第 5 章 听力
- summarize spoken text, 2-3, 60-90 seconds
- multiple-choice, multiple answers, 2-3, 40-90 seconds
- fill in the blanks, 2-3, 30-60 seconds
- highlight correct summary, 2-3, 30-90 seconds
- multiple-choice, single answer, 2-3, 30-60 seconds
- select missing words, 2-3, 20-70 seconds
- highlight incorrect words, 2-3, 15-50 seconds
- write from dictation, 3-4, 3-5 seconds
5.1 SST
- 听故事写故事
- 很类似SWT
- 2-3题
- 总体20,30分钟(单独⌛️10min/题)
- 内容:关键信息点 (需要4个重点)
- 形式:50-70 words
- 语法:语法正确
- 词汇:正确,同义词
- 拼写
- 方法:take notes 1-9顺序
- tips 同义词替换
- 模版: This lecture/ the speaker /the lecture talks about / explains + 关键信息词/短语/短句 Firstly, the lecture /speaker explains /talks about + 内容. Secondly/Then…. An example is given by the lecturer, he/she says that + 内容. In conclusion, 内容
- 笔记要记什么内容?
- main idea + supporting ideas
- 不要全记,关键词(缩写,符号)
- 对表示上下关系的连接词敏感
- 10分钟内写什么?
- 将笔记内容连词成句
- 最后2分钟检查拼写和语法
5.1.1 sst 例题
5.2 5.2 & 5.3 MC
- 听力单选多选
- 单选
- 2-3题,选项4个左右,录音长度1分钟左右
- 总体时长录音+听完30s左右
- 倒计时时不用做笔记迅速浏览题目和选项
- 不用做笔记
- 多选
- 2-3题,选项5-7个(很少6个),录音长度1-2分钟
- 时长:录音+听完30s
- 评分方式:倒扣分
- 答案中绝对信息词一般错误(only all)
- 一般5选2,6-7选3
5.2.1 mc 例题
Which aspects of subway construction will the speaker talk about in this lecture?
- A. the funding of projects
- B. the speed of trains
- C. geological conditions
- D. employing professionals
- E. public approval
- F. passenger movement
According to the speaker, which of the following measures helped reduce commnity problem in Brickendon?
- A. allowing residents to patrol the area
- B. interviewing residents about the problems
- C. organizing regular community mettings
- D. giving families financial support
- E. identifying hotspots for crime
- F. removing litter from the streets
What is the speaker’s main focus?
- A. reasons why Americans have relocated
- B. the growth in the American population
- C. the expansion of suburban towns
- D. trends in where Americans live
What do the speakers feel about early views on malaria?
- A. They were understandable at the time.
- B. They resulted in unnecessary illness.
- C. They hve contributed to current findings.
- D. They will be remembered in the future.
5.3 fill in the blanks
- 2-3题,4-7空
- 录音 + 听完1分钟
- 听到立即写
- 开始之前浏览大致空格位置
- 推荐直接在键盘上直接打
- 习惯题目的朗读速度,这个有快有慢,眼手同步,利用tab键切换下一个空格
- 如果时间来不及记录单词的全部,就记录辅音字母或者前几个字母
5.3.1 fib例题
Learning a language in the classroom is never easy and, quite ( ), it’s not the way that most people would choose to learn if they had other ( ). Having said that, there are plenty of reasons for keeping languages on the school curriculum. For one thing, a fair number of students go on to take jobs in business and commerce that require a ( ) knowledge of a second language. When you talk to young ( ) in top companies, it seems that they had a career plan from the start; they were motivated to find additional things to put on their CVs – and of course language is one of those added, but ( ) extras.
The assignment that I’m going to set for the holiday period is one that we’ve given stuents for a number of years. It’s quite ( ) and will allow you to get out and about – it’s no good being shut up in your rooms all the time! It does have a written ( ), too. Um, basically it’s a data gathering exercise and there are two choices with regard to how you ( ) the data. We’ll go through those in a moment. I’m also going to give you a link to an internet site that is – well it’s critical that you ( ) this before you do anything, as it provides a lot of guidance on data presentation, both in terms of how you plot it – its diagrammatic form and also its ( ), which has to be clear.
