Chapter 3 Household Hunger Score

3.0.1 Standardized Module

Variable Name Question Label Answer Choices
HHhSNoFood_YN In the past [4 weeks/30 days], was there ever no food to eat of any kind in your house because of lack of resources to get food? 1) Yes 0) No
HHhSNoFood_FR How often did this happen in the past [4 weeks/30 days]? 1) Rarely (1–2 times) 2) Sometimes (3–10 times) 3) Often (more than 10 times)
HHhSBedHung_YN In the past [4 weeks/30 days], did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food? 1) Yes 0) No
HHhSBedHung_FR How often did this happen in the past [4 weeks/30 days]? 1) Rarely (1–2 times) 2) Sometimes (3–10 times) 3) Often (more than 10 times)
HHhSNotEat_YN In the past [4 weeks/30 days], did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food? 1) Yes 0) No
HHhSNotEat_FR How often did this happen in the past [4 weeks/30 days]? 1) Rarely (1–2 times) 2) Sometimes (3–10 times) 3) Often (more than 10 times)

3.0.2 Standardized Module - data collection form

Here is the standardized module in xlsform: RBDstandardized_questionnairerHHS

3.0.3 Analysis Example data set


Here is the example data set: SPSS Syntax

COMPUTE rCSI = rCSILessQlty  + (2 * rCSIBorrow) + rCSIMealSize + (3 * rCSIMealAdult) + rCSIMealNb.

Here is the SPSS syntax file: RBDstandardized_spsssyntaxrCSI R Syntax


#import dataset
dataHHSEng <- read_sav("dataHHSEng.sav")

#Calculate HHS 
dataHHSEng <- to_factor(dataHHSEng)

#Recode HHS questions into new variables with score 
dataHHSEng <- dataHHSEng %>% mutate(HHhSNoFood_FR_r = case_when(
                                      HHhSNoFood_FR == "Rarely (1–2 times)" ~ 1,
                                      HHhSNoFood_FR == "Sometimes (3–10 times)" ~ 1,
                                      HHhSNoFood_FR == "Often (more than 10 times)" ~ 2,
                                      TRUE ~ 0),
                                    HHhSBedHung_FR_r = case_when(
                                      HHhSBedHung_FR == "Rarely (1–2 times)" ~ 1,
                                      HHhSBedHung_FR == "Sometimes (3–10 times)" ~ 1,
                                      HHhSBedHung_FR == "Often (more than 10 times)" ~ 2,
                                      TRUE ~ 0),
                                    HHhSNotEat_FR_r = case_when(
                                      HHhSNotEat_FR == "Rarely (1–2 times)" ~ 1,
                                      HHhSNotEat_FR == "Sometimes (3–10 times)" ~ 1,
                                      HHhSNotEat_FR == "Often (more than 10 times)" ~ 2,
                                      TRUE ~ 0))
#Calculate HHS
dataHHSEng <- dataHHSEng %>% mutate(HHhS = HHhSNoFood_FR_r + HHhSBedHung_FR_r + HHhSNotEat_FR_r)

#Convert HH Scores to CH phases
dataHHSEng <- dataHHSEng %>% mutate(CH_HHS = case_when(
    HHhS == 0 ~ "Phase1",
    HHhS == 1 ~ "Phase2",
    HHhS %in% c(2,3,4) ~ "Phase3",
    HHhS == 4 ~ "Phase4",  
    HHhS >= 5 ~ "Phase5"))

#Generate table of proportion of households in CH HHS phases by Adm1 and Adm2 using weights
CH_HHS_table_wide <- dataHHSEng %>% group_by(ADMIN1Name, ADMIN2Name) %>%
  drop_na(CH_HHS) %>%
  count(CH_HHS, wt = hh_weight) %>%
  mutate(perc = 100 * n / sum(n)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% select(-n) %>%
  spread(key = CH_HHS, value = perc) %>% replace(.,, 0)  %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1)

Here is the R syntax file: RBDstandardized_RsyntaxHHS