Chapter 6 Livelihood Coping Strategies

6.1 Standardized Module - Light (Preferred Version)

Variable Name Question Label Answer Choices
LhCSIStress1_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Sell household assets/goods radio, furniture, refrigerator, television, jewelry etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSIStress2_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell more animals (non-productive) than usual due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSIStress3_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: spend savings due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSIStress4_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Borrow money / food from a formal lender / bank due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSICrisis1_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Reduce non-food expenses on health (including drugs) and education due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSICrisis2_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell productive assets or means of transport (sewing machine, wheelbarrow, bicycle, car, etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSICrisis3_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: withdraw children from school due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSIEmergency1_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell house or land due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSIEmergency2_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell last female animals due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable
LhCSIEmergency3_lt During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: beg due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable

6.1.1 Standardized Module (light module- data collection form

Here is the standardized module in xlsform: RBDstandardized_questionnaireLHCSI

6.1.2 Analysis Example data set


Here is the example data set: SPSS Syntax

Here is the SPSS syntax file: RBDstandardized_spsssyntaxrCSI R Syntax


#import dataset
dataLHCSLightEng <- read_sav("dataLHCSLightEng.sav")

#Calculate HHS 
dataLHCSLightEng <- to_factor(dataLHCSLightEng)

#create a variable to specify if the household used any of the strategies by severity 
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(stress_coping = case_when(
LhCSIStress1_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress2_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress3_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress4_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
TRUE ~ "notusedstress"))
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(crisis_coping = case_when(
LhCSICrisis1_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis2_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis3_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedcrisis",
TRUE ~ "notusedcrisis"))
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(emergency_coping = case_when(
LhCSIEmergency1_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency2_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency3_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedemergency",
TRUE ~ "noutusedemergency"))

#calculate Max_coping_behaviour
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(LhCSICat = case_when(
  emergency_coping == "usedemergency" ~ "EmergencyStrategies",
  crisis_coping == "usedcrisis" ~ "CrisisStrategies",
  stress_coping == "usedstress" ~ "StressStrategies",
  TRUE ~ "NoStrategies"))

#Generate table of proportion of households in CH LhCHS phases by Adm1 and Adm2 using weights
#Livelihood Coping Strategies 
LhHCSCat_table_wide <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% 
  drop_na(LhCSICat) %>%
  group_by(ADMIN1Name, ADMIN2Name) %>%
  count(LhCSICat, wt = WeightHH) %>%
  mutate(perc = 100 * n / sum(n)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% select(-n) %>%
  spread(key = LhCSICat, value = perc) %>% replace(.,, 0) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1)

Here is the R syntax file: Dstandardized_RsyntaxLHCSIlight

6.2 Standard Version

Variable Name Question Label Answer Choices
LhCSIStress1_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Sell household assets/goods radio, furniture, refrigerator, television, jewelry etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSIStress1_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSIStress2_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell more animals (non-productive) than usual due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSIStress2_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSIStress3_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: spend savings due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSIStress3_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSIStress4_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Borrow money / food from a formal lender / bank due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSIStress4_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSICrisis1_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Reduce non-food expenses on health (including drugs) and education due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSICrisis1_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSICrisis2_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell productive assets or means of transport (sewing machine, wheelbarrow, bicycle, car, etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSICrisis2_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSICrisis3_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: withdraw children from school due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSICrisis3_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSIEmergency1_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell house or land due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSIEmergency1_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSIEmergency2_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell last female animals due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSIEmergency2_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable
LhCSIEmergency3_YN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: beg due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? 0) No 1) Yes
LhCSIEmergency3_N If ‘No’, please clarify: 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable

6.2.1 Standardized Module (light module- data collection form

Here is the standardized module in xlsform: RBDstandardized_questionnaireLHCSI

6.2.2 Analysis Example data set


Here is the example data set: SPSS Syntax

Here is the SPSS syntax file: RBDstandardized_spsssyntaxrCSI R Syntax


#import dataset
dataLHCSstandardEng<- read_sav("dataLHCSstandardEng.sav")

#Calculate HHS 
dataLHCSstandardEng <- to_factor(dataLHCSstandardEng)

#create a variable to specify if the household used any of the strategies by severity 
dataLHCSstandardEng <- dataLHCSstandardEng %>% mutate(stress_coping = case_when(
LhCSIStress1_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress1_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress2_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress2_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress", 
LhCSIStress3_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress3_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress4_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress4_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress",
TRUE ~ "notusedstress"))
dataLHCSstandardEng <- dataLHCSstandardEng %>% mutate(crisis_coping = case_when(
LhCSICrisis1_YN == "Yes" | LhCSICrisis1_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis2_YN == "Yes" | LhCSICrisis2_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis3_YN == "Yes" | LhCSICrisis3_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedcrisis",
TRUE ~ "notusedcrisis"))
dataLHCSstandardEng <- dataLHCSstandardEng %>% mutate(emergency_coping = case_when(
LhCSIEmergency1_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIEmergency1_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency2_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIEmergency2_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency3_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIEmergency3_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedemergency",
TRUE ~ "notusedemergency"))

#calculate Max_coping_behaviour
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(LhCSICat = case_when(
  emergency_coping == "usedemergency" ~ "EmergencyStrategies",
  crisis_coping == "usedcrisis" ~ "CrisisStrategies",
  stress_coping == "usedstress" ~ "StressStrategies",
  TRUE ~ "NoStrategies"))

#Generate table of proportion of households in CH LhCHS phases by Adm1 and Adm2 using weights
#Livelihood Coping Strategies 
LhHCSCat_table_wide <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% 
  drop_na(LhCSICat) %>%
  group_by(ADMIN1Name, ADMIN2Name) %>%
  count(LhCSICat, wt = WeightHH) %>%
  mutate(perc = 100 * n / sum(n)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% select(-n) %>%
  spread(key = LhCSICat, value = perc) %>% replace(.,, 0) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1)

Here is the R syntax file: RBDstandardized_RsyntaxLHCSIStandard

6.3 Essential Needs Assesment Standardized Module

Variable Name Question Label Answer Choices
LhCSIDomAsset_EN During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Sell household assets/goods (radio, furniture, refrigerator, television, jewelry etc..) because there was not enough resources (food, cash, else) to meet essential needs (e.g. adequate shelter, education services, health services, food, etc)? 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable