977 | 0.0% |
589GF | 746 | 0.0% |
589GH | 848 | 0.0% |
589GI | 981 | 0.0% |
589GJ | 620 | 0.0% |
589GM | 192 | 0.0% |
589GN | 163 | 0.0% |
589GP | 58 | 0.0% |
589GQ | 4 | 0.0% |
589GR | 700 | 0.0% |
589GU | 234 | 0.0% |
589GV | 149 | 0.0% |
589GW | 844 | 0.0% |
589GX | 922 | 0.0% |
589GY | 541 | 0.0% |
589GZ | 402 | 0.0% |
589HK | 34 | 0.0% |
589JA | 291 | 0.0% |
589JB | 445 | 0.0% |
589JD | 183 | 0.0% |
589JE | 31 | 0.0% |
589JF | 898 | 0.0% |
590GC | 325 | 0.0% |
590GD | 648 | 0.0% |
593GH | 260 | 0.0% |
595GF | 611 | 0.0% |
596GB | 588 | 0.0% |
596GC | 309 | 0.0% |
596GD | 742 | 0.0% |
598GB | 694 | 0.0% |
598GD | 790 | 0.0% |
598GE | 849 | 0.0% |
598GF | 602 | 0.0% |
598GG | 738 | 0.0% |
598GH | 342 | 0.0% |
600GA | 1016 | 0.0% |
600GC | 311 | 0.0% |
600GD | 1013 | 0.0% |
600GE | 832 | 0.0% |
603GD | 1070 | 0.0% |
603GF | 918 | 0.0% |
603GG | 617 | 0.0% |
603GH | 271 | 0.0% |
605BZ | 363 | 0.0% |
605GD | 764 | 0.0% |
607GC | 1042 | 0.0% |
607GD | 622 | 0.0% |
607GE | 912 | 0.0% |
607GF | 553 | 0.0% |
608GA | 468 | 0.0% |
608GC | 794 | 0.0% |
608GD | 320 | 0.0% |
608HA | 704 | 0.0% |
610GC | 665 | 0.0% |
610GD | 540 | 0.0% |
612GD | 990 | 0.0% |
612GE | 788 | 0.0% |
612GI | 506 | 0.0% |
613BU | 0 | 0.0% |
613GD | 114 | 0.0% |
613GE | 547 | 0.0% |
613GG | 419 | 0.0% |
614AA | 198 | 0.0% |
614GC | 361 | 0.0% |
614GD | 820 | 0.0% |
614GG | 543 | 0.0% |
614GI | 316 | 0.0% |
614GN | 264 | 0.0% |
618GA | 1026 | 0.0% |
618GB | 787 | 0.0% |
618GE | 1016 | 0.0% |
618GG | 823 | 0.0% |
618GH | 908 | 0.0% |
618GI | 1034 | 0.0% |
618GJ | 386 | 0.0% |
618GK | 258 | 0.0% |
618QA | 1 | 0.0% |
619GA | 638 | 0.0% |
619GD | 425 | 0.0% |
619GE | 282 | 0.0% |
620BU | 138 | 0.0% |
620GA | 1038 | 0.0% |
620GB | 434 | 0.0% |
620GD | 575 | 0.0% |
620GE | 476 | 0.0% |
620GF | 280 | 0.0% |
620GG | 421 | 0.0% |
620GH | 144 | 0.0% |
621BU | 271 | 0.0% |
621GA | 487 | 0.0% |
621GC | 480 | 0.0% |
621GD | 384 | 0.0% |
621GG | 380 | 0.0% |
621GI | 443 | 0.0% |
621GJ | 497 | 0.0% |
621GK | 160 | 0.0% |
623GA | 541 | 0.0% |
623GB | 369 | 0.0% |
626GA | 333 | 0.0% |
626GC | 551 | 0.0% |
626GD | 299 | 0.0% |
626GG | 560 | 0.0% |
626GH | 1114 | 0.0% |
626GI | 35 | 0.0% |
626GJ | 902 | 0.0% |
