Here is an overview of my papers and presentations, I do not double-count the proceedings presented as posters.
Journal Articles
- Lucca, K., Yuen, F., … Fei, W., … Hamlin, J. K. (2025). Infants’ Social Evaluation of Helpers and Hinderers: A Large-Scale, Multi-Lab, Coordinated Replication Study. Developmental Science. [full paper]
Conference Proceedings
Weng, M., Fei, W., & Yip, C. W. M. (2024, July). Influence of Vocal Cues on Perception of Traits: Evidence from Educational Context. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2024), 4865-4871. [full paper]
Fei, W., & Hsu, Y-Y. (2024, July). Investigating Mandarin Tone and Focus Prosody Production in Hong Kong Cantonese Speakers. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP2024), 378-382. [full paper]
Chen, Z., Chen, H., & Fei, W. (2024, July). Exploring the Dynamics of Post Focus Compression in Bilingual Speakers: Evidence from Mandarin-Yangzhou Speakers. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP2024), 487-491. [full paper]
Fei, W., Weng, M., & Lee, A. (2020, May). Phonetic realisation of narrow focus in Wu-Mandarin bilinguals. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP2020), 250-254. [full paper]
Oral Presentations
Fei, W., & Hsu, Y-Y. (2024, October). L1 Syntax Influences L2 Prosody: Cantonese Speakers’ Mandarin Focus. In the 15th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics (ExLing 2024). [slides]
Li, J., Hsu, Y-Y., & Fei, W. (2024). AI-Assisted Multidimensional Pronunciation Assessment: an Auto-Mandarin Speech Training System. The 9th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.
*Fei, W., *Tan, T., & *Su, Z. (2022, July). Univariate or Machine Learning Analysis: Which Represents Important Brain Regions Better? Neuromatch Academy 2022 (*Equally distributed).
Poster Presentations
Fei, W., & Hsu, Y-Y. (2025, March). Perceptual Weightings of Prosodic Cues in Mandarin Prosodic Focus Processing. The 38th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP2025).
Wang, Y., Şen, H., Buyurucu, G., Fei, W., … Lucca, K. (2024, June). Individual Differences in Infants’ Prosocial Behaviors Across Cultures: ManyBabies4 Spin-off Project. The 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD). [poster]
Fei, W., & Hsu, Y-Y. (2023, December). Whether Face-Voice (A)Synchrony Affects Multimodal Identity Recognition by Non-Native Speakers of English. AMLaP-Asia 2023. [poster] [abstract]
Fei, W., & Lee, A. (2020, December). A quantitative study of sound change in progress: The case of Suzhou Wu. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(4), 2474. [downloaded iposter] [abstract]
Fei, W., Weng, M., & Lee, A. (2019, December). Effect of Language Dominance on Focus Prosody: Evidence from Wu-Mandarin Bilinguals. In the 6th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, Tokyo. [poster] [abstract] The pilot of this project was presented at the 2019 Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK).
*Weng, M., Fei, W., & Lee, A. (2019, December). Interviewer effects on speech production in Cantonese: A pilot study. In the 6th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, Tokyo. [abstract]
Book Review
- Fei, W. (2023, March). Review of the book Prosodic Theory and Practice (2022) by Barnes, J., & Shattuck-Hufnagel, S., The LINGUIST List. [full review]