Section 7 Appendix B: Detailed Response Data

The table below contains a list of demographic information that your organization may collect about the children your agency serves
Data Type My organization does not collect this kind of information and would not with additional resources My organization does not collect this kind of information, but would with additional resources My organization does not currently collect, but would without additional resources This data is collected, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field in a database This data is collected and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Name of child 3 2 1 29 28 3 2
Name(s) of child’s caretaker(s) 3 2 NA 30 29 3 1
Home address 3 2 NA 30 28 3 1
Mailing address 3 2 NA 31 28 3 1
Experiencing homelessness (y/n) 20 12 4 7 9 10 3
Birthdate 3 2 NA 30 28 3 2
Race 12 4 NA 25 20 4 2
Ethnicity in addition to race (i.e. Hispanic/Latino) 13 6 NA 23 19 4 2
Medicaid recipient (y/n) 23 9 3 10 9 7 3
WIC recipient (y/n) 23 12 5 10 4 6 3
Childcare subsidy recipient (y/n) 6 3 NA 27 24 5 3
Disability or development information 10 7 1 26 14 6 2
Primary Language(s) 8 8 2 25 18 4 1
Sex or Gender 5 3 1 24 28 4 2
Referrals to other organizations for services 10 11 3 21 11 6 3

The table below contains a list of demographic information that your organization may collect about the children your agency serves
Data Type My organization does not collect this kind of information and would not with additional resources My organization does not collect this kind of information, but would with additional resources My organization does not currently collect, but would without additional resources This data is collected, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field in a database This data is collected and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Name of child 3 ( 3 %) 2 ( 2 %) 1 ( 1 %) 29 ( 33 %) 48 ( 55 %) 3 ( 3 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Name(s) of child’s caretaker(s) 3 ( 3 %) 2 ( 2 %) NA 30 ( 33 %) 52 ( 57 %) 3 ( 3 %) 1 ( 1 %)
Home address 3 ( 3 %) 2 ( 2 %) NA 30 ( 33 %) 51 ( 57 %) 3 ( 3 %) 1 ( 1 %)
Mailing address 3 ( 3 %) 2 ( 2 %) NA 31 ( 34 %) 51 ( 56 %) 3 ( 3 %) 1 ( 1 %)
Experiencing homelessness (y/n) 20 ( 23 %) 15 ( 17 %) 5 ( 6 %) 7 ( 8 %) 28 ( 32 %) 10 ( 11 %) 3 ( 3 %)
Birthdate 3 ( 3 %) 2 ( 2 %) NA 30 ( 33 %) 51 ( 56 %) 3 ( 3 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Race 12 ( 13 %) 7 ( 8 %) NA 25 ( 28 %) 40 ( 44 %) 4 ( 4 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Ethnicity in addition to race (i.e. Hispanic/Latino) 13 ( 14 %) 9 ( 10 %) NA 23 ( 26 %) 39 ( 43 %) 4 ( 4 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Medicaid recipient (y/n) 23 ( 26 %) 12 ( 14 %) 3 ( 3 %) 10 ( 11 %) 29 ( 33 %) 7 ( 8 %) 3 ( 3 %)
WIC recipient (y/n) 39 ( 45 %) 15 ( 17 %) 6 ( 7 %) 10 ( 12 %) 7 ( 8 %) 6 ( 7 %) 3 ( 3 %)
Childcare subsidy recipient (y/n) 6 ( 7 %) 3 ( 3 %) NA 27 ( 30 %) 47 ( 52 %) 5 ( 5 %) 3 ( 3 %)
Disability or development information 10 ( 11 %) 9 ( 10 %) 1 ( 1 %) 27 ( 30 %) 34 ( 38 %) 6 ( 7 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Primary Language(s) 8 ( 9 %) 11 ( 12 %) 2 ( 2 %) 25 ( 28 %) 38 ( 43 %) 4 ( 4 %) 1 ( 1 %)
Sex or Gender 5 ( 6 %) 3 ( 3 %) 1 ( 1 %) 24 ( 27 %) 51 ( 57 %) 4 ( 4 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Referrals to other organizations for services 10 ( 11 %) 14 ( 16 %) 4 ( 5 %) 21 ( 24 %) 30 ( 34 %) 6 ( 7 %) 3 ( 3 %)

