8 Total Profit

primary_comm_gear_2022 observations mean_tp med_tp
Dredge_Scallop 29 268938 139662
Gillnet 10 -533 -7706
Handgear 59 -40588 -16451
Longline 4 -21732 59491
Pot/Trap 161 -14471 5080
Seine 3 514762 48459
Trawl 29 177971 25990

primary_comm_fmp_2022 observations mean_tp med_tp
Dogfish 3 -25157 -9039
Fluke, BSB, Scup 23 69079 3208
Groundfish 7 207441 39502
Herring 4 -30795 197
Highly Migratory Species 34 -51845 -23306
Lobster 153 -19203 2729
Monkfish 3 -43883 -49556
Other 17 68885 -29837
Scallop 28 283314 164184
Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish 9 291065 168628
Striped Bass 12 -2917 -4400

primary_gear_fmp_2022 observations mean_tp med_tp
Dredge_Scallop-Scallop 28 283314 164184
Gillnet-Monkfish 3 -43883 -49556
Gillnet-Other 7 18046 -4526
Handgear-Fluke, BSB, Scup 8 -16159 -7673
Handgear-Highly Migratory Species 31 -53892 -25793
Handgear-Other 10 -49959 -22730
Handgear-Striped Bass 10 -9521 -7892
Longline-Highly Migratory Species 3 -30702 113803
Pot/Trap-Fluke, BSB, Scup 6 46520 16861
Pot/Trap-Lobster 151 -20153 2729
Pot/Trap-Other 4 108533 -8706
Trawl-Fluke, BSB, Scup 9 159886 54527
Trawl-Groundfish 5 284823 39502
Trawl-Other 7 -46364 -29837
Trawl-Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish 8 327826 223535

By primary gear, scallop dredge has considerably higher mean and median total profit than other gear groups. Trawl has the second highest mean and median values. Gillnet, handgear, and pot/trap show negative mean profit while the median value is slightly positive for pot/trap.. For scallop dredge and trawl gear, mean values greatly exceed median values. For pot/trap the opposite is true.

By FMP, scallop and squid, mackerel butterfish have the highest mean and median total profits. By median values, the difference between these two fisheries and all other FMPs is considerable. Groundfish has the third highest mean and median values. The lobster fleet, representing over half of the total observations, shows limited median operating profit. The fluke black sea bass, scup fishery shows similar limited median operating profit as the lobster fishery. A considerable range of profits is evident in all fisheries, especially squid, mackerel, butterfish. These wide ranges are to be expected as some vessels have extensive repairs and/or upgrades during 2022 while other vessels may have incurred these costs in other years.

When primary gear and FMP are combined, trawl-squid, mackerel, butterfish, trawl-groundfish, and scallop dredge-scallop have the highest mean profits. Median values tell a different story, with trawl groundfish showing profits more similar to trawl vessels in the summer flounder, black sea bass, scup fishery. Within primary gear types, a considerable difference in operating profit is found across fisheries. For example, within the pot/trap gear group, summer flounder, black sea bass, scup vessels have higher profits compared to lobster. This is noteworthy as lobster vessels showed higher revenues than summer flounder, black sea bass, scup vessels. This example underscores the importance of cost data in evaluating the economic performance of fisheries.