626GK | 469 | 0.0% |
626GL | 257 | 0.0% |
626GM | 572 | 0.0% |
626GN | 135 | 0.0% |
626GO | 18 | 0.0% |
626QB | 27 | 0.0% |
629GE | 141 | 0.0% |
629GF | 185 | 0.0% |
630BZ | 453 | 0.0% |
630GA | 19 | 0.0% |
630GB | 583 | 0.0% |
630GC | 70 | 0.0% |
631GC | 467 | 0.0% |
631GD | 604 | 0.0% |
631GE | 897 | 0.0% |
631GF | 282 | 0.0% |
631QB | 0 | 0.0% |
632HA | 82 | 0.0% |
632HB | 691 | 0.0% |
632HC | 189 | 0.0% |
635GC | 207 | 0.0% |
635GD | 878 | 0.0% |
635GE | 328 | 0.0% |
635GF | 46 | 0.0% |
635GG | 228 | 0.0% |
635HB | 266 | 0.0% |
636A7 | 374 | 0.0% |
636BU | 44 | 0.0% |
636GA | 319 | 0.0% |
636GB | 958 | 0.0% |
636GD | 267 | 0.0% |
636GG | 830 | 0.0% |
636GJ | 676 | 0.0% |
636GL | 362 | 0.0% |
636GM | 105 | 0.0% |
636GN | 1132 | 0.0% |
636GP | 155 | 0.0% |
636GQ | 404 | 0.0% |
636GR | 477 | 0.0% |
636GS | 443 | 0.0% |
636GT | 414 | 0.0% |
636GU | 247 | 0.0% |
637GA | 656 | 0.0% |
637GB | 804 | 0.0% |
637GC | 909 | 0.0% |
640A0 | 53 | 0.0% |
640GA | 353 | 0.0% |
640GB | 1149 | 0.0% |
640GC | 598 | 0.0% |
642BU | 0 | 0.0% |
642GE | 5 | 0.0% |
644GC | 155 | 0.0% |
644GD | 351 | 0.0% |
644GF | 174 | 0.0% |
644GG | 314 | 0.0% |
646A5 | 935 | 0.0% |
646GE | 1013 | 0.0% |
648GD | 456 | 0.0% |
649GA | 499 | 0.0% |
649GB | 300 | 0.0% |
649GC | 741 | 0.0% |
649GD | 326 | 0.0% |
649GE | 679 | 0.0% |
649QC | 21 | 0.0% |
650GA | 964 | 0.0% |
650GD | 872 | 0.0% |
650GE | 20 | 0.0% |
652GB | 201 | 0.0% |
652GE | 1208 | 0.0% |
652GF | 327 | 0.0% |
653GB | 594 | 0.0% |
654GA | 1093 | 0.0% |
654GB | 1058 | 0.0% |
654GC | 825 | 0.0% |
654GD | 232 | 0.0% |
654QC | 0 | 0.0% |
655GA | 1148 | 0.0% |
655GB | 965 | 0.0% |
655GC | 882 | 0.0% |
655GD | 633 | 0.0% |
655GE | 745 | 0.0% |
655GF | 135 | 0.0% |
655GG | 249 | 0.0% |
655GH | 190 | 0.0% |
655GI | 155 | 0.0% |
656GB | 556 | 0.0% |
656GC | 362 | 0.0% |
657GE | 22 | 0.0% |
657GF | 1041 | 0.0% |
657GG | 762 | 0.0% |
657GK | 847 | 0.0% |
657GM | 1011 | 0.0% |
657GN | 81 | 0.0% |
657GO | 484 | 0.0% |
657GP | 955 | 0.0% |
657GQ | 391 | 0.0% |
657GR | 257 | 0.0% |
657GS | 188 | 0.0% |
657GT | 613 | 0.0% |
657GU | 247 | 0.0% |
657GV | 236 | 0.0% |
658GA | 488 | 0.0% |
658GC | 832 | 0.0% |
658GD | 419 | 0.0% |
658GE | 666 | 0.0% |