The table below contains a list of information that you may collect about the families your organization serves
Data Type My organization does not collect this kind of information and would not with additional resources My organization does not collect this kind of information, but would with additional resources My organization does not currently collect, but would without additional resources This data is collected, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field in a database This data is collected and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Income or income range 31 10 3 9 8 3 4
Referrals to other organizations for services 12 13 5 20 9 5 2
Family goals 20 14 4 11 6 8 2
Caregiver(s) enrolled in school or job training (y/n) 15 9 3 20 7 6 5
Caregiver(s) educational attainment 16 12 3 16 7 8 3

The table below contains a list of information that you may collect about the families your organization serves
Data Type My organization does not collect this kind of information and would not with additional resources My organization does not collect this kind of information, but would with additional resources My organization does not currently collect, but would without additional resources This data is collected, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field in a database This data is collected and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Income or income range 31 ( 34 %) 13 ( 14 %) 4 ( 4 %) 9 ( 10 %) 27 ( 30 %) 3 ( 3 %) 4 ( 4 %)
Referrals to other organizations for services 12 ( 13 %) 16 ( 18 %) 6 ( 7 %) 36 ( 40 %) 12 ( 13 %) 5 ( 6 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Family goals 20 ( 23 %) 33 ( 38 %) 4 ( 5 %) 11 ( 12 %) 10 ( 11 %) 8 ( 9 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Caregiver(s) enrolled in school or job training (y/n) 15 ( 17 %) 28 ( 32 %) 3 ( 3 %) 21 ( 24 %) 7 ( 8 %) 6 ( 7 %) 8 ( 9 %)
Caregiver(s) educational attainment 16 ( 18 %) 15 ( 17 %) 4 ( 5 %) 16 ( 18 %) 23 ( 26 %) 8 ( 9 %) 6 ( 7 %)

Please indicate which developmental and other assessments your organization may be currently conducting or would be willing and able to conduct or if your organization conducts screenings of children or families
Data Type My organization does not conduct this assessment and would not with additional resources My organization does not conduct this assessment, but would with additional resources My organization does not conduct this assessment, but would without additional resources This assessment is conducted, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field This assessment is conducted and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Developmental Indicators for Assessment of Learning (DIALs) 18 14 2 12 4 3 4
Developmental Assessment of Young Children (DAYC) 15 16 2 11 3 5 5
Teaching Standards GOLD (TSG) 16 12 4 8 9 6 4
DC:0–5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood 18 17 2 5 2 7 5
Brackened School Readiness Assessment (BRSA) 19 21 3 2 NA 6 6
Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale (KIPS) 19 19 2 1 1 8 6

Please indicate which developmental and other assessments your organization may be currently conducting or would be willing and able to conduct or if your organization conducts screenings of children or families
Data Type My organization does not conduct this assessment and would not with additional resources My organization does not conduct this assessment, but would with additional resources My organization does not conduct this assessment, but would without additional resources This assessment is conducted, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field This assessment is conducted and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Developmental Indicators for Assessment of Learning (DIALs) 21 ( 33 %) 14 ( 22 %) 2 ( 3 %) 13 ( 20 %) 7 ( 11 %) 3 ( 5 %) 4 ( 6 %)
Developmental Assessment of Young Children (DAYC) 16 ( 25 %) 17 ( 27 %) 2 ( 3 %) 13 ( 20 %) 6 ( 9 %) 5 ( 8 %) 5 ( 8 %)
Teaching Standards GOLD (TSG) 19 ( 23 %) 12 ( 15 %) 4 ( 5 %) 8 ( 10 %) 29 ( 35 %) 6 ( 7 %) 4 ( 5 %)
DC:0–5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood 21 ( 33 %) 18 ( 29 %) 2 ( 3 %) 5 ( 8 %) 2 ( 3 %) 10 ( 16 %) 5 ( 8 %)
Brackened School Readiness Assessment (BRSA) 25 ( 39 %) 22 ( 34 %) 3 ( 5 %) 2 ( 3 %) NA 6 ( 9 %) 6 ( 9 %)
Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale (KIPS) 25 ( 40 %) 20 ( 32 %) 2 ( 3 %) 1 ( 2 %) 1 ( 2 %) 8 ( 13 %) 6 ( 10 %)

