Chapter 7 Nitty gritty stuff

In descending order of messiness (i.e., how confused I get)5

  • Reference management + citations
  • Notes to self within text
  • Snippets! 💕
  • Predefined functions
  • Footnotes
  • Cross-referencing sections/figs/tables
  • Figure/table autonumbering
  • Tables in RMarkdown
    • Specifically when working with both .docx and .pdf
  • Appendices

7.1 Other resources

  • Other Rmd + bookdown resources

7.2 Dissertating in Bookdown

7.2.1 Essential ingredients

  • index.Rmd: Contains your YAML that will tell bookdown how to render your book
  • .Rmd files that comprise the body of your book. These can be specific chapters, but can also be constructed modularly in whatever way you choose.
    • Unless specifically told otherwise, bookdown will compile these in alphanumeric order, so they should be named in the order you want them to appear.
      • In a nutshell, file names should be machine readable, human readable, and play well with default ordering (thank you, Jenny Bryan).

7.2.2 Non-essential but very helpful ingredients

  • A .bib file contianing your references
  • Separate directories containing your:
    • data (raw .csv files, etc)
    • scripts (helper .R scripts that contain the bulk work of your analyses)
    • images that are not created in R
  • Template documents that will provide bookdown with the information it needs to style your document
    • Word: uwo_thesis_template.docx is a Word document containing the style settings required to output a Western-approved thesis. This template also contains text, but really all you need is a Word document with the style elements set that you wish to use
    • PDF: The tex folder contains two .tex files that use Latex to create a final PDF:
      • params.tex contains the Latex parameters required to compile the document
      • doc_preface.tex contains the front matter: everything that will appear before the beginning of the thesis

A note on the .tex documents: The documents provided here are comprised of a mash-up of two extremely useful resources:

7.2.3 Rendering the book

Once you have more than one .Rmd file, you are ready to render/compile them into a fully combined document.

The rendered version will appear in _book/

To render the book as whatever is listed as the default in index.Rmd, do:


To render as a pdf or word document, do:

bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", output_format = "pdf_book")
bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", output_format = "word_document2")

A nice way to preview it is to render it as a gitbook:

bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", "bookdown::gitbook")

Then open index.html in your browser, and run bookdown::serve_site() to update it whenever you save changes. This is much neater/navigable.

Beware of features that will only show up in pdf rendering (like certain features of kable, kableExtra), or that won’t compile for pdfs (like the emo package)

  1. Some of my confusion may be because I haven’t had to try hard to figure it out yet, and not necessarily related to the actual detail itself