Chapter 2 reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI)
2.0.1 Standardized Module
Variable Name | Question Label |
rCSILessQlty | In the past 7 days, how many days has your household had to: Rely on less preferred and less expensive food because you did not have enough food or money to buy food? |
rCSIBorrow | In the past 7 days, how many days has your household had to: Borrow food or rely on help from a relative or friend because you did not have enough food or money to buy food? |
rCSIMealSize | In the past 7 days, how many days has your household had to: Limit portion size of meals because you did not have enough food or money to buy food? |
rCSIMealAdult | In the past 7 days, how many days has your household had to: Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat because you did not have enough food or money to buy food? |
rCSIMealNb | In the past 7 days, how many days has your household had to: Reduce the number of meals eaten per day because you did not have enough food or money to buy food? |
2.0.2 Standardized Module - data collection form
Here is the standardized module in xlsform: RBDstandardized_questionnairerCSI
2.0.3 Analysis Example data set
[exampledatsetrCSI](exampledatsetHHS SPSS Syntax
COMPUTE rCSI = rCSILessQlty + (2 * rCSIBorrow) + rCSIMealSize + (3 * rCSIMealAdult) + rCSIMealNb.
Here is the SPSS syntax file: RBDstandardized_spsssyntaxrCSI R Syntax
#import dataset
datarCSIEng <- read_sav("datarCSIEng.sav")
#Calculate HHS
datarCSIEng <- to_factor(datarCSIEng)
#calculate rCSI Score
datarCSIEng <- datarCSIEng %>% mutate(rCSI = rCSILessQlty + (2 * rCSIBorrow) + rCSIMealSize + (3 * rCSIMealAdult) + rCSIMealNb)
#convert rCSI Score into thresholds
datarCSIEng <- datarCSIEng %>% mutate(CH_rCSI = case_when(
rCSI <= 3 ~ "Phase1",
between(rCSI,4,18) ~ "Phase2",
rCSI >= 19 ~ "Phase3"))
#Generate table of proportion of households in CH rCSI phases by Adm1 and Adm2 using weights
CH_rCSI_table_wide <- datarCSIEng %>% group_by(ADMIN1Name, ADMIN2Name) %>%
drop_na(CH_rCSI) %>%
count(CH_rCSI, wt = hh_weight) %>%
mutate(perc = 100 * n / sum(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(-n) %>%
spread(key = CH_rCSI, value = perc) %>% replace(.,, 0) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1)
Here is the R syntax file: RBDstandardized_RsyntaxrCSI