Please indicate which of the following screenings your organization may be currently conducting or would be willing and able to conduct
Data Type My organization does not conduct this screening and would not with additional resources My organization does not conduct this screening, but would with additional resources My organization does not conduct this screening, but would without additional resources This screening is conducted, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field This screening is conducted and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Elevated Blood Lead Levels 32 11 1 NA 2 8 3
Vision 18 17 1 8 5 4 3
Dental 19 16 1 9 5 5 3
Autism 22 19 1 NA NA 9 4
Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) 15 17 3 9 4 7 3
Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE) 15 19 3 6 4 7 3
Other behavioral or mental health (child) 20 19 2 3 1 8 4
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) (caregivers) 22 16 2 NA NA 11 4
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) (caregivers) 21 12 3 5 4 9 4
Other behavioral or mental health screenings (caregivers) 21 15 2 5 1 10 3
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (child) 21 15 2 3 1 10 4
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (caregivers) 22 15 3 3 1 9 4
Parenting style or parenting skills (caregivers) 19 16 2 5 2 11 3
Hurt, Insult, Threaten, and Scream (HITS) (caregivers) 24 13 2 1 NA 12 4
Protective Factor Survey 23 16 2 NA NA 11 4

Please indicate which of the following screenings your organization may be currently conducting or would be willing and able to conduct
Data Type My organization does not conduct this screening and would not with additional resources My organization does not conduct this screening, but would with additional resources My organization does not conduct this screening, but would without additional resources This screening is conducted, but is only collected and/or stored on paper or a notes field This screening is conducted and is entered into the fields of an electronic database at some point Not sure Prefer not to answer
Elevated Blood Lead Levels 51 ( 64 %) 12 ( 15 %) 1 ( 1 %) NA 5 ( 6 %) 8 ( 10 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Vision 19 ( 24 %) 18 ( 23 %) 1 ( 1 %) 26 ( 33 %) 8 ( 10 %) 4 ( 5 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Dental 19 ( 23 %) 17 ( 21 %) 1 ( 1 %) 28 ( 35 %) 8 ( 10 %) 5 ( 6 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Autism 25 ( 32 %) 20 ( 26 %) 1 ( 1 %) NA NA 28 ( 36 %) 4 ( 5 %)
Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) 17 ( 21 %) 19 ( 23 %) 3 ( 4 %) 9 ( 11 %) 23 ( 28 %) 7 ( 9 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE) 17 ( 21 %) 21 ( 26 %) 3 ( 4 %) 6 ( 8 %) 23 ( 29 %) 7 ( 9 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Other behavioral or mental health (child) 38 ( 48 %) 20 ( 25 %) 2 ( 2 %) 3 ( 4 %) 4 ( 5 %) 9 ( 11 %) 4 ( 5 %)
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) (caregivers) 40 ( 51 %) 16 ( 21 %) 3 ( 4 %) NA NA 15 ( 19 %) 4 ( 5 %)
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) (caregivers) 39 ( 48 %) 12 ( 15 %) 4 ( 5 %) 5 ( 6 %) 4 ( 5 %) 13 ( 16 %) 4 ( 5 %)
Other behavioral or mental health screenings (caregivers) 39 ( 49 %) 15 ( 19 %) 3 ( 4 %) 5 ( 6 %) 4 ( 5 %) 11 ( 14 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (child) 39 ( 49 %) 16 ( 20 %) 2 ( 3 %) 3 ( 4 %) 4 ( 5 %) 11 ( 14 %) 4 ( 5 %)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (caregivers) 40 ( 50 %) 16 ( 20 %) 3 ( 4 %) 3 ( 4 %) 4 ( 5 %) 10 ( 12 %) 4 ( 5 %)
Parenting style or parenting skills (caregivers) 35 ( 43 %) 19 ( 23 %) 2 ( 2 %) 5 ( 6 %) 5 ( 6 %) 12 ( 15 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Hurt, Insult, Threaten, and Scream (HITS) (caregivers) 43 ( 54 %) 13 ( 16 %) 2 ( 3 %) 1 ( 1 %) NA 16 ( 20 %) 4 ( 5 %)
Protective Factor Survey 41 ( 52 %) 17 ( 22 %) 2 ( 3 %) NA NA 15 ( 19 %) 4 ( 5 %)

