4 Responsibilities
The key to success for students is to commit time and effort toward developing their future careers by taking full advantage of this unique opportunity. Mentees should supply their mentor with feedback and be open to receiving advice and coaching from the mentor.
4.1 Mentee checklist
- Be accountable for upholding commitment to the mentorship program
- Determine your goals and discuss these with your mentor
- Attend at least one activity with your mentor each semester (see Chapter 5 for a calendar of events)
- Ask for help and guidance; seek out the information needed for your career development
- Communicate any academic concerns that you might want assistance working through
- Accept both praise and constructive criticism
- Determine acceptable time and format to communicate
If you wish to opt out of the mentoring program, please contact our program director.
4.2 Mentor Responsibilities
Mentors take a leadership role within the Mentorship program, they are meant to provide guidance and support to incoming members of the Industrial and Organizational Psychology program.
Attend MSU I.O Program Orientation 5
- Work with the mentee in developing an Individual Development Plan (IDP; Chapter 6)) using:
- Goal setting (Utilize goal setting theories): help mentee set goals for the semester; academic, personal, professional, and social.
- Motivational theory (Utilize Motivation theories)
Stay accessible, committed, and engaged during the length of the program
- Setting and agreeing on frequency of meeting times according to needs/wants/availability
- In-person meet-ups
- Over the phone “meet-ups”
- Being accessible to mentee when help is needed, and encourage mentee to attend office hours when they need help when the mentor is not available.
- Addressing boundaries related to academic support
- Time frame to request and provide help such as hours and days available
- Boundaries regarding personal information provided (cell number, personal email, etc)
- What type of academic support is okay to request and provide
- Inform mentees about the importance of networking and extracurricular events.
- Cultivate professionalism
- Mentor should help mentee search and prepare for internship opportunities (if needed by mentee)
- Mentors should model professional behavior to set the example for mentees
- Attend office hours on scheduled days and times1
- Mentors will hold virtual or on-the-ground office hours every week, in which they are expected to be available for any first year student that might need help or have questions related to the program.
- Mentors need to attend their office hours every week, if for some reason they are unable to attend they should find someone to replace them during this time.
- If mentor has any questions or concerns that may arise, let Eagle I.O know to be able to provide support and guidance.
- If you have any issues, please contact Eagle IO.
- Mentors participate in the program willingly, but once they commit to participating in the program they need to stay on board for the remainder of the semester unless there is an emergent situation. If mentors plan on leaving the program they need to communicate this to Eagle I.O as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made for the following semester.
4.3 Eagle I.O Roles and Responsibilities
- Ensure the corporate mentoring program is created and sustained
- Focus on succession planning within the group
- Consistently recruit and educate those in the graduate program about mentoring program [(including professors?)]
Create a calendar of Industrial-Organizational Psychology program related events (METRO, office hours, meetings, events)
Plan New Student Orientation procedures, events and necessary materials
Meet regularly to discuss progress, concerns, or setbacks regarding the mentors, mentees and the program itself
Utilize and update existing toolkit <- this is the process stuff (e.g., how to manage process)
DG: Is this something we decided to implement or just an idea you guys had to possibly implement? Sorry if I missed that(: If it was a proposal maybe we can be sure to talk about it at our next meeting Rn: so this is something we discussed last semester, we talked about having certain times during the week that we are on campus and mentees can drop by and ask questions. What I am thinking is maybe it doesn’t need to be a formal schedule, but we can just let them know where we hang out when we are here ex. Dr. Dans or Dr. Kulas’s lab and they can drop by D: I think having it more informal would be a good idea.↩