Market Segmentation & Clustering
Chapter 1 Prerequisites
This module makes use of R.
To replicate, understand and adapt the code used in this module, download R and RStudio.
In this module, you will use several R packages. You have to install these packages on your computer, using install.packages("packagename"). You only have to install packages once on your computer. Only after installing new versions of R, you have to install packages again.
For invoking the functions and accessing the data sets embedded in these packages, use the library() command, in each session.
# install.packages("packagename")
# library(packagename)
RStudio shows a list of installed packages, in the bottom right window, under the packages tab. As an alternative to the library() command, you can click the package(s) you intend to use.
Here's a short video on installing and using R and Rstudio.