Who at your organization is responsible for collecting the data above that you are currently collecting? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Staff whose primary responsibility is management or administration 42 62 (71%)
The staff teaching or caring for the child 20 36 (41%)
Staff whose primary responsibility is data collection 8 8 (9%)
Staff whose primary responsibility is home visitation or engaging with families 7 8 (9%)
Not sure 4 7 (8%)
Prefer not to answer 3 3 (3%)

If your organization currently conducts screenings or assessments (including screenings or assessments not listed on the table above), who at your organization is responsible for conducting screenings and / or assessments of children? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
The staff teaching or caring for the child 23 46 (57%)
My organization does not currently conduct any screenings or assessments 21 24 (30%)
Physicians 3 19 (23%)
Nurses 2 18 (22%)
Staff whose primary responsibility is management or administration 10 13 (16%)
Staff whose primary responsibility is data collection 5 8 (10%)
Occupational, physical, or speech therapists 8 8 (10%)
Home visitation staff 3 6 (7%)
Social work staff 3 3 (4%)
Consultants or contractors 1 1 (1%)
Not sure 1 1 (1%)
Prefer not to answer 4 4 (5%)

Does your organization collect or store any data in an electronic format or in an electronic database?
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Yes 27 50 (60%)
No 31 31 (37%)
Not sure 2 2 (2%)
Prefer not to answer 1 1 (1%)

Which electronic databases does your organization use? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Teaching Strategies GOLD (TSG) 8 27 (32%)
Procare 6 10 (12%)
Other NA 7 (8%)
ChildPlus 2 5 (6%)
Excel 5 5 (6%)
Not sure 4 4 (5%)

Who at your organization is responsible for entering data into the electronic database? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
The staff teaching or caring for the child 8 27 (32%)
Staff whose primary responsibility is management or administration 18 25 (30%)
Staff whose primary responsibility is data collection 4 4 (5%)
Home visitation staff 3 3 (4%)

Which, if any, organizations set requirements for the data or information you collect as an organization and / or how that data / information is stored? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (NCDEE) 33 50 (61%)
Head Start 7 24 (29%)
NC Pre-K 7 24 (29%)
No other organizations set requirements for how we collect or store data 19 23 (28%)
The model my program follows has data collection requirements my organization must use 4 20 (24%)
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) 16 16 (20%)
Child Care Resource Center 11 11 (13%)
North Carolina Division of Public Health (NCDPH) 7 7 (9%)
Early Head Start 5 6 (7%)
Medicaid 1 1 (1%)

The table below has a list of organizations that your organization may share data about individual children or families with
Organization Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Head Start My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 11 30 (33%)
Head Start My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 8 28 (31%)
Head Start My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 29 32 (36%)
Early Head Start My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 7 10 (20%)
Early Head Start My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 5 9 (18%)
Early Head Start My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 29 32 (63%)
Smart Start My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 28 33 (46%)
Smart Start My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 14 18 (25%)
Smart Start My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 20 21 (29%)
NC Pre-K My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 9 28 (32%)
NC Pre-K My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 8 28 (32%)
NC Pre-K My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 29 32 (36%)
Imprints Cares My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 2 5 (11%)
Imprints Cares My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 1 4 (9%)
Imprints Cares My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 33 37 (80%)
Forsyth County Department of Social Services (DSS) My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 31 37 (41%)
Forsyth County Department of Social Services (DSS) My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 21 40 (44%)
Forsyth County Department of Social Services (DSS) My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 13 14 (15%)
A Children’s Developmental Service Agency (CDSA) My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 8 14 (27%)
A Children’s Developmental Service Agency (CDSA) My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 3 6 (12%)
A Children’s Developmental Service Agency (CDSA) My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 30 31 (61%)
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 16 21 (36%)
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 9 13 (22%)
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 24 25 (42%)
The Centers for Exceptional Children My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 5 8 (16%)
The Centers for Exceptional Children My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 3 6 (12%)
The Centers for Exceptional Children My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 33 36 (72%)
Legal Aid My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 2 5 (10%)
Legal Aid My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 1 4 (8%)
Legal Aid My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 36 40 (82%)
WIC My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 4 7 (13%)
WIC My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 6 9 (17%)
WIC My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 32 36 (69%)
SNAP My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 3 6 (12%)
SNAP My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 3 6 (12%)
SNAP My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 34 38 (76%)
Medicaid My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 4 7 (14%)
Medicaid My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 6 10 (20%)
Medicaid My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 31 34 (67%)
A Physician’s Office My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 20 40 (51%)
A Physician’s Office My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 11 15 (19%)
A Physician’s Office My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 21 24 (30%)
Child Care Resource Center My organization receives individual child/family information from this organization 22 25 (40%)
Child Care Resource Center My organization sends individual child/family information to this organization 12 15 (24%)
Child Care Resource Center My organization does not share individual child/family information to or from this organization 19 23 (37%)

How is your organization using the information that you collect on individual children and families? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
My organization uses this information to help families understand how their children are developing and progressing towards their goals 16 33 (40%)
My organization uses this information so that staff have baseline or historical information on the development of children they work with 14 31 (38%)
My organization uses this information to identify children or families who may need additional screenings or resources 14 30 (37%)
My organization uses this information to measure how children are developing and progressing towards their goals 12 29 (35%)
My organization uses this data to identify trainings and resources that could improve the quality of our services 13 29 (35%)
My organization uses this data for strategic planning 11 27 (33%)
My organization does not collect or does not use this information 14 16 (20%)
My organization uses this information to make referrals to other organizations 7 7 (9%)
Not sure 12 15 (18%)
Prefer not to answer 6 6 (7%)

Which best describes how often your organization is creating aggregate reports that summarize data for multiple children?
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Once a week or more 3 3 (4%)
Once a month or more, but less than once a week 8 8 (10%)
Once a quarter or more, but less than once a month 2 18 (22%)
Once a year or more, but less than once a quarter 9 10 (12%)
Less than once a year 3 3 (4%)
Never 19 22 (27%)
Not sure 15 18 (22%)
Prefer not to answer 1 1 (1%)

If Smart Start of Forsyth County were to create a data sharing hub, how likely would your organization be to participate in the ways listed in the table below?
Data Type Very unlikely Unlikely Likely Very likely Not sure Prefer not to answer
Receive or view information other organizations have collected on individual children your organization serves to inform your work with those individual children 3 8 22 8 16 2
Share information your organization has collected on individual children with other organizations to inform their work with those individual children 4 9 21 6 15 2
Share information your organization has collected on individual children with an outside organization so that the data can be summarized and used to inform early childhood system planning 4 9 22 5 15 3
Share information your organization has collected on individual children with outside evaluators so that they can measure the impact of your organization’s programs 4 11 22 4 14 2
Receive summary reports on the early childhood system as a whole (that do not include individual child data) from an outside organization to help inform your organizations’ planning or grant writing 2 7 26 9 11 2
My organization collecting more information about the children that we serve to improve services for individual children 2 8 24 10 10 2
My organization collecting more information about the children that we serve to improve services provided by the organization as a whole 2 6 27 10 10 2

