2 Why Join?

2.1 Benefits for Mentees

Working with a mentor can be an invaluable asset for an incoming student. Mentees gain valuable experience by forging a one-on-one relationship with a current I-O graduate student.

  • Help with setting realistic goals
  • Strengthen knowledge of the industry, organizational culture, and job functions
  • Expand your existing network and support system
  • Receive feedback from a “safe” source
  • Enhance overall professional effectiveness
  • Gain knowledge to be a future mentor

2.2 Benefits for Mentors

Contributing time and expertise as a mentor is a valuable way to give back and foster the next generation of MSU I-O Psych graduate students. Mentoring can be both personally and professionally rewarding as mentors learn the value in helping their peers succeed.

  • Increase leadership skills
  • Build communication skills
  • Expand professional network and increase visibility
  • Contribute to the advancement of the profession