Chapter 6 Livelihood Coping Strategies
6.1 Standardized Module - Light (Preferred Version)
Variable Name | Question Label | Answer Choices |
LhCSIStress1_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Sell household assets/goods radio, furniture, refrigerator, television, jewelry etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSIStress2_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell more animals (non-productive) than usual due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSIStress3_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: spend savings due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSIStress4_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Borrow money / food from a formal lender / bank due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSICrisis1_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Reduce non-food expenses on health (including drugs) and education due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSICrisis2_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell productive assets or means of transport (sewing machine, wheelbarrow, bicycle, car, etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSICrisis3_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: withdraw children from school due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSIEmergency1_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell house or land due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSIEmergency2_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell last female animals due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
LhCSIEmergency3_lt | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: beg due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |
6.1.1 Standardized Module (light module- data collection form
Here is the standardized module in xlsform: RBDstandardized_questionnaireLHCSI
6.1.2 Analysis SPSS Syntax
Here is the SPSS syntax file: RBDstandardized_spsssyntaxrCSI R Syntax
#import dataset
dataLHCSLightEng <- read_sav("dataLHCSLightEng.sav")
#Calculate HHS
dataLHCSLightEng <- to_factor(dataLHCSLightEng)
#create a variable to specify if the household used any of the strategies by severity
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(stress_coping = case_when(
LhCSIStress1_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress2_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress3_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress4_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedstress",
TRUE ~ "notusedstress"))
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(crisis_coping = case_when(
LhCSICrisis1_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis2_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis3_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedcrisis",
TRUE ~ "notusedcrisis"))
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(emergency_coping = case_when(
LhCSIEmergency1_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency2_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency3_lt %in% c("Yes","No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it") ~ "usedemergency",
TRUE ~ "noutusedemergency"))
#calculate Max_coping_behaviour
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(LhCSICat = case_when(
emergency_coping == "usedemergency" ~ "EmergencyStrategies",
crisis_coping == "usedcrisis" ~ "CrisisStrategies",
stress_coping == "usedstress" ~ "StressStrategies",
TRUE ~ "NoStrategies"))
#Generate table of proportion of households in CH LhCHS phases by Adm1 and Adm2 using weights
#Livelihood Coping Strategies
LhHCSCat_table_wide <- dataLHCSLightEng %>%
drop_na(LhCSICat) %>%
group_by(ADMIN1Name, ADMIN2Name) %>%
count(LhCSICat, wt = WeightHH) %>%
mutate(perc = 100 * n / sum(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(-n) %>%
spread(key = LhCSICat, value = perc) %>% replace(.,, 0) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1)
Here is the R syntax file: Dstandardized_RsyntaxLHCSIlight
6.2 Standard Version
Variable Name | Question Label | Answer Choices |
LhCSIStress1_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Sell household assets/goods radio, furniture, refrigerator, television, jewelry etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSIStress1_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSIStress2_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell more animals (non-productive) than usual due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSIStress2_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSIStress3_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: spend savings due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSIStress3_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSIStress4_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Borrow money / food from a formal lender / bank due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSIStress4_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSICrisis1_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Reduce non-food expenses on health (including drugs) and education due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSICrisis1_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSICrisis2_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell productive assets or means of transport (sewing machine, wheelbarrow, bicycle, car, etc..) due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSICrisis2_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSICrisis3_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: withdraw children from school due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSICrisis3_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSIEmergency1_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell house or land due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSIEmergency1_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSIEmergency2_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: sell last female animals due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSIEmergency2_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
LhCSIEmergency3_YN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: beg due to a lack of food or a lack of money to buy food? | 0) No 1) Yes |
LhCSIEmergency3_N | If ‘No’, please clarify: | 1) No, because it wasn’t necessary 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Not applicable |
6.2.1 Standardized Module (light module- data collection form
Here is the standardized module in xlsform: RBDstandardized_questionnaireLHCSI
6.2.2 Analysis SPSS Syntax
Here is the SPSS syntax file: RBDstandardized_spsssyntaxrCSI R Syntax
#import dataset
dataLHCSstandardEng<- read_sav("dataLHCSstandardEng.sav")
#Calculate HHS
dataLHCSstandardEng <- to_factor(dataLHCSstandardEng)
#create a variable to specify if the household used any of the strategies by severity
dataLHCSstandardEng <- dataLHCSstandardEng %>% mutate(stress_coping = case_when(
LhCSIStress1_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress1_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress2_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress2_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress3_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress3_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress",
LhCSIStress4_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIStress4_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedstress",
TRUE ~ "notusedstress"))
dataLHCSstandardEng <- dataLHCSstandardEng %>% mutate(crisis_coping = case_when(
LhCSICrisis1_YN == "Yes" | LhCSICrisis1_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis2_YN == "Yes" | LhCSICrisis2_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedcrisis",
LhCSICrisis3_YN == "Yes" | LhCSICrisis3_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedcrisis",
TRUE ~ "notusedcrisis"))
dataLHCSstandardEng <- dataLHCSstandardEng %>% mutate(emergency_coping = case_when(
LhCSIEmergency1_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIEmergency1_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency2_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIEmergency2_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedemergency",
LhCSIEmergency3_YN == "Yes" | LhCSIEmergency3_N == "No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it" ~ "usedemergency",
TRUE ~ "notusedemergency"))
#calculate Max_coping_behaviour
dataLHCSLightEng <- dataLHCSLightEng %>% mutate(LhCSICat = case_when(
emergency_coping == "usedemergency" ~ "EmergencyStrategies",
crisis_coping == "usedcrisis" ~ "CrisisStrategies",
stress_coping == "usedstress" ~ "StressStrategies",
TRUE ~ "NoStrategies"))
#Generate table of proportion of households in CH LhCHS phases by Adm1 and Adm2 using weights
#Livelihood Coping Strategies
LhHCSCat_table_wide <- dataLHCSLightEng %>%
drop_na(LhCSICat) %>%
group_by(ADMIN1Name, ADMIN2Name) %>%
count(LhCSICat, wt = WeightHH) %>%
mutate(perc = 100 * n / sum(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(-n) %>%
spread(key = LhCSICat, value = perc) %>% replace(.,, 0) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1)
Here is the R syntax file: RBDstandardized_RsyntaxLHCSIStandard
6.3 Essential Needs Assesment Standardized Module
Variable Name | Question Label | Answer Choices |
LhCSIDomAsset_EN | During the past 30 days, did anyone in your household have to: Sell household assets/goods (radio, furniture, refrigerator, television, jewelry etc..) because there was not enough resources (food, cash, else) to meet essential needs (e.g. adequate shelter, education services, health services, food, etc)? | 1) No, because I did not face a shortage of food 2) No; because I already sold those assets or did this activity in the last 12 months and cannot continue to do it 3) Yes 4) Not applicable |