If Smart Start of Forsyth County were to create a data sharing hub, how likely would your organization be to participate in the ways listed in the table below?
Data Type Very unlikely Unlikely Likely Very likely Not sure Prefer not to answer
Receive or view information other organizations have collected on individual children your organization serves to inform your work with those individual children 3 ( 4 %) 8 ( 10 %) 26 ( 32 %) 8 ( 10 %) 35 ( 43 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Share information your organization has collected on individual children with other organizations to inform their work with those individual children 4 ( 5 %) 11 ( 14 %) 22 ( 28 %) 6 ( 8 %) 35 ( 44 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Share information your organization has collected on individual children with an outside organization so that the data can be summarized and used to inform early childhood system planning 4 ( 5 %) 9 ( 11 %) 25 ( 31 %) 5 ( 6 %) 35 ( 43 %) 3 ( 4 %)
Share information your organization has collected on individual children with outside evaluators so that they can measure the impact of your organization’s programs 4 ( 5 %) 13 ( 16 %) 23 ( 29 %) 4 ( 5 %) 34 ( 42 %) 2 ( 2 %)
Receive summary reports on the early childhood system as a whole (that do not include individual child data) from an outside organization to help inform your organizations’ planning or grant writing 2 ( 2 %) 9 ( 11 %) 27 ( 34 %) 26 ( 32 %) 14 ( 18 %) 2 ( 2 %)
My organization collecting more information about the children that we serve to improve services for individual children 2 ( 3 %) 10 ( 13 %) 26 ( 33 %) 26 ( 33 %) 13 ( 16 %) 2 ( 3 %)
My organization collecting more information about the children that we serve to improve services provided by the organization as a whole 2 ( 2 %) 6 ( 8 %) 31 ( 39 %) 26 ( 32 %) 13 ( 16 %) 2 ( 2 %)

Which factors would make your organization more likely to participate in a data sharing hub? Please select the 3 most important factors
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Free staff training on how to use assessment tools and electronic databases 33 39 (48%)
Compensation for staff time spent conducting assessments and entering data 26 32 (39%)
Access to assessment tools like Teaching Strategies GOLD (TSG) to assess childrens’ development 17 21 (26%)
The data being used to improve the early childhood system in Forsyth County 19 19 (23%)
The ability for staff to have access to developmental data and history on the children they work with 10 15 (18%)
The ability to easily connect to and communicate with other programs serving the same children and families 11 14 (17%)
Access to consultants or other staff specifically to conduct assessments and enter data 9 12 (15%)
The ability to easily create reports with the information requested by local funders 10 12 (15%)
The ability to enter data in a language other than English 8 11 (13%)
The ability to easily create reports on child development to share with families 10 11 (13%)
The ability to measure and demonstrate the impact of my organization’s work on child development 8 8 (10%)
The data being used to measure and communicate the need for early childhood services in Forsyth County 8 8 (10%)

What, if any, information would you like on the children and families in your classroom or program that you do not currently have access to
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Information on the families’ needs and goals from home visitation programs 16 35 (43%)
Information on how children in my program perform once they enter the Winston-Salem / Forsyth County School system 28 34 (41%)
Information on whether or not childrens’ development is on track 29 33 (40%)
Information on trauma or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) experienced by the child or family 17 21 (26%)
Information on developmental disability affecting child care placement 13 13 (16%)
Information on program capacity 5 8 (10%)

If there are any kinds of data in the tables above that your organization is not currently entering into an electronic database and would be willing / able to collect only with additional resources or supports, what resources and / or supports would you need to collect this information? Please indicate the minimum level of resources and support that would be necessary for your program to do this
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Access to consultants, home visitation staff, or other staff (not the staff currently working with children) to conduct assessments and enter data 12 29 (33%)
Compensation for staff time spent collecting and entering data 18 21 (24%)
Additional materials or equipment to support data collection and entry 18 20 (23%)
My organization is either entering all of the information in the tables above into an electronic database or would be willing / able to collect without additional resources or supports 13 15 (17%)
Professional development for staff collecting and entering data 14 15 (17%)
Not sure 25 28 (32%)
Prefer not to answer 6 6 (7%)

