3 Vraag3: Diabetes
3.1 A2
Verkrijg de humane gennamen die betrokken zijn bij Diabetes Mellitus Type I or Type II en waarvan het eiwit product functioneert als transcription factor. Gebruik hiervoor het rentrez package.
Hint: Gebruik de volgende informatie in de zoekterm Diabetes Mellitus type I MIM morbid accession: 222100 Diabetes Mellitus type II MIM morbid accession:125853
## [1] "pubmed" "protein" "nuccore" "ipg"
## [5] "nucleotide" "structure" "genome" "annotinfo"
## [9] "assembly" "bioproject" "biosample" "blastdbinfo"
## [13] "books" "cdd" "clinvar" "gap"
## [17] "gapplus" "grasp" "dbvar" "gene"
## [21] "gds" "geoprofiles" "homologene" "medgen"
## [25] "mesh" "ncbisearch" "nlmcatalog" "omim"
## [29] "orgtrack" "pmc" "popset" "proteinclusters"
## [33] "pcassay" "protfam" "biosystems" "pccompound"
## [37] "pcsubstance" "seqannot" "snp" "sra"
## [41] "taxonomy" "biocollections" "gtr"
<- entrez_search(db = "gene", term = "(Diabetes Mellitus type I[MeSH]) OR (Diabetes Mellitus type 1[MeSH])")
<- entrez_summary(db="gene", id=test$ids)
type1_id extract_from_esummary(type1_id, elements = c("name", "summary"))
## 3172
## name "HNF4A"
## summary "The protein encoded by this gene is a nuclear transcription factor which binds DNA as a homodimer. " [truncated]
## 100
## name "ADA"
## summary "This gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of adenosine to inosine in the purine cat" [truncated]
## 3382
## name "ICA1"
## summary "This gene encodes a protein with an arfaptin homology domain that is found both in the cytosol and " [truncated]
<- entrez_search(db = "gene", term = "(Diabetes Mellitus type II[MeSH]) OR ((Diabetes Mellitus type 2[MeSH])")
<- entrez_summary(db="gene", id=test$ids)
type2_id extract_from_esummary(type2_id, elements = c("name", "summary"))
## 3172
## name "HNF4A"
## summary "The protein encoded by this gene is a nuclear transcription factor which binds DNA as a homodimer. " [truncated]
## 100
## name "ADA"
## summary "This gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of adenosine to inosine in the purine cat" [truncated]
## 3382
## name "ICA1"
## summary "This gene encodes a protein with an arfaptin homology domain that is found both in the cytosol and " [truncated]
De naam van het gen dat codeert voor een transcriptie factor dat betrokken is bij Diabetes Mellitus Type I/II is “HNF4A”