659GB | 164 | 0.0% |
660GB | 1188 | 0.0% |
660GC | 70 | 0.0% |
660GD | 327 | 0.0% |
660GE | 750 | 0.0% |
660GG | 836 | 0.0% |
660GI | 36 | 0.0% |
660GJ | 812 | 0.0% |
660GK | 96 | 0.0% |
662GD | 1146 | 0.0% |
662GE | 925 | 0.0% |
662GF | 560 | 0.0% |
662GG | 380 | 0.0% |
663GD | 648 | 0.0% |
663HK | 62 | 0.0% |
664GA | 485 | 0.0% |
666GB | 905 | 0.0% |
666GC | 505 | 0.0% |
666GD | 381 | 0.0% |
666GE | 389 | 0.0% |
666GF | 274 | 0.0% |
667QA | 6 | 0.0% |
668GA | 494 | 0.0% |
668HK | 145 | 0.0% |
671BZ | 1149 | 0.0% |
671GA | 80 | 0.0% |
671GD | 28 | 0.0% |
671GE | 0 | 0.0% |
671GH | 267 | 0.0% |
671GI | 13 | 0.0% |
671GL | 597 | 0.0% |
671GN | 121 | 0.0% |
671GP | 30 | 0.0% |
671GQ | 311 | 0.0% |
672GA | 287 | 0.0% |
672GB | 271 | 0.0% |
672GD | 1014 | 0.0% |
672GE | 1105 | 0.0% |
672QC | 61 | 0.0% |
673GD | 188 | 0.0% |
673GE | 305 | 0.0% |
674HB | 214 | 0.0% |
675GC | 912 | 0.0% |
675GD | 661 | 0.0% |
675GE | 580 | 0.0% |
675GF | 594 | 0.0% |
676GD | 1210 | 0.0% |
676GE | 283 | 0.0% |
678GD | 298 | 0.0% |
678GE | 1155 | 0.0% |
679HK | 141 | 0.0% |
687GA | 1016 | 0.0% |
687GB | 638 | 0.0% |
687GC | 242 | 0.0% |
687HA | 930 | 0.0% |
688GB | 608 | 0.0% |
688GC | 296 | 0.0% |
688GD | 891 | 0.0% |
688GE | 965 | 0.0% |
689GA | 672 | 0.0% |
689GB | 605 | 0.0% |
689GC | 580 | 0.0% |
689GD | 615 | 0.0% |
689GE | 526 | 0.0% |
689PA | 60 | 0.0% |
691GC | 945 | 0.0% |
691GF | 386 | 0.0% |
691GK | 1111 | 0.0% |
692GA | 406 | 0.0% |
692GB | 149 | 0.0% |
693GB | 995 | 0.0% |
693GC | 220 | 0.0% |
693GE | 114 | 0.0% |
693GF | 608 | 0.0% |
693GG | 731 | 0.0% |
740 | 772 | 0.0% |
740GD | 380 | 0.0% |
756GA | 1083 | 0.0% |
756GB | 755 | 0.0% |
757GB | 1092 | 0.0% |
757GC | 765 | 0.0% |
757GD | 1044 | 0.0% |
Bariatric Surgery Patients
By Person
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, SampleYear, Bariatric) %>%
select(-PatientICN) %>%
multTable(rc = "col", Bariatric, SampleYear) %>%
Bariatric | 2008 | 2016 |
No | 100.0% (98771) | 100.0% (98922) |
Yes | 0.0% (15) | 0.0% (36) |
By Weight Sample
Bariatric | 2008 | 2016 |
No | 100.0% (1213797) | 99.9% (1207228) |
Yes | 0.0% (596) | 0.1% (1506) |
Weight trajectories from just the bariatric surgery patients.
