Article 4 - The Executive Board
Section 4.1 - Composition
The Executive Board shall consist of the president, the Vice Presidents (VP) for Organizing (chief steward), Bargaining, Communications, Politics, Engagement, Equity and Inclusion, and Operations, the Grievance Officer, and the Treasurer.
Section 4.2 - Standing
Officers must maintain good standing in order to hold office and fulfill any GEU duties, enumerated or otherwise.
Section 4.3 - Meetings and Responsibilities
The Executive Board shall meet weekly to receive updates on status of all GEU operations, activities, and projects. During meetings, the Executive Board will determine how best it can support ongoing projects and activities, make routine or time-sensitive decisions, discuss concerns brought forth by committees and individual members, identify any items that should be referred to the general membership, and attend to other enumerated duties. When necessary, the Board will also make decisions on routine matters, settle disputes within the organizations, and deliberate on matters of internal review. The Executive Board will handle all communications received via Executive Board contact points enumerated in the Bylaws and other general communications to GEU in keeping with item 5.1(b) Section 5.1.2.
Executive Board meetings are open to all members in good standing, although the Executive Board may vote to close a particular agenda item for confidential deliberation, provided there is a clear and warranted justification for confidentiality, and that reason is recorded in the minutes.
Section 4.4 - Emergency Authority
In the case of emergency, the Executive Board shall have the power to act on behalf of the membership. In the case of emergency action, the Executive Board must inform the general membership within forty-eight (48) hours, either in writing via the communications committee or through the calling of a general membership meeting.
Section 4.5 - Arbitration
The Executive Board has the final authority to determine whether a grievance proceeds to the binding arbitration process defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Section 4.6 - Term Limits
No member may serve on the Executive Board for more than four (4) calendar years in total.