# Working with Austrian data {#sec-annex-a}
#| label: setup
#| results: hold
#| include: false
base::source(file = "R/helper.R")
options(show.signif.stars = FALSE)
## Table of content for chapter 04 {.unnumbered}
::::: {#obj-chap03}
:::: {.my-objectives}
::: {.my-objectives-header}
Chapter section list
::: {.my-objectives-container}
:::::: {#cnj-ID-text}
: Numbered R Code Title
::: {#lst-chaplisting-ID}
#| label: code-chunk-name
at_regions <- sf::st_read("_archive/austria/austria-with-regions_.geojson")
Listing title
:::::: {#cnj-ID-text}
: Numbered R Code Title
::: {#lst-chaplisting-ID}
#| label: code-chunk-name2
ggplot2::ggplot(data = at_regions) +
ggplot2::geom_sf(fill = NA)
Listing title
:::::: {#cnj-ID-text}
: Numbered R Code Title
::: {#lst-chaplisting-ID}
#| label: code-chunk-name3
#| cache: TRUE
at_folder = "_archive/austria"
pol_bez_folder = "/OGDEXT_POLBEZ_1_STATISTIK_AUSTRIA_20240101/"
pol_bez_file = "STATISTIK_AUSTRIA_POLBEZ_20240101.shp"
at_pol_bezirk <- sf::st_read(
paste0(at_folder, pol_bez_folder, pol_bez_file)
ggplot2::ggplot(data = at_pol_bezirk) +
ggplot2::geom_sf(fill = NA)
Listing title