bar_sub <- weightSamples %>%
filter(Bariatric == "Yes" & SampleYear == "2016") %>%
WeightDate = as.Date(WeightDateTime, "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC"),
BariatricDate = as.Date(BariatricDateTime, "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC")
) %>%
select(PatientICN, WeightDate, Weight, BariatricDate)
post_bar <- bar_sub %>%
filter(WeightDate >= BariatricDate) %>%
group_by(PatientICN) %>%
arrange(PatientICN, WeightDate) %>%
time = as.numeric(WeightDate - BariatricDate)
) %>%
distinct() %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(PatientICN, Weight, time)
keys <- c("PatientICN", "time")
post_bar <-
post_bar <- post_bar[, list(mweight = mean(Weight)), keys]
p <- post_bar %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = mweight, group = PatientICN)) %>%
add(geom_line(alpha = 0.2)) %>%
add(geom_smooth(aes(group = 1),
method = "gam",
formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"),
se = FALSE,
color = "darkred",
size = 2)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Days Since Bariatric Surgery',
y = ''
)) %>%
add(ylim(100, 400))
all_bar <- bar_sub %>%
group_by(PatientICN) %>%
arrange(PatientICN, WeightDate) %>%
mutate(time = as.numeric(WeightDate - BariatricDate)) %>%
distinct() %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(PatientICN, Weight, time)
all_bar <-
all_bar <- all_bar[, list(mweight = mean(Weight)), keys]
q <- all_bar %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = mweight, group = PatientICN)) %>%
add(geom_line(alpha = 0.2)) %>%
add(geom_smooth(aes(group = 1),
method = "gam",
formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"),
se = FALSE,
color = "darkred",
size = 2)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Days',
y = 'Weight (lbs.)',
caption = "Days = 0 denotes Bariatric Surgery Date"
)) %>%
add(ylim(100, 400))
I’m just going to play here and make a GAM model, adjusting for person level effects
mod1 <- gam(mweight ~ s(time) + s(PatientICN, bs = "re"),
data = post_bar %>%
mutate(PatientICN = factor(PatientICN)))
Family: gaussian
Link function: identity
mweight ~ s(time) + s(PatientICN, bs = "re")
Parametric coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 213.718 9.748 21.93 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Approximate significance of smooth terms:
edf Ref.df F p-value
s(time) 7.915 8.694 51.59 <2e-16 ***
s(PatientICN) 31.612 32.000 113.63 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
R-sq.(adj) = 0.861 Deviance explained = 86.9%
GCV = 288.7 Scale est. = 272.16 n = 707
Plot the first smooth component against weight, it looks different because it’s not on the original weight scale.
plot(sm(viz, 1)) %>%
add(l_fitLine(color = "red")) %>%
add(l_rug(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.8)) %>%
add(l_ciLine(mul = 5, color = "blue", linetype = 2)) %>%
add(l_points(shape = 19, size = 1, alpha = 0.1)) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text()))
Or just for fun, we’ll plot the underlying density
Inpatient Weights
By Person
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, SampleYear, InptWeight) %>%
select(-PatientICN) %>%
multTable(rc = "col", InptWeight, SampleYear) %>%
InptWeight | 2008 | 2016 |
Outpatient | 99.7% (98783) | 99.4% (98957) |
Inpatient | 0.3% (282) | 0.6% (567) |
By Weight Sample
InptWeight | 2008 | 2016 |
Outpatient | 99.7% (1211169) | 99.6% (1204096) |
Inpatient | 0.3% (3224) | 0.4% (4638) |
Outpatient vs. Inpatient
inpt <- weightSamples %>%
filter(InptWeight == "Inpatient") %>%
distinct(PatientICN) %>%
left_join(weightSamples, by = "PatientICN") %>%
filter(! %>%
select(PatientICN, WeightDateTime, Weight, InptWeight)
inpt %>%
group_by(InptWeight) %>%
n = n(),
mean = mean(Weight),
SD = sd(Weight),
median = median(Weight),
Q1 = fivenum(Weight)[2],
Q3 = fivenum(Weight)[4]
) %>%
InptWeight | n | mean | SD | median | Q1 | Q3 |
Outpatient | 29925 | 216.91 | 59.64 | 211.4 | 174.0 | 247.0 |
Inpatient | 7862 | 213.11 | 64.64 | 195.6 | 170.7 | 250.8 |
inpt %>%
ggplot(aes(x = InptWeight, y = Weight)) %>%
add(geom_boxplot()) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text()))
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, Diabetic) %>%
tabyl(Diabetic) %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
Diabetic | n | percent |
Non-Diabetic | 139678 | 71.0% |
Diabetic | 56947 | 29.0% |
How many weights collected for diabetics vs. non-diabetics
Diabetic | n | percent |
Non-Diabetic | 1490724 | 61.5% |
Diabetic | 932403 | 38.5% |
So, diabetics make up 1/3 of the sample, but account for 50% of all weights collected. That does make some sense, diabetics are more heavily monitored. We should not see any significant differences between the 2008 and 2016 cohorts,
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, SampleYear, Diabetic) %>%
multTable(rc = "col", Diabetic, SampleYear) %>%
Diabetic | 2008 | 2016 |
Non-Diabetic | 71.4% (70485) | 70.6% (69891) |
Diabetic | 28.6% (28301) | 29.4% (29067) |
\(\approx 30\)% of each sample.
