2 Data

Department of International Affairs – Birth dataset. The following variables were of interest to the investigation:

Table 2.1: Variable names and description
IDI Variable Name Description
snz_uid IDI unique identifie allocated by SNZ
snz_dia_uid DIA identifier allocated by SNZ
dia_bir_birth_month_nbr Month child was born
dia_bir_birth_year_nbr Year child was born
parent1_snz_uid IDI unique identifier allocated by SNZ
parent1_snz_dia_uid DIA dataset identifier allocated by SNZ
dia_bir_parent1_birth_month_nbr Month parent1 was born
dia_bir_parent1_birth_year_nbr Year parent1 was born
parent2_snz_uid IDI unique identifier allocated by SNZ
parent2_snz_uid DIA dataset identifier allocated by SNZ
dia_bir_parent2_birth_month_nbr Month parent2 was born
dia_bir_parent2_birth_year_nbr Year parent2 was born

The data dictionary for the Live event data reveals several key changes within the dataset:

  1. The notification of births and deaths were made compulsory in 1848. Introduced through the Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1875.

  2. The birth date for parents were only captured from 1972 onwards, previously the parents age was requested instead.

  3. In 1998 the DIA moved to digital storage of paper records, referred to as the Record Back Capture Project.

  4. Since 2005 the sex of the parents was recorded, prior to 2005 the first parent entry in the birth record was always the mother.