3 Day 3 (January 28)

3.1 Announcements

  • Sorry about not answering emails

  • Activity 1 is posted

    • It is an activity not and assignment. Not part of your grade and you don’t have to hand it in.
  • Selected questions/clarifications from journals

    • A model for one person may not be a model for another person
    • Some of you keep asking questions about models/material in Ch. 6
      • Example with flipping a coin
    • Estimation, uncertainty, and efficiency
    • “Bad data in means bad products out” is a recurring statement in many courses
    • Bayesian model seems very flexible with small datasets, however at what point is the researcher adding in too many assumptions? Is there ever a point where the researcher would need to get more data points even for Bayesian models?
    • MCMC and the posterior dist?
    • Do you have to always use a normal PDF for randome effects?
    • The game of statistical modeling and scientific inference?
  • Donuts and meeting your peers

    • Opportunity for 2 magical extra credit points
    • Bring computer to work on Activity 1