Timing of diabetic diagnoses codes, patient-level
weightSamples %>%
distinct(PatientICN, DiabetesTiming) %>%
tabyl(DiabetesTiming) %>%
adorn_pct_formatting() %>%
DiabetesTiming | n | percent |
Non-Diabetic | 139678 | 71.0% |
Diabetes After | 11848 | 6.0% |
Diabetes Before | 1292 | 0.7% |
Diabetes Before and After | 43807 | 22.3% |
We collected diabetes so as to have some sort of outcome to evaluate choice of weight as a predictor of diabetes. The formulation we have at the moment is to choose “New” onset diabetic diagnoses, following each veterans index date (general PCP visit date). So, in a logistic regression the outcome would be “Diabetes After”, with a single predictor of weight which will vary by algorithm, time-point closest to index date and the window around that date.
Weight Distribution
weightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
n = n(),
mean = mean(Weight),
SD = sd(Weight)
) %>%
SampleYear | n | mean | SD |
2008 | 1214393 | 202.66 | 47.65 |
2016 | 1208734 | 207.57 | 48.55 |
weightSamples %>%
ggplot(aes(y = Weight, x = SampleYear)) %>%
add(geom_boxplot()) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Sample Year',
y = 'Weight (lbs.)'
Weight Distribution, by Diabetic Status
weightSamples %>%
group_by(Diabetic) %>%
n = n(),
mean = mean(Weight),
SD = sd(Weight)
) %>%
Diabetic | n | mean | SD |
Non-Diabetic | 1490724 | 196.02 | 44.30 |
Diabetic | 932403 | 219.64 | 50.47 |
By Diabetic status
weightSamples %>%
ggplot(aes(y = Weight, x = Diabetic)) %>%
add(geom_boxplot()) %>%
add(facet_wrap(~SampleYear, scales = "free")) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Sample Year',
y = 'Weight (lbs.)'
How many weights, per person?
weightSamples %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(SampleYear, PatientICN) %>%
count() %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
mean = mean(n),
SD = sd(n),
min = min(n),
Q1 = fivenum(n)[2],
median = median(n),
Q3 = fivenum(n)[4],
max = max(n)
) %>%
SampleYear | mean | SD | min | Q1 | median | Q3 | max |
2008 | 12.29 | 15.97 | 1 | 5 | 9 | 15 | 1479 |
2016 | 12.21 | 24.85 | 1 | 5 | 8 | 15 | 4981 |
I find it very hard to believe that anyone has >1,000 weight measurements. Let’s sleuth,
# weightSamples %>%
# filter(! %>%
# group_by(SampleYear, PatientICN) %>%
# count() %>%
# filter(n > 1000) %>%
# View()
# weightSamples %>%
# filter(PatientICN == [REDACTED]) %>%
# View()
Alright, so, all those with > 1,000 values actually have very few real duplicate values, however, the 1 person with 4,981 measurements actually only has 20 real non-duplicate measurements.
Height Distribution
heightSamples %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
n = n(),
mean = mean(Height),
SD = sd(Height)
) %>%
SampleYear | n | mean | SD |
2008 | 514356 | 69.26 | 3.34 |
2016 | 511366 | 69.34 | 3.31 |
heightSamples %>%
ggplot(aes(y = Height, x = SampleYear)) %>%
add(geom_boxplot()) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Sample Year',
y = 'Height (in.)'
