Article 2 - Objectives and Values
Section 2.1 - Organizing and Representation
We strive to empower graduate employees to exercise our rights to organize for collective, member-driven action. We encourage participation in union activities for all graduate employees regardless of age, sex, creed, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, body type, religious affiliation, political affiliation, ability, veteran status, parental status, or any other protected class, and we promote union rights and liberties.
Section 2.2 - Collective Bargaining
We engage in negotiations and direct action in pursuit of a fair contract, fair wages, and fair working conditions for graduate employees at PSU, and to protect these rights for all current and future members of GEU. We demand clear and accurate job descriptions and expectations, protection from overwork, job security, adequate pay, and sufficient consideration and accommodation of healthcare needs and benefits for graduate employees. To this end, we will lobby at the state level for the rights of graduate employees to organize at other universities, and seek legislation which protects and further promotes the principles of free collective bargaining.
Section 2.3 - Community and Solidarity
We actively foster a community of intellectuals and professionals at Portland State University and promote the mutual interests of all working people through collaboration and cooperation with other people and groups on the campus and in the wider city, state, and local community. We accomplish this by creating an environment that is responsive to member concerns and viewpoints, involving graduate employees of all backgrounds and from all departments, supporting organizations that share our goals and values, and expressing solidarity with other labor organizations.
Section 2.4 - Education
We promote high-quality graduate and undergraduate education at PSU and work to protect and promote the role of graduate employees and higher education workers in the delivery of quality education and research for the public. We aim to ensure that high standards are met in all educational institutions through lobbying efforts at the state and federal level for adequate funding for higher education. We support and protect the principles of academic freedom and fight against the influence of outside forces which threaten the legitimacy of academic institutions.
Section 2.5 - Equity and Justice
We fight all forms of bias on the basis of race, creed, religious affiliation, sex, age, disability, body type, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, lifestyle, political affiliation, economic status, color, ethnicity, national origin, parental status, veteran status, or other characteristics subject to discrimination. We advance fairness in graduate employee hiring practices, equitable treatment of all graduate employees, and equal and adequate representation for all members in union decision-making.
Section 2.6 - Healthcare and Social Concerns
We advocate for the physical, mental, and social well-being of all PSU graduate employees, including access to reasonably-priced and adequate healthcare coverage. We pursue decisions which lead to a healthy and productive life for graduate employees, both personally and professionally.