Data Analysis and Visualization in R
Chapter 1 About
Welcome to this BookDown website Data Analysis and Visualization in R designed to help you develop your knowledge of how to conduct statistical analysis, create figures, and troubleshoot in R. The book is broken into five chapters:
1 About
- A brief introduction to the resource.
2 Foundations of data analysis with R
- Setting up your environment
- Vectors, factors, matrices, and data frames
- Data manipulation with tidyverse
3 Importing, saving, and exploring data
- Importing: Getting your data into R.
- Note on data from Qualtrics.
- Good practices: Making sure your data is correct.
- Distributions and summary statistics: Understanding basic properties of data.
4 Inferential statistics
- Pearson correlation: Assessing relationships between variables.
- Linear regression: Predicting outcomes based on a single predictor.
- T-test: Comparing means between two groups.
- ANOVA: Analyzing variance between multiple groups.
5 Data visualization with ggplot2
- Introduction to data visualization principles.
- Creating basic plots: Scatter plots, bar plots, line plots, and histograms.
- Customizing plots using ggplot2: Adding labels, titles, themes, and annotations.
- Multi-panel plots: Faceting data for better insights.
- Advanced visualizations: Box plots, density plots, and violin plots.