BMI Distribution
BMI Vignette
Compute Mode of Height
# Calculate mode(height) for each individual
ModeOfHeight <- heightSamples %>%
filter(Height > 0) %>%
select(PatientICN, Height)
# convert to data.table for the quickness
ModeOfHeight <- data.table::setDT(ModeOfHeight)
ModeOfHeight <- data.table::setkey(
list(freq = .N),
by = list(PatientICN, Height)
by = PatientICN, freq
)[J(unique(PatientICN)), mult = "last"]
ModeOfHeight %>%
rename(HeightMode = Height) %>%
select(-freq) %>%
heightSamples %>%
by = "PatientICN"
) %>%
factor_key = TRUE
) %>%
distinct() %>%
HeightType = factor(
levels = c("HeightMode", "Height"),
labels = c("Mode(Height)", "Height")
) %>%
y = Measurement,
x = SampleYear,
fill = HeightType
)) %>%
add(geom_boxplot()) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
add(scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")) %>%
x = "Sample Year",
y = "Height (in.)",
fill = ""
BMI_samples <- ModeOfHeight %>%
select(-freq) %>%
weightSamples %>%
by = "PatientICN"
) %>%
BMI = 703 * Weight / (Height ^ 2)
BMI_samples %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
n = n(),
mean = mean(BMI),
SD = sd(BMI)
) %>%
SampleYear | n | mean | SD |
2008 | 1168801 | 29.64 | 7.03 |
2016 | 1167096 | 30.28 | 7.75 |
Weight Vignette
samp <- weightSamples %>%
distinct(SampleYear, PatientICN) %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
sample_n(8) %>%
Set1 <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")
weightSamples %>%
filter(PatientICN %in% samp & ! %>%
ggplot(aes(x = WeightDateTime, y = Weight)) %>%
add(geom_line(aes(color = SampleYear), size = 1)) %>%
aes(fill = SampleYear),
color = "black",
pch = 21,
size = 2
)) %>%
add(scale_fill_manual(values = Set1[1:2])) %>%
add(scale_color_manual(values = Set1[1:2])) %>%
add(facet_wrap(~PatientICN, scales = "free")) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Weight Measurement Time',
y = 'Weight (lbs.)'
Height Vignette
samp <- heightSamples %>%
distinct(SampleYear, PatientICN) %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
sample_n(8) %>%
heightSamples %>%
filter(PatientICN %in% samp & ! %>%
ggplot(aes(x = HeightDateTime, y = Height)) %>%
add(geom_line(aes(color = SampleYear), size = 1)) %>%
aes(fill = SampleYear),
color = "black",
pch = 21,
size = 2
)) %>%
add(scale_fill_manual(values = Set1[1:2])) %>%
add(scale_color_manual(values = Set1[1:2])) %>%
add(facet_wrap(~PatientICN, scales = "free")) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'Height Measurement Time',
y = 'Height (in.)'
BMI Vignette
samp <- BMI_samples %>%
distinct(SampleYear, PatientICN) %>%
group_by(SampleYear) %>%
sample_n(8) %>%
BMI_samples %>%
filter(PatientICN %in% samp & ! %>%
ggplot(aes(x = WeightDateTime, y = BMI)) %>%
add(geom_line(aes(color = SampleYear), size = 1)) %>%
aes(fill = SampleYear),
color = "black",
pch = 21,
size = 2
)) %>%
add(scale_fill_manual(values = Set1[1:2])) %>%
add(scale_color_manual(values = Set1[1:2])) %>%
add(facet_wrap(~PatientICN, scales = "free")) %>%
add(theme_fivethirtyeight(16)) %>%
add(theme(axis.title = element_text())) %>%
x = 'BMI Measurement Time',
y = 'BMI',
caption = "BMI = 703 X [Weight (lbs.)] / [Height (in.) ^ 2]"
These should mirror the weight trajectories, if they were the same sample patients …