5.4 highlight incorrect words
- 简单
- 2-3题,每题答题区3-7个
- 录音1-2个每题
- 倒扣分
- 和填词的思路类似,跟上节奏,提前对长难词作出预判
- 有时候会有简单动词的错误
- 同样如果不确定,也不要停顿
5.4.1 hiw例题
It seems we now know more about outer space than we do about the Earth’s core. This is because temperatures are so great at the centre of the Earth that human beings have not been able to take a close look at it. However, new techniques of analysis may soon change all that. The seismic waves formed by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions penetrate the Earth’s layers at different speeds. It is now hoped that by studying these waves, scientists will be able to make new findings and solve some of the mysteries of the inside structure of the Earth.
Many species of birds cover long miles during their seasonal migration to warmer climates. But how successful are they, and do birds that get lost on their route ever survive to find their way back! Much research has been done into how birds navigate and the results show that age is a significant reason. Young birds usually just carry on, if they lose their migratory path, and thus fail to achieve their destination, whereas older, more experienced birds will generally be able to find their first route and continue successfully on their journey.
5.5 highlight correct summary
- 高难度
- 2-3题,选项4个左右,录音长度1-2分钟
- 录音+听完1分钟之内
- 花10秒左右先把4个选项扫一遍了解主要谈论什么内容(关键词——名词)
- 记笔记,关键词+suporting ideas
- 不能边听边阅读summary,分清主次
- 听完后
- 排除错误信息选项
- 排除只包含一个方面信息的选项或者没提到/臆断选项
- 剩下的查阅笔记判断
- 排除错误信息选项
5.5.1 hcs 例题
- A. Business students are finding it increasingly difficult to get employment, as the standard of law courses has declined since 2007. Employers have criticized the schools for adopting unsatisfactory teaching methods, and have urged them to ensure students get higher grades.
- B. In order to improve the chances of their students obtaining jobs after they have finished their courses, some business schools are adjusting their grades. These adjustments are being made to all grades awarded since 2007 but instead of benefiting the students it is, in some instances, having the opposite effect.
- C. Some business schools have realized that their grading system has been inaccurate since 2007 and are currently making changes to correct the errors. Students’ grades are being revised, and employers have welcomed this move as it means that they will be able to employ better qualified students.
- D. Since 2007, the education of business students has been improving but this has not been reflected in the grades that they are achieving. Business schools have been under pressure from employers to ensure that the grades that students are achieving match their abilities far better than in recent years.
- A. Many exisitng buildings in city centres, such as Perth are being cleared to make way for modern developments. Although this is improving the visual impact of the city, it is causing difficulties in areas where there is not enough space to accommodate the expanding population.
- B. Developers in Perth and other parts of Western Australia are suggesting that it would be better to build much-needed homes within the city centre, as this would be more affordable for local people. It would also make transportation to and from jobs and shops cheaper and quicker.
- C. Cities like Perth in Western Australia are experiencing a rapid growth in urban development, and the current trend is to expand into surrounding regions. Although some people think this is more cost effective than building within cities, other believe it’s having a harmful effect on the environment in these areas.
- D. The housing shortage in Perth is being addressed by encouraging people to move to other cities in Western Australia where there is more space to develop new housing and infrastructure. This will benefit people struggling to find accommodation and also avoid having to develop on bushland.
5.6 select missing words
- 2-3题,选项4个左右,录音长度1-2分钟
- 总体时长:录音+听完选完
- 同样快速浏览备选项,了解要讲什么内容。
- focus on what you hear, nothing else
- 不要做笔记,跟上思路,了解此刻在讲什么,例如举了例子,反面论证等等
- 听不懂的词直接跳过,不需要100%理解
- 预测结尾,进度条快结束的时候要十二万分集中注意力。
5.6.1 missing word是例题
- A. suits some writers better than others
- B. is becoming more popular
- C. has changed over time
- D. makes reading easier
- A. complex
- B. unreal
- C. confusing
- D. invisible
5.7 write from dictation
- 跟repeat sentence一样可以通过练习提高
- 就是听写句子,在最后,分值高
- 3-4题,10-15个单词左右
- 总体时长:录音+听完1分钟左右
- 预留3-5分钟,拼写检查
- 首字母速记,全句速记,综合速记:首字母前半句+单词后半句
- 如果记不得有无the,就写上,只算出现的单词
- 如果experience和experiences听不清就都写上