If there are any screenings or developmental assessments in the tables above that your organization is not currently conducting and entering results into an electronic database and would only be willing / able to conduct and enter results into an electronic database with additional resources or support, what additional resources and / or supports would your organization need to conduct those screenings or assessments? Please indicate the minimum level of resources and support that would be necessary for your program to do this
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Connections to organizations that my organization can refer children and families to if a need is identified 14 31 (38%)
Access to an electronic database 14 30 (37%)
Access to consultants or other staff (not the staff currently working with children) to conduct assessments and enter data 10 29 (36%)
Standardization across the assessment instruments so that the same information does not have to be entered into multiple forms 11 29 (36%)
Staff training on how to use assessment tools and electronic databases 19 22 (27%)
Compensation for staff time spent conducting assessments 18 21 (26%)
Compensation for staff time spent entering data 15 18 (22%)
Staff training on how to manage referrals if needs are identified 15 18 (22%)
Staff training on how to communicate with families if needs are identified 13 16 (20%)
There are no screenings or developmental assessments in the tables above that my organization would only be able to conduct and enter into an electronic database with additional resources or supports 15 15 (19%)
Compensation for managing referrals if needs are identified 11 12 (15%)
Not sure 11 15 (19%)
Prefer not to answer 7 7 (9%)

What additional resources and / or supports would your organization need to be willing and able to participate in a data sharing hub? Please indicate the minimum level of resources and support that would be necessary for your program to do this
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Staff training on how to use assessment tools and electronic databases 35 41 (50%)
Access to consultants or other staff (not the staff currently working with children) to conduct assessments and enter data 16 33 (40%)
Compensation for staff time spent conducting assessments and entering data 26 29 (35%)
Access to IT support 19 20 (24%)
My organization would not need any additional resources and / or supports to be willing and able to participate in a data sharing hub 13 14 (17%)
Access to the internet 7 7 (9%)
Ability to enter data in a language other than English 4 4 (5%)

If there are any kinds of data in the tables above that your organization is not currently entering into an electronic database and would not be willing / able to enter into an electronic database even with additional resources or supports, what would prevent you from being willing / able to collect this information? You may select more than one option
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Families would not want my organization to collect or share this information 18 19 (22%)
My organization does not have any way to collect this information 3 19 (22%)
My organization does not know how to collect this information 3 19 (22%)
Privacy rules or laws that govern my organization (including rules from parent organizations or government departments with authority over my organization) 13 14 (16%)
There are not kinds of data in the tables above that my organization is not currently entering into an electronic database and would not be willing / able to enter even with additional resources or supports 7 7 (8%)
The information is not needed for any program I work with 6 6 (7%)
Leadership at my organization does not believe in collecting this information 3 3 (3%)
Not sure 20 24 (28%)
Prefer not to answer 7 7 (8%)

If there are any screenings or developmental assessments in the tables above that your organization is not currently conducting and entering results into an electronic database and would not be willing / able to conduct and enter into an electronic database even with additional resources or support, what would prevent your organization from being willing / able to do so? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
There are not any screenings or developmental assessments in the tables above that my organization is not currently collecting and would not be willing / able to collect even with additional resources or supports 14 14 (17%)
My program does not require it 12 14 (17%)
Families would not want my organization to conduct these assessments or screenings 7 10 (12%)
My organization does not have the resources to coordinate referrals if additional needs are identified 8 9 (11%)
Privacy rules or laws that govern my organization 7 8 (10%)
Conducting these assessments and screenings would take way from time that children and staff are spending in the classroom or receiving services from my organization 6 8 (10%)
The information is not applicable to my organization 3 5 (6%)
My organization does not have the resources to communicate with parents about any needs that are identified 4 5 (6%)
Leadership at my organization does not believe in collecting this information 1 1 (1%)
Not sure 14 34 (42%)
Prefer not to answer 8 8 (10%)

What factors would prevent your organization from being willing and / or able to participate in a data sharing hub? Please select all that apply
Response Number of Respondents Number & Percent of Sites
Staff time required for data collection and entry 30 34 (41%)
Family discomfort with data sharing 22 28 (34%)
Costs associated with assessments and software 24 28 (34%)
Lack of resources to manage / oversee data collection 14 18 (22%)
Lack of IT resources 12 16 (20%)
The need to potentially enter the same data into multiple locations 10 16 (20%)
Software requirements specific to my program model 12 15 (18%)
Staff not having the skill set to use an electronic database 13 13 (16%)
None of the above 8 8 (10%)
A data hub would not likely benefit my organization 6 8 (10%)
Reporting requests or requirements that are different from those of current programs and / or funders 3 3 (4%)
Staff not being able to enter data into a database in English 2 2 (2%)